150 Lat Badań Glonów W Wodach Tatrzańskich – Badania Polskich Uczonych
Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(2): 263–282, 2017 150 lat badań glonów w wodach tatrzańskich – badania polskich uczonych ANDRZEJ KOWNACKI KOWNACKI, A. 2017. One hundred and fifty years of phycological research in the waters of the Tatra Mts – studies of Polish scientists. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 24(2): 263–282. Kraków. e-ISSN 2449-8890, ISSN 1640-629X. ABSTRACT: The paper reviews 150 years of phycological research carried out mainly by Polish scientists in the waters of the Tatra Mts. The first report on the occurrence of algae in this area was made 150 years ago by Karl Kalchbrenner (1866), who listed 10 common species of algae in streams. The first Polish researchers to examine algae in Tatra waters were Dr. Antoni Ślósarski and Prof. Józef Rostafiński, followed by Prof. Marian Raciborski. In 1909, Dr. Roman Gutwiński published his monograph, which is still a reference source for Tatra algae researchers. Between 1919 and 1939, Prof. Jadwiga Wołoszyńska studied dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), Dr. Karol Starmach blue-green algae (Cyanophyta), Dr. Roman Dreżopolski euglenoids (Euglenophyceae), Dr. Adam Bursa golden brown algae (Chrysophyceae) (Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan 1848), and Dr. Bolesław Namysłowski algae in springs. The 1950s saw further development of phycological research in the Tatra Mts, which was continued by Prof. Jerzy Czosnowski, Prof. Jadwiga Siemińska, Prof. Karol Starmach, Prof. Kazimierz Wasylik, Prof. Barbara Kawecka, Prof. Janina Kwandrans, Prof. Teresa Mrozińska, Dr. Cecylia Szklarczyk-Gazdowa, Dr. Andrzej Obidowicz and Dr. Irena Rejment-Grochowska, who mainly documented all the algal flora in the ecosystems they studied. In the 21st century, young scientists continue to research algae in the waters of the Tatra Mts: Prof.
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