University of Oklahoma Libraries Western History Collections

James Shannon Buchanan Collection

Buchanan, James Shannon. Papers, 1850–1937. 2 feet. Professor and university president. Correspondence (1902) related to Buchanan’s attempts to have power and water companies established in Norman, Oklahoma; lecture notes (n.d.) for history classes; draft copies (n.d.) of his book, The History of Oklahoma; lecture notes (n.d.) of Katherine Buchanan, a teacher at University High School, Norman, Oklahoma; papers (1912) relating to the history of the University of Oklahoma; personal correspondence and legal papers (1893–1927) of the Buchanan family; printed propositions, journals, and committee reports (1906–1907) to the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention; guides (n.d.) for the study and teaching of English; and Delta Kappa Gamma bulletins (1936–1937).

Box 1 Folder:

1. History 155 Lecture Notes 1. First Continental Congress 2. Stamp Act 3. Introduction to the Course 4. "We the People" 5. Influence of the West on Democratic Ideas

2. History 155 Lecture Notes 1. Congress of 1775 2. Jay's Treaty 3. Jefferson and Hamilton 4. Debts 5. Expansion and Purchase 6. Election and Inauguration of Washington 7. Ratification of the Constitution 8. Articles of Confederation

3. History 156 Lecture Notes 1. Course Intro. and Outline 2. The Monroe Doctrine 3. Andrew Jackson 4. Henry Clay 5. Aaron Burr 6. Jackson and the Bank

4. History 211 Lecture Notes 1. Tariff and Nullification 2. Personal Liberty Laws in the U.S. 3. Cabinet Changes and Nullification 4. Panama Congress

5. History 206 Lecture Notes 1. Dispute over West Florida 2. Indian Affairs 3. Kansas-Nebraska Act 4. Compromise of 1850 5. Mexican War 6. Consecrated Fallacies 7. Sam Houston

6. History 155 Lecture Notes 1. Republican Party 2. New England Disaffection 3. Jefferson 4. Election of 1800 5. John Adams 6. Kentucky and Resolutions 7. Alien and Sedition Laws 8. XYZ Papers 9. The Whiskey Rebellion

7. History 110 Lecture Notes 1. The Missouri Question 2. Johnson's Provisional Governors 3. Presidential Theory and Plan 4. James Monroe 5. Marbury v. Madison

8. History Lecture Notes 1. Spanish interference in Western Trade 2. Embargo and War of 1812 3. Algerian War 4. World War I reparations 5. Book of Exam Questions

9. History Lecture Notes 1. Wilson's War Message 2. Hawaii 3. Andrew Jackson 4. National Banking 5. James G. Blain

10. History Lecture Notes 1. Jefferson 2. The Declaration of Independence 3. Louisiana Purchase 4. Tariff and Nullification 5. Boundaries of Texas 6. Third Parties

11. James Shannon Buchanan -- Correspondence 1. To James Buchanan from Regents of the University April 9, 1909 2. To James Buchanan from William Garrett March 12, 1894 3. To James Buchanan from Richard H. Cloyd May 22, 1894 4. To James Buchanan from Frank M. Smith March 19, 1894 5. To James Buchanan from Frederick W. Moore May 5, 1896 6. To James Buchanan from W.M. Bakerville May 12, 1894 7. To James Buchanan from Frederick W. Moore March 14, 1894 8. To James Buchanan from E.E. Weis April 17, 1893 9. To James Buchanan from Frank M. Alexander November 16, 1909 10. To James Buchanan from George Pope Shannon January 1, 1927 11. From James S. Buchanan to Frederick Stanton Elder regarding University of Oklahoma matters, including a school lands proposition, the recent burning of a university building and their shoddy construction, the impending departure of OU President Boyd, and rumored campus scandals. Dated January 17, 1908 (sic) [envelope postmarked March 3, 1909].

12. 1. By-Laws and Materials Relating to the history of the University of Oklahoma 2. Address of Dr. Stratton P. Brooks -- October 1, 1912

13. Legal Documents/Business Papers (1894 to 1919) 1. Promissory Notes 2. Warranty Deed 3. Contracts 4. Stock Certificates 5. Abstract of Title

14. 1. "Making Democracy Work" 2. Brief History of the State of Oklahoma 3. Constitutional Provision Relating to Education

15. Manuscript Drafts (both handwritten and typed) of Buchanan's The History of Oklahoma 1. Chapters 1-3 2. Chapter 4 (fragment) 3. Chapters 5-7

16. Manuscript Drafts (title unknown) 1. Chapter 1 -- The French and Spanish in the Mississippi Valley 2. Chapter 2 -- The Struggle for Ownership 3. Chapter 3 -- Early American Explorers 4. "Oklahoma" -- from Buchanan's The History of Oklahoma

17. Miscellaneous 1. Letter to Katherine Buchanan from Anna King Turley June 20, 1928 2. Poetry Festival Choral Reading Program 3. Book Bugs Invitation Service and Charter 4. Playbill for University High School's production of A Date With Judy -- November 20, 1948 5. Playbill for University High School's production of Our Town -- April 8, 1949

18. Katherine Buchanan's Lecture Notes 1. Giving Book Reports 2. Reading and Writing Biography and Autobiography 3. Drama 4. English Literature 5. Speech and Debate 6. Proofreading 7. Literary Ters 8. Junior High Chatter

19. 1. Various Public Speaking Addresses Related to World War I 2. A pamphlet of original documents of U.S. history

20. Eighteen Christmas Cards

21. 1. 1919 Mangum High School Yearbook -- The Mango 2. Congressional Record -- 67th Congress, 2nd Session March 21, 1922 3. Congressional Record -- 69th Congress, 1st Session June 18, 1926

22. Bulletin of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indian Territory Published by the Department of the Interior -- Census Office, Washington, D.C., August 25, 1895

23. Miscellaneous 1. Antiqued Reproductions of Confederate, Colonial, and Revolutionary Currency 2. Other Lands Other Peoples -- A Country by Country Factbook (Sierra Leone) 3. Phone numbers and records of phone calls 4. Oklahoma Good Roads Association -- Division of National Highways Yearbook (Road Map, 1920)

24. Miscellaneous 1. Program -- Oklahoma Memorial Association -- Nov. 16, 1929 (2 copies) 2. Clipping -- Norman Transcript -- January 19, 1951 3. "The Red Hammock in the Pine Grove" 4. General Building specifications 5. Catholic Study Club Outline 6. How to Type a Thesis

25. Propositions 1-109 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

26. Propositions 110-186 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

27. Propositions 187-241 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

28. Propositions 242-333 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

29. Propositions 334-400 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

30. Propositions 401, 403, 420, 424, 425, 426, 438 Committee Reports 1-13 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

31. Committee Reports 14-66 of the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention

32. Journals of the Constitutional Convention (Oklahoma) Nov. 30, 1906-Dec. 3, 1906; Dec.5- Dec. 8, 1906; Dec. 10-Dec. 15, 1906; Dec. 17-18, 1906; Dec. 21, 1906; Jan. 3-5, 1907; Jan. 7-9, 1907; Jan. 11-12, 1907; Jan. 14, 1907; Jan. 17, 1907; Jan 19, 1907; Jan. 21-23, 1907; Jan. 25-26, 1907; Jan. 28-Feb. 2, 1907

Box 2 Folder: 1. Journals of the Constitutional Convention (Oklahoma) Feb. 7-8, 1907; Feb. 11-16, 1907; Feb. 19, 1907; Feb. 21, 1907; Feb. 25-March 2, 1907; March 4-7, 1907; March 15, 1907 Calendar Constitutional Convention of Oklahoma -- Jan. 26, 1907; February 28, 1907; The Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; Constitution for the proposed State of Sequoyah

2. Correspondence related to Buchanan's efforts to have an electric light plant established in Norman, Oklahoma Territory

3. Accounting Book (1850-1858)

4. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin -- March, 1936; January, 1937

5. Bulletin of the National Council of Research. "Our State Constitutions"; University of Record. January 1, 1927

6. The Literary Digest, May 11, 1929.

7. Short stories written by students in grades 7-10. Directions for Teachers of English in Stuyvesant High School, New York, Minimum Essentials in English

8. Buchanan, James Shannon 1. Letter from E.E. Dale to Buchanan regarding Dale's stint in police work and his thesis at Harvard University, September 25, 1919. 2. Letter from John Mitch to Buchanan congratulating Buchanan on his marriage, December 1924. 3. Letter from John Rogers to Buchanan regarding the appointment of Buchanan as President the University of Oklahoma and that W.W. Phelan was not under consideration. 4. Resolution of thanks to Buchanan from the Oklahoma University Association, June 8, 1925.

9. Buchanan, James Shannon Buchanan's address on woman's suffrage, n.d.

10. Buchanan, Miss Jennie Thomas "The Red Hammock in the Pine Grove" (four manuscript copies), n.d., envelope dated 1907.

11. Buchanan, Major John 1. List of items purchased, date, and cost, 1834. 2. Note: "Give Margaret Buchanan eighty four dollars value received, John S. Buchanan," March 27, 1836 3. Note: "The money due Sarah Sample in the hands of Josh Stevens when he married and at the disposal of Thomas Sample was one hundred and fifty two dollars." n.d 4. Document relating to Buchanan's role in a battle involving "Buchanan's Station" and the Cumberland Valley, n.d.

12. Buchanan, John P. (Governor of . 1891-1893) 1. Biographical sketch on life of John P. Buchanan. 28 pages, 1895. 2. Letter to Mrs. H.H. Bradley from Buchanan, 1877. 3. Receipts for goods and services, 1891-1892. 4. Several letters written on stationary of the Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, mostly illegible, 1896. 5. Speech on "childhood," n.d. 6. List of things to do, n.d. 7. Speech: "To the people of Tennessee." announcement by Buchanan as an independent candidate for reelection to the office of Governor of Tennessee, n.d. 8. Promissory note to B.H. Ivie, 1888.

13. Buchanan, John P. (Governor of Tennessee, 1891-1893) 1. Indenture of land between Buchanan and his wife Fannie L. Buchanan of the first part and Tommie L. Buchanan of the second part, 1899. 2. Indenture of land between John P. and Fannie L. Buchanan and Thomas Buchanan, 1879. 3. Indenture of land between John P. and Fannie L. Buchanan and R.R. Lowe, n.d.

14. Buchanan, Margaret Indenture of property including land and slaves, between Margaret Buchanan of the first part, Robert S. Buchanan of the second part, and Thomas Buchanan o the third part, 1850.

15. Buchanan, Rebecca J. Deed transferring land from P.A. and Marry Lyon to Rebecca Buchanan, 1880

16. Buchanan, Robert S. Indenture of property as regards the last will and testament of John Buchanan (1834), between Margaret, Robert S., and Thomas Buchanan, September 12, 1850.

17. Buchanan, Robert S. 1. Indenture of land between Robert S. Buchanan and Thomas Buchanan, 1865. 2. List of articles sold at the sale of R.S. Buchanan, 1866 3. List of med. visits, R.S. Buchanan to Dan B. Cliffe, 1858.

18. Buchanan, Robert and Thomas Handwritten receipts for services rendered and items purchased, 1857-1880. Most of the receipts involve Thomas Buchanan acting as trustee for Robert Buchanan.

19. Buchanan, Thomas 1. Letters to Buchanan from friends and family, 1875-1890. 2. Survey of tract of land, 1885. 3. Agreement of sale of land between Thomas Buchanan and Henry Gray, n.d. 4. Receipt of Buchanan in redemption of tract of land sold by Jas. R. Robinson, 1877. 5. Indenture of land to Thomas Buchanan and Hugh Bradley, 1872. 6. Receipt for purchase of land from Thomas Buchanan by Hugh Bradley, 1879. 7. Certificate granting Buchanan the right to vote, 1865. 8. Certificate to the effect that Buchanan took the Oath of Allegiance to the and filed a bond, 1863. 9. Military pass issued to Buchanan to pass "through our lines to sixteen miles Franklin Pike and return." 1865.

20. Buchanan, Miss Tommie 1. Tennessee Female College Commencement Exercises Program, 1881. 2. Receipts of purchase, 1877-1903 3. Letter (mostly illegible). 4. Address to the faculty and Advisory Board of East End College regarding higher education of women, n.d. 5. Poem presented to the graduating class "The Clionian Argus," Franklin, Tennessee, June 1881.

21. Buchanan, Miss Tommie Indenture of land between Georgie Matthews of the first part and T.J. Buchanan of the second part, 1899.

22. Crumf, Leila May 1. Obituary of Crumf (one page), n.d. 2. Obituary of Crumf (twelve pages), n.d.

23. Osterhaus, Auguste Warranty deed between R.C. Berry, Nora Berry, F.J. McGinley, May McGinley and Auguste Osterhaus, Norman, Oklahoma Territory, 1903.

24. Rice, Miss Betsey 1. Receipts of Thomas Buchanan as executor for Elizabeth Rice, 1867-1871. 2. Dental bill, 1858. 3. Receipt register sheets (three), 1864-1868.

25. Essay "Go Work in My Vineyard." by sister (?) before Presbytery (?)

26. Hair of loved ones Tommie Buchanan; Margaret Buchanan; "Our dear mama;" and "My own dear dear mama."

27. Miscellaneous 1. Remedies "for chills." (handwritten) 1869 2. Letter (mostly illegible). 3. Philosophical letter to his children about "life," signed papa, n.d. 4. Letter addressed to "My dear uncle" on state of North Carolina Senate Chamber stationery, "March 28, 1899" 5. Two letters regarding the erection of an "air line fence," 1872.

28. Photocopies 1. Oklahoma Public Schools. State Teaching Certificate, J.S. Buchanan, 1908. 2. Letter from C.A. Galbraith to J.S. Buchanan regarding letter from the Emperor of Germany, 1900. 3. Letter from the Emperor of Germany to the Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands, 1871. 4. Bank of Tennessee $5 bills and Confederate States of America $50 bill.

29. Printed Materials 1. "President Buchanan 'Uncle Buck,'" University of Oklahoma Magazine, Fall 1922. 2. The Cumberland Alumnus, Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee, February, 1925. 3. "Buchanan Appointment Stabilized University," Harlow's Weekly, May 19, 1923. 4. "A Short Visit to the Memorial Church of the Holy Land, Franciscan Monastery, Mount St. Sepulchre, Washington, D.C." (two copies) 5. Beta Theta Pi, official organ of the fraternity, November 1923. 6. "Seeing Washington by trolley and motor coach." 7. The American Magazine, December, 1929. 8. "History of Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia, 1773-1925."

30. Sermon or biblical address This document was damaged by fire (mostly illegible) ten pages, n.d.

31. Speeches Political speech concerning a financial panic, n.d.

32. Speeches Speech by Thomas Buchanan (?) "Argument in Favor of a No Fence Law," n.d.

33. Speeches "Welcome Address," speech in congratulation of a newly married couple, n.d.

James Shannon Buchanan Collection Oversize Materials

Outsize Room Box 1 Folder:

1. Home Insurance Company, Indemnity Contract for $1000 against loss or damage by fire and lightning, Thomas Buchanan, 1893.

2. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Dwelling House Policies (two) for $1,000 against loss or damage to house on University Avenue, Norman, Oklahoma, Thomas Buchanan, 1903 and 1905.

3. Norman Country Club, Stock Certificate, Owner: Guy Williams, 1920.

4. Newspapers Norman Transcript. Golden Anniversary Edition, August 27, 1939. The Home Journal. Murfreesboro, Tennessee, May 16, 1930. Newspaper clippings primarily concerning Buchanan, his family, or the University of Oklahoma, 1925-1929.

James Shannon Buchanan Collection University Archives

Sooner Cub, January 12, 1925 (two copies)

University of Oklahoma Magazine, June, 1930.

The Sooner Magazine, November, 1930 (two copies)

The University of Oklahoma Stadium - Union Memorial, n.d.

An Architectural Study of the Stadium - Union Memorial, n.d.

J.S. Buchanan Collection

This material relates to the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention, of which Buchanan was a member. The "Propositions" refer to proposals submitted by Convention members for inclusion in the Constitution. These "Propositions" are designated by the author, the committee to which the proposal was referred, and the date of introduction. "Propositions" are followed by committee "Reports" with related supplements and amendments, and are designated by relevant committee and date of report. Specific committee "Reports" were apparently reviewed generally by the Committee on Revision, Compilation, Style, and Arrangement and the reports of the "Revision Committee" follow specific reports.

These reports are followed by a listing of the Convention "Journals", which served as a record of the proceedings, and "Calendars", which served as an agenda. Assorted miscellaneous material is included at the end of the inventory. A listing of Convention committee abbreviations used in the inventory is included at the end, with a list of missing or damaged "Propositions." Information was derived generally from the documents, and obvious errors exist in the originals, attributable to misprints.


This material consists of proposals of members of the Constitutional Convention

Proposition (Copies) Author Committee Date Introduced

1 Graham R.R.and Rev. and Tax. Nov. 30 2 Kornegay P. and B.R. Nov. 30 3 Maxey L. and Arb. Nov. 30 6(2) Hayes R.R. 7 Maxey R.R. Nov. 30 8 Maxey P. and B.R. Nov. 30 10 Mitch Leg. Dept. Nov. 30 11 Curl Man. and Comm. Nov. 30 12 Caudill P. and B.R. Nov. 30 13 Buchanan R.R. 14 Ellis C. and P. Nov. 30 15(2) Weaver G.S. Nov. 30 16 Ellis C. and P. Dec. 1 17 Rose P and B.R. Dec. 1 18 Bilby Liq. Tr. Dec. 1 19 Board Ed. Dec. 1 20 Board Printing Dec. 1 21(2) Buchanan St. Lands Dec. 1 22 Deering Leg. Dept. Dec. 1 23 Deering Priv. Corp. Dec. 1 24 Haned P. and B.R. Dec. 1 25 Haskell Suff. 26 Haskell Rev. and Tax. 27 Hogg Jud. Dept. Dec. 1 28 Hunt Pri. El. Dec. 1 29 Jones P. and B.R. Dec. 1 30 Jones Gen. Prov. Dec. 1 31 Jones Banks Dec. 1 32 Latimer Ag. Dec. 1 33 Leahy Ed. Dec. 1 34 Messenger Priv. Corp. Dec. 1 35 Messenger Gen. Prov. Dec. 1 36 Mitch Ed. and L.and Arb. Dec. 1 37 Moore Gen. Prov. Dec. 1 38 Norton Banks Dec. 1 39 Norton Suff. Dec. 1 40 Weaver St. Lands Dec. 1 41 Weaver Gen. Prov. Dec. 1 42 Weaver Rev. and Tax. Dec. 1 43 Williams Ag. Dec. 1 44 Johnston Leg. Dept. Dec. 1 45 Liedtke Gen. Prov. Dec. 1 46 Liedtke Suff. Dec. 1 47 Liedtke Priv. Corp. Dec. 1 48 Liedtke Priv. Corp. Dec. 1 49 Graham Homestead Dec. 1 50 Edley St. Lands Dec. 1 51 Littlejohn Ag. Dec. 1 52 Littlejohn Rev. and Tax Dec. 1 53 Asp P. and B.R. 55 Baker P. and B.R. Dec. 3 56 Edley St. Militia Dec. 3 57 Edley Ag. Dec. 3 58 Edley Banks Dec. 3 59 Akers St. Lands Dec. 3 60 Bilby Jud. Dept. Dec. 3 61 Cain Liq. Tr. Dec. 1 62 Chambers P. and B.R. Dec. 3 63 Chambers Sal. and Comp. Dec. 1 64 Chambers Publ. Inst. Dec. 1 65 Covey Suff. Dec. 3 66 Ellis Homestead Dec. 3 67 Hamraty R.R. Dec. 3 68 Gardner Homestead Dec. 3 69 Harned C. and P. Dec. 3 70 Harris Banks Dec. 3 71 Harris Ed. Dec. 3 72 Hausam Ag. Dec. 3 73 Herring Jud. Dept(?) Dec. 3 74 Herrnig P. and B.R. Dec. 3 75 Hogg Gen. Prov. Dec. 3 76 Hogg Co. and Twn Gov. Dec. 3 77 Hunt St. Lands Dec. 3 78 James Fed. Rel. Dec. 3 79 Langley P. and B.R. Dec. 3 80 Leahy P. and B.R. Dec. 3 81 Leahy Suff. Dec. 3 82 Leeper Banks Dec. 3 83 Leeper C. and P. Dec. 3 84 Littlejohn L. and Arb. Dec. 3 85 McCance Ed. Dec. 3 86 Mitch Publ. Inst. Dec. 3 87 Swartz Rev. and Tax. Dec. 3 88 Swartz Suff. Dec. 3 89 Tucker Suff. Dec. 3 90 Tucker Leg. Dept. Dec. 3 91 Williams Priv. Corp. Dec. 3 92 Williams St. Militia Dec. 3 93 Williams L. and Arb. Dec. 3 94 Wood Banks Dec. 3 95 Wyatt Leg. Dept. Dec. 3 96 Wyatt Leg. Dept. Dec. 3 97 Wyley R.R. Dec. 3 98 Asp Rev. and Tax. 99 Williams Priv. Corp. Dec. 4 100 Williams Priv. Corp. Dec. 4 101 Baker Gen. Prov. Dec. 4 102 Baker Leg. Dept. Dec. 4 104 Baker P. and B.R. Dec. 4 105 Buchanan Ed. Dec. 4 106 Carr R.R. Dec. 4 107 Cochran Ed. Dec. 4 108 Covey Rev. and Tax. Dec. 4 109 Covey Sch. Dec. 4 110 Covey Homestead Dec. 4 111 Curl Banks Dec. 4 112 Dalton Gen. Prov. Dec. 4 114 Dearing Ex. Dept. Dec. 4 115 Haskell St. Militia Dec. 4 116 Haskell Rev. and Tax. Dec. 4 117 Haskell Priv. and El (?) Dec. 4 118 Haskell Gen. Prov. Dec. 4 119 Haskell P. and B.R. Dec. 4 120 Haskell Gen. Prov. Dec. 4 121 Haskell Mun. Corp. Dec. 4 122 Haskell Priv. Corp. Dec. 4 123 Haskell R.R. Dec. 4 124 Haskell C. and P. Dec. 4 125 Haskell R.R. Dec. 4 126 Helton P. and B.R. Dec. 4 127 (2) Heuston Suff. Dec. 4 128 James St. Lands Dec. 4 129 Kane C. and P. Dec. 4 130 King R.R. Dec. 4 131 King Suff. Dec. 4 132 Leahy L. and Arb. Dec. 4 133 Leahy Pub. Inst. Dec. 4 134 Leahy Leg. Dept. Dec. 4 135 Littlejohn St. Lands Dec. 4 136 Littlejohn P. and B.R. Dec. 4 137 Littlejohn P. and B.R. Dec. 4 138 Majors Co. Bnd. Dec. 4 139 (2) Ellis Leg. Dept (?) Dec. 4 140 Parker Priv. Corp. Dec. 4 141 Quarles Publ. Ins. Dec. 4 142 Quarles L. and Arb. Dec. 4 143 Quarles C. and P. Dec. 4 144 Ramsey Ex. Dept. Dec. 4 145 Ramsey R.R. Dec. 4 146 Sandlin St. Lands 147 Sandlin Ed. Dec. 4 149 (2) Swarts Homestead Dec. 4 150 (2) Swarts R.R. Dec. 4 151 Tracy L. and Arb. Dec. 4 152 Tracy Jud. Dept. Dec. 4 153 Tracy Jud. Dept. (2) Dec. 4 154 (2) Tracy Mun Corp. Dec. 4 155 (2) Tracy Publ. Inst. Dec. 4 156 Williams Gen. Prov. Dec. 4 157 (3) Wyatt Impeach. (?) Dec. 4 158 (2) Murray Leg Dept. (?) Dec. 4 159 Murray Ed. Dec. 4 160 (2) Murray Jud. Dept. Dec. 4 161 Murray P. and B.R. Dec. 4 162 (2) Haskell Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 163 (2) McClain Ins. Dec. 5 164 (2) Murray Leg. Dept. Dec. 5 165 Asp R.R. Dec. 5 166 Baker Mun. Corp. Dec. 5 167 Baker Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 168 (2) Berry St. Lands Dec. 5 169 (4) Buchanan Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 170 Carney Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 171 Carney Rev. and Tax. Dec. 5 172 (2) Carr Homestead Dec. 5 173 (2) Dalton C. and P. Dec. 5 174 Dalton C. and P. Dec. 5 175 Ellis R.R. Dec. 5 176 Ellis Leg. Dept. Dec. 5 177 Hayes R.R. Dec. 5 178 Henshaw P. and B.R. Dec. 5 179 Henshaw Priv. Corp. Dec. 5 180 Henshaw R.R. Dec. 5 181 Kane Jud. Dept. Dec. 5 182 Kelly St. Lands Dec. 5 183 (2) Leahy Co. Bnd. Dec. 5 184 (2) Leahy Ex. Dept. Dec. 5 185 Leahy R.R. Dec. 5 186 McCance Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 187 McCance Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 188 Parker Ed. Dec. 5 189 Parker Ed. Dec. 5 190 Pittman L. and Arb. Dec. 5 191 Sater Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 192 Sater Leg. Dept. Dec. 5 193 Sorrells Mines Dec. 5 194 Weaver Gen. Prov. Dec. 5 195 Weaver Rev. and Tax. Dec. 5 196 Williams Priv. Corp. Dec. 5 197 Parker Ins. Dec. 5 198 Mitch Gen. Prov. Dec. 6 199 Messenger Suff. Dec. 6 200 Messenger Gen. Prov. Dec. 6 201 Littlejohn Priv. Corp. Dec. 6 202 Ledbetter Ins. Dec. 6 203 Lee Leg. App. Dec. 6 204 Lee St. Lands Dec. 6 205 Kane P. and B.R. Dec. 6 206 Hanraty Jud. Dept. Dec. 6 207 Hanraty Jud. Dept. Dec. 6 208 Hanraty R.R. Dec. 6 209 Ellis P. and B.R. Dec. 6 210 Dalton Leg. Dept. Dec. 6 211 Covey L. and Arb. Dec. 6 212 Bower St. Lands Dec. 6 213 Board Mun. Corp. Dec. 6 214 Board Priv. and El. Dec. 6 215 Asp Jud. Dept. Dec. 7 216 Asp Leg. Dept. Dec. 7 217 Asp Leg. Dept. Dec. 7 218 Ledbetter Jud. Dept. Dec. 7 219 Haskell Jud. Dept. Dec. 7 221 Tracy Sal. and Comp. Dec. 7 222 Tracy Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 223 Hughes Mun. Corp. Dec. 7 224 Hughes Mun. Corp. Dec. 7 225 Hughes Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 226 Caudill P.and B.R. Dec. 7 227 Savage Priv. and El. Dec. 7 228 Savage Jud. Dept. Dec. 7 229 Wyatt Rev. and Tax. Dec. 7 230 Wyatt Ed. Dec. 7 231 Caudill Co. Bnd. Dec. 7 232 Leeper Mun. Corp. Dec. 7 233 (2) Caudill Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 234 Rose Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 235 Rose P. and B.R. Dec. 7 236 Rose Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 237 Rose P. and B.R. Dec. 7 238 Rose Ag. Dec. 7 239 Alderson Sch. Dec. 7 240 McClain Ag. Dec. 7 241 Hunt Pri. El. Dec. 7 242 Carney Jud. Dept. Dec. 7 243 Carney Pand B.R.and Jud. Dept Dec. 7 244 Sater St. Lands Dec. 7 245 Cobb Co. and Twn Gov. Dec. 7 246 Cobb Co. and Twn Gov. Dec. 7 247 Ramsey Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 248 Dalton Pub. Health Dec. 7 249 Mitch Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 250 Covey R.R. Dec. 7 251 Littlejohn Ag. Dec. 7 252 Jenkins Leg. Dept. Dec. 7 253 (2) Buchanan P. and B.R. Dec. 7 254 Baker Suff. Dec. 7 255 Lee Gen. Prov. Dec. 7 256 Latimer R.R. Dec. 8 257 Sater P. and B.R. Dec. 8 258 Hayes R.R. Dec. 8 259 Turner Gen. Prov. Dec. 8 260 Moore P. and B.R. Dec. 8 261 Moore Priv. Corp. Dec. 8 262 Littlejohn Liq. Tr. Dec. 8 263 Chambers Gen. Prov. Dec. 8 264 Lee Publ. Inst. Dec. 8 265 King Gen. Prov. Dec. 8 266 King Gen. Prov. Dec. 8 267 Parker Co. Bnd. Dec. 8 268 Ellis Priv. Corp. Dec. 8 269 Bryant Ed. Dec. 8 270 Bryant Rev. and Tax. Dec. 8 271 Kane Rev. and Tax. Dec. 8 272 Murray Rev. and Tax. Dec. 7 273 Curl Priv. Corp. Dec. 8 274 Curl St. Lands Dec. 8 275 Wyly Publ. Inst. Dec. 8 276 Wyly Rev. and Tax. Dec. 8 277 Dalton P. and B.R. Dec. 8 278 Weaver R.R. Dec. 8 279 Swarts Gen. Prov. Dec. 8 280 Chambers Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 281 (damaged) Williams R.R. Dec. 10 282 Williams Ex. Dept. Dec. 10 283 (2) Williams R.R. Dec. 10 284 Williams R.R. Dec. 10 285 Maxey Sal. and Comp. Dec. 10 286 Murray Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 287 Murray Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 288 McCance Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 289 McCance Publ. Health Dec. 10 290 Wood C. and P. Dec. 10 291 Bower Liq. Tr. Dec. 10 292 Curl Ag. Dec. 10 293 Curl Jud. Dept (?) Dec. 10 294 Curl Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 295 (damaged) Curl Priv. Corp. Dec. 10 296 Nelson R.R. Dec. 10 297 Nelson Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 298 Hunt Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 299 Tracy Liq. Tr. Dec. 10 300 Tracy Gen. Prov. Dec. 10 301 Caudill Ed. Dec. 10 302 Hanraty L. and Arb. Dec. 10 303 Hanraty L. and Arb. Dec. 10 304 Hanraty R.R. Dec. 10 305 Hanraty L. and Arb. Dec. 10 306 Covey Ag. Dec. 10 307 Cain Banks Dec. 10 308 Tracy Liq. Tr. Dec. 10 309 Savage Man. and Comm. Dec. 11 310 Savage Publ. Health Dec. 11 311 Herring Pri. Corp. Dec. 11 312 Herring Leg. Dept. Dec. 11 313 Ellis Mines Dec. 11 314 Ellis Publ. Inst. Dec. 11 315 Hausam P. and B.R. Dec. 11 316 Mitch Co. and Twn Gov. Dec. 11 317 Mitch Jud. Dept. Dec. 11 318 Ellis Homestead Dec. 12 319 Hayes R.R. Dec. 12 320 Hayes Gen. Prov. Dec. 12 321 Savage Gen. Prov. Dec. 12 322 Brewer Ed. Dec. 12 323 McClain Liq. Tr. Dec. 12 324(1+1partial) Leahy St. Lands Dec. 12 325 Leahy Ord. Dec. 12 326 McCance Co. and Twn Gov. Dec. 12 327 McCance Printing Dec. 12 328 McCance Leg. Dept. Dec. 12 329 Cobb Suff. Dec. 12 330 Hunt Rev. and Tax. Dec. 12 331 Herring Liq. Tr. Dec. 12 332 Buchanan Mann. and Comm. Dec. 12 333 Roberts C. and P. Dec. 12 334 Williams R.R. Dec. 12 335 Akers Co. Bnd. Dec. 12 336 Kane Jud. Dept. Dec. 13 337 Kane Leg. Dept. Dec. 13 338 Berry Liq. Tr. Dec. 13 339 Graham Publ. Inst. Dec. 13 340 Newell Leg. Dept. Dec. 13 341 Sorrells Leg. Dept. Dec. 13 342 Sorrells Leg. Dept. Dec. 13 343 Sorrells Leg. Dept. Dec. 13 344 Asp Ed. Dec. 13 345 Hughes Liq. Tr. Dec. 15 346 Edley Sal. and Comp. Dec. 15 347 Edley R.R. Dec. 15 348 Baker Mun. Corp. Dec. 15 349 Henshaw Priv. Corp. Dec. 15 350 Henshaw Priv. Corp. Dec. 15 351 Henshaw Priv. Corp. Dec. 15 352 Henshaw Priv. Corp. Dec. 15 353 James Publ. Inst. Dec. 15 354 Williams Priv. Corp. Dec. 15 355 Williams L. and Arb. Dec. 15 356 Johnston C. and P. Dec. 15 357 Johnston Gen. Prov Dec. 15 358 Johnston P. and B.R. Dec. 15 359 (2) Williams R.R. Dec. 15 360 Mitch Sch. Dec. 15 361 Hendricks Co. Bnd. Dec. 17 362 Hendricks Co. Bnd. Dec. 17 363 Hendricks Co. Bnd. Dec. 17 364 Pittman R.R. Dec. 17 365 Williams R.R. Dec. 17 366 Lee Jud. Dept. Dec. 17 367 Hausam Priv. Corp. Dec. 17 368 Quarles Rev. and Tax. Dec. 17 369 Quarles Ex. Dept. Dec. 17 370 Quarles Ex. Dept. Dec. 17 371 Quarles Ex. Dept. Dec. 17 372 Quarles Ex. Dept. Dec. 17 373 Quarles Ex. Dept. Dec. 17 374 Quarles R.R. Dec. 17 375 Quarles Gen. Prov. Dec. 17 376 Williams Imm. Dec. 17 377 Frye Rev. and Tax. Dec. 17 378 Quarles Ord. Dec. 17 379 Murray Publ. Health Jan. 5 380 Caudill Gen. Prov. Jan. 5 381 McClain Ins. Jan. 8 382 Savage P. and B.R. Jan. 8 383 Mitch Ed. Jan. 8 384 Hanraty Mines Jan. 8 385 Frye Gen. Prov. Jan. 8 386 Ellis Ag. Jan. 8 387 Roberts Liq. Tr. Jan. 8 388 Hughes L. and Arb. and Jud. Dept.(?) Jan.8 389 (2) Mitch Gen. Prov. Jan. 8 390 Mitch Publ. Inst. Jan. 8 391 Copeland Gen. Prov. Jan. 8 392a Humphrey Gen. Prov. Jan. 8 392b Humphrey Gen. Prov. Jan. 8 394 Sater Jud. Dept. Jan. 12 395 Mitch Publ. Inst. Jan. 12 396 Hausam Jud. Dept. Jan. 12 397 Haskell R.R. Jan. 12 398 Haskell Jud. Dept. Jan. 12 399 Curl Publ. Inst. Jan. 12 400 Curl R.R. Jan. 12 401 Baker Jud. Dept. Jan. 12 403 Murray Gen. Prov. Jan. 12 419 Murray Jan. 29 420 (2) Sorrels Publ. Debts. Jan. 29 422 (2) Williams Rev. and Tax. Feb. 1 424 (2) Williams Gen. Prov. Feb. 2 425 (2) Pittman R.R. Feb. 2 426 Williams Banks Feb. 4 438 Asp March 5

Early Unnumbered Reports

Committee Date Reported P. and B.R. Ord. Fed. Rel. Rules Nov. 26 P. and B.R. Dec. 17 Conv. Print. Dec. 17 Co. Bnd. Dec. 18 G.S. Dec. 18 Leg. Dept. Dec. 18

Numbered Reports (With Amendments and Supplements)

Report No. (Copies) Committee Date Reported a. 5 Leg. Dept. Dec. 18 b. 5, Kornegay Amendment Leg. Dept. c. 5, Murray Amendment Leg. Dept. 8 P. and B.R. Jan. 7 9 (Sp.) Coal Jan. 7 a. 10 R.R. Jan. 8 b. 10, Recommitted R.R. Jan. 12 11 (2) R.R. Jan. 8 12 R.R. Jan. 12 13 R.R. Jan. 12

Box 2

14 R.R. Jan. 12 15 Gen. Prov. Jan. 12 a. 16 Co. Bnd. Jan. 12 b. 16, Committee Amendment Co. Bnd. 17 R.R. Jan. 14 18 R.R. Jan. 14 19 R.R. Jan. 14 20 Imm. Jan. 19 21 St. Militia Jan. 24 22 Gen. Prov. Jan. 24 23 Gen. Prov. Jan. 24 24 Gen. Prov. Jan. 24 25 Jud. Dept. Jan. 25 a. 26 Mines Jan. 25 b. 26, Recommitted (2) Mines Feb. 7 27 (2) Gen. Prov. Jan. 25 28 Gen. Prov. Jan. 25 29 Ag. Jan. 25 30 Publ. Rds. Jan. 25 31 Ex. Dept. Jan. 26 32 C. and P. Jan. 26 a. 33 Suff. Jan. 26 b. 33, Supplemental Suff. March 6 34, Majority and Minority Publ. Health Jan. 28 35 R.R. Jan. 28 36 Liq. Tr. Jan. 29 37, Williams Substitute Liq. Tr. Jan. 30 38 Sal. and Comp. Jan. 29 a. 39, Minority Liq. Tr. Jan. 30 b. 39, Anonymous Tyed Liq. Tr. Amendment 40 Printing Jan. 30 a. 41 Banks Feb. 6 b. 41, Recommitted Banks Feb. 9 a. 42, Majority and St. Lands Feb. 7 Minority (2) b. 42, Supplemental (2) St. Lands Feb. 25 c. 42a, Supplemental St. Lands Feb. 28 a. 43, Supplemental Priv. Corp. Feb. 15 b. 43, 2nd Supplemental Priv. Corp. Feb. 19 44 Co. and Twn. Gov. Feb. 9 a. 45 Ins. Feb. 11 b. 45, Recommitted (2) Ins. 46 (NOTE: Misprinted 56) (3) R.R. Feb. 3 47 Leg. Dept. Feb. 15 48 (2) Rev. and Tax. Feb. 15 49, Joint (2) Priv.andEl, Priv. El. Feb. 19 50 (2) (SP.) Feb. 22 51 (2) Ed. Feb. 23 52 L. and Arb. Feb. 25 53 Mun. Corp. Feb. 26 54 Gen. Prov. Feb. 27 55 Gen. Prov. Feb. 27 56 Leg. Arb. Feb. 27 57, Majority and Minority Impeach. Feb. 28 58 (2) Leg. Dept. Feb. 28 59 Liq. Tr. Feb. 28 60 Publ. Depts. March 1 63 R.R. March 5 66 Ex. Dept. March 8

Revision Committee Reports

Re: Reports 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44 (Feb. 23, 25).

Re: Report 16 (Feb. 27).

Official Daily Journals (Copies) Week Per File (Monday - Saturday)

Nov. 30; Dec. 1 Dec. 3, 5 (3), 6, 7, 8 Dec. 10, 11 (2), 12, 13, 14, 15 Dec. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Jan. 3, 4, 5 Jan. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Jan. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Jan. 21, 22 (2), 23, 24, 25, 26 Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31 (2); Feb. 1, 2 (2) Feb. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Feb. 11, 12, 13, 14 (2), 15, 16 Feb. 19, 20, 21 Feb. 25 (2), 26 (2), 27, 28; March 1, 2 March 4, 5, 6, 7 March 15


January 26; February 28

Miscellaneous Related Materials

The Constitution (of Oklahoma). Guthrie, Leader Printing Company.

Dealey, James Quayle. "Our State Constitution" (Compliments, The Daily Oklahoman).

The Sequoyah Constitution. Muskogee, Phoenix Printing Company (1950?), pp. 3-68.

Prohibition Article (Origin Unknown).

Abbreviations List (Alphabetical by Committee)

1. Agriculture Ag. 2. Banks and Banking, Loan, Trust and Guaranty Banks 3. Convention Accounts and Expenses Conv. Accts. 4. Convention Printing and Expenses Conv. Print. 5. Counties and County Reporting Co. Bnd. 6. County and Township Organization and Government Co. and Twn. Gov. 7. Crime and Punishment C. and P. 8. Education Ed. 9. Enrollment and Engrossment Enroll. 10. Executive Department Ex. Dept. 11. Federal Relations Fed. Rel. 12. General Provisions, Constitutional Amendments Gen. Prov. and Revisions 13. Geological Survey G.S. 14. Homestead and Exemption Homestead 15. Immigration Imm. 16. Impeachment and Removal from Office Imm. 17. Insurance Ins. 18. Judicial Apportionment Jud. App. 19. Judicial Department Jud. Dept. 20. Labor and Arbitration L. and Arb. 21. Legislative Apportionment Leg. App. 22. Legislative Department Leg. Dept. 23. Liquor Traffic Liq. Tr. 24. Manufacture and Commerce Man. and Comm. 25. Mines and Mining and Oil and Gas Mines 26. Municipal Corporations Mun. Corp. 27. Ordinances Ord. 28. Preamble and Bill of Rights P. and B.R. 29. Primary Elections Pri. El. 30. Private Corporations Priv. Corp. 31. Privileges and Elections Priv. and El. 32. Public Debts and Public Works Publ. Debts. 33. Public Health and Sanitation, and the Practice Publ. Health of Medicine and Pharmacy 34. Public Institutions and State Building Publ. Inst. 35. Public Printing Printing 36. Public Roads and Highway and Internal Improvement Publ. Rds. 37. Railroads and Public Service Corporations R.R. 38. Revenue and Taxation Rev. and Tax. 39. Revision, Compilation, Style and Arrangement Revision 40. Rules and Procedures Rules 41. Salaries and Compensation of Public Officials Sal. and Comp. 42. Schedule Sch. 43. State and School Lands St. Lands 44. State Militia St. Militia 45. Suffrage Suff.

(Special Committees (Sp.))

1. Coal and Asphalt Lands a/k/a Segregated Coal and Asphalt Lands (of/in the Indian Territory) a/k/a Coal, Gas and Oil a/k/a Coal, Oil and Gas and Timberland Coal

2. Legal Advisory Committee

3. Constitutional Provision for Separate Coaches a/k/a Jim Crow Provision

4. Land (not State and School Lands)

Missing or Damaged

Proposition 4 5 9 54 113 148 206 220 281 (dam) 295 (dam) 393 402 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 421 423 427-437 439-(?)

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Berry, Thomas. Four Years with Morgan and Forrest. Oklahoma City: Harlow-Ratliff Company, 1914.

2. Wright, Muriel. The Story of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City: Webb Publishing Company, 1930.

3. Meriam, Lewis, et al. The Problem of Indian Administration. Institute for Government Research Studies in Administration. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1928.

4. Gittinger, Roy. The University of Oklahoma, 1892-1942: A History of Fifty Years. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942.

5. Ridley, Bromfield L. Battles and Sketches of the Army of Tennessee. Mexico, Missouri: Missouri Printing and Publishing Company, 1906.

6. Wilson, Hill Peebles. John Brown, Soldier of Fortune: A Critique. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press, 1913.

7. Buck, Solon Justus. Travels and Descriptions, 1765-1865. Vol. IX, Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library; Vol. II of the Bibliographical Series. Chicago: Lakeside Press, Donnelley and Sons, 1914.

8. Garrison, George Pierce. Westward Extension, 1841-1850. Vol. XVII, The American Nation: A History. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1906.

9. Turner, Frederick Jackson. Rise of the New West, 1819-1829. Vol. XIV, The American Nation: A History. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1906.

10. Fling, Fred Morrow. Outline of Historical Method. Lincoln, Nebraska: J.H. Miller, 1899.

11. Baldwin, James. The Discovery of the Old Northwest and Its Settlement by the French. New York: American Book Company, 1901

12. Dale, Edward Everett, ed. Lafayette Letters. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1925.

13. MacDonald, William. Jacksonian Democracy, 1829-1837. Vol. XV, The American Nation: A History. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York: Harper Brothers, 1906.

14. Hess, Elmer C., comp. Official Congressional Directory for the Use of the United States Congress. Sixty-Eighth Congress, Second Session. First edition. Washington: Committee on Printing, 1924.

15. Eaton, Rachel Caroline. John Ross and the Indians. Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta Publishing Company, 1914.

16. Proceeding of the Constitutional Convention of the Proposed State of the Oklahoma Held at Guthrie, Oklahoma, November 20, 1906 to November 16, 1907. Muskogee, Oklahoma: Muskogee Printing Company, n.d.: Two copies.

17. Valmaer. The Lawyer's Code of Ethics: A Satire. St. Louis, Missouri: F.H. Thomas Law Book Company, 1887.

18. Lathrp, Elise. Historic Houses of Early America. New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1927.

19. The Wah-Sha-She. High School Yearbook, Pawhuska High School, Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Kansas City: Union Bank Note Company, 1922. Two Copies.

20. Statue of Sequoyah. Proceedings in Statuary Hall of the United States Capitol upon the Unveiling and Presentation of the Statue of Sequoyah by the State of Oklahoma. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1924.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. McReynolds, Edwin C. Oklahoma: A History of the Sooner State. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954.

2. Verrill, A. Hyatt. Old Civilizations of the New World. New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1938.

3. Wissler, Clark. The American Indian: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

4. Beaulieu, Irene C., and Woodward, Kathleen, comps. Tributes to a Vanishing Race. Chicago: Privately printed, 1916.

5. Dale, Edward Everett. Oklahoma: The Story of a State. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1955.

6. Gardner, Alexander. Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War. Reprint ed.; New York: Dover Publications, 1959.

7. Barnard, J.U. History and Civil Government of Missouri. To Which Is Appended the Constitution of the United States. The State Government Series. Edited by B.A. Hinsdale. Chicago: The Werner Company, 1895.

Reports of the Oklahoma State Bar Association

1. Vol. III: 1909.

2. Vol. IV: 1910.

3. Vol. VI: 1912

4. Vol. VII: 1913.

5. Vol. VIII: 1914.

6. Vol. IX: 1915.

7. Vol. X: 1916.

8. Vol. XIV: 1920.

9. Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1882. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882.

10. Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1897. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1897.

11. ...for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1898. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898.

12. ....for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1900. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.

13. ...for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1901. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901.

14. ...for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1902. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902.

15. Howe, Albert H., comp. The Insular Cases, Comprising the Records, Briefs, and Arguments of Counsel in the Insular Cases of the October Term, 1900, in the Supreme Court of the United States, Including the Appendixes Thereto. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901.

16. The Oklahoma Appellate Court Bulletin. Vol. I: Cases Determined in the Supreme Court in the Criminal Court of Appeals of the State of Oklahoma from September 12, 1916 to December 5, 1916, Inclusive. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Law Brief Company, 1916.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Leonard, John W., ed. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Directory of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States, 1901-1902. Chicago: A.N. Marquis and Company, 1901.

2. Marquis, Albert Nelson, ed. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Directory of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States. Vol. X: 1918-1919. Chicago: A.N. Marquis and Company, 1918.

3. Marquis, Albert Nelson, ed. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Directory of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States. Vol. XI: 1920-1921. Chicago: A.N. Marquis and Company, 1920.

4. Marquis, Albert Nelson, ed. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Directory of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States. Vol. XVI: 1930-1931. Chicago: A.N. Marquis and Company, 1930.

5. Baird, William Raimond, ed. A Decade of Fraternity Reconstruction: Being the Minutes of the Several Conventions of the Beta Theta Pi, a College Fraternity, from 1879-1888, inclusive. Reprinted by Authority of the Convention. New York: The Beta Publishing Company, 1918.

6. Baird, William Raimond. Forty Years of Fraternity Legislation: Being the Minutes of the Several Conventions of the Beta Theta Pi, a College Fraternity, from 1839 to 1879. Reprinted, with Notes, under the Authority of the Convention of 1915. New York: The Beta Publishing Company, 1916.

7. Lozier, Horace G., ed. Songs of Beta Theta Pi in the Sixty-Eighth Year of Its Founding. N.P.: By the Fraternity, 1907.

8. Baird, William Raimond, ed. Beta Letters: Being Correspondence Passing between Chapters or Members of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, 1839-1884. New York: The Beta Publishing Company, 1918.

9. Beta Theta Pi, Vol. LVII, No. 6 (May, 1930)

10. Mother's Own Book. New York: The Parent's Publishing Company, 1928.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Richardson, James D. A Compilation of the Message and Papers of the Presidents, 1789- 1897. Washington: Government Printing Office. Vol. V: 1849-1861. Published, 1897. Two copies; one good, one very poor.

2. ... Vol. VI: 1861-1869. Published, 1900.

3. U.S. Congress. Senate. Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress. S. Ex. Doc. 1, 37th Cong., 2nd sess., 1861. Vol. 1

4. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. The History of England from the Accession of James II. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1849.

5. Harris, Joel Chandler. The Life of Henry W. Grady, including His Writings and Speeches. New York: Cassell Publishing Company, 1890.

6. Oklahoma Red Book. Vol. I (very poor condition)

7. Martin, Robert. et. al., comps. The Statues of Oklahoma, 1893: Being a Compilation of all the Law Now in Force in the Territory of Oklahoma. Guthrie, Oklahoma: State Capital Publishing Company, 1893 (Has "David R. Boyd" stamped inside front cover)

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Johnson, Gerald W. Andrew Jackson: An Epic in Homespun. New York; Minton, Balch, and Company, 1927.

2. Bowers, Claude G. Jefferson and Hamilton: The Struggle for Democracy in America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925.

3. Watson, Thomas E. The Life and Times of Andrew Jackson. Thomas, George: Jeffersonian Publishing Company, 1912.

4. Colyar, A.S. Life and Times of Andrew Jackson: Soldier-Statesman-President. 2 vols. Nashville, Tennessee: Marshall and Bruce, 1904.

5. Morgan, W. Scott. History of the Wheel and Alliance and Impending Revolution. St. Louis: C.B. Woodward Company, 1891

6. Semple, Ellen C., and Jones, Clarence F. American History and Its Geographic Conditions. Revised Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1933.

7. Channing, Edward, and Lansing, Marion F. The Story of the Great Lakes. New York: Macmillan Company, 1909.

8. Angell, Norman. The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power to National Advantage. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1913.

9. Goodpasture, A.V., and Goodpasture, W.H. Life of Jefferson Dillard Goodpasture. To Which Is Appended a Genealogy of the Goodpasture Family. Nashville: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1897.

10. Anderson, Dice Robins. William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation from 1790 o 1830. Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta Publishing Company, 1914.

11. Garland, Hamlin. Prairie Song and Western Story. Academy Classics for Junior High Schools. Edited by Stella S. Center. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1928.

12. Gordon, John B. Reminiscences of the Civil War. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Thoburn, Joseph B. A Standard History of Oklahoma: An Authentic Narrative of Its Development from the Date of the First European Exploration down to the Present Time, including Accounts of the Indian Tribes, both Civilized and Wild, of the Cattle Range, of the Land Openings, and Other Achievements of the Most Recent Period. 5 vols. Chicago: American Historical Society, 1916.

2. Thoburn, Joseph B., and Wright, Muriel H. Oklahoma: A History of the State and Its People. 4 vols. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1929. (Vols. 2, 3, and 4 only)

Buchanan (J.S.) Collection

1. Vestal, Stanley [Campbell, Walter Stanley]. Sitting Bull, Champion of the Sioux: A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1932.

2. U.S. Congress. House. Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1927. H. Doc. No. 783, 69th Cong., 2nd Session, 1928. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1928.

3. Dale, Edward Everett, and Wardell, Morris L. History of Oklahoma. New York: Prentice- Hall, 1948.

4. Jusserand, Jean Jules. et al. The Writing of History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926.

5. Burgess, John W. The Civil War and the Constitution, 1859-1865. The American History Series. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901. [Vol. 2 Only].

6. Burgess, John W. Reconstruction and the Constitution, 1866-1876. The American History Series. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902.

7. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1908. 2 vols. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1909. [Vol. 1 Only].

8. MacCoun, Townsend. An Historical Geography of the United States. Revised edition. New York: Silver, Burdett, and Company, 1892.

9. The Scotch-Irish in America: Proceedings and Addresses of the Third Congress a Louisville, Kentucky, May 14 to 17, 1891. Nashville, Tennessee: Published by order of the Scotch-Irish Society of America by the Publishing House of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, South, 1891.

10. Buchanan, James Shannon, and Dale, Edward Everett. A History of Oklahoma. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson, and Company, 1924.

11. Ellis, Albert H. A History of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Oklahoma. Muskogee, Oklahoma: Economy Printing Company, 1923.

12. Gittinger, Roy. The Formation of the State of Oklahoma, 1803-1906. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939.

13. Allen, C.M. The "Sequoyah" Movement. [Cover reads: The "Sequoyah" Convention] Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1925.

14. Milne, William J. High School Algebra, Embracing a Complete Course for High Schools and Academies. New York: American Book Company, 1892

15. Lyte, E. Orman. Advanced Grammar and Composition. New York: American Book Company, 1899.

16. Gray, Asa. How Plants Grow: A Simple Introduction to Structural Botany, with a Popular Flora, or an Arrangement and Description of Common Plants, both Wild and Cultivated. Part I: Botany for Young People and Common Schools. New York: American Book Company, 1858.

17. Baker, George P., ed. The Harvard Plays. Vol. I: Plays of the 47 Workshop. New York: Brentanos, 1918.

18. Barrows, Marjorie, comp. One Hundred Best Poems for Boys and Girls. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Company, 1930.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. General Catalogue, 1914-1915. The University of Oklahoma Quarterly Bulletin.

2. General Catalogue, 1915-1916. The University of Oklahoma Monthly Bulletin.

3. General Catalog, 1916-1917. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

4. General Catalog, 1917-1918. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

5. General Catalog, 1919-1920. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

6. General Catalog, 1920-1921. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

7. General Catalog, 1923-1924. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

8. General Catalog, 1925-1926. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

9. Paxton, Joseph Francis, ed. University Anthology, 1921. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin. University Series, No. 228. University Studies No. 14 [two copies; one hardbound]

10. Paxton, Joseph Francis, ed. University Anthology, 1924. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

11. Paxton, Joseph Francis, ed. The Oklahoma Anthology for 1929. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin. New Series, No. 424. Studies Series No. 33.

12. Scroggs, Joseph Whitefield, ed. Capital Punishment: Should It Be Abolished? A Collection of Arguments for Both Sides. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin, November 15, 1926. New Series No. 345. Extension NO. 94.

13. Cloyd, Richard H., comp. Alumni Directory No. 12. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin, December 1, 1926. New Series. No. 346.

14. The Graduate School Announcements: 1928-1929. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin, February 25, 1928. New Series No. 393.

15. Casey, John H. The Reading Public and the Small Town Newspaper. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin, May 26, 1928. New Series No. 406.

16. Issues for the Graduate College. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin, March 15, 1967. New Series No. 1478.

17. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma High School Conference To Be Held at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, November 2 and 3, 1923. The University of Oklahoma Bulletin.

18. Program. School of Education of the University of Oklahoma. Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi and Alpha Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, November 2, 1923. (Associated with #17)

19. The University of Oklahoma Magazine. Vol. XVIII, No. 1 (November 1929).

20. The Covered Wagon. Vol. XXXI, No. 2 (October, 1951).

21. ... Vol. XXXI, No. 6 (February 1952).

22. ... Vol. XXXI, No. 7 (March, 1952).

23. ... Vol. XXXI, No. 9 (May, 1952).

24. Sooner Magazine. Vol. XXXIV, No. 7 (March, 1967).

25. ... Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1 (September, 1965).

26. The Sooner Club, 1944. (Vol. XIX, No. 14 (May, 12, 1944). (University High School).

27. Sooner Newsmakers. August, 1965.

28. ... Honor Roll Edition, 1967.

29. ... Honor Roll Edition, 1968.

30. A Stadium for Oklahoma.

31. The Catholic University of America Bulletin. Vol. XXIII, No. 4 (April, 1956).

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year of 1898. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899.

2. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1899. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.

3. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1900. Two volumes. Washington; Government Printing Office, 1901.

4. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1901. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902.

5. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1903.

6. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1903. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904.

7. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1904. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1905.

8. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1905. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1906. (Volume 1 only)

9. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1906. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Ramsey, J.G.M. The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Comprising Its Settlement, as the Watauga Association, from 1769 to 1777; a Part of North-Carolina, from 1777 to 1784; the , from 1784 to 1788; a Part of North-Carolina, from 1788 to 1790; the Territory of the U. States South of the Ohio, from 1790 to 1796; the State of Tennessee, from 1796 to 1800. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Company 1860.

2. American Historical Magazine. a. Vol. II, No. 3 (July 1897) b. Vol. III, No. 1 (January 1898). c. Vol. III, No. 2 (April 1898). d. Vol. IV, No. 3 (July 1899). e. Vol. V, No. 3 (July 1900). f. Vol. VI, No. 1 (January 1901).

3. American Indian Magazine. Vol. VII, No. 3 (Fall 1919).

4. American Review of Reviews. Vol. L (1914). [Bound]

5. Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XC (1903). [Bound]

6. Louisiana Historical Quarterly. a. Vol. II, No. 4 (October 1919). b. Vol. VI, No. 4 (October 1923). c. Vol. VII, No. 1 (January 1924).

7. Michigan History Magazine. a. Vol. II, No. 3 (July 1918). b. Vol. IX, No. 1 (January 1925). c. Vol. IX, No. 2 (April 1925).

8. Minnesota History Bulletin. a. Vol. IV, No. 1-2 (February-May, 1921). b. Vol. V, No. 4 (November 1923).

9. Mississippi Valley Historical Review. a. Vol. IX, No. 3 (December 1922). b. Vol. X, No. 2 (September 1923). c. Vol. X, No. 4 (March 1924). d. Vol. XI, Extra Number (April 1924). e. Vol. XII, No. 3 (December 1925). f. Vol. XII, No. 4 (March 1926) g. Vol. XIV, No. 4 (March 1928). h. Vol. XIV. Index. i. Vol. XV, No. 1 (June 1928). j. Vol. XV, No. 2 (September 1928). k. Vol. XV, No. 3 (December 1928). l. Vol. XV, No. 4 (March 1929). m. Vol. XVI, No. 1 (June 1929).

10. Missouri Historical Society Collection. Vol. IV, No. 4 (1923).

11. Southwestern Political Science Quarterly. a. Vol. II, No. 1 (June 1921) b. Vol. II, No. 2 (September 1921). c. Vol. III, No. 2 (September 1922). d. Vol. III, No. 3 (December 1924). e. Vol. V, No. 3 (December 1924). f. Vol. V, No. 4 (March 1925).

12. Tennessee Historical Magazine. a. Vol. IV, No. 1 (March 1918). b. Vol. IV, No. 2 (June 1918). [Two Copies] c Vol. IV, No. 3 (September 1918) [Two copies] d. Vol. IV, No. 4 (December 1918) [Two copies] e. Vol. V, Index. f. Vol. VI, No. 3 (October 1920). g. Vol. VI, No. 4 (January 1921).

13. Reprints of Alfred B. Thomas: a._____. "An Eighteenth Century Comanche Document." American Anthropologist. Vol. XXXI, No. 2 (April-June 1929). b.____. "San Carlos, A Comanche Pueblo on the Arkansas River, 1787: A Study in Comanche History and Spanish Indian Policy". Colorado Magazine. Vol. VI, No. 3 (May 1929) [Two copies] c.____, ed. "An Anonymous Description of New Mexico, 1818." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. XXXIII (July 1929).

14. Reprints of Edward Everett Dale a. ___. "The Ranchman's Last Frontier." Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. X, No. 1 (June 1923). [Three copies] b. ___. "Ranching on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, 1880-1885." Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. VI (March 1928). [Two copies] c. ___. "History of the Ranch Cattle Industry in Oklahoma." Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1920. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925. d. ___. "Those Kansas Jayhawkers: A Study in Sectionalism." Agricultural History. Vol. II, No. 4 (October 1928). e. ___, and Wardell, Morris L. Outline and References for Oklahoma History. N.P.: By the authors, 1929. [Two copies in different covers] f. ___, ed. The Journal of James Akin, Jr. University of Oklahoma Bulletin. New Series No. 172. University Studies NO. 9. June, 1919.

Buchanan (James S.) Collection

1. Gittinger, Roy. The University of Oklahoma, 1892-1942: A History of Fifty Years. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942.

2. Runyan, Nadine, ed. Pioneers of Cleveland County, 1889-1907. Norman: Cleveland County Historical Society, 1971.

3. Erwin, Perlee Dair. "The Influence of the Supreme Court upon Our National Development." Unpublished B.A. Thesis, The University of Oklahoma, 1911.

4. Rutherford, Mildred Lewis. Truths of History: A Fair, Unbiased, Impartial, Unprejudiced and Conscientious Study of History. N.P.: n.d.

5. Oklahoma Library Survey and Commission Reports: 1919-1920, 1920-1921, 1921-1922. Oklahoma City; Warden Company, 1922.

6. Hirsh, Leon S. Corporation Laws of Oklahoma. Oklahoma: Secretary of State, 1930.

7. Davison, Oscar Williams. "Oklahoma's Educational Heritage." From Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. XXVII (Winter, 1949-1950).

8. Fisher, Sydney G. "The Legendary and Myth-making Process in Histories of the American Revolution." From Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. LI, No. 204 (April-June 1912).

9. Bizzell, William B. "Education and the Useful Life." N.P.: 1926.

10. Oatman, Mirriam E. "Oklahoma's Dramatic Year." From Southwestern Political and Social Science Quarterly. Vol. IV, No. 4 (March 1924).

11. Stevens, Edwin B., and Elliott, Edward C. Unit Costs of Higher Education. Reviewed and Reprinted by the Educational Finance Enquiry Commission under the Auspices of the American Council on Education. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925.

12. Perkins, Clarence. An Outline Analysis of the History of England. Columbus, Ohio: The College Book Store, 1918.

13. Smith, Charles W. "Notes on the Life and Historical Service of Thomas W. Prosch." From Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. XIV (January 1923).

15. Perkins, Clarence. An Outline Analysis of the History of Modern Europe, 1815-1929. Grand Forks, North Dakota: By the author, 1929.

16. Tyler, Lyon G. Propaganda in History. Richmond: Richmond Press, 1929.

17. Marshall, H. Snowden. Address Delivered at the Opening of the Building of the Confederate Memorial Institute at Richmond Virginia, May 3, 1921. Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, Printers, for the Institute, 1921.

18. Everett, Lloyd T. Living Confederate Principles: A Heritage for All Times. Ballston, Virginia: Yexid Publishing Company, 1917.

19. Minnigh, L.W. Gettysburg: What They Did Here. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: W.H. Tipton, 1924.

20. Montana: The Magazine of Western History. Vol. 12, No. 2 (Spring 1962). (Issue concerns "The Civil War in the West")

21. U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Public Education in Oklahoma. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1922.

22. The Carlyle House. [Alexandria, Virginia] N.P.: n.d.

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Annual Reports of the President and of the Treasurer:

23. Third Annual Report, 1908.

24. Fourth Annual Report, 1909.

25. Fifth Annual Report, 1910.

26. Eighth Annual Report, 1913.

27. Tenth Annual Report, 1915.

28. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1918.

29. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1919.

30. Sixteenth Annual Report, 1921.

31. Nineteenth Annual Report, 1924.

Bulletins of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching:

32. No.1, March, 1907. Papers Relating to the Admission of State Institutions to the System of Retiring Allowances of the Carnegie Foundation.

33. No. 2, May, 1908. The Financial Status of the Professor in American and in Germany.

34. No. 3, June, 1910. Standard Forms for Financial Reports of Colleges, Universities, and Technical Schools.

35. No. 4, 1910. Flexner, Abraham. Medical Education in the United States and Canada.

36. No. 5, 1910. Cooke, Morris Llewellyn. Academic and Industrial Efficiency.

37. No. 6, 1912. Flexner, Abraham. Medical Education in Europe.

38. No. 7, Parts 1 and 2, 1914. Education in Vermont.

39. Vol. 8, 1914 Redlich, Josef. The Common Law and the Case Method in American Law Schools.

40. Vol. 9, 1916. Pritchett, Henry S. A Comprehensive Plan for Insurance and Annuities for College Teachers.

41. Vol. 10, 1917. Kandel, I.L. Federal Aid for Vocational Education.

42. Vol. 16, 1922. Learned, William S., and Sills, Kenneth C.M. Education in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.

43. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1907. Two volumes. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908.