* Discussed by President and Advisers But

I SPECIAL Not Given Out for Present.

I -FOB- •' N ; •;•»---• * V*, ------I

SAGASTA. Ht)RSE STEAKS AND DOG CUTLETS. GOOD MOVE BUT RATHER LATE* TO ASSASSINATE Attaches Conditions to Her MONTEREY AT MANILA. Chief Item! on Bills.of Fare of Manila Din- Health of A Barcelona Anarchist Charged With the Spain Secretary Alger liooking After Job. ners. i 911 Prnoti Quito Camps. Au- Bayonne,France,August 9.—Despatches of Terms. Manila, July 30, via Hong Kong, lu uiaon uuuo August 0.—Secretary of food affects even [Washington, here from Madrid dated Acceptance gust 9.—-The scaroity received yester- Alger has determined to enforce every the richest classes in Manila now. There of aunounoe that the form of the of City Only Question the health day Span- Capture regulation whioh will improve is no nor flour ish acceptance of the Ame- meat, bread except very of the various camps of the army. The government's conditions involves the small reserves,chiefly laid under requisit- issued to- rican peace procla- Few Days. $2.98 following peremptory order was ion for the troops. The ews- mation of an armistice. This it is added, Spanish sold for 5.E8 and 6.98 day: censored admit that Fcrmerl) $4.93, must be first agreed to by the United pnpere though rigidly i;si. War Department, the famine and the unprecedented rains Adjutant General’s Office, States, and if the United States insists of are causing an epidemic. They pretend August 9, 1898. upon the immediate evacuation Cuba that the disorders are trivial intestinal 15 Crash and General Order. and Porto Rico, the Cortes will be con- Manila Bay, August 4, via Hong Kong, In order to prevent ns far as possible the ailments but I believe most of them nre voked within 15 days. Continuing the Given a monitor of be Last diseases Incident to large August 9.—The long expected encampments However* dysentery due to wretched food and the and Op- of Madrid says: Will, bodies men, namely typboid despatch character of the water. A Monterey, with the collier Brutus arrived Duck malarial fevers, diarroeheaand dysentery, The most rigorons censorship is exer- dangerous Suits, the are and the further spread thereof, where oised today. number of important persons ill. this morning during a gale. or less diseases have already gained more “The newspapers are not allowed to re- An abbattoir has been established for command- Them. Much relief is felt by Admiral Dewey ail from the Senor to headway, officers, fer to the plot against Saeasta's the of horses and The to will Modify slaughtering dogs. is ing general company commanders, life nor to the of revolutionary portunity and General Merritt and there intense appearance admit that the $1.91 exercise the utmost vigilance to enforce bands in the Castilian provinoo. newspapers military bakers are to the of enthusiasm the fleet and proper sanitary conditions in camp, and “Concerning the plot it; is said the con- reduced necessity throughout Forms;!; sold for $Z £8, 3.98 2nd4.ES stock of which will strict cleanliness of the person. have drawn lots to see which of using rice,the shortly the spirators be exhausted. The stock of is among troops. The speedy destruction or removal with them shall carry out its purposes and that fuel, too, exhausted and the bakers are The of Manila is now merely a DISPLAY IN OUR safety of all decaying substances, present the task has fallen upon a man named burning capture SEE and and the innoxious in doors and window frames. It is future, rendering Disbal, who has suffered Imprisonment impossi- of the few necessary to land -jj--— ble eat uncooked rice. question days the feculent matter of ths camp must be the fortress of Montjuiob for participa- to 9.—More than so made of the Cuban debt. The retention most expected from the A uecree nas ueeu issueu accomplished. tion in one of the Barcelona anarchist Washington, August momentarily autuunziLig the troops of the third expedition from SHOW WINDOWS. I will the of and the The quartermasters’ department and whose sentenoe was reoent- it had to of arms and ammunition the Spanish moment the cabinet The entry private premises outrages, twenty-four hours after begun by adjourned. seizure of all cattle and horses there for the United States transports Indiana, furnish lumber for floors to all tents. 1* commuted by the supreme court to ex- reference un- President was in readiness for the call a nominal iu worthless drafts. The general commanding camp will at pulsion from Cantellon. The band con- reach Washington, the Spanish note in troops comes in for indirect payment Morgan City, Ohio, Valencia and City of once facilities by to ac- Several animal belonging to the British provide ample hospital sists of £0 men. Aooording some conditions der the head of Cuba. the afternoon, hut toward a answer to the President’s peace throughout owners have been there which arrived in Manila Bay on arranging barracks where there is counts they are Republicans and the other taken, although Para, I of tents. No effort will move an official statement three o’clock took a brief from his were belonging to Spanish owners plenty Headquarters shortage hospital say they are Carlist. There first was presented at the White House by the In the absence of respite July 31, The dissmbarkation has been be to carry this order into effect to custom and that lind not been seized. An attempt spared was to attack a post captured work and a end those ambassador. What the nature of it is to the Spanish gained short nap. Several was made to seize the weather and the the fullest extent and to this all the arms Next they cut the telegraph French impossible give indispensable pony delayed by rough heavy concerned will not rest content with the members of the cabinet but left of the consular physioinn, and considera- and telephone wires. the answer was can only be conjectured position on the several Amerioan con- called, surf. issuance of orders npon this subject, but ble indignation has been expressed. im- of at But the is from the after remaining a few minutes in the There he some trouble they or their representatives, duly TROOPS TO BE SCATTERED. at this stage, the Secretary State, ditions. following may possibly Five members of the third expedition SHIRTWAISTS. pressed with this grave responsibility, White House. after four o’clock over it. the conclusion of .the conference making best information obtainable: Shortly died on the way, among them Lieut. R. 32 to 44 Bust measure, H will immediately see to the commence- and Uefitninniii at Chtckamaucra Will Be Re- drove over from the state ment continuance, superintendence the formal statement that nothing what- In treating eaoh subject—Cuba, Porto Secretary Day FIRE ON MERCHANTS’ ROW- D. Kerr of the engineer corps. accomplishment, day by day of moved to Various Polnls. practical The Manila and Peace Com- department and joined the President, an- wui- could be said the subejot. Ladrones, IlUO UlQirUVlTUiia lUi^UDCU upwu UUO ever upon Rico, 20G TO $1.50.1 Fanuoii Hall Narrowly Escaped a Scorch- WHEELMEN AT INDIANAPOLIS. mand. mission—an ooooptanoe in some cases is that he had received word from 9.—The interesting conference lasted an hour and twenty-flva nouncing q The attention of all concerned is called Washington, August lag, of news at the war discussion was .understood to relate to the conditions the French embassy as to an appointment at I.. A. W. Meet Which to army regulations concerning interior feature today’s depart- minutes. This prolonged tig Gathering E| and of com- Gen. Miles stat- laid down and it was the eoonomy, policy discipline ment was the cable from to indicate that the somewhat different from those agreed President ehould Boston, August 10—A fire on Merchants Opens Tu-day. circular No. believed Spanish panies, 1, surgeon general’s did not need reinforcements a distance of Faueuil ing that he Amerioan As to Cuba see M. Cambon at half five. Row within short office, April 9, 1898, to marches and answer waB not satisfactory in all re- by the government. past and advising that no more troops be sent at r.n hour this 9 —When the camping in the authorized drill regula- at the [hall, early morning Indianapolis, August in just what points it fell the Amerioan terms demanded the evacu- The embassy carriage appointed Parker tions; to soldiers hand book and the re- to Porto Rico. The effect of this des- spects, though caused a property loss of $25,000, while in registration bureau in Tomlinson hall W.S. at the entrance the I marks therein from which ation of the without hour to Go., complied, the embarkation of the of the island, specifying stopped a of were was to stop short of meeting expectations it number firemen the the number of wheel- his patch subduing closed for day, easily accessible data, suppemented by Gen. The and M. Cambon and M. Thieraut overcome by fume3 and others 526 St. troops at Newport News and to stop President It is to" It wns the future form of government. grounds sulphur men was nearly 2509. Many of £22,524, Congress own and the practical experience of impossible say. badly injured by falling glass and slate. registered the of each Wade’s corps from sailing. The disposit- Spanish reply is said to accept the sauntered the circular walk. them were from this but others, commanding general felt by the observers that had the answer leisurely up The principal losers were B. O. and G. city perhaps will at once and put into which are not now need- occu- camp prepare ion of the troops principle that Spanish sovereignty over When the ambassador and his secretary O. vVilson, botanical druggists who more than two-thirds wore wheelmen immediate execution a simple code of considered at been a complete acceptance of our terms, the while and ed for active service was pied top floor, Hovey Co., from o ut of the city. Phiiadelphla^wrts of the accomplish- Cuba will terminate, but it is understood entered the White it was 5.40 rules, daily practical officials and the result would have been made House, seed dealers suffered heavily from water. ment of he will assure once by the department the publlo. more than any other which himself, of the The fire started iu the small restaurant largely represented LADIES’ that there to take up the future government o’olock. The President and Secretary Day rendering daily reports to the adjutant determination was reached On the other IiaDd It would be a strained of Jones & Marshall on the street Hour city outside of Indianapolis. of the should be a movement from the of the extent of general army. general island and because joined them in the library. and the flames shot straight to the toot The and state officers gave a of rules will be Some of these will Inference to conclude that the answer was governor Copies the promulgated larger oamps. troops through an nir shaft, leaving the restau- the ad- will bo in a interests there is said to take the Prom then until a scant hour and a brilliant reception to the wheelmen to- sent at the earliest moment to be sent north where they unsatisfactory entirely, for in that case, Spanish rant comparatively uninjured The fire stationed at camps house was GOODS. jutant general of the army. warmer climate and or that baffled the fire for an night. The state beautifully I either afterwards the four were closeted to- department nearly RUSSET implied, but which to the President’s statement view, expressed half By command of the Secretary of War. which are under consideration according hour as it came a of the illuminated. About 800 We have a large and well selected the through portion decoratPd and H. C. CORBIN, have not been definitely seleoted. In- the United States should administer going over the answer of the that difficult to reach Three stock of Basset Boots and Shoes (Signed) yet heretofore made, his offer would have gether, roof was wheiemen wero at the General. of a number of is in visiting registered Adjutant vestigation plaoes of the island. alarms were rung and with the city’s two for Ladles’ and LSi Idreu’s wear. to the affairs Sagasta government. It was noticeable hotels Ail of the progress with special reference been definitely withdrawn and the war horseless a fierce attack was made four leading tonight. We make a of It engines seecialty TEDDY’S NAME PROMINENT. health of the camp and water supply. The time of evacuating Cuba is a detail that neither Assistant John from all sides. hotels are decorated. resumed with energy than be- Seoretary is believed by the authorities that good greater The floors filled with chemical name of the is said to nor top being The Boston ’99 meet club is working New York, Augnst 9.—The a toward man- iwhich Spanish reply regard Moore Assistant Secretary Adee, Ladies’ Russet Buttons at water will go long way fore. It would seem that there oould' and sulphur the smoke was stifling, and $4.25, Theodore Roosevelt was prominently the and main to secure the meet for taining the healthfulness of troops. as which can bj left to the both of whom are authorities on one entire of seven men might former price So.OO. for the of scarcely be a good reason in that case fom among;many engine company mentioned tonight candidacy Some will be moved at once after the Massachusetts division and their regiments were overcome, but revived being _ Governor of the state of New York at a commission for final determintion. and one or the of the Massa- and those which cannot he moved prob- withholding the result of the conference.' diplomatic phraseology, taken to tbe street. Three others on eil'orts me backed by those Polish meeting of the general committee of the the associated Ladies’ Russet $3.50. ably will he ordered to proceed upon prac- as to Porto con- ladders received from falling chusetts division, cycling of the of New York, On the whole, it is rather to be concluded The Amerioan conditions other of whom has been called into ugly gashes Republicans county tice the object being to scatter and slate and one had to be removed and all the leafing eye ins organi- discussion it marches, glass clubs, hisses’ Russet Oxfords $1,35. but after considerable heated as as and to tne are be- on Buffalo is also the troops much possible, that a middle result was obtained; that Rico, Ladrones, Manila, eto., ference previous occasions was present. to the hospital. The tire was under con- zations in New England. was decided further consideration of the the effect this season’s relieve the several camps from trol within an hour and half. hard for the meet. The above are all goods recom- certain lieved to be but the topics are When the ended it was five working subject 6hould be had before any of concentration. The belief is now gen- Spain was fonnd to have attaohed accepted, meeting “Teddy Edwards, Anglegia, Wales,* is and are in the latest styles. mendation the committee should be by eral among the offioials of the war depart- treated at some and it will minutes seven. had BOSTON IN the names registero... Edwards Roosevelt conditions to her acceptance of the Presi- length require past Secretary Day DARKNESS. among made. The resolution favoring ment that concentration in large oamps is known through the Cycle world on ac- as a read elicited the full text to how far the executive candidate wheD long and comparative inactivity, together dent’s terms, but that the latter was not show language been accompanied to the Boston, August 9.—The down town count of his abilities as a long distance and loud applause. of to take section of this or the with the failure troops rigid to the of the used may be construed as an acceptance. mansion Mrs. and remained city, praotically rider. disposed regard injection by Day they section north of Dover street had a .ho precautions as advised by the medical de- singu- On January 1, lust he set out with so Tho us the commission i3 Mrs. Mo- lar until a late hour miles Center & McDowell, THE WEATHER- partment, has been the cause of muoh new matter as sufficient in itself to war- provision to to dine with the President and experience tonight intention of riding one hundred is stated an accident atone of the He has suc- sickness in the various camps. It i3 TTInlnir through generat- every day during the year. 539 CONGRESS ST., rant an immediate termination of the aocectea to. The commission to'con- of Electric if he that one reason why concentration has ing stations the Boston Light ceeded in doiDg so up to date and orders __tUi-iAnn A AAA^Un 4-n f.Mc on each The the end of BROWN’S BLOCK. been allowed to oontinue and no sist of five commissioners side, Shortly after eirht o’clock Secretary company. usually brilliantly lighted can keep up the record until streets were In total made all of augfidtf were Issued for the practioe marohes, was darkness, the year he becomes the winner $10,000. President has taken to with Paris as the meeting place. went to his offloi?in the State Depart- the an The the expectation that the troops might be view the exception probable Day more so by overcast sky. Ho far this year he has made 221 consecu- i called for in a short time for service in The is said to hour. In police exercised vigiiance and no serious f-irru rtufltr cuntllTV NflWSDaD0r JD0I1 some of the Spanish conditions, but has Spanish reply develop ment, remaining there about an the field. mishaps or molestations of pedestrians were entertained by the local wheelmen s re- are a last for them to be somewhat the of the commission, to concerning the NOTICE. As this is no longer probable, orders allowed opportunity scope response inquiries press club at a baiiuuet tonight. expeotei to be issued very soon which sult of the conference with M. Gambon, of the prominent papers withdrawn or modified. leaving to It not only the determination Kepresentatives will mmro onir nf thra t.Pnnnfl And Snrflfld were and Mayor no Information MILLIONAIRE BANIGAN’S WILL. of the country present ALL PERSONS are hereby the Secretary said that be them around the country In now camps The reply of the Spanish government is of the future of the Philippines, but also Taggart presided. Ladies promise to could be made tonight. He could R. 9.—Since meet. respecifuily requested to abstain or upon marches. publio Providence, I., August a very Drominent factor in the ’98 practice to be a document embracing the details involved in the arrangement will A despatch from Gen. Merritt*concern- nnderstood not discuss In any way he said, the the contents of Joseph Banigan’s They arrived today by the score. They from going around Che city were havo been rumors of a small of a made known there are interested in the runs for women Ausr. 9.—Forecast for Boston lng the report engagement about 1200 words. It bears the signature lasting peace. answer which had been submitted by looking shabby when can merest detuils of a contest its probate hy Mrs. on the they near Manila gave only the the mjainst which are to bo given remaining for The outcome of the conference is un Secretary Day returned to it was current on the have their or and vicinity Wednesday—Generally and did not convey much information as of the Spanish minister of foreign affairs Spain. Banigan. Today mornings during the meet. clothing dyed would take the with occasional to the situation of the troops under his obtainable White House about 9.30. street that Mrs. Banigan cleansed and tailor’s cloudy weather; possibly and the form of statement is known, but the best opinion wifchiu pressed by command. Gen. Merritt has something throughout neoessary steps to ille har protest vaiifluio vuuud. Meantime Secretaries Alger, Bliss, at ilgllt suowers, ngui with reinforcements on that of Her is that the matter is still open, that Am- the time presoribed by law. pressmen over 10,000 troops Majesty's government. Postmaster General Smith and Attorney for next is Mrs. under the provisions of Forest Home and Aug. 9.—Forecast the way. The expedition expeot- bassador to the Banigan rftCTCO* 0 City Dye Washington, The copy delivered to the President was Cambon will report Spain General bad arrived at the eseoU’ an of Steam ed to reaoh him about 15. Griggs the will, is given annuity $15,000; u Carpet and East- August rUultll Cleansing For New England the use estate on Angeil Works. Wednesday: in English, the translation from Spanish results of his efforts and the desires of tlve mansion. of the homestead I---1 variable winds. street her life time, with all its 13 Preble St., opp. Preble House ern New York:—Rain, DEATHS AT SANTIAGO. another The live members of the cabinet re- during Use in to Frenoh having been made at Paris and this government, and that reply furnishings, the taxes and repairs to be place 5^* Kid Gloves Cleansed Every Day. conference with the President Mass., 9—A be mained in paid out of the trust estate. This was in Springfield, August speoial that from French to having been from Spain as to some details will TECja Local Weather Beport. to the Union from Adams, Mass., says: English until 10.30 o’elook. Assnranoe was given lieu of her dower right. Under the state of Cream of Tartar of to a final conclusion. of a widow contitntes 9.—The local weather A letter received from Captain Hioks made here. neoessary that the conference did not amount to a law the dower right Portland, August volunteers real estate. The claim is Co. M, second Massaohnsstts to con- one-third of the as to the weather The divided There were jnst four parties the of the and Soda CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK bureau office records states that Joseph Gravel, Jr., and David Spanish reply is said to be formal meeting cabinet, although that Mrs. Banigan will insist upon her both and Secre- submitted the Madrid it is believed, would yield are as follows: 0. Ferguson, both of Co. M, and into five points, or ference, President McKinley the reply by gov- dower. This, of Portlaud, Maine, fever heads, namely: of the annuity al- thermome- residents of Adams, died of yellow was discussed. an income far in excess 8 a. m.—Barometer, 29.768; oc- tary of State on the one side and M. ernment be obtained near Neither wae in battle, Cuba,JPorto Rico, Ladrona Islands, Day lowed. A statement could not ter, 73.0; dew point. 67: humidity, 82; Santiago. the conclusion of the aDd the deaths At conference, from Mrs. today, but one of the wind, velocity, 4; weather, cloudy. being taken ill before it, of of a Cambon, the Frenoh ambassador, and his Banigan W; officers cupation Manila and appointment said that nothing could named under the will stated that CAPITAL, 8 m.—Barometer. 29.864, thermome- were reported to the company’s Secretary Alger trustees $100,000,00 p. order first of M. Thiebeaut, of any intention on ter, 76.0; dew point, 59; humidity, 65; on July 28. commission which are treated in tho secretary legation, be given out tonight about the reply of he had no knowledge the part of Mrs. Banigan to contest the Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 wind, calm; velocity ; weather cloudy. named. presenting the ease of Spain. the Spanish government, indicating that Mean daily thermometer 77; maximum PRISONERS RETURNED. will. SPANISH The oall of had been al- it was a subject for further consideration. __ Solicits the accounts of Banks,mer- thermometer, 84; minimum thermometer, So far as conld be learned no mention the ambassador 9.—The steamer NOT SIGHTED. and 70; maximum velooity of wind, 10 NW; Gibralta, August WINDWARD cantile Firms, Corporations Hesceria of the Mediterranean branch of -—.-■—j—- total precipitation, 0.03 inch. N.F., August 9.—The Labia- and is to fur- the Anchor line, which left New York day and all absentees will be reported to MARIPOSA SAILS TODAY. St Johns, Individuals, prepared VIRGINIA SOLDIERS IN TROUBLE. dor mail steamer, which arrived here to- the afternoon of July 24, having the General. The members of tbe regi- nish its the best faclltiics Weather Observation. during San Francisco, August 9.—The steam- that she passed the steamer patrons board 80 prisoners taken from ment will be confined to their quarters day reports on Spanish August 9.-A disturbance ship Mariposa will sail tomorrow for sister of the in a.'.d liberal accommodations. The weather merchant men captured by Ame- Washington. until men have al- Hope, ship Windward, agricultural department Spanish a of men of the further orders. Three She will con- here caused by number Jnxr“ Honolulu and Australia. Lieut. Peary's Arctic expedition, on for warships, arrived today. a ^ ready been arrested. bureau rican Virginia has created sensation vey to Honolulu the members of the com- 20, off Turnaviok, but his other the dis- A decrease is noted in the July and will result in gratifying mission by the President to was not 8 p. m., meridian the I’O Alger probably or appointed steamer, the Windward, sighted. Interest Pail on time, observa- SPAIN. a number of only nine Dipoaiur. V~SoINg'baC1? honorable discharge of number typhoid cases, study the oondition of the islands. One The Windward had evidently pushed tion for each section in this of tnat been since being given Bridie VfAtt&rday a member having reported yesterday. hundred and men of the New York as August 9.—Twe^li^jiUWdred. The litty along at the utmost speed so to make SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FDR SAVINGS. order: direction of Madrid, a teamster remains of Private Ross, Co. F, will also on the POWDER Temperature, wind Gen. Linares anc* had trouBltr* 4EJ£h_ regiment proceed the highest latitude possible. with 031. regiim^t' first Rhode a who 6tate of weather: troops Hues and blows' N Island, typhoid patient Mariposa to join their regim ent at Hono- Absolutely Pure Interviews end invited. will return by the Alicante ratside the at Ar- Correspondence Ordonez It is sald that the leid ycsitiirday W3re interred today lulu. Boston, 76 is about to leave Santiago de Cuba. ;hanged Virginia11 % A NEW POLO LEAGUE. degrees, W, cloudy; New which the worst of it when a nnm- ington. 76 General Macias wires from was getting CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, President* York, degrees, W, cloudy; Philadel- Captain across toe HIS GRATITUDE. Now 9.—A con- More de Porto Rico that »r of his comrades rushed EXPRESSED Haven, Conn., August convenient, phia, 76 degrees, E, Washing- San Juan some of rELEGRAPH LINES AT PORTO of the THOMAS It. Cashier. cloudy; have soDtry lines to his aid. \ ference between representatives EATON, ton, 72 NE, the autonomists accepted service tne Aug. 9.—As an habitual crimi- Makes the food degrees, rain; Albany, 74 American General Butler, commanding Boston, National Polo league and the Southern lighter -in RE under the flag. the mete, McDonald was sentenced to \ CTO its:- degrees,W,cloudy; Buffalo,72 degrees,W, who saw the latter of nal John A. New England league was held at Savin livising, rart .—Gen. Greeley £ more cloudy; Detroit, 70 degrees, E, p and took a serious view of the Washington, August 25 years in State prison by Judge Bishop Kook this afternoon which it is believed and healthful. CULLEN C. SETH L. cloudy; FOR ratbreeik s advised tele- CHAPMAN, LARRABEE, 68 St. SIGNALMEN MONTAUK. has announced his decision to that 100 miles of'hnilitary Court today. After the will result in the formation of an eight Chicago, degrees, NE, clear; Paul, ncide^t, is in the Superior E. M. STEADMAN, PERLEY P. BURNHAM, dishonorably “M- graph now in operation in PVjrto Jlico, been McDonald club include Providence, 76 degrees, S, p cloudy; Huron, Dak., New York, August sig- aave everyone engaged the sentence had pronounced circuitjto Spring- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. 9.—Forty-throe and are to jonneofcing the points occupied by BRICE M. EDWARDS, JAM- < F, HAWKES. 78 degrees, N, cloudy: Bismarck, 72 de- nalmen from Tampa arrived at Long jhargifd passes and furloughs said ‘‘Thank you” in a pleasant tone to field, Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, hereafter United States troops with the cable and New Britain, N, 70 Island City today on their to Mon- be giT/en only by his personal court. Waterbury, Meridan HENRY S. WILLIAM M. MARKS. grees, clear; Jacksonville, degrees, way a jion at Ponce. V the QSGCUD, came jrder.. Roil-oall will be had lour times pi M.'W&Ftflstp NW, clear. tauk. They oyer the Penna road. \ ) 4 SAUGUS. Annual Sale9 over6,000,000 Soxaa COL. BOGAN’S FUNERAL. RACING AT wring a cry of protest from the wounded. CHINA IS GRATEFUL. CIENEGA’S DARK HISTORY. their comiades to nght They encouraged « Coed Day for tire belts. Be With Honors Un dor Di- Yesterday Was and handed over their cartridge Bat Reports That No Aggression Hag Been Will Military -Ihe Baud of Cutthroats That Once In- the snouts Sport. During the night Spanish rection of State. fested the wounded Threatened. Arizona Station. were seen carrying off dead and dead were Those who can remember hack to 187? of the enemy. The American of Mara- a—'l'he Mass., August ft—The sum- and thereabout in this buried next day in the Convent London, August 9.—Answering a ques- Boston, August arrangements Saugus, part of tho terri- FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS at the old track recall that oaban. tion in the the for the funeral of the late Col. F. B. mer meeting Saugus tory Cienega Station had a re- the Honse of Commons today, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, On the night of August 1, lighting of the Oth Massachusetts this.afternoon with two hotly con- markably tragic history. had been secretary for the foreign Bogan infantry, opened Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head- was renewed, and the enemy parliamentary It was once tho abouo of a small at S. V., have been in charge of tested events, a 3.14 puce and a 2.28 trot. though ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings taught a lesson and made the attack office, Mr. George N. Curzon, said the U. placed hand of lhe of was full of mis- desperate cutthroats—mainly the of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. with artillery, British had General Dalton as the family The racing exciting long range heavy minister at Pekin reported Adjutant of the on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis- Utah the artillery first heat of the 2.14 employees stage company—who Blotches battery replied and that the the deceased have a desire that haps. In the very Chinese government, replying expressed as honest hosts while operating a turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all iuol lasted an hour. stood on his hind posed to Great she the services be of a military character. pace Evolution up legs for unfortunate Nervous aud Trembling Sensations. One man was killed. He was Fred Britain’s message saying privato graveyard travel- two take at St. and dumped the driver W. O’Neill. By nor inferior to that THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF ipringsetter, First Colorado, and would support China against any power The funeral .will place ers, not unliko which men of Au- Friday the time the latter had himself tho name of Bender with IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer wore wounded. On the night an aot of China Catherine’s Charlestown, picked up has clothod its committing aggression in ohuroh, acknowledge them to bo ?ost 0, the artillery duel was renewed. the body lying in Evoluion was away up the worldwide terror and abhorrence. It was Will Soil Oc- because China had a British sub- morning, at 10 o’clock, running First on Two men were badly wounded and are granted station between Tuc- Philippine 9th most Shedding to 6tate at the of Co. D, regi- stretch and he went half a mile before he tho important :his morning bringing the ject permission aid or build a railroad armory A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. reported dead, noon son and Silver City on tho old Butterfield :otal dead to in the from Thursday wus thirteen, with ten or other pnblio works, as announced in ment, Charlestown, captured. San BF.ECHAW8 PILLS, taken as direct- ser- routo that ran between Diego lospital mortally wounded. an before the ohurch Then Hal Almont Evolutions' stage Females to com- the House of Commons on August 1. had until half hour repeated ed, will quickly restore General Greene has Issued a letter In a and El Paso. at the of performance and later on figured in plete health. They promptly remove on he oxpressad gratitude promise vice. of Cienega Station in Battle which desires to thank the 10th Penn- collision with L. in the third heat Tho tragic mysteries obstructions or irregularities of the sys- curred had no rank is George Sunday Night. and asserted that threat of his virtue for mur- Infantry and Utah artillery, a support As the deceased by of the 2.28 never oloarcd up, tem and cure Sick Headache* For a sylvania of had been made. pace. were entirely battalion of the Third and First aggression escort of a lull regiment, Prior L in the first heat hold followed Artillery Mr. Cnrzon also said that Baron Von entitled to the to this George ders and robberies and ups of the California for has kind- driver. other that Weak Stomach regiment Infantry the German minister for Col. of the 5th regiment ran away after throwing out his 60 on the heels of each their and skill in last Bulow, foreign Whitney swiftly gallamry night’s a for the Melson took the 3.14 in straight dealt with allairs, bad sent memorandum to her ly tendered that regiment duty pace tho real miscreants wore never engagement come to the heats pushed by Diversion and Impaired Digestion Majesty’s government saying Germany and the organization will although by the authorities. exclusive in itandom In the last heat. Disordered Liver MERRITT’S REPORT OF THE had never olairaed privileges morning. _ their crimes were how- city early Friday After had the first heat That avenged, had made no attempt to exclude a detachment of the First Evelyn taken IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN BATTLE. China, in addition as crimes are, is shown in tho free in the offices :n the 2.28 Lady Ayer captured the ever, always other nations from competition Corps of Cadets, through good pace there in race in fast time. Indian massacre which occurred Beecham’s Pills are and Washington, August 9. —The war de- the Sbang-Tung peninsula, and had of Lieut. Col. Edmunds, will act as a Eleven Men Killed The the fall of 1873. One dark night the Forty-four partment today received the following merely informed China that If she desired while the body bearers will summary: bodyguard, 2.14 Paoe—Purse 1400. in silence on tho sur- cablegram from Hong Kong: or required foreign assistance in the be eight sergeunts from the 5th regiment. Class, Apaches gathered Without a Rival Adjutant General, Washington: she should first will escort the funeral pro- rounding hills, and at daybreak, with a And have the Sbang-Tung peninsula, The troops b s, by Token P., Melson MacArthur’s arrived 01st. No where the interment Melson, in on the lit- at Malate Trenches. troops oiler the work to Germany. cession to Malden Mare ftei Buck, (C. McDon- whoop and yell, they rushed LARGEST SALE Wounded sickness. Five deaths. Lieut. Two of the bearers by all. apidemio will taka place. pall ald) 1 1 1 tle band at the station and massacred of any Patent Medicine in tlie World. Kerr, engineer died of spinal meningitis. REPUBLICANS. been selected, Col. Looke of no one was NEW HAMPSHIRE have already Diversion, b in, by Greystone, If any escaped, knows who it 25c. at all Drug Stores. Landing at camp delayed on aooount of Governor’s stall, and Lieut. Col. 9 —The Repub- the Juno by Mambrino, (W. Bray- or where he went, and the presumption high surf. To gain approach to city. Concord, N.H., August formerly of the 5th regiment, the commiswo iuov uw wui^ui Oakes, man) is that all wore killed. On a littlo knoll Green's outposts were advanced to con- licftn state others probably from societies and of 63 members. The being are tho mounds of 18 tinue line from the Camino Real to with an attendance of the Random, gg, (Durland) £ jj back of the station fixed as follows: past officers regiment. h m, b 2 6 line at- convention dates were T*v» Mary S., (McDonald) marked a shaft beach on Sunday night. Spanish Hirpfttinn nf t.hft (4nvflrnnr. A(1 infant b 4 3 7 unknown graves by single Concord, Tuesday, September Baby Strathmore, m, (Warren) Most teiekerl sharnlv. Artlllerv OUtOOStS be- State, General Dalton, accompanied by Lieut. 7 6 4 that tells the work of the avengers. A OAI A 13 Annie Shedd, b m, (Sterling) u/cn/ haved well. Hold position. Necessary to of the 9th oailed at the 6 6 6 tho crimes by tho white district, Manchester, Dobbins regiment, Sellie K., ro m, (Shanck) of perpetrated uall out brigade. Spanish loss rumored Congressional,first residence of the deoeased colonel to ex- S dr wero laid to the door of n UflLn HLLi\ Lines were Attacked 14; second district, Evolution, oh s, (O’Neill) men at Cienega Wednesday,September and condolence to the was afterward found American by heavy. 13. press sympathy 2.15 2.15. the Apaobcs, and it Our loss killed: Tenth Pennsylvania, Concord, Tuesday, September bereaved family. The general Time—2.14, 8-4, first district, Portsmouth, adjutant that moccasins wore kept by the robbers John Brady, Walter E. Brown; infantry, Councillor, this morning telegraphed the war depart- 2.28 Paoe—Purse *400. 15; second distriot, class, as of their highway paraphernalia. William E. Brlnton, Jacob Hull, Jesse Thursday, September ment asking for a furlough for the son part Tuesday, September 20; third r.nriv Amr. li m_ hv Woodbrino. most known crime of tho the Noss, William Stillwagon; llrst Cali- Exeter, of Col. Bogan, who is a sergeant at Camp The widely Regulars. 21; 4 oi Spanish third Eli Keene, Wednesday,September 111 nends was tne Maurice Juot; nrtilery, district, The was immediately (Dore) Cienega capture fornia, Thurdsay, Alger. request first Fred fourth district, Concord, Sep- with and the man re- Evelyn, b m, by Repetition, from El Paso to San Diego in IN Colorado, en route PORTLAND Daw; Springsteud. young fifth district, Fabyan House, complied 13 3 4 Seriously wounded: Tenth Pennsyl- tember 15; ceived a of 80 days. (McDonald) of a small guard. 21. furlough 2 2 2 3 charge government vania, Sergeant Alver Walker, Privates Wednesday, September Jennie Hale, b m, (Taft) funds of the United Statos the business had been of DEATH OF COL. BOGAN. 6 9 7 2 These were Lee Snyder, Viotor Holmes, C. S. Carter, After disposed Alpine, ch g, (Bass) who at- William E. Chandler addressed and the three men Arthur Johnson; First California, Copt. Senator 9.—Colonel Fred B. Captain Paul, b g, (Keeler), 8 5 5 7 paymaster, He said that the issues of Boston, August 8 4 6 to oonvey them in a buckboard R. Richter, Private C. J. Edward?; the meeting. Ninth Massa- Texas Lillian, oh in, (Kiley) 7 tempted Will Be tlic Week of the had and tbe Bogan, commander of the on campaigns disappeared ro 6 4 8 9 Cienega Station were murdered Third artillery, Privates Charles Winfield, past chusetts regiment U. S. V., died at his Halmont, g (Middlorby) past party comes to the elections 9 6 9 6 It was known that this crime Great Loss J. A. MoElrotb. Thirty-eight slightly Republican home in Charlestown at 2.20 o’clook this George L., g in, (Melody) the spot. were Driven Rack with of 189S as the party which originated and 3 7 6 8 They wounded. MERRITT. Gypsey Girl, b m, (Draper) was porpotrated by Americans disguised carried to a successful conclusion one morning. b 10 dis Colonel arrived here from Cuba Lydicfc, g, (Shannon) as a Yolun- TO LOOK PHILIPPINES OVER. of the noblest wars in history. It will Bogan Apaches. After Sharp Fight—American in a debilitated Time-2.22 2.18 2.21 1-4, 2.20 1-2 time it was for these with new with a few days ago, greatly 3-4, 1-4, At this impossible 9.—The officials of deal problems wisdom, at- Washington, August and The American condition, as a result of the hardships Benders to get out of the country Defeated the patriotism courage. con- Cienega teers Stood Under Fireand the survey are of opinion tendant the but h is NICHOLS WAS INVINCIBLE was Up geological will give it a magnificent verdiot upon campaign, with their treasure, so most of It that the Islands may be rich people was not to be unfavorable Philippine dition thought came the and say of approval. Senator Joseph H.Gallingar burled in secret. Then Apache of Killed Indicates That in coal and petroleum deposits until 2.15 o’clook this morning, when a Ball Game Enemy—Eist be found and Congressman Jfrant Clark also spoke. And Boston Won the Only Ofton since then idle prospoot- that it Is known that gold Is to sudden change occurred and he died a tew avengersi an for the hid- as there. It has been decided to make minutes later. Colonel Bogan was born Played Yesterday. ors have made vain searches There was a Series off Skirmishes of ANOTHER CONNECTICUT MURDER examination of the mineral deposits in this city February 11, 18ol. den treasure.—Arizona Gazette. Baker of i the islands and Dr. George F. Bridgeport, Conn., August 1).—What are as Killed on Sun- to EXPRESS SYMPATHY. Cincinnati, August 9.—Niohols was in- Men Reported the geological survey, will proceed will undoubtedly provo another addition1 COMRADES IN THE WINDPIPE. He will be shut the Reds Manila as soon as possible. to the list of Fairfield county murders vinoible today and easily Men and naval Salem, Mass., Aug. 9.—The following and taken care of by the military was trade when James Capara out. a mark for Boston. Do a day, Monday Tuesday—Our tonight was sent from the headquarters Hawley proved Ton Should If Foreign Body departments while travelling and during who was shot in the abdomen Sunday despatch of the first heavy artillery at Fort Pick- The second game was postponed on ac- Enters There. off the his stay in the Philippines. night died in the general hospital arrly the Trenches Insurgents. to Fred B. son of the late count of rain. Attendance 6000. The and one Occupy this morning. An autopsy will be held ering, Bogan, A most alarming accident, PORTO of the 9th: FIGHTING ABOUT OVER IN tomorrow. Terani, who was arrested Col. Bogan score: which is often as serious as it looks, Is the the first the trenches alter RICO. after the crime, confessed UJ the “The officers of regiment, Into the windpipe of a morsol of Manila Bay, August 8, via mantling, occupied shortly their Boston, 03011300 0—8 suoklng ENGLA Cavite, tender At 11.30 the crime. The shooting was the outcome of artillery, U. S. V., some other substanoo. This is not first shed- some desultory firing. p. m., heavy Cincinnati, 00000000 0-0 food or Kong, August 9.—The Ponte, Porto Rico, August 8.—(Delayed a over a of beer. 1 at the death of their Hong enemy, estimated at 2500 strong, opened quarrel pail deepest sympathy a very rare acoident, especially with chil- blood on Philippine under- General Henry, with and Col. 10. ding of American fire vigorously under cover of the in transmission.) old friend comrade, Bogan. Base hits—Cincinnati, 5; Boston, whose hold all, after the pookets are further AT SORRENTO. 4. Bat- dren, soil took Sunday night when eleven growth. Their movements were the 6th Illinois and the 6th Massachu- TENNIS The loss is theirs also.” Errors—Boston, 0; Cincinnati, is the mouth. place Penn- and orammed, usually hidden by the floods of rain. The of tennis teries—N iohols and Bergen; Hawley men were killed and 44 wounded during setts, will move tomorrow by way Sorrento, Augpst9.—The annual (Signed) The articles which have been drawn into sylvanians met the attack with a succes- Charles Col. 1st Regt., U. S. V. Ar- Peitz. Jlalate be- on which is about the Sorrento Pfaff, the the sudden taking of a skirmish at the trenches, sion of volleys covering their right with Adluntas Freclbo, tournament for oup began larynx through has tillery. are of the most varied char- tween Cavite and Manila. No attack two companies stationed In the swamp twenty miles north of Adjuntas, as the this afternoon with a number of interest- ENGLAND’S INTEREST IN CHINA. a deep breath the entrenchments. After about acter, such as jaokstones, nuts, marbles, yet been made on the Spanish line, but, beyond crow files. A short stretoh of the road ing matches the principal one being that London, August 9.—The degree of in- of an hour two A REPLY TO SHAFTER. buttons and not to mention he trenches three-quarters companies Is In a and E. of the coins, pins, the Americans now occupy under that the tr oops will have to follow between H. H. Ilackett of Vale terest and appreciation importance of the third regular artillery Major Gen- which tin whistles, leeches, shawl- FAIR, In Washington, August 9.—Surgeon and of the East to burs, corks, formerly held by the insurgents. O'Hara arrived at double to relieve tad condition. Practically all our R. Marvin of Harvard, both champions possibilities quick very eral Sternberg in defense of the medical has been aroused is evidenoed pins, hairpins, false teeth and even a real the following the whose ammunitions in motion In four From the England Sunday night’s skirmish, Pennsylvanians, troops will then be of their respective colleges. department of the army, made public a by the action of the Associated Chamber tooth which slipped from the forceps just were almost exhausted. They soon were killed: > columns towards San Jnan. start Haokett played with great care and reply to Major General Shafter in whioh of Commerce in commissioning Rear Ad- as it had been extracted. Pieces of food silenced the enemy’s fire. of the tenth her says: “When the regular troops were miral Lord Charles Berestord, Conserva- Corpo ml W. E. Erowu The 1st Californian, under Col. Smith, Gen. Schwanls at Y acuo, Gen. Wilson accuracy, passing Marvin beautifully are sometimes inhaled through hearty ordered into the field, commanding officers tive member of Parliament for the city of and the 1st Colorado, under Col. Hale, is near Cascoamo and Gen. Brooke is at whenever he came to the net. He did or excited talking while eating. Pennsylvania. were direoted to take with a to China. laughing 22-27. of regiments York, on special mission AUG. the first acted as supports. The affair lasted two enlisted the but The entranoe of the foreign substance, Private Brady of Pennsylvania. Guayama. The Porto Ricans by not, however, force game often, them a complete field outfit and medioal Lord Boresford goes to investigate the hours. But notwithstanding the tremen- if is causes violent the first a for Marvin for three months. Recent advices commerce and to even it only water, Private Bowker of Wyoming. were Gen. Stone have been engaged with rather safe and waited supplies prospeots of report par- dous fusilade only 10 Americans played a of the indicate that a majority of the fever oases as to the extent to which the coughing and spasmodic closing Privates S. J. Hull, Bunton (Brinton) killed and 46 wounded, though there small Spanish outpost, between Adjuntas to miss. Marvin ployed very pretty ticularly now occurring among the troops at Santi- Chinese government will guarantee the larynx, which almost amounts to suffoca- Park Noss and understood to were some casualities among the supports and on the road to Areclbo. bnt lacked the necessary The attractions at Rigby Stlllwagen, (all Utuado, tennis, staying ago aro malarial in character and that safety of British capital already invested tion. If the has passed through the while during the advance of the relieving body be of the tenth Pennsylvjnia. The skirmish took place last night and ability after long rallies. The summary; there lias been an ample supply of quinine and of contemplated investments. No Into the wlDdpipe, or has been and battalions the only officers wounded in larynx will be more numorous First Maurice Just of the of shots one round—Karnes beat E. C. which is the principle remedy required litter man than this enterprising business this suffocative attack Sergeant were Capt. Kichter of the 1st California, during the exchange Spanish Preliminary thrown out, passes 6-0. this form of fevers. I have made every man oould be seleoted. His mission in- trouble First California, wounded seriously in the head and Capt. officer was killed. Capelle. 6-3, off, and the sufferer may think his than ever before. All beat H. Shaw de- effort to anticipate the wants of our siok dicates the prevailing distrust of the greater third Hobbs of the 8d artillery, wounded in the General Miles with several troops j] J. C. Davidson by is over* Private Dawson, battery K, Major and wounded soldiers in Cuba without efficaoy of Lord Salisbury’s diplomacy to leg. of to follow General Henry fault. it if the has ex- the best horses in the country artillery. cavolry expect3 L. Williston beat J. waiting for requisitions, but ns we have conserve British commercial interests in Sometimes is, coughing the scarcely at- in a or two. First round—A. Although engagement day had oommunioation by cable, the fault China. Lord Charles Beresford intends pelled the intruder, but if this has fallon Private McElrath (Mcllroth) battsry A, tained the importance of a battle it tho- If is declared General Wilson, 6-2, 6-2. will bo there. The cattle and peace promptly ■ me to the condition is Lewer beat R. L. Wilburn, 6-0, 6-1. does not rest with if, owing to be gone several months. below the larynx the very tested the of the United Miles will to the first to enter San Juan, " H. third artillery. roughly quality failure on the of the chief surgeon be their zeal and Areclbo J. C. Davidson beat G. F. Eames, 6-1, part serious. The body may expelled during exceed those of Private third States" troops, stimulating going there by the railroad from Shafter to ask for stock entries Winfield, battery H, con- with General necessary another violent fit of but often enthusiasm and inspiring them with to the Porto Rican 6-1. New York. coughing, capital. beat 6-1. supplies, there has been a failure to meet Voting In Greater artillery. fidence. The Spaniards, whose losses In view of the news received here about W. S. Warland, A.C.Wise, 8-1, it can be removed only by the operation any year. R. the requirements of the sick. and it is a one previous On Private are not are tactics in- of the all H.H. Hackett beat E. Marvin, 6-2, Election day dawns, busy of the known as tra- Monday night Spriugstead known, adopting the progress peace negotiations, “The Relief, whioh ar- opening windpipe, irritate the Americans. to be- 6-3. hospital ship for the To the average citizen of will furnish of the first was killed. tended to Hvury the American army officers appear on board pqlloe. cheotomy. The “Midway” Colorado, _ rived at Sibouey July 8, had maintain an annoying fire. lieve that there will be no more Now York and to every small boy who oan Last (Tuedsay) the following night they fighting. medicines for twenty regiments for six The daDgor of the accident depends night, have now got the true range of the The fleet is in the harbor of Ponce, and TO BE MANAGER. a bonfire an election means a lots of fun for the money. They DOWST months, calculating upon the basis of the help build much upon the size and nature of the sub- were killed: earthworks and their shell and shrapnel Rodgers of the Puritan, who is that it Captain 9.—At a of the taken and large supplies in holiday, but the policeman rejoioes stance inhaled; if it is a hard, smooth and Private William Lewis of the fire is accurate. in orders at time Calais, August meeting supply Roddy very command, expeots any addition of the more but once a For weeks a American losses held this important medicines, comes year. previ- rounded body, such as a melon seed, On Monday night the to proceed to San Juan. executive committee morning If these 23rd infantry. hospital stores, dressings, etc. ous to election they, too, have been busy marble or or the like, there were one killed and five wounded, and on was eleoted gen- small pebble, H. F. Dowst of Bangor, were inadequate, there was Private R. Bowers, of the signal corps. one killed and six wound- RICAN PICNIC supplies in preparatory work. Every registration is a chance that it may be ex- hall will contain Tuesday night PORTO ABANDONED to me of the fact be- very good Portland City eral of the Washington ample time inform j a and Private Fred Buckland of the 13th Min- ed. manager County has been verified by personal vi6it, pelled in the same way it entered. Washington, August 8.—The Secretary fore the sailing of the Olivette, July 16.” have been This percentage is heavy, considering railroad. in cases where fraud seems to To favor this the patient a exhibit. Through- nesota. of War has stopped the despatoh of further expulsion magnificent that the men were well entrenohed and On December 8, 1897, Mr. Dowst je- oommitted the evidence bas been carefully should lie down, with the head lower than Some of the wounded in Sunday night’s in the reinforcements to Porto Rico. Portland’s chief there has been hardly any fighting WATER SUPPLY AT MONTAUK. warrants Issued. The lodg- a the week General Miles by cable this signed from the position of divisiojj, prepared and the feet, or he may be held up for min- out skirmish were struck by shrapnel. open. Gen. McArthur's brigate which reported hotels and like turtb luo iuiuw uti ms uummniiu of the eastern 9.—Some houses, cheap plaoes ute or two the heels, in order to get the arrived Sunday is landing today through muruiug superintendent division-og Washington, August question ing by business thoroughfares will be was for the of arisen as to the water at have been under the most rigid surveil- of the force of This, the heavy surf. Nothing more serious ample purposes completing the Maine Central and station agent Iif[ has supply assistance gravity. STORY OF THE FIGHT- tho conquest of the island. This leaves Montauk Point where Shatter’s army is lance for weeks in order to deteot and pre- should be done if the doctor with col- than a thorough wetting has occurred of his own volition. Mr. however, only brightly illuminated all of General Wade’s provisional corps of Bangor Dost^ to be sent. It is claimed that it is entire- No oan vote as a Tells of De- as vet.although the oneration is not with- vent colonization. person is at hand to perform tracheotomy London Times Correspondent the western regiments still In the U nited was in the employ of the Maine inadequate and that the lake which is unless he is known oat considerable danger. Hardly any Centra^ ly from one of those plaoes last resort, because the foreign body may ored lights and decorated with of States. He bis upon for water is brackish. Sur- feat Spaniards. cases of sickness are for thirty years. began depended havo been there at least 80 a the reported. railroa^ said that to registered become fixed in narrow part of There are six brigades under the com- station in geon General Sternberg today career at the Readfleld Decern- days to Mention day and to have lived and so cause suffocation.—Youth’s bunting. August 10.—The correspondent mand of General Wade. The first bri- there would be an ample supply of water, prior larynx London, in the at least four months. When Gen.Greene’s AT MANILA. is of the First Rhode Isl- Uui xuui. aDd that the lake would furnish water if county Companion. of the Times at Cavite with LAND FIGHTING gade composed were it were not defiled by the troops. He it is remembered that 12,126 men of 3 Attack American Force and and, Fourth Missouri and22(1 New Fork; brigade under date August says: Spaniards that the water at in licensed houses of soeond of tho First North TUG IN NEW YORK. said, however, supply registered lodging has been the brigade SPANISH PU M.uai° 431 he Food Young, oovered itself with meeting Maternity is a wonderful experience Order elate at Chandler's Store) Easy glory. is made. convene tomorrow. Upwards of 100 health whose arms are engraved Congress street. The men their pulled guns through authorities were present. Papers reveiw- and many wpmejfcfftpproach n wholly Balllie to tbe to mud axle deep. Two were sent it, was bequeathed by Easy Buy, guns ing sanitary progress throughout the Childbirth under s walk- around in and in a TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM right College of Napoleon flank, poured destruc- world and particularly in -iEjjrsiJtered. Physicians. to Miob>.-.° " 1 need not women. sold in Lon- Cook, tive fire. The was and » conditions terrify ing stick of tortoise Bhell was Easy enemy repulsed Effectually vet gently, when costive or read by the delegates. ANDERSON, ADAMS & GO., retreated in disorder. Our Infantry had The advice of Mrs. Pinkham is freely don in 1823 for £88. Honore de Balzao to to overcome habit- Eat, exhausted its ammunition and did not billious, permanently to all and had the mementos ho received from vari- Easy follow the ESSEX TO BKCQVje offered expectant mothers, HOUSES IN DEERING enemy. ual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys A TRAININC ous fair which consisted in part Fire Insurance to advice is the most admirers, or terms. All Agency Not an inch of ground was lost, but the CiHIP. ber beyond question of Any location, style, price Easy Digest. and liver to a healthy activity, without preoious stones. kinds of exchanged. scenes In the trenches was one never to be valuable to be obtained. If Mys. Pax- property 31 Exchange Street. uaker Oats forgotten. or weakening them, to dispel Portsmouth, N. H., August U written irritating 9._The ton had to Mrs. Pinkham be- s flashes of the dead of S. S. Esse'k stationed at this Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man & During lightning headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup navv vart confinement she would have been DALTON CO., First Class American and Foreign Companies At all and wounded could bo seeD has been-’ ordered into fore clear an active a vig- grocers lying In blood commission as sooi head, brain, strong, made the California Fig Syrup as alw can be made ; orous Portland. Me. Horace Akderson. Chas. C. red water, but neither the elements of Figs, by ready for u trainim saved much suffering. Mrs. Pinkham’s body—makes him fit for the batth 478 1-2 Congress street, Adams decia Thos. J. Little, ip eodtt in 2-lb. heaven or the destruction of man could Co. rJnip. She will be ready for sea of life. jy23,Tu,Thur,b»Mf _____ in a week le ^ pkgs. only address Iffau. ^ THE WAR CLOSED SATURDAY SALE. "HOME SWEET HUE.” war Land i it. 11 was impossible to carry on the and attend to this Great Sale at the same time. GREAT_LAND Some people only sing They' 3 TO 33. don’t have a chance to do any. AUGUST thing else. If they were in Portland today ft HEW FIELD FOB INVESTMENT Brand flnBnintr anil Rala g&BLMSa.- ——- hi ba^oonawtosions,. Ray IT WOULD BE DIFFERENT. AS PRIZES. in Cuba and Porto RACES AND SPORTS. Will Shortly be opened up Rico, but in the SATURDAY, AUG. 13. ESgEJLOTS Very different." TlieycouTdTno! will see a that mean time people of small means safer investment and only sing it hut own it—and ON THE OPENING DAY THERE WILL BE A quicker turn for their money in those choice lots at Grandview. for almost nothing.

, NOTHING IS SAFER . ; . ; , Grand Combination Balloon Ascension ONLY $2.00 DOWN. 50c WEEKLY. NOTHING SURER TO YIELD LARGE RETURNS. These are the terms ob which you can locate permanently at By Prof. Charles Iff. Kabrich of Boston Grandview And the beauty of it all is—that it is right here at home where and Miss Hina Madison of Hew York you can look after it yourself. THE GEM SUBURB OF PORTLAND. IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT WITH DOUBLE PARACHUTE LEAP FROM THE CLOUDS High and Dry.

If fail to along in the world when a sure thing is held you get During which Prof Kabrich will perform is to it. out to you and all you have got to do grasp STREETS ALL BUILT, OH A BICYCS.E IH MID-AEK.

This combination, or its equal, has never been seen in the State of FREE WATER SUPPLY. Maine and is an unparalleled attraction worth going miles to see.

m m A ■ m M ■ GRANDVIEW I Don’t wait tor the opening, you nan tsuy Lots now. LAND IS THE SUREST, the Go and secure lots And agents will be on the land every day to show property. early your f hold si.Ill.mi.... before the rush on the opening day and while the present prices good. the lots will be the best For the first 10 the of half SAFEST IHVESTMEHT. over square feet of building days prices Is Bituated in South Portland, opposite the Golf Club grounds, and contains 1,400,000 and alsoon Grandview hag a on both Main street and Rigby Road, 10 cent discount for cash. land in the vicinity of Portland. This tract large frontage to $19—$2 down; 50c weekly. per burn no-one It has a of -000 feet on the $9 It can’t up, can-steal it, and unlike stocks and the new boulevards we are constructing through the property. frontage and Park Avenues, Each lot will contain from 2500 to 5000 square feet. are one and or near road will run directly pas. It on bonds which np day dcwn. the next, land in a & Elizabeth electric car line, and a proposed extension of the Portland city Portland Caps is are thousands and a number of the lots immediately bordering the growing city always IncreasingJn Value. There Main street. The Boston & Maine R. It. also crosses part of the land, foot tots on the electric car line $19. Lots on the high land $19 to $49. The location is the highest in the vicinity of 5000 only of people who are rich today simply because they owned land near track will be reserved for manufacturing purposes and a railroad station. miles. On this is one of the that can’t oe aupncaieo aoou* r-omanu. some one of onr-New England cities and held on to it until it the and harbor, Rigby Park and the surrounding country for property S^=These are Bed Rock prices Portland—overlooking city for house ven- several hundred families. Although the spring itself is worth a for- came into active demand lots. And we can safely finest springs in the state, with sufficient flow to supply to for a that there not a foot of land within this valuable water and present it the city OF , ture the prediction is vacant tune, we shall improve the land immediately surrounding supply FREE LOTS IN CASE DEATH. Hon.PariGre- A. F. 11(1 CflRFFlTIlRF S2 H?™*®8, hall ail to use the water. The title to this property was examined by three miles of Portland city h|it which will he worth the serving to owners of lots at Grandview the right FREE GUARANTEED TITLES. I'U lUlilulUllL NO NOTES. in the of Portland offers such inducements way from doable to ten times its value inside of five years. Moulton, Mayor of Deeering, and pronounced perfect No other place vicinity TAXEa present FREE LOTS TO BUILD. For nonpayment in easel A few dollars invested in one of eur lots will be laying the foun- as Grandview for a home or safe investment. JJO FREE LOTS OPENING DAY. of siokne.s, mss of NO INTEREST. dation of a home or future capital for many a young man in Port- land and vicinity. See that you are one of them ! Young man be employment or any other NO EXPENSES. FREE CONVEYANCE alive to your own ! Fathers start your sons in the world cause. interest? reasonable NO FORFEITURE. lots for a nest ! It CARS TO GRANDVIEW FREE WATER. with one of ohr egg is better than patting pen- SPECIAL ELECTRIC nies in the savings bank for them to spend a? Booh as They are old to draw them 50 cents a week ! And think From i Monument : Square enough out. Only LOOK AT THE ABOVE IMDPCEMEITS. what it means to you in the future. and lots with others on the markets AT 1.00, 2.30, 4.00 AND 5.30. Which are good for the first 10 days only, and if you will compare our prices you 8.30, 10.00, 11.30, will own one or more lots before you sleep. Free Tickets Can be Obtained at NEW ENGLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY, NEW ENGLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 473 CONGRESS ST. COR, PREBLE ST„ PORTLAND, Head Office Herald Building, Boston. OFFICE. 473 Congress St. 473 C0H6RESS ST. Don’t Fail to See Our Stcreopticon Evenings._ POR.TLA]VD ao NEW CORPORATIONS. The Boston and Maine railroad tvil1 horse was covered with foam and dirt, THREE FAVORITES WON. better than when we flret arrived. tlves in Salem and Somerville. Mass., chosen bearers were Corporals much and Sheridan looked like a wild man. pall Mrs. Leonard anc new ran several trains on above date, and re. SOUTH PORTLAND. Privates Most of the of this regiment are fast companied by Berry Augusta, Augusts.—The following He rode onr men, standing Devancy, McGovern, Kirkbride, boys duced rates from along through Miss Blanche Hail of Somerville, whc have filed certificates at the many stations will be in in bis and more Capt. Jack, Qncen Vitello and Terrill S. Hanson and Lawson, all of changing color. It seems that the ‘tan’ corporations up stirrups swearing Fitzgerald, effect. ever was a weeks as her of State: fierce than I believed possible* 2d Ar- that we from the rook bound will pass few guests. office of the Secretary Winners at Old Orchard. whom are members of Battery E, brought me that his AT PRIVATE are It seemed to eyes literally LARGE ATTENDANCE of Maine a for1 Mr. Frank Minot and family pass National Camp Supply company, or- tillery They took seats in the govern- coast proved only roast, HOW SHERIDAN CAME. flashed fire. YES- three at Jordan’s Rocks. at for the of BROUGHTON’S FUNERAL ambulance which accom- we are now fully as dark as when we left ing weeks ganized Kittery purpose “Blank-blank the blankety-blank ment red cross (Bangor Commercial.) Old 9.—Three Mrs. W. H. Moore has returned from on a busi- scoundrels,” he would shout, “don’t let Orchard, August good TERDAY. the remains to cemetery Nantlo. carrying general oamp supply M. H. Andrews of a panied Evergreen Bangor, Maine, ’em drive us baok. follow me races were run off at the kite track this the home of her sister Mrs. ness with stock of which Boys, you men have had their Rutland, Vt, $9000 capital member of the band of the Twelfth Maine Hundreds of gathered yesterday where the interment took place. “Most of Co. K’s an you'll sleep in your old camp tonight I two of them off the reel people Mills. is in. The offioers are: Presi afternoon, going left the and have started to Guy 84000 paid was a witness of the termi- “And we did there. You know morning at the family residence on After the funeral cortege house, heads shaved grow Infantry, sleep and the third into five Mr. R. B. Copp has returned to Salem, William F. of Win- how we did it. Sheridan's and being split np re- escort boarded the eleotrio various of beards. Private dent, Montgomery nation of Sheridan’s fam ous ride. profanity Pickett street to their tributes of the military styles Wiley of them a dead heat be- pay Mass. Frank L. Wood courage oaught the retreating troops and heats, one being to the there a heard of the same as throp, Mass.; treasurer, That day, as Mr. Andrews tells the to the memory of Private George cars and proceeded cemetery, has grown style we turned {and went in and whipped leaders. All three races spect Mrs. Charles Lufkin of Charlestown, of Boston, Mass. Certificate approved tween the two in the arrival of the ‘Butcher and Private Driscoll story, in his way, the hundreds of Stewart Broughton whose remains lay to await procession Weyler, interesting Eighth, them, capturing prisoners went to favorites. is the of her sister Mrs. Mat- 1898. arms. the at the and resembles Mass., gnest August 2, Nineteenth and Sixth at and many a handsome casket draped with which they joined entranoe, Chauncey Depew. Army Corps lay a from St. N. thew Summer street. L. Warren “I 6aw more or less excitement during Terrill S., gelding John, this on to the Woods, George company, organized Cedar across the in the American Among the number were marching from point grave “We are not troubled with mosquitoes Creek, turnpike, never the his flag. at Portland for the of the war, butjlfshall forget sight B., won the a.20 pace, lowering Rig- formed in line and at the com- purpose carrying order after a victorious career in friends from the village and city, soldiers they proper bat flies and bugs control the land. Many MAR INE SALTS SWINDLE. named, of Phil Sheridan galloping down the mark of 2.11 1-4 to 2.10 1-4. The 2.16 on a clothing and furnishing business the in his by Fort Preble mand fired three over the remains a Shenandoah valley. The rebels hod lines, standing straight np stirrups in full dress uniform from volleys of the in their efforts to get good waB won a New boy3 with *25,000 stock of whioh $300 is and like a fiend.” pace by Queen Vitello, of dead comrade. The final Formal Action to be Taken at a Meeting capital been soundly swearing and Portland Head, and a detachment of their parting rest take their blankets and sleep thrashed, many prisoners reduced her mark to night’s in. The officers are: President, York mare, who salute came from the Parker of and in Portland. paid had been taken, and it was believed the 12 sailors from the Montault. buglers, in the open air, where the buzzards 2.12 1-4. The 2.11 pace was captured by of George L. Warren of Portland; treasurer, Confedsrato forces had with- DOLE WILL CONTINUE TO RULE. The services were conducted by Rev. Battery E, 2d Artillery and Chapman the flies them to generally sing sleep. L. Warren of Portland. Certifi- Capt. Jack, one of the Rigby surprises F 7 th who advanoed with us The of the Marine George drawn from the locality. It was early Washington, August 9.—President San- A. .1. Weaver of the spiritualist society Battery Artillery, “Our mascot “Jack” is still meeting Electrolytic of last week. cate July 30, 1S98. to and lirst there was to the side of the grave and sounded Saits to be held in Portland, approved one foggy morning, between 4 and 5 ford B. Dole is to oontinue exercise the of Old Orchard, sing- and refuses to leave K ‘street.’ Company, The summary: The Portland Phonograph company has that the of chief executive of Hawaii of “Seme Sweet Day, By and By” “taps” which translated is generally un- August 19, will be held in Lorimer Hall, o’clook, three corps along the functions ing at Portland for the NEWS ITEMS. been organized pur- front of the were until such time as shall receive 2.16 Pace—Purse $500. by Miss Mildred M. Higgins of Oakdale derstood to mean ‘Go to Sleep.” Tremont Temple, next Tuesday. The army awakenel by Congress pose of renting, selling, owning phono- of the commission to and J. Edward Bartlett of New York. Boston meeting is called in order to give desultory firing eut iu front of the the report appointed b Vitello— KEY. MR. LONG’S FAREWELL SER- Mr. John T. Flavin of Cambridgeport, slot machines and Queen Vitello, m, by Mrs. H. C. of wh'6 graphs, graphophones, Eighth. devise a form of g overnment for the Mambrlno Patch- Then came an invocation by Mass., was the guest of Capt. James the great majority stockholders, Play Girl by MON. carrying on a general novelty business, “I was in the islands and shall have enacted a statute 111 of the 1st Society of of last are residents of Bostcn and its suburbs, Nineteenth Corps with en (Rathburn) Berry Spiritualist Blake of B street, the latter part of which 3 2 3 of wlthjj$5090 capital stock, nothing my Mr. ‘‘and for its government. There is to be no Susie T., b m, (Clark) Portland whirh was followed by the It is understood that Rev. Mr. Long a chance to be present and be heard. The regiment,” says Andrews, 6 6 week. is in. The officers are: governor of Hawaii appointed by the Nea, b m, (Burch) 2 will paid President, we heard the We hymn “Along the River of Time wo the Bethany Congregational church Miss Edith Lee of Taunton, Moss.,is the action taken at this meeting as to the fu- firing. suspeoted President for an indefinite time, if at all. Gano Wilkes, ch g, (Kent) 5 8 3 Donald Fuller of Portland; treasurer, that the rebels had small 4 4 4 Guide. his last sermon to his old parish- Peel of A street. ture of the company will shape appeared in The attention of the State Department Colbath, b g, (Brewster) preach guest of Mrs. George B. probably of Portland. Certificate Joseph L. Ells force on our left and didn’t realize having teen called to the reports that Lucky Boy, b g, (Palmer) 6 5 7 Rev. Mr. Weaver then de livered an ad- ioners on Sunday next. He has aocepted who has been en- th^ action to be taken at the formal front, Miss Edith Jordan, 1898. President Dole was to be American ch 7 7 5 approved August 4, that the rascals had come in appointed Girl, m, (Conley) dress full of comfort to the family and a call from a church in Illinois and will has in Portland. up the night joying a vacation of several weeks meeting has governor as well as to another report that 2.14 2.13 1-4. The Winthrop Ice company been and the of the and were Time-3.12 1-4, 1-4, friends of the dead soldier and closed with soon leavo for hi3 new Held of duty. resumed her duties in the One of the callers at the offices of the fog early day, United States Minister Harold Sewall again candy at Bath for the purpose of Pace—Purse as a of organized whipping the out of their camp was to be named for the plaoe, reference 2.20 $500. a fe-.ling reference to his qualities Sirs. M. L. Fifo Somerville, Mass., manufactory of George E. Sawyer, Port- company said he thought the stockholders Eighth carrying on general ice business and own- half dressed. was made to the annexation act passed ram services to the coun- is the of Miss G. O. Fickett, Dyer were foolish to sell their shores at 10 v Terrill S.,chg,by Strathmore and his patriotic guest land. the last which in one olause ing and managing steamers and other In a few could see by Congress, 2 0 1 1 in its hour of need. street. of cents. He said he would like to buy minutes, though we that “until shall —by Ajax, (Gilles) try Mr. Allen Chase Oakland, Cal.,spent and provides Congress pro- blk vessels for carrying freight pas- wo knew that the trouble was Flirt, m, by Arraont, The escort of 8 men from Bat- Mrs. Elizabeth Webster of Knightville with Mr. F. L. Main $8000 to $10,000 at that price. More than nothing, vide for the government of 3uch islands, 1 0 3 5 5 military Sunday Bradford, between and with (Remick) sengers port port, $100,- and soon the men of the all the civil, judicial and military powers 6 2 tery K, 2d Artillery, under charge of is visiting Mrs. Chas. Goddard. ! street. that, he said he believed that the system great, Eighth Lady Alice, b m, (Farr) 3 3 2 000 capital stock, of which $800 is paid in. in exercised by the officers of the existing 6 4 8 2 7 in Oliver of New York is vis- a corps came across the fields Cion, D g, (O'Neil) Sergt. A. Carloton was then drawn up Sliss Maggie "Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Knight and daugh- could be developed and be made pay- streaming government in said islands shall be Young The officers are: Orlando E. Dr. L., ro 4 5 4 4 3 on jj| President, our coatless and without arms, Just g, (McCabe) double iile on the of the residence iting her mother Front street. have been at the Lanewood ing venture. rear, vested in suoh person or persons and shall 3 4 steps ter stopping Lewis of Inta, ch m, (Welch) 5 6 7 Winthrop, Mass., treasurer, as had been from their bo exercised in such manner as the Presi- and »3 the was borne to the hearse He said that for nine years he bad been they surprised Robert b 7 7 6 7 5 body A SOLDIER’S LUCK. cottage. direct and W., g, (Putnam) Fred Raymond of Cambridge, Mass. tents the advance of the rebels. Below dent of the Unitod States shall ch 8 5 8 8 the customary “present arms” was or- Mrs. Dr. Brown has on a week’s making experiments In this and had by Dr. Dewey, g, (M.Demarest)3 Praivte McBride, a soldier at Portland gone line, Certificate 1898. the President shall have power to remove the the in ratio of approved, August 4, us and to our rear we could see the Time—2.12 3-4, 2.10 1-4,2.13 1-4, 2.14 1-2, dered, while buglers sounded to 7th Artil- outing to Old Orchard. succeeded getting gold in the said officers and to fill the vacancies so Head belonging Battery D. The Ellsworth Lumber company has the field like 2.14 1-4. E. Pettee. Fred Charles four mills to the and sometimes as Eighth Corps flying acrosB occasioned.” dirge. has inherited $30,000 from an Messrs. Spear, ton, lery, just been organized at Ellsworth for the pur- with the rebels close in their rear. It is said at the state department that 2.11 Trot—Purse The procession was formed and the with their families, and accom- high as ten mills to the ton. As Jerno- maa, $500. uncle in California. McBride has been Studley, of on business in within the of this section 400 pose carrying lumbering The men were shouting as they ran, and acting spirit 10 and by Miss Lou Knight and Hattie gan never claimed more than $1.S7 to the President will continue in office the Capt. Jack,blk g,by Black Wilkes— in the service only about jmenths panied all its with $10, COO capital the was wild. or about four be branches, sight Hawaiian Mattie C.,by Wildwood,(Flynn) 111 on all left Sunday for a visit at Bar tons, mills to the ton, realized our A rebel present officials of the govern- is now being congratulated sides Davis, stock of whioh nothing is paid in. The “We danger. 3 2 4 sees no can- ment, it as a needless disturb- Stamfcoulefte,b s,(Van Bakklen) over- Harbor. says he reason why the plant battery was coming up in front of us, regarding neeause of the luck which has officers are: Hale of ance functions there to Jasper Ayres, b g, (Payne) 6 3 2 good President, Eugene and the rebel as it chased the of governmental not be continued and be made Infantry blk m, 2 5 5 taken him. FLEASANTDALE. profitable. A. W. of was our make any changes in office until Congress Nemoline, (Carmicheal) Ellsworth; treasurer, King Eighth, fast closing in rear. 4 6 3 a form of Georgiana, b m, (Noble) SOTRiiiLMibl we had no orders. At has provided for permanent Still length our NEWS FROM THE CONECTICUT EX-MAYOR DAY DEAD. Ellsworth. Certificate approved August 3, islands. Queechy, b s, (Burch) 5 4 6 Mr. Albert E. Hayes who has been the brigade commander ordered us to charge government for the SISTERS’ 1 1898. Time—2.12 2.09 2.10. BOYS. Lewiston, 9.—Hon. H. and we did 3-4, 1-2, guest of Mr. W.H.Lindsey for a few days August Joseph thefrebel infantry, so, why, DOLE WILL BE GOVERNOR. Day died today at his home in Lewiston I do .not know. Our thin little line faded Connecticut left a many has returned te Bangor, where he is San 9.—Senator The boys good LET GO AND BE away before the advance of the enemy, Francisco, August of Bright’s disease, aged 87 years. He THE CHILDREN Hawaiian commission is NEXT WEEK’S RACES. H&ii SilWEl Ail friends behind them and the later are al- employed as brakeman between Water- who was not checked by our attempts to Morgan, of the was major of and If SO HAPPY. tbe Call as saying that ex- vi lie and Lewiston in 1879 stop them. quoted bv The classes selected for next week's J ways glad to hear something concerning Bangor. will be the first President Dole and had been alderman, A for the little folks is what We broke and ran. It was a case of President Is in of Miss Nellie street, councilman, gala day Sewall as re- on the Old Orchard track are: them. F. J. Brooks just reosipt Binkley ofvFranklin would to the of Hawaii and not Minister meeting SGALP GLEANER 1 president of the board of and has been for the 17th of rush to see who get rear has been the of Mrs. registration arranged August The Senator added that 2.13, a letter from Private Thayer of Co. K in Portland, guest first. Away back of us on the hills lay cently reported. TTotting, 2.30, 2.25, 2.20, 2.17,2.15, Are the that will re- ohairman of the water board. when will bo observed at has the best of reasons to bel ieve that only preparations which ho to their Louise H. Pillsbury. Children’s Day some of our troops in force, and we ran he 8.11; 2.30, 2.24, 2.21,2.18 2.14, to its | says referring present was Dole’s com- pacing, store the hair original j Ocean Old Orchard Beach. It is that The still held Admiral Miller carrying Tues- we our Master Charles Cool broth has returned Park, wny. Eighth Corps 2.08. The meeting will begin healthy condition. camp “How nil compare present mission to the islands. 2.10, MAINE POSTMASTERS. no small to for an our right, but the center was iu total condition at with those on from undertaking prepare day and continue four days. Entries will Camp Alger Spurwink. the flight. Taking a roundabout course, be- -AT ALL DRUGGISTS- as 9.—Among of this but everybody con- % hill. Here it is sweat Mr. Charles flre- Washington, August outing size, fore knew it 1 was our close Prospect dust, dirt, Merrill, employed the fol- I far away trom PAUL MULLER TURNS UP AGAIN. Friday. postmasters appointed today are nected with has labored aad heat. Most man on the western division of the Bos- the management lines, and until four o’clock that after- every in the compa- man lowing: Bethel, Jarvis C. Billings; N. 9.—A is and to ail so successfully noon I wandered around lost in the woods Auburn, Y., August special ny. myself included, have had to become ton & Maine railroad, taking a Wm. T. Smart. bard, purposes afternoon to the Bulletin Lewiston, in a strango country. About four o’clock despatch this on account of that there is little left undone. The Haven in the northern of acclimated by three or four days off the month’s vacation poor I came out of the woods and struck the from Fair part to and at “Charles of the Bowels. hooks. heatlh and has gone to the home of his morning wlil be desoted fun, turnpike, where I could see soldiers in Caynga county, says: Grape Catarrh near of a most numbers. Tn more I was arrested Sterling and sentenced “We are and Mrs. Furber Park attractions large five minutes located in a last year’s corn- parents, Mr. Leroy Merrill, many McArthur here six I had a terrible burn- had walked straight into my own regi- by Justice today, to field without a H. nature is Swinging, square foot of turf but CoDway, N. interesting provided. ment. months in jail as a tramp. His in stom- will general ing sensation my with a surface of fine dust. For several Mrs. Sewall Hall and nieoe, Bernice oroquet and similar amusements “The troops woro then in retreat before d escription and scars on head and hands of ach. Doctors I to amuse while bathing and the rebel advanoe, but a few minutes tally with those Paul Mullor, wanted thought ELIXIR OF OPIUM days we had to go neatly half a milo for Sinclair, have returned their home in many, boating, only murd6r of after I arrived Sheridan came for the the Newton family at had a boil on my Is a of the which its all our now we the liks sports bo in. galloping liver, preparation Drug by water, have a driven well Brewer. may indulged Winchester. BrookUeld, 7. The au- down from i’uu know the Mass., January me. effect* are while the val Eacou of You should visit tho new steel for and could not relieve njurious removed, close by. Mrs. Doras Freeport and Mr?. pier story. Sheridan had been to Washington, thorities at Brookfield have been notified. It §oi»P uable medeeinal properties are retained. of with Fcls>Naptha it is the in the it being secure in the belief that we could I could not retain what I “Wo still sit down in the dirt: and eat Nathan Cleveland Boston, Mass., are largest world, feeling possesses all the sedative anodyne and anti- cold our victorious course down the meals but have started a entertained at the and water. Reel18 nearly eighteen hundred feet in length. continue t pri zes. ate. bowels were in onr mess house being home of Mrs. J. his >vo;more LaSift My spasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no In valley, He was on way back to the J him tho afternoon exercises ■ of Cr boughs. We expect to go to Wash- W. Minott. appropriate at ho to 9.—Two Nor- a very bad condition. I sickness of the stomach, no vomiting, no cos front when, Winchester, began Key West, Fla., August of us—to be reviewed and Mr. James V. Williams will be held In tho temple. There will be of disaster. and steamers have been added to the decided to take Pe-ru-ua. One tiveuess, no headache. In acute nervous dis ington—24,000 has removed sees signs Stragglers wegian finally FLEALESS his war as if the from while in the loose horses running into camp told United States’ largo collection of bottle made me feel better. It finally orders it is an invaluable remedy, and is recom- it looks lighting was about his family Jtosllndale, Mass, .to the lectures, readings, etc., sing- the prizes They are the Alladin, captured I thank God that Pe-ru-na mended tne best over.” house owned by Mr. ing everybody will participate. Souvenirs story plainly. cured me. by physicians. Henry Moore, Elm cool, and cienn. “Then he mounted his famous black by the auxiliary gunboat Hawk off Cadiz will bo in all is was recommended to me. J.P. Lambort, From other letters in the possession of street. presented, and all it for the Isle of Pines, on Saturday last, and charger and started front, twenty light, Tenn.” All sell E. Fels & Con hoped remain a rode the lines the aoT';' iron- Templeton, druggists FERRETT, Agent. the PRESS we quote the following: mis, Carrie Wilkinson has returned that tho day will long miles away. When he up tho Bergen taken by 372 I'lbAItJL SEW YORK. on I Vo-ru-na. ST., memorable for the children. the sight was worth seeing. The blaok boot Viking of Francis Key ounaay. jnel.W&SaLtfnnn “We are now able to stand the heat -cmre tram jassing^eme -weeks-with rela-- Of grocers. Philadelphia. occasion rnfASCUL. AMUBJUMEMTS. Confederacy by a chiv- _ | _AKCSBMEWTS. PRESS. pellcd the Spanish troops with groat loss nies, held for the MISCELI.AJCEOI7S._ MlBCBLLAagQPS,_ PORTLAND DAILY alter the unpleasunt- to the latter. tills will he Au- ,-vlrous monomaniac — — Probably The action AND ness of 1S61-65 had ended. gustin’s lust attempt to assume the offen- of a Northernn of MAIN E STATE PRESS. deals with the experiences sive. iiis experience with American who unadvisedly wandered into tliosi JULY \meek Kates. a » Subscription will convince him, as did Toral’e parts and found himself prisoner. Riverton « troops PARK. AUG. 8th. for six of the August suffer with ;ir.advance) $Gper year; $3 at Santiago, that ultimate surrender can- The leading features In warm weather many people a 00 cents a month. in Si mouths; $1.00 quarter; not be avoided, and will euro him, as it Harper's are The Convict System Hie Daily is delivered every morning by Illustra- did of all inclination to seek the beria, by Stephen Bonsai, viohly the and at Toral, iNVESTMENTS. carrier anywhere within city limits lust ditch. ted; The Monster, a story depleting Uncomfortable Feet. GORMAN’S SPECIAlTf ALLIANCE. Woodford without extra charge. American life uuder the strain f in at the village ache and A selected company of and celebrities eseating a varied and artistic Daily (not advance), invariably ii They burn and smart, European American pi It hardly seems possible that the scheme intense Stephen Crane, programme of entertaining and novel rate of $7 a year. excitement, by specialties. South ... 4s for Gen. Wade’s army to Porto Under the are so tired. Let Portland, Me,, Maim; State Pkf.ss, (Weekly) published sending lustrated by Peter Newell; and those people of FATTTTj'l meg. every Thursday, $1.00 per year; 60 cents for 6 Rico will be pushed farther under exist- Spell of the Grand Canon, an account Co. 4'is THE months. their on Municipal Security months; eo cents for 3 It Is admitted on all T dust into and ing circumstances. life and adventure In Arizona, by stockings A superior of concerts excel- to ieave town for or organization women musicians in three daily rendering Persons wishing long of Minn., Gold 4>£s lent of sides that not a man of them Is needed Mitchell M. D., illustrated by feet a little City Duluth, programmes short periods may have the addresses of their Prudden, their every day in Porto Kico. and will not bo even if the Fernand Mr. Gladstone: Rem- Standish Water and Con- and IMusio. papers changed as olten as desired. Lungren; Popular Classical now closo iniscences Anecdotes and an Estimate peace negotiations apparently 5s Concerts at2.15, 4.30 and 7.30. Entertainments at 3.15 and 8.30. Advertising Rates. W. First II owtfer struction First Mortgage a successful should by George Smalley. Paper; gfgmfort to issue miscarry. of -ft Daily Press square, for on* the Queen had Abdicated, an aooount In $1.60 per The to United Gas and Electric Co. ships that will he neoe9sary carry the Prince of Wales as he to thoie Comfort follows sure and week; $4.00 for one men'll. Three insertions appears quick. g those are needed to back with whom he is associated most inti- • 5s Every other day ad- troops bring First Mortgage Gold McCuIlum’s Theatre, Park, or less, $1.00 per square. The Lord Comfort effective for skin Cape Cottage rates. Gen. Shelter's and save it from Chief Justice, Being Powder is any one third less than these army mately; unusually BARTLEY MoCULUIM, Manager. SWEPT BY OCEAN’ BBEEZKS. vertisements, an Episode In the Life of Richard • 5s for one Ryder, Maine Water Company Half advertisements $1.00 destruction. Furthermore the expense because of its wonderful medicinal and square otherwise “Galloping Dick,” by H. B. trouble, penetrating The one month. of the and there Coolest, Best Ventilated aid Equ peed m. and 8.15 week or $3.50 for expedition must bo large, Marriott Watson, illustrated by F. C. City of Tacoma, Washing- McCnllum's Theatre 2.30 p. p. the width of a col- The Fish but is a wonder for the feet. m. Free Musical Concert* dally, rain or "A square" is a space of is no justification for spending money Yohn; Warden of Madrid, an virtues, perfect comforting ®s Summer Theatre in Am r'oi. amusing sketch of New charac- ton, Gold . shine, at G, 15 p. in. in Casino. umn and one inch long. unless it is The excuse now England 4.45 m. necessary. Bliss B. All 25 and 50c. box free. Comfort Powder Co., Hartford, Ct. Sundays at 3 p. m. In Theatre and p. on first one-third addi- ter, by Perry, illlustrated by A. Druggists. Sample SECOND in Special Notices, page, in this enter- Ind. Water WEEK. Casino, free band concert by,Chandler*s put forward for persisting Frost. Jeffersonville Band. tional. Matinee at 2.30 Daily. at 8.15. is that it will be a to 6s Evenings Meals served de hote by $2.u0 per prise good thing The midsummer number of St. Nicho- a la carte or table Amusements and Auction Sales, Co. THE the famous enure the to the climate in case BIGGEST HIT IN YEARS. caterers, liobinsou and Hodgson. week. Three insertions or less, troops las Is full of seasonable and timely arti- of square each sale The Five Act Naval Drama, Banquets, Clambakes, Shore Dinners, parties they should be needed to pacify Cuba cles. It with a of the For by 300 or less a specialtv. Menu ( arris and prices $1.50 per square. opens story navy, at office of p. & c. E. Co., 12 Monument Notices in nonpareil type and classed after the Spaniards have withdrawn, and the Anna A. lty. Reading Margery Captain, by Telephone 501-3 fine Square. with other paid notices. 16 cents per each but the condition at Santiago shows that Rogers. Mr. B. B. Rogers, U. S. N., Sail water bathing. Fishing off the rocks, and bait furnished P. Mor- Insertion. to enure American in mid- (tackle free by A. trying troops contributes an article on Big Guns and rill In of the Notices in reading matter type, THE charge grounds.) Pure Reading summer to the climate of the is ENSIGN. tropics Armor of Our Navy, telling about the Bare Tropical Bird Collection and other each insertion. WOODBURY & hue MOULTON, Park cents attraotions. 15 per about equivalent to^destroying them. of offense and the means of de A Massive Scenic Production. weapons is noted as one oi most Wants, To Let, For Sale and similar adver- •‘Cape Cottage” the fense which are so muoh in evidence Produced under the picturesque sea shore Parks on the Maine 25 cents per week In advance, for Personal Stage Direc- tisements, Gov. BlaofrHI Mew York i3 said to have Coast, distantfrom Portland about seven miles these Mr. describes in brief tions ot Mr. McCullum. 40 words or less, no display. Displayed adver- days. Rogers a trolley ride across liie harbor expressed himself as thoroughly sick of BANKERS, by delightful and the shores of Casco tisements under these headlines, and all adver- the manner of making and testing guns along Bay. Unrivalled and as not a renomina- and Crowded Houses at marine views. historic Fort Preble In will be politics wishing and armor, and gives an accounnt of the Cor. Middle Exchauge Sts., Including tisements not naid advance, charged and Portland and their lortiflcations tion the this fall. Mo first timo that a monster thirteen-inch Me. jyldtf Headlight, rates. by Republicans Portland, Each Performance. the sea. Cars run to entrances Theatre and at regular oannon was fired in Amerioa. Charles B. by more to sicken him than Casiuo. hence no of to In Maine State Press—$1.00 per square man ever had SECURE SEATS AT ONCE. exposure patrons Howard contributes a story of the Philip- stormy weather. and 50 cents per square for Black has during his term. on for first Insertion, experienced pines entitled,Juanito and Jefe, the hero That’s always the result when Reserved Seats sale at Steinert & Sons. See timetables of the P. and C. E. By. Co., at each subsequent Insertion. The bosses who were instrumental in his of which is an admirable little fellow. 517 Congress street. 12 Monument Square, Portland. Me. a or Wall- a riPraoc oil pfimmnnlcationfl rela.tlnt? to sub- Charles M. writes we sell Carpet, Drapery Round Tickets with to 23 nomination turned upon bim when they Lieutenant McCarteney $90,000 Trip Coupon Admitting Theatre only cts, aug8dtf advertisements to Portland about Ooean Storms and the manner in Whenever we make a sale scription3 and found that could not control all his papers. they which are recorded. Lieutenant Publishing Co.. 87 Exchange Siaxar, they a reason for official acts, and made It as unoomfort- we make friend. The John M. Ellicott contributes an article on Fobxland, Ml : the THE GEM no n«o this is We auiu mm The Cradle of the Cyolones. give great- 4 PER CENI THEATRE, PEAKS ISLAHOT kind THIRTY YEAR very uncomfortable indeed. With Gov, In the Century for August Surgeon- est quantity of£tlie right The Handsomest Summer Theatre in America. Under of Black out the question of candidates General George M. Sternberg contends of goods for the least amount the Personal Management MR. BYRON DOUGLAS. THE PBESS. Commencing MONDAY AUGUST 8th, and for the balance of ths becomes an important and interesting that It Is to stamp out yellow of money. kvkmng, every evening possible week, with Matinees livery Afternoon except M«»nd>iy. one. Col. Roosevelt has been mentioned, fever and other but epidemio diseases, We shall be to see — glad you, — OF THE AUGUST 10. Colonel is not the sort of a man MU. BYRON DOUGLAS WEDNESDAY, but the that the task will be one of great magni- and will bo to see us, you pleased and his excellent Stock will present the great comedy in three entitled that the controlling foioes of New York tude and Hon. Frank A. Van- Company acts, expense. and more so to see our too goods. politios exactly want. \ He is indepen- derlip, Assistant Secretary of the Treasu- STANDISH WATER & ELECTION MONDAY SEPT. 12. and what is dent and headstrong, worse, ry, presents Facte About the Philippines, We sell Carpets, Drapery, Wallpapers. a deal lacking in discretion. Problems. CONSTRUCTION CO., he is good with a Discussion of Fending THE ARABIAN NS6HT Still he enough of a hero to an American busi- Republican Nominations. may prove Wallace Cummings, DUE 1928. The production will be given with entirely New Scenery and Magnificent Costumes. a and command so strong following among ness man, pictures Life in Manila, Evening Performance at 8 o’clock. Matinees at 2.45 o’clock. Casco Hay Steamers leave Cus- first House Wharf at 2.15 for and for Performances. the rank and file that the leaders may be there is from one of the West- tom Matinees 7.30 Evening Komid Trip Tickets, reprinted This company supplies Deering, to 25 cents. 10 20 cents. six chairs : an arti- & 00., with coupon admitting Theatre, Reserved Seats, and Boxes, FOB GOVERNOR to number of the Century amusing johnstonTbailey and and the their inclinations, brook, Gorham Stundish, In each box, 30 cents each chair. Admission without Casco Bay 20 cents. Sale of Re- compelled, against cle oalled A In Manila, written by Coupon, Middy Hg Middle Street, Portland. above bonds are served Seats at Caseo Bay Steamboat Office, Custom House Wharf. acoept him. Frederiok H. Paine. The destruction of aug8&10 Powers the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay is de- Llewellyn the there being Of Iloulton. The chief lack in military encamp- scribed by three eye-wltneses, GUARANTEED has been narratives Col. George A. Loud, Dr. FINANCIAL. ments within our own oountry by in this next October Charles P. Kindleberger, junior surgeon by Portland Water Co. Opens city of a water and that that good supply, of the Olymla, and Joel C. Evans, gun- COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. For to Congress, else is is also PORTLAND RAILROAD SO. Representative far more than anything responsible ner of the Boston. There given —FOB SALE BY— Boston STAR Course for the amount of siokness whioh Col. Loud’s diary, written during the Belt NEW LOANS. large Deering: Line Not only the cheapest but the best i, fever is battle. PORTLAND BRIDGE Thomas B. has occurred in them. Typhoid GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT. -VIA- Reed, The article in Pop- BRILLIANT tf. STAB * the disease which has been leading Appleton’s | apparently Police to Contractors. & and M. of Portland, ular for is a North East Deering Tukey’a Bridge. H. PAYSON &C0., ENTERTAINMENTS 1 for most of the siokness, and Science Monthly August lv W1 responsible will be received at the notice cars will run as follows: $75,000 * discussion of What to Tax and Separate proposals Until further Only $1.00 for admission to all ton. source of Infection from timely of Cumber- BanKers. { the most common office of the County Commissioners North East Monument East Relented scats, 10,15 and 20 cents extra each evening. FOR SENATORS. How to Tax It, by the Hon. David A. land County, at City Building, Portland. Maine, U. S. New 3 Per Cent. Bends. this is contaminated water. It Deering for Deering 32 St., Portland, Me. a malady o'clock noon, fifteenth. Deering Sq. Exchange Send us address and you will receive Joslwli H. Jr., Portland. Wells. His series of papers on the gener- until twelve (12) August lor for East & No. for fob28 trange 1888. Portland Portland North beautifully Reynold., al of of which this Is the Deering ticulars. Boston Star Course Entertain- Cyrus s. Raymond. where there could be no subject taxation, FIRST, for furnishing following material; via via via /' Wltham, were not selected block Deering. U merit 36 Brornfield St., Boston. Yarmouth. forms the most com- about 3410 sq. vds. of i\ew York granite Co., Joseph Y. liod.don, number nineteen, Tukey’s Bg. Tukey’s Bg. Tukey’s Bg. TEta — —: trouble of this sort. With the whole paving. 2010 lineal ft. oi granite curbstone, and /■r^^ii*^fiirr>m “ir~n, nf*>T*>~r‘‘*V>*‘ n* and contribution to the the same to be а. m a. m. a. m. of the * to be se- plete valuable 42 cu. yds, of paving grout, aTm. southern section oountry 6.53 Tlio Boston Star Course is represented in literature of the subjeot which has ap- delivered as per specifications. б. 23 6.37 7.07 $10,000 FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. lected from it would seem to have been SECOND, for lurnislung graves, brick, ce- 6.63 7.07 7.23 7.37 Portland by Mrs. L. A. Palmer, with headquar- in this country. Dr. R. W. Shu- and all and 7 23 7.37 7.53 8.07 ters at M. Steiners & sous’ Music Store. 517 Gcorce Libby, Portland. to find locations where peared ment, eastings appliances laying possible 3410 of block, set- 7.53 8.0 r 8.23 8.37 4’S. Congress street. jly7dtf feldt contributes a well illustrated article about sq. yds. granite paving, Casco National Bank CUMBERLAND COUNTY there was plenty of good water. There ting 2010 lineal ft. of curbstone, laying 42 cu. 8.23 ►.37 8.53 9.07 entitled Some Uses of the Camera in Zo- rubble, and building 4 catch basins. 8.53 9.07 9.23 9.37 — OF — has been, too, at the camps a '.lack yds. of dry INaTKUCTUJN. FOR SHERIFF. ology, in which he calls attention to the 9.23 9.37 9.53 10-07 but inasmuch as Oreu T. Desneaux, Brunswick. of sanitary precautions, value of photography for securing accu- Plans and specifications for theaibove work and 9.53 10.07 10.23 10.37 PORTLAND, MAINE, obtained at the 10.23 10.S7 10.53 11.07 the men themselves must be relied* upon rate and lifelike pictures of the smaller further information may be $20,000 10.53 11.07 11.23 11.37 animals studied the zoologist. 'The office of the County Commissioners at said WESTBROOK SEMINARY, to a extent for such precaution by bids for items first and 11.23 11.37 11.53 p. m. OF great, is taken Portland. Separate 1824. FOR CLERK COURTS, subject of Emigration up by must be 11.53 p.m. m. 12.07 incorporated Portland Men’s to con- second, as above specified, made, p. Young and as itjwas exceedingly difficult James Collier in his second in The Benjamin C, Stone, Portland, paper j although one party may bid on both items. No p. rn. 12*07 12.23 12.37 CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS Deering, fifle. vince many of them of their importance Evolution of Colonies series. Its ex- bid will be received unless accompanied by a 12.23 12.37 12.53 1.07 Christian Association. who had treme in the advancement of certified check payable to the County of Cum- 12.53 1.07 1.23 1.37 perhaps the authorities general importance 65th year begins September 6, 1803. For civilization is shown. The berland in the sum of S200.00 for each portion 1.23 1.37 1.63 2-07 20 YEAR 4 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS- FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. of the are not much strikingly 1.53 2.07 2.33 2.37 catalogue with lull inform uion semi to tlie supervision camp as above. The right is reserved to reject any mysterious and beautiful phenomenon 2.37 3.07 Tills Issue is secured by a first mortgage on tiEV. H. S. WHITMAN, Norman True, Pownal. of an and all bids should It be deemed for the best in- 2.23 2.53 Fresident, fault, but for tho laok adequate known as the Aurora Borealis is des- the laud and on and Me. terests ot the County. The successful bidder 2.53 3.07 3.23 3.37 building, Congress High Jly27(18w Heeling. cribed and W. Farrand Portland, which cost . 160,000. Tlio in- supply of good water somebody high .in pictured by will be required to give a bond for tile faithful 3.23 3.37 3.53 4.07 ONE MILLION streets, surance is and the rental of to be Felch. of each contract as above, the 3.53 4.07 4.23 4.37 865,000, present FOR COUNTY TREASURER. authority would seem responsible. performance stores and offices is OVER 86,000 per annum. FALL TERM same to be satisfactory to the said Commis- 4.23 4.37 4.53 5.07 Under the title Episodes ot the War, TOTAL Interest is so that James 31. Thompson, New Gloucester. sioners. 4.53 5.07 5.23 5.37 The charge $2,000, the commission income is OVER THREE TIMES THE No doubt Hawaiian Soribner’s will give in each number brief W, B. Allen. ) Commissioners 5.23 5.37 5.53 6.07 the for the 5.53 6.07 6.23 6.37 DOLLARS. INTEREST charges. Legal opinion and furth- will encounter to keep N. H. Seavey J problems enough and vivid aooounts of dramatic incidents. er information on All ot the COMMISSIONER. GARDNER Walker, ) County of Cumberland 6.23 6.37 6.53 7.07 application. HEBRON ACADEMY, FOR COUNTY for some time to come. issues are m their brains busy Mr. Spears oontributas The Winslow augu 6.53 7.07 7.23 7.37 above three $5oo pieces. Charles We recommend ail of ibe above securities as C. lViggin, Freeport. There is the electoral As it was 7.23 7.S7 7.53 8.07 Interest Paid on will open Tuesday, Sepf. 13. problem. Affair. J. F. J. Archibald, of the San 7.53 8.07 8.23 8.87 ABSOLUTELY SAFE, and offer in addition in limited clear that a majority of the people were Francisoo Evening Post (who was 8.23 8.37 8.53 9.07 the following high grade bonds, For catalogue send to to the Boston Globe the 8.53 9.07 9.23 9.37 TIME : DEPOSITS. amounts:— According to annexation, it won’t do to es- the a PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES, opposed wounded in fight while leading 9.23 9.87 9.53 10.07 W. E. SAK6EKT, President has asked Richard Olney to actual TJ. S. Bonds 1925, 4’s tablish universal suffrage. Some restric- squad of regulars) describes the 10.23 10.37 10.53 11.07 jly20eod2ru Principal, Hebron, Maine. commission. Draft* drawn on National Provincial Portland Gold, 4’s serve en tho peace tion will be but how much First Engagement of American Troops Cars Portland for East Deering and Water, necessary, just Plates and leaving Bank of London, in large or 4 l-2’s on Cuban Soil. Mr. Elmendorf was also Cameras, Films, Self North via Tutor's as scheduled Vngland, Portland Railroad, Gold, and what mathods it can be accom- Deering Bridge email amounts, for sale at current rates. Fred 'Williams is said by there, and furnishes photographs to sup- above will return via Stevens Plains Ave., Maine Central, 1st Mtge, 4’s YARMOUTH The Hon. George Accounts received on NORTH ACADEMY, are The the author’s own sketches. Rex and Rlue St., Woodfords and Forest Avenue. Current favorable 4’s for plished puzzling questions. plement Toning, Paper. Spring Port. A Rumford Palis, MAINE. to have bacome tired of running gov- Cars leaving Portland for North via terms. YAItMOUl'H, Kanakas cannot he struck out on ao- The number of MoClure’s Deeelng Union Pacific, 1st Mtgc, 4’s and this fall will August Mag- some which can Forest Ave.f WoodCords, Spring St. and Stevens solicited from Individ- ernor of Massachusetts, If you want thing you Correspondence A INew 6’s The 85tli year opens H-pt. 13, oount of their race, for our Constitution azine is a fiotlou with u Plains Ave. at 23 ahd 53 miuutes past each hour uals, Corporations, Banks and others New Pork Eng. honor to if any- special number, or daylight try yield the somebody else, print by gas will return via East ttierlng and Tukey's desiring to open accounts, as well as from West Chicago at. R. U. 5’s 1898, Board ami Tuition forbids any discrimination of that kind. story of school life by Rudyard Kipling; body oan be found who will aooept It nn- Bridge. aug4d6t those wishing to transact Banking busi- Joliet Railroad, Gold, 5’s A general educational test would not a of liners and Icebergs by Cutoliffe ness of any description through this $150 Per Year. his which is very doubtful. story der auspices, Bank. Belfast 6’s taken in lor best and work the restriction desired because the Hyne; a new chapter in the life of the _ exchange. First class preparation Colleges CARBON VELOX. for Business. F'or lull information, address cent of illiteracy the natives of the King in It is no longer denied that there was per among King Boyville, showing STEPHEN R. SMALL President the Frinclpal, is small. It is for this emer- of William This paper is being used largely by DAKiriAf I l Alfiidl IIQ1TB EEV. B. F. SNOW, A. M. mismanagement as regards the very luoky his first experience love, by MARSHALL R. GODINS. Cashier- PORTLAND TRUST 30MPANY, gross the of a love adven- Amateur and Professional. We are U augseod5w&w5w gency there is a gentleman from the Allen Wbito; story IlfljiUiiLL inUliLLrvJ I LI! febTfltt medical stores and of Gen. Shat- on augfi dtf supplies ture In a London fog, by Hester Caldwell making special prices Window South on the commission, for that section ter’s army, but where the blame rests is Oakley; a railroad story by John A. Screen* and Doors, Lawn Mow* has had much in concocting eharacteriitio of rural not clear. The Surgeon General is In- experience Hill; and a story era and Uardware. n,.hnmoc irici^a t.Vin nnnct.lf.nflrn fnr chut.. life oy Rowland E. RobinsoD. BAILEY &. CO. clined to pnt it upon Gen. Shatter, and BONDS. F, O. oat undersirable and be must in this he is sustained by the report of ting voters, be familiar with them. Then MAINE PENSIONERS. 4s MERCANTILE and Commission Merchant* his subordinate who had immediate pretty COAL. of Portland dne 1902-1912 Auctioneers City thero is the labor problem, which will be y.—pensions nave N. M. PERKINS & “ d<* Street. charge at Santiago. Gen. Shafter, on the Washington, August CO., City of Portland 6s 1907 Salesroom fcxobanjro no small one. Be et raisers in the “ seems to make out a sugar been residents of Maine as fol- of 4s c. W. other hand, good granted City Deering 1915 Trust F. O. BAILKV. ALLES West are not going to sit still and see 8 Free St. “ Co., tf defence lows: City of Biddeford 4s 1917 marliA Hawaiian raised by coolie labor Jly22eodtf sugar ORIGINAL. A Fail Assortment of Lehigh and Free- Town of Yarmouth, GOLD 4s due 1926 First National Bank Building, that Cuba will not be with the product of their free It ie said now compete Eli Dennett, Mnpleton, $6. Coals for Domestic Use. \ u A a «< mu Corner Exchange and Middle turned over to the insurgents until their labor. Coolie labor in Hawaii must go, Burning INCREASE. of Zanzesville, <>. 4s “ 1915 Streets, Portland, Maine, has been tested but what can be had to take its and City oapacity for government place? M. I’ocahontos (Semi-Bituminous) “ James W. Grlndle, North Penobsoot, WM. MARKS, Cleveland City Ry., Cold 5s 1909 for several It oan be be pre- Here is a very sizable problem for the offer the bonds: years. safely H. to Creek Cumberland Coals are “ following to deal with. *10 to $17: Joseph Nash, Orono, $10 Georges Union Pacific R. R. Cold 4s 1945 EVERY...1 dicted that the test will be so unsatisfac- commission $14- Edward Townsend, Newfleld, $10 to for steam and never be turned over to unsurpassed general U. S. Govt. New 3’s. tory that it will $12; Albert F. Jenkins, Farmington, $10 Prices on the of MAGAZINE NOTICES. to use. application. Correspon- ... MAN I them. In all probability destiny $12. Book, Card forge Mactiias Water Go. gold 4’s. Cuba is to be annexed to the United AND- Genuine Lykens Valley Franklin, dence Solicited. States, at the demand of the great major- Military Lessons of Manila, by F. K. MAINE PATENTS. Water Co. 4’s. TO EIS TRADE. English and American CanneL Newport, Maine, gold ity of its inhabitants. That twill prove Young, with many illustrations, and a Washington, August 9.—The following R. R. 1st historio at been to Maine Bangor & Aroostook | tne only escape from anarohy. glimpse of the ground Cbioka- patents have granted JOB Above Coals Constant- frequently hav* customer. 3 and E. F. Wat- people: J. F. Boooit, Sanford, ploker PRINTER, manga Chattanooga, by 5’s. stall for looms; D. A. Grant, Patten, sail PBINTBRS’ EXCHANGE, Mortg. gold coma to a* with oopy and ft The defences of Admiral Sampson are the features of the Au- On Hand. SWAN & any rous, leading shaker. ly lARRETT, are 07 1-2 Exchange St.. Portland .... 100-2 186 Middle Me. Ellsworth 4’s. which being put out by the Navy De- Nickell Magazine. The latter article TELEPHONE St., Portland, City of “ gust ily a dtl EWb(i Put It in attractive form Mid f partment are able documents no doubt, presents an interesting set of pictures, OFFICE: Boston Terminal Go. bonds. seem them a hitherto unpublished but they to be superfluous. There among phot- SIOO Reward S100. FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. make tho prioo rsasoEablo," of Grant and his staff oh Lookout J £ hue been no general disposition to de- ograph The readers of this will be 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. We also offer Mountain in ’68, and the pacer All orders by mail or telephone promptly $25,000 Washing- Chiokamauga to learn that there Is at least one sprSM.M&Fti work U tract from Sampson’s achievements or to in ’88. pleased attended to. sept22eodtf < In such com* the always £ encampment June, dreaded disease that science has been ton that are belittle him in Some of the County 4’s, exempt any way. Mr. R, Clipston Sturgis contributes to able to cure in all Its stages, and that is Ca- satisfactory and bring* «aoaUant of Commodoro tarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only posi- »»♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦<»$* EOW. E. LF.LAND & friends Schley have tho New Magazine for August GO., from taxation in this State. |> England tive cure known to the medical fraternity. that not oredit was thought enough given an paper entitled “The Evils Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- Members New York and Boston important treatment. Hall’s him for his part in the destruction of He quires a constitutional Stdck Exchange, of Our Wooden Suburbs.” deplores Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting Cervora’s and in their zeal mucous sur- squadron, in the faot that so many of onr large oities directly upon the blood and I MEGAPHONES. ON APPLICATION. faces of the the 2 EXCHANGE BOSTON. PRICE his behalf have spoken per- have system, thereby destroying BUILDING, slightingly here in the United States thickly foundation of the disease, and giving the aug9 dtE admiral to THE LATEST. haps of the commanding But settled suburbs, the buildings of which patient strength by building up the consti- T An instrument carry and t tution and assisting nature in doing its the publio in general has recognized in O receive the voice to and from « are entirely of wood, where great danger work. The proprietors have so much faith COPPER STOCKS discreet and • Sampson an able, cautious from Are threatens the city. He takes in its curative powers that they offer One a long distance. : : ; : MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS have not been Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails | | AND commander, though they an “To effect any OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Boston as example. to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Savings Banks and Trust Funds, ready to admit that he was the only that Address F. J. CHENEY & O. ♦ You want one with yonr Z quite reform,” he says, “we must show Co., Toledo, our 4 cent to 5 Sold 76c. at all times to be found in stock. Yielding: from per per cent. one that deserved credit for the success of and by Druggists. are the state of affairs is as claimed, Hall’s Family Pills are the host. Z Yacht, Z will receive COTTON FUTURES. and then All orders by mall or telephone For Sale bj the operations around the Cuban coast. that, so existing, it is an evil; Summer x % Cottage, nrompt attention. .. one must show a P are the most Stocks and Bonds and Sold practical remedy”—all O r discounts to the profession Bought F. he to do. He believes Hotel, and everything will CHARLES FLAGG, The attack by the Spaniards upon our of which proceeds “KINDERGARTEN MUSIC BUILDING.” favorable to he obtained in Portland. mate- an and a all Markets. 17 Exchange St., that the use of brick as a building The acienoe of Music for Children, Race Track, a be done to make It advantage pleasure forces at Manila was unlooked for. It us. jlyl8eodtf STEPHEN BERRY, rial, while averting the danger from new of to deal with This and interesting method teaching Wide Awake T a Full As.ortmeot of h is been generally understood that Capt. would also be true and bet- Boy. “w“ also carry lira, economy the rudiments of Music to beginners, either in- INSTRUMENTS and MUSI- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. the Interests of The il- or in and .scien- STRINGED and General Augustin was having ail he could ter serve beauty. dividually classes, is both true Prices from 25 cts. to MERCHANDISE of every deSerip- <$oolf (qaid lustrations of his article contrasting tific in construction, and highly endorsed by $7.5©. ? CAL Job do to maintain himself inside his fortlfl- give REMOVAL. xco- 37 Plum street- some musicians. tion. pictures of of Boston’s suburbs of leading !♦♦ -•- __ may MRS. N. K, DARLINGTON, 21__W&Stl c itions and that a demand upon our part wooden dwellings, and many attractive During August author and proprietor of the method, will teach | be followed surren- of brick in the of London. would by imm ediate houses vioinity classes of teachers ip Portland and Heston. Dr. Dana W. Fellows Jones JONES & & Sons Co. DR. F. der. His attempt ut assuming the offen- The complete novel in the August issue Address in Portland. Me., care Cressey, I CRESSEY, I M. Steinert AUSTIN TENNEY, DR. FILLEBROWN ALLEN, 33 Free Street & Allen, where tiie Music Games Has removed from No. therefore is of The Last is Buildlngj Piano and Music has removed to Y. V. C. A. Room sive surprising. Undoubtedly Lipplncott’s Rebel, by in tho method) is for sale. Price ol S o to suite of rooms ltuildfn?. (used £ House, other our A. now well known as Those to loin classes C. Manigir. CTTLIST, 30. Tuesdays, days by appointment. he hoped to catch troop napping. Joseph Altsheler, game $1.60. wishing T. MoGOULDRIC, 463 1-2 Congress St., should send applications early. Course con- 3y23 BAXTER BLOCK, eod ^ V. HI. €. A. Building*, Take Elevator. Boston office 157 Newbury were a writer of war stories. The scene is a % 517 Of»p. Soldiers* Monnment. No. 36, They undoubtedly surprised but they of 4 3 Iesson3 a week. .'special | auzldlm* sists weeks, ‘;o"?,rrs3'- Eyes examined free every Saturday, jlyidtf Cougrcis Square. jly28d2w proVed ready for the emergency and re- lonesome post in the southern Allegha- ates for summer classes. JySOdzWMp REW ADVERTISEMENTS. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. :WILL KEEP HIM BUSY- GAVE AWAY PROPERTY. BURNED WITH MR. SCOTT’S MISSION TO RUSSIA. ISLAND NOTES. POWDER. DEERINtf. in Tells of Blf Candidate McKinney Booked for Elever A Watcrboro Will Case To Be Contested A Serious Accident on a Yacht in Uootliba: Famous Builder of the Oregon the reoont arrivals at the Union In York Among Spoeches County. the Coarts. ITarbor, The repairs on the W. H. Soott resi Impressions. v Jennie Bertha Mrs. H. are: Levy, Levy, dence, Spring street, Woodfords, recently F. Emmie, Newark, N. Annie A in the David 0.—Mr. Irving M. J.; The Democratic prooession is about t( preliminary hearing The steam yacht Entbla of New York damaged by iiro are progressing rapidlj Berlin, August Ella R. D. Stewart, here with his son. Fuuronce Wrigley, Wrigley, movo. The party leaders la York county Peering will case was held in Judge which came in here yetorday, reported and the house will probably be foi Scott, who is ready and ac- Fannie A. Arthur, Hobbs’s office a Cornell student Cambridge, Mass.; hare got together and arranged a schedult at North Berwick, Monday. serious accidont to one of her crew ai occupancy about 1. R. K, Irving Soott, September Dr. Marina L. W’arner, Mr. one of most his physician, George Bryn Mahr, Pa.; of dates for mass meetings. They hav< Peering, York Bounty’s Boothbay, Monday. He went to put i* Gatley of Portland, the plasterer lias jusi companied by Miss New Bedford; Mrs. died in was seen at the Kaiserhof by a Macomber, booked Parson McKinney for elever prominent citizens, at Waterboro shell in a cannon to lire a suluto. Tin > completed the work of tin Chlsmer, replastering 1 ross and Fred Portland. a considerable fortune. Jnst of tho Associated Eastman, speeches in that county during the cam May, leaving shell stuck and he attempted to drive h house and X). F. Jost’s workmen are now representative es to his to At the Peaks Island House: F.H. Hol- to his he himself fully trip paign. He will begin in Biddeford some previous death, however, gave in with an iron pin. The shell explode; engaged on the fresco work. expressed and wife, in behalf of the denried and C. H. Hall a mass awny a part of his to his wife man Russia, undertaken wife, evening next i.eek, addressing property burnin g the about the fao > The Portland Railroad Co. has a terribly large of Charles C. Nellie Bartlett, and to his wife’s William Peer- Union Iron works San Francisco, Ives, Boston; mooting In the Biddeford opera house. nephew, and hands. Fragments ilew across thi crow of men at work on the new exten Russell and he is. Mrs. Lewiston; u Hobson. whose vice president manager Auburn; , “Honest Bam" Lord will also make ing imbedding themselves three inohe: 1 sion of their track over Stevens lJlaini M. yacht of his time in St. Chas. S. Baker, On this and on the that Mr. Scott spent part Fairfax, New York; speeoh on that occasion. ground ground in the woodwork. The man was treate; avenue from and it Bradley’s corner the rest at the New York Theo. E. Leydn, Boston; at a trust estate formed a of the Petersburg and Moscow, D., A mass will be held Wells, part a doctor and was quite com over the Mitchell hill road so-oolled tc meeting by Boothbay and Wilton. a property Mr. the manufacturing centra of Russia William Banwell, 20, to be followed by bequeathod by Peering, fortable morning. Grove street and street. The Saturday, August yesterday Portland of At the Innes: J. E. Fisher, Portland; will is contested, J. O. Bradbury of Saco made a thorough investigation the clam bake. track has been completed and covered Pittsburg; Chns. Proctor, held at Kenne- acting as for the situation. He said: Chas. Bartlett, will also be attorney opposition over for the whole distance o1 Meetings WESTBROOK. nearly vast J. L. Auburn; Sadie E. Martin, North Berwick, while Samuel M. Came of Alfred repre- “I found that and progressive Ward, bunkport, Berwick, Stevens Plains avenue. The work ol sents the region which is beginning to be known Winnefrei Spinney, Roxbury; Sanford, Cornish, Leba- exeoutors. The case will be the Malden; South Berwick, digging the post ! holes and erecting ns Fast Russia, along the Pacific and for Sam- carried before the court at the Tho infant son' of Rev. John F Mamio Cronin, Margaret McGrath, Eliot, Limeriok, Liming- Supreme for take some which San Franolsco is the nearest point non, Kittory, ill polos the feed wires will uel Boston; Sadie Thompson, September term. Clothey, who has been so dangerously be of supply, rapidly developing, and I also Downing, ton and Waterboro. time as nearly every post will have to is now considered out o found that tho Russian manufacturers Waltham; J. W. Chambers, Boston; Mat- improving and set in solid rook, are alive to this and that Russian S. H. Bos- PORTLAND’S HEALTH. MUSIC AND DRAMA, danger. fact, thew M’Kean, Chicago; Levy, The now in local is Issie men are at work blasting industry remarkably progressing. Mrs. Alonzo Cook and daughter, in ton. out the rook where the are to he set. I was everywhere received splendidly are brother poles New Urocers’ association of Secretary Dyer for the Past the guests of Mrs. Cook’s Russia and found no prejudice against The England Report The accident at Stroudwater, referred THE GEM. Mr. Alonzo America or American manufacturers. the number of about 20 had a shore Four Weeks. Libby. to to in where the old on the Misses have re yesterday’s PRJ5SS, But I did find a strong tendency at the Peaks Island The warm weather yesterday was just Alice and Lizzie Adams dinner yesterday staging of a coal collapsed and in- part of the Russians to manufacture their turned from a Boston. stage the the for the who wished to brief visit in a house. The Board of Health report for thing people jured several of the boys who were in own supplies and vigorous enoourage- A LOOK AHEAD D. K. Atwell and family left for the heat and dust of the city to Postmaster E. J. Mayberry and Arthui raent on the part of the Russian govern- D.-. four weeks ending Saturday, Aug. 6, escape bathing proved quite serious for some H. Norton have returned from a ment to aid in this respect. However, New York yesterday. from take a sail to the island on the good fowdayi gives 40 deaths during that time of the boys. Peter Riley, one of the vic- Americans will have as good a ohance as | | at Pine Point. At some of the of Yacht Naid Queen of the Columbia steamer and see the performance outing with those striking features the the following causes: Pilgrim tims, had his leg badly broken and was anybody in supplying Russia ^ ^ arrived at Peaks air there is cooled with Miss Mamie Bohnsen has gone t( manufactures and which they Yaoht club, Boston, at the Gem. The removed to the Maine General supplies left Causes of Death—Acoldent, 4; adenitis, Beach for the remainder of tht hospital. oannot themselves as well or as next issue of the /iS morning at 9 o’clock. She fans run by eleotricity,eve!y thing is done Libby’s supply yesterday 1; pernicious, 1; cancer, 2 It was about a month ago that be was Russia will build her own _ Marrfnn rf anaemia, season. ovnin fttlH Tfiaflhftd infantum the for the oomfoit of summer cheaply. cerebral hemorrhage, 1; cholera by management from the where he us far as she can, and will pur- Miss a of Mra discharged hospital ships, Portsmouth at 4 p. m. same day. 7; enteritis, 1: entero-oolltis, 3; ex their patrons. Maggie Forrest, guest vessels ready made from T--Ui.ct.li dnvinc --i- T- was under treatment for a severe burn. chase, besides, heart war euchre was given haustion, (surgioal shook) 3; The Arabian is one of the mo3t other nations. She has live large A progressive party ob Nights Pilrine of disease of, 2; inanition. 1; intestinal started for her Benjamine Libby’s oorner was vessels now in sc. FetersDorg hotel Saturday evening last comedies ever seen here and the Monday home, Liverpool. building at the Union *» » Oi —- pleasing DV1 UCUIUI1, Ay struck on the chest one of the timbers There will be a ohance for Ameri- PORTLAND SUNDAY TIMES, L by though was to audienoe are in a roar of L. i enough guests i which enjoyed by mas, 2; meningitis, 2; nephritis, 5; para- kept laughter find had several rihs broken. John Wri-rbt can manufacturers to supply certain Mr. H. H. Annas has closed out his make seven tables. Miss Rich cf lysis, 1; phthisis, 3; pneumonia, 2; all the up- materials.” up through performance. a W The Times its attention to local shock, 1: in the store received badly sprained and bruised Sunday by happenings, ita N. won a handsome sclerosis, arterial, 1; surgical The is beautiful holstering business formerlj ^ Groveton, H.. prize stage setting very aDkle which had urine, suppression of, 1; whooping cough, W. P. the under- it was at first thought CHAUTAUQUANS AT FRYEBURG. tP comments on local its extensive and in the shape of a set of silver ourllng 16. and the dresses worn by the ladies occuiped by Hodsdon, topics, telegraph service, its 2. Total, surely been broken. Harold was bruised of taker. Higgins tongs offered by Mr. Maokey Chicago. mugliiueoiii. pra tulb pi nix lueciut*. to unrivalled miscellaneous has won for itself the *P Population (estimated).41,600 and cut considerably about the body. Fine Weather, Music and Learning at department reputa. Stella of Montreal a 1000.14.40 who the City Treasurer Clinton S. Eastman and Miss Sweeney gave Annual rate per Miss Agnos Proctor, plays part tP best in the world for visit at Belfast. Young Higgins was hurled into the water Martha’s Grove. tion of being the Sunday paper Portland pso- fP f in the of last of the mother-in-law in the Arabian wife are on a week’s recital Monday evening parlors For the corresponding period year. the Mr. G. Fred Muroh and family have by accident but was resoued from tP Here are some of the features which will the read- the Union which was enjoyed by quite •. 66 Nights, is one of tho best known women pie. please Number of deaths.... Mr. John TO THE PBESS.J 2? taken a at Peaks island for the re- drowning by Quinn. (SPECIAL an of tha Annual rate per 1000.*0.67 on the For two years she was the cottage ers of next issue: assembly guests. staga The funeral services of its still the summer. the late Mra Fryeburg, August 9.—Another beauti- (Not including births.) leading woman for John T. Raymond, mainder of JP PEXKS ISLAND. clerk at S. Irene Stevens Heoord, widow of the late ful day at Martha’s Grove and the Greely Hospital.1 she also occupied the same position for Mr. John F. Sullivan, Maine General Hospital.7 with his wife Rev. Lewis L. Record,a well known resi- and Sohool of one season with the Florences. She has Arenovsky’s clothing store, Chautauqua Asseembly of is a Eye and Ear Infirmary.1 dent of held after- Last even- Mr. Herbert Douglas, Gardiner, and are a week’s out- Deering.were yesterday Methods progressing finely. GAMBLERS. Tbe deaths by wards were as follows: played in many of the best stock compa- relatives, enjoying WOMEN AS of R. L. Thompson for a few noon at 3 o’clock from her late residence the mixed oomposed of Miss $ | guest 2 3 4 6 6 7 nies in the When Mr. ing at Higgins’ Beach. ing quartette Wards.1 country. Douglas The & weeks. the West End mer- 314 Forest avenue. services were Torrey, Miss Cooke, Mr. Oushman and f No. of deaths.. u 8 6 8 4 1 l6 succeeded in getting her he was very C. M. Waterhouse, Women who the word with a the women /»% Pauline left last Satur- conducted Rev. F. T. Nelson another one of those rare spell capital W, Miss Fielding The of burial were as follows: chant tailor is the front part ol by pastor Mr. Hay, gave places luoky. She is a great favorite with the having the old fashioned women love a of the of of the Hebrew race, who for Cincinnati. She has accepted a handsome shade oi Universalist parish Peering. concerts. “The best yet,” was the com- M day Evergreen.10 Portland as a great bis store painted in m Calvary.24 theatre-going people of the Mentone iK home the in fact all sorts of women as seen Bab are very fine offer to play a soubrette part The members Literary ment we overheard on our way out. Seats best, by Eastern Cemetery and Tomb. 0 actress, dresser and gentle brown. new magnificent of Oakdale will be entertained tP in the letter she has written the Times from with Jules Walter's Company in the Forest The letters are at olub today for these ooncerts would soil easily at one described Long City.13 off as well as on the stage. following advertised ijy Western. 3 lady Mrs. O. Hawkes at her summer play of “How Hopper was Sldetraoked” the Westbrook Millard A. by Edgar dollar each at home during the ooncert ® Branch. A Taken away for burial.16 Mr. Douglas is making great prepara- post office: Her friends on the island wish home, Cape Elizabeth. The party will season. Miss Cooke was vigorously en- many Still births.4 tions for the of As You Like It that Irving, two; Mary Magill, May McCabe. here for burial.17 play on success for her in her now posi tion. Brought of has leave Monument square, Portland, the cored, and responded with a lullaby that great Peaks Island. 0 is to be brought out at the Gem next The following intention marriage The hot weather is the people Island. 1 office: Cape eleotrio car which oonneots with the was Mr. Cushman and sending Long week. been recorded at City Clerk Lamb’s very delightful. and 9 from MoCullum’s thea- to the island in droves. Kvery hotel The ages were: Mr. Alfred Guimond to Miss Maria C, o’olook barge Mr. Hay rendered a duet that captivated i A LESSON IN GEOGRAPHY. PARK. be 9 60 under RIVERTON cottage is full, but as usual, room can Under 1 year. years and Duchesne, both of Westbrook. tre. the audience. The parts were all well 1 and under 5 60 6 | year years. made for one more. Gorman’s Specialty Alliance played be- Mr. Bradstreet of Peering Center has and loud in years. 6 60 years and under A letter received yesterday noon from taken, everybody praises. What do you know about the Canary islands? Can you tell un- 10 70 8 fore audiences in both their his 18 Central ave- a A party of 17 of our young people, 6 years and under years. large appear- Frlvate W. W. Webb of this city, now at exchanged residence, This morning a party started oat for about the Balearic Do know where 0 70 years and under anything group? you der the of Mrs. A. M. Brackett, years. ances yesterday. nue, with Marks & Earle for property in an luncheons, charge 10 years and under 80 years. 2 Lewiston, at the reoruiting offloe, stated exourslon, taking etc., and what Ceuta is? The stars and stripes have flown and 1 80 and under The that is the va- Portland. might Visited the Capo shore last Saturday 20 years. years company furnishing that oontrary to first ideas he is not to along with them. They said they were ijy 20 and under 90 years. 4 over t^lese had not sued for peace when hi a dinner on the rooks. years entertainment this week is a Charles Main street, Ocean- remains bo seen places Spain enjoysd picnic 30 6 90 and under riety very leave for News at Mr. Greeley, going fishing. It to, years... years Newport present. W A them written for the Times as Theatre was under 100 0 one. The Morelia Brothers de- has started on a two months’ busi- she did. description of is While there McCullum’s 80 years and years. strong Webb is doubtful as to the time he will vale, what they will oatoh. The forenoon be-4 ijc 40 * Over 100 years. O as fiotion and as valuable as a lesson in W visited and the party enjoyed the p ay of years. light their audiences in every appearance. ness trip to England. left those little fl? interesting geog- 40 years and under be ordered away, but is sure that it will lng comparatively free, “The It was a 60 3 Total. 46 While their acrobatic feats are tho The interment of the remains of Pri- for Ensign.” thoroughly years. equal be in a few days. trips are quite popular those who oan /|S raphy. of cf a similar character that S. of South Port- lively crowd. Cases of contagious diseases reported for the anything The Klerks baseball team are to play vate George Broughton leave the tennis and croquet ground long A is been here. Mr. John Price creates Croquet parties seem to he the proper period: has the Riversides of North this land, who died at Chiokamauga, oocurred enough. 2 3 4 6 6 7 Deerlng Some of Wards.1 no end of in his character oeme- thing this year on the island. laughter songs. afternoon at 2.80 at the Warren Park yesterday forenoon at Evergreen That new game of Minton is getting Scarlet Fever—------the liveliest and most exciting games are His song, “And Riley he let go,” Is such tery. The body was met at the grave to be the and with JUr. FAIR WOMEN OF PORTO RIGO. Diphtheria. 11 2 1 2 grounds. by quite rage, Muylan $ evening at the Brewster cot- Fever.. ----- a clever arrangements of ideas set to en- a military escort and the regular to coach the indies are played every Typhoid A stated meeting of Temple lodge of military them, young quite land which has become an /IN| $$ In the wonderful American Mrs. J. Brewster and Mr. music and rendered with suoh were fired over the pos- tage between tertaining is to bo this at 7.80. salute of three guns Anoth er new thing for the LAKE STEAMBOAT ROUTE Masons held evening captivated. as the result of the there dwell one SEBAGO skill so it takes with session, war, many beautiful W Rob Lowe of the Gem Company on dramatic that every be bal- grave. Indoor class in gymnastics is the exercise The business of the meeting will life of the middle for Miss Johnson cf the same Among tbe mnny beautiful excursions audience that hears it. Miss Blanche members of Casoo women. Theirs is the ages, they are Eide, Virginia loting for candidates. A small party, bay called "Frenoh cane.” This practice is jlj\ on the oth- out of Portland none rivals the route up Fernandez is destined to be stern who their and company and Mr. Sutherland very popular A of the members of Wade council of Portland enjoyed the day at very useful in developing certain chest guarded by parents arrange marriages /|V Lake and the Crooked River. delegation er side. Mr. Lowe and his at the Sebago before the week is out. She is a handsome Riverton same hi do not the education as at all See A£ partner Camp, S. of V., and Ladies’ Aid and the yesterday. and arm muscles, and is at the time regard higher necessary. Poets and writers have the woman time are away ahead on games. prose sung and well appearing young with A of CO from a and artistic of on the women of Porto Rico and the life of the hi present oamp at Gorham are to attend the county private party persons very graceful series •jk the article no terms. The and Mrs. leave for praises in qualified thing- a well cultivated musical gift, and her are to this at the Mr. Harry Fielding picnic at Sebago Lake today. Portland enjoy evening movementa One of the ladies in the “ to do is to take the 1.25 p, in. train over rendition of the coon is Chicago next Monday. They are to go songs certainly Riverton casino. The party will partake class says tJiat if she only has an umbrella t I from there in a the Maine Central mountain division, DR. ZAHN IN MONTREAL. with a strong company very fetching. of lunoh and indulge in danoing and with her she will not be afraid of any- “The Makers.” from Union Station, leaving the train at 9.—Dr. play called Merry M’CULLUM’S THEATRE. Montreal, Que., August Zabu, cards during the evening. thing now now she has been learned Lake station and tbe steam the celebrated Roman Oatholio evolution- A treat many cf our people would like Sebago taking Mr. Wilbur Johnson is boarding with “French cane.” ist of the University of Notre Dame, BOY WONDER. of the of the Gem rom- boat up the chain of lakes, and the wind- Large audiences continue to orowd Mc- to see some people Indiana, who has been attending the his brother, Mr. S. W. Johnson, corner Whenever we visit Mr. Haley’s botany IA | to North Cullum’s theatre at each of in some specialty act between the ing Songo, Naples, Bridgtonf performance of the Cross soo held at of Leland and New streets. verses of pany chapter Holy ety, class, those Longfellow’s written There is a little in New York who is the /IN at the Gem. We understand that Brldgton, Harrison and Waterford. The the successful naval drama “The Ensign” Cote Des Neiges, near Montreal, left to- tus chap attracting acts Miss Bumpus of Hebron,a former class- to Agassiz come to mind for he has shown record is most attractive. an last for a visit to after which attention of the athletes breaking most all of the members of the compcany scenery something that second such emphatic suocess night Quebec, mate of Mrs. Goodhue at Hebron aoade- m he will to New York and then return /|\ but The advertisement gives full particulars week. by the and en- go And nature the old nurse, took hi on the skates, the bicycle and his own active A\ are capable of doing specialty work, Judging applause to Notre Dame. He was selected pro- my, has been visiting Mra Goodhue on propensities L. Giod- The ohlli' on her knee, of the a chance to show what of the route of which Mr. C. thusiasm the audiences seem to be even been tor some hi little feet. He be the Michael future. they do not get vincial defecto, having Stevens Plains avenue. A reunion of Saying, ire is a story book may Jimmy ^iy is with the of the order for can da ridge manager. more pleased production this time interim provincial several members of the class took Thy Father hath written for thee.” However that may be he is of' interest to all lovers of they of the place jli week than were last. A notioeable tho ecclesiastical province United Mr. is missod from the they at Ur. on last W athletic who will want to see what a Times writer Cooper greatly THE CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE. States Before leaving he was seen by Goodhue's Wednesday and The leaves of that book have been well sports fact and one that is also at the Gem this week. Be is a very gratifying Press. a w stage tho correspondent of tho Associated very merry evening was enjoyed. thumbed and he has listenod ri\ says about him. One of the most delightful abiding to McCullum is the num- by him, great favorite with our people. Manager large He said: Mrs. Cobb of Clark street, with her is at Old on to the of the uni- places In New England Orchard, of are this “The work of our chapter has gone constantly “rhymes Miss Lena Farrar of Peaks Island de- ber patrons who attending little daughter, Ruth Converse Cobb, has m_:-$ Mo. The shores for which most harmoniously, but beyond my ap- verse” sung by nature mem- eight miles, week’s performance for a second visit. lightfully entertained some of tho was done that returned from a visit at Windham. distance is the of tho offers pointment there nothing Nor has he confined himself to the study V,_. V \\T A n 4- Vmn nn+.+.nrm rt n length braeh, elaborate The production that Manager would be of interest to anyone tut the Mrs. W. T. Jordan and Mra Sumner W. BY TROWBRIDGE, I in the of of botany. He has made himseli familiar I PICTURES many attractions way boating McCullum has the is a of our We decided to last. About £0 were given Ensign members chapter, Johnson have to Bethel to visit a Monday evening gone the whole the mem- and fishing, and it is at this beach that use all our to take even a greater with manusoript and and a great surprise to tho summer visitors energies and othor the celebrated artist, whose work is ia present passed pleasant evening Interest in the work of education than we brother friends. bers of his olass Trowbridge newspaper the meetings of the Christian Alliance from the who very thoroughly respect ij^ which the was a feat- larger oities, publicly have done in the Miss Jones and Miss Jones of ft a feature of the has taken as for the next ilc during phonog!%ph sur- past. My appointment Lucy his broad and think them- Times, topics are held. The camp grounds are that it which knowledge ure. refreshments were served and acknowledge surpasses anything will, no doubt, silence the reports Center visited Miss Eva Jones (|J issue a scene in the trenches at how the W Light rounded such conveniences as make Deering selves fortunate in "in Mr. Santiago, showing with ever conceived in the nature of sum- have gone through the press at diiferdnc being the boarded the 9 o'clock boat of they at Falmouth Foreside one day last week, class.” faced the Dons. the Caban coast to party and the times'that I am at with the Haley’s Yankee troops From camping pleasing, meetings mer amusements, as elabo- loggerheads ft ft the Casco Bay line on tneir return trip. being equally of the church. When I ana enjoyea a lew nours stay at me The last of this week will bring Dr. themselves are of much that high dignitaries the shore of the Atlantic, the artist for his second sub- a source rate and as eeon in the goes ft complete any went to itome, it was sam tuau ± was Jones Lyman Abbott of Brooklyn, N. Y., who ft is benehclal. Those who visit Old Or- quiet cottage. and his sketch of the summer as she takes her is no need of oities at sent to bo and instead I was will at the Grove at 3 30 p. m. ject girl dip There being oppressed Christian metropolitan high prices during disciplined, Mr. Bray of West preach ft ft chard during the period that the a of Somerville, Mass., tho winter season. Tittle Mabel made by His Holiness doctor philoso- Sunday, August 14. in the sea is a hot, if one but keeps his Alliance is in which is from lallerarro oalled old friends at his pretty picture. by muggy days, session, an honor which has been bestowed upon Bearing, Recent arrivals are May Bedlow, Frye- ft 10 to should make it a is a favorite with the ladies and phy, ft stomach in order and gets the proper August 28, point great in that manner only uponjcne other man. former home. burg, Me.; Nellie W. Haley, Convene; to stroll over the new steel wtiich is ft -______---—-ft Do this pier ohildren, and this portion of Portland’s When I returned from Rome it was said Ethel Richardson, East Baldwin; Delbert amount of sleep. by drinking the longest and largest in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Wood- amusements are the theatre that they sent me baok because they J. Dyer, Bridgton; Ernest N. Stevens, THE William’s Root the most healthful The Boston & Maine railroad will sell crowding in fords have been made the richer the ft BUY ft Beer, wanted to get rid of me there. The world by Bridgton; Mrs. Charles Portland. on the afternoon and her Day, excursion tiokots to Old Orchard good greatly enjoying of a beverage known. must have something to talk about you coming second daughter. above dates, and ticket can inform winsome and artistic 'm BEST SUNDAY PAPER agents delightfully per- know.” Rev. H. Martin of Ver- a anjj,»r.x inuci. them. Kellogg Wilder, f CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. you regarding formance. Yesterday the dainty actress mont,preached two eloquent and interest- Trenton, X. J., August Tho United FOR PORTLAND PEOPLE Introduced a singing specialty in the first ADMIRAL KIRKLAND’S LIFE IN with an au- ft The semi-annual examination of appli- PORTLAND NOT BEHIND BANGOR. ing sermons at the Free church last Sun- States Breweries company, U -Her of the DANGER. thorized of was in- cants for the of clerk and car- aot. rendering latest popular capital $5,600,000 TIROES. positions Messrs. Dodge & told a day morning and evening. He shows THE SUNDAY Draper reporter Break the corporated today in the ollice of the Secre- $ rier at the Portland will occur ballad “Just News to Mother,” Cal., August 9.—Roar Admiral postoffioe of the PRESS that the sale of lots at Vallejo, that the gifts of the Kelloggs have not tary of State. The incorporators arc ^ was excellently and effectively done. This Kirkland today underwent a severe oper- October 1 and 15. Only citizens of the Grandview bids fair to equal their great yet departed from the pulpit. Frederick Dwight, Brooklyn; Philip be at ation, upon the outcome of whioh depends of New United States can be The song will sung every matinee per- Ahrens and Hector W. Thomas examined. age land sale at a when for life. a few ago Mrs. Hooper of Deering Center, has Bangor year ago they his chauoo Only days York; Shormau Everett of Plainfield and limitations for this examination are as formance during the week, and is an the best of health. To- been sold over 300 lots Inside of three days. Ac he was enjoying ill. John J. Treaoy of Jersey City. follows: not under especially attractive feature for the chil- he has but one ohance to live and Clerk, 18; carrier, their sale in Bangor Messrs, Dodge & day Granville’s that depends on the suocess of the surgical GOVERNOR. In August 4, Wilbur E. between 21 and 40 years. No dren. Mr. impersonation of LEAGUE. DEATH OS DAKOTA’S Hallowell, Reynolds of application advertised to give part of their Doctors and Hibbett LINCOLN COUNTY POPULISTS. XEGRO DEMOCRATIC Burnlinni and Miss Lottie ii. Peacock o( Draper Lincoln is also most operation. Wagner Windsor. will be for this examination un- Abraham interesting have Bismarck. N. August 9.— Gov. S’. In August 4, Charles A. accepted traot to the oity for a park. It has slnoe of the navy been attending him, 9.—The Populist con- New York August 0.—The fifth bi-enni- D., iloulton, Giggey and to scholars and is also in. Wlsoasset,August of North Dakota died hero to- M ss Sarah Pellum. less filed with the undersigned in com- greatly enjoyed by and Sunday Dr. Carpenter was called al convention of the national Dem- A*. Briggs been accented by the Bangor city govern- vention for Lincoln county was held Negro J.M. Devine is lieu- lu Bowery Beach. August 4, Edward F. Jor- the older There is a Tho grew worse und today the here E. day of consumption. form on the proper before patrons. large ad- patient ocratic league began today. A. dan and Miss Ethel E. both of plete blank, ment and houses have grown up all over was here and included in the business tenant Sweetsir, Capo for all tho tug Vigilant sent to San Kranolnco today of Indianapolis called the con- governor. Elizabeth. the hour ol business on vance sale remaining perform- Manning eleoted two years closing Septem- the laud. Here in Portland they propose under full speed to up Dr. W. G. done was the nomination of the order. E. of Frank A. Briggs was In llosea and bring following vention to George Taylor ltockport, July 30, B. E. Barlow ber 1st. should be filed ances this week, indications point to ago to bo Governor having previously and Miss Josie A. Swift. Applications the same thing, only in their deed Taylor. county ticket: Iowa was made temporary chairman and doing blood the been auditor. He was a young man and lu 30. Mark in order that time may remain a crowded house tonight. Patrons Much was drained from Henry C. Smih of New York, temporary Porter, July S. Sawyer and Miss promptly, to the city they will reserve to owners of an For senator, W. E. Gorham; sheriff, but his health was much Ida 4. Cross. choice seats should take the time patient’s stomach. This afternoon secretary. very popular for correction if necessary. For applica- desiring was to spend In Farmington. July 28. Prescott A. Howard lots at Grandview all the rights in the incision was made in his side in tho hope Henry oounty attorney,Charles was as broken and ho compelled to secure them at once. can be Bickford; Mr. Manning named chairman to amt Miss Emma Stewart. tion blanks, instructions and informa- in the The Tickets of locating the source of the trouble. An several months in California seeking valuable water supply park. E. Allen; county commissioner, Joseph of the committee on permanent organiza- to North Da- In Princeton. July 27, Charles N. Libby and to C. E. of obtained at Steinert and Son’s, where Associated Press inter- recuperate. Before coming tion, apply Jellison, secretary Messrs, & representative D. treasurer, Seth L. tion with enry C. Smith and John J. Miss Avira E. Berry. improvements Dodge Draper viewed Dr. C. T. Hibbett after the Groves; Handlett; kota he was a resilient of Minneapolis. board of they are on sale for the entire engage- just Bell as members. Henry C. Smith was examiners, postoflice. are at Grandview have doctor clerk of H. he announced that on account making already operation was performed. The courts, Harry Mayers; regis- ohosen chairman of tho committee on East year ment. would not bo a candidate DcAFHS- made a wonderful change in the appear- said: ter of James A. resolutions. of ill health he deods, Farney; register platform and at the “Tho was most successful. for re-Eonrination Republican ance of a beautifnl operation of S. Perkins; com- The meeting was held be- health naturally place. probate,Ezra county preliminary convention, but its his In this William E. THE PENOBSCOT OPEN. Dr. Taylor performed the operation, hind olosed doors but the succeeding State city, August 9, Long, aged the mittee, D. Groves, W.E. a 1 his friends urged his 48 years. PINE whioh, through the rapid location of Joseph Gorham; be seem to Improve CONE PICNIC. the work of raising the meetings will probably open. the before the al services at 10.30 a. m., at ® On Monday sent of trouble and the short timo re- representatives in the Wiscasset district, candidacy. However, dry [Fime Thursday it was announced No 58 Gilman street. Burial at Raymond. was a for the ladies mines in the river at Port Knox was com- of relief, recent state convention Yesterday gala day quired to consummate the work Frederick Lowell. In this city. 9, Walter Long, aged | X^haileng^* that he would not bo a candidate. August favorable as to the of Pine Cone lodge who attended the pio pleted and the river is now free from ex- gives the patient the most iinally 85 years. of.. chance of The that a of funeral hereafter i tSJ Purity nio at Kosedale the Moj. Hoxie recovery. report [Notice cottage, summer plosive obstruction again. burst BR. HATCH WILL HANG. In tills Infant son blood vessel in the stomach had ROBBERY ON HIGH SEAS. city, August 9. George II., home of Mrs. Jewett and Mrs. Stone. and his have been at Bucks- was of Frederick and Ellen Blais, aged 0 months. ® Baker’s engineers was ns intestinal obstruction 9.—Dr. John Luncheon untrue, Ossippoe, N. H„ August Had- of funeral hcreatter.l Daring the morning the breezes from for several days removing the torpe- what ailed him. Had the opera- | New York, August a—Captain [Notice port surgical Ralph Hatch of this place was sentenced lu this citv, August 9. Joseph C. Moxcey. aged P Extracts. 24 the illness dock of the Britannic, and Steward Casco were much on on morning the United tion been hours to he 1899, in tho 6;i years. 0 months. Bay enjoyed the does and Monday postponed hanged on August 11th, is under arrest on the You have been would have fatal or at least been state Calway, who afternoon at 2.30 o'clock ^| broad which were took the soows in proved prison at Conoord by Judge Blodgett Beef [Funeral Thursday disappointed at piazzas most beautiful- States army tug Ajax been al- i of smuggling were at the federal 'AToIm.xu so intensilleu that it would have in the session of the Carroll Ox Oxford A charge at his late residence, place. the result of decorated with out down the special Tongue, and further informa- H. ly Hags, evergreens and tow and passed bay. The most Vienna Sau- ▼ building today gave In tills city, August 9, William Foster, your cooking hopeless;” county Supreme Judicial oo;trt, sitting Sausage, Assistant District 65 6 months. rods. of the Bar Harbor hero Deviled Ham, A tion to Attorney aged years. when you use golden steamer Cimbria, line, this afternoon. The crime for which sage Thursday alternoon at 2 at Chipped Beef, Roast Houghton relative to the robbery of the [Funeral o’clock, The tables, laden with into the river from GOLD FROM KLONDIKE. he was convicted the murder of his ^ line resilience, 25 Summer street. many dainties was just coming Ieles- was [Beef, Lunch Tongue, A vessel. Certain bonds found in the pos- his m ■wite, Fannie A. on ▼ In South Portland. August 8. William J„ in- No V * • were spread in the orchard. The boro when she passed the army outfit off Hatoh, September 11, Lunch Ham, Potted session of Third Officer were wonder, rS*«(|nja'Sa> shady Seattle, Wash., August 9.—A special 1897 Knayston fant son of Duncan auci Mary E. Whitmore, aged are adul* by Ham, Tripe. A they vttpBgy/ i chowder was pronounced one Point. Her saw the B. the steamer poisoning. iden tilled today by F. R. of this months. 1 of the best. Port captain mines from Vancouver, C., says All these canned Sparks 4 terated, that The pre- as of a number forwarded to from After dinner all soows. When tho Farralon is in port from Hkaguay. have the words “HEL- A city, part [Fuueiat parents’ residence, Lincoln one word ex- yp' again assembled on the on the Cimbria reached parations afternoon and captain claim that a mil“on FIRE AT ARSENAL. MET BRAND*’ which is ▼ him by Gtorgo H. Pago of London. It is street. Ligonla, Wednesday at b.3o where a below purser thereon, m pbimitl11- piazza group picture was taken the narrows just the (or the me that a formal of o’clock. m fort, dollars is in thu safe in drafts, _ a guarantee of delicious flavor A probable charge robbing gold little in Gardiner, August 1, Jame3 S. Jeck, aged Sister Jewett. first time in several months she went out- that when the steamer left Watertown, Mass., August 9.—No v and superior quality. \ the mail on the high seas, on a British by purser says 53 years. BaKer’s extracts and that excitement was caused throughout tho Grocers. V vessel will be made Selections from the then side tho buoys. Just beforo the Cimbria Skaguay the town was in flames A Sold by all First-Class against Knayston by In Chickamauga, Ga., August 8, Walter W. In a-H Pure Fruit Flavors, are made graphoplione town a fire at tho , tho lire was fust approaching the dyna- tonight by government the British consul. Poor of Sehsgo; Jesse C. Brann of Belgrade, of the best materials that can be bought, entertained the Ladies for an hour after across the former mined of the it. arsenal. a one A ^Luncheon Beef” booklet mailed A got part mite store with no of checking The blaze was brilliant aged 21 years. carefully blended, thus that fine prospect but f x giving which a social time was Anoth- river the tug of the was small. A storehouse on request* In New Aueust Mrs. Della A. Fruity Flavor to all cooking. To be enjoyed. Bismarck, tho Ross & damage MARRIAGES. Vineyard, 1, a number of or Loud, aged 65 years. convinced try Baker’s Extracts just er link has been added in the fra- Howell fleet, came around containing large timbers, PACKING CO., bright tho point of Dr. Thomas’ woodon f armour I In Rockland, August Moran once. Your Grocer sells them. Croup instantly relieved. gun carriages, was partially S. A. 2, Mary Landers, chain of Pine Cone and the fort into the narrows Never KANSAS CITY, U. 9 Miss 79 years; J. ternal the hour and, seeing the Eclectric Oil. Perfectly safe. destroyed with the contents. Tho loss on In Saco. August 3, Uarrv Tompson and aged Ephraim Elmer, aged 72jrs-i he Jessie B. 3d, James Dickson, aged 73 years- for saying adieu came all too toon. Cimbria in the ohannel, also went over. fails. At aDy drug store. building was about 11000. i Wright. LOST AND FOUND. TO UET. fox: no salx,___ FIREPROOF WARSHIPS. directlv over steol, the danger of their ABOUT PORTO RICO. Spaniards say that there is fighting tiro is hut in Porto Rico between their soldiers and this catchJug comparatively small, FOUND—Found loose on Congress Forty words inserted tinder this head Forty woidfi Inserted nnder head on a tho land- a lire started ship, even insurgents. Yet until lately the 3 o’clock a. m. one week one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. anywhere A and bat It Is a Horsestreet at Sunday, July 31, for 25 cents, cash in advance. of its Pleasant Thrifty Island, in San Juan ot a if there he only slight danger doing | ing thousand soldiers, 18‘)8 dark brown mare. Mack mane and tail, Kost Naval Lesson of the It is demoraliz- Mistake to That the Porto KIcans fresh from the of was bind spavined, white spots on back on the Important harmful, is demoralizing. Say provinces Spain, both legs LET SALE—Elegant mansion highs no X about 1)50 GEO. TO OR SELL—The beautiful, new mod- iudeod, hut especially infrequent occurrence. One evening and sides. Weight pounds. FORlands of Deering; was built lor home of ing at any lime, Are Loyal to Spain. Marshal. erQ residence. 89 North tine location, Conflict with Spain, witnessed the of a store near tho W SYLVESTER, City Portland, Me., street, merchant at cost of $20,000, and perfect now as during a battle. looting large corner lot, to dale, the in rebels Aug. 8. everything up just when completed; about 25.000 feet of land; elec- “The sea o£E Santiago, my cemetery. A score of mounted 1003._ place for thrifty business man to line home CHEAP fight tho get trics pass he premises eight times hourly; a. a severe blow to too last dashed oat ot the bushes, swept past coon cat. Finder will please on easy terras. II. II. 92 North street. opinion, has dealt When I left San Juan, Porto Rico, yellow SHAW, forced sale; price $6,000. \Y. H. WALDRON Chief Constructor Hicliborn Says That officers who reported Spanish who were too aston- LOST—Areturn to 55 WASHINGTON ST. and re- theories of the naval April, writes Gilaon Willets in the Home outpiokets, __9-1 & CO., ISO Middle St. 10-1 of abandoning ished to and down upon eiv« reward. 1-1 Fighting Vessels Must Not HuvoAny a short time ago in favor shoot, swooped TO LET—At Long Island. West End, fully a mem- Journal, the last words the chief aid-de- the storo the store was A the use of wood. I was in question. As furnished cottages last week in August and SALE—One 15 horse power boiler and 10 lufinimnftblo Material—Ships Now fireproof was ber of that hoard, and I submitted a camp of Gen. Macias said to me were: kept by a Spaniard the ransacking WAN TED--FEMALE II ELF. September at reduced rates, pine wood fine FORliorse power engine. For -further particu- s.deol done of war. in bathing and fishing. of P. O. Box Me. 10-1 Building for the Navy Will Contaiu on the “No according to the laws Inquire MILLIKEN, lars address 531, Freeport. minority report opposite lighting, no war.” Since then, was a West L. I. is than in less than 15 minutes the store End, 9_1 14 mid each Sunday thereafter No Wood That Is Not Mads the question. My expectation San been tnat word* Inserted under tbis fe©«vd farm Aug- Fireproof— into our however, Juan lias bombarded wreck and afire. All Forty SALE OR EXCHANGE—A nearby the we shall no wood the building mi) LET—One of the most futuro put our the iu- one week for 25 cent*, cash in advanro. comfortable dwell- ! within five minutes walk of depot, until further notice. A Kevolutiou in Ideas. made by war and now it is to be in- could not with them Jl brick si FORlocated war vessels that has not ooen propl ships, they carry tue ings in city, house, North street, electric ears, suitable for a gen- •... .- office and in threw into — .'■■■-■ i post new vaded and our Mean- surgents and 11 rooms, all modern conveniences. H. lire. Every departure captured by army. destroyed was ri! tleman's suburban residence; would exchange, of the Boston Trans- against show teat there ANTED—Capable cirl for general house- 92 North FROM PORTLAND Correspondence naval construction encounters earnest while J road. Then, just to SIIAW, street.9-1 foi also other properties for ex- wonder what that [peace-loving the to work. 88 Beckett street. !>-l city property; came into no ill-feeling, they tied change estate office, First National Bauk, cript. ) opposition. Iron ships public is proprietorand mo LET—An upper tenement consisting of 9 Real S- Michi- aid-do-camp doing. a firod sevenl shots skyward, FREDERICK S. favor very slowly. The U. in. tree, all this i rooms and bath, has gas, Sebago water, VAILL._RE* 5.—“Our The island hills. And 1>—f 1 I '> >. Washington, August lighting Its efficiency was of Porto Rico, the second dashed back to the W A N TIC TU A > cemented cellar and modern gan was built in ISlli. iromth good improve- pOR SALE OR LEASE—Brick honse Tit have to be made said two decades of the Pearls of within one hour, by carriage, ments: located on New Gray street. In- Gorham and $. H,,, hips got fireproof,” demonstrated; yet more than the Antilles, is one of like one finely JT street, 12 rooms and bath roonk Berlin, Juan. The raid was Forty word* Jcaert^d under this head & 42 1-2 St. Congress '.aval of iron and steel heart of San quire of A. C. LIBBY CO., Exchange hot water furnace heat, nice condition, location Constructor Hicliborn recently. passed before vessels the lovleest on earth. As it is a few make sa- one week for Stations. of only of those which outlaws upon 25 cent*, wash in advance. for or pri- anil intermediate were as to those 9-l_ unsurpassed, good place pliysMan ‘That has been demonstrated by the sea accepred superior sail from that in this Por- taken on on days’ New York, It may become loons in Arizona, except LET—The suite of three rooms, second vate or for letting rooms. If Iteturu 4 p. m. wood. Objection was made to them mu family, heave a.so a. m., off there was no bloodshed— 1ITANC ED—Situation as housekeeper and 1. & lease steam heat will be furnished if desired. ight Santiago, in which the destruc- the that had to bo docked a famous winter resort. The climate is to Rico raid floor, nowr occupied by Little. Woodbury Fare Sl-OO, ground they companion a middle woman. the tor a of JOHN F. PROCTOR, 93 Exchange Hound Trip 1 in a badly frightened Spaniard. by aged Co., oj Exchange street, just place Inquire ion cf the Spanish cruisers seems to have and at intervals; yet, not unlike that of New York in only at or street. 0-1 painted frequent July, the insurgents made Applv address* 1231) Congress street, City. broker or law offices, -steam heat. Apply to street, or K. HASTY. 12 Green rom of this most naval Another evening Also a men the burniDg of spite disadvantage, an that A num- p-l COLES WORTHY STORE, 92 Exchange wrought mainly by and agreeable peculiarity of it is an attack a dinner party. BOOK new ten roomed and merchant ships aro now built of upon Woodfords, heir own woodwork. The fires cou'd are and accli- ber of officers were assembled to street._6-1 HOUSE-Athouse modern convenience: metal. It was the same way with armor strangers quiokly easily Spanish lirANTED—J. Bailey and family of Cushings with every «t=diata welcome tho wile anti daughter of one of *" street. Nine large lot; excellent location; one of the most ISLAND POND rot be extinguished, partly owing to the for naval vessels, which made its way mated. Though the island is nearer the Island want to work by the year on some mo RENT—House No. 43 Carleton on their arrival in San A rooms and steam modern im- showy houses ever built; price $4,200, $500 ^ Armor was cost their number, island. Will lease or work on shares. Can bath; heat; our very heavy, :uttin g of the water pipes by shells, slowly. than Hawaii, this climatic sorved oil the roof of be lino location. C. B. DALTON, down. MARKS & EARLE CO-9-1 much and interfered with equator Juan. Dinner was give bonds or references. All business must provements; run money, speed. 0-1 478 1-2 street. 8-1 md there was nothing to do but to has brought to Porto Rico a house on the outskirts of the city—not signed agreement. Congress Old Orchard B ach. Nevertheless, all nations now build arm- agreeableness Fessenden Park, new six rcomed Portland and ac- an in Porto Rico. To en- HOUSE—At he vessels ashore. Flames and smoko ored vessels, and look to them to decide people of northern nations, who have unusual thing LET—Entire third floor building 553^ house, entirely modern in every respect: hance the of the scene, there were TO St., corner of Oak; four rooms; $2,500, only $300 down, balance easy. MARKS Leave Island drove the men from their naval battles. beauty WANTED. Congress m. rnally guns. shunned the Pacific islands—Germans, desirable & EARLE CO. 9-1 r“^r^0roVpOrUandC.00 p. RENE BACHE. awnings and a draping of Spanish colors. extremely location; price reasonable; it will not do to Situation a man who understands also rear room on 4th floor. rent at 110 hound Trip Fare to Portland S1.5U and to “Evidently put any Russians, Swedes, French and Danes be- lanterns and lamps were hung by young Upper Many and H willing to work. Two Pine St., will be let about 25. Lower Fessenden Park a new ten SiI-90- inflammable material our own war- No better could havo been bookkeeping Aug. Old OrcliardUeacti into HISTOKIC UPPER among the 5,COO foreign population about. target Graduate of s Port- at 131 Oxford HOUSE—Atroomed house; first class and to and from intermediate poults at cor- THE BEAUTIFUL ing years experience. Gray rent St., eight rooms. F. L. everything Kates to furnished for a sharp shooting enemy. Good references fur- 396 to date: $4,000, $500 down, balance as rent. low raies. ships in future. It is not practicable which thrives and prospers there. These land Business College. JERK IS, Congress St.6-1 up respondingly SOUTH. Suddenly, from a range of hills, came a nished. Address CHAS. F. ALLEN. Skow- MARKS ft EARLE CO.9-1 make of metal, hut where in San 1 3 1'raiiis everything foreigners are found principally storm of bullets. They scattered among hegan, Maine. aug8d2w* LET—Office; connecting rooms, up one Kcgnfar A combination of tho beautiful TO the Falmouth Seba- two flat house at one minute wood is used it must be rendered Ure- happy Juan—which is to be our first point of at- the dinner smashing bottles, glas- flight, opposite Hotel; Deering, the party, go water and gas; desirable for lawyer, dent- NEWfrom electrics; cemented cellar; papered ruu for Lewiston and Auburn, a.m., anti historic has been accomplished by from oroof. a method UICK—Oil iliU IlOTliUttast/ JllIU ill Gitu ses and plates. Ail fled in terror or N. S. and of .,0 4 00 6.20 and 8.30 p. in. F'or Gorham, Fortunately, satisfactory GUUiu, ist physiciaan. GARDNER, 176Va heated; 5,000 square feet land; upper railroad in its two tours of the one man dead, and ta- St.6-1 rent Ss and island Pond 8.10 a. m.. 1.30 and 8.30 or this is Pennsylvania than San roof, leaving Middle taken; $3,000, $500 down. MARKS lierliu accomplishing already known, German, a town larger Juan with CROWN and BRtDGEWORK For Montreal and Chicago 8.10 a. m. and 27 and October 18 to the Up- king them another, badly wounded, EARLE p hi rad wood thus treated has been September the mO LET—Upstairs rent 7 rooms 69Danforth CO.__0-1 m. For Quebec 8.10 a. lit. and S.30 p. m employed capital. whose life was despaired of. 8 3o p. and a 1. St. Sil.OO; 6 rooms downstairs 21 Spruce Deering a nice, six roomed in the Annapolis, per South. San more than in- These two as far as San Juan Irregularities Specialty. cozy, exclusively Wilming- Juan is of ordinary events, St. $15.00: three rents on Brackett St., one up- HOUSE—Athouse and stable; lot containing 5,000 cover a of eleven days each, was were summed up in two down stairs and ton, Marietta. Helena, Nashville, Wheel- They period terest, as it is the best example concerned, stairs $16.00; $18.00 $16.50, square feet; on sunny side of the street; price Montreal. Toronto and Chicago Battle- probably in the local newspa- EIGHT YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. N. S. 176 1-2 Middle For -Quebec. and and include in their itinerary the three-line paragraphs desirable. GARDINER, $2,000, only $300 do wn, MARKS & E A U LE CO. ni.. Lewiston and Auburn, Gorham and ing, Newpcit Vicksburg, Simply of a Spanish in the new world. The a Open Evenings. Prices Moderate. 5-1 8,'io p. Blue city per. A third event, however, created St. 9-1 o-30 a. in. and 8.30 p. m. aug2d5t field of picturesque iicriliij described, the process consists in with- Gettysburg, architecture is largely of the hybrid typo, miniature panic. Having had 40 Span- mo LET—A very desirable and convenient ATEW three fiat house on Park hot all and moisture from the Mountain, Luray Caverns, the Natural ish soldiers killed and 60 wounded in an street; drawing sap whioh is known as ilispano-Moorish, in DR. ELLERY P. A flat of six rooms, pantry and bath, fitted and cold water in and elec* — BLANCHARD, pantry bath; and tne usu uuiiDiua mu wj a and then the Virginia Hot: Springs, uiituigoujeuo j with hot water and range boiler. Second story. trie desir- 'lumber in vacuum, tilling Bridge, whioh sunlight and fresh ait are excluded the bells, speaking tubes; everything of San Juan believed that Sunshine all day. Apply to 160 NEWBURY will 13 cent on asked. of ammonia. This cities of Richmond and Washington. people Room 25-26-27, Y. M. C. A., Congress *q. able; pay per price pores with phosphate from buildings by using narrow windows dash into the very heart ST., or at SOUTHWORTH BROTHERS’, 105 marks & earlk all neoessary insurgents might augl d3m co.ojl_ mineralized wood cannot bo sat afire; a Round trip rate, covering and small doorways. The houses in the of the city itself. The so-cailed engage- Middle St.__4-1 Boston. A Tourist lasted two if ukbale—in tne beautiful, growing suDufD a will char it. 175.00 from ment at and a A flame from blowpipe only expenses, city have handsome iron balconies, and began daybreak LET—At 153 Cumberland street, first ot Deering, the new houses: 11 PORTLAND TO each hours. A of infantry, AN IDEAL AUGUST VACATION following nt and will accompany battalion Spanish TO class upper rent of eight rooms, with bath room house on Forest 9 room Chips cut from it and thrown into a fire age Chaperon those in the suburbs are set in very pretty Avenue, $5,200 ; on its way to an outpost with supplies, on the well known Yacht Shechinali, of tub and hot water connections, also hot water house on Glenwooil Avenue, $3,800; 12 room tour, which will be made in speoial attack gardens. The city itself is built on what was suddenly bred upon. The Pottiand Yacht Club. heat. Everything in fine condition and up to house on Glenwood Avenue, $4,200 ; 9 room of cars from Now York. all of the date. Apply to TRUE BROS., 394 Fore street, house corner ot Avenue and William “If It is worth while to make buildings train parlor was formerly a series of hilly islands, seemed to come from points Yacht Shechinah, one of the fastest and most Deering The foot of Exchange street.aug2dtf street, These houses are io date and For detailed and further in- compass. A square was formed. beautiful yachts In eastern waters, 60 feet over $4,500. up fireproof, how vastly mere important is it itinerary coral reefs and lowlands sometimes sub- have eleltrie and fire r—■ fired at random. Not a rebel ali, is open to charter for periods of one week OFFICE TO LET-The Dental lights hells, laundry, to D. N. Bell, Tourist Spanish places, steam etc. We make terms to via tlie famous to ndopt a like precauiion in the ease of a formation, apply merged in weather. It is con- moment a soldier or more during the month of August. She has DENTIST’SParlors now Dr. D. W. Fel- heat, stormy could be seen, yet every occupied by suit our & 478 1-2 205 street, Boston, a commodious cabin, lavatory, bath room and low's. 211-2 Free customers, DALTON CO., vessel. is so terrible as lire on Agent, Washington nected with the mainland a of dead or wounded. Pres- street, comprislng^-operatiuK Nothing by long pen- SpEin fell, ample accomodations for a parry of eiuht per- Congressislreet, 9-1 W. Assistant General the shots of the enemy seemed to rooms, reception room and work room; posses- because t'aero is no escape. or George Boyd, and with the island a ently sons. For particulars address CAPT. J. P. Crawford Molcli, shipboard, insula, proper by the sion August 1. Also offices over 88 and 90 Ex- OR SALE—2 1-2 story house No. 35 St. Law- Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, come from the treetops. Whereupou TOOTH AKER, South Harps well, Maine, street. A"If The of fire carries terror to tho It is the neatest in change CHARLES MCCARTHY, JR. rence street, containing 13 rooms and bath; nf very cry railway bridge. city raised their aim from the augl eod2w* MAINE CENTRAL R. Spaniards or BENJAMIN SHAW. jly26dtf has furnance heat, cemented cellar, Sebago R„ stoutest heart under such circumstances. America. Within the harbor are fired into the trees. Still no MAINE TOWNS. Spanish bushes and water, gas, water closets, fitted for two fami- one of the At last the bring TCESDAl, August Oils, Smoke is as bad as fire; breath of a square-turreted, little stone battery and sign enemy. lies: lot 60x100; for further particulars inquire 12til. ceased as suddenly as it had begun. Then ONE OBJECTION. of A. C. LIBBY & 421-2 Exchange St. FRIDAY, August smoke-laden air will disable a man. Ex- a fort but CO., ■item* of Interest Gathered by Cora* liUputian oddly picturesque, the buried their dead, picked aug9-4 A. M. Spaniards _ Tit A IN LEAVES of sea under modern con- a perience fights the Prefli* practical y insignificant. On high u their wounded and marched back to pondents of p SALE—8econd-hand, three spring ex- Kennebuokpo.rt.6.25 has that fire is an immi- a battalion forlorn and bewil- ditions proved point of land, within the oastle walls, San Juan, FORpress s bv 3 ft. 6 has Kennebunk 7.00 Rico wagon, body It. In., dered. So do the patriots in Porto three a d cushions. Butueford .7.10 nent peril. Exploding shells set lire to stands a tall lighthouse. This is the real removable seats with backs 7.10 CASCO. show their rebellious BRADLEY & SMALL, 35 Preble St. 8-1 Saco bit of woodwork within of spirit. -2< every range gateway to the island. Camp Grand .-.* of the musical instruments Old Orchard the fragments, and to put out the Casco, Aug. 8.—Tho Republicans Ponoe de Leon is,buried here. His dust SALE—Elegant .^-30 flying h|T AND WISDOM. FORJust received, pianos, music boxes, regl- Pine Point .7.35 Otisiield and flames is exceedingly difficult under such Class for Caseo, Harrison, is inclosed in a box that is in- nas, har- Scarboro Beach. awaiting violins, mandolins, banjos, guitars, Samuel G. Surr of Otis- monicas, cornets, cases, violin bows, superior Portland —.6.45 circumstances. It follows, therefore, that have nominated terment beneath a monument. He LeeiA proposed violin and banjo strings, popular music books, for candidate for representative Returning leave Faybans Kennebunkport, everything possible ought to ho done to fieid as their Perhaps the most noted building in the etc. Please call. HAWES, 414 Congress 1.45 m. Leave Fay Dans for Biddeford, clu p. eliminate this in maritime war- to the Legislature. is the Casa Blanoa street. aug6-4 Orchard and Portland 1.45 and 4.45 p. in. danger city (white house) David E. Coburu has returned fare. Rev. that Ponoe built for himself in 1509, and OR SALE—Examine the fine editions of 100 N. If Our Portland ami Keach “An American officer on one of the from his vacation to Keswick Ridge, which he occupied during his long term sheet music for sale by HaWES, 414 Con- street; also music hooks, been for a Rev. J. A. Niohois, of Old Orchard, gress popular songs, visitors Isavii asking Chinese vessels in the famous battie of B. as governor. This is now the governor- superior strings and musical instruments of all Yaiu River said afterwards that the shells vacation who is spending nis here, very It is a good type of the kinds. augu-4 from the “first his absence. general’s palaoe. WEEK BAY EXCURSION Japanese guns split up acceptably supplied during architecture of Madrid. The the woodwork into kindling-wood and* Casco is many summer guests. municipal SALE—London Cart, has pole and enjoying a|fOR HERE IT IS, then set fire to it.” The same effect was Mr. Lyman W. Holden has his house cathedral is rather a handsome building. shafts, cost $175.00: never u»ed; taken in exchange for double carriage; will sell at big observed on the Japanese ships as a result tilled to its utmost capacity. Judge and There are a but attractive, con- TAKE IN. gloomy, discount; away up In and style; better DON’T FAIL TO IT of the Chinese On October of are the quality gun-fire. 17, Mr. Lesser Boston, among one or two and look at It. Bl.ADLEY & 35 Preble F. E. GEO. F. EVANS. vent, picturesque gates, SMALL, BOUTIIBY, 1804, the Eurcau of Ordnance of the Davy number at the Bolden mansion. 6-1 G. 1\ & T. A. V. T. * G. M. a number of and massive houses street._ submitted a statement showing that in Mrs. S. Marcia Cook of Portland is large augo-G-8-10-] 1 lots located on the sea light referred to five Chinese of Mrs. Julia A. Smith for the built in the olden time, when the plaoe SALE—Cottage finely ships the guest FORPeaks Island, near Greenwood Garden and one vessel had been set on Japanese summer. was frequented by Spanish warships and and within five minutes walk of Forest City lire by explosive shells, owing to the pres- Mrs. and daughter of for a fine location for Mary Sylvester galleons. landing; anyone looking ence of bulkheads and other structures of North Bridgton are visiting at Mr. S. C. a summ-r home it will pay them to call and get Steamer lor wood. This was the first lesson afforded Sylvester’s. Some of the streets are paved in a curi- prices. A. C. LIBBY & CO., 42 12 Exchange ay on SR5-1 to naval experts this subject, and it Mr. N. C. Sylvester, who has been ous fashion. Wedge-shaped stones are resulted in the this relatives in adoption by depart- visiting his brother and other driven into the earth of the roadway, and SALE—Laundry in Deering, must be a that all at |fOR ment f requirement ships this vicinity, returned to bis home in A sold at once; a good for the afterward hammered heavy paviors ODOovtunity Internniiouiil S. S, Co. that time building should be fitted with Haverhill, Mass., last Saturday. by WEARY—1 wuz ter but I me right party. JOHN J. GO'O'DY, Assignee. 36 form a smooth and rather con- goin’ enlist, changed mind, Ragsy. wood one horses until they St5-1 fireproof throughout. Jesse Holden lost of his team T Exchange cf the o ave surface. This conflicts with our RAfiSY—What’s der matter? Until Steamer will “Erom the fierceness flames which a few ago. west of Sept. 19th, 1S9S, days ideas of the intent to use |fOR SALE—Ou Cumberland street, the vessels of tho Rhoda of Portland and Mrs. paving, being WEARY—I bathin’ wherever de a- of leave It. ft. Wharf on Tuesday, Thurs- destroyed Spanish Nutting of its yeerd dey pervided places regiments stopped. Green street, brick house 9 rooms, good off It would Junction the oenter of the street, instead close and at a. squadron Santiago, appear M. E. Waterman of Danvifle yard and sunny exposure; must be sold to day Saturday 7 sides, us a for water ^, that a great deal of wood must have been visited their sister, Mrs. D. C. Smith gutter during heavy an estate, best bargain In Portland: price rains. 180 Middle used in their construction, in the shape last week. $2300. W. H. WALDRON & CO., for ZOOSTOI^. Like Porto Rico is overrun with St51 of heavy bulkheads, etc. One or two fires, Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Wight of Medford, Cuba, Captain—Did yer tell him we’re goto RENT—An exceptionally well located broke out on our own soldiers. Every offloer, private, MISCELLANEOUS. FORmodern house. No. 217 and No. 219 Brack- you will remember, Mass., are nicely settled in their cottage Spanish over de mine beds and to go slow? If OR SALE—On New High street near Con- offiolal and custom house inspector ett street, containing 10 and 11 with a farf 91.00. ships, caused by the explosion of shells. the doctor had built this spring near the petty rooms, gress street, elegant detached brick resi- and the island Kid—Yep. inserted tinder this head baths, and all other modern were but it is imported from Spain, forty words improvements; dence. 11 laree rooms with bath and billiard board. They promptly extinguished, shore of Pleasant did he inducements to desirable families. Real Meals served on Lake._ must them. But the people are Captain—What say? one week for 35 cents, cash in advance. special steam heat throughout, fire is easy to imagine that disaster might support Estate office. First National room, ample open FROM HER to all Kid—Remember de Maine 1—New York Bank, FKEDER- hot and cold water, ;o io feet land, will jylldtf H. P. C. HERSEY, Agent. have followed other and better directed DIED INJURIES. unalterably opposed thingB Spanish. ICK S. VAILL.10-1 places, be sold at a sacrifice. W. H. WALDRON if water had They have a good reason to hate their op- World. great shots, especially the mains 8.—Miss Holmes MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED—Sl.ooo, 31,500. Middle McKinley,Me.,August and hate them do, & CO.. 180 been cut off. Obviously, it will not do.to pressors they heartily. Ill $6,000., or more at 5 per cent interest. We TO LiET. St._51_ DAILY who was burned by the upsetting The class of the EXCURSION, take it for granted that wo shall never badly productive population, CASTORIA have funds of clients to invest in first mort- TfOR SALE—Small farm with new house, fine the small landholders and are estate Parties On Prospect street. No. 17 and 151-2. two A- To ^omsli Harjpsweli. encounter an enemy who is more lucky, of a kerosene stove last Friday,died Sun- laborers, gages on real security. desiring large stable and poultry house, excellent of old which was Bears the of Chas. H. Fletcher. loans ran obtain same by at the real good rents. No. 17 has 6 rooms at $20 per orchard, fruit; superior location within or who can do more accurate shooting. If in Her moth- very Spanish stock, signature applying grafted Kciand Trip Ticket Including; first-class day morning great agony. mixed centuries with the native In- estate office. First National Bank Building, month. No 15 1-2 has 4 rooms at $10. In- 5 minutes’walk of Greely Institute in Cumber- we suppose au encounter at sea between ago In use for more than thirty years, and or to A. S. Shore I>inu«r sttli^ Meriyconoag only i.t> whn was somewhat, burned in trvins blood. This called FREDERICK S. YA1LL.10-1 quire onpremises KENDALL. E. land. 10 miles out. P.ice $1,900; easy terms. two war vessels of one of dian class, Gibaros, No. Yarmouth, =^■7= ■-’* equal strength, The Kind You Have Always Bought. Me.augodlw W. II. WALDRON & CO- 180 Middle St. 4-1 $1.00 them having woodwork and the to save her daughter, lies in a very low are peaooful, contented and, as the virtue we 1 Steamboat Co. fireproof Take Steamers of Harps for is measured in Porto Rico, industrious. some good bargains in Bicycles. I in this other not, it is likely that the former condition but hopes are entertained CASTORIA WATCHES ON from Portland Pier. See time table paper. are the farmers and and INSTALLMENTS. 1HAVEhave the “Imperial,” “Progress,” “Vim would in one iuvul- They herders, 75c. Ask lor Dinner Tickets. Casco Hotel Co. win, being respect her Copt. Holmes arrived home MAINSPRINGS, and "Columbia." Will make very low recovery. are content to their to mar- the of Chas. H. Fletcheo. Waltham and Elgin Watches. A stock Special” ncranio a? with her pack product Bears signature large out G. L. jiy7dtf Proprietors. compared antagonist. TUe best American Mainsprings, made by the of new model Watches will be sold on prices to close them BAILEY, 203 Saturday morning. I ket or mill on mule back; and it is well easy pay- “It needed this experience at Santiago In use for more than thirty years, and and Waltham companies. Warranted ments at reasonable All Middle street.4-1 it is for the of them have Elgin prices. Styles. All to convince naval experts of the necessity so, majority for one year. McKENNKY, the Jeweler Prices. McKENNEY, the Jeweler, Monument MONUMENT TO FRANCIS S. KEY. mule whioh to reach mar- The Kind Yon Have Always Bought. SALE—A Grade Lady’s Wheel in COT of fireproof wood or some equivalent. The only paths by Monument Square.n.ar!9dtf Square. marl9dtf High CASCO BA¥“STEAMBOAT L'.Lt' unit on the island is FORfirst claswjondUion. Price $18.00. Box lesson of the Yalu fight being 9.—Francis Scott ket. The monetary forgotten, Frederick, August f.ho cilvp.r neso—not, to he cnnfiiKwri with CASTORIA want to call your attention to the 1669, Portland^4-1 or its significance unrealized, a board of the author of The Star Spangled I do landscape fall SUMMER RESORTS. Key, much less reliable is of FACTS—Ifollowing: gardening, naval officers to consider the honored in his the pes3ta—and Bears the signature Chas. H. Fletcher. clean do scrub- SALE—A farm of 100 acres in North Nolice. appointed Banner,” was today this, in pruning and grading, windows, Special in of the worth about 82 cents our currency. and All work is FORHarpswell, 5 miles from Brunswick. A subject reported January present native city, by the dedication of a hand- In use for more than years, and bing. clean lay carpets. my Forty words inserted under tills head or Porto as it is thirty stock or hay farm or would make a Puerto Rico, Rico, done in a satisfactory manner; it will pay you one week for 35 In advance. good some monument erected to his memory. cents. summer borne. For is the sma lest and The Kind You Have to me a call: refer by permission to Car- splendid quiet particulars tlregroof wood. Among tho objections The an oration by generally spelled, Always Bought. give On anil after IfliVV I Sill tile; programme including eer LOUIS No. 9 Bovn- address ALONZO CAMPBELL, Brunswick, were was most easterly of the Antilles, and has an Bros. KLINEBICK, alleged against it that it Hon.’ Henry Watterson, an address by one board in the Me., or Box 22, Woodfords, Me-4-1 b<‘ EJVE CE5T1P8 to including its dependencies (the is- lou Court. Telephone 750.aug2dtf wishing coun- fare will heavier, that it cost more, that- it was Mrs. Donald McLean of New and area, BOARD—Anylor a few weeks can find it at the York, Gulebra and of Not True to Nnture. try customer liberal enough tnoro difficult to that it was less lands of Vieque, Mona), House. OVER—My and srosra forest City Landing, work, an ode by Folger MoKinsey of Baltimore. LOANED on first and second Pequawket Plenty of fresh veget- 3500 with a of A visitor to tho British museum WARto give $1000 lot provided you buy splendid strong, that it had a tendency 1o absorb The cord which released the un- square miles, papulation reports real life insurance ables, eggs. etc. Terms reasonable. Address, island. drapery are MONEYmortgages, estate, thereon at cost; will 6hade that most Peaks’ and retain that did not about 800,000, of which 350,000 white. that ho saw a be- bonds and collateral MRS. 0. SiL’RCH. West Baldwin, Me. 9-1 buildings moisture, paint covering the monument was drawn by countryman standing policies, notes, good move into city whatever sacrifice. Do vou want The island is rectangular in shape, rate of interest Steamers leave Cttsioni House slick upon it, that it did not wear as well Miss Julia Howurd, nearly foro the bust of a woman in a collection of security. Notes discounted; home. Woodfords, convenient to everything McHenry grand- east and of and to ts and that it a cor- with a length, west, about 6 per cent a year upwards, according summer and winter, for women WARREN DAVIS, Real Estate ordinary wood, had daughter of Francis Scott Key. statuary. The woman was represented in men, good? CHAS. V/llEU'f. i and a breadth of 40. W.P. CARR, room 5, second floor, BOARD,and children; quiet place, and sail- 17C 1-2 Middle St 4-1 rosive effect upon metals in contact with 100 miles, act of securtiy. fishing and Business Broker, tat another island I saw tho coiling her hair, and as the vis- Oxford 185 Middle street. jlyl6-4 chance to keep horse and See (itiit! Cable it. 'lhe was also made that its While in this very few building, ing; good carriage; charge BRAM WITNESSES DISCHARGED. canto tho wholesome near White’s SALE OR LEASE—Brick house 105 or flowers. But I did see a itor up countryman was saying flood; Sebago Lake, TTIOR COfti chemical tho birds great ll Hfintnv ctpaat thiYPAnivVlIv Vinilf IO pnnma lit Hi. ingredients spoiled clothing himelf: WANTED—All persons in want of trunks Bride; terms reasonable. Particulars given, at officers which was contained in Boston, August 9.—The six witnesses number of pretty girls, especially in San to C. W. 'S'. CODING, drawers and bags to call on E. D. REYNOLDS, addressing ELLEN FREEMAN, North Wind- beside bath and linen room, fourteen closets, in the Bram murder who have been Juan. I beard a story about a “No, sir, that ain’t true to nature. She made of it. case, girl of£San 603 Congress street, one door above Sb.aw’s ham, Maine. 9-1 cellar plastered and cemented, containing ‘auu- mvlliltf Con. fflmmger more than the of rooms “I have the best possible reasons for in custody two years, were dis- Juan, Pauline Macias, daughter ain’t got her mouth full of hairpins.”— grocery store, as we manufacture our goods dry, storage and water closet, furnace from the bail under which who went out into bottom CUMMER BOARD—Parlies wishing board two open fires, lot 50x100 knowing that most of these assertions are charged today rhe captain genorai, AllrAMIlO. and can tlierafcra give prices. heat, very pleasant, We frame Q address BURNELL FARM. Box 4, Gorham. overlooking flue gardens and State‘street. P. SEW £XCURSiO]ir incorrect. True, the tireproof wood does they were held on the indictment against tho streets of the capital and tried to Trunks repaired. Open evenings. to Me. No applications answered without refer- C. MANNING, 234 Middle street, jly29,tf cost more than hut tho Bram, obargiug him with tile murder of rouse her countrymen thedeiense of pictures.__H-* -TO- ordinary wood, REAL, ESTATE ence. 1-3 to a Charioi I. Nash. wore im- their If true, this was in contra- TRANSFERS. difference amounts only few thousand Captain They city. -vrOTICF,—We will the highest cash prices FOR SALE—The old established of the code of conven- pay dollars in a battleship or cruiser—a mat- mediately apprehended again, however, vention Spanish These transfers havo been recorded: -LI for household or store fixtures of WEDDING RINGS. BUSINESStailoring business of Petersen & Nansen.No. N. does a goods PORTSMOUTH, H»5 ter of no worth and held as witnesses on the indictment tionalities. Rarely Castilian Joan or receive the same at our auct- 11 Temple St., Portland, Me., consisting of well importance mentioning Jacob W. Wilbur of Everett, to any description One hundred of them to select from. All where the of such worth charging Bram with the murder of d’Arc venture out to lead Spanish troops; Mass., select-d slock of woolens and trimmings and safety craft, John Randall of land on styles, all weights, all prices in 10, 14 and 18 Steamer Mate None of no matter how much her service Portland, Auctioneers, 18 Free St.1»4 shop fixtures. Mr. Petfersen lias run this Ibusi- I5y Salacia, from r'3,OOU, 000 to §5,030,000, is concerned, Second August Bloiuberg. for, WILSON, Kt. Gold. and best stock cL rings her act would Victoria street in Ease Peering; to John Largest ness successfully for 18 years and oilers it for there is no serious difficulty in the official# at the court will pass any should bo valued, surely be in the a thousand of them. McKENNEY, working E. of land on LOAN on first and second mort- city, sale solely on account of serious illness. AD G. 12l!i 1898. on the Whatever freedom the fu- Carey Portland, Rigby TO Ap- ntlDAl', it when proper tools are employed. Wood comment proceedings. misconstrued. life insurance the Jeweler, Monument Square.junevdtf to C. F. 181 Porto Rico Park avenue in South Portland; to Calvin MONEYgages on real estate, poli- ply HOLDEN, Middle it, Portland. thus treated is used in the ture may bring to and to the Real es- exclusively H. Kipp of land on cies and notes or any good security. board in a fine locality for Franklin wharf, Portland, at of San at present are Peering, Olympia good country _28-2 Leaving instruction of a number of the ilffest About one month ago my child, which women Juan, they in tate bought, sold and exchanged. 48 1-2 Ex- flue views, Pleas- 8 a. about two hours at the avenue East Peering; to lsaao K. FORJlsning, gunning, rowing, SALE—Our “Made Strong” Trousers, m., giving buildings in Aew York city, and this is fifteen months had an attack of hedged about with strongest chains of change street, 1.1'. BUTLER. jly7-4 of shade trees. Broad old, often Strouc ol' l’ortlaiHl, laud on ave- ant drives and plenty FORthat will not rip in seam or buttons come Portsmouth. Arriving in Portland on would nut bo the case if paint would not custom. They do not venture out Olympia .1.2- A lor rest and eomiort. diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I nue; to Niles A. N. Bruns of piazza. quiet place off, for $1.00, 81.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per return about G p. m. or if it was to of doors unattended, like the Moor- Portland, 11. and E. W. 1 LliMiMzK, Ray- idhere to it, open other as are and, on Address, J. pan*. Also white drill overalls, blue drill over- gave it such remedies usually giv- ortener land Olympia avenue; to Elizabeth C. jelts-12 such as those named. Of ish women, they visit tee ceme- Notice of liUsoiutiou. ntond. Me. alls. grocers’ frocks and butchers’ t> ocks at objections en in such cases, but as nothing gavo re- Fuller of Portland, land on Oregon ave- Fare Round 75 Cents. course city buildings are not exposed to tery than the picnic ground. HASKELL & JONES’, Monument Square. Trip we sent for a and it was nue in East Peering; to lsaao MoLellan Tho firm of Ratvson, Lombard & Co., coop- X do not consider that lief, physician Not a from the great Morro of TYANXE-D. jy28-4 sea air, hut. any gunshot land on is this dissolved mutual Weather permitting. under bis care for a week. At this time of of Portland, Rigbv Park avenue ers, day by consent, evidence has been offered to San in the center the idequute Juan, city, you to and George L. Itawson will continue tho busi- SALE—New house on Pitt street, Oak- OdAS. K. LEWIS. 0. 0. OLIVER. the child had been sick for about ten central in South Portland; Lelia E. Trott of ihow that the wood on shipboard possesses will And tho plaza. During the ness at the same stand. No, 9 Central street, under this head FOR rooms and hot and Treasurer. South Portland, land on Park ave- Forty words Jnsortod dale ; contains 7 bath, ui:jr8(l-it Ptcsident. tho and was about it is hot and vacant; at cool Rigby the same of Lombard & ia to any serious extent disadvantages days, having twenty-five day night, under style Itawson, one week for 2.1 cents, cash advance. cold water, wired for electric lights, connects the nue. to operations of the bowels every twelve and populous. When music begins Co. All accounts due the firm are payable with sewer, has largo lot. and will be sold on claimed. S. Welch of and ro and we at ts o’clock in the Stephen Ravmond, to said Itawson, and ho assumes all debts terms. to CH ARLES C. “One very advantage of the hours, were convinced that unless evening, out from of to 75 acres, easy Apply ADAMS, important Albert Strout Casco, lnnd in Casco. contracts of the firm. ir ANTED—Farm, 50 suitably di- No. 31 street. The on the corner of India and is that it does not shrink. it soon obtained relief it would not live. their prison dwellings troop the fair la- Exchange Portlaud.jly27-4 property fireproof wood Wulter S. Higgins et al of (5EG. L. RAWSON. ll vtded, good buildings, near schools, 2wiih- Commercial Sts., known as the ‘'International dies of San Juan. Some are Scarboro to This alone would warrant its Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and blonde, M. Gilmore of THEODORE II. LOMBARD. in 10 to 20 miles of Portland. Would pay $20u SALE—Farm m Bethel. Maine, 120acres House". That of the o be leased quality as Etta Jxjwell, Mass., land part building substitution for ordinary wood in the Diarrhoea was most are brunette. All, seen in the Beach in Portland, Maine, August 1, 1898. augadlw* down or exchange equity ill good rented proper- F'ORgood land, 2 1-2 house, slied and two contains thiriy-nvo rooms, is in icpair and Remedy recommended, at Higgins Scarboor. story good You know what dim of the flickering are ty near Boston. Address, with particulars, barns, all in condition, good orchard, and is heated l>v steam. It is iu close to building of ships. and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a light Jamps good proximity ot beautiful. All carry fans, which LOTON W. BRYANT, Readihg, Mass. 10-1 well with wood and water; also about I lie Grand Trunk Railway trouble is caused by the shrinking the its continued remind OF supplieci passenger station, change for better; by TALKEP CUBA." 200.000 feet of timber. About two miles York anti Boston into the of one of the flutter of butterflies’ as pine the Foreign. Ne‘.v steamers, wood that enters construction use a cure was about wings BATTLESHIP MAINE SOUVENIR SPOONS of light doubletharnesses in from Bethel and known as the Edward run f complete brought and half 9.—In village, : n has been successfully years as a houses. it is the same way with they flit start, opening and shut- Ocean Park, August the Chau- ever on llie WANTED—Setcondition. liox’459, lo-l on Well, and it is now L. This is the prettiest Spoon put good City. A. Capen farm; will be sold favorable terms small hotel and hoarding house. Will be leased made perfectly healthy.—C. as if ahout to balance on the vessels, only more serious. A dock ting. themselves Assembly Rev. Eugene p. market. Call and see it. McKENNEY, or may be exchanged for Portland property. jar a terra of vears to the right parties. Boggs, Gilmer Co., W. Va. These tauquan May, TITAN TED—A high grade, second hand cash Apply jf the most seasoned lumber Stumptown, a bed of flowers. girls are bare- Jeweler, Monument Sq uaro. mariudtt MISS SARAH BIDEN, No. 394 Fore St. thoroughly this afternoon a lecture on 'I Must be in to AUG. 1:. FULLER, leak For sale by D. \V. Haseltino it Co., 887 headed but for the graceful p., delivered register. good condition. Portland, Me.marO-tf M2 Fore Me. soon parts at tho seama'aud begins to mantilla, and cash jlySWtUm St, Portland, Edward across I3earl in the which Give description spot price. Address so The fire- Congress street; VY. Stevens, 107 which often hangs their bare ‘‘Cuba; Mire,” ranks that it requires caulking. F. O. Box SALE OR LEASE—A lot of land at riie Portland P. Cum- shoulders instead of their addresses TOOK A HEADER. 1(1119._9-1 prooling process prevents this, because street; King Raymond, adorning tres- among tho most eloquent heard FORWest End, corner Forest and Congress MARRY KiE, KELLIE, the Afi 11s; VVm. 021 ses. The ladies appear by E. with capital in the particles of mineral injected into berland Oxnard, Con- themselves, in Pr. May spent a month Yesterday morning, Mr. Frank dyeing streets, containing about 4.224 feet. Apply to if have male on this platform. WANTED—Partneranil cleansing business. For further in- such a at woo hold tho mass firm and solid. I H. P. S. or, they aro E. HARLOW, 919 Congress stnuu. jan25qtf And Twill buy you pretty Ring gress street; Goold, Congress groups, escorts, in Cuba bofore the decla- t!.e watchmaker, with Win. formation to J. N. J. LONHOLD. 11 solid accompanied a and a half just Brown, apply McKenney's. A thousand gold Rings, ought to say that the increase in the Hotel. invariably by duenna, 8-1 Squaro so Senter his bicycle Temple St., city. roil Rubies, Emeralds and of e who was youug long ago that she of war and was one of the last and Co. was riding §AE,L. Diamonds, Opal-Pearls, weight the wood is of no onsequeuce The Best for Flux. has ration ail other stones. and Remedy all about and who down to tho small family to take lower rent precious Engagement at all, amounting to ten percent at the forgotten it, keeps tho to leave the Island. Puring Danlorth street on tho way A Beautiful residence, situate 1 in the village a stock in Americans of seven rooms, also hath and store Wedding Bines specialty. Largest most. After Mr. a well stock watch over her young WANTED—A room; of of all, little John Mathias, known sharpest charge. a of store. Tho wheel struck Bowdoinliam, consisting house and stable, City. McKENNEY, The Jeweler, Monument comparatively hours the lecture ho exhibited relio the bicycle’s forward hot and cold water; modern drainage, gas; woodwork is used in a of For two people revel in his all modern conveniences, including furnace mar22dtf modern warship dealer Pulaski, Ky., says: “After the a and Mr. cemented yard and Square. of the hand from on the hydrant cover in the street cellar; large garden ; pos- heat, open fire ana filtered cistern, located while in torpedo boats there is rone at for over a week with and music Gadiz, and when Maine given by Captain Sigsbee session at once. at 103 BRACK- etc., suffering flux, have Brown out bis given Inquire on overlooking river and M. C. 1L all. the musicians started for their bar- of the and a machete took a bad header. He St. month. i-i high ground, failod to relieve me, wreck battleship, ETT $20 per R. with a beautiful view my physician having racks with that light, face depot, of surrounding DR. W. a. “fro far as practicable, wood is elimi- swinging paoe pe- by a prominent Cuban leader. and was unconscious within three of EVANS, I was advised to try Chamberlain’s Colic, the carried considerably WANTED—Case of bad health that It-I-P A-N-S country, minute* walk high on board of a culiar to Spanish a was the nated modern lighting ves- infantry, then the evening conoert given by for some Sends cents to HI pans chemical school and three churches, the for Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and with ill-corn ealed This time. Marshal Slyvester hap- will not benefit. just place sel, but for some purposos it has to be ladies, disappointment talent, singers, readers and Co.,New York,for 10samples and 1,000 testluumbo. any o e about to retire on limited income. Mr have the of that the half to the seclusion of assembly pened along and obtained Drs. Cousins >v. used, for lack of any satisfactory substi- pleasure stating return their dwellings’ p. Can- Esq., who lias occupied premises for of one bottle cured me.” For sale the men and 1 liv— at a rental tute. It is employed as material for fur- by while disperse to the oafes to chorus._ AoAleny, and Rich’s ambulance. A THOUSAND RINCN years of $110 per year, and DEPJT1ST, I). W. Haseltino it 387 st., smoko and chat. This tho : g about to move to his new residence now niture, ladders, shelving, the of Co., Congress men do over The ambulance Brown to — will removo to_ lining scald of conveyed Mr. To select from. Diamonds, Dpp.lv b.nldhi'-, is the reason why 1 offer for some 107 Portland street; concert or no bead, hives, itchiness property storerooms and for of the bulkheads. Edward VY. Stevens, night, concert; but the la- Eczema, his A"o. 8 and all other precious stores. ale. If not sold Oct. dies do not of sort home, Taylor street, where the Rubys by 1st. will rent to right Itiicin 23, Y. ill. C. A. The of a battleship is of P. Cumberland Mills; appear again until tfe next the skin auy instantly relieved, and a Address the Kualtliitag, uppordeek wood, King Raymond, doctors dressed his merit Wedding Bings specialty arty. owner, decks are of U. P. “retreta,” unless to go cured. Poau’s Ointment. injuries. He returned in c; ,i. Congress ISfls. but, the lower steel, covered Wm. Oxnard, 021 Congress street; shoouing some permanently stock the city. McKENNEY, A. H. DRUMMOND. Sq., July forenoon under store. m.,: ■ Me. jijrie dtf with linoleum. When decks aru laid S. Goold, Congress Squaro Hotel. rigid surveillance At any drug to oonsoiousnes3.nfter reaching home. Monument Square. Bangor, aug2diw RAILROAD j. STEAMERS. 162% spars for Sparmaker John S are STEAMERS. .1 26 ao Kf4 .....152% Wiggins. They THE DASLY PRESS Beeswax.37®4*|X cedar... 76*3 84% troni so to 100 feet fains cedar.2 60*276 St Paul 84% long. six are for the Blcli powders... 7®9lCleor &:omata‘.! yacht ana 11 for barges. Borax.10®lllX No 1.1 8602 26 do prfd.*jj3 Portland & Worcester Line, Portland & Boothbay Steamboat Co, Crlmstone. .374®>77 1 cedar..1 2bjSl 75 3l Minn. & Mann.161% LINE |No Paul. Domestic Ports, ALLAN Boctilneai...... 40048 2601 SC Summer and After Spruce.1 Can be found at the ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. ArrangeniPiits—On Copperas...., 174® at Laths.spoe ..1 60*2 or Union Paolllo pfd.63% NEW YORK—Ar Stll, barque W B Flint, always periodic & June ISt h, 1898. iV6 American Express.133 26 May. Laurentian. p. m. Wednesday, leave Damariscotta at G a. m. for .=>01 Metals. 13j> Bartlett, Bruuswiek; Jolin I -; Mabel I, A. LlbbV. 560 “ Markets. S. Exoress. 40 Snow, 2 June. Parisian. For Manchester, Concord and North at Portland, touching at aoove Leading Shellac.35*401 Copper— Rockland; Harry W Boston; Red F. A. 936 Congres 25 June points landings. ...01574 Peoples Gas.102% 101 Hall, Haynes, Jelllson, street. 9 June. Carthaginian. 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 p. m. leave tor Portland at G a. Indigo.860®$ 1114*48 com. Portland. U31A Friday, Pemaquid 28 Homes f2 O" Jacket, Chas Ashton.. Congress street 'luiie Kochester. Water- at above iodine... .s 60® 3 86 rousneo oooner. take, Island. 16 Juno. Oeulormau,__M For (jpi'inuvale. Alfred. m.,touching landings except Damaris- 4 4 Ar nth. schs Hamburg. Spencer’s NS; li. E. Donnell 135 Congress street Ipecao.22602 50iBolts. Ontario. Montreal at 9 a. con- boro and Saco Kiver at 7.30 a. m., 12.30 aud coWa. 16@1J 31% Harriet S Brooks. Bangor; James Young, Thom- C. Froiierickson. 16 India street. ~Steamers sail from m., Licorice, Y M sheath- IS Pacido Mail... 32 trains Port- 6.30 p. m. GOING EAST. rt_16*201 Wide Awake, Charlie & Willie. Jordan A. Stubbs, corner Federal with Grand Trunk leaving .. U Puiiuhu Palace....180 1910 astou- and TemnleP Rr« necting For Gorham at 7.30 and 9.45 a.m., 12.30, 3.00, Morphine.. .2 66® 2-501YM Thomas Hix, Frauds 87 the evening. Tuesdays and Saturdays, leave Portland at 7 r> Boyd and Oxford 12.30 m. tram 1ro.11 Fortland connects Boothbay. NEW TCRK. Aug. V- ■§; V?'0’ street where motion Is felt. Isleo- The p. leave Portland at 7 a. for Pem- Olive..,. .10002601 RngUsh.... Lizzie E Dennison, Gardner, Charles- J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle tral part, least with “Hoosae Thursdays, m. 1. Co- Boston Prodnoe Market. Bangor; street. the at Ayer Junction Tunnel Koute” at on call was steady at l%AVipr cent; Peppt.17602 On Char. W. L. 70 tnoity is used for lighting ships through- aquiu, touching above jandings except Money L A* crane, Exchange street of the tor tin) West and at, Union station, Worcester, VVlnreroTnenl 76®2 001Char. 1898—The are McLean, Bath out, the being at the command Damariscotta. last loaulH:prime mercanule.'paper 3H®*% BOSTON. Aug 9. following tacid schs Geo P Davenport, (to Westman ft West. 93 ana 95 Commercial lights tor Providence and New York, via “Providence Kennebec anu Wasii- at hour of the night. Music On Saturday will return from Damariscotta with actual to-day’s quotations of Provisions, ©to.; Thomas, Join H. Allen, 381VI street. passengers any Line” for Norwich and Now York, via "Nor- perjcent, sterling txeliaiue easier, repair)*;0 Spartan, Congress Booms and Smoking Booms on the promenade to East Boothbay. FLOUR. DenaetfliCo, 046 Congress 3Lrm»t. wich Lino” with Boston and Albany K. It. lor In bankers bills 4 85*)4®4 86Vh for and Wash- J- (look. The Saloons and staterooms are heated t by team. business SM »th schs Spartan, Kennebec Hodgson, 96ya Portland the West, and with the New York all rail via Passengers conveyed Spring patents. 4 60«% 6 26. cr‘* }»• street by steam. and Saturdays passengers for Pem- demand and 4 83% aO 00 lor sixty days; post- lnctonFlvmaJ French, do and do; Waterloo, M. Glendenlng, Long Island. Tuesdays spring, clear anafstraight. 3 25£§4 60. NS: £■ Bates of passage $52.60 to"$70.00. A re- “Springfield.” ferry from So. Bristol. Commercial bills o“T!r' Mt Desert Helen Sand River. Vineyard, i. L. Brackett Peaks Island. Trains arrive at Fortland from Worcester aquid conveyed by ed rates 14Va a* S«V4. are Whiter patents. 4 00&4 60 and duction Is made on Bound Trip Tickets. ALFRED RACE. Richards, Bluebtll 1116 m. from Kocnester at a.30 a. in., 1.30 jel7dtf Manager. and 3 4054 40 eastern port; Mollie "J- tv Harmon, Congress street Cabin—To London and at 1.30 p. j 4 83. I Winter, clear straight, Second Liverpool, at New York; Josio Book. Bangor. Whitman & (ton, 422 Congress street return. and 5.48 p. m.; from Gorham 6.40, 8.30 aud Extra and Seconds 00. at aarK. otii, IV Londonderry. $34.00 and $36.26; Sliver certificates 68®68%. fiiwhiAiui Liiriit—Passed north H. M. Butler, 08 Pine sheet. 10.60 a. in.. 1.30, 4.15. 5.18 p. m. Fin© and Supers —. hard and *69.00. RAILROADS. a sell loaded with J. II. V 221 $68.75 Bar Silver 6 9%. sch li F Pettigrew aud loltery, Spring street. Liverpool, London. Glasgow, SUNDAY TKAINS. tar.... 6 2d H. D. Steerage—To Cardamons 1 2 6® 150 Coal 0C®o 1 McKenzie, cor. Spring and Clark or Including every re- Mexican collars 45%. OC Domestic Mamets. C A White and 48 Belfast Londonderry. Arrive from Kochester and way stations 9.25 Soda. Plteh.2 76*8 BALTIMOBE—Ar 9th, schs Capt. Long. Portland Pier. for the and *23.50. > Dr-carb8S4®67t W. quisite voyage *22.60 a. m. Government Bonds irregular. W1L Plteh. .2 76®# OO iPy Teiegrapm Wm M Converse, Kennebec. G. Hunt, 8 Custom House Whart J> BOSTON & MAINE R. R. |2i_ ...... 3%®8 Wnltpp Tor ticket* or further information apply Leave Tor Rochester and way Stations. 6.15 p. 8 Rosin...... 3 000400 Ooakland. Walker, John Cox. 28 Monument square, B. State bonds dnll. Sulphur..... @6 Aug 9. 1898. BANGOR- Ar 9th, barges T. r. McGOWAN. 420 Congress St., J. In Effect June Belle, Weed, do, schs J. F. Hutohinson. 12 Elm street in. 27tli, 1898, bonds firm. sugar lead.80022 Tupentlhe.gai..34M44 NEW lYOBK—The Flour market—receipts Newport News; Western KEATING. 6l>* Exchange SJ.. ASHTON’S liailroad ——: Peter Thlins. Forest Avenue. For through tickets tor all points West and DIVISION. White wax....60*65 Oakum.... 7740074 27.061 bbls; exports 7,336 bbis; tales 6.000 Franklin Nickerson. Haskell, X?|f’ TICKET AGKFCY. 931 1-2 Congress St.. II. WESTERN itrol. olue.. .67401) Olv son. Fannie Hail. Hdtchlngs. Su. Boston, South apply to 11. c. PALMER, Ticket Agent, packages; closed steady, business restricted by Philadelphia; Also at the news stands hi the & A. ALLAN, Moutreal, 92 Stale Trains leave Portland, Union Station, for Hides. .#18018 Linseed.3408S Boston; Willey. Williams, Poitland, Falmouth. Fortland, M.a» Vanlua.oeaB. strong v 6W6 of holders. Mary Preble, Congress Square and United States ho- and 1 India St, Portland. Jly31dtf Scarboro Crowning, 7.10, 9.05, 10.00 a. m., 12.00, the Duck. Boiled..80041 flnkham, New York- le25dtf J. W. PETERS. Sunt. The following quotations represent pay- iflour quotations—city mills patents —; winter Nightingale, lels, and Grand Trunk lind Union Depots, it 1.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.20, G.50 p. m.; Scarboro Beach, in this market: No 1.321 Sperm. 7O08C stoamer samara (Br), M alker. Glasgow, ing prices patents 4 103; 4 60: citylmills clears —; winter Sid, can also he obtained ot Chisholm Bros., Agents Fine Point, 7.00, 7.10, 8.15, 9.05, 10.00 a. m., 12.00, ox c t> lb No 8.281 Whale. 60030 sens A K Woodward, Treworgy, Boston; Ring- Cow and bides.7 straits 3 90®4 25; Minn, patents at 4 60^4 86; on all trains ol the Maine Central, Grand Trunk NAVIGATION CO. l. 20, 3.30, 3'55, 5.15, 5.50. G.20, 6.50, 8.00 p. ill., Old o do. MAINE COAST' Bulls and stags...e No 10.. Bans.-»0®4i winter extras 3 Mine bakers at 3 40 leader. Simmons, and Portland & Rochester and Orcllaxt Beach, 7.00, I5ig8 00; Ice with sch Geo P railroads of STEAMERS. 5.20, 7.10,,9.05, 9c lOoz.13 Shore..86046 BATH—Ar 9th. tug King, _ a. Calf skips, trimmed. 60s winter low 2 76(g3 00. agents on any ol the Boston Trains. 10.00 m., 12.00, 12.30. 1.20, 1.45, 3.30, 3.55, 5.15, SVac 8 02.11 Porgle.80035 @8 grades and three barges. do untrtmmed. Rye weak; No 2 Western 44,#44%c. Davenport The Puses can also Delound at the following POItTLAiNl) and BAiWUii 5.50, 6.05, 6.20, G.50, 8.00 p. m; saco, liiddeford to 80c cb Gunpowder—Shot. Lard. 6c-®66 Sid, schs Loring C Ballard, Eliza J Pendleton, Lamb skins.60 Wheat—receipts 61,050 bush; exports 238, Auburn—G.1I. Haskell. 7.00, 8.15, 8.40, 9.05, 10.00 a. m., 12.00, 12.30, 1.20, .8 260860 Castor.110®1 20 Fortuna, Wm Neely, and Lizzie Babcock. Phila- Blasttnefi.. 848 bush: sales 1.176,000 bush futures and Augusta—J. F. Pioroe, Tuesday, June 28, 1898, 3.30, 3.55, 5.15, 5.^0, 6.20, 8.00 p. m.; Ken ne bunk, foot ... 460006 J Manchester Coraraenolng; Sporting.,. .4 60(88(25 Neats No 2 Bed at delphia; Daylight. Washington; Batli—Johu O. Shaw. international Co. Kennebunkport, 7.00, 8.40, 10.00 a. m., 12.30, KetaSl Grocers 160,000 bush spot; spot strong; and L Beckham, Baltimore. Steamship Drop saet.26 lbs. .1 26 Blaine.. Haynes Henry Berlin Falls .N. Il.-C. S. Clark. 3.30, 5.15, 6.05, 6.20 p. in.; Wells Beach, 7.00. BB.: Palate. 79%c fob afloat spot, 9th, schs Mentora, Grant. -..12 FOU -■-’■-22: Portland market—cut loaf 7; coufetlon ca y Buck. b. 301.677 BUCKSPORT—Ar Blddeford—A. M. Burnham, 8.40 a. in., 3.30, 5.15 p. m.; Dover, Somers- Am Zinc... .6 00«7 OO SBCorn—receipts o©,947 bush: exports New York lor Bangor: Annie R Lewis. Ulmer, »•« pulverised 6o; powered, 6cj grauulaieu Straw, car lots810@12j bush W. Iugalls. STEAMER SALAGIA worth, 7.00, 8.40 a. ill., 12.30, 3.30, 5.15 p. m.; •* bush; sales 6,000 bush futures, 137,000 do: Emma do for o. liridgton—A. Lubes, Ca'ais, Si. Ja 'n, H.B..K.iliiax, N.S- by* coffee crushed 6c: reiiovr *•- Iron. I Rochelle... do for Green, Woods, P. Shaw. Easlport, Koclie-i t*r, Farmington, Alton Bay, Wolf- spot; spot Ann; No 2 at 3'iVti fob afloat. Brunswick—F. leaves Nova Scotia Common... ,1%®2 1 Blue CALAIS—Sid 9th, barque Emilia, Catalina; Franklin Wharf, Portland, Tuesdays and ail parts of New Brunswick. boro, 8.40 a. 3.30 La- Dor.nnH 1M/. 001/, rtnmaotln .. f> 2m, fS'.'l 66.833 D. Glynn. m., 12.30, p. m.; Lalcepor*, Oats—reoeipte 102,000 bush: exports soli 11 F Eaton, i.ynn. Bangor—.1. and at 6 a. rn. Touching at Squirrel Prince Edward Island and Breton. The No 2 Harbor—C. F. lvennisoa. Saturdays Cape conia, Weirs, i'lyuionih, 8.40 a. m., 12.30 p. Freights. Balt. bush; sales 160,000 bush spot; spot firm; CAPE HENRY—Passed In for Baltimore 8th, Boothbay Island, itoekland, Cainden, Belfast, JJucits- favorite route to aud St. Andrews, Norway— 3%®4 i track Brownfleld—E. L. Frink. Canipobeilo m. ; W eirs, Centre Harbor, Long Island The following are recent charters: 8 I Tks ls.lb hu 200®2 6C at 2dc; No 3 at 27c; No 2 white at 32c; A White, troni Kennebec. and Arriving at Bangor Cast steel.. q,10 sell C & Jose. port Wlnterport. (via Alton and steamer), 8.40 a. m; Wor- -2 00®2 2r white —c. __ sch Nor- Cape Elizabeth-Dyer about 7 m. Bay Bark 'Willard Mudg-tt. Turks Island to Bos- German steel..... ®8% I Liverpool CHARLESTON—Ar 6th. St Thomas, p. Summer Arrangement. cester (via Somers worth and Rochester), 7. a. I Dla’md bbl 2 2c Beef steady; lamily—; city .extra India Mess Returning—leave Bangor Mondays and Ghoesteel.®2 Orys. folk. Mills—H. G. bum steamer m.; Manchester, (Via lUli. 3UU) U. L. Cumberland at 5 a. above On and after Monday. May 9th. Concord, Rockingham She** iron— I Baleratus. EASTPORT—Ar 9th, schs Orozlmbo, New Thursdays m., making landings. 7.00 a. .North Ber- short clear Camden—Fred Lewis. will leave Portland on Wednesdays Junction), rn., 3.30 p. ni.; to Port- ... Pnrk dull: mess at $9 50;«iI0 00; Dlnsmore aud Win Boston: Touching at Northport and Point for Mondays, Bark Carrie Winslow, Philadelphia H.C.4%®6 Baleratus .0*6% York; Clara Tliomas, J. H. Gould. Sandy wick, Hover, Exeter, flaveihi'l, Lawrence, G 3 11 60;S13 60; family $12®12 uu. Portland. or on Arriving at and Fridays at 5.30 p. m. eoal 6 6c. en. Russtal % ((414 Spice*. Cambridge. B. K n freight passengers signal. Lowell, Boston, a 8.40 a. m., 12.30, land, steam S.) 50. Cornish—L. IgUL Portland G m. same 5.20, 7.00, Ameri'cnKussialit912 Cassia, pure... .21®-. Lard easier rl'Western GLOUCESTER—Ar 8th, schs Miantouomah about p. Returning leave St.Jolin and Eastrort 6.05 m. Arrive a. m.. Ethel to Port- OC at Deermg—N. J. Scanlon. for Booth- 3.30, p. Boston, 3.40,10.15 Bark V. Boynton, Philadelphia ... .6%SI7 Maee_ 90c@l Butter steady; Western creamy 14Y&@U>o: Mil 'I SUMS -UOJjOUII, e 1) 11 UUi Connection*—At Island Gaiv. MU31UU, 1VCUMM1U, Deerilng Center—A. A. McCone, Squirrel days. 12.42, 4.02, 7.15, 9.15 m. Leave Boston for Leather do at 1 larlLo; Elgins, at lao: state Harbor, Heron 1st aid, Christmas Cove and p. land, coal 80c. Nutmegs.6S®6( factory Maine. Danianseotta—M. H. Gamage. bay tickets issued and baggage checked Portland, 5.59, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30 a. m., 1.15, 4.15, 6.00 New York— do crem 14Mtiai8M:C. At Rockland for Vinalhaven Through Baltimore to Port- Pepper..,.17@1S dairy iS@!7c; HYANNIS—Ar 8th, sells Marion Draper. Nat Evans. Pamaquld. to destination. received up to 4.00 p. m. Arrive 10.55 a. m., 6chr Madalene Cooney, white at 7 Vs ; do small Fairfield—K. H. igg^Freight Portland, 10.10, 11.50, Light.25@261 Cloves.16(3111 •gCUeese steady—airge Meatier, Will Butman. Gen Sheridan, Talofa and Ivortli Haven and Stonington. 9.30 eoal. t. Farmington— H. B. While &Oow p. m. 12.10, 5.00, 7.50, p. m. land, p. Mia weight....B6@26|6inger.x4*l£ Addle, lumber laden, for western ports. W. Mitchell. FARES FROM POKTtANU TO For Tickets and Staterooms apply at the 26*20 Starch, State and Penn at 14%®15Vic; Calais. Freeport—A. SUNDAY 8chrs Ella I,. DavenDort, and Warren Adams. Heavy...... ’hggs steady; Sid. sell E P Rogers, C. Frye. round SSI.25 Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument Square or TRAINS. Good d’mo.... .24®26| .4%®5 FryeDurg—A. Squirrel Island.75o, trip, to 16. Laundry.... Western fresh 14W0. NEW BEDFORD—Ar 9th, sch Ann, Sullivan. 1. Whltmortx 2.35 for other at Company’s Office, For Scarboro Crossing, 7.10, 9.20, 10.15 a. m., Baltimore Ponce, coal, $2 Union oacks.. .37iS38lQloss.6%®7% Fryeburg—J. Rockland or Camden. .S1.35, Information, Rosin steady. NEWPORT NEWS—Sid 6th, bqe Hancock, Bros. Railroad foot of State street. t.v;, t.i0, u. c.ji;, .iu ill. Sehr E. F. C. Jacksonville to New Tohaeco. Gardiner—Bussell Belfast. a-OO. 3.50 Wharf, iv, p. Hartley. Am. call.... [email protected] Spirits TurpDentlne firm. Parker, Laguayra. 8. W. Fifleld. Reach, Pine Point, 7.10, 8.15, 9.20, 10.15 a. m.. Best 60®6f Green's Landing— Bangor. «.oi> 3.50 J. B. COYLE, Gen. Man. York, lumber $4 82 Vi. Lead. I brands.... Rice steady. At- 8th, sch Blanche H King, Bennett. New Lermond. 12.55, 2.00, 4.15, 6.15. 7.15 m.; Old I Gorfiam—L.J. Weather permitting. HEliSEY 3.40, 5.10, p. Sheet. ®7 Medium.S0\B4( Molasses steady. York. H.—8. M. Leavitt & Son. marlBdtf II. P-C. Agent. Orchard Reach, 5.20, 7.10, 8.15, 9.20. 10.15 a. m., Sehr 11. T. Kundlett, Norfolk to Boston, lum- 'Pipe. 446 I Common.25®8( N. O. b. OLIVER, President. Petroleum dull. NORFOLK—Cld Sth, ship Vigilant, Morrison, Gore—F, E. Russell. Treasurer. dtf 12.55, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 5.00, 5.10, 5.30. 6.15, 7.15 p. in.; ber 50. Zlne. 7 (3814 Naturaiat .• .. .BOU47C CHAS. R. LEWIS, jei6 $2 Freiahts to Liverpool dull. Singapore. Kennebunk—J. H. Ops. SSaco, Itiddeford, 8.15, 9.20. 10.15 a. m.. 12.55, SchrC. H. Leadbetter's Island to T. TT.F.1601 Load— Sid. sch Fanny Arthur, Reed, Cox Head. E, Miller. 6.30, 7.15 p. m.; Trickey, Pure 76®6 2f CHICAGO—Cash Quotations; Kennebuukport—L. 2.00,3.40,4.15,5.00, 5.10, G.15, Hay. | ground.5 PHILADELPHIA—Cld Sth. sells S S Tliorpe, Newman. !£<>imebunk, 12.55, 4.15. 5.30 ni.; Roch- New York, paving $ 11. 76®6 21 Flour firm. Livermore Falls—C. GO. 5.00, p. Pressed..*13®14|Kea....B wheat No 3 do Pierce, Portland; Everett Webster, Bowen, & Winshlo. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT ester, Farmington, Alton Ray, 4.15, 5.30 p. Gertrude L. to Loose Hay *8**101 Ene Yen Reds * i wheat—No 3 spring C8®75c; Lewiston—Chandler Sehr Trundy, Darien, Ga., 2 at V Wellington. 11. Marstou. Wharf. m.; North Dover, Exeter, Haver —0; No 2 Red 71a,7]V3C. Coro—No 88f» Newburyport; Mrry Crosby, Long Island—8. Custom House Berwick, Barge Geo Lowell. a 5.20 a. Bath, ship timber, p. c. 33V*: No 2 yellow 33V2@333a. Oais—No 2 at Saco; tug Tamaqua, towing Moou, Limerick—8. A. C. Grant. hill, Lawrence, Boston, m., Grain Quotations. MONTREAL ani to LIVERPOOL, m. Arrive Boston 8.40 a. m.. No 2 white at 20a2bVic: "No s white at for Bangor. Lisbon—C. 1L Foster. QUEBEC 12.55, 5.00, 5.30 p. 21% c; for Portland Portlaud Wholesale Market. OF TRA lit 2 44Vac: No 2 Barley at 35 Ar 9th, sch Gertrude Abbott. Bath. Falls-A. M. Gerry. 5.28, 8.32. 9.42 p. m. Leave Boston CHICAGO BOARD 26a27Vhc;No rye ’• Lisbon WEEK DAY TIME TABLE. at Timo- Marcus Hook—Passed up 8th, sch (supposed) Falls—Merrill 6i Denning. Steamer From Montreal From Quebec. 3.45a. m, Arrive Portland 7.10 a. m. rOKTLAND. AUg. 8. quotations. ®40c; No 1 Flaxseed 89@xic: prime Mechanic Monday’s Moss at 8 66®8 80. Cntawaniteak. Noyes. of in thy seed at 2 67V2. pork No. Deeriug—A.C. Scotsman Aug. 13. daylight Aug. 13, 2.30 p. in. EASTERN DIVISION The volume business for the past weak WHEAT short rib sides a 10iv5 R6. PERTH AMBOY—Sid 9th, schs T A Stuart. Stratforu. NH.—J. C. Huohttngi 3, 1898. Lard 6 L7ys@5 20; North Summer Arrangements, July Yorkshire 20, 20,2.30 p. m. merchandise has been of smal Aug Sept 4% short Saco; John 1 Snow, Blddefurd; llorteus)a, Bto e For Biddeford, Portsmouth, Newbury- general propor- Dry 6alted meats—shoulders @47/»c; Norway—F.B. Peaks’ Dominion 27, 27, 2.30 p. m. Closing...... 63Vi Wiscasset. L A. O. NoyesCo. For Forest City Landing, Island, 5.45, port, Amesbiuv, Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2.00, lious and very dis while prices in clear sides 6 40@5 6U. Labrador 3, 2.30 m. .ppolnting, 69% 66Wt PORT READING—Ar 8th. scli3 Eagie. Mc- H. Whittaker. 6.40, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, *10.30 11.00 ». m.. 12.00 m.f Sept. 3, Sept. p. 9.00 a. m.. 12.45, b 1.45, 6.00 p. m. Arrive Bos- Opening.... Butter firm; creaniry at 18Vi@lSV4c: da rlcs N. Conway—C. 2.30 m. most instances have been ou a fairly steady stated fer Cohassef) ;< & *1.45, 2.15, 3.00, *3.45, 4.30 5 00, 5.45, 6.15, Scotsman 10, 10, p. ton. 5.57 a. in., 12.30, 4.00, 4.30. 9,00 p. 111. Leave cons. 12Slt'e. at 12c. Cann, Port Liberty (and Old Orchard—Fogg Liboy. 12.30, Eggs—fresh New York »Uh L. Breble. *7.00, 7.30, *8.00, 0.30 m. Boston for Portland, 7.30, 9.00 a. m.t 12.30, 7.00, basis. The Wheat market has been subjected Aug. Sept 14,8i‘0 hbls; wheat 101,800 Sarah L Davis, Pattershall, tand Kicnmond—A. p. Receipts—Flour, lor Falls—F. J. Holla. Return. Leave Forest City Landing, 6.20, 7.20. 9.45 p.m. A t rive Portland, 11.45 a. w., 12.00t to wild fluciuations. and tho advance es- O.'enlna. 33 bush- corn 420,800 bush; oats 802,900 bush; Biddeford). Humlord sharp PORTSMOUTH—Ar 7th, schs Kolon, & Carr, 8.30, 9.30, 10.20, *11.00, 11.30 a. m.f 12.20, 1.00. 4.30,10.15 p. m., 12.40 a. m. .... 10.900 bush. Frye,' Rockland—Dunn iBOJS'X'oixr a week azo t as Cosing... ..c. 33% 83M rye 13,300 Push; barley 5.30, *7.30. tablished about disappeared. hbls: wheat 103.700 New York: Jennie Greenbank. Frlsble, New A. J. Huston. *2.15, 2.45. 3.20, *4.15, 5.00, 6.05, 6.30, OATS. Shipments—Flour 9,100 or at close of entertain- SUNDAY TRAINS. An casa demand de- York for Exeter. 5 Bros. 8.20, *9.00, 10.15 p. m., VIA. urgent to-day prevented corn .89,700 bush; oats 166.900 bush; Sanford—Traiton TO LIVERPOOL QUEENSTOWN. t" bush; schs Bertha E Glover, Farr, Albany; & Buck. ment. For Biddefo d, Portsmouth, New bn re- moralization of futures hi the Wheat at Aug. Sept bush; barley 0000 bush. Ar Sth, Skowhegan—Bixby From From pit 21 rye 0,000 Matthews, for Boston. Rortland—J. F. Merriman. For Island. 6.40, 8.00, 9.00, *10.30, li.oo port, Salem, Lvnu, Boston,2 a. m., 12.45 p. m.; iprnlng.... Vi Satellite, Ogunquit South Cushing’s Steamer. Boston. closed Vic lower and Dec Vic. DETROIT—Wheat closed at f.7VsO for cash New York *• H. & Son. а. 4.30. 5.00, 6.15 Liverpool. Arrive Boston 5.57 a. in., 4.00 p. m. Leave Bos- Chicago; CSept Closing,.o ...... 21 Ar 9th. sch Laura Robinson, for Kleker m., 12.30, 1.45, 2.15, 3.00, *7.00, Whtle; cash Red 71%c;Aug71c; Sept 6»»/*c. Windham—J. W. Read. *8.00, 9.30, p. m. 28. a. S. New England, Aug. 11, 5.00 p. m. ton for Portland, c 9.00 a. m., 7.00, 9.45 p. iil Corn lust Vie to-day and Oats Vic. Pork and FORK, Bangor. Louth July Va— in. is higher—American India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. in., LOO and Sunday 1 10 m. For Danville Jc.. Rumford Falls, at l imes muttou 8 Canal National Bank.100 108 lit bales for Ethel, Hodgkins, Return for Portland-Leave Orr’s via p, Sc, rattles 6;g5Vae, ll@l3c; 8,000 bales, luoludlng 500 specula- Gopium, Hamburg; barque 5 in other sections at 8.00 a. m., l.GO m. Forest Peaks’ Island, 100 xOi p. m.; p. For City Landing, Island, 8.00, a. m. Bemis, Lewiston, Farmington, Carrabasset, Casco National Bank.100 Falmouth. _ above 5.60,11.no m.,3.50 p. Arrive Lobsters lower 13s for boiled tion and export. at Office 9.00 to 10.00 a. in.. *3.15. lauu'ngs, ©9c. 43' pound _ Sunday delivery window, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00 12.20, *$1.30, 2.15, Waterville. Cumberland National Bank.. .40 30 3i In port at Santos Aug 6th, barque lvrenilin, Portland, s.15 a. m., l.oo, 6.00 p. m. Rangelev, Bingham. Skowhegan. a. m., 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. Collections from streot 3.45. 4.45, 6.15, 7.30 p. m. I. For Brunswick, Au- and 10c for live. Chapman National Bank. 3 01 Bray, for Brighton, Trinidad, and North of SUNDAYS. lop."in. Freeport, 98 10( boxes at 7.oo and ll.ixi a. m„ 4.00 and 8.00 p. in. For Cush ng's Island, 8.00, 9i00, 11.00 a. m., 12.20, Waterville, Skowhegan, Belfast. Dover The billowing are tolys wholesale prices of First National Bank.100 SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. Hatteras (to sail next day). gusta, 75 111 Sundays, G.oo p. m. only. 2.16, 3.45, 6.15. 7.30 p. 111. Leave Portland for Long Little and and Foxeroft. Greenville, Bangor, Oldtown and Provision.Groceries: c», Merchants’ National Bank— 109 FROM FOR Ar at Rosario Aug 8, bsrque Hiram Emery, Island,^ 97 91 AND OF For Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little and Great Great Cheheague, Clift Island, and So. to Bucksport Saturdays. National Traders’Bank.100 York. .Bermuda.. 11 Brazil port. ARRIVAL DEPARTURE MAILS. Harps- Mattawamkeagand Flour. Grain. Orinoco.New .Ang Diamond Islands, 7.00. 8.00, 9.30, 10.30, a. m. well. 10.15 a. m.. 2.00 1). III. 5.05 m. F'or Brunswick, Bath, Rockland. Portland National Bank.100 102 10- Ar at Newcastle, Eng, Aug 7, steamer Aura- Southern and intermediate p. Buierfine & Corn car 42®43 Aug Victoria...New York.. Hamburg.. .Aug 11 Boston, Western, *3.15. 4.20, 5.15, 6.15, *7.30 p. m. Return for Portland, leave So. via and Waterville. Portland Trust Go.100 130 131 11 cauia, Bangor. offices and connections via. Boston & Maine Harpswell. Augusta low graoes.4 00g4 26 do bag lota .... 44 New England..Boston.Liverpool. .Ang For Ponce’s 7.00, S.00, Little and 5.10 m. For Bauville Junction. Mechanic Portland Gas Company. 60 80 8f Ar at NS, 5, Clara E railroad at Landing, Long Island, Jenk’s lauding, Cheheague Long p. Wneat bag- Meal Dag lota Parisian.Montreal .. Liverpool...Aug 11 Halifax, Aug barque (Eastern Division.) Arrive 12.15, to Rumford Falls. Bpring £42 Co.100 102 10< for Port 9.30, 10.30 a. rn.. 12.15, *$1.30, 2.00, *3.15, 4.20, Island, 11.45 a. m.. 3.45 p. m. Cliff Island, Falls, Lewiston, Saturdays 36 Portland Water York.. Amsterdam Aug 11 McGilvery, Lynch, and cld Medway. 5.00 and 11.00 p. m.; close 7.45 a. m., 12.00 m., era.ciaua st416a4 Oats, ear iota 34336 130 13£ Edam.New 6.15, *7.30 p. m. 3.45 p. m. Arrive Portland, 1.00, 5.30 p. m. 8.00 p. m. Fxpress ro j.ewiston. Portland St. Railroad Co..100 York. Aug 12 Ar at Vera Cruz duly 16, sells Vila YrHermauo, 5.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sundays, arrive l.oo p. m., Patent Spring Oats, bag lota £36 128 131 Mongolian.New .Glasgow For Marriner’s Lauding. Long Island, 9.30, Fare io So. and return II. 00 p. m. Night Express, for Brunswick, Maine Central K’v.100 13 Gill, Biloxi: 19th, Gertrude A Bartlett, Sproul. dose 4.30 and 9.00 m. Harpswell Sundays, wneat... 6 10®5 26 Cotton Beec. Bretagne.New York. .Havre.Aug p. 10.30 a. m., 2.00, *3.15, 4.20, 5.15 p. in. other 25c. Lewiston. Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Portland & Ogdensburg K.R. 100 43 6i C'elostun, Mexico. 35c, landings, Bath. si ion. sir’s... ear lots .00 00£23 00 Etruria.New York. Liverpool ...Aug 18 Boston, Southern and Western, and Interme- *Not run in or weather. ISA1A1I Gen’l Moosehead Lake. Aroostook county via Sid 1 ath, sch James II Dudley, Cobh, Laguna. stormy foggy DANIELS, Manager. roller.... 4 25A4 60 bag lo« 0000324 00 BONDS. Palatia.New York. .Hamburg .Aug 13 diate offices and connections, via Boston ind $For Forest Landing, Peaks’ Island and Old Town Bar Harbor. Bucksport \ aucauor >, 12C Ar at 6, barque Auhurndale, City juneDOtf clear do.. .4 20£4 3d Saokeo Br*t Portland 6s. 1907.118 Sparndam.New York. .Rotterdam. Aug 13 Barbados Aug Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at Ponce’s Landing, St St Andrews. St John and ali 10c Buenos (will to Long IslaDd, only. Stephen. MLouis st'g car lota. 14 30-316 Portland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding.. 102 Adirondack.. .New York. .Kingston.&cAug 13 Dow, Ayres proceed Belghtob, 10.45 a. 5.30 8.30 close 6.00 and 7.43 Halifax and 00 m.. and p. m.; Tickets sold over this line to the Gem Aroostook County via Vanceboro, »«liar A A Kll hnar Intel R 7 fin lof IS Trinidad, to load for Portland 4s. 1913. Funding.106 Holstein.Netv York.. Jeremle.A-o. Aug Norfolk). a. m., 12 m. and 2.30 p. m. the Provinces. The Saturday night traiu does 101 13 Ar at Honolulu July 23, ship Reaper, Young, Theatre. clear do. .4 20*4; 35 Middling 80000817 t'O Bangor 6s. 1899. R. R. aid.101 Laughton.New York. .Curacoa .Aug nut run to Belfast Dexter, Dover and Foxeroft 111 Nanaimo. Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive to FALMOUTH F0RESIDE S. B. CO, tv nt’r wheat 6a* on. 00 Bangor 6s. 1905.iWater.114 Merida.New York.. Montevideo Aug 16 Unavoidable delays excepted and subject or excepting tc Bar Harbor. _ .$00017 C 2.00 and 5.30 a. m., 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close beyond Bangor, 4 Go24 85 17 Cld at Hillsboro, Ml. Aug 8, sch Cathio without notice. Dessert for patents.. Mixed feed.... 17 00 Batli Municipal... .101 10E Majestic.NowY'ork. Liverpool...Aug 10.15 and 11.30 a. and 9.00 m. change 12.55 a. m., midnight—ML special 4%s, 1907, 17 Berry. Gavton, Newark. m., 12,30 p. flen. Volte*. Bath 4s. 1921, 101 Kensington_New York.. Antwerp. ...Aug C. W. T. GODING, General Manager. Brunswick, Augusta, Waterville, Bangor and Refunding.100 13 Ar at St John. sch iallie C Ludlam, Nel- intermediate offices and connections (Buying* selling pnco) Klo.roastea 11016 Belfast 4s. IOC Scotsman.Montreal... Liverpool ..Aug NB, Augusta, 11v4dtf Bar Ilarlior. Municipal.102 18 son. Tlioniaston. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and aud After 19 Steamers will Coe—Lara- Jari&Mocba do25&28 Calais 4s. Kef 100 10; Laurentiau —Montreal... .Liverpool...Aug On July 1901—1911 unding.... at St 9 a. 12.30 close at 6.00 and Division. Yorkshire ... .Montreal. Aug 20 Cld John, NB, Aug sch Pandora, 9 00 m, and C.oo p. m.; White Mountain Snore .... * 50* 476 Holnuea Lewiston6s,‘1901. Municipal.106 101 Liverpool.. leave Portland Pier 20 Holder. Portland. 10.15 and 11.30, a. in., 4.15 and 9.00 p. m. Burling- email do. .2 00*3 26 Porto Rico.28030 Lewiston 48, 1913, Municipal.103 10; Pretoria.New York. .Hamburg .Aug 8.46 a.m. For Bridgton, Fabyans, Pollock ....2 26*3 26 Oar Dadoes. ....28029 K.Wilhelm XI..New York. .Bremen.Aug 20 intermediate offices and connec- ton, Lancaster, St Johnsbury, Sherbrooke, Saco 4s. 1901. 101 Farmington, 9.00 Haddock.. .1 7602 (JO Fanoy.32035 Municipal.100 Campania.... New York. .Liverpool...Aug 20 tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at For Great Diamond Island at 7.10, 10.30 Montreal. Chicago. St. Paul and Minneapolis. RR IS; m. Maine Central 7s.l912,cons.mtgl33 20 in. a. m. and 12.10, 2.15, 3.00, 4.30, 6.15 p. For Fal- Bridgton, via (lake.2 0002 25 Tea. •• •• Normandie... .New York. .Havre.Aug 12.45 and 6.00 p. m., close at 7.45 a and 12.15 1.26 n. m. For tiebago Lake, 4% s.loa lol STEAMERS. JUIliECr STKAMSHI1* LINE. 9.00 12.10 a. 3.00 6.15 H .Trinidad.. .Aug 20 m. mouth and 111., and p. xvau ami iu»ci, emnc. Cox Amoys.23®30 " lot Irrawaddy _New York. p. ouugu 4s cons. mtg... .103 20 m. For Prince’s Point, Yarmouth, 9.00 a. 111. St Soaleo.... 9014c Congous.. **...25*60 Bufl'on.New York. .Peru’buco.. Aug and connec- Lancaster, Colebrook.iQuebeo, Lunenburg, 10; Rockland, intermediate offices m. g«s,1900.exten’sn.l03 .. 20 amt 3.00 p. F’or Cousins and to Mackerel. b< Japan.30035 Furnesla.New York. .Giasgowb Aug tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive Johnsbury, Newport, Sleeper Quebec. Portland & Ogd’g g6s,’900, 1st nngl04 ICi 20 PORTLAND m SMALL POINT From Boston anil Islands, 9.00 a. 111., 3.00 and 4.30 p. Cornish. Snore Is »22 00@$26 Formoso.35066 Maasdam_New York.. Rotterdam.. Aug 12.30 0.00 1130 a. in. every Wednesday Saturday. Littlejohn’s 5.55 p. ni. For Sebngo Lake, Bridg- Portland Water Co”s 4s. 1927.103 104% and 6.00 p. in.; close at and m. Score 2e $16 000818 Sugar. Trave.New York. .Bremen.Aug 23 For Cheheague and Bustm’s, Wolfe’s ton. North Conway ana Bartlett. STEAMBOAT CO. Intermediate offices and connec- So. and Porter's D.oO Large bs $11014 00 StandardGran 5466 Servia.New York. Liverpool.. .Aug 23 Skowhegan, From every and Neck, Freeport Landing, 8.30 p. in. For Sebago Lake. Fryeburg, tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at Philadelphia Wednesday а. m. and 4.30 111. For Mere Point aud S'. John- froeuce Ex cfine auallty 6 465 Boston stoct ataraec. Noordland.New York. .Antwerp .. Aug 24 p. Harps- North Conway, Fabyaus, Lunenburg, Cano CranDernes 6 90 24 12.45 p. m.; ciose at 12.15 p. in. well Center, 4.30 p. m. Montreal and to Toronto and Chicago i-.xtrac...." Germanic ... .New York. .Liverpool... Aug SCENIC ROUTE OfIaSCO RAY. bury, The following were the closia; quota Island intermediate offices and a. ft crate.. S 60®3 60 Yellow Extra C....|4% Abydos.New York.. LaGualra .Aug 24 Pond, Vt„ Saturday. RETURN—Leave Great Diamond 7.R0.10.50 dally except Saturday. Lancaster. Colebroox. via Grand Trunk Railway—Ar- From Central Wharf, Boston. 3 p. m. From 2.35 and o.40 111. Leave Falmouth to Montreal. Maine. 0 00 good F Bismarck.. .New York. .Hamburg .. Aug 25 connections, m., 1.45, p. Lime Quebec. Sleeper Mexican I Central ;.*». 63% Fine street Wharf. at S m. In- Ridge, Pea Beans,1 5601 (30 Timothy. 3 6508 75 ...Aug 25 rive at 7.oo, 11.45 a. iil, 6.00 p. m. j Sundays 7.00 Philadelphia, p. б. 00 and 7.50 a. 111.. 1.05, 1.25 and 5.00 p. nt. AtohisoD.ITop. * SantaiPe. B. new. 14 Canada.Boston.Livrepool ■> TV* rilr..in r, ► « m 10 QA onrl 7 m surance the rate of vessels. SUNDAY TRAINS. 80 West 20 Steamer one-half sailing Leave Prince’s Point, Yarmouth, 7.35 a. ni„ Yellow',Evcs.1 75*1 Clover 8V$05'.i State Nebraska New York.. Liverpool... Aug Percy Boston A Maine.164 for the West the Penn. B. B. and Cal Pea.... 1 0501 75 do N. Y. 9V401O -Liverpool 27 H. Sundays 7.30 p. m. Freights by 1.10 and 4.45 p. m. Leave Littlejohns mid 7.20 a. m. Paper train for Bangor. dopfd 158 Dominion.Montreal.. ...Aug Capt. Clias. How, South forwarded free of PotaP6. Dus 00®uo Alslke, 10*10V» ..New York..Rotterdam..Aug27 Gorham. A'. intermediate offices and con- by connecting lines, Cousins Islands 7.20 a. 111., and 12.55 and 4.30 7.25 a. m. Paper train for Lewiston. Maine Central.131 Rotterdam.. //., commission. NewPotatoesl 6S® 75 Red lop. 16017 Umbria.New York. .Liverpool.. .Aug 27 nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at 12.30 p. m. For Brunswick. Lewiston, Bath, Unlon'Paclflc. 25 leavs PORTLAND Passage SiO.OO. Bound Trip $18.00. m. Leave Bus tin’s Island G.45 a. m. and 12.20 Waterville. and Bar Harbor. ft d sweois 2 76(33 00 Provisions. Will PIER, PORTLAND, 7.00 and 11.45 a. m., and o.oo p. m.; Sundays 7.00 p. Augusta, Bangor Ontou Pacific pfd... 63% Meals and room included. m. Leave G...5a. in. and 11.55 a. i m. For Lewiston. do Yellow 4 754*5 00 Pork- Daily at 2.00 p, m. a. ni., close at 7.30 a. m., 12.30. 7.30 p.m. Sun- South Freeport oico p. American. Bell. 279% 10. For or to F. P. WING, m. G. 10 11.40 a. m. White Mountain do Vlueland, 00$ heavy 13 25 MINIATURE ALMANAC.AUG. Card’s at 8.00 a. m. aud 7.30 m. freight passage apply Leave Porter’s Lauding and j 8.30 p in. For Division, American Sugar, common.137% For Orr’s Island. Covo, Quoliog Bay days p. Boston. Onions. Her 0 00 medluml2 2 25 Agent Central Wharf, Leave Mere Point via Busliu’s and at ; Montreal, Toronto and Chicago. 0000 0001 East Harpswdll. Ashdale, Horsa Island Har Montreal— Arrive at 11.43 a. m. and 6.00 General Freeport do n 2 26 snort aDd Sugar,; pfd.. ..115 7.00, ME. a SAMPSON, Treasurer and 5.15 a. m. Leave Center via Bustin’s 11 oo n. m. Night Express for all points. Egyp 0002 cut sun set's3::: ::v: Water Cove. Small Point. West at m. Harpsweil Cen Mass.’pld.. bor, Phipps- p. ni., close 12.30, 7.30 p. Sunday olose 88 State St, FWke Building, Boston, and 12.35 a. in. I'll. Desert for Chicaoa*.... 1B@1S clear Moou rises..... 05o^“r!:::: oo I Height.0 0—■ ou and Harbor. Manager, Freeport 5.00 a. in. special Waterville, do common .: 7% burg Cundy’s 7.30 p. Ill, ass. occ&dtt and Bar Harbor. Turkovs. VVOS. 130x5 Beef—light 10 2501076 RETURNING—Leave Cundy’s Harbor at Bangor Northern do... 11 12 uO Flint * Pere Mara...51 Swanton. 77., intermediate offices and con- Sunday Time TstMe. Arrival* in Portland. .16017 heavy... 50® 6.00 a. m.; Ashdale, 0.30 a. m.; Water Cove, 6.45 Fowls,.. 10*12 Bnlesta V$o$ 6 75* nections, via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— NEWS a. m.; Card’s Cove. 7.15 a. m.; Orr’s Island, 8.00 leave From Montreal. Quebec, 8.10 a. m. Apples. vara, tcs ana XewITorftt ffuotanous stoosi end Bards M^RIISTK Arrive at 8.10 p. m.; close at 7.45 a, m. On and after 19th steamers will Fabyaus, a. m. Arrive in Portland at 10.00 a. m. July Jxnviston an 1 Mechanic Falls, 8.30 a. uo@3 5n y, offices and con- west side of Portland Pier lor Great Diamond daily. m, Eating apDl’s3 bbhnuro cya06% (By Telegraph.) Every Saturday will make round from Bartlett. N. II., intermediate Waterville. Rockland and 8.35 a. m., do common 001 do 4 trip M. C. R. Maekworth s Falmouth,Cousins, AuguMa, $2©3 eom’na. V, ®o Portland at 2 00 m. Return about nections via Mountain Division R.— Island, Island, Kumford 0 OOttO The folloing ware to-day’s closing quotation: PORT OF PORTLAND. leaving p. and Bustiu s Islands, angeloy, Farmington, Bemis, Falls, Baldwins 00; ealu.compil 5Vs06 8.00 m. Arrive at 8.40 a. m. and 8.10 p.m.; close at 7.45 Littlejohn’s, C'hebeague and 12.15 of p. a. 2.00 Skowliagau Lewiston, p. in., Bangor, Evap#tb 1O011VSO palls, Bonds a. ni. and in. Wolfe’s So. at 10.00 ni., purs 7H®7V$ ! SUNDAYS. 12.30 and 7.30 p. Neck, Freeport and Rockland, 11.50 a. m.; Beecher Lemons. par* 11 Aug. 9. Aug. m. For Porter's 2.00 aud C.oo p. in. Augusta I 8 V* »S Vs TUESDAY, Augusta, and con- p. Landing Ex- 127% 127% Leave Portland Pier 9.30 a. m.. Orr’s Island Rochester. N. II., Intermediate offices at Falls, St, Johnsbury, Bridgton, 12.13 p. m.; Messina 6 0006 00 Hams.,.. p ®uya New 4s, reg RETURNING—Leave Porter’s Landing 127% 127% 11.15 a. in. Airive Cuudy’s Harbor 12 m. nections, via Portland & Rochester railroad— via ail press. Mattawamkeag, Bar Harbor, Bucksport, California no eav’ra .. do“count Arrived. 9.00 a. in. and 4.00 m. tor Portland Leave Harbor at 2 Island Arrive at 1.45 and 0.00 in.; close at 0.30 and p. Greenville, 1.16 p. m. ■, 3.25 p. Oranges. Oil. Now 4’sl .'reg.lilVc m% Cundy’s p. m., Orr’s p. So. at 9.15 a. m., 4.15 p. m. Bangor, Lewiston, in. Arrive landings. Freeport 5.oo >• St via 3 p. Portland 5 p. in. and 11.45 a. ni. in.; Lancaster, Whitefiela, Fabyans. p. in.; Florida 0 0o@0 00 Kerosenel20ts $v$ New 4’« ;coup. m% 111% Steamer Tremont. Colby, John, NB, Wolfe’s Neck at 9.20 a. m. and 4.20 p. in. Skowhegan.Waterville, Augusta and Rockland, CalUorma, 3 7604 00 Lipoma. 8V$ Denver * it. G. 1st-•..Jlll% lio% Eastport, for Boston. Cumberland Mills, Gorham and Westbrook Bustiu’s Island at 9.30 a. in. and 4.30 p. m. via 5.20 ni. St.John, Bar Harbor. Aroos- do seedings 3 2603 00 Contonnlai. Erie .. 74% 76% Steamer Percy V, How, Pbipsburg Cuudy Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 aud 6.00 at 9.45 a. in. and 4.45 p. m. p. daily; gen; J. II. (Saccara.ppa) C’hebeague Island took County, Moosehead Lake and Bangor, Legs- Pratt's Astral ..10Va Mo.Kau.'* Texas 2ds.. 65 64% Harbor. McDonald, Man., p. in.; close 6.30 and 11.45 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Cousins and Islands at 9.50 a. m. for Boston, Office. 158 Littlejohn’s 6.30 p. in.; Kangeley, Farmington, Kumford Eastern extra.. 17018 In halt bbls is extra Kansas Pacific consols. Scb Nellie F, Colbetli, Kennebec Commercial St South Portland and Willard—Arrive at 7.30. and 4.50 in. Falmouth at 10.20 a. m. and 5.20 40-3. p. Falls, Lewiston, 5.45 p. m.; Chicago. Montreal, Fresh Western.. @17 Raisins. Oregon Nav. lets...-.112 112 leaking, came In to get new pump. Telephone aug3dtf 1.00 a. m, 8.00 p. m.; close C.30 a. m., 1.00 and m. Mackworth’s I'•land at 10.35 a. in. aim p. Lancaster and 7.42 p. in.: Mattawam- Held. Musctl.50 lb bxs6®6Vs 2.00 p. in. at 10.45 a. m. and 5.45 p. in. Fabyans, C osing quotations of stocks: Cleared. Dally Line, Sundays Included. 5.45 p. m. Diamond Bar Harbor and Bangor. 1.40 a. in. Batter. London uty’rll 76©20C Pleasantdale and Cash Corner—Arrive 7.30 at 11.25 a. m. andG.U0 p. rn. keag, daily; Aug. 9. Aug 8 Arrive at Portland Halifax, St. John, Bar Harbor, Bangor and Sreamerv.lncy ,.18*19 Coal, NewYork- and 11.15 a. m. and 4.30 p.m.; close 7.30 a.m. THB NEW AND PALATIAL STEAMERS For Center at 10.00 a. in. and G.oo Atchison...) 13% 13% Steamship Manhattan, Bennett. Harpsweil 5.08 a. in. Gliii.ueo vr’mt. ®18 Retail—delivered. and 1.00 and 6.00 m. Augusta, daily. Atchison nfd. 34% 36% J F Liscomb. p. p. 111. weather permitting. 0.58 a. m.. 5.13 m.; bar Ohoice. Cumberland 00003 00 at 8.00 a. m. and Sundays—Lewiston, p. Central raciac. 16% 16% Salacla, Oliver, Bangor via Bucksport, Returning leave Harpsweil Waterville, 5.20 m. Cbeeoe. Chestnut... 06 00 Steamer ISLAND MAILS. AND Harbor, 12.25 p. ill., and p. Ones, si umo. 24 % 24 Camden, &c—C R Lewis. BAY STATE PORTLAND, 4 Man. Franklin... 8 00 a. in. Pres, and Gen. N.;Y, lopry s»/4 09% South Bristol and Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.30 m., 2.30 p.m.; Arrive in Portland at 11.25 a. m., fi.OOp. GEO. F. EVANS. Vice * Steamer Enterprise. Race, leave Franklin Wharf. Port- P. & T. A. Vermont... 8’/. fc 9W [Lehigh...* 06(0 Chicago Alton.109% 159% close 8.30 a. m., 2.30 p. m. alternately excepted and subject F. E. BOOTHBY, G. do Boothbay—Alfred Race. at 7 in Unavoidable delays Sago. 10V*|Pea. *60 pfu NB- Long and Islands—Arrive at 0.00 land, every Evening o'clock, arriving without notice. 1<>15dtf Scb Nellie F Sawyer, Willard, Hillsboro, Chebeague season for connection with earliest trains for to change Bread AiUmoer Chicago’Burlington * Qulncyll2% 113% peakTi Island a. ni.; close at 1.30 ii. m. BGNJ. M. SEABUBi, Gen. Manager. Feter S Nickerson Si Co. Whltewood— Delaware* Hudson; CanalCo.lOS 103 and Phila- ON Cousin's Island—Arrive at 12.00 m.; close points beyond. Pilotsup.... 80SVil Sell Falmouth, Wallace. Kennebec tickets for Providence, Lowell, JlylDdtf da s. Vs Nol&2. l-ln832WSS5 Delaware.Lackawana at v\ esiloo 150 2.30 p. m. Through 7@7 I S Winslow & Co. New etc. Baps.l-in. Denver * Bio wranoe. 12 12% delphia—J STAGE MAILS. Worcester, York, Crackers.... 6y,®7 I 8260828 G sebmidt. Norbury. Kennebec and leavo India Portland &. Romford Falls * lAn irie.new.13% 13% Scb John Betuming Wharf, Boston, every R’y. Cooperage. Corn’n, $230826 S Winslow Si Co. Bowery Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p.m.; close at o’clock. no 1st prater 36 36% Philadelphia—J Belle. Evening at 7 Hhhd shooks & hds— | lVt, 1V4*2- Millbndge—J H Blake. Str. Island 2.00 p. m. J. B. STEAMSHIP CO. 1S9S. in, Illinois Central.108% 109% Sub Eidora, Gay, COYLE, Manager. MAINE fin Effect June 27, MoLcity. 1800176 Nol&2833@$86 Clara & Mabel, Leemau, Bootbbay—J H at J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. Agt Sug.count’y 86 14*,H8&2-ln Cake Erie* West.. 14% 14% Sell Cape Elizabeth and Kniffhtville—Arrive DEPARTURES. @100* 7.30 a. m. and 5.30 at 6,00 a- in. and Sept 1. 1397. York Direct Country Moh • Sana. $280830 Cake Shore.19* 199 p. m.; close Kew Line. SL From Union Station Sarah, Klee. Boston—J H Blake. 2.00 p. 111. 8.30 A. M. and 1.10 P. hhd snooks Squares, $80@*8B Louis & Nash. 65% 65% B*Seh Buckfield. Can, FARE FIVE GENTS. Duck Windham, No. for Poland, Mechanic Fails. hhdhdgral Manhattan Elevated ..109% 107% SAILED—Tug Belknap, towing dredge and Pond, Pride’s Comer, SOUND BY Kumford F'ails and Bemis. Cypress—__ sir Charles F II Casco—Arrive LONG ISLAND DAYLIGHT. ton, Dixfield. 32 u. 24026 1-In No 1*2 $800883 MextcanUCmitral. 5 5 four scows to Rockland; Mayer, iliat the FARES indharn. Raymond and South The steamer brought SEBAGO LAKE STEAMBOAT ROUTE. 5.10 p. m. From Union Michigan A, Pliiladeluhla. at 10.30 a. m.: close at 2.00 p. m. 8.30 a m. l.io and Sughd35m 21*28 1V*,1Vs&2- Central.108% 109% towing bargo DOWN leave. Portland Pier three trips per week. F'ails sad intermediate Hoops 14ft. 26*30 ln.Nol&2 8820834 Mlnn|* St Louis. 28% 28% W’eek Days to Songo River, Naples, Brklgton, North Station for.Mechame 12 ft. 28*28 2yIf Minn & St Louis of. 89yg 89% EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. Brklgton, Harrison and Waterford. The stations. 34l4-lnf;<6@$38 a. m. The steamships lloratio Hall aud Man- 5.10 p. in. train runs 8 t 8 @9 S’Ui pine 826*885 Missouri Pacldo. 37% 37% June 27, For Bay View Landing, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 Portland, m. Oeserl and Machias Sibt. Co famous daily excursion route through the Saturdays only, through Ar at Rosario barque Sarmiento, m. hattan alternatively leave Franklin Wharf, F'ails. Cordage. Clear pin*— New Jersev Central. 9;t% 82 1.30, 2.15, 5.00. 0.16. *7.00, tll.00 p. Winding Songo and Sebago’s chain of Lakes. to Kumford Harding, Portland. a. m., Portland, Tuesdays, and AinePn*JlB 10 ®lx Return—6.20, 7.25, 8.25. 9.20. 10.20 Str. “Frank Jones.” On and after June 27tli to make close con- Thursdays Saturdays cars between Portland, Kumford tippers.856066 New|YorkCeotrai.Cjll9% 119% Ar at Liverpool Aug 8, steamer at G m. for New York direct. leave Through U anilla... 11 y4 @ 121/4 Select.$45©65 York. 8t Labrador, 2.35, 4.i6, 5.20, *0.30, *7.20 p. m- nections with steamer for above places, take p. Returning, and Bemis. New Chicago* Loulsl 13 13% Montreal. 1.50, Pier 38, E, It., ami Satur- F'ails Manilla bolt Fine common. 4)42046 do Df 60 M C. K. R. Div.( train for Seba- Tuesdays, Thursdays Connections at Bemis for ail In tin 60 SUNDAYS. (Mountain at 5 p. m. points rope. 00*12’/. Snruce. 813 @14 00 Lake, leaving Union Station daily at days Kangeley Lakes. do.18 Northern Pacific com 30% 31% ■Itlemorauda. For Bay View Landing. S.iiO. 9.00, 10.00* go* These steamer.1? are superbly fitted and fur- Russia @18$* Hemlook.811012 4.00, 1 *25 p m. Returning, steamer leaves M"> ■1 do do pfd. 73% 74% *11.00 a. m., 12 ill., *3.00, nished for passenger travel and afford the most Summer Excursion Tickets on Sale. Blsai. 0 j Clapboard*— *1.30, 2.15, Harrison 7.45 a. m., Nortji Brklgton 8.00 a. and Northwestern.133%, 134 Vineyard Haven, Aug 9—Sell Francis R Baird 6.00 p. m. a. m convenient and eomforiaoie route between brats Dyeo. Spruce, X.889036 6.00, m 8.80 a. m., Naples 9.15 Con- do from Me, for New 9.20. a. l-uu, Bridgton Portland and New Acid Oxalic. ... 12014 Clear.828030 nfd.176% 175% Richmond, York, carried Return 7.36, 8.20, 10,20, *11.20 m., Station with 11.45 a. in. train York. K. C. BRADFORD, Tiafllc Manager, boom and necting at Xsake Acid tart.3. @ I" 12d clear.$35027 Ont & Western. 16% l '/, away Jib sprung foremast bead off *1.50, 2.35, *3.20, 4.20, 5.20. 6.30 p. in. and Boston. Information and Fare: one way. $5.00; round trip, Porutnd, Maine ou the 7th lust. * for Portland No Bsa nna.. .. ••••• ••••••• I8V4 3 8 Cape cod Not run in stormy or foggy weather, Union Station. F. LISCOAIB.General E. L. LOVEJOY, Superintendent, Ammonia.160201 1.*15020 8—The vice the (Test. tickets obtained at J. Agent. A enes. pot.... 6*4 © 8 nne.825060 RocK Island...1017/* lols/4 Bath. Aug tug Ice King. Capt Brown, t Saturday night only. F.‘“evaN8, L. GOOORXDGE. Mgr. THOS. M. BARTLETT, Agt. ocHdtl dtf Kumford Kalla. lrom Boston General Manager. jneOtf O. jeli KeIs copabla.. .650(101 shingles— at i'aul.. • ..103^ 103^ arrived Saturday with 17 Oregon JlylUdU JOHN TEMPLE, Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J _NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J INVENTION- MAJOR COLLINS AT HOME- CHARLES H- LOVELL. THE PEESS. MAINE MAN’S About S:ckness in 1st Died at Morn- An Electric Device That Will Bo Exhib- What Ho Has to Say Chlckamanga Yesterday i» ited at Xew England Fair. Maine. S- I, NittV AUVISUT1SJSM.KNTS XODA1. First Mr. J. S. O'Brion has on exhibition in Major Charles Collins of tho On Sunday last Mr. Frank E. Lovell, Moore£j Co. street, a min- to Chioka- Owen, room 8, 540 1-2 Congress Maine regiment who weut one of Portland’s most respected citizens, li. I Co. ,1. ibby car with a new some months ago, was Fines brothers Co. ituro electric equipped mauga with the troops laid away to rest after a Ion" and and ) ( Jones Insurance Agency. device called a giant draft safety arrived at his home in this oity Monduy painful illness. Yostorduy the afflicted Embroidered Handker- House hots o railJvietv. the invention of John \V. Barnes and is at his home at No. 11 City of Portland. brake, evening family received a despatch from (Jhicka- Co. tie to his bed. chiefs. \V. y. Parker ii Rockland, Wilniot street and has taken mauga announcing the death of one of RIMES S ue. BROTHERS For ar- to be GO This mechanical contrlvanco is Major Collins, while not believod his sons, Mr. Charles H. Loveli. The fender of the cars and ranged on the front dangerously sick, is nevertheless consider- causa of death was not but the New Wants. To Let, For Sa'e, Lost, Found given, under cf a wheel which is opor- to had ami similar advertisements will be foun ronsists spiked ably under the weather, o wing partly family recently hoard a report that heads on 6. slotted cam and so their appropriate page ited by an autoinaiic the fatigue of the long journey and part Charles was siek with fever, but whether the wheel can be id justed that dropped ly to a touoh of malarial fover prevalent malarial or typhoid, was not stated. Around the wheel a of ;o the ground. in that region. He has lost a number They knew that when the serious con- connected with the rhain passes which is pounds since he has been at Cbickamauga dition of his father was made known to so that when tho wheels ixles of the car owing to the extreme heat that has pre- him he applied for his discharge papers CASTORIA car are tho wheel WASH if the turning spiked vailed. The members of the household so that he might be with his father-in SILKS of Chas. H. Fletcher. Bears the signature will also revolve. were delighted to see him once more, and his last moments. The papers hud not and the inventor that AX IT. In use for more than thirty years, It is claimed by by he is receiving every care and attention. been made out when his own deat h oc- The Kind You Jfave Always Bought. ;be use of this oontrivanco cars can be Hr. Warren is the physician in charge. curred. in darted when, as .frequently happens There are so many of tho Maine hoys Charles Lovell was an exceedingly Reduced Prices. when the rails aro covered the winter, that are sick that the regular routine of bright young man, and extremely popular the wheel and jvith ico, keep turning duties has been sadly interfered with of with the groat number of young men of Warm Shampoos Wash Silks slipping but no progress is made. In suoh late. Major Collins says that singularly his acquaintances. Ho graduated two Knl Kai reduced 50c and 45c to 33c jases the spiked wheel the with all the sickness that now the from per •■Blr*. Winslow's Bootnias Byrap, by dropping enough, years ago from High school. After _x_ Ua iv, n rin T 4 a f 11 di,(,amrVFO yard, net. prevails among tha Maine soldiers, there he took a course at Gray’s -- graduation With lias ueen useu jlalmed that- the arrangement will act as Is ono southern regiment that is more Business and then enterod his for their children while Toothing oollege, mothers brake to the oar and can be usen stricken than that of Maine. Best Wash Surahs soothes the child, * safety heavily the father’s store. Later he took a position Cheney’s with euocess. It 1-Sc perfect oar when reduced to 49 per yard, cures 'Wind ;o stop the instantly scarcely Tho enervating effect of so long a so- as olerk with the street (of tans the gums, allays Pain, Myrtle druggist, net. Is the best else will do so. in such a torrid climate oannot be For Colic, regulates the bowels, and mytbing journ Mr. John M. Shaw. seveial'years from has been shown to a 'twas a lot temedy for Diarrhoea whether arising The patent jnst realized without actual experience, and Charles Lovell had bean a member of Co. Wo wish larger causes. For sal* Drug- the inventor but it is his teething or other by tew friends by Major Collins says as he looks about him B, first Maine, and when the boys volun- but there are enough to Dart of the worltL Be sure and intention to exhibit it to the publio at the gists fa erery when on the held he can see men all teered for the war he went with fhem. 26 cts exhibition of the New fair. each for ask lor Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, next England make buyer hungry around that were stout when they arrived He was a line looking young man, but a bcttle more. BEFORM SCHOOL BOYS CAPTURED who have now fallen away wonderfully. not of very robust physique. When the It takes a northern a time to at The four boys who esoaped from the person long regiment went into camp Augusta T7<:_ C_: ~ ~ BRIEF JOTTINGS. acclimated to southern skies. assistant State Reform sohool Saturday were capt- become Charles was made hospitul + The of Hdkfs., narrow hemstitched ured in Auburn Monday by deteotive major spoke very encouragingly stoward, his apothecary training serving I monument is to be offi- x i_ •_ nPnml T-fo ir-io n conoaunl- nf OUHT The Firemen’B the work done the Maine em- Fred L. Odlin of Lewiston. being by boys edge, and elaborate St Gall cially unveiled Labor Day. -...iI-..!.. lie was made They were Charles Perry, 14 years of Co. B, and at Chickamauga broidery inside the hemstitching. * A boy on the Eastern Promenade was earnestness and satisfaction with which | In the from Mt. Desert; Reuben Walton of an orderly, and placed charge of And with :: hurt Sunday by a piece of age light dressings It’s a Section of the “Factory- Goods considerably the orders to to Porto Rico were re- store. He was Fancy 15 of age; Arthur Ride- go regiment drug always his Waldoboro, years board carelessly thrown by compan- ceived. He that about and of emol- Shorts” Sale. out of Buoksport and Michael Emery of says everywhere b right, cheerful unoomplaining, dis- CUTICURA, purest ion. the Held the Maine is referred of the each 16 yers of age. regiment playing many characteristics that clear price, was another hot one. The Bangor, lient skin cures, will Quality 50c; present Yesterday to as one of the banner of his father. His death comes a The were all barefooted when they regiments .the marked as 85 boys I2KC jneronry reached degrees. terrible blow to his bereaved the and hair of crusts, escaped. Notices were sent throughout camp. already scalp There will be a large representation of the First The been for a of the Another member regiment family. body has warded to DEPARTMENTS the state description quar- the State Christian En-' giving scales and soothe ir- The Co. are from this city to now is Charles Loud of dandruff, Whitman Grocery of who Is very siok Portland and will be buried by the side the latter tette runaways. deavor convention at Gardiner, Gardiner. from the remarks of an exhibition of “Minute Deteotive Odlin received one of the Judging of his father at Evergreen. ritated and itching surfaces, having of this month. is more sickness on part as is his usual custom Major Collins there Tapioca and Minute Gelatine” at will hold bills and began OBITUARY. hair The state board of pharmacy the field than has ever yet stimulate the follicles, better snares for the Chiokamauga Never offered Values than ot candi- setting boys. our Demonstration Counter. any a meeting for the examination Late Monday afternoon Detective Odlin been told. supply the roots with energy dates for certificates as registered drug- JOSEPH CHANDLER MOXCEY. free to sam- heard that there were four boys in F. R. Try them, they’re CHICKAMAUGA- ■ we this week. and assistant in this city today. THE SICK AT and nourishment, and thus those which offer gists Conant & Co’s, lumber yaid on Wasning- Yesterday morning Joseph C. Moxcey, ple. Prepared for the table in ■ lists have been posted in the The voting Odlin the veteran hairdresser whose faoe lias been ton street, Anburn. Mr. proceeded The Maine Regiment Said to Be In Bad luxuriant, lustrous no is re- various ward rooms in readiness for the produce sixty seconds, soaking at once to investigate the matter. When a familiar one to Portland people for 50 election. Shape. with clean, wholesome quired. September he arrived at the lumber yard the boys years passed away after an illness lasting hair, Some fine group photographs of the offi- SPECIAL MID-SUMMER PRICES. had left for parts unknown. The deteotive E. Doliff of who left Ban- rather more than three months. Indeed all else fails. officers and,crew of the Mon- L, Newburg, scalp, when cers, petty he had been ill for a hut insisted Immediately began search for them. He in as a in Co. G, Second year, on board, are showD in the gor May private Cm- Pnlf DocVi Sunburn. bites, and tauk, taken in business until last rui llUU soon learned that there were four boys sit- regiment, and who is now a member of active early spring. KdMl stings of Insects, in- J. R. LIBBY CO. window of Hay’s drug store. flamatious, irritations, down on the Grand Trunk railroad in Mr. Moxcey was born in Yarmouth, Jan- Upst Path Toilet Goods K. A. E. O. ting Co. C, First regiment, arrived Bangor it'- Iltal haoU undue or of- Portland Ssnate, No. 32b, * eludings, near the house. Chicka- uary 1S29 and came to this city in and other sanative this eve- bank Crystal Spring on Monday from the oamp at £8, fensive perspiration uses, will hold its regular meeting ancl re- Mr. Odlin found the at that the of 1848, entering upon the occupation which nothing so cooling, soothing, purifying boys place mauga, having in charge body as the Dept. ning. freshing a bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and after them,was fully con- Private L. Leslie of Co. C, who he has pursued until sickness and the most effective skin purifying and beautifying coal shovellers on the schoon- questioning Henry | One of the forbade its soap in tlie world, as well as purest and sweet- POBTLAKD, AUgUSt 10, 1898. vinced that they were the Reform Sohool died a few of The increasing infirmities of ago 50 boxes of Bakcskin Toilet was by the days ago apoplexy. est for toilet, bath and nursery. er J. G. Smith proBtrated G cokes in a boys. The detective took the bays to the was sent to Ellsworth, Leslie’s future prosecution. Soap, put up box, but came around in time. body FROM THE MOMENT OF BIRTH use Cuti- heat yesterday His rooms were the Col- reduced to the extremely low «S0C DOX. Auburn lockup where they were placed native and Private Dolifl will go to hairdressing long cura is not only the purest, sweetest Aprons, pCT railroad commissioners inspected place, Soap—It of The older oitizens of Portland and most ot nursery soaps, but it price in cells. They then confessed the whole his home in today to spend a resort of the retreslilng Yarmouth end of the Yarmouth elec- Newberg contains delicate emollient uroperties obtained lars and Cuffs for tbe who that no one could handle affair and told Mr. Odlin that they had fifteen thought from Cutlcura, the great skin cure, which Cut prices on every article In the department. road days furlough. tric yesterday. heads so as ho and who and and nurse wai- fasted since they left the school last Sat- Private Doliff says that sickness prevails their deftly purify beautify baby’s skin, scalp maids, Veteran Firemen’s auxili- hair, and remove skin blemishes, occasioned The Ladies’ would in that shrewd mother by to an extent at delight and the continued use of CAPS, urday. alarming Chiokamauga imperfect cleansing to ihe number of about 80 went on tresses and maids. ary those humorous comments on men soaps. parlor Superintendent C. P. Wentworth of the camp, and that the prospect is decidedly wit, impure HandlLereliief their annual picuic to Mrs. Thurston s Reform School arrived In Auburn Tues- dubious. He that of about 1100 men and affairs for which he was notable Nor Sold throughout the world. Price, CUTI- Great of kinds Island. On arriving says variety cottage, Long confined to the hu- CURA SOAP 25c. CUTICURA (ointment), 50c. morning and left with ths boys for now in the between 200 and 800 were his comments dinner was served to which day regiment POTTER DRUG AND OHEM. CORP., Sole and all of the most Dept. there a fine sound common ap- Portland on the 10.50 a. in. are siok, and that few of the men ore morous. He possessed Props., Boston, British Depot, 1 King Edward all did justice. The afternoon London. “How to Save Your Hair,” free. ample his newspaper and his books, St., after feeling really well. What they call good sense,knew proved shapes. New line of patterns in White *vas spent in bathing, fishing, eto., PERSONAL. Interest drinking water at Chickamauga would and had an aotive and intelligent Embroidered Handkerchiefs, which they returned home having fully FOB SALE. be considered unfit for use here, he say a in political history and^current politics. all listen and some of (he best 2«>C ©3Ch. the day. To a desirable enjoyed Mr. G. Fred Murch, who retires from the view Thus It oame about that conversitiou purchaser only, values we have shown this sea- come The scener y is great, especially The traders of Malden, Mass.,will of of deeds that valuable tract of land, at the position register January from the summit of Lookout mountain;' with him was profitable as well as enter- son, to Old Orchard today on their annual ex- about 20 acres, known as the 1st next, is to enter the office of the New and that ha will be so much One street window but the water is had and the weather taining, Base Ball and Circus grounds, New patterns in Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, at cursion. Life Insurance as a York Company spe- moist and hot. “I wouldn’t live down missed by his wide oircle of friends and of about oue mile Secretary Charles W. Roberts of the City Beering, shows of cial elec- samples today agent. says “if they’d give me acquaintances. from Portland City Halt; boar J of customs examiners has issued there," Doliff, One Maine law firm promises to he well Mr. married Sylvia Allen of tric cars pass every few min- va= So eaolia for the whole country.” In his opinion the Moxcey fine notice of a competitive examination utes. Bare for a Travelling Bags, represented in legislative halls next win- north West Gray, whose death preceded him opportunity store- First Maine ought to be move up the position of clerk, inspector, well known firm of Hale Syndicate; but few pieces good lises, suit cases and ter. It is the somewhere to recuperate. When he left by 10 years. Of this marriage came three shop- keeper, watchman and boatman. The unimproved property remain- SKirt and Hamlin of Ellsworth. Mr. Hale, the of to the front children: Nellie A., teacher in the Butler a at the Port- camp the prospect going ing unsold near the city. satchels, examinations will take place senior United ping only senior member, is the rather and the Maine soldiers school; Henry, bookkeeper for M. Stein- BENJAMIN October 1 and 35. seemed dim, SHAW, land custom house, Senator from Hannibal of States Maine; were that all hands would ert & Son’s Company. Congress street, 51 1-2 Exchange St. meagre representation Dept. will not be received later offering wagers Applications the second member of the clerk at the Falmouth auglO dlw* E. Hamlin, be home again in five weeks. and Joseph C.Jr., our but a than September 1. nominated to to the great stock, We have an firm, has been go Private Dolliff has a lot of relics of the hotel. extraordinary 11 WOMAN MISSING. an cr now a of what’s value in all linen ash skin, Senate from Hancook county; and battlefield, which he raked Mr. Moxcey was member of the Ma- hint here, and, $1.50 each. HARBOR NOTES. Chickamauga French one ut Mr. the member of the sonio to Portland Mrs. Minnie Corkum of 6 High street, back, ruffle, Drummey, junior up In the woods. He say that fragments order, belonging lodge. to Yesterday’s yacht arrivals were: Steam from her homo last incidentally, remind nrm, nas uuuu namuu vy mu xiupu Ujiuaus of shells and the flattened bullets of the The funeral services will bo held at disappeared Thursday New yacht Em bier. York, returning 7 Tolman and she has not since been seen. She is this is a for the House. rebellion are still plentiful there and that his late residence place at 2.80 you that good from eastern cruise; Crystal, a sloop 23 of of medium dark Mra G. A. Wiechmann and daughter the marks of the battle storm of a p. m., Thursday. years age, height, Goods a schooner great to Stamped yacht from Boston; Babboon, of Boston of this have complexion and a rather thin face. She place get your equip- formerly city, third of a century ago are still plain upon REV. THOMAS M. BUTLER. from Beverly. a yacht been visiting friends here, returning last the tree trunks. wore dark skirt and light waist over ment for a or short that the two Rev. Thomas Melvin Butler died in long Dept. Notice has been given Mr. of a evening to their home. The son, Gustave, Rev. Cummings Auburn, chap- whioh was mackintosh and she wore a to mark the chan- lain of the First Maine had a Mass., Saturday He was born black can buoys placed is in Regiment, Canton, hafr-with large flowers. Mrs. Corkum has Rockland. journey. New II _ between Beer talk with Adjutant General Richards in Aurora, Me. 1811 and patterns in All Linen ,_ nel through the mine fields January 24, bben in this for about a Mra Geo. W. Hunter and children of over the telephone the other day and he living city year too. For Tray Cloths, just opened, at S2 1“ZC e3Cn. Island and Island head have served during the Civil War being pro- Umbrellas, |j Light Long are Mra from the conversation that and, her husband is employed out of town. Wakefield, Mass., visiting gathered of the were a deal worse at moted to first lieutenant 24th Unit- been removed. Hunter’s on Park street. She things Chiokamauga She: was hftnnie O’Brion before men and women. Pro- Tinted Table reduced to close them out, £roi» parents At marriage. Covers, Mr. Brim engineer on than many supposed. ed States volunteers. the close of the Jewett, formerly intends to take a to the home of her While foul play is not suspected, her trip “I take it that there is much siokness at tection from the hot sun the has a similar posit- war he studied Colby university and Percy V, accepted on her wheel. in and that there is to be family and friends are naturally consider- childhood, Raymond, camp likely in 1868 and at Newton Theo- ion on the C. A. Warren. remarked Mr. “If graduated alarmed. The tug Mrs. Jennie King Morrison was among mora” Cummings. ably police have been or an unexpected shower. SOc to 2 So caoli. Jennie the soldiers there we shall need all logical Institution, graduating in 1871. ____l.<_ Lobster arrivals were, B., 1800; the soloist at the musical festival held stop --— the funds we oan to for the the and to N. P. and Lottie May with get provide He then entered Baptist ministry Trefethen, at N. H., last week. She also the men in the I Weirs, sang comfort of hospitals at R. A LIVELY 25c to 1 So eaoH. 2000 for served as pastor Hope Valley, I., RUNAWAY. Boothbay. with success at a recital had planned to leave for Chickamauga, great given by v Grecian news ui LUU remuvai 01 somerser, iuab»., lunuaouw, u, Yesterday forenoon a horse The wrecked schooner Bend, Mr. Devoto of Boston Friday afternoon. DUC rue pussioie belonging the First Maine to Porto Rico causes me Uxbridge, Mass., Foxcroft, Me., and Can- to Mr. the at the OWEN. MOORE & CO. at Old Orchard, is being stripped. The Misses Frazier and Beattie of Wilson, druggist Cape, to hesitate. I hardly see what they want services occurred at the These hot weather prices prevail all over the store and visiting A Baltimorian bas a ton. The funeral ran across Monument the patented new Chestnut street have to their at Porto hut for all square, striking will find gone spend of more troops Rico, in Canton! tourists use Baptist church yesterday after- of Mr. father of Mr. H. course finder for the of mariners annual vacation in the Do- that the First Maine may be going. The wagon Pinkham, neighboring The burial and funds continue to come in.”—Bangor noonjat 8 o’clock. will be at N. Pinkham, of the firm of Dow & Pink- which is said to be quicker more minion. During their absenoe they in- News. Hancock, Me., to which placs the body ham. Mr. Pinkham was thrown out by accurate than the parallel rules usually tend visiting Montreal and other Attractive at places will be by a guard of honor the ooncussion, and as he fell caught his Bargains Every Department. used on a chart to find a course. accompanied CITY OF PORTLAND. ship’s of interest in Canada, and Halifax and AID ASSOCIATION. arm in a manner that would have injured VOLUNTEER from Canton post, G. A. R. if The new invention has a back made of N. S. him severely he had been dragged any Truro, of the Volunteer Aid associa- IVolicc to Contractors. the front of The ladles distance. Officer Jones oaught the horse aluminum, aud compass Police M. Wolf with his son PORTLAND VOTERS AT OHICKA- Inspector considerable en- and Mr. Pinkham was not SEALED PROPOSALS for a dial tion are meeting with promptly, building Pipe covered with transparent celluloid of is his sister Mrs. MAUGA. seriously hurt. Sewer in Payson street will be received at Boston, visiting in the way of contribution a centor. couragement tire office of the Commissioner of Public Works, having transparent Through Shine, of Franklin street. of State has soldiers. The white and blue Secretary Boyd forwarded City Hall, until Wednesday, August, 17th, this a on re- to the red, center is small post which Rev. and Mra Fenwick L. STAMPS FOR MONEY PACKAGES. at 12 o’clock m.. when will he Leavitt of around in various to City Clerk Dyer.'.a list of the legal vot- 1898, they publicly volves the indicator hands. Attached to boxes that were placed opened and read. The successful bidder will Alabama are spending a few days at first Maine Washington, 9.—Information Hig- have not realized so muoh ers of the regiment now at August be required to give a bona in a sum and with RINES BROTHERS GO. is an it adjustable brass arm through Beach. Mrs. Leavitt publto places having reached the internal revenuo sureties to the ot gins was formerly con- has asked him to check satisfactory Commissioners as was but the individual Chickamauga,and that Which passes a of medium expeoted, bureau certain express companies are Public Works. string length. Miss Lucy Hutchinson of this city. names of those have been in satis- off the qualified to vote of monev without Blanks on which proposals must be made, To use the course finder the center of the tributions pouring shipping packages M.Richie of West out the a and further information can Capt.George Medford, the recent sums con- in Portland, fill attached certifi- affixing revenue stamp thereto, the specifications instrument is over the factorily. Among be obtained at the office of the said Commis- placed buoy, Mass., an employe of the Boston custom and forward them to the commissioners made a that money were from the Young Men’s cates secretary rating sioner, who reserves the right to reject any or in the tributed $10 shall bo considered as for the lighthouse any point denoting house is ill at the summer home of soon as “goods'’ or all bids, should he deem it for the interest of quite and from of state’s office as possible. There of the of the that the Hebrew association $5 Long- purposes act and therefore a stamp the city so to do. Bids should be marked position vessel, seeing Hon. Lewis H. mayor of Med- names. Lovering, K. of P. are 213 must be affixed to the bill ot lading or “Proposal for Sewer" and addressed to sides of the instrument are with fellow lodge, parallel ford, at Falmouth Foroside. other evidence of the there- GEO. M. FEKNALD, are the work receipt given the latitude and on The ladles continuing good BAR Commissioner of Public Works. longitude lines the A brilliant official funotion J CUMBERLAND ASSOCIATION. for. *, of the tho zeal is 1898. then the with unabated interest, and The ruling heretofore made “each Aug. 10, auglodtd chart; string attached to the in- month will bo the at the The annual outing and dinner of the that wedding Pool these of nowpapers dicator hand is drawn to the unflagging even in oppressive dog bundle having a different tightly point of Miss of Cumberland Bar association was held should Jane, daughter Mrs. James meet once a week on destination have a different bill of to bo steered when the While they for, hund will H. Brookmire of St. to days. at About 60 and be stamped,” is Louis, Mr. Hugh Brown block to sew for yesterday Harpswell. mem- lading modified In in the direction the is Fridays in the of the of senators point string drawn C Fox of New a bers boarded the Aucocisco at view opinion and mem- York, prominent ex- no means Portland that and indicates tbe course to be steered. the soldiers this by represents bers of Congress such was not the porter, The wedding will occur A Pier on the 8.60 trip yesterday of the law. August the entire work of the association. morning. intention You fie Pardoned 24 at those noticed on the when the tax of May MAYOR TO VISIT the Brookmire cottage. a Among steamer were Therefore one oent is LONDON US. many of the ladies take quantity Miss Fstelle Dale great Chief Justice Peters, ex-Gov. on the general bundle, each has closed her engage- home and labor as in- Cleaves and paid package if exhibit satisfaction even London, August 0.—The Lord Mayor of of the materials in the general bundle, the commissioner j you David ment with Bartley McCullum’s Judges Whitehouse, Emery, London, Sir. Horatio Davies, will company, dustriously by their own iiresides during Haskell, holds, which is taken therefrom and ae- when house is if Webb and your burning sail lor New York from Liverpool, on having been called to New York on im- Savage, 'Wiswell, Strout. at intermediate points, does as hall. One worked '■ liverod net the week at the lady ——__ board the White Star line a receipt and it has been insured in E. C. steamship portant business. She leaves the city to- last week until late. require separate stamp. Teutonic August 18, for a short visit to four evenings quite "V day much to the regret of the many Insurance for America. Mr. Davies will lie the first No About A DA SLIGHT BURGLARY. Jones’ Agency, Lord to visit America during his friends she has made during her short FREDERICK STREET SEWER. Question It Mayor 9.—Two then you know your invest- incumbency. summer engagement. Biddeford, August burglars The following bids were received yes- Teaches Experience Which is the Best were committee in broad daylight today ment is safe and you will have by Mr. Fernald for constructing terday Medicine. a tenement house on Pearl street. One “ in to start in business Pure and Sure/' 150 feet of sewer on Frederick street : Clarence enough “I have been severely troubled with tenement, ocoupied by Grant, In John these Thomas Shanahan, $50; Sullivan, a rear und Suppose you hadn’t in. scrofula complicated with erysipelas, for was entered through window, Days’’ again. $52; John H. Flannagan, $54.50; George “Muggy Dog many years. I have tried many gold watch, ladies’ chain and two sured ? Better take no risks. S. Staples, $73.50; Angelo Lorelio, $134.50. remedies, but always go back to Hood’s rings, a gold bracelet and some knives it is hard to keep comfortable. The contract was awarded to Mr. Shana- Sarsapa- You will secure comfort for your which I find does me were stolen. In the home of E. rilla, the most and forks dog, if you have one, by getting a han. cake of oar and good. I have been greatly benefited H. Coburn $5 in cash was stolen. Dog Soap giving E. C. by him a shampoo. 3 kinds, 15, 20 and JONES, using it, and have found 25c cake. The W. S. Parker Co., arc having a nothing to take its place. It is such thing as “summer com- Fire Insurance, • can undoubtedly the best jlo great run on orash suits, and ladies blood medicine on the where Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Pswpeh, would market.” Mrs plaint” No 13 Exchange St, Portland, l>Ie. Baking buy an entire suit for what they is Nature’s H. A. Holly, West Wild Strawberry kept handy. angle eodtf have to for having a skirt made. See Farmington, Maine. for looseness of the bow- H. H. HAY & Middle St. use pay remedy every SON, All teachers of it. in issue. cure all Liver leading cookery I their prices today’s Hood’s Pilis IfisT^s cents! | els.