Dorr, Aie; and Others Young Childw (Ages 5 to 12,Years), Andto Obt4n
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 216 796 PS 012 883 , AUTHOR, Dorr, Aie;me And Others . , , TITLE An Evaluation of NBC's 1980.81 Prosocial Children's . _ , Programming:.Drawing Power, Play Alongs, How to Watch TV. .. _INSTITUTION University of Southern california,J\ Los Angeles. Annenberg School of Communications. 'PUB DATE '13 May 81. NOTE 394p.' EDRS PRICE 2401/PC1 s Postage. DESCRIPXORS----- e Differences; *Childhood Attitudes; Children; *Childrens Television; Commercial Television; Consumer Education; *Instructkonal Materials; Intei-views; *Learning Activities; Pilot Projects; P?ogram Evaluation; *Progrithing (Broadcast); Questionnaires; Televition Research; *Television Viewing 'IDENTIFIERS National Broadcasting Company ABSTRACT Reported in this document are findings from an evaluation,of three kinds of'prosocial children's programming broadcasted by the NBC 1980-81 season. The prosocial programmings evaluated were "Drawing Power," "Play Alongs," and 'How to Watch TV". The primary goals of the study, as stated by NBC,. were to evauate the appeal and impact of these programmings on young childw (ages 5 to 12,years), andto obt4n additional ideas About' prosocial programming for.the 1981-82 season. Following a brief intr4ductory overview of.the study, sections II, III, and IV present the results obtained for each of the above programmings. Each section begins by describing the pros6cial prog?amffiing being evaluated and the particular appeal,Pand impact of the programming addressed. This is.folloWed by a descriptioq of the method used, a presentation °of the.results, and a short summary. Section V of the report describes p4ot'research, conducted by the secopd author as a pilot'Ntudy.for her doctoral dissertation,*on how children think ana feel about prosocialprogramping.
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