I HEART PUBLIC TRANSPORT STEP 1 Download the Moovit app.


Tap the "Get Started" button. STEP 3

iOS: Tap "Continue". Android: Tap "Allow".

iOS Android

STEP 4 ( iOS )

Choose how you want the app to access your current location on your phone.

RECOMMENDED: Choose "Allow While Using App" STEP 5

iOS: Choose whether you want the live updates notification on your phone.

RECOMMENDED: Choose "Allow".

Android: Tap "Got it". iOS Android STEP 6

All set! The app should be looking like the ones on the right.

See the next few pages on how you can use Moovit effectively! iOS Android CHANGE LOCATION IN THE APP

1 Tap the name of the city/area.

Choose the country. 2

Choose the city/area. 3 VIEW THE NEAREST STOPS

1 Tap the "Stations" button.

2 Scroll further up to view more nearby stops. 3 You can even scroll the map to see other stops in a certain area.


To view all the lines that pass through a certain stop, tap "VIEW ALL LINES". VIEW ALL THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT LINES IN YOUR CITY/AREA 1 Tap the "Lines" button, and you will see all the available lines there. Scroll to view more lines.

2 To view the list of stops of a certain line, tap the line. 3 Tap the "Full timetable" on any of the stops to view the list of fixed timings.

4 Depending on the real-time availability, the real-time arrivals will be indicated in green colour. SAVE STOPS & LINES AS FAVOURITES 1 Simply tap the button to save the stop as favourite.

2 You can also save certain stops within the line as favourites. VIEW SAVED FAVOURITES



You can view your saved favourites of the stops and lines by tapping on the "Stations" or the "Lines" button. PLAN YOUR JOURNEY 1 Tap the "Where do you want to go?" search button to enter the destination location.

2 Enter the exact destination location you intend to go.

NOTE: You can also change the starting location by typing in the search box. 3 Tap the "Find routes" button to view the available routes for your journey.

4 You can also choose when to start your journey and set your arrival or intended departure timings. 5 Choose and tap any of the suggested routes.

6 View the details of the route by scrolling up. 7 You can tap the green navigate button to start your journey.

You can also turn on the "get off" alerts to notify you when to get off your current location in real-time. SUBMIT FEEDBACK THROUGH THE APP

1 Tap the three-bar menu button on the top-right.

2 Tap the "Feedback" button.

From there, you can submit your feedback on anything related to the Moovit app or any errors identified in the data within the app. MISCELLANEOUS

You can set your home and work locations so that it's easier for you to start the planning without the need to key in the starting point each time.

You can even sync your calendar with the Moovit app so that you can easily navigate to the event location on the certain date and time.

Get the latest updates from your public transport provider as well as Moovit through the notification centre and agency alerts section.

You can change the settings such as region, notification, settings, map, accessibility, privacy, and calendar here.

Tap the "Help Center" button if you need other kinds of assistance or help. I hope this guide would be super helpful to you to use the Moovit app for planning your journey using public transport in your area.

If you find this guide helpful, have a feedback for me to consider, or any other questions related to using Moovit or public transport, feel free to reach out at

[email protected]

You can also check out my website to view my other previous works at
