I U Police Will Carry Guns In a surprise move late last night. the bullets and holsters (to go Adith our nifty - SUNY Board of Trustees approved a hats):...and then there are the dead plan which would allow University bodies...." Police officers to carry guns while on the The decision for officers to carry guns job. began with a month-long investigation The decision was the culmination of bv the university's Task Force on Cam- go months of work- starting with a prop- pus Safety. The task force's report. osal by the university's Task Force on including opening remarks bv Barnes. Campus Safety and ending with the was submitted to Fred Preston. vice- Trustee's decision. president for Student Affairs. and Bob "Finally, we will be able to protect Francis, vice-president for Campus this campus adequately," said Public Operations. Both Preston and Francis. Safety Director Gary Barnes. Barnes who were out of the country on an w€ cited, in support of his claim, the recent Admin Brothers World Tour. could not incident in which a student allegedly approve the report. A work-study stu- S- shot at a University Police car with a dent, who was delivering mail to Pres- IF pellet gun. Officers are instructed to ton's office, approved the report himsell A model of the gun University Police officers will ' stay away from the scene when a wea- and stormed into University President soon carry. pon is involved. 'If we don't have guns," John Marburger's office with a gun. M-MMMI Barnes said, "how can the officers stand A week later, the Stony Brook Council up for law and order and live to tell received the report (with Marburger's about it? Those guys [in the pellet gun signature on it). No one knows what incident] looked like sissies!" transpired between the confrontation The Trustees have ordered that ide- w ho requested anonymity. said lit kriew A community relations officer in the and receipt of the report by the Council. barrelled guns and high-power rifles b)e of a 'xr.l.irc' (ha-ha) way\ to het;lt it, department, who requested anonymity, Marburger's office declined comment; delivered to the Stony Brook campus vsstem. "I'll just gro out and bluy some was the only member of the department the alleged work-study student, who immediately. bullets." he said. who opposed the decision. "The thought intelligently requested anonymity, Barnes said he is confident l he de1i- of a shoot-out on campus frightens me," would only say "we need guns on this In an attempt to quell concern over sion was a smart one . "duns vill make he said. "We'll have to replace so many campus in responsible hands, don't we?" the danger of using guns. Barnes said. for a safe campus: if ulseAd by tramind broken windows; shot-at cars will have The Council, not wanting to get "Don't worry. The officers will carry officers. there's no need for votnnerii. to be refinished and repainted; I'll have involved, sent the report up to Albany. guns but they will not be permitted to Afterall. I used to work at Kent Stalt to become religious again; we'll need a "It'll probably get lost in-the mail," said fire them. I intend on holding onto the and \( never had trol|e uIt1 I ine item in our budget for gun cleaners, a student Council member. bullets in my desk drawer." One officer. (rttOltt fm '1 <fpi pe I f '( Psych Dept Pro 0test Silverstein Tenure Reversal By John Burkhardt According to Prof essor Marvin Levine. the faculty The demonstrators- several of whom later saild Sil- Nineteen faculty from the psychology department were holding their regular weekly meeting. when, at verstein's remarks and the faces he madeuwenr inade- held a demonstration in the Adminstration building about 4:30 PM, someone telephoned and said that the quate as a scholarly constrihution to the Wednesday to protest the Personnel Policy Co'm- PPC had just decided to overrule them. "We were demonstration- immediately voted to deny Silvr m ittee (PPS) recommendation that Assistant Pro- furious," Levine said, "We don't like to bust our backs stein the podium. Silverstein, Psychology Professor fessor Brett Silverstein be granted tenure even for years running an academic department only to be Dana Bramnel and Associate Profe;ssor Ronald though the psychology department voted against him. told that our opinions aren't worth anything." Friend immediately protested the decision and de- Arnold Feingold. chairman of the PPC. admitted manded reasons whv. hut the other faculty refuised to that he had never seen the committee overrule any answer, saying that the decision process was (-)onfi- dpartment's recommendation before, but said the dential and that it would not he proper for thum t. psychology faculty shouldn't take it personally. "It disucss it. Several were willing to talk about it pri- was just a misunderstanding." he said. "They clearly vatelv afterward, though. "Were running a prestiglous underestimated Brett Silverstein's value to the uni- demonstration here, and Silverstein will have to |n4r- versity community." form like the rest of us if he wants to have hi-, say-." The psychology fauclty, who were unable to locate said one professor. wxho wanted hetr nane wvithheld. the PPC's meeting room. went to the administration The department chairman, who also1requ€*sted that building and rallied outside Provost Homer Neal's of- his name not be used, said that in sticking his tongrue fice. chanting slogans and telling passers-by that out. Silverstein only vaguely followed the tenets of "We're not going to stand for being ignored." maintstrearn psycholojy% and added "I'm sick (f his Silverstein showed up after a few minutes and pinko talk anyway." briefly addressed the group, beginning with the same Silverstein. Bramel and Friend then set up a words he spoke at a demonstration in his favor three counter-demonstration and were immedliately!oined weeks ago. "I wasn't going to show up at this," he said. by Mitch Cohen. a member of the Retd Balloon Coll(c- "I didn't think it'd be proper. But finally. I just said, tive. who deserted the other protest. Cohen. w ho) a>s 'What the hell, what am I going to say when I'm 50, 1 also one of the organizers of the} demonstration in never went to my own demonstration?' I just had to favor of Silverstein last month. said he had toitally show up. opposed Wednesday's faculty demonstration from the "Last month I thanked everybody for showing up." start. A former student who hastwen on campus since he continued. "I guess I don't have to tell you I'm not the early Vietnam-era. Cohen saild he joined the*1em- ttatesman buns mattafm grateful today." Silverstein growled. making faces at onstration because he loves protests and hasn'ttbeen Brett Silverstein the other faculty and sticking his tongue out at them. able to get enough since the 60s ended. Fr- -Mm%, MMMMM%11. Polity to Raise Money New Weekly Feature ~With New Investment Column Premieres TodaI0C » -Page~, = 3 A -Page 5 L J MMENNO" rm ^^ MCUPON UB 1 " A^ ma ^ =fcI i( WI X5 kmfv k \, \q/ N=e N- - ~ 1983-85 Undergradu ote bulletin Dsttion I Jeans and Cords 519, ^ s 099 | I 25-38 unwashed v| i The1983-85 Undergraduate Bulletin will be disrributed on Iwith coupon EDWARD ALAN ' expires 4/13/83 campus srting on April 4 tofreshmen, sophomores, juniors, ond 1=*=****==§COUPON'-*---"= "=m first-semesrer seniors. ! 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