Dear friends!

I am proud to say that the Red Crescent Society has left behind the 96th year of its humanitarian mission with honor. Our National Society acted as a strong humanitarian organization at the international level assisting vulnerable people not only in its own country’s territory, but also in abroad. That was possible due to the support of our state and nation.

The year 2016 was characterized as the year of humanitarian crisis caused by natural disasters and conflicts. As in the past, this year also the National Society within the frame of the Movement’s fundamental principles has endeavored to solve humanitarian challenges and eliminate difficulties caused by humanitarian crises by taking over part of social concerns in our country.

An escalation of tension in April 2016 in occupied Nagorno Garabakh and neighboring districts has made it necessary to make appropriate changes to our activity direction. Thus, immediately after April accidents we made visits to the fields and evaluated damage to property of civilians resulted from the armed conflict and assessed the arisen local needs there. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has worked closely with Azerbaijan Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in providing assistance to the affected people and in meeting their basic needs. With financial and technical support of Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan our professionals trained communities residing in villages near to a front-line on safe behavior rules in crossfire and first aid skills. Communities were also provided with first aid kits. This assistance and support provided by Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan was highly appreciated by both the National Society and population. Here I would like to particularly mention support provided by the National Red Crescent Societies of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran which are constant partners of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Thus, thanks to humanitarian assistance of these National Societies a central warehouse of the AzRC was provided with tents.

During the reporting period by fully using its capacity the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society provided humanitarian assistance to vulnerable groups of population, people affected by natural and man-made disasters, internally displaced persons, refugees, migrants who came to our country, in short, to sensitive groups of population. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society also provided free of charge medical-social and other necessary services to these people. The National Society has endeavored to further extend a scope of its activity in order to provide at all times humanitarian assistance, necessary care and attention to the needy people in the name of humanity.

For this purpose, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has further strengthened its current partnership relations within the International Movement, as well as with governmental and non-governmental organizations. The National Society has taken appropriate steps towards new cooperation perspectives. Just, thanks to this mutual cooperation we are making significant progress in our activity. We also made visits to foreign countries, and the representatives of the National Societies of foreign countries made visits to our republic. In 2016, we held appropriate meetings with a director of Secretary General Office of the IFRC Mr.Jagan Chapagain and newly appointed head of the IFRC Europe Zone Office Dr.Simon Missiri and discussed an issue of providing necessary support to further humanitarian activities.

In general, activity direction of our National Society was diverse as always. As it was in previous years, this year also the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society paid particular attention to the development of humanitarian sector in the republic and encouraging people to the international humanitarian law. Youth and volunteers which are a backbone and driving force of the National Society have been on our focus as well. Significant steps were taken towards further expanding Volunteer Policy, involving youth and volunteers in humanitarian activities, as well as towards their education and development.

The year 2016 may be assessed as one of successful years in activity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The highest indicator of this success is the fact that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society took its worthy place among the first 50 National Societies with high results according to evaluation conducted by Compliance and Mediation Committee of the IFRC for 8 main indicators. This result clearly shows that our National Society is on the right track.

I am sure that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society will maintain its image at a high level in the coming years, will successfully continue to achieve new achievements, will give its necessary contribution to solving problems facing people. In this respect, the National Society has developed its new strategic development plan for the years of 2016-2020. In addition, the National Society works on its new Statute in order to further strengthen its legal base.

Thanks to the work and dedication of our staff members, volunteers, partners and donors the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been able to assist vulnerable people and has become a place of hope for them. Here I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who worked together with us in the name of humanity and supported us in our work, governmental and non-governmental bodies, international organizations, our members and volunteers. I would particularly like to express my sincere gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan Republic and honorary member of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Mr. for his all-round support to activity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Just thanks to care and attention provided by Mr.President our National Society has developed and become a reliable pillar of our State in the humanitarian area.

Novruz Aslanov President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Member of the National Parliament



According to a Strategic Plan of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for the years 2016-2020, by mobilizing capacities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to be better prepared to disasters and crises in order to save human lives. Thus, to participate in rehabilitation activities carried out after the disasters occurred.

Activities: In 2016, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society continued to provide humanitarian aid and psychological support to people affected by different disasters (such as an earthquake, a fire, a flood, a landslide and etc). In 2016, Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the Az.RC provided humanitarian aid in the amount of 22,392.54 manat to people affected in Khazar, , , regions, Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic by natural disasters, as well as to people affected in , Terter and regions as a result of violation of cease-fire by Armenian armed forces on 2-6 April, 2016. 9 tents were distributed by the Headquarters of the Az.RC to Goranboy, Naftalan and branches. In addition, for the purpose of disaster preparedness and response, 30 tents were given to Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic Committee of the Az.RC.

In December 2016, Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the Az.RC with support of the International Committee of the Red Cross held a training-session for staff and volunteers of local branches of the Az.RC in front-line districts.

Related with logistics:

From January to December 2016, Disaster Preparedness and Response Department of the Az.RC distributed humanitarian aid including 7 mobile gas stoves, 24 bedding sets, 8 kitchen sets, 14 food parcels, 5 crow-bars, 5 axes, 5 saws, 9 hygienic sets, 8 pairs of rubber boots, 17 sleeping bags, 4 blankets, 4 mattresses and 52 tents to people affected in Khazar, Ismayilli, Agsu, Goygol regions, Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic by natural disasters, as well as to people affected in Goranboy, Terter and Agdam regions as a result of violation of cease-fire by Armenian armed forces on 2-6 April, 2016.

In 2016, to be better prepared to respond to different natural disasters and emergency situations the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society within the limits of its possibility purchased 70 bedding sets, 30 hygienic sets, 50 blankets, 30 mattresses and handed them over to the Central Warehouse of the Az.RC in city. In addition, in June 2016, the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran provided free of charge 300 tents to the Central Warehouse of the Az.RC in Baku city.

Related with bilateral cooperation with partners:

Throughout the year along with providing humanitarian aid to people affected by different natural disasters, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, particularly the staff of Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Response department together with other partners actively participated in different events, meetings, seminars and trainings on disaster preparedness and response, disaster risk assessment and reduction.

Within the framework of the planned Civil Defense Training Program and Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries Program (PPRD East 2) there was conducted Operational Management Training course (OPM 1) from the 26th of June to the 1st of July 2016 at the Danish Emergency Management College in Snekkersten city of Denmark. Candidates from the Southern Caucasus (Azerbaijan, and Georgia) countries as well as Belorussia, Moldova and Ukraine who had successfully completed in previous years the Basic Training Courses (BAT) on Civil Defense participated at OPM 1. The curriculum of OPM 1 was a continuation of the curriculum covered in the Basic Training Courses, but this time with more emphasis on international operations carried out during natural disasters. Through presentations and group games the participants were informed about procedures to respond disasters on a country level, information management, as well as establishment of relationships with different partners including non-governmental organizations, the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, that is, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The delegation of Azerbaijan took an active part at the training. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the training course by Head of Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the AzRC Mr.Farid Seyidzadeh.

On the 1st of September 2016, a delegation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society including the Executive Secretary Jeyhun Mirzayev, Deputy Executive Secretary Sabina Mahbubi-Iran, Head of Disaster Preparedness and Response department Farid Seyidzadeh together with employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) including cooperation responsible Rasim Allazov, cooperation assistant Lyudmila Shepeleva participated as observers at a simulation training session on Safe Access organized by staff and volunteers of the Georgian Red Cross with support of the ICRC. The partners of the Georgian Red Cross in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement were also among observers at the training session.

Within the framework of Safe Access conception the AzRC designed a Plan of Measures for 2016-2017 and established a Working Group to control and implement the document.

The advanced training course for Regional Disaster Response teams was organized by the European Zone Office of the IFRC on 25-29 September 2016 in Nurek city of the Republic of Tajikistan. The representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Azerbaijan, Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizia and Tajikistan participated at the training course. The advanced training course consisted of several parts. On the first day of the training course the participants were divided into groups and they received some information on disasters and emergency situations. Field training was held on the second day of the advanced training course. The participants in the groups met with a high-ranking officials of Nurek city and obtained certain information for future work. Then the groups performed simulation exercises on first aid, psychosocial support. They also practiced in erecting tents and distributing humanitarian aid. The advanced training course was held at a high level. At the end of the training course there was held a coordination meeting chaired by Mr. Ruben Romero, the IFRC Europe Zone Disaster Management coordinator. During the coordination meeting the participants discussed a concept of further activities. The participants also made presentations on activities in disaster response carried out in their respective countries. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the event by Head of Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the AzRC Mr. Farid Seyidzadeh.

In December 2015, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society with financial and technical support of the Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross Society gave a start to implementation of a second stage of “Building safe and resilient communities” project that would cover the years of 2016- 2018. It is intended that the project would be implemented in Diyalli, Tazakend, Tirjan, Kurdmashi, Yukhari Zarnava, Sumagalli villages of Ismayilli distirct and Kuzun and Anig villages of Gusar district. At the initiative of Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the AzRC there was held a meeting devoted to a completion of the 1st stage of “Building safe and resilient communities” project on the 25th of January 2016 in “Divan” hotel in Baku city. The staff of AzRC Secretariat and the representatives of partner organizations such as the Ministry of Emergencies, the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan, the Baku Office of the International Organization for Migration, the Azerbaijan International Development Agency established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, district executive authorities participated at the meeting. During the meeting the leadership of the Az.RC shared their opinions with other participants about the outcomes of project implementation. The participants held discussions and made presentations on implementation of the 1st stage of the project.

The Regional meeting related to the beginning of the 2nd stage of “Building safe and resilient communities” project was held from 15 to 17 March 2016 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The National Societies’ coworkers of the three Transcaucasian countries, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland and representatives of the Austrian Development Agency participated at the kick-off meeting. The Azerbaijani delegation was represented at the Regional meeting by Mr.Elshan Salimzadeh, advisor to the President of the AzRC and project coordinator, Ms.Sabina Mahbubi-Iran, Deputy Executive Secretary, Mr.Ferid Seyidzadeh, Head of Disaster Preparedness and Response department and project manager and Mr.Faig Tahirli, project consultant.

Endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2015, the Sendai Framework is the successor of the 10-year Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015). In connection with the mentioned topic, in period between the 30th of November and the 1st of December 2016 within “Building safe and resilient communities” project a 2 days seminar was organized in Tbilisi, Georgia with participation of representatives of the National Societies of South Caucasus and other European countries. The representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations also attended the seminar. At the event the delegation from Azerbaijan was consisted of representatives from the National Society Headquarters, city and local branches, as well as from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic.

On the 28th of December 2016, within the framework of “Building safe and resilient communities” project, Disaster Preparedness and Response department of the AzRC held awareness-raising event for 150 teachers and schoolchildren of a secondary school in Zarnava village of . The purpose of the event was to disseminate information on “Building safe and resilient communities” project among population and to involve adolescents and young people into project activities and to present relevant knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness. In their speeches the representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations explained an importance of being careful towards domestic fires, from safety point of view cleaning garbage around to prevent widespread of fire, as well as following safety rules. A video clip on fire safety rules was demonstrated. In order to make the event more interesting and attractive along with presentations the organizers and schoolchildren demonstrated various performances, did face paintings, held quizzes based on above-mentioned topics. Due to New Year celebration Father Frost and Snow Maiden visit was also organized. Christmas trees, illuminations and sweets were gifted to 40 children of 1-6 grades from economically vulnerable families. 10 the most active schoolchildren who became winners of the quizzes were awarded with gifts.

From January to December 2016, within the framework of “Building safe and resilient communities” project, 24 seminars and trainings on “Disaster risk reduction” concept were organized for village community groups established in Diyalli, Tezekend, Tirjan, Kurdmashi, Yukhari Zarnava and Sumagalli villages of Ismayilli district and for village community groups established in Anig and Kuzun villages of Gusar district. A total of 96 people (8 villages community groups with 12 members in each group) participated at these seminars and trainings.

In 2016, the Az.RC provided humanitarian aid in the amount of 22,392.54 manat to 53 families (246 people) affected by different disasters.

No. Regional Center Number of families Number of people Amount in Az.Manat

1. Baku Central Warehouse 53 246 22,392.54

2. Total 53 246 22,392.54


Goal: To improve awareness of population on health issues through health promotion activities and health services. To improve health of population (communities) through health promotion activities and health services and take preventive measures for prevention of diseases.


• Throughout the year “Health and Care” department of the AzRC with active participation of chairpersons, staff and volunteers, youth instructors of local branches of the AzRC conducted health promotion activities on different diseases and actual health topics in different organizations, libraries, health centers, secondary schools and high educational institutions in 10 districts of Baku city (Yasamal, Narimanov, Sabayil, Surakhani, Sabunchu, Nasimi, Nizami, Binagadi, Khatayi, Garadagh) and Sumgayit city, 10 front-line districts (Barda, Agjabadi, Gadabay, , Gazakh, Tovuz, Terter, Agdam, Goranboy, ) and other 38 districts. Topics of health promotion activities included: healthy life style, infectious and non-infectious diseases, diabetes, autism, Let’s say No to drug-abuse, protection of maternal and child health, fighting cancer, acute respiratory diseases, hepatitis and types of hepatitis, Get AIDS test and live safe from being infected. “Health and Care” department of the AzRC also marked the international health days announced by the United Nations Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO). During the reporting period a total of 30,002 people including adolescents, young people, schoolchildren, students, teachers, members of families forcibly displaced from their homes, members of migrant families, the general public, staff and volunteers of the AzRC participated in health promotion activities. Articles on conducted events were posted on an official web-site of the AzRC:,,

Supporting the development of a voluntary non-remunerated blood donorship in Azerbaijan


• Throughout the year “Health and Care” department of the AzRC with active participation of chairpersons, staff and volunteers, youth instructors of local branches of the AzRC organized promotional events and trainings in different organizations, secondary schools and high educational institutions (universities) in 5 districts of Baku city (Yasamal, Narimanov, Sabayil, Surakhani, Sabunchu) and Sumgayit city, 5 front-line districts (Fuzuli, Gazakh, Tovuz, Terter, Agdam) and other 15 districts. The following topics were used at the trainings: Blood diseases and blood donorship, blood and its components, Why a voluntary non-remunerated young blood donors group is established? A total of 3918 people including adolescents, young people, schoolchildren, students, teachers, nurses, members of migrant families, community members, staff and volunteers of the AzRC participated in and benefited from above-mentioned promotional events and trainings. • During the reporting period the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with Central Blood Bank, Blood Bank established under the Baku Medical University conducted 12 blood donation campaigns in different organizations and enterprises in Baku and Sumgayit cities. During these campaigns 2070 people voluntarily gave blood. • During the reporting period 5 meetings with members of “Club-25” – a voluntary non- remunerated young blood donors group of the AzRC were held in Baku city and other regions. Activities of “Club-25” of the AzRC (including trainings, seminars and blood actions) were discussed during these meetings.

Articles on conducted events were posted on an official web-site of the AzRC:,

Increasing first aid and psychosocial support knowledge and skills of population (communities)

Activities: • Throughout the year First Aid Sector under “Health and Care” department of the AzRC with active participation of youth instructors and volunteers of local branches of the AzRC organized promotional events and trainings in different organizations, secondary schools and high educational institutions (universities) in 7 districts of Baku city (Yasamal, Narimanov, Surakhani, Sabunchu, Nizami, Binagadi,Garadagh) and Sumgayit city, 10 front-line districts (Barda, Agjabedi, Gadabay, Fuzuli, Gazakh, Tovuz, Terter, Agdam, Goranboy, Agstafa) and other 38 districts. The following topics were used at the trainings: First Aid concept, First Aid rules and basic messages). A total of 5982 people including adolescents, young people, schoolchildren, students, teachers, community members, staff and volunteers of the AzRC were covered by above-mentioned promotional events and trainings. • Throughout the year Psychological First Aid Sector under “Health and Care” department of the AzRC conducted lectures and trainings for a total of 604 people including adolescents, young people, schoolchildren, students, teachers, nurses and community members in 4 districts of Baku city (Yasamal, Sabayil, Surakhani, Sabunchu) and Sumgayit city. The following topics were used: What is Psychological First Aid?, Stress and its symptoms, negative and positive aspects of stress, stress management methods, providing psychosocial support, common reactions to stress and mechanisms of protection against stress, ways to fight stress, children’s mental health, mental health and its importance, 10 October- World Mental Health Day and mental health protection, psychological state of HIV/AIDS infected people. • In August-December, Psychological First Aid Sector of the AzRC with financial assistance and technical support of the ICRC organized trainings on Psychological First Aid for 21 volunteers of the AzRC working with communities in front-line districts (Terter, Agdam, Goranboy). The main purpose of the trainings was to improve psychological state of volunteers and to teach recovery mechanisms. • In December 2016, within the framework of “Building safe and resilient communities” project which is implemented with support of the Austrian Red Cross Society, a training on “Reducing disaster risks in urban situation” for community members in Ismayilli and Gusar districts was organized by the Az.RC. During the training first aid skills were demonstrated to participants. • In May –December 2016, the AzRC with financial assistance of the ICRC organized first aid training for 671 community members in front-line villages of Agdam, Terter and Goranboy districts. The participants of the training were selected on the basis of special criteria (age, gender and etc). At the end of the training fist aid kits were presented to participants of the training, as well as to representatives of local executive authority, village municipality, schools and kindergartens. • In September 2016, the AzRC marked “World First Aid Day” by organizing different events in the regions. • From the 27th of October to the 1st of November 2016, with organizational support of the AzRC and financial assistance of the ICRC there was organized a 5 days training based on “Fist Aid” training program for 15 youth instructors and volunteers invited from local branches of the AzRC functioning in a front-line districts. The main purpose of the training was to refresh knowledge of participants about first aid, to increase knowledge of participants on first aid rules through practical sessions. • The AzRC offered fee-paying first aid courses to local and international organizations. During the reporting period the AzRC conducted fee-paying first aid courses for 15 employees of “Kempinski” hotel, 51 representatives of the United Nations Organization and UNICEF, 9 rescuers from AGAT agency, employees of TVINS LLC.

Articles on conducted events were posted on an official web-site of the AzRC:,,

“ Control over DOTS treatment of TB ill patients” project.

Activities: • In 2016, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society continued an implementation of “Medical and psychosocial support to DOTS treatment of TB ill patients” project. Within the framework of the project 20 TB ill patients registered at Tuberculosis dispensary and living in Yasamal, Nasimi and Binagadi districts of Baku city were visited by nurses of the Az.RC 1 or 2 times in a week. The purpose of these visits was to control over DOTS treatment of TB ill patients. • It is intended that the AzRC through its some local branches would provide palliative care to TB ill patients in connection with preventive and curative health measures for TB that would be taken in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this regard a project that would be implemented on a Republican level was designed and presented to donors. It is expected that project implementation will start in 2017.

Articles on conducted events were posted on an official web-site of the AzRC:


Goal: To strengthen current cooperation with other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the ICRC, the IFRC and other international organizations. In addition, to extend boundaries of cooperation by establishing new partnerships relations in implementing humanitarian activities.

Activities: • During the reporting period a President of the AzRC Dr. Novruz Aslanov held official meetings with Head of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan Elena Ajmone Sessera with the aim of discussing existing cooperation relations between the two organizations. • In June 2016, at the initiative of the AzRC there was held coordination meetings with the aim of discussing existing cooperation with the ICRC and the IFRC which are the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in Azerbaijan. • On 20 June 2016, the newly appointed Head of the European Zone of the IFRC Dr.Simon Missiri made an official visit to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. During the visit Dr.Simon Missiri held a meeting with the President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Dr.Novruz Aslanov and discussed the existing cooperation between two organizations, jointly implemented humanitarian activities and perspectives of future cooperation. • On 29-30 September 2016, Director of Secretary General Office of the IFRC Mr.Jagan Chapagain made an official visit to Azerbaijan within the framework of Baku International Humanitarian Forum. During the visit Mr.Jagan Chapagain met with the President of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Dr.Novruz Aslanov and discussed the necessity of strengthening and expanding the existing cooperation between the two organizations and Inter-Movement cooperation, also of providing necessary support to future humanitarian activities. • In order to establish a strong material-technical base of the National Society by ensuring a diversity of finance sources of the AzRC based on the Strategic Development Plan of the National Scoiety for the years of 2016-2020, the International Relations department of the National Society has established cooperation relations with the Red Cross Society of China. As a result of these cooperation relations the Red Cross Society of China donated two electronic donation boxes to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. • In 2016, the International Relations department of the AzRC held a number of meetings with “Grant Assistance for the Grassroots Human Security Projects” coordinator of the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan Mrs. Miki Tsudo. During these meetings the existing cooperation relations between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society which is the biggest humanitarian organization in Azerbaijan and the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan which differs from other embassies in Azerbaijan by its diverse interesting infrastructure projects and activities were discussed. In addition, projects planned to be jointly implemented within the framework of cooperation were discussed. In this respect there was also organized an official visit of the representatives of Japan Embassy in Azerbaijan to . • In 2016, in order to extend the existing cooperation relations between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the Azerbaijan Republic and to evaluate opportunities for implementation of new joint humanitarian projects the representatives of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the Azerbaijan Republic, Mr.Onno Kervers. • In 2016, in order to extend the existing cooperation relations of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and to find new partners for implementation of humanitarian activities there was held a meeting with the representatives of the Embassy of Lithuania to the Azerbaijan Republic. This meeting had resulted in signing Agreement on Cooperation for Humanism between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of Lithuania to Azerbaijan in October 2016. • In 2016, National Advisory Group meetings were held in Baku city within the framework of the EU funded Program for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries (PPRD East2) with a participation of the representatives of the Ministries of Emergency Situations, Foreign Affairs, Ecology and Natural Resources, Health and Education of Azerbaijan Republic, the National Parliament, the State Border Service, the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Republic, the Republican Seismological Service Center and the Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Trend News Agency, as well as UNICEF and the Embassy of France to Azerbaijan Republic. The Executive Secretary of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society participated at the meetings of National Advisory Group.

The international trips and participation in the international events.

• On 26 January, Deputy Executive Secretaries of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran and Iskandarova Khalida together with a delegation composed of officials of the State Border Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health attended the training on the management of accidents occurring in border areas organized by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), the Georgian Red Cross Society and the Georgian Alliance for Safe Roads in Tbilisi, Georgia. During the training the representatives of the AzRC obtained new knowledge and skills. • On 17-20 February, Deputy Executive Secretary of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran participated at the Conference held in Tbilisi city of Georgia with participation of TRACECA region countries and the representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations involved in the project. The participants of the Conference discussed problems existing in increasing road safety in TRACECA region countries and shared opinions on finding possible solutions. • On 13-15 April, the Executive Secretary of the AzRC Jeyhun Mirzayev participated at the preparatory meeting for the World Humanitarian Summit held in Istanbul, Turkey. • On 2-6 May, a representative of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran participated at the Operational Management Training I (OMT1) organized in Snekkersten city of Denmark within the framework of the Planned Civil Defense Training Program and Program for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries (PPRD East2) and with participation of the National Societies of the Southern Caucasus countries and Belorussia, Moldova, Ukraine. During the training a representative of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi- Iran made a presentation on PPRD East2 activities carried out on the national level. • On 15-21 May, a representative of Health and Care department of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi- Iran participated at the First Aid training organized by the ICRC in Geneva city of Switzerland. As a result of the training a representative of Health and Care department of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran obtained new knowledge and skills on First Aid through participation in different practical sessions. • On 26-30 May, a youth delegate of the AzRC Naila Omarova participated at the 22nd European Youth Cooperation Meeting organized by the IFRC in Sutomore city of Montenegro. The youth representatives of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Europe attended the training. The main issues discussed at the 22nd European Youth Cooperation Meeting included: providing a psychosocial support to young volunteers operating in emergency and mitigation operations, using of Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change (YABC), implementation of Youth Involvement Strategy (YES) in National Societies, achieving innovations in a Voluntarism Policy. The participants shared their knowledge and skills on the above-mentioned issues. • On 6-10 June, Head of International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova participated at the training on “Increasing potential of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the area of Climate Change” organized by the European Zone Office of the IFRC in Budapest city of Hungary. During the training a representative of the AzRC obtained new knowledge and skills in carrying out awareness activities in the filed of climate change at national, sub-national and community level. • On 9-12 June, a representative of Health and Care department of the AzRC Sabina Mahbubi-Iran participated at the seminar on “Psychosocial support and prevention of sexual violence” organized by the European Zone Office of the IFRC in Budapest city of Hungary. Psychosocial support experts from 27 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Balkan countries, Middle Asia and the Southern Caucasus attended the seminar. During the seminar a representative of the AzRC obtained new knowledge and skills that would help to increase a potential of the AzRC in the filed of providing psychosocial support. • On 23 June, a representative of Migration department of the AzRC Sona Hajiyeva participated at the International Conference on “ Partnership for Mobility” organized by EU funded International Center for Migration Policy Development in Baku, Azerbaijan. • On 7-9 September, a representative of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Nigar Rustamzadeh participated at the International Training on Increasing Fundraising Skills organized in London city of England with support of the British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, the ICRC and the IFRC. The representatives of more than 50 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies attended the training. • On 25-29 September, a representative of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Ferid Seyidzadeh participated at Disaster Response Training organized by the European Zone Office of the IFRC in Nurek city of Tajikistan Republic. The representatives of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizia and Tajikistan attended the training. • On 26-27 September, psychosocial support expert of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Ismayil Atayev participated at the International Training on “Fist Psychological Support” organized by the Russian Red Cross with support of the ICRC and the Danish Red Cross in Moscow city, Russia. At the training attended by the representatives of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Commonwealth of Independent States psychological support experts shared their knowledge and skills in the filed of stress and psychological adaptation, first psychological support and organization of psychological support in communities. • On 12-15 October, a representative of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Sabina Mahbubi-Iran participated at the next meeting of the First Aid Education European Network (FAEEN) organized in Bologna city, Italy. At the meeting attended by the representatives of the European National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Sabina Mahbubi-Iran made a presentation on First Aid activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. • On 18-20 November, psychosocial support expert of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Ismayil Atayev participated at Annual Forum of Psychological Support Network of European Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies organized by the IFRC and the Portuguese Red Cross in Lisbon city of Portugal. • On 7-9 December, the representatives of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Omarova Naila and Rustamzadeh Nigar participated at the 2nd International Conference on Islam and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) organized in Gom city of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Iranian Red Crescent Society in cooperation with the Institute of Contemporary Studies on Islam and IHL. The participants of the 2nd International Conference on Islam and International Humanitarian Law discussed common humanitarian values in world religious, protection of groups such as civilians, dead, missing, IDPs and refugees from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, and protection of environment and natural resources from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence. • On 12-13 December, the representatives of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Omarova Naila and Rustamzadeh Nigar participated at an advocacy skill share meeting organized by the European Zone Office of the IFRC in Budapest city of Hungary with participation of experts from 20 National RC/RC Societies, the IFRC technical leaders and external speakers. During the meeting the participants of the National Societies made presentations on their advocacy work in migration. Participants also exchanged their success stories and challenges in doing advocacy in the domestic context, as well as means of overcoming obstacles in daily advocacy work.


Goal: To disseminate more effectively information on the activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society through mass media and among the general public. To establish sustainable relations with other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in order to strengthen cooperation with them.


• During the reporting period Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC disseminated more effectively information on the activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society through mass media and among the general public, as well as established sustainable relations with other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in order to strengthen cooperation with them. • The staff of Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC actively participated at the meetings of the National Society Statutory Commission set up to make necessary amendments and changes to relevant articles of the National Society Statute. • During the reporting period Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC cooperated with other departments of the National Society and passed in a timely manner information on activities of the AzRC to local and foreign mass media. Information and Public Relations Department also posted information on activities of the AzRC on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other internet sites and thus contributed to an increase of an image of the National Society and a recognition of the Red Crescent brand.

Highlighting through mass media information on an official meeting of the President of the AzRC Dr.Novruz Aslanov with a new Head of Baku Office of the International Committee of the Red Cross Elena Sessera.

Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC highlighted through mass media information on an official meeting of the President of the AzRC Dr.Novruz Aslanov with a new Head of Baku Office of the International Committee of the Red Cross Elena Sessera and cooperation responsible Mr.Gregory Le Coq.

Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC highlighted through mass media information on an official meeting of the President of the AzRC Dr.Novruz Aslanov with a Director of General Secretary Office of the IFRC Mr.Cagan Chapagain held on 29 September 2016.

Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC highlighted through mass media information on a cooperation meeting between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Azerbaijan Republic held on 16 September 2016.

On 20 June 2016, the President of the AzRC and a member of the National Parliament Dr.Novruz Aslanov received the newly-appointed director of the European Zone Office of the IFRC Mr.Simon Missiri and Head of Inter-Movement Cooperation and Coordinator Sector of the ICRC for Europe and Central Asia Sophia Goyet Celebic. Information and Public Relations Department of the AzRC highlighted through mass media information on this meeting.

Highlighting through mass media information on a cooperation meeting between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of Lithuania to Azerbaijan Republic.

On 5 September 2016, there was held a cooperation meeting between the representatives of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Embassy of Lithuania to Azerbaijan Republic. During the meeting that took place in the National Society Headquarters the representatives of the Embassy of Lithuania to Azerbaijan Republic were informed about a structure, status, activity directions, principles, on-going projects and programs of the AzRC, cooperation of the National Society with the IFRC, the ICRC, other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, achievements of the National Society.


Goal: Disseminating information on history and activities of the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, the rules for proper use of the red cross/red crescent and red crystal emblems, and the basics of the International Humanitarian Law among the general public.


Dissemination of the basics of the IHL and the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement is one of the commitments of governments who are signatories to the Geneva Conventions. The National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies support to their governments in implementing of this commitment. The rules of the IHL addressed to protection of human rights during armed conflict are reflected in Geneva Conventions adopted in 1949 and their Additional Protocols adopted in 1977 and 2005. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been implementing Dissemination program since 1997 with a financial and technical support of the ICRC.


Dissemination Sector continued to implement its activities in 2016.

• During the reporting period Dissemination Sector organized dissemination seminars on the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the basics of IHL, the Fundamental Principles of the Movement, history and activities of the AzRC for newly registered volunteers of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and students who undertook their internships at the National Society. • Throughout the year Dissemination Sector disseminated information on events, humanitarian actions and campaigns of the Az.RC through official web-site of the Az.RC, social networks, news portals and “Yeni Tefekkur” newspaper. By sending faxes to local mass media the Dissemination sector could involve journalists to participate at the events organized by the National Society Headquarters and highlight these events. A total of 113 articles about the activities of the AzRC have been posted on an official web-site of the AzRC and published in “Yeni Tafakkur” newspaper. • During the reporting period Dissemination Sector of the Az.RC performed activities towards prevention of misuse of the red cross and red crescent emblems. 5 cases of misuse of the emblems were detected. • On 12 February 2016, “Azmedicon” company has been warned about misuse of the Red Crescent emblem on its vehicles. After a meeting held with leadership of “Azmedicon” company Red Crescent emblem has been removed from the company’s vehicles. “Azmedicon” company has been provided by the AzRC with dissemination materials such as booklets and leaflets reflecting activities of the AzRC, the International RC/RC Movement’s Principles and rules for proper use of the Movement’s emblems. • On 22 February 2016, official notification letter on misuse of the red cross emblem was sent to “Shahdagh” tourism complex. As a result of it, the red cross emblem was immediately removed from “Shahdagh” tourism complex. • In February 2016, Dissemination Sector of the AzRC detected misuse of images of the Red Cross and Red Crescent on a white ground on the board that was hung at the door of a Station Medical Post belonging to “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC in contradiction with the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “About use and protection of the red cross and red crescent emblems” and the Geneva Conventions. Documents on the use of the red cross and red crescent emblems and a text of the law of the Azerbaijan Republic were presented to leadership of Station Medical Post. Taking this into account, leadership of Station Medical Post has stopped the use of the emblems. • On 24 February 2016, “Elmad” clinic was notified through a phone call about misuse of the red cross emblem of its ambulance. After this notification leadership of “Elmad” clinic has stopped misuse of the red cross emblem on its vehicle. • On 27 May 2016, official notification letter on misuse of the red crescent emblem was sent to “Leyla Shikhlinskaya” clinic. Responding quickly to this notification leadership of “Leyla Shikhlinskaya” clinic removed the red crescent emblem from its ambulance. • Dissemination seminars on the International RC/RC Movement, the basics of the IHL, the Fundamental Principles of the Movement, history and activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society were organized for students of Azerbaijan Tourism Institute who did their internships at the AzRC. In addition, dissemination seminars were organized for students of Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. • On 14-16 November 2016, with support of the International Committee of the Red Cross dissemination seminar was conducted for 16 youth instructors working at local branches of the Az.RC operating in a front-line districts. Participants at the seminar were informed about the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the basics of the IHL, the Fundamental Principles of the Movement, history and activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. At the end of the seminar dissemination materials were distributed to the participants. • On 28 November 2016, there was held a meeting with Head of Public Relations department of the ICRC Delegation in Azerbaijan Ilaha Huseinova. The proposal on organization of dissemination seminar for news portals with whom the AzRC is cooperating was discussed at the meeting. The participants opinions were heard and assessed. It was decided to organize this seminar in the next year. • In 2016, activities and events of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society have been highlighted through the following TV channels, media and news portals, local newspapers:

Media and news portals:

Events of the AzRC highlighted through TV channels: 1. 15 events have been highlighted through “Ictimai” TV channel 2. 10 events have been highlighted through “Khazar” TV channel 3. 6 events have been highlighted through Azerbaijan State TV channel 4. 5 events have been highlighted through “Azad Azerbaijan” TV channel 5. 103 articles in “Nazarmedia” news portal 6. 12 articles on “” site 7. 70 articles in “Edu map” news portal

Articles published in newspapers: 1. 113 articles were published in “Yeni Tafakkur” newspaper 2. 45 articles were published in “Vishka” newspaper


Goal: To strengthen a material-technical base and a personnel potential of regional centers, city and district branches and primary organizations of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. To ensure that Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society is a strong organization supporting vulnerable people at national and international levels in order to implement effective and sustainable humanitarian activities at central and local levels.

Activities: • Notebooks (with a Red Crescent logo, names and addresses of local branches of the AzRC placed on them) and pens (with a logo and name of the National Society) were produced for city and district branches of the AzRC. • The Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC participated in a meeting on outcomes of the year 2016 held within the framework of the Weapons Contamination program and in awareness-raising seminars jointly held with the Migration department in different educational institutions within the framework of “Fighting Human Trafficking” program. The staff of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC met with leadership of different educational institutions and spoke about payment of membership fees to the AzRC. • On the 2nd of November 2016, Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the Az.RC Aziz Gojayev held a meeting concerning a violation of discipline by staff members of the AzRC in Baku Regional Center. • During the reporting period the staff of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC participated in blood donation campaigns held in Azerbaijan Medical University and the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. • Following incidents on the contact line of troops in Karabakh conflict zone, Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev together with the President of the AzRC Dr.Novruz Aslanov visited front-line districts and familiarized themselves with situation and houses damaged there. • On assignment of the AzRC Secretariat Head of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov contacted with local branches of the AzRC operating in front-line districts and received information on human losses and damages caused by incidents on the contact line of troops. • In February-March 2016, Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev together with Head of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov visited Regional Centers of the National Society and met with newly appointed coordinators of Sumgayit and Baku Regional Centers. During a meeting with newly appointed coordinators Aziz Gojayev and Agayar Huseinov gave relevant instructions to chairpersons of local branches covered by Regional Centers of the AzRC. • In February and March 2016, design works for the Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years of 2016-2020 have been completed. A total of 1000 copies of the Strategic Development Plan both in Azerbaijani and English language have been published. Presentation of the published Strategic Development Plan took place in all 5 Regional Centers and Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic Committee. After that copies of the Strategic Development Plan have been distributed to coordinators of Regional Centers and chairperson of each local branch of the AzRC. • During the reporting period in connection with significant dates and holidays all district and city branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted humanitarian actions and different events. Thus, in connection with “Novruz” (Spring holiday), Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha holidays and 31 December – Solidarity Day of World local branches of the National Society conducted charity actions for vulnerable people. Statistics of humanitarian aid provided to vulnerable people in connection with these holidays was prepared and posted on official web-site of the Az.RCS to ensure a transparency. • On the 3rd of May 2016, a meeting aimed at reporting about activities carried out in the 1st quarter of the year 2016 was held at Baku Regional Center. Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev, Head of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC Agayar Huseinov, a coordinator of Baku Regional Center Rana Ibrahimova and chairpersons of local branches of the National Society covered by Baku Regional Center participated in the meeting. Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev informed participants about activities performed in the first quarter of 2016 and spoke about events planned for the second quarter and preparatory work for the next reporting-election conference that would be held in the month of June. Chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC, in their turn, informed about activities performed and event conducted in the first quarter of 2016. • The staff of the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC participated in distribution of humanitarian relief items provided by district and city branches of the AzRC to vulnerable people. • In the months of April, July and October 2016, Head of Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the Az.RC Agayar Huseinov conducted trainings for students from different Universities who were undertaking their internships at the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. The participants of these trainings were informed about organizational development activities of the National Society, activities of Regional Centers, city and district branches, field units of the Az.RC, coordination of activities between local branches of the Az.RC. • On 16 February 2016, a zonal meeting was held at Mingechevir Regional Center of the Az.RC under the chairmanship of Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the Az.RC Aziz Gojayev. Head of Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the Az.RC Agayar Huseinov and chairpersons of local branches of the Az.RC in Mingechevir, , Agdash, Sheki, Agdam, Zagatala, Balaken, Gabala, Oguz, , Ujar, Gakh districts participated at the event. The issues such as establishment of primary organizations of the AzRC, increasing number of members of the National Society, collection of membership fees, Strategic Plan and organization of activity at structural branches of the Az.RC were discussed during a zonal meeting. Chairpersons participating at a zonal meeting informed about activities of their branches. • At the end of each quarter meetings with chairpersons were held at Baku and Sumgayit Regional Centers. During these meetings chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC reported on performed activities. Chairpersons were also given relevant tasks by the leadership of the National Society. • In connection with the published Strategic Development Plan of the AzRC for the years of 2016- 2020 and with using “Consolidated Reporting System” by Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC there was held a meeting on 27 May 2016 at the National Society Headquarters. Also meetings with that aim were held in all Regional Centers. Chairpersons were informed about the newly developed “Consolidated Reporting System”. At the end of each meeting a cope of “Strategic Development Plan for the years of 2016-2020 was given to each chairperson. • On 2 March 2016, there was held a meeting on the outcomes of the Year 2016 with participation of chairpersons of local branches covered by Baku Regional Center. In his opening speech Vice- President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev welcomed all participants on behalf of President of the AzRC Dr.Novruz Aslanov and informed about activities performed in 2016 and activities planned for the next year. During the meeting Vice-President Aziz Gojayev introduced the newly appointed coordinator of Baku Regional Center Rana Ibrahimova to chairpersons of local branches of the AzRC and gave his relevant tasks to chairpersons. • During the reporting period Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC had prepared and sent letters to Head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ramiz Mehdiyev and his deputy Mr.Zeynal Nagdaliyev with a request to task Heads of District Executive Authorities to contribute to activities of local branches of the National Society. A separate letter was prepared and sent to the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic Mr.Mikayil Jabbarov with a request to contribute to collection of membership fees of the AzRC in educational institutions throughout the country. • On 5 May 2016, Head of Organizational Development Division and Vice-President of the AzRC Aziz Gojayev visited Ismayilli district branch of the Az.RC. During the meeting held there Vice- President of the Az.RC Aziz Gojayev gave relevant tasks and directives about conducting humanitarian actions, events and promotional activities in Ismayilli district. Aziz Gojayev also participated in distribution of food parcels to vulnerable families in Ismayilli distirct organized on the occasion of the Republic Day marked there. • In the months of June, July and August 2016, in conformity with the Statute of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society election-reporting conferences were held. Chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of city, district branches and field units were elected at these election-reporting conferences. Protocols of the elections were presented to the Department for the Work with Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC. • During the reporting period the Organizational Development Division of the AzRC held quarterly meetings with coordinators of all Regional Centers and discussed the organizational issues. • In 2016, in order to strengthen a material-technical base of local branches relevant letters were prepared and sent to 50 local executive authorities. • In 2016, in connection with quarterly transmission of funds by local branches to the National Society’s Secretariat constructive works have been done with local branches of the AzRC. • In 2016, in order to strengthen a material-technical base of field units of the AzRC 10 letters were prepared and sent to rectors of universities and managements of different enterprises. • In 2016, 9 meetings of the National Society Statute Commission were held at the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. At these meetings presided by Vice-President Gafar Askerzadeh activities performed by the Statute Commission were discussed. During these meetings the members of the Statute Commission gave their proposals and expressed their opinions regarding necessary changes and amendments to relevant articles of the National Society’s Statute. Members of the Statute Commission including Vice-President Aziz Gojayev, Executive Secretary Jeyhun Mirzayev, Head of Presidential Office of the National Society Rovshan Aliyev, Head of Information and Public Relations department Seymur Humbatov, lawyer of the National Society Secretariat Leyla Mammadzadeh, Cooperation responsible of the ICRC Delegation in Azerbaijan Rasim Allazov, Lyudmila Shepelyova, Head of International Relations department of the AzRC Naila Omarova, deputy coordinator of Baku Regional Center Ofelya Sadikhova, chairwoman of Nizami district branch Rana Ibrahimova, chairperson of Garadagh district branch Niyaz Eyvazov participated at the meetings of the Statute Commission. • During the reporting period meetings of the Presidium of the AzRC were held. Relevant decisions on different issues were taken at these meetings.


Goal: To develop youth and volunteers’ involvement and management system in order to improve efficiency of a voluntary service provided by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society to the most vulnerable people and people in need of care.

In 2016-2020, youth and volunteers activities of the National Society will be based on “Youth Involvement Strategy”. In January, under this Strategy the National Society gave a start to conducting of mass actions, campaigns, round table discussions, trainings, courses and other events.


Promotion of safe behavior skills in streets and roads.

According to its Strategic Plan for the years of 2016- 2020 and in order to make aware people about safety behavior rules in streets and roads the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society conducted promotion activities for safety of pedestrians in 2016. Within the framework of road safety and protection of the environment projects there was held a drawing competition among school children in , Agdash and Ujar districts. The winners of the drawing competition were awarded with gifts and diplomas.

Within the framework of the above-mentioned strategy and cooperation, on 20 November 2016 The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was marked in a kindergarten. The motto of the year 2016 was “Speed Kills! Let’s take steps against speed!”. This event has become possible due to a cooperation between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, Kindergarten and Baku State Road Police Department. The event was started with a moment of silence for those who died in road-traffic accidents. Then children worn in police uniform performed different compositions and read poems in connection with that day. During the event photos of well-known persons who died in road-traffic accidents were demonstrated. In addition children drew pictures on the topic of road safety. At the end of the event in memory of victims of road-traffic accidents the participants of the event released white color balloons to sky. In its turn the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society presented small gifts to all school children who participated at the event.

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in cooperation with out-of-school Education Center No.46 organized trainings and presentations on road safety for about 1500 pupils in secondary schools. With a participation of these trained school children the Azerbaijan Red Crescent organized a marching through the central streets of Baku city. During the marching volunteers and school children distributed leaflets on road safety rules to passers-by. Volunteers also placed some mock-ups of pedestrians at zebra pedestrian crossings, underground passages and bus stops in order to attract attention of people to an importance of crossing the street by using safety areas. Pedestrians using underground passages were given small gifts. Also different contests and competitions on road safety were organized among youngsters and young people. The winners were awarded with small gifts.

The events on road safety were highlighted through mass media.

During the reporting period Youth and Volunteers department of the AzRC organized different kind of events for socially vulnerable orphan children living in orphanages and children with limited capabilities.

Thus, musical-entertainment events were organized 2 times for 100 children in “Balu” entertainment center. Another musical-entertainment event was organized for 120 children in “Tom and Jerry” and “Atrium” entertainment centers. 50 orphan children enjoyed musical-entertainment event organized in “Ibo” restaurant. At the end of these events children were given different gifts.

Arranging photo competition on topics of “Young Volunteers” and “Humanity”.

Drawing competition and writing an essay on the topics of “We want peace”, “War through the eyes of children” were conducted among school children in Terter, Goranboy and Agdam districts which is situated near to a front-line. All children participating in these competitions were given small gifts. The winners of the first, second and third places were given special gifts. A total of 230 children participated in these competitions.

In connection with Foundation Day of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society

An event for 340 children was held in a cancer pediatric clinic. During the event a performance of puppet theatre was shown to children. Children also received small gifts.

An event for children with diabetes was held in “Amazon” entertainment center.

Musical-entertainment event was held for 30 migrant children and children with diabetes. During the event with the help of adults children cooked pizza for themselves. Meals were also served to children.

Eye medical check-up for migrant children was organized in “Brizol” Eye Hospital

10 migrant children received eye check-up. Relevant treatments were prescribed by doctors to them.

In connection with “1 June – “The International Children Protection Day”

Events for children from children’s homes took place in Sabunchu mental health clinic and “Balu” entertainment center.

In addition, a meeting on protection of maternity and child health with participation of pregnant women was held in Maternity Hospital.

Conducting mass actions on different programs by developing Volunteering Policy and by using Youth Engagement Strategy (YES).

Trainings on Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) were held for youth instructors of local branches, chairpersons of local branches operating in front-line districts and newly involved volunteers of the Red Crescent Society. In general, all conducted events related with youth and volunteers were mainly based on YES.


• Module, leadership, planning, social work trainings were held for 200 young volunteers in 8 district branches of the AzRC. • In addition, similar trainings were held for students of Azerbaijan State University of Languages and Azerbaijan Tourism University who were undertaking their internships in the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.

Dissemination of information on First Aid, history and activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement among students in educational institutions.

• School children and students in many secondary schools and educational institutions, young volunteers of local branches of the AzRC operating in front-line districts and volunteers working in communities were informed through trainings about First Aid, history and activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Conducting awareness-raising activities on Youth Engagement Strategy and non-communicable diseases for young people.

• Youth and Volunteers department of the AzRC made presentations on Youth Engagement Strategy and non-communicable diseases for young people in Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts and Youth House in Sabunchu district of Baku city.

Conducting blood donation actions in different high educational institutions and among young people.

• Blood donation actions were held in Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan Technical University and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

Developing youth and volunteers’ involvement and management system, electronic registration system of volunteers and Volunteering Policy.

• Electronic registration of volunteers had been continued in local branches with computers. • Local branches without computers used special registration forms to register new volunteers.

In connection with 15 September – “Knowledge Day”

• In connection with 15 September – “Knowledge Day” events were held in secondary schools. During these events school stationeries and school bags were presented to 280 school children.

Summer Resting Camp

• Summer Resting Camp for 150 children selected from socially vulnerable families was organized in Ganja city. Tours to historical museums, picturesque places of Azerbaijan such as Hajikend and Goygol were organized for children during their stay in Summer Camp. Children in Summer Camp spent their spare time meaningfully by participating in different trainings, intellectual games, drawing, sport competitions, weaving and other circles organized for them.

In connection with 1 December – “World AIDS Day”

• In connection with 1 December – “World AIDS Day” Youth and Volunteers department of the Az.RC organized an event in Youth Home in Sabunchu district of Baku city. More than 600 young people participated at the event. During the event a presentation on AIDS was made. Blood tests to detect AIDS were carried out among young people.

In connection with 5 December- “World Volunteers Day”

• In connection with 5 December- “World Volunteers Day” the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society together with Knowledge Fund organized knowledge competition among volunteers from different organizations in Sumgayit city and Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. At the end of the event symbolic gifts were presented to all volunteers who participated in the competition. Volunteers of the Red Crescent Society who won the first place in the competition were given diplomas, a cup and gifts.

• In addition, a blood donation action was held among young volunteers in Sumgayit city.


Goal: To ensure a diversity of finance sources of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society with the aim to strengthen a financial base of the National Society

Activities: • During the reporting period the main activities of the Fundraising department included: to ensure a diversity of finance sources with the aim to strengthen financial base of the National Society; to collect donations from donation boxes; according to the Strategic Plan of the National Society to establish cooperation with different companies and donors; to develop and maintain existing business-like relations with different companies and donors. For this purpose the Fundraising department held meetings with senior officials of a number of firms, banks and other enterprises. During these meetings finding new possible areas of cooperation with the National Society were discussed. • During the reporting period the staff of Fundraising department of the Az.RCS negotiated with a management of different trade, entertainment centers and enterprises in Baku city about placement of donation boxes. As a result, a total of 55 new donation boxes were placed. During the reporting period the funds collected from donation boxes in Baku city were transferred to accounts department of the Az.RC. The main purpose of placing of donation boxes with the Red Crescent logo in different places was to provide relevant assistance to the most vulnerable people including people affected by different natural disasters, elderly alone and needy people by using the funds collected from donation boxes. • On 11 September 2016, at the initiative and with participation of “Nikoil Bank” the sacrificed Gurban meat portions were distributed to 50 vulnerable families (including elderly alone people) in Nasimi district branch of the AzRC on the occasion of holy Gurban holiday. • In 2016, Fundraising department of the AzRC held regular meetings with a Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan with the aim of to develop fundraising activities of the AzRC. • On 10 December 2016, 30 small donation boxes (with dimensions: 20cm x 20 cm) and large donation boxes (with dimensions: 80cm x 30 cm), as well as 10100 (ten thousands one hundred) copies of leaflets produced by the ICRC were handed over to Fundraising department. • During the reporting period Fundraising department held a number of business-like meetings on a project designed for collection of donations through ATMs (Automated Teller Machine). Relevant works have been done to ensure implementation of the project in the future. • In 2016, Fundraising department prepared and sent relevant letters to 1500 companies and enterprises to ensure their cooperation with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. Some positive responses were given to these letters. • Below is given the names of companies where the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society had placed its donation boxes in the year 2016:

Bazarstore, Araz, Favorit, Fresco, Lider AS, Fresco və Sabat network of markets, Rahat, Premimmart, Armostore, Megastore, Bolmart, Adore Market, Accessorize, Adidas, Toy Store, Koton, Pink, Six, Adl, Puma, KFC, Oven, Sel Home, U.C.Benetton, Nikoil Bank, International Bank, Chudo Pechka, Bon Appetit, Boyuk Firat, Ravira, Villa Pizza, Namlı.

• On 14 September 2016, with financial assistance of “Access Bank” in the amount of 2000 AZN school stationeries (school bags, pens, notebooks, rulers, erasers, colored pencils, pencil cases, drawing albums and etc) were purchased and distributed to children from vulnerable families and refugee children. During the reporting period a total of 46, 684,66 AZN was collected from donation boxes and spent for different humanitarian purposes (providing material assistance, purchasing food and non-food items for warehouses).


Goal: To provide different kind of humanitarian assistance to elderly alone people, refugee and IDP families, people affected by natural disasters, man-made disasters and other vulnerable people by mobilizing the capacity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the power of humanity; to encourage people to help each other.


During the reporting period Humanitarian Relief department of the Secretariat of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society received many applications, phone calls and letters requesting humanitarian assistance. All these applications have been considered individually and humanitarian assistance has been provided within the limits of the National Society. As considering and solving some of applications were outside the competence of the National Society they were forwarded to relevant government bodies and applicants were notified in writing on it.

In order to assess a social situation of vulnerable people on the basis on their written and oral applications for providing humanitarian assistance the staff members of the AzRC made 12 home visits. 3 out of these visits have been made in Baku city and other 9 visits have been made in different regions by staff of local branches of the AzRC. The National Society provided within the limits of its possibility humanitarian assistance to these vulnerable people.

Every Wednesday, with participation of Vice-President of the AzRC Ramazan Sultanov and Head of Humanitarian Relief department Aligha Abbasov there was organized reception of vulnerable people applying for humanitarian aid in Baku Regional Center.

During the reporting period the work on registration of vulnerable people by local branches of the AzRC and the work on updating registration lists continued.

Related with bilateral cooperation and humanitarian arrangements

• During the reporting period Humanitarian Relief department of the Az.RCS endeavored to establish cooperation in the field of humanitarian relief with different international and local humanitarian agencies functioning in the Republic of Azerbaijan, private agencies and firms in the country. • It is appropriate here to mention particularly the activities of the clinic of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku. During the reporting period 484 vulnerable people have been assisted with free of charge medical self-examination in the clinic of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku. They were given by the AzRC Headquarters medical cards (with 60 AZN discount) to receive free of charge medical self- examination in the clinic. The total cost of free of charge medical self-examination provided to vulnerable people has been 29.040 manat. • During the reporting period the local branches of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society held different humanitarian-charity events and meetings with participation of vulnerable people. Hundreds of vulnerable people and children deprived of parental care participated at these events. During the events they were provided with humanitarian aid. Also, lunch tables were served and entertainment programs were organized for them. • During the reporting period Humanitarian Relief department received a total of 561 applications. 14 out of them were made in writing, 1 application was made through a telegram and 62 out of them were made individually. 484 out of 561 applications were about a request for providing medical cards allowing to receive free of charge medical self-examination in the clinic of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baku city. The National Society considered all applications individually. 14 vulnerable people were given food assistance at the expense of funds collected from donation boxes. 10 applicants were given food assistance from a central warehouse. On the occasion of Qurban holiday 27 vulnerable people were given Qurban meat portions kindly donated by one of philanthropists of the National Society. Within a framework of a bilateral cooperation with other partner organizations another 50 vulnerable people received Qurban meat portions on Qurban holiday. Also 5 migrant families were assisted with food parcels on national holidays. In general, humanitarian assistance in the amount of 947 AZN was provided to 101 vulnerable people. Another 27 vulnerable people were registered by Humanitarian Relief department of the AzRC. • During the reporting period the staff of Humanitarian Relief department of the AzRC attended 4 different seminars and trainings. The staff members of Humanitarian Relief department of the AzRC gave lectures on Humanitarian Aid Policy to 28 students from different universities undertaking their internships at the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.

In 2016, despite financial difficulties, humanitarian relief activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society became possible thanks to the National Society capacity and internal resources.

In 2016, finance sources of the National Society for humanitarian activities have been diversified. This included: funds collected from donation boxes, medical cards allowing to receive free of charge medical self-examination, personal funds and other sources;

During the reporting period humanitarian relief activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society became also possible thanks to internal capacity of city and district branches of the AzRC.

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, by using its internal capacity and with support from its partners and donor organizations, had provided humanitarian aid (mainly food parcels) to vulnerable people on the occasion of Ramadan (a holiday after fasting), Qurban (Eid al-Adha) , Novruz (Spring) holidays and 31 December- Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis.

Below is given statistics on humanitarian aid provided by the National Society on the occasion of the above-mentioned holidays:

- On the occasion of Ramadan holiday humanitarian aid in the amount of 72.300 AZN was provided to 3.100 vulnerable people. - On the occasion of Novruz (Spring) holiday humanitarian aid in the amount of 68.100 AZN was provided to 3.650 vulnerable people. - On the occasion of holy Qurban holiday humanitarian aid in the amount of 68.100 AZN was provided to 3.650 vulnerable people. - On the occasion of the New Year and 31 December- Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis humanitarian aid in the amount of 44.200 AZN was provided to 2.547 vulnerable people.


Goal: To advocate for local and international rights of migrants as well as refugees and IDP in our country in order to provide them with normal living conditions; to provide constant care and attention to migrant families in our country; to learn about the needs of migrants and to assist them in addressing their challenges.

Activities: • In 2016, free-of-charge Azerbaijan language course organized for migrants has been successfully continued by Migration department of the Az.RC. In January- September 2016, 32 migrants who graduated from 9 months Azerbaijan language course were given relevant certificates. In October 2016, Azerbaijan language course restarted its activity. 34 migrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen and other countries attended the Azerbaijan language course. As it was before, 2 days of the Azerbaijan language course was conducted in Refugee Women and Youth Center established under “HAYAT” International Humanitarian Organization which is a partner of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and another 2 days of the Azerbaijan language course was conducted in Baku Office of the AzRC. • During the reporting period First Aid Sector of the Az.RC organized 2 times free-of-charge First Aid course for migrants attending the Azerbaijan language course.

Cooperation meeting between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

On January 12, 2016 there was held a meeting between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the International Organization for Migration at the headquarters of the National Society. It should be noted that AzRC in partnership with the IOM organized a series of seminars on “Combating Human Trafficking” at the secondary and higher educational institutions in cities and districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss conducting such seminars in the future. During the meeting the problems arisen with respect to the seminars and the means of implementation of new mechanisms to prevent such problems in the future, as well as new proposals were discussed. It was decided to take necessary measures in order to successfully held seminars in the future. Deputy Executive Secretary of the AzRC, Mr.Shaban Shayev, Head of Migration department Mr.Mammad Katanov and a representative of the Migration department Mrs.Sona Hajiyeva, chairpersons of local branches covered by the Baku Regional Center, as well as IOM representative in Vienna office Mrs.Mayra Albu and IOM representative in Baku office Mrs.Konul Karimova participated in the meeting.

Children’s health is a future of our country !

With organizational support of the Youth Committee, “Youth and Volunteers” and “Migration” departments of the AzRC another charity action for migrant children was held. According to a pilot project of the Youth Committee and “Youth and Volunteers” department of the AzRC a group of young girls from socially vulnerable families and migrant families were given a vocational training on hair dressing, manicure, pedicure by professional masters. After receiving a professional training they were assisted with employment. Also, there were organized medical check-ups for children from socially vulnerable families, migrant children and children with diabetes.

One of these medical check-ups, particularly eye check-up took place on 25 February 2016 at “The Brizol” Eye Clinic in Baku city. It should be noted that migrant children with eye problems were taken to that clinic in an ambulance donated to the National Society by Magen David Adom of Israel. The essence of the charity action consisted of free of charge check-up and treatment of migrant children with vision disabilities. Doctor, Ms.Gunay Aliyeva examined the eyes of 5 children and assigned appropriate treatments. It should be noted that monthly check-up and treatment of 5 children will be provided by the clinic free of charge.

Integration of migrants into Azerbaijani society.

It became already a tradition for the Az.RCS to provide care and assistance to migrants in our country. Following this tradition during the reporting period Migration department of the Az.RC organized tours for migrants to different historical places and museums in our country. Migrants attending Azerbaijan language course organized by Migration department of AzRC were also given an opportunity to improve their spoken Azerbaijan language. For this purpose Azerbaijan language course teacher Sona Hajiyeva and representatives of Trade Union of the AzRC took migrants more than once to the Azerbaijan Academic National Drama and Musical Comedy to see spectacles played there.

One of the lessons of the Azerbaijan language course for migrants that took place on the 7th of March was devoted to 8 March- the International Women Day. The role of women and mothers in a society was spoken during that open lesson. Migrant students read patriotic poems and poems devoted to women. Then Azerbaijan language course teacher Sona Hajiyeva informed migrant students about one of the national holidays of the Azerbaijan people, that is Novruz (Spring) holiday and its peculiarities. Sona Hajiyeva noted that Novruz (Spring) holiday is celebrated not only by Azerbaijan people, but also by the nations of the East. This holiday serves as a cultural tie between different nations. Migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen also spoke about their national holidays. A table with the sweets was organized for migrants and their children attending Azerbaijan language course. Migrants read poems in Azerbaijan, Afghan, English and Persian languages devoted to a nature, spring and spring (Novruz) holiday. Migrant children were given by the AzRC free bonus tickets to participate at Novruz holiday celebration that would take place at the Azerbaijan State Drama Theatre.

• During the reporting period the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society continued to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons. Within the framework of cooperation between Migration, Humanitarian Relief, Health and Care, Youth and Volunteers, Fundraising departments the staff members of the National Society held different meetings with IDPs and refugees. During these meetings IDPs and refugees were given clothing, household items and other humanitarian relief items. First Aid trainings and awareness raising sessions on healthy life style were organized for IDPs and refugees. On the occasion of 1 September- “Knowledge Day” IDP and refugee school children were provided with school bags and stationery by the National Society. Logical-psychological trainings were conducted for school children.

• During the reporting period vulnerable migrant families temporarily residing in Baku city applied to the Headquarters of the National Society for assistance in solving their different challenges. These applications of migrant families were considered individually by the National Society. Azerbaijan language course teacher Sona Hajiyeva together with “Community based health” project coordinator of the AzRC Matanat Garakhanova paid on a regular basis visits to homes of vulnerable migrant families to learn their living conditions. During these visits members of migrant families were provided with clothing and household items.

• As a part of this humanitarian activity of the National Society in favor of vulnerable migrant families Migration department of the AzRC in collaboration with the State Migration Service held a meeting with 6 migrant families on 16 March 2016 at the conference hall of the Secretariat of the National Society to congratulate migrant families on the occasion of Novruz (Spring) holiday. On behalf of the Secretariat of the AzRC Deputy Executive Secretary Mr. Shaban Shayev, Deputy Chief of the Department of Refugee Status of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic Mr.Namig Jafarov and Head of Migration department of the AzRC Mr. Mammad Katanov participated at the meeting. Holiday gifts, mainly food parcels were given to migrant families. The assisted migrant families expressed their gratitude to the President of the AzRC and a member of the National Parliament Mr.Novruz Aslanov and Head of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Firudin Nabiyev for their kind assistance.

• On the occasion of Ramadan holiday Migration department of the AzRC distributed food parcels to 16 migrant families in Baku city.

• On the occasion of 1 June – “The International Children Protection Day” the Migration department of the Az.RC distributed gifts to children whose parents attend Azerbaijan language course. • On 29-30 July, 2016 with organization support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) there was organized an event devoted to World Day against Trafficking in Persons in Nakhchevan Autonomous Republic. Head of Migration department of the AzRC Mammad Ktanov participated at the event. • The 2nd class pupil of a secondary school No.42 of Baku city and a volunteer of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Ziya Nasibli gifted school bags to 6 children (3 boys and 3 girls) from vulnerable migrant families. • In 2016, thanks to the cooperation between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the International Organization for Migration, Migration-Information Desks established in all city/district branches of the Az.RC continued to function. The main purpose of Migration- Information Desks is to raise awareness of population about human trafficking and violence, to give necessary information about migration. In collaboration with the International Organization for Migration during the reporting period the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society printed 28.000 copies of brochure on combating human trafficking and distributed these brochures to all city/district branches of the Az.RC. During the reporting period migrants in our country applied 18 times to Migration-Information Desks of the Az.RC for assistance in solving their challenges. The applications of migrants were considered individually and some of migrants were advised to approach the Azerbaijan State Migration Service, the International Organization for Migration and other relevant organizations. • From January to December 2016, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration conducted through its local branches a total of 600 seminars on “Combating Human Trafficking” in secondary schools and higher educational institutions throughout the country. More than 18.000 pupils and students benefited from these seminars.

Key points of a bilateral introductory meeting between the International Committee of the Red Cross and “Weapons Contamination” program coordinator of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society

On the 4th of October 2016, there was held an introductory meeting between “Weapons Contamination” program coordinator of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and Head of Migration department of the Az.RC Mammad Katanov and newly appointed Regional Weapons Contamination Advisor at the ICRC Paramdip Mtsaru. The ICRC Regional Cooperation Delegate Gregory Le Coq and Cooperation Delegate at the ICRC Lyudmila Shepelova also participated at the meeting which was held at the Baku Office of the ICRC. The main purpose of the meeting was to introduce newly appointed Regional Weapon Contamination Advisor at the ICRC Paramdip Mtsaru to Head of Migration department of the Az.RC Mammad Katanov and to inform about activities implemented by the Az.RC within the framework of “Weapons Contamination” program and to define directions and further steps of partnership between the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Baku Office of the ICRC in the field of “Weapons Contamination” program.

On the occasion of “10 October – World Mental Health Day” and within the framework of “Community based health” program of the AzRC there was held the next seminar on health issues for young girls and women in migrant Afghan and Chechen communities. The main purpose of the seminar was to disseminate information on importance of healthy life style and mental health among migrant women, as well as information about behaviors changing their lives. The participants of the seminar were informed about topics on healthy life style and some important issues related with mental health. Each participant of the seminar was given an opportunity to share information on his/her life style. As a result, it was found that the participants face a number of challenges such as an unemployment, language problem, chronic diseases, harmful habits addiction and particularly stress in their daily lives. Therefore, participants expressed their concerns on these challenges and noted that such kind of seminars are very useful for them. In this connection, participants expressed the wish that similar seminars be organized on a regular basis in the future.

The opening ceremony of the 4th academic year of free of charge Azerbaijan language course for migrants took place on the 5th of October 2016 in Refugee Women and Youth Center of “HAYAT” international organization.

On the 7th of October 2016, a bilateral introductory meeting was held between the Migration department of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Baku Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Head of Migration department of the Az.RC Mammad Katanov, an employee for education of Migration department and a teacher of Azerbaijan language course for migrants Mrs. Sona Hajiyeva, “Community based health” project coordinator of the Az.RC Matanat Garakhanova from the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and Deputy Program manager at the Baku Office of UNHCR Narmin Osmanli participated at the introductory meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to learn about activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for migrants, activities of free Azerbaijan language course of the National Society for migrants and to discuss the ways for strengthening of a cooperation between the Baku Office of the UNHCR and the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society in supporting migrants.

Bilateral meeting at Baku Office of the International Organization for Migration On the 8th of December 2016, a final meeting with a participation of representatives of the International Organization for Migration and the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was held at Baku Office of the International Organization for Migration. The purpose of the meeting was to assess promotional activities on “Combating Human Trafficking” conducted by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society jointly with the International Organization for Migration in secondary schools and high educational institutions throughout the Republic of Azerbaijan and to plan future joint activities. Head of Migration department of the Az.RC Mammad Katanov, external evaluation expert of the United Nations Organization Mrs. Hanna Antanova, a coordinator of Sumgayit Regional Center of the Az.RC Matanat Maharramova and chairpersons of city committees covered by Baku Regional Center participated at the meeting.

On 13-16 December 2016, IOM Mission in Azerbaijan organized the Training in Baku, Azerbaijan for NGOs and media/press representatives on monitoring, identifying, reporting and referring trafficking in persons and labor exploitation cases. The Training was attended by professionals from the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, ‘TAMAS’ Regional Development PU, Azerbaijan Children Union, ‘Clean World’ PU, Women Initiatives and Help to Solve Social Problems PU, National NGO Forum Guba Resource Centre, “Education” Public Support Association of Youth of Azerbaijan, and journalists from all over the country including Ismayilli, , Oghuz and Baku. The facilitators of the training were international experts Ms. Gundor Cabuk, NGO Specialist and Prof. Dr. Suleyman Irvan and national expert Mr. Rahib Karimov. The topics on defining the phenomenon of trafficking in persons and the difference between migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons; the ethical issues to be followed while reporting human trafficking cases by media; the cooperation between civil society and media and other related sessions were discussed in an interactive manner. For deepen the knowledge of the participants, role plays and group works were organized which contributed to the engagement of the trainees and mutual learning. The training was organized within the framework of the US Department of State funded project “Enhancing Cooperation Measures to Effectively Combat Trafficking in Persons through Capacity Building and Technical Assistance in Azerbaijan – Phase IV”. The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society was represented at the Training by Head of “Combating Trafficking in Persons” project Mammad Katanov, “First Aid” project coordinator of Baku Regional Center Nurgul Hadiyeva, chairman of district branch Ganjali Mehdiyev. They actively participated in group works. They shared their opinions on discussed topics and informed other participants about cooperation between the AzRC and IOM, promotional activities that they conducted during 2 years in different educational institutions based on “Combating Trafficking in Persons” project. The participants of the seminar showed great interest to promotional activities on combating trafficking in persons conducted by the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. International experts Ms. Gundor Cabuk, NGO Specialist and Prof. Dr. Suleyman Irvan expressed their satisfaction with information, discussions and proposals of participants of the Training.

19 December – International Migrants Day

On the 19th of December 2016, the Azerbaijan Delegation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held an event devoted to the International Migrants Day, the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Organization, the 20th anniversary of activity of the IOM in Azerbaijan and the 15th anniversary of the membership of the Republic of Azerbaijan to IOM in Guba assembly hall of “Hyatt” Meeting and Conference Center. The representatives of government bodies, NGOs, Head of Migration department of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Mammad Katanov, “First Aid” project coordinator of Baku Regional Center Nurgul Hadiyeva, chairpersons of Yasamal, Kalbajar and district branches of the Az.RC Shahin Huseinov, Ganjali Mehdiyev, Ali Huseinov participated at the event.

19 December – International Migrants Day

Migration is one of the most important and actual issue in our globalized world. This issue has been always on the focus of members of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society. One of the urgent tasks of the Red Crescent workers is to endeavor to assist migrants in solving at least partially their problems.

At the initiative of a chairwoman of Sabunchu district branch of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Elmira Malikova and with active participation of Migration department of the AzRC free medical check- up was organized for children of migrants attending Azerbaijan language course of the National Society. This medical check-up took place in the Office of the Republican Women Society and was conducted by chief physician of Backbone Clinic Dr.Irada. Two physicians (therapist, gynecologist) from the Republican Women Society assisted Dr. Irada to conduct medical check-up. A chairwoman of the Republican Women Society Mrs.Bahar and members of that Society, a chairwoman of Sabunchu district branch of the AzRC Elmira Malikova, Azerbaijan language teacher at Azerbaijan language course of the National Society for migrants Sona Hajiyeva, “Community based health” project coordinator of the AzRC Matanat Garakhanova participated at the event and spoke about importance of International Migrants Day and severe problems of migrants in the world.

On the occasion of International Migrants Day there were also organized tours for Azerbaijan language course attendants to Shirvanshahlar Palace and the National Art Museum of Azerbaijan.



According to Strategic Plan of the AzRC, implementing Mine Risks Reduction activities on a country territory; providing social, humanitarian assistance and moral support to people who became a victim as a result of explosion of mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), a violation of a cease-fire; collecting information about mine incidents, victims of mines and explosive remnants of war; implementing awareness activities on mines and other weapons; implementation of projects towards ensuring economic security of communities living in areas close to a front line.


• In 2016, according to Agreement on cooperation between the AzRC and the ICRC and in accordance with Action Plan of Weapons Contamination program there was conducted an evaluation process of a social state of mine victim families in . After evaluation process implementation of “Social support to families of people who became invalid as a result of mine explosions” project was started in the above-mentioned district. Taking into account a living condition and a social state of families from this category the most vulnerable 17 families were selected and they were given a certain amount of pecuniary aid. In general, within a framework of “Support to mine victims” strategy of the Az.RC a total of 126 mine victim families were assisted during a period from 2009 to 2016. • According to Agreement on Cooperation signed between the AzRC and ANAMA (Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions) information on mine incidents and victims of mines/explosive remnants of war (ERW) was collected and presented to ANAMA agency. • In September-October 2016, with financial assistance of the ICRC information billboards have been placed in mine-risk areas. 9 billboards have been placed in Agdam district, 11 billboards in Terter district, In general, a total of 20 billboards have been placed in the above-mentioned two districts. • In 2016, within a framework of Mine Risks Reduction conception of the Az.RC safe playgrounds for children were constructed in Khanliglar village of Gazakh district situated near to a front line, in Kichik Garamuradli village of Gadabay district, Borsunlu village of Terter district, Muganli village of Agjabedi district. Financial assistance for “Safe Playgrounds” project has been provided by the German Red Cross Society. With financial assistance of the Embassy of Lithuania in Azerbaijan safe playground was constructed in Dashsalahli village of Gazakh district. In 2005-2016, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society constructed safe playgrounds in 61 villages of Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Gadabay, Goygol, Goranboy, , Agdam, Agjabadi and Fizuli districts. As a result of construction of safe playgrounds mine and ERW risks of children have been partially reduced. • In December 2016, there was held a traditional joint meeting of the Az.RC and the ICRC devoted to outcomes of activities implemented by the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement in the filed of weapons contamination in Azerbaijan. That meeting was held in “Ambassador” hotel. Chairpersons of Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Gadabay, Dashkesen, Goygol, Goranboy, Tartar, Barda, Samukh, Agdam, Agjabadi and Fizuli local branches of the Az.RC, coordinators of Ganja and Regional Centers, the representatives of the Delegation of the ICRC in Azerbaijan, an employee of Department for Population Awareness of ANAMA agency and Head of AzCBL (Azerbaijan Campaign for Banning of Landmines) participated at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss a Report on outcomes of activities implemented by the Az.RC within a framework of weapons contamination program on the territory of Azerbaijan Republic in 2016, to plan further activities and projects in that field, to conduct by ANAMA specialist a training session for chairpersons of local branches of the National Society with the aim of teaching chairpersons to fill in IMSMA blanks.


Goal: The aim of the Tracing Service is to reduce suffering of family members, who lost contacts with each other, provide psychological support, assist to exchange of necessary information among relatives during emergencies and afterwards as well as restore family links.

Cooperation with government structures:

In 2016, the Tracing Service of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society cooperated closely with the following government structures:

- The Ministry of Internal Affairs - The Ministry for National Security - State Archive Office under the auspices of the Cabinet of Ministers - Baku city executive authority - Republican Procurator’s Office - Military Commissariat - The United Nations High Commissariat for Refugees - State Committee for Refugees and IDPs - Telephone-information service and other state organizations.

Meetings, trainings, seminars

• During the reporting period the staff of the Tracing Service of the AzRC met regularly with the tracing delegates of the ICRC. • During the reporting period the Tracing Service of the Az.RC conducted a training on “Activity of the Tracing Service in time of emergencies and post emergencies” for chairpersons of local branches of the Az.RC functioning in front-line districts and in districts prone to disasters.


Trainings on “Activities of the Tracing Service of the Az.RC” were held for 16 students from Baku Slavic University and Azerbaijan Tourism University undertaking their internships at the Headquarters of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.

In 2016, the main trends of activities of the Tracing Service included:

- Organization of a reception of applicants on a regular basis; - Tracing of persons missed during World War II; - Tracing related with migration; - Providing counseling service in order to solve social problems; - Searching of documents in order to solve social problems; - To inform population about activities of the Tracing Service through Regional Centers and local branches of the AzRC; - In October, a training on “Activities of the Tracing Service of the AzRC” was held for 15 staff members of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic. Work with Regional Centers/local branches has been continued

During the reporting period the Tracing Service of the Az.RC held more than once meetings with coordinators of , Mingechevir, Sabirabad, Ganja Regional Centers and distributed tracing request blanks. In connection with tracing activities the staff of Tracing Service of the Az.RC contacted through telephone chairpersons of a number of district branches of the AzRC and gave their recommendations.

Statistical figures on tracing in the year 2016:

Tracing requests received by the Tracing Service in the year 2016:

The number of cases opened: 50

- Within Azerbaijan – 21

Tracing related with migration 20 Tracing of documents lost as a result of Stalin repression and 5 conflicts Tracing of persons missed during World War II 4 Tracing of persons missed during Daghlig Garabagh conflict 2 Tracing requests sent to the ICRC 2 Total : 33

- In abroad – 17

Tracing related with migration 12 Tracing of documents lost as a result of a conflict 1 Tracing of persons missed during World War II 3 Tracing of persons missed during Daghlig Garabagh conflict 1 Total : 17

Family message -1

The number of cases closed – 16

Tracing of persons missed as a result of migration 2 (with positive 2 (with negative result) result) Tracing of documents related with migration - 1 (with negative result) Tracing of persons missed during World War II 1 (with positive 2 (with negative result) result) Tracing of documents related with World War II - 1 (with negative result) Tracing requests sent to the ICRC - 2 (with negative result) Tracing of persons missed during Stalin repression - 5 (with negative result) Total: 3 13


The analysis of incomes shows that in 2016 a total income of the AzRC was 1815295.46 (one million eight hundred fifteen thousand two hundred ninety five manat and forty six kopeck). 804 978 AZN (eight hundred four thousand nine hundred seventy eight) allocated by the State Budget to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has made 44.3% of a total income. Implementation of “Building safe and resilient communities” project (with financial support of Austrian RC, Austrian Development Agency, European Union) has been continued in the year 2016. This program in the amount of 41 000 EURO or 73070.20 AZN has made 4% of a total income.

During the reporting period 55408.60 AZN allocated by the Embassy of Germany in Azerbaijan to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been spent for purposes intended.

During the reporting period 850 000 AZN (eight hundred fifty thousand) has been calculated as a membership fee for regional centers and district branches of the National Society. Membership fee in the amount of 832 744 (eight hundred thirty two thousand seven hundred forty four) AZN was collected from local branches of the Az.RC and this has made 45.9 % of the planned amount for membership fee.

During the reporting period 2410 AZN (two thousand four hundred ten) was generated from First Aid paid courses and was transferred to the National Society.

The expenditure of the Az.RC in 2016 included the followings: 612 724 (six hundred twelve thousand seven hundred twenty four) AZN for salary including 143 287 (one hundred forty three thousand two hundred eighty seven) AZN was transferred to the State Social Protection Fund, 48 967 (forty eight thousand nine hundred sixty seven) AZN was transferred for income tax.

During the reporting period budget payments of local branches were supervised. It was observed that payments of local branches of the Az.RC to the State Social Protection Fund and local tax bodies have been done strictly in accordance with legislation.

Incomes of the AzRC in 2016

2016 January-December Incomes In AZN Percent Including (total) 1 815 295,46 100% 1. The IFRC (Tuberculosis and Development of Blood Donorship 0,00 0,0% programs) 2. The ICRC (Dissemination of the International RC/RC 0,00 0,0% Movement, restoring family contacts, support to First Aid, support to Disaster Preparedness and Response, support to Weapons Contamination program, Economic Security project. 3. Allocation form the State Budget of Azerbaijan Republic 804 978,00 44,3% 4. From membership fees (throughout the Republic) 832,744,00 45,9% 5. Safe Playground project 55 408,60 3,1% 6. “Building safe and resilient communities” project 73 070,20 4% (Austrian RC – Austrian Development Agency) 7. Income from First Aid paid trainings 2 410,00 0,1% 8. Fundraising and income generation (funds collected from 46 684,66 2,6% donation boxes), funds received from different enterprises and organizations, individuals, private donations. 9. Miscellaneous incomes 0,0%

Expenditures of the AzRC in 2016. 2016 January-December Expenditures In AZN Percent Including (total) 1 813 149,04 100% 1. The IFRC (Tuberculosis and Development of Blood Donorship 0,00 0,0% programs) 2. The ICRC (Dissemination of the International RC/RC 0,00 0,0% Movement, restoring family contacts, support to First Aid, support to Disaster Preparedness and Response, support to Weapons Contamination program, Economic Security project. 3. Salary 612 724,00 33,8% 4. The State Social Protection Fund, income tax and trade union 192,254,00 10,6% 5. Compulsory insurance of employees 1 700,00 0,1% 6. Safe Playground project 55 408,60 3,1% 7. “Building safe and resilient communities” project 73 070,20 4% (Austrian RC – Austrian Development Agency) 8. Economical expenses, payments to the budget, salary expenses 431 917, 68 23,8% (throughout the Republic) 9. Miscellaneous expenses (bank charges, economical expenses, 97 016, 21 5,4% cash allowances, per-diems, administrative expenses) 10. Approximate value of services provided by AzRC volunteers 349 058, 35 19,3% during the year (throughout the Republic)