Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2015. 4(1) DOI: 10.17581/bp.2015.04102 Survey of Dryas octopetala - dominated plant communities in the European and North-West-Siberian Arctic Natalia E. Koroleva Natalia E. Koroleva ABSTRACT email:
[email protected] 18 associations of Dryas octopetala-dominated communities, which belong to 3 classes and 4 alliances, were observed in the European Arctic and in north- Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, western Siberia. Syntaxonomical differentiation is linked with the ecogeographical Kirovsk, Russia and floristical division of the Arctic: alliance Kobresio-Dryadion of Carici rupestris– Kobresietea bellardii has its main distribution in European arctic and typical tundra and in the oroarctic belt of mountains, whilst the area of alliance Dryado Manuscript received: 25.08.2014 octopetalae–Caricion arctisibiricae lies in the southern and typical tundra and oroarctic Review completed: 03.02.2015 Accepted for publication: 12.02.2015 belt on the north of Pechora Plain, in theYugorskii Peninsula, Pay-Khoy Mts. and Published online: 20.04.2015 Polar Ural. Dryas octopetala-dominated communities lacking characteristic species of Carici rupestris–Kobresietea bellardii have been related to the alliance Cassiopo- Salicion herbaceae (Salicetea herbaceae) and alliance Loiseleurio-Diapension (Loseleurio- Vaccinietea). In the latter a suballiance Salicenion nummulariae has been proposed comprising xero-, achyonophytic communities on sandy and gravelly substrata in the southern and typical tundra of the north-east of European Russia. A synoptical table is provided. Keywords: Braun-Blanquet, Dryas octopetala-dominated communities, European Arctic, north-western Siberia, Carici rupestris–Kobresietea bellardii, Loseleurio–Vaccinietea, Salicetea herbaceae РЕЗЮМЕ Cообщества с доминированием Dryas octopetala в европейском секторе Арк ти ки и Субарктики и на севере Западной Сибири принадлежат к 18 ассоци а циям в 3 классах и 4 союзах.