The Voices Oftoni Morrison
The Voices ofToni Morrison The Voices of Tom Morrison Barbara Hill Rigney Ohio State University Press Columbus Copyright © 1991 by the Ohio State University Press. All rights reserved. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rigney, Barbara Hill, 1938 The voices of Toni Morrison / Barbara Hill Rigney. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8142-0555-0 (pbk.: alk. paper) 1. Morrison, Toni—Criticism and interpretation. 2. Feminism and literature—United States—History—20th century. 3. Afro-American women in literature. I. Title. PS3563.08749Z84 1991 813'.54—dc20 91-16092 CIP Text design by Hunter Graphics. Cover design by Donna Hartwick. Cover illustration: Aminah Robinson, "Woman Resting," Sapelo Island Series, 1985. Collection of the artist. Courtesy of Esther Saks Gallery. Type set in ITC Galliard by G8cS Typesetters, Austin, TX. Printed by Bookcrafters, Chelsea, MI. The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. Printed in the U.S.A. 98765432 For Kim, Julie, Kris, Sky, and Papa I gratefully acknowledge the time and the encouragement pro vided by the College of Humanities and the Department of En glish at The Ohio State University, the support of my editor, Charlotte Dihoff, and the invaluable assistance and advice of both colleagues and students, most particularly Murray Beja, Erika Bourguignon, Grace Epstein, Michael Hitt, Sebastian Knowles, Marlene Longenecker, and James Phelan. Contents Introduction 1 1 Breaking the Back of Words: Language and Signification 7 2 Hagar's Mirror: Self and Identity 35 3 "The Disremembered and Unaccounted For": History, Myth, and Magic 61 4 Rainbows and Brown Sugar: Desire and the Erotic 83 Afterword 105 Notes 109 Bibliography 115 Index 125 Introduction .
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