SCOREBOARD TUESDAY CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Passing 482 187 Norris Division 61- 17-44, Hal Urary Eagles 0 (Joe Lodge

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SCOREBOARD TUESDAY CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Passing 482 187 Norris Division 61- 17-44, Hal Urary Eagles 0 (Joe Lodge i 20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, November 5, 1990 SCOREBOARD TUESDAY CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Passing 482 187 Norris Division 61- 17-44, Hal Urary Eagles 0 (Joe Lodge. Jeffrey Stacey and Ratum Yards 14 62 62- 1844. D Gross- 6 hrsr Butler 94. Nat- OllvarBrendan Cross played well) Orlolas 0 LOCAL NEWS INSIDE W L TP ta OF QA Comp-Att-lnl 43-63-3 13-28-0 Butiar 6 8 2 8 3 7 , Jim Damato 6 8 2 8 4 3 . Football Chtoago 10 6 0 20 52 37 Sackad-Yards Lost 6-40 2-16 Basketball SWEEPS — Gross- Whrd Holmes 73. NeF SL Louii 9 4 1 19 51 39 Midgets Punts 3-35 7-47 Ed accagllona 7 8 8 6 7 , Ted Backial 7 8 9 8 9 , Dalroft 7 5 3 17 58 57 FumBlas-Lost 2-1 2-1 Whit Chapman 78-868. B Gross- Tom Lowery Bolts 3 (Al TromBloy 2; Matt Frost and Jeff anrhfstrr MlrxiGsota 3 9 4 10 42 60 Penalties-Yards 7-51 4-34 77. Nat- BoB Brown 82-14-68, Fhurl Rossalto Dahms played wall) Sidekicks 2 (Matt Dziama, ■ Coventry OKs new sewer lines. Eagles 48, Patriots 20 Toronto 2 13 1 5 42 80 NBA standings Tim s of Rrssassion 49:52 19:18 8814-69, BoB Flynn 81-11-70. C Gross- At Casey .ktoobsen and Chris Brindisi played well) Sm ytha DIvlaion Nm vEngland 3 7 3 7— 20 EASTERN CONFERENCE OBar 86, Adtor DoBkin 86. Net- Dick McNamara Dolphins 3 (Joey LeRoy 2, Jimmy Buckley; Calgary 11 5 0 45 Atlantic Division PNIadalphi* 10 10 7 21— 48 22 68 87-17-70. D Gross- Oliver BuHar 94, Merrill Lindsay Foster played well) Express 0 (Eric R m Quartar Loa Angalaa 10 4 1 21 66 46 W L PcL Bears 26, Buccaneers 6 OB Anderson 94. Not- Jim Damato 97-2872 PBnticelll, Jonathan Vogt and John Whtts played ■ Manchester police seek molester. Ph1-fGRuze(<27.8:41. Yancouvar 7 7 0 14 42 46 Boston 2 0 1.000 WhaVs Chicago 0 17 9 0— 26 B EST 15 — Gross- Jim Morlarty 73. Not- Jim wail) Yfinnipag 6 8 1 13 48 47 Philadelphia 2 NE— F G Staurovsky 39, 11:2S. Tampa Bay 0 0 0 6— 6 1.000 Morlarty 5 6 -8 5 0 , John Evans 5 8 8 5 0 . B Strikers 1 (Mike Driggs; Matt Fisher and Edmonton 2 8 2 6 31 37 Miami PN— Barnatt 37 pass from Cunnirigham Saoond Quarlar 1.000 t « Gross- Rich ArchamBault 80. Net- BoB Whn<^ DeSimone played well) Sockets 0 (Den­ Sunday's Qamsa New Y>rk ■ Andover Board faces proBlems. (RuzaK kick), 14:40. Chi— Mustar 12 mn (Butlsr kick), 4:10. .500 Copeland 63-1850, Joe Novak 63-13-50, Jay nis Slochholz, Tkn Barry and Josh Ledar played News Whshington Sacond Quarlar Chi— Andaraon 1 run (Butiar kick), 12:19. Buffalo Z Calgary 1 .500 Roth 63-13-50, BoB Brown 6814-51, Carl well) New J e r ^ P h F -fG R u z a k 3 4 ,12.08. Chi— F G Butlar30, 14:54. Minnesota 2, Montreal 2, tia .000 Hohanthal 64-13-51. C Gross- Fred T r a n 87. Central Division NE— Fryar 36 pass from Wilson (Staurovsky Third Quarlar Philadelphia 7, Toronto 1 Nat- George McNIff 7819-51, Fred Tracy MSC Jets ■ Store dispenses patriotic ribBons. Los Angelas 2, Chicago 0 Atlania 2 0 1.000 kick), 13.06. Chi— Gantry 19 pass from HarBaugh (kick 6 8 1 7 -5 2 D Gross- Harry Plander 90. Net- The Manchester Soccer G u B Jets (1981 Nov. 6,1990 Phi— Kaith Jackson 37 pass from Cunnln- Monday's Oamo Detroit 2 0 1.000 failad), 4:55. Harry Plander 6823-45, Jim Damato 7824-45. girls) advanced to the State Cup tournament g i«m (Ruzak kick), 14:18. Boston at N.Y. Fiangars, 7 3 3 p.m. Charlotte 1 1 .soo CN— FG Butlsr 22,12:50. SWEEPS — Gross- John Lattanzio 71. Net- final By blanking DanBury, 4-0, In a semifinal I^lrd Quarlar Indiana i i .soo Fourth Quartsr John Evans 78868. B Gross- Rich Archam­ match Sunday. Danielle RoBenhymer and Phi— Wiliams 23 pass from Cunningham Milwaukae 1 1 .500 TB — Parkins 5 pass from Tsstavsrds (run bault 80. N e t-Jo e Novak 81-13-68, Carl Hohen- Alison Champagne scored two goals apiece for Local/Regional Section, Page 7. (RuzakUck), 501. NHL results Chicago 0 2 .000 failed), :50. thal 81-13-68, Jay Roth 82-1869. C Gross- the Jsts. Amanda DeSarlo, Kara Denz, Lauren NE— F G Staurovsky 44, 8:53. Cleveland 0 2 .000 A— 68,575. Frad Tracy 87. Nat- Dick McNamara 9817-73, Quigley arxi Beth Germain also played well. Fourth Quarlar Sabres 2, Flames 1 W ESTERN CONFERENCE Jack Gannon 8816-73. D Gross- Harry Rarxier The championship game will Be next Sunday Phi— Kaith Jackson 3 pass from Cunningham Midwest Division Calgary 1 0 0—1 90. Net- Jim Damato 91-25-66. against Enfield at Veterans Park in Ridgefield at Voted 1990 New England Newspaper of the Year (Ruzakkick), 1:29. First downs 2i g Buffalo 1 1 0—2 W L PcL QB Ybur Hometown Newspaper Newsstand Price: 35 Cents I San Antonio 2 p.m. NE— Cook 14 pass from Wilson (Staurovsky Rushes-yards 38-187 20-92 First Period— 1, Calgary, Qllmour 3 1.000 - Taiiwood kick), 4:14. Rsssing S (Flanhalm, Sutar), 2:12. 2, Buffalo, Flay 1 Dallas .500 191 12 TU R K E Y C L A S S IC — 1st place — Joe MSC Spirit PM -Cunningham 52 tun (Fluzak kick), 7:26. Ratum Vhrds 32 145 (Savage, Tuckar), 2:55. Minnesota .500 Ftoulin-JIm Boum-John WBrren-Ben Bossl-Tom P h i-V ick 1 run (Ruzak kick), 13:04. Sacorid Period— 3, Buffalo, Snuggarad 1 Utah .500 The Manchester Soccer CluB Spirit (1979 Comp-Att-Int 15-26-0 10-24-5 Vhrlano 58; 2nd place- Jim Booth-Ted Blasko- 4«.- A— 65,514. Sackad-Thrds Lost 5-35 2-24 (Flamsay, Ruuttu), :54. Denver .000 Boys) lost to Greenwich, 3-0, Sunday in the Fran Glantonio-Frank Schultz-Ksn DunBar 58; Third Ftorlod— Nona. Houston .000 semifinals of the state sup. Mika Yxing arxi Punts 2-37 4-36 3rd place-Dave Bromley-Hanry Steullat-Frank N E Phi FumBies-Lost 4-3 2-I Shots on goal— Calgary 14-10-11— 35. Buf­ Orlarxio .000 Jason Ftusso played wall in defaaL V Valvo-Roger Trole-Mick Gyokeri 50; 4th place- On Saturday, the Spirit Beat SimsBury, 3-1. First down* 16 28 Ponaltios-VhrdB 3-20 5-50 falo 6-8-8— 21. Rushes-yards 15^41 Yfalt Kominski-Stsve Johnson-John Lewis-Dave Barrett Quaglla, Jeff Cashman and A.J. Polls mobbed 43-304 Tima of Ftossassion 3 8 2 5 2135 Goalias— Calgary, Varm n. Buffalo, Malar- LA Clippers 1.000 Bergstrom 60; 5tti place- Charlie Corriveau- Ftossing 247 210 chuk. A— 15,034. Rirtland 1.000 FloBanhymar scored the Spirit goals while Josh Ftoturnfrbrds 10 67 Chargers 31, Seahawks 14 Seattle 1.000 Bruce Maynard-JIm Woodcock-Carl Brown (2) and Brad MacMillan had assists. Comp-Att-Int 14-34-1 15-24-0 Golden State .500 Mikolowsky-Joe Sgro 60; 6th place- Jim Bid- SanDlago 7 7 17 0— 31 Flyers 7, Maple Leafs 1 well-Dave Morency-Andy Weigert-Paul Sackad-\%rds Lost 4-17 3-30 Phoenix .500 MSC Dazzlers Seattle 0 7 0 7— 14 Philadelphia 2 2 3— 7 Calamari-Oick Neville 61; 7lh place- Paul Ken- FfrJnl* 5-45 2-47 L A U k a rs .000 The Manchester Soccer CluB Dazzlers (1080 FumBlaa-Lost First Quartsr Toronto 0 1 0— 1 .000 neson-fton Broege-Charile Copp-Matt Nowak- today during 2-0 2-2 Sacramento girls) tost to Berlin, 8 3 and Beat Suffield, 4-1. SD— Harmon 11 pass from ToHIvar (Camay First Period— 1, PhiladeIpNa, MallanBy 4 George McCarIney 61; 8th place- Flon Basila- Panaltias-Yvd* 11-75 7-47 Karan Stolp, Rachel YflHIams and Laura Halford kick), 5:16. (Craven, Murphy), 1136 (pp). 2, F’hlladsiphia, Sunday's Oame Chet Lukas-Hal Davey^eter Flamey-Bill Naakm Txna of Ftossasston 2425 35:35 scored the Dazzler goals against Beriln whila Sacond Quarlar Ekiund 4 (Karr. FVed), 1937. LA CHppers 109, Golden State 107 61; 9th place- John Nellgon-Bemie Quesnel- Sacond Period— 3, Toronto, Flamaga 4 (Raid, Monique, Fowora, Arxlra Mazur, Stacey Uriano INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Sea— J.Yfilliams 21 ran (Johnson kick), 131. Monday's Games Steve Huvekft-Chlc Seeback-FVek HuckenBeck Thornton), 8:52. 4, Philadelphia, MellanBy 5 and Maura Dodd also playad well. R USHING— New England, Stsvans 12-27, SO— Earty 45 pass from ToHIvar (Camay No games scheduled 62; 10th place- GIno Calderone-Dave King- (Acton, Kerr), 18.32. 5, Phiiadalphia, Craven 3 Melissa Heins, Lhidsay Schnekfsr, Leslie Adams 2-17, Fryar 1-(minus 3). Philadelphia, kick), 431. Frank Wbjtyna-Bill Calhoun-Dick Vizard 62. heavy voting Cnrkmf\ 1Q’*^ Barrett and Erin KngBloom scored the goals in Cunningham 8-124, Sherman 24-113, Vick Third Quarter NET SCRAMBLE — Joe PoulinJim Boum- Third P e rio d -^, Philadelphia, Acton 2 (Kerr). NBA result the ^ffield win wNIe Ashley Allbrio, Sarah Gulf at a glance 8-29, Byars 2-26, Barnett 1-12. S O -FG Camay 20.8:58. John WBrren-Ben Bossi-Tom VIviano 43.0; 638.
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