
hsmdl n ec h niepcaeapoc,de o r not , does the approach, of package content entire information greatest total the the the hence guarantees and which (1981) model, al. this et Niesert of model Abstract rto.Tefis cnroi h yecce lsdre- closed a , ∗ the is concen- scenario same first the different have The tem- types of tration. per template number coded the the provided information plate, of maximum the product and the the templates of is content information pool infor- total template the the solves because coexistence crisis mation template coexis- principle, template In achieving tence. by crisis information prebiotic re- and exclusion . competitive current of loss from the resulting with coped information life, that replicators of mechanisms primeval the the onset how on the explain debate about unresolved still questions the true fueling raised has work seminal Eigen the (2005)), of Wilke (1997); cri- Wiehe e.g., information (see, the sis of relevance biological crit- the some about competi- Despite on icisms 1982). purely Schuster, reflect a and differences in (Swetina setup coexist their tive dif- cannot that that rates such replication templates other their (ii) replicating each and from a 1971), fer of fidelity (Eigen, the grounded length by replication limited is the of is template) 1970s, (i) RNA-like the (i.e., observations: polymer in key (1971) two Eigen in by envisaged as Introduction 1. epae thlsi,cudrsleti rsspoie th provided crisis this resolve could in, holds it templates rgee ytefidn htasnl N-ietmlt cann template RNA-like single a that confining finding principle, the by triggered e words: Key is gain information net the that so viability, protocell the arXiv:0710.3278v1 r a As mechanism. replication template the [q-bio.PE] of per 17 Oct 2007 rpitsbitdt Elsevier to submitted Preprint orsodn uhr [email protected] author: Corresponding h oxsec ewe ieettpso epae a bee has templates of types different between coexistence The hr r w optn cnro htse oslethe solve to seek that scenarios competing two are There , chemical or prebiotic in crisis information The a akg oesadteifraincii fpeitcevol prebiotic of crisis information the and models Package rboi vlto,pcaemdl,hpryls ro t error hypercycles, models, package evolution, Prebiotic nttt eFıiad ˜oCro,Uiesdd eS˜ao Pa de Universidade S˜ao F´ısica Carlos, de de Instituto d itnttmltso length of templates distinct ailA .M Silvestre, M. 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Daniel Ld uttn oacntn au htdpnsol ntesponta the on only depends that value constant a to tend must , L napcaeo rtcl,woesria eed ntecoex the on depends survival whose protocell, or package a in at null. osbergo fvaiiyo h rtcl ouain a population, protocell the of viability of region possible d sl,a nraeof increase an esult, h hieslto oteifraincii fprebiotic of crisis information the to solution choice the n smd ucetylre eew eiwtepooyia pa prototypical the review we Here large. sufficiently made is sleteifraincii.Ti ss eas oscr s secure to because so is This crisis. information the esolve tcryeog nomto ocd o n sflreplicase useful any for code to information enough carry ot rsod eei diversity genetic hreshold, l,CiaPsa 6,15090Sa alsS,Brazil SP, S˜ao Carlos 13560-970 369, Postal Caixa ulo, lt oxsec su stes-aldpcaemodel package so-called the is issue coexistence plate (see established (2004)). mini- well Joyce of now and synthesis Paul are experimental systems the self-replicating mal and RNA, including and - molecules, biological as DNA of premises variety a basic in activity its substan- alytic regarding received support has empirical 2000). model tial al., hypercycle et stochastic the Campos by Nonetheless, 1994; Tarazona, to (Nu˜no and mem- susceptible effects its it of concentrations sub- rendering the are bers, in templates fluctuations different hyper- large of addition, to number ject In large 1980). a al., with activ- et cycles Bresch catalytic 1979; lack (Smith, which ity polymers to genomic similar molecules modern is – the replicase parasites each so-called the of into fate mutate likely to the Therefore, way. drive in same to components the selection hypercycle the natural of replicase activity expect cross-catalytic better cannot the a one (or but hyper- replicase the itself), the of to for rates element target each better replication make a to to cycle it expect responsive fact, can is one In only, selection criticism. natural strong encounters since but assumption replicases, key cross-catalytic as this and templates as replicators both primordial the act that mo- requires current scheme Schuster, This a and 1978). resembling in (Eigen pathways one, metabolic aids biochemical next in polymer tif the replicating of each replication which the in scheme action a o´ .FontanariJos´e F. h lentv rboi cnrot drs h tem- the address to scenario prebiotic alternative The d utb olwdb eraeof decrease a by followed be must a , ∗ ution eu ro rate error neous 6Otbr2018 October 26 sec fthe of istence dso that show nd L evolution, oensure to urvival ckage In . approach, in which the templates are confined in pack- tween template composition and protocell fission (or proto- ages termed or prebiotic vesicles (Gabriel, 1960; cell reproduction) is made explicit (Zintzaras et al. , 2002; Bresch et al., 1980; Niesert et al., 1981; Niesert, 1987; Silvestre and Fontanari, 2005; Fontanari et al., 2006). To Silvestre and Fontanari, 2005; Fontanari et al., 2006). The handle and quantify the unlimited growth of the proto- basic assumption here is that a nonspecific replicase is cod- cell population we borrow a powerful tool from statistical ified and assembled by a number d of distinct functional physics, namely, the spreading or epidemic analysis used templates. Template replication is possible only with the to characterize nonequilibrium phase transitions in lat- aid of the replicase which, in turn, can be put together tice models (Grassberger and de La Torre , 1979). This only when all template types are present in the package. technique suits particularly well to the task of locating The combined dynamics of templates and protocells the boundaries in the space of parameters that separate is in many aspects similar to the metapopulation dy- the subcritical regime, where the extinction of the lin- namics used in the study of patches in (see, e.g., eage is certain, from the supercritical regime, where the Keymer et al. (2000)). The distinguishing features of the probability of survival of the lineage is nonzero (see, e.g., package models are the random drift in the template dy- Rosas and Fontanari (2003)). namics due to the finite capacity of the protocells, and Since ingredients such as prospective values for protocell the assortment load resulting from the stochastic fission survival or protocell fitness commonly used in the defini- of the protocells. These very features that make the dy- tion of package models are not supported by experimental namics interesting, also make it much less amenable to evidence, we find the reexamination of the original version analytic treatment. In fact, as compared with the hyper- of the model of Niesert et al. (1981) absolutely essential. cycle and quasispecies models for which the deterministic More importantly, because viable protocells (i.e., protocells chemical kinetics equations suffice to describe most of the that contain the d functional template types) are allowed relevant phenomena (see, however, Alves and Fontanari to reproduce unrestrainedly, the region of viability of the (1998); Campos and Fontanari (1999)), package models metapopulation is the greatest possible in this model. Any like the classical model of Niesert et al. (1981) or the other package model that assumes protocell competition stochastic corrector model of Szathm´ary and Demeter by assigning fitness values to the protocells according to (1987) are not so well characterized and only recently their template compositions will exhibit a smaller region of slightly simplified versions of the original models were viability. analyzed thoroughly (Grey et al., 1995; Zintzaras et al. , We have found that the confinement of templates in pack- 2002; Silvestre and Fontanari, 2005; Fontanari et al., 2006; ages does not solve the information crisis of prebiotic evo- Silvestre and Fontanari, 2007). lution because, to guarantee the viability of the protocells, Our main reservation about the package models premises the total information content of each package must remain concerns its group selectionist flavor. One way or the other, constant, i.e., the product between the template lengths L all aforementioned package models assume that the growth and the number of distinct templates d is a constant that rate of the protocell lineage depends on the composition depends, essentially, only on the spontaneous error rate per of the template population confined within each proto- nucleotide. Hence there is no information gain of increas- cell. Although at first sight this may seem a reasonable ing the number of coexisting templates types since their assumption, it is not supported by experimental evidence: lengths must decrease proportionally. recent experiments with model protocells show that the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 growth of lipid vesicles does not depend on the nature of the we review the package model of Niesert et al. (1981) and substances they hold in (Hanczyc et al., 2003; Chen et al., in Sect. 3 we briefly describe the spreading analysis tech- 2004, 2006; Zaher and Unrau, 2007). A more plausible as- nique. The results are presented in a crescendo of difficulty sumption is to admit that protocell fission is triggered when from Sects. 4 to 6. In particular, Sect. 4 is dedicated to the the total concentration of the templates reaches some crit- study of the limit of perfect replication fidelity; Sect. 5 con- ical value so that the integrity of the membrane is compro- siders the effect of mutations to the so-called parasite class, mised (Chen et al., 2006). which are essentially nonfunctional templates; and Sect. 6 Interestingly, the package model proposed in the pio- the effect of mutations to the lethal class, which are precip- neer work of Niesert et al. (1981) conforms to this more itating agents that prevent the assemblage of a replicase. realistic scenario, as no connection is made between tem- Finally, Sect. 7 is devoted to our concluding remarks. plate composition and the mechanism of protocell fission. Alas, for purely technical reasons – to keep the protocell lineage to a size that could be manageable by their com- 2. The package model of Niesert et al. (1981) putational resources – those authors have introduced an extraneous ingredient into their model, namely, a prospec- According to the model of Niesert et al. (1981) we con- tive value which essentially gauges the survival probability sider a metapopulation composed of a variable number of a protocell according to its template composition. This of packages or protocells, each of which encloses a cer- prospective value plays exactly the same role as the group tain number of templates (RNA-like molecules) and a few selection pressure in models where a direct relation be- polypeptides. Since all our simulations begin with a sin-

2 gle mutant-free protocell we use the words metapopula- i.e., it is repeated exactly Λ times. If the randomly selected tion and protocell lineage interchangeably throughout this template is a functional template then the copy will become paper. There are d distinct types of functional templates a parasite with probability u or a lethal with probability v. which, when present in the same protocell are capable of Hence the probability that the copy is perfect is 1 − u − v. assembling a nonspecific replicase of finite processivity and If the selected template is a parasite, then the copy will finite fidelity of replication. As pointed out by Niesert et al. become a lethal with probability v. Finally, in the case a (1981), this kind of primitive translation is achieved by co- lethal is selected, then the copy will also be a lethal. As a operation of with t-RNA character and an RNA with result of this procedure, exactly Λ new templates are added messenger function. Here we define the processivity Λ of to the protocell. We note that in the absence of mutations the replicase as the number of template copies it produces this process is exactly the Polya’s urn scheme (Feller , 1968, in some convenient unit of time, so Λ can be viewed as a Ch. V.2). The template replication procedure is repeated measure of replication efficiency as well. This definition can for all protocells in the metapopulation. In what follows we be made equivalent to the usual definition of processivity will refer to the number of templates inside a protocell as as the average number of added by a replicase the size of the protocell. per association/disassociation with the template if Λ is al- lowed to take on noninteger values and all templates have 2.2. Protocell fission the same length. We recall that the replicase can only be formed in the presence of all d types of template. If a pro- After template replication, the protocell is in excess of tocell lacks a single functional template type it is consid- molecules since we assume that the membrane is imperme- ered unviable and discarded from the protocell population. able to templates. As template replication is much faster In addition, all template types display identical targets to than protocell fission, we envisage a scenario where fission the replicase, which results in a neutral replication process, begins at about the same time as the template replication i.e., all template types have the same replication rate. cycle but terminates only after the replicase has exhausted Since any plausible replication process is susceptible to its copying capacity. This means that the overall osmotic errors, we must take into account the possibility of muta- pressure tolerated by the protocell membrane is of the or- tions. Two types of mutations are allowed in the model. der of Λ, so that the fission process is triggered whenever First, there are mutations that produce non-functional the protocell size exceeds Λ. For example, if the size of a templates which contribute nothing to the assembling just generated daughter protocell is n> Λ then the fission of the replicase but keep their replication capability un- process starts but, by the time it is concluded, the protocell harmed. These mutants are termed parasites. Second, has already reached the size n + Λ. there are lethal mutations which generate molecules that Experimental models of lipid vesicles exhibit a variety of prevent the assembling of a replicase or, equivalently, pro- mechanisms for the fission process (Hanczyc and Szostak, duce a non-functional replicase. In any case, an offspring 2004). Here we choose a mechanism that splits the mother protocell that contains a mutant of this kind is rendered protocell in two daughters and distributes templates of the unviable. Mutations to the parasite type occur with prob- mother vesicle between the two offspring at random. The ability u whereas mutations to the lethal type occur with random assortment of templates to the daughter vesicles probability v. Reverse mutations or mutations between may cause the loss of essential genes for survivorship (i.e., functional template types are not considered. The life cy- the assortment load), thus producing unviable protocells. cle of the protocells consists of three events – template To be more precise, if S is the size of the mother protocell replication, protocell fission and protocell demise – which just before fission then the probability that the daughters take place in this order and are described in the following. have size s and S − s is given by the binomial S 2−S. s

2.1. Template replication 2.3. Protocell demise

This process, which describes the replication of the tem- The viability of a daughter protocell is guaranteed pro- plates inside the protocells, is regulated by one of the cru- vided that (i) it carries no lethal mutants, and (ii) it has cial parameters of the model, namely, the number of repli- at least one copy of each type of functional template. Any cated molecules between two vesicle fissions (Λ). As already protocell lacking one of those templates or carrying a lethal pointed out, this quantity is the processivity of the repli- mutant is dismissed because it is incapable of producing a case, i.e., the number of template copies the replicase can working replicase. produce in a unit of time, taken here as the time between two consecutive fissions. The replication process is imple- 2.4. Metapopulation dynamics mented as follows. For each protocell we choose a template at random and replicate it, returning both the original tem- The sequence of the three processes stated above defines plate and its copy to the protocell, and this procedure is the time unit of the metapopulation dynamics. ¿From these repeated until the processivity of the replicase is reached, processes it is clear that the size of the metapopulation

3 (i.e. the number of protocells) can, in some cases, increase simultaneously through a Wright-Fisher process and the without bounds. In fact, the metapopulation dynamics can daughter protocells have fixed size Λ, yields to an analytical be viewed as a branching process with denumerably many approach (Silvestre and Fontanari, 2007). In this contribu- types (Kimmel and Axelrod , 2002). As pointed out before, tion, however, we have opted to stick to the original model to circumvent this ‘technical’ difficulty which rapidly sat- of Niesert et al. (1981) so as to complement and complete urates the computer resources of the time, Niesert et al. that classical work on the theory of prebiotic evolution. (1981) have opted to discard supernumerary protocells ac- cording to an arbitrary prospective value which essentially 3. The spreading analysis gauges the odds of a protocell to leave viable descendents (see Sect. 5). In practice, using such a prospective value to The spreading or epidemic analysis put forward by eliminate the least promising protocells introduces an ad- Grassberger and de La Torre (1979) is the preferred tech- ditional criterion for protocell demise, which can be inter- nique of statistical physics to locate and characterize equi- preted as a selection pressure acting at the protocell level librium as well as non-equilibrium phase transition lines. which favors protocells with high prospective values. Since The method is tailored to population dynamics problems the survival probability of the protocell begins to depend that exhibit an absorbing state (subcritical regime), where on specific details of their template compositions, the re- the protocell population has gone extinct, and an active sulting model becomes very similar to the group selection state (supercritical regime) where the population under- models proposed to explain template coexistence (see, e.g., goes exponential growth. Separating these two regimes Fontanari et al. (2006)). Interestingly, Niesert et al. (1981) there is the critical regime where the population growth do not mention group selection or multi-level selection: al- (if any) is sub-exponential, usually a power law in the time though they state that the unit of selection is the entire variable. package, they overlooked the conflict between package and The basic idea of the spreading analysis is to follow the template interests, especially the parasites. Here we do not evolution of the lineage that sprouts from a single mutant- use any prospective value to control the metapopulation free protocell of size Λ, in which the functional templates size and the only criteria for elimination of a protocell is are evenly represented. For each time t we carry out from the presence of a lethal mutant or the lack of any type of 106 to 109 independent runs, all starting with the same an- functional template. cestor protocell. The number of runs depends on the values Although the number of protocells may grow unbound- of the control parameters, and is chosen so as to guaran- edly, the number of templates inside each protocell (i.e., tee a representative number of surviving samples at any the protocell size) fluctuates around a finite value, though, given time. Here we focus on the time dependence of two strictly, a viable protocell can assume any size value in the key quantities: the average number of protocells Nt and the range d, . . . , ∞. In fact, starting from whatever conditions survival probability of the lineage Pt calculated at time t. the average number of templates per package will approach Clearly, Pt is simply the fraction of runs for which there is the processivity of the replicase very quickly. Consider, for at least one protocell in the lineage at time t. We note that example, the average number of templates nt in a protocell in the calculation of Nt we take an average over all runs, in- at time t. It is related to the average number of templates cluding those for wich the lineage has already gone extinct of its mother protocell nt−1 by the recursion equation at time t. (n −1 + Λ) Let ∆ be a real variable that measures the distance to n = t (1) t 2 the critical point. For example, if the transition from the whose solution is simply absorbing to the active phase takes place at the probability u = uc when all other parameters are held fixed n0 − Λ n = +Λ, (2) then ∆ = u −u. Close to this transition point, i.e., for ∆ ≈ t 2t c 0, and for sufficiently large t, we expect that the average where n0 is the size of the vesicle that originated the lin- number of protocells and the survival probability obey the eage. Hence, regardless of the ancestor size, after a few gen- scaling hypothesis erations the average size of the protocells will equal the η ν processivity value of the replicase. Nt ∼ t φN (∆ t) (3) The ultimate goal of the analysis of the metapopulation −δ ν P ∼ t φ (∆ t) (4) dynamics is to determine the regions in the space of the t P parameters d (number of functional templates), Λ (proces- where η, δ and ν are non-negative critical dynamic expo- sivity of the replicase), u (probability of mutation to par- nents, and φN and φP are universal scaling functions, usu- asites) and v (probability of mutation to the lethal type) ally exponential functions (Grassberger and de La Torre , where the protocell lineage has a nonzero probability of 1979). At the critical point ∆ = 0, a log-log plot of Nt thriving. To achieve that we resort solely to brute force (or Pt) as function of t yields a straight line, the slope of simulations of the metapopulation dynamics as will be de- which yields the dynamic exponent η (or δ). Upward and scribed in the forthcoming sections. A slightly modified ver- downward deviations from the critical straight line indicate sion of this model, in which template replication takes place supercritical and subcritical behaviors, respectively. The

4 mere observation of these deviations allows a very precise 103 estimate of the value the critical parameter uc. 102 A particularly important quantity, as far as the charac- terization of branching processes is concerned, is the ulti- 101 mate probability of survival of the lineage, defined as 100 t N Π = lim Pt (5) -1 t→∞ 10 so that Π = 0 in the critical and subcritical regimes (u ≥ 10-2 uc), whereas Π > 0 in the supercritical regime (u

ν = β = 1. The a priori knowledge of these values can be t 10-2 useful to validate our estimate of the threshold locations, P which are actually our main concern in this paper. 10-3 4. The cost of diversity

10-4 0 20 40 60 80 100 The information crisis of prebiotic evolution revealed by t the quasispecies model is essentially a consequence of the limited fidelity of replication of the templates with the re- Fig. 2. Same as Fig. 1 but for the survival probability. For large t this quantity tends to a constant value, the ultimate survival probability sulting steady accumulation of mutants in the population Π. The minimum value of the processivity Λ that guarantees Π > 0 (the mutational load in the population jargon). is Λc = 9 in this case. In package models there is an additional threshold phe- nomenon which, even in the absence of mutations, limits argued that the lack of specificity of the primordial repli- the amount of information stored in the molecular pool: case gives the templates an altruistic-like character which the limited processivity of the replicase bounds the num- could be maintained by the confinement of the templates ber of distinct template types that can coexist in a pro- in packages, and Niesert et al. (1981) who have, in turn, tocell. We refer to this new information crisis as the cost shown that a high processivity is necessary to make up for of diversity. Deterministic models, such as the quasispecies the assortment load and so to guarantee the coexistence of and the hypercycle models, assume that the processivity of a few functional templates in the protocell. the replicase is essentially infinite but a recent estimate of To obtain the minimum value of the processivity Λ of a this parameter in artificially selected RNA polymerase ri- replicase that needs d functional templates for its assem- bozymes yields a processivity on the order of a few tens of bling we use the spreading technique as illustrated in Figs. nucleotides (Zaher and Unrau, 2007), which is insufficient 1 and 2 for the case d = 4. Given the discrete nature of Λ, to produce even the shortest functional ribozyme known, the critical regime is absent in this case and so one observes the hairpin ribozyme (Kun et al., 2005). To better charac- a discontinuous jump from the typical subcritical behavior terize the processivity threshold in this section we focus (both Nt and Pt vanish exponentially with increasing t) to in the case in which the replication fidelity is perfect, i.e., the supercritical regime (Nt increases exponentially with u = v = 0. increasing t whereas Pt approaches the ultimate survival Although some features of the primordial replicase such probability Π). We recall that the calculation of Nt includes as its specificity and processivity are key elements in most the extinct runs as well and this is the reason that Nt can prebiotic scenarios, their roles are rarely punctuated in the take on values smaller than 1 in the subcritical regime (note literature. Notable exceptions are Michod (1983) who has that N0 = 1).

5 1.0 116 81 0.5

53 0.0

31 -0.5

15 -1.0 c ξ Λ 9 -1.5

5 -2.0

-2.5 2 -3.0

1 -3.5 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 d Λ

Fig. 3. Logarithmic plot of the minimum value of the processivity Λc Fig. 4. Asymptotic growth rate of the lineage as function of the above which the protocell lineage has a finite probability of escaping replicase processivity in the error-free case for (from top to bottom) extinction against the diversity d. The extinction of the lineage is d = 4,..., 10. The solid lines are the fittings ξ = ln2+ aΛθ with 2 certain for Λ < Λc. The solid line is the fitting Λc = d /2. The θ < 0. The value of Λ above which ξ becomes positive defines the parameters are u = v = 0. limits to the realm of viability of the lineage. The horizontal lines are ξ = 0 and ξ = ln2. Repetition of the spreading analysis for different values 2 of the diversity d allows us to obtain the dependence of the The relation Λc ∼ d /2 is the same as that found in the minimum processivity Λc with d. The results are summa- original work of Niesert et al. (1981) as well as in the vari- rized in Fig. 3, which essentially shows that for d not too ant of Silvestre and Fontanari (2007), and it poses another small the data is described very well by the fitting Λc = 2 challenge to the primordial protocells, for which no mech- d /2. For Λ < Λc, the replicase is unable to produce suffi- anism of segregation can be assumed to exist: the need to cient copies of the templates to compensate for the stochas- overcome the efficiency lower bound Λc in order to main- tic loss of functional template due to the assortment load, tain a given number of distinct functional templates. This and so the lineage goes extinct with probability one. For threat to prebiotic evolution was aptly termed Charybdis Λ ≥ Λc, the lineage has a nonzero probability of ultimate by Niesert et al. (1981) in reference to the monster of the survival. Greek mythology. As pointed out by Silvestre and Fontanari (2007), there There is yet another difficulty that passed unnoticed in is a simple combinatorial argument to explain the scaling 2 previous works and that makes the diversity cost transpar- Λc ∼ d at the critical boundary in the error-free replication ent. From Fig. 1 we can easily see that Nt ∼ exp(ξt) for case, that goes as follows. Assuming that the typical size large t where ξ = ξ (Λ, d) is the asymptotic growth rate of of the protocells is Λ then the number of different types of the metapopulation, shown in Fig. 4. The point here is that viable protocells is for Λ fixed, the growth rate decreases with increasing diver- sity, which means that there will be a selective pressure to Λ − 1   , (6) increase Λ while d is kept to some minimum possible value.  d − 1  A way out of this conundrum would be to assume that the processivity of the replicase depends somehow on the in- whereas the total number of protocell types is formation content of the template pool (i.e., Λ = Λ (d)) so that it would be impossible for a system of d template types  Λ+ d − 1  2 . (7) to assemble a replicase with processivity Λ ≫ Λc ∼ d /2.  Λ  The logarithm of the ratio r between these two quantities 5. The parasite load can be written as d−1 d−1 1 − i/Λ 2 d2 To better realize the implications of an imperfect repli- ln r = ln ≈− i ≈− , (8) X 1+ i/Λ Λ X Λ cation mechanism, we will focus first on the mutations to i=1 i=1 the parasite type only, i.e., u > 0 but v = 0. The accu- from where we can see that the only way to obtain non- mulation of parasites in a protocell does not make it un- trivial values of this ratio (i.e., r 6= 0, 1) for large Λ and d viable, but in the long run it can reduce the efficiency of is to assume that d2/Λ remains of order of 1, which yields the replicase, leading to the underproduction of functional r ∼ exp −d2/Λ . Clearly, r → 0 corresponds the subcrit- template copies that could counterbalance the disruptive ical regime since the fraction of viable protocell types is effect of the assortment load. (We recall that the parasites vanishingly small in this case, whereas r → 1 corresponds have the same replication rate as the functional templates). to the supercritical regime as practically all protocell types Since the mutation probability u varies continuously in are viable. the range [0, 1], in this section we can finally appreciate the

6 102 10-2

101 t 100 10-3 |ξ| N


10-2 10-4 100 101 102 103 10-4 10-3 10-2 t |∆|

Fig. 5. Logarithmic plot of the average number of protocells in a Fig. 7. Logarithmic plot of the absolute value of the time decay lineage for several values of the parasite mutation probability (top constant ξ against | ∆ | for the data shown Fig. 6. The slope of the to bottom) u = 0.180, 0.181,..., 0.190. The critical mutation prob- straight line used to fit the data is ν = 1.01 ± .01. ability is uc ≈ 0.185 and corresponds to the horizontal straight line

(η = 0). The parameters are d = 2, Λ = 2, and v = 0. 0.5 2

101 0.4

3 100 0.3 c u 4 0.2 t 10-1 P 5

0.1 6

10-2 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Λ 10-3 100 101 102 103 t Fig. 8. Critical mutation probability to the parasite class uc as func- tion of replicase processivity Λ for values of the template diversity d Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5 but for the survival probability. The dashed indicated in the figure. Mutations to the lethal class are no permit- −1 straight line is the fitting Pt ∼ t of the critical curve. ted (v = 0). effectiveness of the spreading analysis to locate the critical tion probability uc on d and Λ. We recall that for u ≥ uc mutation probability uc that separates the sub and super- the lineage is unviable, i.e., Π = 0. For low diversity, the critical regimes. Accordingly, in Figs. 5 and 6 we show log- introduction of parasites has practically no effect on the vi- log plots of Nt and Pt for values of u close to uc. Visual in- ability of the lineage. Solely when the mutation probability spection of Fig. 5 leads to the estimate uc =0.185 ± 0.001 takes very large values then the harm caused by the para- for case d = Λ = 2. As pointed out before, in the subcrit- sites becomes appreciable and must be compensated by the ν ical regime one has Nt ∼ exp(ξt) with ξ ∼ − | ∆ | . The increase of the replicase processivity Λ. For high diversity, time decay constant ξ is calculated by replotting Fig. 6 in however, the fate of the lineage is much more sensitive to the the semi-log scale (see Fig. 2 for a similar graph) and then presence of parasites, meaning that metapopulations with fitting the straight lines that result from this scale transfor- a high diversity of functional templates must have a very mation. Finally, Fig. 7 confirms the linear dependence of ξ efficient replicase right at the beginning, which happens on | ∆ |, and so the exponent value ν = 1. We conclude then to be the situation of modern . All polymerase that the ultimate survival probability vanishes as Π ∼ ∆ cores involved in replication have similar processivity val- when the critical mutation probability is approached from ues, regardless of the number of genes per , which the supercritical regime. These results assure us of the relia- can vary from few hundreds genes in the smallest prokary- bility and adequacy of the spreading technique to locate the otes to tens of thousands in the largest eukaryotic mutation threshold in the package model of Niesert et al. (Benkovic et al., 2001). We note, however, that the more (1981). This technical procedure was repeated for different sundry viral polymerases do not follow this scenario. values of the control parameters d and Λ in order to obtain A salient feature of the metapopulation dynamics re- a complete phase diagram of the model. Finally, we note vealed by Fig. 8 is that, for fixed d, there is a value of the that in this scheme we have imposed no limitation whatso- mutation probability beyond which coexistence is impos- ever to the total protocell population size. sible regardless of the value of the replicase processivity. Fig. 8 summarizes the dependence of the critical muta- This is so because uc tends to the well-defined value 1/d

7 0.25 100 100

2 10-1 0.20 10-2 2 10-3 10-1 -4 0.15 3 10 100 101 102 103 c 3 c v u 4 0.10 5 4 10-2

0.05 5 6

0.00 10-3 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 101 102 103 Λ Λ

Fig. 9. Same as Fig. 8 but using the prospective value of Niesert et al. Fig. 10. Critical mutation probability to the lethal class as function (1981) to discard supernumerary protocells. This additional ingredi- of the replicase processivity in the absence of parasites (u = 0) for ent leads to the incorrect prediction that high processivity values can the values of the template diversity d indicated in the figure. For be deleterious to the protocell population, in the sense of curtailing large Λ we find vc ∼ 1/Λ (dashed straight line) regardless of the its region of viability. value of d. The inset show vc vs. Λ for d = 2 and (top to bottom) u = 0, 0.2 and 0.4, indicating that the asymptotic scaling vc ∼ 1/Λ in the limit Λ → ∞. Nevertheless, contrary to the claim is independent of u as well. of Niesert et al. (1981), increasing Λ is always benefic to the lineage: there are no ‘mutational reefs’ or Charybdis’ critical regimes. The main graph of Fig. 10 summarizes our partner – the monster Scylla – awaiting for the metapopu- results in the case that mutations to the parasite class are lation. In fact, as pointed out before, their conclusion was forbidden (u = 0). In this case it is clear that too high pro- a result of the prospective value used to limit the metapop- cessivity values are harmful to the metapopulation. A com- ulation size, which was based on three properties, namely, promise between the ‘fluctuation abyss’ (loss of functional the degree of equipartition of the copies among the dif- templates due to the assortment load) and the ‘mutational ferent functional templates, the number of parasites and reefs’ (production of lethal mutants) is achieved by a fi- the overall redundancy of the functional templates. This nite value of Λ, which corresponds to the maximum in the claim is confirmed by the result of the simulation of the curves of Fig. 10. It is interesting that vc becomes practi- metapopulation dynamics using the prospective value of cally independent of d in the limit of large Λ, where the Niesert et al. (1981) as shown in Fig. 9, from where we see data is very well fitted by the function vc ∼ 1/Λ, which es- that uc increases towards a maximum and then decreases sentially means that the average number of lethal mutants towards zero as Λ increases further. Rather surprisingly, the must be smaller than 1 in any viable lineage. In fact, the introduction of an explicit group selective pressure towards relation vcΛ ≈ 1 holds in the case mutations to the parasite more balanced protocells turns out to be harmful for the class are allowed as well, as shown in the inset graph of Fig. metapopulation, which now can stand much lower values 10. The only effect of u> 0 is to shift uniformly vc towards of the mutation probability. The reason is that for large Λ lower values. The important point illustrated by Fig. 10 is and not too low u, the surviving vesicles in the supercritical that for fixed v the metapopulation is viable only between regime are heavily loaded with parasites and so use of such a certain range of processivity values, which excludes too selection criterion would purge them from the population small as well as too high values of Λ. This result is better resulting in the premature extinction of the lineage. illustrated in Fig. 11 which shows the dependence of uc on Λ for v and d fixed. We note that the presence of parasites does not add 6. The role of lethal mutants any qualitative new feature to the model dynamics: the threshold phenomenon for low Λ is due to the assort- Lethal mutants are precipitating agents, the action of ment load only, whereas the threshold for high Λ results which disrupts the ability of the set of functional tem- solely from the destructive activity of the lethal mutants. plates to assemble the replicase. Accordingly and follow- This is in stark contrast with the major role played by u ing Niesert et al. (1981) we assume that the activity of the in free-gene models, as evidenced by the error-threshold lethal mutants comes about only after the fission of the in the deterministic quasispecies model (Eigen, 1971) mother protocell, so that only the daughter protocells are and Muller’s ratchet in finite population models (Haigh , affected by this type of mutant. This is a best case scenario, 1978). In fact, the analogue of the error threshold tran- since there is a chance that one of the daughters comes out sition is the limiting value uc ∼ 1/d for large Λ (see Fig. free of lethal mutants. 8) which is irrelevant here because the presence of lethal Since the mutation probability to the lethal class v is a mutants prevents the evolution of replicases with such real variable, we can use the spreading technique to locate high processivity values. Nonetheless, the existence of an the critical value vc that separates the sub and the super- error threshold-like transition between viable and unvi-

8 0.5 to the daughter protocells) which sets a lower bound to Λ 0.00 and the presence of lethal mutants which, in turn, set the 0.4 upper bound to Λ (see Figs. 10 and 11). 0.01 An important result, which seems to have been com- 0.3 pletely overlooked by Niesert et al. (1981), regards the ap-

c parently unproblematic situation where the replication fi- u 0.2 delity is perfect, i.e., u = v = 0. The difficulty is illus- trated in Fig. 4 which shows that the lower the diversity, 0.05 0.1 the higher the growth rate of the metapopulation. So, in the case that two such metapopulations are set to compete

0.0 in the same environment, it is evident that the lineage with 0 20 40 60 80 100 Λ higher diversity will inevitably be excluded. The situation becomes even worse in the presence of parasites and lethal Fig. 11. Critical mutation probability to the parasite class as function mutants, since these mutants tend to cause more harm to of the replicase processivity for d = 2 and v as indicated in the figure. the lineages with high diversity (see Figs. 8 and 10). This is The upper bound on Λ is due solely to the effect of lethal mutants, a very unpleasant situation, the solution of which requires whereas the lower limit is due to the assortment load. ad hoc assumptions about the protocell fitness (e.g., a fit- able states with respect to lethality contrasts with the ness that increases with the template diversity) or about absence of thresholds in the presence of lethal mutants in the dependence of Λ on d in order to revert the negative the quasispecies model (Wilke, 2005) and corroborates the scenario revealed by Fig. 4. findings of Takeuchi and Hogeweg (2007). The reason the A word is in order about the amount of extra informa- steadily accumulation of parasite mutants does not lead tion eked out by confining the templates in packages. Here to a phenomenon similar to the Muller’s ratchet is that we equate information content with template length. The we have assumed a truncated fitness landscape at the pro- fundamental quantities here are the spontaneous error rate tocell level, so protocell containing only parasites cannot per nucleotide ǫ, the molecule length L ≫ 1, and the frac- accumulate. In any event, since the metapopulation can tion of neutral single nucleotide substitutions λ (see, e.g., undergo unrestrained growth in the supercritical regime, Takeuchi et al. (2005)) from which we can readily obtain the accumulation of parasites is not a serious hindrance as the probability that a template copy becomes nonfunc- it is in the case the metapopulation size is fixed (see, e.g., tional (i.e., a parasite or a lethal), Fontanari et al. (2003)). µ = u + v =1 − exp [−ǫ (1 − λ) L] . (9) A generous estimate of these parameters (see, e.g., 7. Conclusion Drake and Holland (1999); Johnston et al. (2001); Kun et al. (2005)) is ǫ ∼ 0.005, L ∼ 200 and λ ∼ 0.25 which yields The reexamination of the classic package model of µ ∼ 0.53. This is a truly disastrous result which precludes Niesert et al. (1981) has revealed a few novel features and the coexistence of even two templates. Alternatively, we clarified some aspects of the metapopulation dynamics, can use Eq. (9) to calculate the maximum length Lm of a which were obscured in the original work by the intro- template in a best case scenario where lethal mutants are duction of an artificial prospective value to limit the absent v = 0 and the replicase processivity is infinite so that metapopulation size. To circumvent this difficulty, we have uc ≈ 1/d. The result is Lm = − [ln (1 − 1/d)] / [ǫ (1 − λ)], resorted to the powerful spreading technique of statistical which, using the same parameter values as before, yields mechanics which, by focusing on the time dependence of a Lm ∼ 77 for d = 4, resulting thus in a total of about 300 few quantities, permits the precise location of the param- nucleotides. Considering that this is a best case scenario, eter values bordering the sub and supercritical regimes the improvement over the free-gene situation (about 200 of population growth. In addition, our computational re- nucleotides) is scanty. For instance, for large d we have sources allow us to handle metapopulation sizes of order Lmd ≈ 1/ [ǫ (1 − λ)] which is essentially a constant value of 106 packages, a figure that would be unthinkable in the that depends on environmental factors only. Hence there beginning of the 1980s. is no information gain by increasing d since the length Lm In the case of finite processivity Λ, which is the situation of the coexisting templates must decrease in the same pro- of interest in package models, we find that the parasites portion so as to keep the total information content (i.e., have no significant role in the evolution of the metapopula- Ld) constant. A similar ‘information conservation prin- tion and, in particular, mutations to the parasite class do ciple’ is likely to hold for the hypercycle model as well. not set anupper bond to the values that Λ canassume.This We recall that in the case of the elementary hypercycle, is in disagreement with the findings of the original analy- the maximum number of templates that can coexist in a sis (see Figs. 8 and 9). In fact, the phenomena responsible dynamical equilibrium state is d = 4 (Eigen and Schuster, for the scenario ‘life between Scylla and Charybdis’ are the 1978). The analysis of the error propagation in the hy- assortment load (i.e., the random assignment of templates percycle (Campos et al., 2000) is not useful here because

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