11'TtT XHI-ifl • • t. gr. !i, ~,,~ snmrf'l~ ~1 ~ .''IT'IAt ,,~sm. ·l981 CENSUS-PVJttCATION PLAN (1981 Census publications, Series 11 in All Series wiIJ be published. in 'he following parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS

Part I-A Admini,tration Repo rt· Enumera tion

Part I-B Administration Report.Tabulation

Part II-A General Population Tables

Part I1-B Primary Census Abstract

Part III General Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

Part V Migration Tables

Part VI Fertility Tables

Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population

Part VIII Household Tables

Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part X-A Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns

Part X-C Survey Reports on selected Villages

Part Xl Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Pint XII • Census Atlas

Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tri~

Paper I of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household


Part XIII-A&B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 dis'ricts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) f~~~~ CONTENTS

I{I! ~T Pages 1 511"'''" Foreword i-iv 2 .sn:1t'R;f1 Preface v-vi 3 f'if~ IliJ ;f~' District Map

4 If~~.' Important Statistics vii 5 f

i!n'1fTtif'li R'qlIfi, "'~~f"cr ;;nfa-;j{~ "':!~f'

Tahsil Maps


Alphabetical list of Villages

(i) {fr~)~ ~~ 3-7 (ii) "'T6eT ~ 8-12 (iii) ~~m ~{fm 12-15 (iv) ;r{f~~J'IT;or a'&:~ 15-18 tv) ~~ifl ij'i!!:{fr", 19-21 (i) Sebore Tahsil 22-26 ( ii) Asbtll. Tabsil 26-31 (iii) Tahsil 31-33 (iv) Nasruliaganj Tahsil 34-36 (v) Budni Tahsil 36-39

(l) 'It,, fOfim.l it ~q"'ttt flllitt ~ "lIIftl" ~ Notes Explaining the "Codes" used 41-43 «;fa it ~'" in the Village Directory.

( 3 ) 'ltlf frfi~, Village Directory 44-155

( i ) mi!:)'( ffi!:{fl;;r Tah~il 44-75 (ii) ~cr o~{fl"," Asbta Tahsil 76-10'5 ( iii) ~T,g ~mOT Icbhawar Tahsil 106-121

(iv) i{ij"~~rrt;or ij~~ , Tahsil 122-139 (v) i~;;r a-~ij'1OT Budni Tahsil 140-155 '{Go ij"lIT pages

( 4) qf;:f~ 1- warf'ur'fi, fiififiilfT ~

(5) qf1:f~ 2- ~<:-i{I{<:'irfu'lir 1I'lf<:T ('iR'IfIlJ''fr Appendix 11- Land utilisation data 160 rrlT;:) it ~flf \3"'ilfTIf .iif~.fr ~r'!i~ in respect of Non- Municipal Towns (Census Towns)

(6) qfdullC 3- lJTJfT 'l'T (f~~qn ~'ifi ~il:r Appendix II1-Tahsilwise list ·of 161-164 werfvr'li, f... fifi(ij"T , i"Tifi cr UT'\, Villages where no ifT'Jfn:/?[Tc if; f

(7) qf;:f~ 4- ~::r ~ifij-Iii11"T it >;f,!"!,f'9Q" OfTfHr Appendix IV- List of Villages 165-190 "!;

7 ~i 11- iIf~ fdf~t Section U-TOWN o[RECTORY 191-2l0 (l) iflT<: f.:rifw'liT it '3"'l11"11]" f'til" Iftr 'lfi)g' if Notes eXPiainio,g the "Codes" used 'f:{!T it fCC'lIlfT in the Town Directory 192-195 (2) fcrcrm-l 5fn:Qfu ~cf '{f-II '!ifif~Hr Statement 1- Status and Growth History 196-197

(3) f

(7) fqcr;:1lJ' - 5 f'iff'fit'fT , Wf&i'li, IfoiT"{Jfif n;~ Statement V- Medical, Educational, ij"t~Wfff'fi lIfar!1rl1, 1979 Recreational and Cul- turalFacilities, 1979 206-207

(8) F

8 qf(f!!T~-'fIf\r it qr~r{f~ ef~ ili Appendix-Towns showing their ij"TQ :;riJ«~ r O~tgrowthj with popUlation 210 ~'I'T ~lfo'f ifn:r 'U~ ij~ 'fi1 q)<: ij' ij''fiRff aT f;;r~ 'liT fif~<:i?r tr ~ 'I'TlfTT r f"f~r Il~Tij'I' ij if;q('f PH.,TIT eTT qf'l{lIT!T f;Jf~ if, \3'''1 l;ffl{T 'fiT ijfTi'f'!>r:ft o:mil ~R~t ~11 t 961 if; IT~ ~ffi ifi1.:i't if; f~it ;;rT'9T lTITT ~ f<1i ;a;;it; IIrq ifil or;rij'!9!1'T i;A'ITGtilT m<: ifiT f~rll'i<: !'lIlT 'l'T~ ;;11''\ fifim'fT 'l{T vrrf'lOl' m\: qRqR ~lS!TT f'lia;:ft ~ iTR: :orrifi q~~R f'iia.rr 'Ifqg~ ;jillT~ 1 1971 l f;;f~r "iififlTllfOfT :ifHrlfiT 'f.T ~('fT~t 'Ii) crr'l' T 'f>l ~.;ft OI'tfijlft ~ !jIlR ;;r)?'Ii~ '3"i't flfi~ ij- ~llTI f'liITT lT~r 1 '3"ifiJ lfiTl{ if<:it it ll?,ITT'" ~lTT' s~ iifro ~ 1971 if;' iTT'fi'9r !f>1 gr \3''i''PitT a-'liT f::rq~ IV if ~ro~f'fa ':;frre-lfT 'Il'ir q~~f:;;(j' ;;rif;;fT~l1t ~ 'jfcrararr'liT IXTJI' R'~fWifi'r it om ~i=J~ t m~ fu~Tlfr !fItT "a'ftTa 'fiF'f1l iTT~ fiil'q<:lTf -Vii if'!:Fli '!f'flil'm1 it oro-ira ~ fifi Iff;: Il'ili fqflfT~<: ~f::r!;lT f'fi1J[ IHJI' if ;a-q('fiia' 'lifT t sr1iJ f9Tl:n 'fian~ I if;;srT ~ ifrr if ~.IT ifTa'i ~ ~f~-1Jr~ ii

IIrf\'l'lf iifT~ "I:t ~ I '11ft f-rifw'tiT it ~'ti lf~;;"~ re-tlfm ~t d & f;;rlIiT fcrf'lfl"f tif~ lITRfQr.rt lIf;"fura- ~ q"ifei"l ff'lfT onr) fifif1;IJ)'f it 'tifi 'for P.ilJ'ff if; ;;rr~ if ~ I i;fT STT'lfJf'li GI'lftTllfifT ~m ill'lt 'fNl' ~~IHii iI' l.1';ffinJ tv it; 'I",'hr ehii, it 'itm';;~ q-taft'ti 'lfcrIlTq-'t ~ Ii, i;fifll'UT:t1' ;q'tflf :;ft~ir iJ '1'[1 ~IJ 'i,~!1!f iii]' iliT ~"r1'fr rrll'T ~ I ll'fiff"'~T if ~~ lJ)1rr~ qIT q.1J 7J;;r ST

1981 ifif GI"flTIIT"T it '1<:r q~ !lI'f'Rl'tT;:r qf~ '1r q; I!fTf~1fi II'~ sr ;;r

~i:1IT 'fiT ~'tf qi!:if f'filfT ~ I ~~ SfifiTwif 'fi) !fTOfifT I 19 RI ~ f:sr.rr ~1(1IT"T ,!ff('l'lfiT q; !fifiTWif if f.~~;r 1ftftlfT ~T<: ~~iF ;r.r;:'I'!f 'fiT 'lip.f lr~ 'fiT!fm!.J if ~T1frf;;r'ti ;:r I{T, ~IJ iTffi iii) "II'A if ,lifa- &"1:1; 'ntr Ifu:g- iii 'IlTrr-'fi' if qt;!.Jlfif Sf'lT1T if ~ lfii:RfiiR'~ll; m !tif. :orr. ~rrr i:::TU ~ II1lf ~ct lflft f;r~fw1f.T ff'lr 'I!TIT-If if fl'Tlf ttct "TlfZ 'for !TITT I ~r,

'l't fi{~T q1. qt,,;mr 2hni~, 1982 "mr"11l1'~ iii


The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the census organisation on behalf of the State governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter.alia used for delimi· tation of constituencies. formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data uptp village level for the rural areas and ward wise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns etc.

The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. DUring 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district. administrative statistics, census tables, village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DeH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrdtive statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in vie~. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particut"arly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as wel1 so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been iptroduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villagrs in the district which ace inaccessible. A new column, "total popUlation and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two m!)re appendices listing the Villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled casles and scheduled tribes population to the total population has also been made with this view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) .has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this wili help the plannlr; to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slum~. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in statement IV relating to civic and other amenities ard adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter.alia with this iv view. A significant a1dition is dass of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areaS of the country can te best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration statuI and population in a few statements also serves this pllrpose.

The format of the primary ,emus abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individ ual slip of 1981 cens us.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume contains village lind town directory and Part-B the peA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahsil(fown levels. At the beginning of the DCR a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its valUe. The district and tahsil/police stationjC D Block etc. level maps depicting tbe boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places., to further enhance the value of the publication.

This pUblication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the directiou of Silri K. C. Dubey, the Director or CensllS Operations, on belJalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of thi~ publication was carried out by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr.B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Shri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. [a~ thankful to all who have contributed in the project.

P. PADMANABHA REGISTRAR GENERAL, INOlA New the 26th April, 1982, v


One of the most important publications of the Census are the District Census Handbooks. This publication vvas begun in this caption since 1951 Census. But prior to this, a similar publication was released in the Census earlier than 1951. That publication was on the title of Village Statistics and it contains only village names and total population thereof. The 1951 Census could, therefore, be said to represent a significant step in the process of making detailed Census statistics available down upto the village level.

In fact the District Census Handbook is the most important publication at tbe Census and is also perhaps tbe most widely used. Also perhaps this is the only publication used at the micro-level down upto the tahsil and development block.

The form of the District Census Handbook has gone considerable change since 1951. This is basically due to the growing demand for more information. For the purpose of convenience as well as with a view of making the basic statistics available with the data users as early as possible the District Census Handbooks have been split into 2 parts, Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the district and Town/Village Directory. This volume will be found useful to get alrnost all the non-Census statistics available at one place. Part-B contains the Primary Census Abstract.

One of the innovation of the prest'nt Census has been in terms of allotment of Location Code numbers to the villages. In the earlier Censuses the location code system was such that the villages of a Patwari Circle were found at different serial numbers. Since the Patwari Circle still remains an important administrative unit the location code numbers have been so given in the present Census that it may be possible to locate all the villages of a particular Patwari Circle at one place one below tbe otber.

When tbe planning for the present census was started in 1979 the tahsils were still revivable as an important unit of the administration, the whole planning was, therefore, done taking tahsil as the unit. It was during the couese of the census that some requests were informally received for making blockwise data available. Since these requests were received very late and were also received only in an infoImal manner, it has not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location code numbers taking tahsil as one unit. However, additional exercise has been done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figures have also been indicated. It is hoped that the 'availability of these blockwise data will enhance the utility of this publication.

It is hoped that this handbook will provide the basic statistical support to execu live and developmental administration. It is needless to state that the proper implementation of policy depends on tee ability of the administration autnorities concerned.

It may be remembered that the villagewise area figures given in the Primary Census Abstract and the Village Directory are those based on the village papers while the tahsil totals given in PCA are obtained from the Land Records department, which in many cases exclude forest area. vi

The statistics that are contained in the ~i~trict census handbooks nre the result of a massive and marathon exercise in the compilation and tabulation of voluminous statistics. The compilatIon of the staH,tics contained in this volume was carried Gilt by 9 Regional Tabulation Offiees each under a Regional D.:puty Director of Census Operations. These Regiooal Offices were run with the help of purely temporary staff-roughly about 1,500 Tabulators, about 250 Checkers and about 80 Supervisors. I am grateful to my colleagues, the R,giol.al Deputy DIrectors and those temporary staff for the speed and accuracy in the editing and basic compilation of more than nearly 522 lakh slips and nearly I lakh of household schedules. The compilation of village directory was taken up at the headquarters and I am equally &:rateful to the officers and staff who have worked whole heartedly on the job in a collec­ tive and co-operative venture. It is not possible nor fair to name in this. The maps contained in the handbook have been prepared in the Cartographic Section of my office. However, the analytical note has been prepared by Shri G. ·B. Panda, AS5istant Director of Census Operations.

I am thankful to all who have contributed to bring this publication possible. The census organisation is also grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these haodbooks and to the Controller, Printing and Stationery. Madhya Pradesh, and his staff for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri P. Padmanabha to whom we are all deepl)' grateful. Our thanks are also due to Shri N. G. Nag. Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) for all the help that we received from him apd his section.

K. C. DUBEY Director of Census Operations. Madbya Pradesh. Bhopal Janmashtoami, 31 Aug. 1983. vii


MADHYA PRADESH Schore Districl population Total Persons 52,178,844 651,381 Males 26,886,305 344,667 Females 25,292,539 312,714 Rural Persons 41,592,385 569,899 Males 21,266,321 297,913 Females 20,326,064 211,986 Urban Persons 10,586,459 87,432 Males 5,619,984 46,754 Females 4,966,475 40,728 Decennial Population Growth Rate 1971-81 25.27 28,67 Area (Sq. Kms.) 443,446.0 6,578,0 Density of popuJ ation (Per Sq. Km.) 118 100 Sex-ratio (Number of Females per 1,000 males) 941 907 Literacy rate Persons 27.87 23.28 Males 39 . .19 35.53 Fel11ales 15.53 9.78 Percentage of urban population to lotal population 20.29 13.31 Percentage to total population ( i ) Main Workers Persons 38.41 35.05' Males 53.52 52,18 Females 22.35 16.18 ( ii ) Marginal Workers Persons 4.52 5.04 Males 0.96 0.96 Females 8.30 9.54 (iii ) Non-Workers Persons 57.07 59.91 Males 45.52 46.86 Females 69.35 74.23 Break·up of Main workers (percentage ainong main workers)

( i ) Cultivators Persons 51. 96 48, ~3 Males 53.8\ 52.76 Females 47.28 35.29 (ii) Al!ricultural Labourers Persons 24.24 30.8~ Males 17.81 23.86 Females 40,61 55.86 (iii ) Huusehold Industry Persons 3.52 3.41 Males 3.36 3,72 Females 3.93 2 31 (iv) Other workers Persons 20.28 16,7S Males 25.02 19 66 Females 8.18 6 54 Percentage of Scheduled Castes Persons 14.10 20.34 population to total popUlation M~les 14.16 20 21 Females 14.04 20 47 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Persons 22.97 9.11 population to total population Males 22.33 8.95 Females 23.66 9.28 Number of occupied residential hOllses 8,929,190 106,540 Number 0( Villaies Tot~1 76,603 1,083 Inhabited 71,429* 1,012 Uninhabited 5,174 ** 71 Number of Towns 327 4

-~- * Incilldes 77 inhabited villages which have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town. ** Includes 5& uninhabited villages of which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town. 3' 41' 71 0' J7 00' II





A 13 o

I (, A 6 A o


~ (, 22 II' 0 I T Il-

45' 1 00' Is' 30' 41' f~.. 'GJ'~~ f!tqvft ANALYTICAL NOTE



This note gives the meanings and explanation could be ensured and which would provide basis of terms and concepts used in this handbook. This for analysing of figures and urbanization in the is necessary because, without a proper grasp of the country. But it has to be remembered that the meanings of sllch simple concepts as building,house, urban criterion 01 1981 varies slightly from household, workers etc., it is not possible to appre­ that of 1961 and 1971 censuses is that the ciate the data presented in the band book. Thus males Working in activities such as fishing, one wbo does not know that an unpretentious hut logging, etc. Were treated as . engaged in non-agrt­ in the thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bam­ cultural activity and therefore contributed to the boo walls and a thatch roof and with space hard ly 75% criterion in 1961 and 1971 censuses, whereas enough for two cots is not a bit less of a building in the 1981 census these activities are treated as on than the Indian versions of the sky scrapers in one par with cultivation and agricultural labour for the of the metropolitan cities, or that a central jail purpose of this criterion. bousing all manner of criminals aud shadY characters is as much household as the household Applying the criteria described above, a list of 327 towns was finalised and it is tbese 327 towns of the most pious and god-fearing citizen in the whioh are treated as urban areas for the purpose of State, may not be able 10 appreciate what exactly 1981 census. The additional Secretary to the Govt. the figures represent. of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs sent a Concepti and Definitions letter to the Chief Secretaries of the State Govern­ ments as back as 10th May, 1979, requesting them Rural/Urban: to ensure that no changes are made in j urisd iction It has beeu the tradition of the Iud ian Census and boundaries of municipalities and revenue to present the census data for rural and urban areas viJIages, tahsils, sub-divisions and districts during separately. In fact, in all the Censuses through­ the period from 1-1-1980 to 30-6-1981. However, out the world this classification of census data into subsequent to our finalization of rural and urban rural and urban units is generally recognized. How-' frame the State Government in th~ Local Govern­ ever, distinction between rural and urban is not yet ment Department notified many plac~s as notified amenable to a single definition which would be areas and municipalities. Such places have not applicabk to all countries. been treated as towns for tbe purpose of census and the secretary to Government in the Local Govern­ The definition of an urban unit at the 1971 ment Department had agreed to this arrangements. Censlis was as follows - Similarly, the State Government raised the status of fi municipal committees to that of municipal corpo­ (a) All places with a municipality, corporation cantonment board or notified town area; rations. These new municipal corporations are also treated as municipal committees. (b) All ('ther places which satjsfi~d the follow­ ing criteri a_ While dealing with the su bjtcl of rural and urban (i) A minimum population of5,OOj; break up mention may be made of the area under (iiJ At least 75 per cent of male working the Special Area Development Authority. The populatiun engaged in nOD-agricultural Special Area Development Authority have been pursuits; and constituted under th;: Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 and they enjoy the (iii) A density of population of at least power to function as a municipality so far as the 400 per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. miles). municipal management of that area is concerned. The same criteria is retained at the 1981 census The limits of these Special Areas incl ude large por also so that comparability with the previous census tions of rural areaS comprising number of villages :Kii

situated around the core town or 'village of such (i) it should have a core town of a minimum Special area. For example, Orchha is a SADA popUlation of 50,000, (ii) the contiguous areas area in but there is no town in made up of other urban as well as rural administra­ this area. Similarly, Malanjkhand in Balaghat tive units should have mutual socio-economic links district, Bheraghat in district, Mandav in with the core town and (iii) in all probability this Dbar district and similar other cases are SADA entire area should get fully urbanised in a period of '!lreas but there is no urban area within that. The two or three decades. Certain Standard Urban objective of the SADA areas perhaps is to control Areas were determined on this basis in 197 and the future development of these areas in a planned some basic data were presented for 1951, 196} and manner and that is all. It was, therefore, not con­ 1971 for such areas and their components. Similar lidered desirable to treat such SADA areas at par data have been presented for the Standard Urban with other urban bodies like municipal corpora­ Areas III 1981 also. The idea is to present basic tions, municipal committees etc., and only that part data for those areas for four to five decades so that of it is treated as urban which is really so. As such the urbanisation process in these areas can be in the Korba SADA area only Korba town has been studied. However, there have been minimum changes treated as urban and rest of the ~rea remains in the in the constituent units of the Standard Urban rural frame. Areas of 1981 Cen~us as compared to those of 1971. but the list of SUA remained unchanged. Urban Agglomeration: Size Class of Towns: Apart from town/city the 1971 concept of The urban an:as are classified into 6 classes urban a~glomeration is also adopted for the 1981 referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The classi­ census. Very often large railway colonies, university fication is shown below- campuses, port areas, military camps etc., come up outiide the statutory limits of the city or town but Class I 100,000 anc:t above adjoining it. Such areas may not by themselves Class II 50,0()U to 99,999 qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a Class In 20,000 to 49,999 contiguolls spread with the town, they are out­ Class IV 10,000 to 19,999 growths of the town and deserve to be treated as Class V 5,000 to 9,999 urban. Such towns together Wilh their outgrowths Class VI Less than 5,000 have been treated as one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration'. An urban agglomeration It is customary to treat a town having a popu­ may constitute :- lation of 1 lac and above as a city.

(II.) A city with continuous outgrowth, (the Census House : part of outgrowth being outsid e the statu­ A Census House is a building or part of a build­ tory limits but falling within the bound­ ing ha ving a separete main entrance from the road aries of the adjoining village or villages); or common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or (b) One town with similar outgrowth or two recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or more adjoinlllg towns with their out­ or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non­ growths as in (a) ; or residential purpose or both. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns If a building had a number of lIats or blocks with their outgrowths all of which form a which were independant of one another having continuous spread. , separate entrances of their own from Ihe road or a common staircase or a common courtyard leading Standard Urban A;-ea: to a main gate, they have been considered as separate census houses. A new concept of Standard Urban Area intra­ d ueed in ] 971 census will also be followed for the Tn some cases, however, it was difficult to 1981 Census. The eSJential requirements for the apply the definition strictly. For example, in an constitution of _ Standard Urban Ar ell. are- urban area, a flat has five rooms, each having direct xiii

entrance to common staircase the or courtyard Scbeduled Castes'aod Scheduled Tribes which by definition had to be treated as five census houses. If all thelle five rooms were found Scheduled Castes and Seheduled Tribes are occupied by single household entire fiat was treated those found in the Notification of Sched uled Castes! as OnC Census house. In such cases singleness of Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 use was taken into consideration to avoid undue (108 of 1976). By this amendment, area restrictions proliferation of the number of census houses. for most of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been rtmoved. However, the area An occupied residential census house means a restriction still remains in respect of (in census house which is actually used for residential Bhopal, and Sehore districts): Kotwal and purposes, either wholly or partly by one or more Pardhi (in Bhind, Dhar , Guna, , households. , Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsauf, Morena, Rajgarh, , , Shivpuri, and Household: Districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, The term househ{lld in census is defined ~\S a Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna, Shahuol, Sidhi and group of persons who common Iy live togethtr anJ Tlkamgarb districts) Scheduled Ca&tes, LJkewis~ would take their meals from a common kitchen Keer and Pard hi St:heduled Tribes are still restrict. unless the exigencies of work prevented anyone of ed only in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts; them from doing so. There may be a household of Mina in sub-dIvision of Vidisl1a district; persons related by blood or a housebold of un­ Panika in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa. Satna. ·related persons or having a mix of both. Examples Shahdol, Sidhi, and Tikamgarh districts; Parohi. of unrelated bouseholds are boarding houses, mes­ Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pard hi, sess, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homc:" jails, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia r in (I) "Ashrams" etc., These arc called institutional Bastar, Chhindwara, , Raigarh, Seoni and households. There may he one member bouseholds Surguja distrkts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat two member households or multi - member district, (3) Betul and Bhainsdehi tahsijs of Betul households. For census purposes, each one of these district, (4) Bilaspur and Katghora tahsil! of Bilas. types is regarded as a 'household', pur district, (5) Durg and Salod tahsils of Durg district, (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohala Revenue There are three types of households viz, normal, Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon district, (7) institutional and house less households. A houseless Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of Jabalpur household is that which is normally found to be district, (8) Hoshangab ,d and Sohagpur tabsils of residing on the road side, pavements, in hume pipes and Narsimbpur district, (9) Har­ under staircases, or in open, temple, mandaps, sud tahsil of , (10) Bindra-Nawa­

platforms and the like. Institutional households garh I Dhamtari and Mahasamund tahsils of Raipur have been explained above. Those households which district. do not fall in the category of institutional hOusebold and houseless household have been categorised as Persons belonging to the castes/tribes mention­ normal households. The enumerator was required ed above found in the districts other than those to indicate in the Household Schedule whether the where Scheduled have not been treated as schedul­ hoasehold belonged to 'Institutional household' or ed castes or scheduled tribes as the case may be. 'House less household'. For institutional '1' was It may be mentioned here that scheduled castes can written against the question 'Type of huusehold' belong to the Hindu or the Sikh religion only, and '0' was indicated in the case of houseless while the scheduled tribes belong to any religion. household. For normal householJ, no entry was The list of Scheduled Castes and Schedulltd Tribes required to be made. relating to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 1981 censu~

The enumeratIOn of in~titutionai households has been given immediately after this note as was done in the manner the normal households wen.' Annexure-I. enumerated during the enumeration period from Literates and Educated Person~ : 9th February to 28th February, 1981. The house­ less households were enumemted on the night of A person who can both read and write with 28th February, 1981. understanding in :.ny language is treated as literate. xiv

A person who can merely read but cannot write, is Censuses, the economic questions were based on nof literate. It is not necessary that a person different approaches, namely, usual status and who is literate should have received any formal Cllrrent status, were adopted with reference period education or should have passed any minimum (If one year and one week for seasonal and for reguiar work, respec,tiveiy. Current status approach educational standard. was thought to be irrelevant in the context of our The test for literacy was necessary only when' country where usual status of a worker is consider­ the enumerator had any doubt about any person ed to be more appropriate. returning as 'literate'. The test for literacY waS ability to read any portion of the Enumerator's The above questions are in three parts and Instruction Booklet and to write a simple letter. have been designed in such a way that first of all Ability merely to sign one's name was not consider­ it attempts to divide the population into two broad ed adequate to qualify a person as being able to groups viz., write with understanding. If a person claimed to (I) those who have worked any time at all be literate in some other language with which the during the last year, and (2) those who have not enumerator was not familiar" the respondent's word worked at all. was taken as correct. The Jatter group consists of the non· workers. All children of the age of 4 years or less were This information is obtained in Q. 14·A. Ha ving treated as illiterate even if they misht be going to classified the population into two groups, the next school and had picked up reading and writing a attempt has been to classify those whohave worked few words. any time into Main workers and Marginal workers, on the basis of time spent on work as well as Classification gf workers by Indostrial Category: secondary work, ifany, of the Main workers. If a person had worked for six months or more (180 At the 1981 Census, the questions which were days or more) he was treated as Main worker and canvassed in the Individual slip to elicit informa.­ and if the period of work was less than six months tion on economic. characteristics of the population he was regarded as a Marginal worker. In Q. were as follows:- 15B details of secondary work or marginal work are obtained. Finally all attempt has been made to (j) Q. 14A Worked any time at a111ast Year 1 determine. whether those who are non-workers or Yes marginal workers are seeking or are available for worK.

Q. HB If yes in 14A, did you work for major It will thus be seen that these questions on part oflast year? Yes(l)JNo (2) economic aspects hdve been so designed as to identify all workers, full time workers or seasonal ii Q. 15A Main activity last year? workers or marginal workers and non-workers with Yes in 14B (CfAL/HHl/OW) reference to the activities during the last one year No -iiiT4B (H/ST/D/R7ii/l7oT period prior to the date of enumeration.

Q. 14B Yes-Any other work any time Jast year? The various terms and definitions used in ISB Yes (C/AL/HHf/OW)!_No.:______collecting the economic data have been explained Q. 14B No-Work done any time last year? briefly in the following paragraphs. (C/AL/HHI/OW) Definition of work: iii Q. 16-IfNo in 14A or 14B. seeking/available for Work has been defined as pa[ticipation in any work? Yes {l)/No (2). economically productive activity. Such participa­ The above questions were formulated after tion mly be physical or mental in nature. Work detailed discussion at the Data User's Conference involves not only actual work but also effective and technical group. At the 1961 and 1971 supervisIOn and direction of work. xv

For persons on rcgLtlar employment or engaged dependents, retired persons or rentiers, beggars, in regular ty.pe of work, temporary absence during inmates of institutions, unemployed persons etc. the reference period on account of illness, holiday, They are persons who have not worked any time at temporary closure, strike etc., was not a dis­ all in the year preceding tbe enumeration. qualification for treating them as workers. Main activity of workers: Persons under truining, such as apprentices, with Or withollt stipends or wages were also treated The main activity of workers has been classified as workers. In the caSe of a person who had been into four categories viz, cultivator, agricultural offered work but had not actually joined, he was labourer, household industry and other work in the not treated as a worker. Rent receivers, pensioners PCA at the 1981 census. A significant departurehas, etc., were not treated as economically active unless therefore, been made this time while presenting the they also engaged themselves in some tconomic data on economic activity which relate to only four activity. broad· categories indicated above as against nine In all these questions, the reference period is ind ustrial categories of the 1961 and the 1971 the one year; preceding the date of enumeration. censuses. The nine categories of the 1971 census Certain types of work such as agriculture, house­ were-{i) Cultivator, Oi) Agricultural labourer, hold industry like gur making etc., carried on either (iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and throughout the year or only during certain seasons Plantations, Orchards and allied activities, (iv) or part of the year, depending on the local circum­ Mining, (v) Manufacturing, Processing and servic­ stance. [n all such cases the reference period has ing with 5ub-categories-(a) At Household Industry been the broad time span of the agricultural sea­ and (b) Other than Household Industry, (vi) Con­ sons preceeding the enumeration. struction, (vii) Trade and Commerce, (viii) Trans­ port, Storage and Communications, and (iX) Other Main Workers: services. The COl respondence between the cate­ The main workers are those who have worked goriesofl981 and [971 are as under- for a major part of the year preceding the enume­ ration. Main activity was of a person who engaged 1981 Category 1971 Category more than one activity reckoned in terms of I time disposition. For example, if a person had worked as daily wage labourer for 4 months, as an II n Ilgriculturallabourer for 1 month and as cultivator 1II V(a) for 2 months, he was treated as a Main worker on IV lU,IV,V(b),V{'VII,VHl & IX· the basis of total time spent on work and his main activity have been reckoned as Daily Wage Labourer Cultivator: since he spent major part of his time on work in this activity than as cultiva tor or agricl1ltural For purposes of census a person is working as labourer. cultivator if he or she is engaged either as employer, si'1gle worker or family worker in cultivation of Marginal Workers: land owned or held from Gove:-nment Or held from private persons or institutions for payment in Marginal workers are those who have worked 1U0ney, kind or share. any time at all in the year preceding the enumera­ tion but have not worked for a maior part of the Cultivation involves plollghirtg, sowing and year. For example, if a person who is mostly harvesting and production of cereals and millet doing household duties, or is mainly a student, or crops sllch as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, mainly a dependent or a rentier or a I;) ggar and etc., and other crops such as sugarcane,groundnuts the like who is baSically a non·worker had done tapioca. etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindered some work at some time dUring the reference fibre crop, cotton etc., and 'does Dot' Inciude fruit period, he was treated as a marginal worker. growing, vegetable growing or heping orchards or groves or working of plantation like tea, coffee, Non-Workers: rubber, cinchona, opium and other medicinal plan­ Non-workers constitute of householders, students, tations. llvi

Agricultural Labonrer : processing, servlcmg. repamng or making and selling (but not merely selling) or goods such as Persons working in another person's land for handloom Weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling: wages in money. kind or share have been treated as pottery manufacture, bicycle repairing, blacksmith­ agricultural labourers. An agricultural labourer ing, tailoring etc. It does not include professions has no risk in the cultivation and he has no right. of sucb as a pleader or doctor or barber or 'dhobi' lease or contract On land on which he works. even if such professions are run at home by mem­ bers of the household. HOllSehold IndUlitry :

Household Industry is defined as an industry Other workers : conducted by the head of the household himselfl herself and or by the members of the households at All workers, i.e. those who have been engaged home or within the village in rural area~ and only within the precincts of the house wbere the bouse. in some economic activity during the last one year, hold lives in urban areas. The larger proportion who are not cultivators or agricultural labourers of workers in II household indust~y should consist or in household industry are 'other workers'. The of members of the household inCluding the head. type of workers that come under this category The iud ustry should not be run on the scale of include factory workers, plantation workers, those registered factory which would qualify and has to in trade, commerce, business, transport, mining, be registered under the Indian Factories Act. construction, political or social work,all government servants, municipal employees, teachers, priests. Household Ind U5tl'Y relates to production, entertainment artists etc. xvii



[ Tbe Scheduled Castes and Scbed uled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, ]976] Dated tbe 18th September, 1976

Sclleduled Castes

1 Audhelia. 35 Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, 2 Bagri, Bagdi. Satna. Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts) 3 Bahna, Babana. 36 Mahar, Mehra, Mehar. 4 Balahi, Balai. 37 Mang, Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi, Dankhni­ 5 Bancbada. Mang, Mang Mahasi, Madari, Garudi, Radhe­ 6 Barahar, Basod. Mang. 7 Bargunda. 38 Meghwal. 8 Basor, Burud, Bansor, Bansodi, Bansphor, 39 Moghia. Basar. 40 Muskhan. 9 ,Bedia. 41 Nat, Kalbelia, Sapera. Navdigar, Kubutar. 10 Beldar. Sunkar. 42 Pardbi (in Bhind, Dbar, Dewas, Guna. Gwa­ II Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmik, LaJbegi, Dharkar. lior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone. Mandsaur, lZ Bhanumati. Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri 13 Chadar. Ujjain and Vidisba Districts). 14 Chamar, Chamari, Bairwa. Bhambi, Jatav, 43 Pasi. Mochi, Regar, Nona, Rohidas, Ramnami, 44 Rujjhar. Satnami, Surjyabanshi, Surjyaramnami, Ahir­ 45 Sansi, Sansia, war, Chamar Mangan. Raidas. 46 Silawat. 15 Chidar. 47 Zamral. 16 Chikwa, Chikvi. 17 Chitar. . Scbeduled Tribes 18 Dahait, Dahayat, Dahat. I Agariya. 19 Dewar. 2 Andh. 20 Dhanuk. 3 Baiga. 21 Dhed, Dher. 22 Dhobi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore dis- 4 Bhaina. tricts). 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhiunhar Bhumia, Bhumiya, 23 Dohor. Bharia, Paliha, Pando. 24 Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris. (, Bhattra. 25 Ganda, Gandi. 7 Bhi!, Bhilala, Barela, Patelia. 26 Ghasi, Ghasia. I! Bhi! Mina. 27 Holiya. ~ Bbunjia. 28 Kanjar. 10 Biar, Biyar. 29 Katia, Patharia. 11 Binjhwar. 30 Khatik. 12 Birhul, Birbor. 31 KoIi, KorL 13 Damor, Damaria. 32 Kotwal (in Bbind, Dbar, Dewas, Guna, 14 Dbanwar_ Gwalior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone,Mandsaur 15 Gadaba, Gadba. Morena, Rajgharh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shiv. 16 Gond: Arakh, Arrakb, Agaria, Asur, Badi , Ujjain, and Vidisha districts), Maria, Bada Maria, Bhatola, Bhimma, Bhuta 33 Khangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koilabhuta, Koliabhuti, Bbar, Bisonboro 34 Kucbbandhia. Maria, Chota Maria, Dandami Maria. Dhuru, xviii

Dhurwa, Dhoba, Dhulia, Doria. Gaiki, Gatta 35 Oraon, Dhanka. Obangad. Gatti, Gaita, Gond Gowari, Hill Maria, Kan­ 36 Panika (in Chhatarpur. Datia, Panna, Rewa, dra, Kalanga, Khatola. Koitar, Koya, Khirwar" Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts.) Khirwara, Kueha Maria, Kuchaki Maria Madia, Maria, Mana, Mannewar, Moghya, 37 Pao. l\fogia, Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagarchi, 38 Pardh8D, , Saroti. Nagwanshi, Ojha. Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, Thatia, Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria, 39 Pard hi (in Bhopal,Raisen and Sehore districts) Daroi. 40 Piudhi, Bahelia, BaheIlia, Chita Pardhi, Lan- 17 Halba. Halbi. goli Pardhi, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar 18 Kamar. Takia [in (I) Bastar, Chhindwara, Malldla, Raigarh, Seoni and Surguja districts, (2) Baihar 19 Karku. tahsil of . (3) Betul and 20 Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tan- Bhainsdehi tahsils of , (4) Bilaspur war, Cbattri and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspu r district. 21 Keer (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts). (5) Durg and Balod tahsils of Durg district, 22 Khairwar, Kondar. (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohla Revenue Inspectors' Circles of Rajnandgaoll district, (7) 2.3 Kharja. Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils ofJabalpur 24 Kondh, Khond, Kandh. district, (8) Hoshangabad and Sohagpur 25 Kol. tahsils of and Narsimha­ 26 Kolam. pur district, (9) Harsud tahsil of KhanJwa 27 Korku, Bopchi, Mouasi, Nihal, Nahul, Bondhi district, (10) Bindra-Nawagarh, Dhamtari and Bondeya. Mahasamund tahsils of R;1ipuf district.

28 Korwa, Kodaku. 41 Parja. 29 MaJhi. 42 Sahariya. Saharia, Seharia, Sehria. Sosia. Sor. 30 Majhwar. 43 Saonta, Saunta. 31 Mawasi. 32 Mina (in Sironj sub·d ivision orVid isba district) 44 Sauro 33 Munda. 45 Sawar, Sawara. 34 Nagesia, Nagasia. 46 Sonr. xix


The History of the District Census Handbook Thus the present series of District Census Hand­ could be traced from tbe 'Village lists' brought out book consists of two volumes viz .• DCHB Part A for every district in 1901 and 'village statistics' for and DCHB Part B. Part A contains Ibe village/Town every distJict 1911. But this was discontinued Directory and Part B contains tbe Town/Villagewise in 1921 and 1931. In 1941, however 'village statis­ Pflmary Census Abstract of the concerned district. tics' were brought out by then Central Provinces Part A-Village Directory contains information and Berar Government. It was for the first time ID about the name of village, total area of village, 1951 the practice of bringing out a single volume known as the District Census Handbook, giving total p pulation and number of households in the villagewise statistics and other census ta bles for village, amenities like education, medical, drinking the district at the cost of the State Government water, post and telegrapbs; market day. communi­ cations, approach to village, distance from th~ was initiated and is continuing since then. nearest town, power supply. staple food, laud use, places of religious, historiGal and archaeological The District Census Handbook, compiled by iuterest ell,;. the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Government is one of the most important publica­ In addition there are four appendices to tho tions of the censu~ and is widely used by planners, Village Directory as under- administrators. academicians and re~earchers. (I) Tahsilwise abstract of educational, medical and otber amenities. The scope of the District CensUs Handbook ,,(2) Land utilization data in respect of census bas gone considerable change since 1951. In 1951 towns. the District Census Handbook contained only the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. (3) Tahsllwise list of villages where no ameun­ In view of the usefulness of Ihis publication, ties are available, and improvements were made in 1961 by including non­ (4) Tahsilwise list of villages accord ing to tbe census data like climate, agriculture, co-operation proportion of Scheduled Castes/Sched ulcd industry, education. health etc., as also an 'Intro­ Tribes population by ranges. ductory Note' for each district. Unfortunately, the The last two appendices have been included for desire to make the district census handbouk more the first time in 1981 census. Appendix 111 will be comprehensive delayed its pUblication. Therefore, helpful for planning input in areas/villages where in 1971. it was decided to publish the district cen­ basic infrastructure is lacking and Appendix IV will sus handbook in three parts in order to release the be helpful for planning welfare programmes for maximum data as and when finalised. Part A con­ Scbeduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes at micro level, tained the Village Directory which gives villagewise particularly in relation to area development non-census statistics of land use. area and amenities orientation programmes. available within the village. Part B contained tbe villag~wjse Primary Census Ahstl act and Part C Similarly tbe Town Directory contains seven contained various administrative statistics. Part A statements as below- and B were, however. pu blisbed in one volume since Statement I-Status and growth his[;;fY· it was economical to do so as dala for botb the Statement [[-Physical aspects and location parts became available early. Parts A and B were \ of towns. pll blished separately in and Engli&h versions. Statement III-Municipal Finance. Collection of data for Part C was cllmbursome and Statement IV-Civic and other amentties· it took unduly long time in its fioalisalion, and Statement IVA-Civic and other Amenities in ultimately this pUblication had to be abondoned in Notified Slums. view of tbe enormous delay in its printing. Statement V-Medical, educational, recreatio­ In 1981 census. with a view to avoid delay in nal and cultural facilities. brioging out of DCH series, the part containing Statement VI-Trade, Commerce & Industry and the administrative statistics has been dropped. Banking. An additional statement IV-A is meant only industrial categories viz, cultivators, agricultural for Class-I and Class II towns giving the civic and labourers, household industry and other wotkers, other amenitIes in notified 81 urns. This statement marginal workers and non-workers. has been introduced for the first time in 1981 census. The inclusion of primary Census AbstraCt relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Part B-The town/village wise Primary CeIlslis Tribes at the tahsil/town level is another impor­ Abstract gives the basic data like area of the village, tant feature of the DCHB $eries of 1981 census. occupied residential houses. totalllumber of house. holds, population by sex, as also the sexwise popu· An appendix contaming Development Block­ lation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, wise-'Vikas Khandwar' totals of PCA figures has literacy and population by sex into four broad also been inel ud ed. ANALYTICAL NOTE

Sehorl: is one of the oldest districts of the erst­ The river Parbati flows in noth-east direction to join while , and was known as 'Nizamat­ the Chambal through Rajgarh and Guna districts. Mashriq> , or the western district. It continues to The main tributaries of the river Parbati are the be an independent district of Madhya Pradesh since Sewan, the Paru and the Utaoli. The Sewan flows its formation in 1956. Territorially, it mostly adjescent to Sehore town. The river Narmada is the occupies the plateau of the central India and most sacred river for the Hind us in the state. gradually extends to terminate at river Narmada in It (lows in the western direction. It contains the south, which froms the natural boundary of a great volume of water and is not nevigable. Kolar tbe district bordering Hoshangabad. The district Sip, Kakeri, GUnjari, Bahar and Dobi are the main is b.)unded by seven other districts of the state­ tributaries 0 f Narmada. Dewas and Shajapur districts in the west, Rajgarh Climate district in the north-west, Vidisha and the newly formed in the north-east. RaiseD The climatic condition of the district by and district in the east and Hoshangabad district in the large is moderate. However, it may hi: divided into south. three seasons viz., 1) Rainy, 2) Winter, 3) Summer. Generally the monsoon hits the district in the early lies between latitude 23" .05 and June and reaches to tbe peak as the month progresses. 23.55 and north longitudes 77· 101 and 77'.39 1 On the average, July and August are the rainy east. The region manif!;st typical topographical months. Witn the bcgining of September tbe mon­ features such as undulating roJling downs of yellow Soon starts tappering ofr. Noticeable change in the grass and areas interspersed with rich black cotton climate occurs in the month of October as rains are soil. The main hill range of the district is known over by tben. The winter starts with the month of as Vindhyas,· mainly towards tbe south. Little November with gradual decrease in temparature as beyond the south of Vindhyan range lies the plains of it progresses towards December and January, the Narmada. The elevation in Sehore, Ichhawar and coldest months of the region. It is in March, once Ashta regions is between 1.4501 to ] ,8~O' above sea again the mecrury reading starts raising as it grow 1 level, whereas towards the soutb it is between 900 to warmer. After the transitory month of March, the to 1,000'. actual summer commences from middle of April aild May, that usually the hottest months of the year. RiYen The summer, some times extends to June as the arrival of mOnsoon gets delayed. The chief rivers of the district are the Betwa, and Parbati in the nortb and Narmada in tbe south Flora and Fauna and their respective tributaries form the river systems of the district. The district's location is in the Tn the past the district had a distinction drainage hasin of Narmada and Yamuna., tbe of having a rich forest providing a suitablo habitat southern portion being drained by the Narmada and to thick vegetation and 11.8 well for plentiful of wild northern by the Yamuna. life. HoweVer, due to indisGriminate shooting of wild animals and felling of trees caused fall in variety and The Betwa river flows into north-western i.e. into number of wild animals and deforestation. The Vidisha, GUlla and Shivpuri districts before entering district has forest area of 1939.8 Sq. km. wbich into Uttar Pradesh, ( District). The main is 18.85 per cent of its total area. The 1961 tributaries of Bet wa are Kaliasot, Ajnar and Halali: Census report on the district has recongnised 4 types It was referred to as Vetravati in Kalidas's 'Meghdoot' of forests namely. xxi i

I. Foot hill type teak forest with or without by slaugbtering and flinging them into the clo.se by bamboos. stream, since then known as Halali nadi or river of 2. Dry deciduous type with or without bamboos. slaughter. He bulit a fort at Islamuagar and shifted his headquarters to the said place, before 3. Mixed forest, and 4. Bam 00 foreit. he died {1726) he had firmlv establisheJ the state with clear cut boundaries and built his capital at Bhopal The climatic conditions and nature of the soil in 1722. Once again the capital was shifted to provide an ideal environment for a variety of vegeta· IsJamnagar by his succcasor Yar Muhammed Khan. tion ranging from under growth vegetation such as Howover,on the event of his death his son had once grass to ever wood deciduous trees like teak (Tectona again shifted Bhopal for Capital. The dynasty conti­ grand is). The general vegetation of the district nued to rule till 1949 i. e .• until the emergence of include Dhaora (Anogeissus latifolia), Salai (Boswalia serrata), Saj (Terminalia tomentosa), Mundi (mitra­ part C s~ate, and Bhopal remained as the capital. gyva Pervifolia), mahua (Madbuca Indica), haldu (Adina Prior to British rule the Sehore town dId not Cordifolia). tendu (Diospyros-m~lanoxylon), moyen come to prominence. The town was first selected (Lannea grand is) • kullu (Sterculia ureI'S). bel (Aegele marmalos), aonla (Emblica officinal is), Khair (Acacia for stationing the Contingent Force in 1818 by Captain Catechu). Stewart. The township then was divided into two parts viz, tfIe town and Sehore station under tbe The forest produces of the district of economic value are bamboo, kbaic, tendu leaves, grass, hides, control of British Politica.l Agent. In 1857 when the boney, wax and gum. Resident at Indore, Col. Durand vacated tho Indore Residency, and came to Sehore for refuge. He could Although, Acts and rules for the protection of not be allowed on State security ground, to stay forest habitat were brought in force as early as in longer and was directed to settle at Hoshangabad 1870, the shooting of animals could not be prevented. along with other Britishers. Execution of ISO per- Presently, a lot of wild species have become scarce. Among the bigger olllmais Sher (Felis tigris). Panther sons took place in January 1858, as per the instruc­ & tendua (felis pardus), hyena, Lakkad baggha tions of the British Government, for their alleged (hyena stria ta), bear, bhalu (Melursus Urnsinas) are participation in the 1857 event against anti-British found. The birds that are found in the district in­ regime. Sehure station was handed over to Bhopal clude the migratory ones. Ducks, teals, partredges sand grouse, green pigeon and peafowl are s-ome of State in Octobt:r 1919 and since then it remained the commonly found birds. part of the said State.

History.: Area and Population:

Originally thl: district was a part of Bhopal state, that was founded by Dost Mohammed, an In terms of area, the district occupies 33rd Afghan who invaded the Malwa region. He could position among the total 45 districts of the state. sllccessfully establish the state and extruded the territory According to the Surveyor General of India records by acquiring smaller principalities, by taking adva­ the total area of the district as 6,578 Sq. km. i. e. , tage of the conflicting sit uatil'll prevailed then among the chidbins. As a testimony to the it occupies 1.48 per cent of the total area of the treachelY and dece!l used by Dos! Mohammed in eli­ state. In between 1971 and 1981 Census tbere minating Deora Rajputs dominance in the rt!girn o;;cured some changes in regard to the area of the *Source: District Census Hand BOo-:k----:l-=9-6~1--S:-e~h-or-e-D-l:-·st-r-ic-t-.-p-PX-X-X-IX-.-X-L------xxiii

district, as furnished below:- of the district during 1971 and 1981 is as furnished Statement showing changes in area of Sehore distrir.t below: as per 1971 and 1981 Census Statement sbowing variation in population returns in Sehore district during 1971 & 1981 Census ... _-_----_ - _- _------SI. Census Total Area Percentage to Sl. Census Total Population Percentage to No. in Sq. Km. the total Stale No. the lotal area. population of - ----~------_.- _------the State 2 4 ------_ ~-- -~------,------" - -- 2 3 4 1971 9,0 fS 2.61 - ---_..__-_------~_.- -- 2 19S1 6, ~7& 1.48 ------1971 1,084,933 2.60 2 1981 657,381 I. 26

Area wise the district has become smaller in 1 1981 When compared to 1971, with a loss of 1,432 The transfer in area has resulte: in transfer of Sq. Km. rating about 27% of the total district population thereby showing the quantitative area in 1971. The area loss in Sehore district has dJifernce in population during 1971 and 191.\1 Census. been balanced out with the gain of Bhopal district, Tbe district had higher proportion of the total state. which was formed in 1972. The present area of population in 1971 (2.60%> when compared to 1981 Bbopal district is 2,772 Sq. Km. This indicates tbat (1.26%>. In terms of population the district ranked the formation of Bhopal distriCt benefitted with the at 9th p,",sition in 1971 and had come down to 42nd area diverted from the then Sehore district of 1971, position in 19111 Census. The newly formed Bhopal amounting to 87.7 per cent. district, after having detached from the then Sehore district of 1971, occupies 29th position with a popu­ As the district ranks 33rd position in regard to lation of 894.739. This indicates that the area area it is far too smaller than the average area of a transfered from Sehore facilitating the formation of district of Madhya Pradesh (9,&54 Sq Km.) Although Bhopal district carried more population, than the it is more than three times bigger than the smallest area left. Thus, in an outset it appears that the Joss district of the state, Datia (2.038 Sq. Km) It ii nearly in population is more than the are.. , during 1971 and 6 six times smaller than the largest district, Bastar 1981 Census III Sehore District. (39, 114 Sq. km.). Tbere are t ,083 villages in the district of which As per the 1981 Census, the total population of j ,U12 are inhabited having a population of 569,899 the district is 657,381 with 344,667 males and 312,714 persons i. e. , 87% of the total district population females. There has been a decline ill total population live in villages. The rest 87,482 persons (13%) are figures in 1981 when compared to 1971, due to terri­ urban dwellers living in 4 towns of the district. The torial transfer from Sehore district to Bhopal, as following table gives the area, population and density mentioned above. The variation in population figures of 5 tahsils and 4 towns of the district. xxiv

Area, population and density in tabslls and towns, 1981,

-_._---_._------...... ------District/Tahsil/Town Total Area(sq km.)- Population Density per Rural sq. km. llrban ------2 4 5 ------_------_... _-----

1 Sehore Tahsil T 1,584.2 209,585 132 R 1,567.8 157,395 100

U 16.4 52,190 3,178

Sehore (M) U 16.42 52,190 3,178

2 Ashta Tahsil T 1,454.6 183,983 126 R 1,439.2 164,364 114 U 15.4 19,619 1,276

Ashta (M) U 15.38 19,619 1,276

3 Ichhawar Tahsil T 1, 110.9 80,918 73 R 1,110.6 72,457 65 U 0.3 8.461 27,294 Ichhawar (M) U 0.31 8,461 27,294

4 Nasrulla&anj Tahsil T 1,353.2 98,309 73 R 1,344.4 91, 097 68 U 8.8 7,212 819 NasrlilIJ.ganj (M) U 8.81 7,212 819

5 Budni Tabsil T 1,060.8 84,586 80 R 1,060.8 84, .586 80 U ------Source: General Population Tables, Madhya Pradesh Part II-A, 1981 Census.

Except for Ichhawar, rest of the four tahsils is the only tahsil which is completely rural in chara­ have: one town in each. The town jurisdiction in tbe cteristics. As such the district is predominantly said tahsil, make the urban units and the population rural. However, the pace in urbanisation is also livin,!! there: are treated as urban population, Ichhawar pertinent in the district. xxv

The distribution of villages according to the availability of difCernt amenities is furnished in the following table.


Distribution of Villages According to the Availability of Different Amenities - -_------

No. (with percentage) of viliages having one or more of the following amenities , ______--..A------______-. Sl. Name of Tahsil No. of Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Market! Communi- Approach Power No. inhabited tion water Telegraph Hat cations by pucca supply villages road

------_ --- ... _------.. _------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------11

Sehore 288 203 12 288 27 6 17 54 107 70.49 4.17 100.00 9.38 2.08 5.90 18 75 37.15

2 Ashta 278 198 13 278 32 13 10 18 152 71.22 4.68 100.00 11. 51 4.68 3.60 6.47 54.68

3 I~hhawar 137 76 9 137 9 5 4 6 39 5) .47 6.57 100.00 6.57 3.65 2.92 4.38 28.47

4 NasrulJaganj 165 120 11 165 4 7 4 8 25 72.73 6.67 100.00 2.42 4.24 2.42 4.85 15.15

5 Budni 144 104 10 144 21 9 29 41 31 72 .22 6.94 100.00 14.58 6 25 20.14 28.47 21.53 ------. ----- _.. - - -_ ---_------_. ------Tota): District 1,012 701 55 1,012 93 40 64 127 354 (69.27) (5.43) (100.00) (9.19) (3.95) (6.32) (12.55) (34.98) ------

The drinking water facility is th~ only amenity per cent of its villages are having educational that is available in all the villages of the district. facilities. The Ichhawar tahsil, therefore, shows the The source of drinking water may vary from village to lowest achievement in regard to the literacy rate village and there may be more than one source but (15.02%> when compared to Ashta (21.21%), what is achieved is that at least one facility for Sehore (26.7fi%). Nasrullaganj (2 1 .03%> and Blldni drinking water guaranteed in each and every village, (17.85%). It is interesting to note that although giving the cent per cent coverage. Infrastructural Budni tahsil is entirely rural tahsil with no urban facility for education is provided for 701 (69.27) centre. it could achieve 27.85 per cent of literacy due villages in the district. Sehore, Ashta, NasfuIJaganj to better provision of amenities. and Budni tahsiis could provide educational facilities to more that 70 per cent of their villages. Icbhawar, Although the aim of the government planning the only tahSil, in regard to the provision of is to provide medical facihty to one and all by educational facilities is depressing for only 55.4 2000 AD, it is depressing to note that the district xxvi

has only 55 (5.43%) villages out of total 1012 villages are provided with the amenities. The villages, that are provided with medical facilities. essential means of transport are train, bus, cart Among the five tahsits of the district Sehore and etc. The pucca road facility is provid ed in 12.55 Asbta show a po)r progress in this regard for less per cent of the total villages of the diitrict. The than 5 per cent of their villages are benefited with district abviously, manifest a poor development in medical facilities. The rest three tahsils are regard to transportation and communication, that relatively better for 6.5 per cent of their villages are vital for over-all progress in the district. It may are having medical facilities. be noted that Budni is the best in regard to the provision of transportation and communication in Only 9.19 per cent of the tolal villages of the district are having Post and Telegraph facility. Budni, the district as out of its total villages 20.14 per cent the only rural tahsil witbout any urban centre, could are having communications facilities and 21.47 boast of having nearly 14.6 per cent its villages per cent of them benefitted with the approach by with post & telegraph amenity. The least developed PUCC'i Road. It is interesting to note that although tahsil in regard to the said amenity is NasruJlaganj the Budni tahsil bears all the rural character and with 2.4 per cent of its total villages have Post and does not have a single town or any other urban Telegraph facilities. centre, it is best among the five tahsils of the district so far as a vailability of infrastructural Market or Hat facilities are available for only amenities are concerned. However in respect of 40 villages (3.95%) of the total 1.012 villages of the rural electrification, the Budni tahsil (21.53%> fall district. Sehore tahsil is the poorest lot for only behind Ashta (54. 6.8~~). Sehore (37.15%). Ichhawar 2.08 per cent of the villages have tbe said facilities, (28.47%), are better off when compared to Once again, Budni proves the best in the district Nasrullaganj tahsil (15.15%). The district as a Whole with 6.25 per cent of its total villages having market could supply power to only 34. 911 per cent of the and hat facilities. This indicates that the rural total villages, shows depressing develop:nent. population have to cover a great deal of distance fn the above discusssion, the availability of either to sell or purchase their essential amenities are studied in regard to their distribution commodities. in villages irrespective of their population size. The table gives the proportion of rural population ~erved The communications in the district show a poor by different infrastructural ameDllles and also development as 6.32 per cent of the total 1,012 provides this information tahsil-wise. TABLE 2 Proportion of Rural Populatiou Served by Different Amenities ------..._--_------_._-----_&_------SI. Name of rOta I Popu- Proportion of rural populatlon served by the amenity of No Tahsil lation of r------..A...------______--, inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Mark~t! Communi- Approach Power villages in water telegraph Hat cMion by pucca supply the tahsil road ------_-_--_--'" - .. - ---~.-.------...- 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 ------._------~--- ~-.....------~---- Sehore 15 7 ,395 140,605 23,398 157,195 39,362 [S,1i38 24,077 4,728 77,551 (~9. 33) ([ 4 87) (100.00) (25.01) (9 \14) ([5.30) (3.00) (49.27) 2 Ash til 164.364 H8.983 36,234 164.364 56.308 36,838 29,816 30,109 115.682 (90.64) (22.0 1 ) (1(10 00) (24.26) (22 41) ( 18 .14) (1832. ) (70.38) 3 Jchhawar 72 457 62,751 17,4,4 72,457 16,970 9.614 7,328 6,918 38,124 (86.60) (24. [2) (lOO.OO) (23.42) ( 13,27) (10.11 ) (9.58) (53.44) Nasrullaga,jj 4 ~I, 096 83,1 14. 15,024 91,097 3,583 11,703 4,483 9,093 18,952 (9 I.:!4) (1G.49) (100.00) (j 93) (12.85) (4.92 ) (9.92) (20.80) 5 Budni 8~,586 75 8,04 25,382 84,586 33.871 24,433 32,883 37,198 35,217 (89.71 ) (30. °I) (l00.00) (40.04) (28.89) (38.88) (43.98) (41.63) ------Total: District 569,899 511,338 117,512 569,899 150,094 98,226 98,587 88.1,93 286,126 (89.72) (10.62) (100.00) (26.34) (17.24) (17.30) (15.44) (SO.21) -----.------.------~------xxvii

Since every village in the district is having Out of total. 1,012 villages 311 of them are dep· one or more drinking water facilities it obviously rived of educational amenity. Among the five serves all the inhabitants. The source of drinking tahsils Ichhawar is tbe most backward for 61 out of water amenities is mostly provided by traditional total 137 villages are not having any educational source i. e., from well, streams, rivers, besides modern facility. The Villages tha t are not having any medical facilities like hand pump, tube well etc. The entire facility but can avail such an amenity within a dis­ population of the district (569,899) is served by tance of, 5 kms. rates to 86.5 per cent; 7.4% can one amenity or the other so far as the provision of avail within ad istance range 5-10 kms. 957 villages drinking water in concerned thus giving hundred that do not have any medical amenity. 45.6~'~ have it per cent coverage. within a distance of 5 kms., 315.8% have the amenity within 5-10 km. and the rest 15. 7/~ have this beyond Next to drinking water facility, it is the 10 km. Those villages that are deprived of Post and educational amenity which serves a majority of the Telegraph facility within the village (95.7) but can rural population in the district (89.72). This rate by all means is a satisfactory achievement avail within a distance of5 km rate to 62.4%.27.7 particularly when the availability of educational per cent avail them within a distance range of 5-10 amenity in the villages of district rated to less than kms. and rest (9.9%) can avail them beyond 10 kms. 70 percent. Moreover, the coverage of said amenity distance. In regard to the Market and Hat facility is deprived to only approximately ten per cent of the out of 972 village that do not have them but 40.1 %can district ru~al population, in different age groups including the ones that do not fall in school going avail them within 5 lan. distance, 42.4% within 5-10 category. This further ascertain a very satisfactory km range and 17.5 % beyond 10 km. Similarly the achievement in regard to the provision of educational vi\lages that do not have communication facility faciliti~s to the rural popuiation of tbe district. number 948, of which 43.4 per cent have an access to Nasrullaganj, is the best served in this regard with it withm 5 km.. 37.9 per cent 5- I 0 km. distance and 91.24 per cent of its total population being served by an educational amenity follow('d by Ashta (90.64%). rest IS.7 per cent beyond 10 kill. The situation in Budni (89.71%> Sehore (89.33%) and Ichhawar regard to the accessibility of the amenities to the (86.60%). villages show a poor development. Although a majo­ rityof the villages without the ;,bove said amenity, So far as medical amenity is concerned, Budni but can avail them within a walkable distance (Skm), tahsil is found to enjoy a better position for 30.01 their day to day needs specially in regard to attending per cent of its population is served by the said arne· market, medical centres Of Postal and Telegraph nity followed by lchhawar (24.12%), Ashta (22.04%) unit cause inconvinence to the village masses, who are Nasrullaganj (16.49%), Sehore (14.87). The over all position in regard to the provision of me-dical amenity otherwise busily engaged in thelf economic pursuits. to the rural population (20.62%) of the district is too The condition of the villages those have alcess to the behind the expected target of achieving' Health for amenities beyond 5 km. is still worse. 1 he following all' by 2000 AD. The table 3, indicates that district table, furnishes tbe details in regard to the d istri­ still remains backward so far as the provision of an:e· bution of villlages which are having one or more nities concerning Post and Telegraph, Market/Hat, Communication, Approach by Pucca Road and Power amenities according to distance range from the nearest Supply to its rural popUlation concerned. town. xxviii

TABLE 3 Distribution of villages not baving rertain amenities arranged by distance ranges from tbe places wbere tbese are available

-----_------,_ ------..-.._ ~------Sl. Village not having the Number of villages where the amenity is not available at distance of No. amenity of ~------A_------, -5 Kms. 5-10 Kms. 10+Kms. Total (eols 3+5) ------_------2 3 4 5 6 ------__ ._------Education 269 23 19 311

2 Medical 436 371 150 957

3 . Drinking Nater

4 Post and Telegraph 573 255 91 919

S Market/Hat 390 412 170 972

6 Communicdtions 411 359 178 948 ------._------_.------_- Th e towns or any urban unit functions as centre and surrounding rural population. The following table of many villages around it for it renders many facili· fLlrnishes the details in regard to the distribution of ties that are gel)erally absent in the villages. The villages which have an access to one or more ameni. infrastru~tLlraJ amenities are also gen~rally provided ties according to distance range from the nearest to all the towns and these towns serve both urban town.

TABLE 4 Distribution of villages ,according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities ------_.------Range of Number of Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of Population inhabited r ------~--..J------, villages in Educational Medical Drinking Post and Market! Commun.· Approach by Power each range water Telegraph Hat cations pucca road supply

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

------_" -- -_ ------_----""------0-5 73 49 73 3 4 14 50 (67 12) ( I 37) (100 0(1) (4 11) (I. 05) (5.48) (19.1 g) (68.49 ) 6-15 367 286 22 367 33 11 18 39 148 (77.93) (5.99) (100.00) (8.99) (3.00) (4.90) (10.63) (40.33) 16-50 ~~ ... 3-10 31 527 5 I 28 41 70 151 (6~.52) (5.88 ) (100.00 ) (9.68) (5.31) (7.78) (13.28) (18.65) 51+ 45 . 26 45 6 1 1 4 5 (57.78) (2.22) (100.00) (13 .33 ) (2.22) (2.22j (8.89) (11.11 )

------~---- -_----_------_------Total 1,012 701 55 1,0U 93 40 64 127 354 (69.27) (5.43) (100.00) (9.19) (3.95) (6.32) (12. 55 ) (34.98) ------_------_------nix

As mentioned earlier one of the five tahsils of be difficult to have satisfactory linkage between urban the district (Budni) does not have a single town or centres and villages around them. The logical assum­ any urban centre and rest (our tahsils have one each. ptIOn is that villages situated nearer to an urban centre The above table indicates that more than half of the have better access is discouraged with the present villages (5t 1 %) having one or more amenities are position of communication system in the rural areas situated in distance range of 16-50 km., 36.3 per cent of the district. Furthermore. 7.3 per cent of tbe total within a range of 6- 15 km., 7.2 per cent within 5 km villages without an amenity are within a walkable and 4.4 per cent above 51 kms. The four urban centres distance of 5 km., baving 92.7% dependent upon in the district are not well distiibuted so far as proxi­ communication and transportation; reflecling a poor mity to thr villages are concemed, thereby suggesting development. a poor inter action between villages and urban centres. As mentioned earlier out of the to!al of 1,012 Tbe following table gives the distribution of villages only 64 villages (6.3%> are having communi­ villages according to populatiou range a.nd amenities cation faoiIities and 127 (12.6%) Villages have appro­ available. ach by pucca road. With the given facilities it would


Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available

------~---~------~------Range of Number of Number (with percentage) of villages having th~ amenity of Populatiol1 inhabit~d r------_ _ ---- _ - _..J.-______-- ____ """'1 villages in Education Medical Drinking Post and Marketl CClmmUnt- Approach by Power each range w:lter Telegraph Hat cations pucca load sllpply

- --_------_._------.- -_------~-- 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

_------_._ ----_ -~-~ --_-_------

Less than 499 622 323 622 10 21 55 160 (51.93) (0.16) (100.00) (1.61) (3.38) (8.84) (25.72)

500~1.999 361 350 28 361 57 17 26 56 li2 (96.95) (7.76) (100.00) (15.77) (4.71 ) (7.20 ) (15.51 ) (47.65)

2.000-4,999 27 ':0 24 '2.7 24 21 15 14 2C: (100.00) (88.89) (100.00) (88.89 ) (77.78) (5:.56) (51.85) (.p.O')

5.000+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (100.00) (100.00 ) (100 00) (100 00) (100_00) (100,00 ) (11)0.00) (100.00) ------_------._- Total 1,012 7\11 S5 1,012 93 40 64 127 354 (69.27) (5.43) (100.00) (9.19) (3.95) (6.32) (12.55) (34.98) xxx

The table above, indicates that larger the size~ TABLE 6 population of the village better are the provisions of Main staple Food in the Majority of villages in eacb Tabsil amenities in them. Thus the percentage of villages -_._---_------having one or more amenities is highest in the largest S]. No. Name of Tahsil Main Staple Food population size. 2 3 ------_... _------_--- I Sehore Wheat, Jowar Wheat and Jowar are main staple food of the 2 Ashta Wheat, Jowar population as shown is the table furnished alongside: 3 Ichhawar Wheat. Jowar 4 Nasfullaganj Wheat, Jo~ar 5 Budni Wheat, Jowar

Table 7 presents tbe land use pattern in the district, giving the proportion of cultivabl~ area to the t.otal area. TABLE 7

Distribution of Villeges According to Land use ------_._------Total area Percentage of cultivable Percentage of irrigated SI. Name of Tahsil No of inhabited Villages in hectare arca to total area area to total No. Cultivable area

------,,------..... ------.--- 2 3 4 5 6 -----..------

:'.88 148,508.53 113,009 80 12,072.58 1 Sehore Tahsil (76.10) (10.68)

278 137,634.65 98,849.75 7,545.81 2 Asbta Tahsil (71.82) (7.63)

137 104,458.98 47,670.:'.3 4,457.37 3 Ichhawar Tahsil (45.64) (9.35)

165 110,7R9.11 83,765.9:; 1,141.94 4 Nasrullagani Tahsil (75 61) (1.36)

144 99,Q71.40 '52,370 27 ~, 717,21 5 Budni Tahsil (52.39) ( 5. 19)

------_._----- Total: District J,Ot2 601,362.67 395,666.00 27,934.98 (65. 79) (7.06 )

------_. ------~------.------

It may be se~n in the abov!! table that 65.79% hectares, 27,934.98 or 7.06% are irrigated indicating of the total area is accounte. for as cultivable area of very poor progress' in regard to the irrigation of the district when compared to that oftbe State (42.38%) of the total cultivated area of 395,666 facilities. Among the tahsils in the district, Ichhawa xui

shows poor utilisation of land for only 45.64% of its potentiality in rCiard to the land utilisation but total land is cultivated, while Sehore tahsil shows stands second in the rank of proportion of irrigated maximum utilisation (711.10%) of available land for land forming 9.35~~ only nf'xt to Sehore (10.68%). cultivation, Although Ichhawar has shown a minimum

Figures in regard to the population growth, density and sex-ratio of ur ban population in the district are furnished in the table below: -


Growtb, Density and Sex·ratio of Urban Population in tbe District in relation to tbe State

- -- - -~---'------... ~------...---- -...--- District State ,-- ______..A. ______""""' r------..A.------...... Cen- Total Urban %Urban Decadal Density Sex- Total Urban ~'~Urban Decadal Density Sex-ratio ~us Popu- Popn- Popnla- Percentage (Popu- ratio(No' Popu. Popu- Popula- p!rcentage (popllla- (No. of year lation lation don variation lalion of femal~8 lation lation tion variation (ion per females in urban per sq, per 1, oro in urban sq.kms.) per 1,000 popUlation km.) males) population mal es) ------_._---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 _...... ------1951 2g3,86~ 28,113 9 55 +27.46 748 875 26,071,637 3,132,937 12.02 +33.16 2,034 907 1961 381,26R 42,406 11.17 +57.141,835 866 3~,372,408 4,627,234 14.29 +47.70 2,482 856 {971 510,894 56,567 10,07 +J~. 77 1,466 876 41,654,119 6,784,767 16.29 +46.63 2,378 868 1981 757,381 87,482 13.31 +54.65 2,138 871 52,178,844 10,586,459 20.29 +56. C3 2, 170 884 ------

There is a steady growth in urban population i981 in the district while in the state it remained during last four decades except during 1961-1971 unchanged. The number of females per 1000 males where it shows a decline, in the district. However, i,e, the sex ratio, recorded in 1981 in the district is pace of urb!misation in the district bas been very 907 which has increased from 870 recorded in 1971 slow. The proportion of urban population has gone while, as mentioned, in the state the sex ratio remai­ up from 9.55 per cent in 1951 to 13.31 per cent ill 1981 ned 941 at 1971 and 1981. while the corresponding growth rate for the state as a whole has been from 12.02% to 20.29~~. As there has been no new town added in the district In 1981, nor there has been declassification Density: of any old town, the information in this regard furni­ Density of population in Sehore district is 100 shed in the following table is nil. per sq. km. which is less than that of the State (118). The density of population is less in 19~1, in the TABLE 9 district when compared to the! 971 (120), while at the New Town/Towns declassified in 1981 Census. State level during the corresponding years has increa­ sed from 94 to 118. Among the tahsils Sehore recorded Name of Town Population 1981 Census to be the most densed with 132 persons per sq. km. ---_._------... -----~- followed by Ashta 126, Budni 80 and botb Ichbawar 2 and Nasrullaganj with 73.

Sex.Ratio: (a) Added Nil There has been an increase in female population (b) Declassified Nil in proportion to the male popUlation during 1971 and xuii

The following table deals with tbe finances indicating the receipt and expenditure in the towns in the district.


Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns

Class, N3'ne and civic Per capita status of the town ,-- --~------~------.~ --~ Receipt Expenditure _._ ---. ,-----._------. r------~------Tolal R~ceipt Receipt Tr.tal General Expenditure Public Expen· Other through from all ex pen- admiois- on public works diture specify taxes other diluTe tr,,(ion health and 00 public convenience ------_.- - .. _------.------~-- -_._---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - ----_------_ ------...,..-.------

III Ashta (M) 40.69 36.67 4.02 34.Q8 9.10 2 29 10.47 2.36 2.86

V Ichhawar (M) 22.17 2.7.6 19.91 21.15 1.22 0.24 0.47 10.22

III Nasrullaganj (M) 7·36 6.24 1. 12 5.63 2.53 o 0·\ 1. 94 0.47 0.90

II Sehore (M) 4) 42 4l. 81 11.61 42.09 27.17 8.02 6.90

------_-----_. ----~------,- -_ .---- Total 37.78 27.93 9.85 35.26 18.58 2.09 7.31 0.61 6.67 ------

It is indicated in the above table that the major highest proportion of the total expenditure (Rs. 35. ~6). source of per capita receipt is through taxes in the The other expenses in regard to per capita expendi­ district, for Rs. 27.93 is throu~h the taxes and from ture of the towns are reported to be expenses ou other sources it is only Rs. 9.85 making the total per public works (Rs. 7.31). for public health and capita receipt of the district Rs. 37.78. The per capita convenience (Rs. 20.9). Among the towns, Ashta's per receipt in all tke fOllf towns of the district (Rs. 37.78) capita expem!iture on public health and convenience, is round to be higher than the per capita expenditure. and public works recorded to be Rs. 9.29 and Rs. Among the four towns Sehore municipality has the 1O.47 respectively, that are more than the per capita bighest per capita r~ceipt (Rs. 43.42) and the lowest expenditure on general administration (Rs. Q.29). In Narsullaganj Gram P,lflcbayat (Rs. 7.36). In regard the rest of the towns, however, the per capita expen­ to the expenditure IU the district it is found that the diture on general administration is more than any general admimstration expenses (Rs. 18.58) claimed other aspects mentioned in the above table. xxxiii

The following table provid es the data pertai- facilities in different categori es per ten thousand ning to availability of educational (institutional) populatiou.


Schools per ten thousand population in towns

------~------Class, Name and civic No. per ten thousand population status of town r------.------~---'"""' Higher . Secondary/ Juuior Primary Secondary/ Matriculation Secondary! Inter/POC/ Middle junior College ------2 3 4 5

_____ - ___.... ------_____o ______

IV Ashta (M) 0.02 2.55 3.57

v rchhawar (M) 2.36 5 91 5.91

V Nasrullaganj (G.P.) 1.39 1. 39 4.16

4.02 II Schore (M) 0.77 2.49 ------_------_. -_.--_------All Towns 1. 03 2.74 4.12


It may be observed from the above table that regard to the provisions of the institutional facilities, roughly 4 primary schools serve 10,000 population i.e. with 6 primary schools, 6 middle schools and 2 nearly 2,500 population depend upon a single primary Higher Secondary Schools for every ten thousand school. This indicates a lag between institutional population, it has sh9wn poorest achievement so far facilities and the population size. This may be the literacy rate of the tahsil is concerned ( 15.70 ). reaSon for a great deal of population drop out in the It may be a point for reference that though Budni school. For every tell< thousand population there are tahsil characterised with complete rural set-up, nearly three middle schools and one higher secondary/ without any township has recorded the highest 'lnter/PUC/lunior college, in the dIstrict. literacy rate ( 27.8S). The Schore town although is the district headquarters could not achieve much It is interesting to note that although Ichhawar progress in regard to the provision of institutional is the best among the four towns of the district in facilities in the ed ucational sector. xxxiv

The following table provides the information on Sehore town (3 beds per 10,000 population) could Dot number of beds in medical institutions. provide beds as the: Icbhawar could. On the whole the district in regard to the provision of medical TABLE 12 facilities found to be very backward. specially when Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns. ambitiOUS programme objectives is for health for all by 2,000 AD.

The following table provides the information in Class, name and civic No. of beds in medical regaTd to the proportion of slum popu lation in town. statUs of the towns institutions per 1,000 population. TABLE 13

2 Proportion of Slum population in towns

II Ashta (M) 1.73 V Ichhawat (M) 3.55 Class, Name and Proportion of Density in IV Nasrul iaganj (M) 1. 11 civic Status of Slum population slums II Sehore (M) 2.99 the town to total popu/a tion (per sq.Km) ------_----,._------_------. --- All Towns 2.61 2 3 ------_------II Schore (M) 1. 34 1,400 Ichbawar, once again found to be more develo­ ------"-- ped than other three towns in respect of the provision Total 1. 34 14.00 of beds in medical institutions. On an av ~rll.ge as ind j­ categ in the above table, roughly 4 beds are provided in Ichhawar medica I institution for every ten thousand As per the above table the proportion of slum population, which is highe~ than the district average population to the total popUlation Sehore town has i. e., J per 10,(')00 population. Nasrullaganj, in this less than one and half per cent. Although, the density respect found to be very backward for there is only of population in the slums is only 1,400 it is bound to one bed per 10,1100 population, while as pointed ear­ increase at a further rate in accordance with the pace lier Ichhawar town provides one bed for every 2,500 of urbanisation and migration of labourers from rural population. Even the district headquarters i. e:., areas to the town.

Table 14 gives the data on the most important commo 'ities man ufactured, imported and exported in towns of the district. TABLE 14 Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in towns.

------... ------_ ------Class, name and Most important commodity civic status of r------A------~ the towns Manufactllred Exported Imported ------_------2 4 ------~------.. ---- IV Ashta (M) Iron box lIandloOl1l Cloth Electrical Parts

V Ich hawar (M) Woodcn··Furniturc Grain Cloth

I".. NasrullaganJ (G.P. ) Pulse Grain Cloth

II Sehore (M) Sugar Sugar Medicine ------.. ------MADHYA PRADESH 21 TAHSIL SEHORE DISTRICT SEHORE



... ~ 0 411 I(llOlllfT~U o





CeNTRAl PRESS. SHOP4l © IlYr,,_*-,,_ OISTRICr MADHYA PRADESH (., TAHSIL ASHTA I, '" /:..-'\ r"/\ ,"I •••.MAli!' \ , DISTRICT SEHORE 2 , 0 2 6~'W , 1 • ! 3 I ~ 10' 2' 0 2• , 6.. 8 KIl0Mf:TIlES

POSITION OF TAHSIL ASHTA IN OISTRICT SEHOR[ 2~ 0 2. ~1L£s ,...,...,....._'--"--' 48~. 0 .. KlLONfTliES II: r, i \. « i I (' ) i ~. ~

« ( kllll', \. . . \.) :r 11~'i-h\. , . . '/"j \,"\ -,' ill, I ,""' ,""',... \ XISlULU"iJ'/' u l ' >- t i.. A /, 2 0'






qoVT. CENTRAl. PRESS. IIIOPA, I,jVvr,t,.t",,,,, MA~~rA ~~A~~~~ 1O~IIOW 01 Till ~HHIWil W ~1T.CI liMO!! 'WlillP TAHSIL ICHHAWAR ."-'1111111111 ~I~TRICT ~t~ORf

H o


II• 00



IOI.IIDARY amn.", TiHSIL .... , .. ".. ".. """""",,,. ~ VILLAGE WITH LOCATION CODE NUM6;~' ~~~~~j I- IlfADGlIARTERS: TAHSIL,,, ,,,." @ VIUiGES WITH POPULiTION S~E: BELOW lOO, lOO·419,1OO·9It,IOOO.4999,. , UNIIIHIliTED VILLAGES"",." ... J URIAN AREA WITH LOCATION CODE .WilJJ u STATI HIGHWAY•. "", .. "." .. " .. __~I_I- 10 foI£TAUEO RoAD"""" ", ... ,,"" UNMITALUD RoAD .. ,... " .. ,,, .... N A 5 R PIVER AND mEAM " ,., "" .... uu .. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ POST OFFICE I POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE ~ I'~ POLiCllTiTIOH "

""HER SECCjj~RY $C~OL 'I illl:·mlAlllll!II~Q«i~IIIIII,I»,III,"' PRIMAPY HEALTH CENm,O~;;NS~R;:', ~ ,5+ IUIQI liM I IMII'lI', MARKET I HiT,MANDIES ., '" ""'''' " Ai, 6.


23 2f DISTRICT SEHORE 0' 00 , I 0

~, I 0 , , C H H A W A .. 6 8KILOWETRES \.. R



50' ld c o







© GOVT. Of IIOA cbl'YtlGMT, In4. qOVT. CENTRAL PRESS. SHOPAL IC I)' 11 O¢' nf)O I I r R ~ MADHYA ~RAD~SH I C i s R TAHSIL BUDNI I 0 DISTRICT 5~HORE A A 1'18 f ~, 10 2 4 ~ 6 KllOllTIIES

foW~ BHOP~l

J ,

"u1 4.


IOOIIIIiIY, DIST~CT .. TlMSIL r~-;ti~-I L ____ J VILL~E WITH LOCITION CODE IIIIMBER Q @ POSITION Of TAHSILIUONIIN HEIOOUIRTEIS: TAHSIL. OISTRICTSEHORE VillAGES WITH POPULATION SI1E: mow 100; AREA LOST IN 1991 IN l~ 0 l~ 111m I IIIOV[. TAHSIL BUONI,OIIlRICTI ,..,...,.....,'-'--' 100.499,500.999; 000.4999; 5000 .0' I •• SEHORE 43.14 0 H KilOWfTRE5 UNI~IBITEOVILLIGES", I .t' \ ~Tm HIGHWAY .... __I_H'_'_ ~ METALLED ROlO. i " I) tmMETlLLtn ROID, .:::o~=:::::.== i ri RIILWlYLINEWITHSTATION~GAUGE. ....i,_ lmo!l. RIVER IND STR[AM ,'G.\. .~ ",~,I \\ . ''{- . , POST OffiCE/POST I T£LEGmM OFfiCE. pO/Ho ~. IIHll1ItHklli("\ .~ H~HER SECONDIRY SCHOOL I • • 1\ ~J{i~ \ \ 1'- '~,AffJiI\ POLICE STATION" PI 1 hr IBUOHI!I' ',.f" . ill!ULLlGliJI"./' PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE,DISPENSARY., ~+ I.• w/ ( ;; MARKET/HAT .. til \.,i


- ---~--


."_T~~ln 1111111 !fi' ~T ------_- om "" 'I" ~TII ,,,,oftl.! '!iR ;;+iI, 'til ~T1I ~ ~TII <'!!''ll!f 'l'T. ,,~;r, ~T r---.A.------, ~I ,-----"------, 1971 11l8t 197 J 11181 ------,------4 ------_._,------

29/1 ~ft'I);: iJ~ff1"f

29 'nTrW m<'f 149 152 30 'f.iil!T"'T"T 160 163 I 313fIf(('l"'\ 76 77 31 'f.·mlll;1 65 66 2 al~'!.\ J 95 196 32 'f.r~"¥t 43 44 3 3!1f·!;'" 230 231 33 'f.te.:\TiTl?: 126 129 4 ap;f"!fl ~;;p;r'f T' 49 50 34 'f.T<'fr~liJ~ 251 5 am,lfl'ft!T 106 109 252 35 'lil~ft 'li1{\1f 153 Ii aTlfTlfllf 299 300 1% 36 'fi"1~1""'ft~ 7 3!<'f~~ l(tl 240 241 254 255 37 f'lil1FI:r;1 2i3 8 3T'f'l?;T 'fi"\T\ 298 299 10 3T'~Tf 46 47 42 "'lf~1fT SJ?; 211 212 11 !fT1T<1It 173 176 43 't);nr~, 249 250 J 2 mlfTflH 248 248 H 'Ii~~") 28 29 13 OTIi'lIl1;;T 262 263 14 >IT'f(O[T of:?T 297 298

.15 ost"n 128 131 46 ~f<'1T·...n 143 146 15 1<1Ti.'ft ,,~ 285 286 47 ~~f'lIT ~.Tr 175 178 55 ,,!

P.I.hf.Cr~"Tl Vl'll 1li1 'P) ------'llill' 'til 'II m ~m;r;q~ ~ 11111' III! ;m! ~~m~ ~o;1l"T ,...--J.-.--., Wn r---Jo...-- 1971 1981 ------1971 1981 I :l 3 4 2 4 ------3

29/1 ~T~),{ (f~ij"T"f

63 tro 4 4 91 ;;[~flf'h~ 3d 35 64 '1lrorr 288 289 92 ~j1fr, ~·U 245 246 I 93 Uffliff Ii~ 213 214 65 '1~'lft'[J 190 193 66 '1;1:1 37 38 94 :;rr;;r'1'~ 135 138 67 ,!rirr 131 134 95 Uff'1'

71 1;fT(';'f'.'!~ 121 124 99 Inli~ 102 105 100 ;ffllfnm 108 11 1

12 'Ii;?,1 243 244 101 f(';(';r" 264 265 73 -';,'1'1'.'1 45 46 74 ... i<: ..~ 12 12 75 ~1l"Jq.r 183 186 102 iTlf'.'l! 276 277 76 f;rnl~l ffil'ilT 184 187 77 f"

81 ~',!'T 16 16 82 ~ifU 56 57 106 (!f~f 85 88 83 llIT'nl 111 114 107 O'

at 110 '!,'I'T't1it 235 236 111 '!.'1'T~

.,,_,~~ IIml 1Ifi) ~.n ------"II' ~;itll'm~~ '!ill Un! II1l ;mI ,,11"1"1'1 'iiI. 'I~;n: "" 1111 ",. , __ .A. __-, li~' ,----..A-__. If~' 1971 1'181 197 1 1981 ------~------._--__ ------_ 4 ------~. ------

29/1 ~fr~T\ 1tf[~ft<1

114 ,\rnf6l!1 m"l 22S 229 145 '11~~ 3 3 115 ,\~lft

121 U'f~,r 146 149 122 f11~~ 103 , 06 123 U'IloT 252 253 154 'ttfr 35 36 124 Ulq'l VsI 253 254 125 uloiT li~i 129 132

Of 155 if'liiF1 152 155 156 if6'1'" ZS8 259 ;((iill 126 225 226 151 ifl!irnr 104 107 127 'I'Ir~~ 96 99 158 if;r~'lirl:l''1r 18 79 128 "I{ ~~i 77 78 159 if'fWrr 41 42 129 '"'1'011 ~l!r 187 190 160 "~r;;flfT 60 61 130 210 271 "''I'm 161 if,!f;;rI(T 259 26(l 131 101 "1:n 123 132 120 163 'nv~l~ 64 65 f'l'l',f'lll'l 133 214 215 164 ~li~i1I\;JI!T'ffl 284 285 134 fiJrnf'l'If' 138 141 165 ~V~~ 224 225 135 "T'Iiriir 131 140 166 "'V~I ~I:I'I 31 32 136 'Il'fml!1 IT,'''''~ 233 234 167 ar-.;ri;;! 87 90 168 iI~;;r 263 264 q lf9 il7'1T~ 6 6 170 if~r~ 'Iii'll 100 103 137 qn'i'li 265 266 171 if<:l~~i 99 102 138 q~lfli'll 52 53 172 ~1 58 5') 139 'I'~I'I'fi'l'11 182 185 ]73 '1''1'1<: 25 26 140 'l''fl'fl 236 237 174 illl:

ertf'flll'pTl Vl.. 1 !fil ~ -__ ------"",)q IIM1 Hmil ;p:;r( 'lIiq IJ1l lin'" 0 !Ii1I "If lin IfY1I 'lilt ~T ~-.A.---., ~Ifl ,------"--- 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.- 1 l 3 4 4 ------~------

29/1 ~j~:"{ Cfirtrf;;r

]79 fil3lro 201 202 212 IfTifT'T 84 86 180 fil-m:r 202 203 213 f'R!.i~' 112 ]15 275 127- lSI fj~r 113 136 222 '!':;rm ;;;:rt 148 1 'q 223 ,!'~<1T ~;i 158 161 224 if'?lu 8 8 244 245 189 'II'I'i{T;T~'(I 225 if.,T '!)~T 150 153 290 291 190 'Ii~;oit 226 '1flf'T ~;:r 1 ~ 8 191 orcRr 185 188 191 227 Iff",1 ~rIf 246 249 162 165 192 $[t~t 228 m-dT:r'l'1<1T!fr 141 145 205 JfTifTV'!'T 157 160 241 .:r'lI,j~T 219 280 206 Jf~,,~T 47 48 242 ,,'tr' 123 126 207 ~1i!T~T 10 10 243 ,r'l');>: if!(Ir,f~ :34 235 208 1!@3fT

.. .r""T~"t1: "",1 ~) ~1

------~------!PI "q'li'! '1TlI f ..lfi~ 'Iitt~"t: ~ '!ita lilt!< II"' 'Ii'! "'" ~1I!1;ft1f WwI ,..---..A..------, w.:o r---..A--.~ 1971 1981 197 1 1981 .__ ._------4 2 4 ------_-_------_------

29/1 m~T<: i'f!!~1\1

248 ,1m 217 218 273 "I'I"I;f" 79 80 249 'r.tIQ;'"r 159 162 214 ,nli.r 127 130 275 «~'!, 36 37 276 «i'MTT 44 45 277 «lIit'l"1 256 257 250 154 157 :ti'lf (ft;>:lf "l"I) 132 t:l5 263 m~ 75 76 264 'lTlii'!' 'l'i"lf~ lit 197 198 ~ 265 f~;oH'1' 255 256 95 llfulll • .-T 81 82 266 f!1"f,!~1 204 205 2 267 iV,!,T 215 216 :!% ~;r'l~ f"!;ftf'l'fT 66 67 206 207 268 W"t:~ 194 195 297 ll"'lIf;U 29R ~"'IifT~ 250 251 299 f~m""t 59 60 300 f!1'1TffT 73 74 269 ~!I'II{'t, 181 ]84 301 i?T>:T,!' 38 39 270 iji'{oftlff<'lliT 247 247 302 l;_I'U'l,"( 275 276 271 'i

"".~~t~ VlQl ~) ~ ------.------IJfill" fill' iii' ;rrIl ~1l1li'-lIQ1 ,.;II ttW '" if", li~1I ~). ifl';f1: ~ r----'---., ~Ifr ,---.A.-_ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_------2 3 4 2 4 ------_--

29/2 3fT'ISeT mrffl"""

28 !f;l!r<'I~' tiiT ]84 186 29 !f;,"" ~~T 4 4 S!Q'I.:lr.m 198 200 30 ifii!H"l$U 17 17 2 anmfi'flH ~,l"TT ti~..., 161 163 4 ar'R'l;,~ 83 84 33 'PIGf. 3 3 47 16 arl'f

  • [~( ;i:;r'f1'T 177 179 24 H'iTR:IlT 203 205 61 l1I1\1f~m 137 139 25 lfO~~ 2 2 62 Ii'!~l ~" 65 66 26 ~'11~ 124 126 63 Iill"'1::': 136 138 27 !j;;jT,,,~ 39 39 64 lif'fllri<:1 252 254 9

    lfaitPrr~'{ .mil Ifft ~ ------'f1I IITII 'iii iIfJI roifrl1lf)"iI if~~ $I' 'fir IIiJ IIIlI ~;fiIr m i[f

    --~------~------4 3 4


    29/2 arftCf ~

    95 mr'f '10m 294 295 6 65 1fa~r 6 97 19l'T'f ~~ 27 27 66 ri'(

    113 ci91 170 172 87 'l'l~l[I~'1 152 154 114 furrf,«T 21 21 115 In')f,>rT 176 118- 116


    94 SI,!< 278 280 121 i'lT""l\f 132 134 10

    "';Ifi~m ,",,1 llit 'Pl

    ------~------~ tRlIi,;rr1l f~'Iil1" IJJt'1 'iii! 1IT1I'.sf ;rrv ~'TIiR If>ll ~ ~~T ,---.A.---~ ftlfl ,..---A__ ------1971 1981 1971 1981 1 4 ------2 ------4 2912 3JT5eT ~~fror

    151 'Tolf,'!! "fTi'[f'l' 87 88 152 'Plf<'l!1T ;;TlIl'l' 29 29 122 ~1i6r 23 23 153 q'lf~!Tr 77 78 123 <:"'i~ 249 251 154 lfT'TU 243 245 124 ~~! 157 159 155 1fTlf1'i~.'1 292 293 125 ml~ 226 228 156 qp:;:)~T 76 77 126 irqOTT i~ 120 122 157 'l'Tm ;frnl~ 202 204 127 '!.'rtf~ 153 155 158 'fflT!lT 12 12 128 ~'flT~ 264 266 159 '!1<'Ifu,u 138 140 129 ~~ 268 270 160 qllf~ 174 176 130 ~~~ 122 124 161 f'f\J'lT lift 265 267 131 ~;p:RI 103 L04 162 .rr:r:r 293 132 trf'llfi 236 238 294 163 fq'l'fu'll !l<1f'l'f.''f 57 58 a 164 'fr'Tf.rlfT 'ij'ITT<:"I 255 257 165 q!q-iifil"1 "\Tlf'mf 114 116 l}3 ER&~! 275 277 .166 q!,,! '1>,1, '1><11 297 . 297 134 Ei"'l'FfT 172 174 167 q-!<'I! '1>1:], ~i 261 263 135 UTIfI1!l'I! 283 285 q; 136 !J:,Tsf 'I><'Ii 54 54 I ~7 ~<:!~ e:;i 52 52 168 ~, 1T6 118 169 'Ii,": ';<:1" 186 183 180 iI"'!:I\,1Ir >;!"tm 212 214 q 181 iI",!:f"il"I ",roT 145 147 182 ,",!:f

    ,.""'n~"''{ ,",,1 ~) «.)

    ------~------'IilI' "'"~illlI m;f)II'" rmn ~,~ UII''Iiff' ;--...... A..-.---., 1971 1<181 197. 1981 ------2 4 ------.-----~------"--

    2 Y/2 3JT!iiT 1Jfl:W

    186 iI'~I~':r 47 47 220 l1"f;ff ~~r 207 209 187 il1,T'l,~'1J 163 165 221 'I'r'iT1 ri¥.') 118 120

    188 !O<'fl If"'''' 90 91 200 ,!,f;ff !;r~1 289 290 234 'l'''''' I!'l,p:tnill~T 36 35 203 iil't<:itTl 200 202 237 >til'll ljil~1 119 12r 238 >t;r'i~ifT'l €t~ 222 230 239 >Till 180 182 240 >ToT "111 21:4 206 204 ~'I'HiI~ 144 146 241 >it<'f "rft 123 125 205 ~itill • 244 246 242 Illq_ "~I 205 207 206 15S 160 'l!li7J 243 1!'l1l.;1f~$<: 34 34 1TT3; lireT 62 63 207 244 1lTip'~, IS5 157 208 'Of{c$,1 260 262 209 'Oflit "lfl 33 33 210 'OfRP;lft 41 41 245 <:","T<'f~U 131 133 211 'Ofl" €t ..T 253 255 246 'Il~,t 'li"i;(T 13l 133 212 .(T<'f "r~ "~'Ii" 206 208 247 "l1'!":r f§.i. 108 109 213 "1'lil .. 245 241 248 <:'i"~tT 231) 232 214 mr~ 75 76 249 f<:l'ifnr 125 127 215 'Of)"" 234 236 250 ~'1'&~T 74 75 216 \T'U,,"T 238 240 251 'iitcT 73 74 217 "r!7I'1i""T 8 8 252 .:T<'flIfT'f 258 260

    218 IfIT< ,!'~t 273 235 253 ,"",iT,!' 169 171

    2[9 1f'11"1Jl1'!<:T 263 265 2H 'iTl'lI~<: 251 253 12

    ------~------..------EIfR)" "" 'iii ;rfli 'lilw ij~ ~'Ii)II;j'l=

    255 ;;r~"IT:r 79 80 256 ffi(~ 'IT( 81 82 276 ~Q;r~f 257 .Hi~ omr 210 212 44 44 277 ,:tgH~ 258 mr,f~ fir.nr f"'il 127 129 214 216 278 !Ii"'.,) 259 192 194 121 123 ~~''ilif' 279 260 .. rfVl.fI 91 92 !I'~,~' 220 222 280 !I'",e:) 219 261 ~~ 277 279 221 281 : 16 16 273 201 203 f!!f' if! 296 ilTl"II~"ft 48 48 274 W~t!!"'1 143 145 297 f!!"I!

    29/3 ~ ii(if;:fl<:r

    I;[(f,rfiillll 8'5 86 2 arl!<'Tl{I 2 2 3 ar,lIIf\:rlrr 43 43 6 3T1r;r~ 135 136 4 milT 57 57 7 arrlf!'I'T ij) arilll~ po III 5 arffll't, 116 117 8 3T11!<'fT 1JlIOTI'{,>:T 82 83 13


    ------3 4 2 4 ------_._--

    9 fa- ij[:n 146 140 37 "!;'1~T 96 97 38 fqifi<1qT~f 155 154 39 ;f;'~T 50 50

    49 49 10 '"~ ~

    40 Illl'!"''[ ITR'f1 q;il~, 51 51 16 ~ &)fT 91 92 44 iilq)f'l'lTI (!iff~ 93 94 17 "'1<'1'1'11'1'('1' 108 109 45 iille; W¥I 40 40 18 ~ liT;J 59 59 46 'lIl17i'f1 112 113 19 ~~ 95 96 47 "1;iITW' 75 76 20 ~~ 26 26 48 'lI[tr~ "~I 89 90 21 f"",!'l:t 76 77 22 'Iil<:rT ~'1T 38 38 25 IiTlH@t~r 151 138 26 -ijJ~ 102 )03', 52 ci'P,!,I 143 146 27 liif('!'T 13 13 28 1i[,1 111 112

    53 ilH'<'Ti Ifl'J~l!r 19 19 32 'Ii'!

    .1Ii .. "~"1't 91,,1 .n~ ------_------"If "II 'iiI '"" flWfililfilJ' if~ !fill liT" 'Ii! Ifl. <'fl;i'tll ~iI ~ ,-__..Jo--_--., ~ fllll ,,-_.-.A-- 1971 1981 1971 1981

    ~------1 2. 4

    ~------_ - _._------_---

    29/3 '09rcr l: 1l'~~1<;f

    58 ~'f'1 9 9 85 iTIIT'Fi9"1 55 55 59 ~q;r ij'lft 47 47 86 iTI'Rl 46 46 60 ~~!i~1 24 24 87 il'I!I"f~!li ll",f 68 68 61 ~;;f"l'1 1!ij;J(ft 149 150 gil 'IT'ffilll m ;rqi 1I~'1f1'~' 131 132 62 1i'r\'lif'I' 64 64 S9 III'If9!lT ifTamrr.- 107 108 90 il'rlf'fli~,) 35 35 U 91 .11f"lr~ 134 135 92 .r;;I~T 36 36 63 rr~If:;'''t 39 39 93 'f1'i1rc 141 144 64 "1~"1~ 124 125 94 f;reT"If 65 UTlf:O:l 7 7 138 159 95 fffift 52 52 96 f.'fm:pT 97 98 97 fnr" 'Ff': 122 123 66 'frey'f 119 120 98 f.!!f'f i9"T 21 21 67 ifllTTJ 81 82 99 fiT!!f'f lf9"1 10 10 68 if"f"~® 14 14 100 .')<~" 120 121 69 'f;rn~.". 133 134 101 .h~r '""II 114 115 70 'ff1i<'lf 16 1 G 102 ifn:,ft ~

    ."~flT\ VUlt 1Ii( V.) ------~,";fill ~;rnn ~ "If" ;Sf1l 'I'll ~rlJ "I 1m! ~~ att.~1 6~r ,..---.A.----, !l1ilf1 ,..-----'----.. 1971 1981 1971 1981 .... ------_-«------2 4 2 4 --_------_._------

    29/4 l'f~~'i;;r nQ:lI")-<,

    118 Iflft'l:'TT 41 42 144 ~![Tl[,llT'f 133 150 119 ;ti)1i'ft 42 43 145 ~'Fi[H[ II 19 120 ll'!!!i;f 75 87 121 lI'iit 67 84 121 Ifn:lff ..) 53 67 123 1T;;rr~ 126 142 124 1f~11f1

    110 'ilHrTT;it 92 106 i:I: 14l m?~~ 4/ 55 142 "I'ifl'.: IC4 \1;ihf 89 1 0 "l'[, 48 53 165 ipfl'IJ~, (ilfit) 5 7 166 ":-T"Il'fl?: 90 102 167 CP'l'[i'!; 98 110 143 lfiS i)f

    ""'If. 4n~"l,{ ,",,1 .tl~ ------_------.. ------'li1'l 1I11111f1 iIlli m'l)II'IiR"I~ llill 11111 '"" iI11I 'NT;f\'lr Ili'i ~ ffil!fT ,----.A.---....., R.IlI r--"--"--- 1971 1 98J 1971 1981 ------~ - -~------_ ------... _-_ ...... -- --.- 4 -- ---~. ~------_ -'---._-__ ._-----__ ..-

    29/4 'fij1f('<'mI'~ 1I~f<;r

    34 "fl~t 'fi'['! 79 92 35 f"f,"",lill 'li<'lt 112 128 ~crtliT 34 36 9 36 f"f'i<1'tilI ~.

    ~ 143 13 Q;"II1!I'f1 124 40 ~lq':T 45 48 14 'li~f'll"! ~5 lOS 41 fl'§

    ."_r~m~ aT"l !fir ~) ------'lIl1f 1r1l1ll111111 ~,";fillm~ tr:1I ~[lr 'iii !lTV ~~!.;r.,". ~ !f*Iil r---_"'____" ,--~~ 1971 19S1 1971 1981 ------2 4 3 4 --_------

    29/4 'i~;f

    (! 86 f"'HIFII 3 87 fqqf;;rlfT 13 14 59 rcl 1 J 4 131


    61 r<:lT ..r~ 135 154 90 iI'(iTr.r 27 ~8 91 iIn fl6 132 64 I1J11"''-r 106 122 95 iFiit 12 IS 65 urn~? 29 32 96 ,'1"1['];< 16~ 6 if 97 ilT{ 9 11 98 i[Tirr V~T 'fJ"l1;'l'f

    78 '1'='T'i1 127 141 79 'mmr'li'ili 57 71 80 '1;;fmrllf,ei 44 46 81 'F'fITm~ J59 02 85 '1TifR 87 101 117 "!7JIi.r 1:6 60 18

    llI'of'" "T~8f{ m"llfil ~.

    ~- -~ - .. ------_------~------~------11111 ~I ",A mil)" 'Ii" 'mit 'lr,1I VIII' iii! iJYlI ""r;fur ~)i ;{;~ 'Ii" ,-__ ..A. __ __, llli'1'l nlll ,--- --..A.-- 1971 )98) 1971 1981

    ------~------~-~------~ 2 4

    ...... - --.. --,~ -... ------'--- - _.-_ ----_ ------_. ~-

    29/3 ~;r:~mi1


    139 Wf[''lI'1' ~If' 87 88 I I S Iff,'flft 84 85 140 !ij1~,!"J 53 53


    119 48 UI'f,!' 4& 141 !J(Ifqrrfu'll 42 42 120 ~~;;T1!!1T1 65 65 142 lfllt'!U 118 119 12) ,jlllf,!, 129 120 143 ,IT,,!! 158 l'i7 122 ,T",H11 66 66 144 lffliitli'S1 152 137 123 7J~~ 37 37 145 fulfl,!' 61 61 124 tr~," 23 23 146 f«,I¥1 90 91 125 11'l',1 69 6!) 141 l_!'li'fW-l1 ~«'I;l;;Y 12 12 126 ~q:~ 70 70 148 l_!'fT, ti~; 15 15 149 'llll ~') 113 114 150 !t,flli~,) 106 107 127 .rf:TiI'1:' &8 89 IS! inlOfI ;;y;ft~ 126 127 128 i'l'1ll!i~1 154 153 152 lrrf'f!T1 103 104 152 129 or,:\_f~l 'liilf~ 104 105 153 ij'"f'f!TT ~i!:lt 153 154 130 131 13(} ~f~lIltff'1 145 148

    29{4 illili(:<'1[ifor q~m;;;

    4 OlHRT 121 138 5 arTlli1i!: 163 1 J 3 ilfiH[forln 69 85 6 art'lT'f.

    "".. qT~at'{ , .... iii) r) ------IIPI' ~.w;mn ,.;11 I:IJI'''''''''' ~m;n;A "" "" IIflI 00 ,---..J---.. ml r-----A.-~ 1971 )981 1971 11181 .__----_------2 4 4


    29 i 5 ~q;rr (l'ipfti1

    18 li'f~r 121 118 19 lil'iil~ 59 61 88 90 20 v1'q'r~ 70 69 21 fvfRI 'Ii1if 118 123 22 fom-I"( 128 131 2 aTi'«'T1me- 40 39 23 ..rU 7 9 3 aTIlfR" 127 129 24 li-{r fu<:r.r;rT 133 135 25 Vl~T 111 117 aft If 4 aTTffllT 50 53 26 'It" 122 119 27 Iffurl(! 41 40 28 'lo;l~ ~¥I 22 23 5 ~'fT<: 114 111 29 '!.qtf~ 71 67 6 ~~T~I 42 44 30 ,!'l"rf'!"ll"1 IiIT~li~ 95 100 11 ii~ Ij¥T 12 17 32 '1m1i~ 126 128 7 fm1~. 120 12() 33 '11'1 ,!,rfbrr Jl 18


    8 ~~ 10 12 34 i(r~ 157 154 35 "f1'f11di 78 80 36 "fj,,:,\'TT ,;;;ri 117 )22 37 ,{!'loTl 49 80 9 ~'"' 53 55 38 'il'li'<'ll 119 124


    10 1f>'Ii'" 21 27 39 :;r~"H!T 147 ~4<) 11 'ml(oo{ 123 1.25 40 :;( ...)f,Tll"T 'Ii<'lt 2 3 12 '8«lf lI" 136 138 41 :;r1f)f"ll.fl WT![li'l! 72 74 13 'iT«," 13 16 42 ~71i:sr 99 101 14 'iT«~1 130 132 43 'if~I'T'l,<: 77 79 44 '"€1I;;r'l,<:1 55 57 45 'if1"R1 33 35 15 !l

    .~~ml~)r) ----_------....".- 'lIfIII' ~...w~ IPI ITlf IfiJ WI! ~'IitI~ "" III "flI ~ , mr r---A----., 1971 1~8' 1971 1981

    ------~------1 l ~ 4 3 4 ------;------:"'------_.--

    2915 ~a&'trr\'l'


    75 72 ~ 45 47 49 g~~ 73 73 'I'IF'T 98 96 SO fif~ lSI 74 'fl!~~ 83 '6 3' 75 Oft",! 38 42 76 rrti~ 60 63 137 51 it'fi\; 135 77 'fT'f'fUf~ 46 50 78


    55 <'f'T<'l'.!\I 65 70 82 ~ 39 41 56 fu,,~ !44 146

    g3 if'f.(f~' 132 134 57 fu~ 41 5) 84 lfl"flfTTl 75 77 58 itfllfl:~")o 153 6 35 ~ 93 95 59 ~'1f!f 6-2 65 86 ~ro 139 141 '0- ~~) )3"7 f39' 87 ~ 28 30 88 iTTUlT 1 2 ~ 89 ifr~ 'Tifo'! 125 127 91) iTT~f;f'1"t ;r;;rf 31 H 6t !l<1~ 43 45 9f ~qT:r: 67 73 ;:r, 92 ifl"lrr 52 54 93 f.f.i";;;T 104 109 62 '"tTli'M" 2J 24 94 lit.-.:! 5'4 56

    ------"";ftlfm~ ,.--.A------. 1971 1981 '------2 4 4 ------._------

    104 129 ~~<'I' 10 12 f,rl!ill~' III R2 105 iftll m 156 153 106 'l!llll{( 27 29 130 ~T~l)'lI 84 85

    107 '11'0; ifit1"! 63 66 108 lIifi)f~'lr 80 88 131 q(G:Iii~ 120 1£,rl:I 110 116 32 34 143 fmHlT'l:" 121 IIm<:T 37 43 1 3 I 133 144 'r~f'l'lr 101 103 145 ,!~'1 91 93 146 ~;rO:I 1.f;i!:~'fI 4 4 122 11"1<:'1"1]1: 57 62 147 ~ljf,m 24 25 148 lilll9'!I?T 140 142

    123 ,:'i9~r 124 126 152 f!j_l:T;fT ~6 84 127 ~qm9' 36 38 153 ii)~r 116 121 128 >;~iT 17 19 154 ~t,"I'];U 64 60 22

    ALPHABETICAL UST OF VILLAGES ------SI. Namo of ViIlagf L.e.No. S!. Name 01 Vi/lag. L.C.No, No. r--.A.----. No. r--..A.-___ 1971 1981 11111 1981 ------2 3 4 f 2 4 ------.------

    29/1 Sebore Tahsil

    A 36 Barr; 58 59 37 Barba Khedi 277 267 196 Abdull:lpur 195 38 llazar 25 26 47 2 Achharoi 46 39 Beel Kheda Khurd 293 294 41 3 Ahm:ldpur 40 40 Bhagwanpura 244 245 77 4 AjmatDlIgIlr 76 41 Bhandeli 290 291 5 Alahda Khedi 240 241 42 Bbainsa Khedi 281 282 6 Alampura 262 263 43 Bhatoni 185 188 1 Amajhir 248 248 44 48 49 3 Amamaye 299 300 45 Bheela Khedi 69 70 9 Amla 173 176 46 Bhimpura 162 165 10 Anwoli Kheda 297 298 47 Bhoj 86 89 230 231 11 Arnrod 48 Khedi 53 54 49 50 12 Arniya SUltanpurl'l 49 280 281 106 109 13 Atralia 50 Bic\jhni 117 120 203 204 t4 Awantipura 51 Bichhiya 115 lUI 52 Bijhm 261 262 B 53 Bijora 201 202 Bijori 202 203 t5 Badar Kasant 7S 19 54 16 Badbeli 104 107 55 Bilkisganj 274 275 17 Badnagar 258 259 56 Bfshan Kheda 13 13 18 Bairagarh Chhatri 57 58 57 Bisban Kheaa 167 170 19 Bair>lgarh Ganesh 136 139 58 Buda Kheda 72 73 21+ Bairagarh Khlillll'll 61 62 H Baktdl J52 155 C 2:2 Bamuliya 60 61 59 Chainpura 211 272 23 B.lUu1lya 259 26l> 60 Chandbad 12 12 24' Ban Kheda 41 42 61 Chanderl 243 244 25 Bansia 2 2 €2 Chamal 45 46 26 Baradi Kalan 100 103 63 Chauki 9S 98 21 BaratIi Khurd 99 102 64 HI 114 28 Barkheda Bazyan 284 225 172 29, Barkheda Deva 64 65 65 Chhapri Baramad Ashta 169 3lJ Barkheda Hasan 31 32 66 Chhapri Kalan 200 201 31 Barkheda Kharet 83 85 67 Chhapri Khurd 151 154 32 Barkheda .)ukal 224 225 68 Chhatri 56 57 33 Bar Xhedi 87 90 69 Chbatarpura 16 16 34 Bar Klledi 263 264 70 Chitodia Ban 183 186 35 Barnawad 6 (, 71 Chitodia Hema 186 189 23

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------SI. Name of vil!aae L.C.No. Sl. Name of Villap L.C.No. No. ,..---J-----., No. r---A----.. 1971 1981 11171 1981 --_------_------2 4 2 3 4 -----

    29/] St'hore Tabsil

    72 Chitodia Lakha 184 187 104 Hasanpura 206 207 73 Chondi 231 232 105 Hasanpur Tinonia 66 67 lOr; Hatia Khedll 81 82 D 1117 Hedarganj 163 166 108 Hingoni 74 Dehriya Khurd 292 293 59 60 109 Hinoti 75 Dchri 33 34 73 74 110 Heerapllr 38 76 Dendi 168 171 39 III Hirapur 275 77 Devli 144 141 276 18 271 Dhabla 276 I 79 Dhaman Kh.da 253 254 106 80 Dhan Khedi 103 112 Jmlia Bhoj 302 84 81 Dhan Khedi 146 149 113 Imli Kheda 285 2&6 253 82 Dhavo:i 252 114 Imalia Hasan 93 96 83 Dhobi Khedi 129 132 84 Dida Khedi 199 200 J 85 Dobra 223 224 115 Jahanglrgarh 86 Dodi 226 227 34 35 116 Jahangirpura 245 87 Do!atpura 82 83 246 111 h.!an Klledi 135 13R 88 Doraha 97 100 118 lakha Khedi 213 89 Bhi! 228 229 2i4 119 Jamni 239 240 90 Dupadiya Dang! 105 108 120 Jamonia Kalan 207 209 91 Durgaon 9 !I 121 Jamnuia Khunl 92 95 G 122 Janpur Bawadiya 109 210

    123 )ala KI,etia 180 1~3 92 Gadiya 288 289 124 Jelli 107 1 (0 93 Garhi Bagraj 29 30 125 Jerla 22 21 94 Gawa 4 4 126 Jhagaria 1()S III 95 Geru Khan 2R6 287 127 Jhar Kh"da 102 IDS 96 Ghat palasi 121 124 1~8 JugrajpUla 27 28 97 Gokalpura 171 174 98 Gopalpura 51 52 K 99 Gudbhela 190 193 129 Kachn-viya 100 Gulkhedi 131 134 14Z 1,4 130 K.lchnariya 101 Gundi 37 38 155 158 131 Kadrabad .26 129 102 Gyaraspura 303 87 132 Kaha 1 i J adeed 254 255 H 133 Kahar; Kadeem 151 156 IH Kaku Khedi 43 44 103 Hasanbad 250 251 135 Kala P.Lilad 251 252 24

    ALPHABETIeAL LIST 011 VILLAGES ------_------SI. Nama of Village L.e.No. Sl. Name of Vil!ae. ,..-_..A-L.e.No.___ No. r--..A----., No, 1971 1981 1971 1981

    ------.------~------1 2 l 4 1 2 4 ------_._------

    29/1 Sebore Tahsil

    160 163 170 La8udia Dhakad 166 169 136 r<.alyanpUra 147 150 171 Lasu:;lia Khas J57 07 Kapuri 154 161 164 172 Lasudia Padhar 238 239 138 KaJadia. Ata 1)9 142 173 Lilakhedi 294 295 139 Karanj Kheda. 149 152 174 Lodhipura 20 21 140 Karariya Bhil 42 43 175 Londia 145 148 141 Karlat 65 66 142 Kasar Khedi 91 M 143 K;!lpon 88 D3 144 Khadampur 130 176 Magarda 19 19 68 69 145 Khai Kheda 177 Magar Kheda 140 143 143 146 146 Khajuria Kalan 178 Magardi Kalan p 17 134 137 147 Khajuria Khurd' 179 Magardi Khurd il 11 233 148 Khamaliya 232 180 Mahodia 198 199 131 149 Khandwa 128 181 Mahua Kheda 10 10 296 182 Mahua Khcda 119 150 Khari 295 116 167 183 Majheda 40 151 Kharpa 164 39 184 Mana Kheda 1-52 Khasll Khed'i 54 55 157 160 273 185 Mand Kheda 70 153 Khedfi 272 11 Manpura 154 Kherabad 118 121 186 14 14 lSI 155 Khokari 178 181 Manpura 84 86 1)6 Khutiya Khedi 257 258 188 Manpura 212 213 157 Khuraniya 291 292 189 Marhati 4, 48 g J58 Khursedpur 242 243 .90 Mendora 8 191 Meni Khedi 159 Khusamada 101 104 lSa 153 192 Mittu Khedi 112 115 16~ Kishanpura 273 274 193 Mogra RJm 246 249 161 ChhitlJ 211 212 194 Molga 162 Kolu Khedi 28 29 210 211 195 Mogarol Phool 163 Konajhir 24,} 250 188 191 196 Motipura 164 Kola Karar 298 299 18 18 165 Kulas Kalan 267 268 197 Mugispura 1,91 194 166 KUlas Khurd: 269 270 198 Muhali 218 119 199 MUkhtar Nagar 124 127 167 301 20 200 Mullani 1.70 173 L 20J Mundla Kalan 148 J51 202 Mundla Khurd 158 161 168 Lab Khedi 174 177 203 Mungaoli 24 25 16" Lasud:a Bazyaft 296 297 204 MungaoJi 219 220 2S

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------SI. Name of villaae L.e.No. S'. Name of Villa,. t.e.No. No. ,---...... ,..__----., No. ,...... -.A-~ 1971 1981 11171 IIISI ------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/1 Sehore Tabsil

    205 Munj Kbeda 133 136 206 Muskara 172 175 R

    23(' Rabiyabad 305 301 N 237 Rllfiqe Ganj 189 192 2:;2 Raipur 12J 126 207 Nai Redi 77 78 2;19 Raipllfa 221 2~1 187 190 208 Napla Khedi 2.0 Raipur Nayakheda 234 235 270 271 209 Napli 241 Rajukh,di 220 222 226 210 NareJa 225 242 Ralawati 277 278 101 211 Natra Khedi 98 243 Ramakhedi 279 280 Nawipur 99 212 96 244 Ram Khedi 165 168 213 Nipaniya 21-1 215 245 Ramjakhedi 5S 56 214 Nipania 138 141 246 Ra11\palasi 141 145 215 Niwadia 120 123 247 RasJa Khcdi 113 116 Noni Khedi 140 216 137 2-18 Rasulpura 71 72 234 217 Noni Khedi Gusain 233 2-19 Rasulpur 179 182 228 250 Rata Kheda 227 290 P 251 Ratnn Khedi 289 252 Rawan Kheda 125 128 Rawat· K.heda 15 15 218 Panchama 236 237 253 218 219 Pach Pipalia 182 185 254 Rola 217 Rolu Khedi 159 162 220 Padalya 30 31 255 Padli 265 266 221 S 222 Padyala 52 53 223 Pan Bihar 122 ]25 256 Sagoni 256 257 224 palan 89 92 257 Salehpur 36 37 225 Pater 3 258 Sali KheJa Gus~i 304 303 2~6 Patera 21 22 259 Sangran,pur 1r.l 184 2).7 Pathriya 23 24 260 Sankh,:da 79 80 287 288 228 Palni 261 Sankla 44 45 229 Pearpatan 80 81 262 Saranga Khedi 241 242 230 Phandd 35 36 263 Sarkhrdl 127 ]30 23] Pili Karar 1 1 264 Satanw"di 5 5 232 pilu Kltedi 50 51 265 Satorania 109 J 12 233 Pipaliya Mira 260 261 266 Satplpaliya 247 247 93 234 Pipa1 Kheda 67 68 ,..,.261, • SarPOll 90 235 Pipalntr 282 .J8~ 2"66 ' )e)'n3Ii.' K.llan 156 159 26

    ALPHABETICAL LIST 011 VILLAGES ------SI. NalllG of VillAge ,--.A.-L.e.No. ___ Sl. Name or ViJlHt L.e.No. No. No. r-..A..-_ 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_.... _-----_------2 4 2 4 ------,------

    29/1 Sebore Tabsil

    269 Sema]i Khurd 205 206 T 270 Semm Dangi 222 223 271 Sewania 196 197 290 Taj 229 230 272 Shaharyarganj (RiTan Khedi 132 135 291 Tdkipur 237 238 292 Takiya Z73 Shahjahanpur 75 76 85 88 293 Thuna !Ca.) an 235 236 274 Slmhpur Kodia 197 198 294 20g 275 Shekhpura 215 216 Thuna Khurd 208 295 Titora. 264 265 276 Sherpur 194 195 296 Tor~nia 110 113 277 Shikarpur 255 256 Shivpuri 204 205 278 U 279 Shyampur 199 122 297 Udpura 177 180 Sikandarganj 94 97 280 298 Uljhawan 283 284 268 269 281 Sikandarganj 299' l;marjhir 300 302 2,~2 Sikandarpur 278 279 300 Usmania 175 178 283 Sihndarpur!> 74 75 284 Silkhedu 26 27 V 285 Siradj 114 117 301 Vikrampura 7 7 286 Sonda 176 179 287 Sonkatchh 91 94 W 288 Soli 62 63 302 Waheedganj 63 £4 289 Suakhem 32 33 303 Waheedl:anj 216 217

    2912 Ashta Tahsil

    A 11 Arniya Ram 241 243 12 Aroliya 135 137 Abdu:llpur 150 152 13 Arcl iya () 22 22 2 Ahmadpur 04 136 l4 Atral~a 193 200 Amarpura 83 84 15 Atraliya Jawllf 63 '4 4 Amipur 231 2J3 16 AwaH Khoda 296 111 5 Amkhedi 272 274 6 Amla Maiju 82 83 B 7 Anandipura 140 142 8 Arniya Dalla 240 242 11 Badaliya B~ramad Dabari 173 175 9 Arniyagazi 20 20 18 Badghati 256 258 10 Arniya Johari 276 278 19 235 237 27

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------NIUle of ViII ... L.C.No. SI. Nlme of "m age L.e.No. SI. ' No. r----..A-----., No.' ,...---J-~ 1971 1981 1911 1981 ------2 3 4 4 ------

    29{'J. Ashta Tahsil

    20 Badkhola 267 269 57 Bhonra 234 236 21 BadIiya Baramild' 257 259 58 Yalan 88 8 59 Bhuphod 245 247 22 Badodiya Gadri 128 130 60 Bilpan 45 45 23 Bager 233 235 61 Bisu Khedi 1 24 Bagdawada 168 170 62 Bor Kheda 202 2S Bahadarpura 163 165 200 63 26 Baijnath 178 180 Burana Khedi 289 290 27 Bajarkhedi 105 106 C 28 Baj Khedi 25· 25 29 Bala Kheda 93 94 64 Chach~ Khedi 193 195 30 Baman Khedi 133 135 65 Chancharsi 130 132 31 Baman K~edj 246 248 66 Channotha 167 169 32 Bamuliya KhiJlchi 212 214 67 Chapsi 15 15 33 Bamuliya Bhati ]l:.S 147 68 Chhapar 278 280 34 Bamuliya Raimal 28 28 69 Chhapri 194 196 35 Band£riya DaJiya 98 99 70 Ch].ayan Kalan 294 295 36 Bandariya Hat 80 81 71 Chh,ayan Khurd 27 27 37 Ban veerpura 186 188 72 Chintnmanpura 46 46 38 Bapcha 237 239 73 Chopadiya 195 197 39 Bapcha Baramad 110 112 Barchhapura 47 47 ~o D 41 Barkheda 78 79 Barkhedi 271 273 42 74 Dabri 159 161 102 103 43 Barkhedi (Siddiqueg;mJ) 15 Dallllpllra 249 251 148 150 44 Bauiput. 76 Dalpatpura 157 159 45 Beda Khedi 2[3 215 77 Darapur 226 228 144 146 46 Bhagwanpur 78 Darkheda 23 23 Bhamura 158 160 47 79 nauniY>l 236 238 Bhana Khedi 41 41 48 80 Dcepla Khedi 120 122 49 Bhati Kheda 33 :'3 81 Dehmat 103 104 50 Bhatoni 244 246 82 Deogarh 1M 2-66 51 Bhatpura 260 262 83 Deapur ;.68 270 52 Bhau Kheda 62 63 84 Dewan Khedi 122 124 53 Bhaurllsa 238 240 85 Dhanaoa 172 174 54 Bheel Khedi 253 25~ 86 Dhankhedi 275 277 55 Bheel Khedi Sadak 206 208 87 Dhinga Khedi 283 285 56 Bhenmpur 75 76 88 Dhuracta Kalnn 54 54 28

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------Sl. Name or Vlllage L.C.No. Sl. Name or Villa.. L.C.No. No. ,-A-~ No ,_A_--. 1911 1981 1971 1981 -----_._------_.. _------2 3 4 2 4 ------29/2 Asbia Tahsil

    52 89 Dhurada Khurd n 120 Hakimpur 6i 68 90 Dodi 69 70 121 Halya Khedi 48 48 91 Duka 164 166 122 Hamid Khedi 160 162 92 Dupadi.ya 153 1 S5 123 Hrjipura 29) 292 124 Harnawada 5 F 125 Harniyagaon 18 18 126 Harraj Khedi 248 250 Fatebpur ] 16 118 93 127 HUhmatpur II 11 146 148 94 FatehpUT Kideram 128 Hirapur 190 192 129 Husainpur Kbcdi 185 187 G ( 95 6adra Khedi 209 211 P6 Gajna 84 85 130 llahi leo 101 97 Ganga! Kothri 95 96 131 Ismail Khedi 38 38 ~g Gau Khedi 6 6 99 GawaKheda 218 220 J 100 Gawala 59 60 101 G hansl!yampurn 152 154 132 Jafrabad 197 199 102 Gondi 181 183 133 Jagannathpura 151 153 103 Gondpura 198 134 Jagmalpur 141 143 liM Gondpllria 282 284 135 Jahanpura 99 100 105 GopalpuT 166 163 Jasmat 106 G,windpur3 290 291 136 101 102 137 Jassupllla 266 268 107 Gunjari 64 65 Jata Khedi 2'6 218 lOS lhnd'a iiI 62 138 139 Jawar 31 31 !Ol} Guradi.l'3 Kalan 89 '90 140 Jhalela 60 61 110 Gllradiya Khurd 92 93 141 Jhanjhanpura B 53 111 Gnradiya mandha 56 57 142 Jharkhcdi 250 252 112 (luraoiya Ra0 101 108 Jhikdi 270 272 }t3 Guradiya Rupchand 232 234 143 42 114 Guradiya Sirajuddin 126 128 144 Jhaikdi Jawar 42 115 Guradiya Varma 49 49 145 Jhirniya 242 244 116 Guradiya Bazyaft 279 281 146 JiraplIr Mahodia 7 7 111 Guwali 58 59 K H 147 Kahir Khedi 39 39 113 Hajipur 16 16 148 Kachnariya 203 205 119 Hakimabad t71 173 149 K<.du Khedi III 113 29

    ALP~BETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ----_-_.----_------Sl. NIDII of vil!ap L.C.No. Sl. Name of VillaR' L.C.No. No. r----..A-----., No. r----"----. 1971 1981 1971 11181 ---.------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/2 Ashtll Tahsil

    Kaji Khedi 161 163 150 L 151 2 2 152 KaJapipal 24 24 188 Lachhirampura 79 80 153 Kalyanpura 17 17 189 Lakhapura 2S1 253 Ig0 154 Kamalpur Khedi 184 184 Lakhiya 91 92 155 Kanapura 208 210 191 Lakhmipur 161 171 156 Kanda Khedi 222 224 192 Lakhu Khedi 277 279 157 Kankriya Khedi 70 71 193 lasudiyol Khas 210 212 158 Kannod 124 126 194 Lasudiyapar 81 82 159 Kanya Khedi 14 14 195 Lasudiya Sukha 192 194 160 Karman Khedi 4 4 196 Lasudiya Yijaysingh 127 129 161 Kasampura 224 226 197 loras Kalan 191 193 162 Katla 286 287 198 Loras Khurd 183 185 163 Kelapani 280 282 164 Keshopuc 19 19 M 165 Keu Khedi 196 198 166 Khacharod 115 117 P 19 Magar Khedi 273 275 167 Khadi 165 167 200 Mali Khedi 118 120 Khajuriya Kasam 88 89 168 201 Mali Kheda Bazyaft 156 158 32 169 Khajui ry a j4war 32 202 Malipura Astha 162 164 170 Khaladiya 137 139 203 Malipura 26 26 171 Khamkhcda Astha 254 256 204 Maina 180 182 Khamkheda Baijnath 179 172 177 205 Maina Khedi 704 206 173 Khandaurapur 239 241 206 Mana Khedi 207 20!J 174 Khatsura 43 43 207 Manir~mpura 263 265 175 Khejda Kheda 65 66 208 Mehmudabad Khodi 228 230 17n Khempur 136 138 209 Iv'emda Khedi 119 121 177 Khenipura 252 254 210 Metwara 36 36 178 Killod 274 276 211 Mirjapur 71 72 212 179 Kodakpura 51 51 Mitthupura 281 283 213 Moh"mmadpllr 180 Katiya N~la 299 34 34 181 Kothri kalan 211 213 214 !\1ohammadpur Pakhani 155 157 182 Kumdawada 182 184 215 Molu Khedi 205 207 183 Kumhariya 259 261 216 Mound la rcagarda 90 91 184 Kundiya Dhanga 35 35 217 Moondla mohabba 10 10 118 Moru kJtedi 123 125 185 Kundi ya NatllU 219 Mubarakpur 221 229 186 Kurnwar 13 13 220 Mugli 225 221 187 Kurli Kalan 50 50 221 Mullani Mangalpur 221 223 30

    ALPHABETlCAli UST 011 VILLAGES ------_------.._ Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Vi lilli' L.C.No. No. r---"--""""I No r---"--...... 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------.. ------2 4 2 3 4

    ------_. ._---,--- -_------.~------

    29 f 2 Ashta Tahsil

    222 Mundi Khedi 154 156 223 Mundla 189 19{ R 224 Muradl'ura 149 151 257 Rajjakpura 131 133 225 MurJwar 9 9 258 Rampura Kalan 113 115 N 259 RaITipura Khurd 108 109 260 Rasulpura 130 232 22~ Nanakpur 129 131. 261 Richhudiya 125 127 227 Nanjipura 285 55 262 Roiagaon 258 260 228 Narpakhedi 109 110 263 Rupabeda 74 75 229- Naugaon 112 114 264 Rupeta 73 74 96 97 230 Neelbad S 23'1 NJjarnadhi 40 40 232 Nimawara. 284 286 265 Sandho Khedi 214 216 233 Nipa'1iya 199 201 266 Sama:rda 220 222 234 Nomaniya 269 271 267 Samardi 219 221 235 Nardllgpur 142 144 268 Samari 287 288 269 Sanl,'l1 Khedi 121 123 P 270 Sati>ada 44 44 271 Selntibari 37 3., 236 pagariya Chor 72 73 272 Seoda 115 177 237 Pagari ya Hat 97 98 273 Snahjah~npura 106 107 238 Paladiya 138 140 274 Shallpura magarda 94 95 ?,W Paklsi 12 12 275 Shahpur:J. Pancbapura 66 67 24(t PamaKhedi 292 293 241 Pangri 243 245 276 Shahwajpura 147 149 277 Shambhu Khedi !90 242 Pao lChedj 174 176 188 241 Pardi Khedi 76 77 278 ShYoInwur Magarda 295 296 244 Parotiya 71 78 279 Shampur Tappa 247 249 245 Puroiil"l Chauhan 29 29 280 Shankarpur 139 141 246 P>trwagosai 202 204 281 ShekhJapura ]43 145 247 P~tariya Chauhan 87 88 282 Shekhu Kheda 55 56 24~ P~tariy Goyal 181 189 283 Shiv Khedi 201 203 204') PiJi Karar Kalln 297 297 284 Siddiqlleganj 104 105 250 Pili Karat Khurd 261 263 2li5 Singarchori 262 264 251 P]lUdra 68 69- 286 Sobha Kh~di 2Z9 231 252 Pipaliya Chamaran. 255 257 287 Sulkhedi 179 181 253 Pipaliya Ramdas 114 116 254 Pipaiiya Salarsi 57 58 T 255 Pirana Khedi 265 267 288 Tajpura 132 134 256 lIitl:apura 293 294 289 Tauda 170 172 31

    ALPHABETICAL II.IST 011 VIIlI:.AGES ------SI. Name 0' villalle L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 VillIII' ... C.No. No. ,--...-J--...., No. ~~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

    ------~------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------_.....

    29}2 Alihta Tahsil

    290 Tigariya 21 21 296 Urnardad 288 289 291 Tipa Khedi 217 219 297 Umarpur 215 217 292 Titoriya 176 178 298 Urli 85 86 293 Tolka Kheda 30 30 W U 299 Wafapur 225 225 294 Udaipur 117 119 295 Udanpura 86 87

    29;3 Icbbawar Tahsil

    A 20 Bhada Khedi 21 Bhagwatpur 29 29 136 1 Abidabad 135 22 Bha:! khedi 94 95 2 AllipUr IJ6 117 23 Bhojpura 6 6 2 2 3 Alnlaha 24 Bichholi 138 159 111 4 Amla Noabad 110 25 Jlijori 52 52 83 5 Amla Ramjipura 82 26 Binakpura 97 98 57 57 6 Ariya 27 Bishan Khedi 21 21 43 43 7 ArwaIiya 28 Bishan Kheda 10 10 85 86 8 Atraliya 29 Birpura 120 121 30 Bordi Kalan 114 115 B 31 Bordi Khurd 136 141 55 32 Borp~ni alias DudaIaw3 137 72 9 Bagan kheda 55 36 Brijis Nagar 122 123 10 Balapur 36 33 133 11 Balondiya 132 144 C 12 Balupat 141 13 Bamankhedi 35 35 34 Chajnpura 50 50 14 Bamala Darh 134 135 35 Chandpura 'J6 97 15 Bapcha 46 46 36 Chhapari 20 20 16 Barkbeda Kurmi 18 18 Chhapri Miya 72 73 11 Bawadiyachor .lias Shaharyarpur131 132 37 25 25 18 Bawadiya Gusain 68 68 38 Chhapari Tall uk 155 154 19 Bawadiya Noabad 107 108 39 Chikalpa~i 32

    ALPHABETICA .. LIST OP VILLAGES ------Sl. Name of Village L.e.No. Sl. Name of ViII... L.e.No. No. r--..A.-~ No. r--..A.-"""",, 1911 1981 1971 1981 ------2 4 2 3 4 ------.--- -_------_--_

    29/3 Ichbllwlr Tabsil

    67 Jamoniya HJtesingh 93 94 D 68 Jat Khcdi 40 40 69 Jhalki gO 81 40 Deh Khedt 24 24 70 JIlaI Pipali J 56 155 Dehriys 149 150 41 Mukati 71 Jhar Kheda 62 62 47 47 42 Dewan Khedi 72 Jogda Khedi 89 90 100 43 Dhabla Mata 99 73 Jujharpura 75 76 44 Dhai Kheda 124 125 45 Dhamanda 7 7 K 46 Dh"rampuf) 39 39 47 Dhawlarai 30 30 74 Kalapipar 108 109 48 Diwadiya 74 75 75 Kaliya Khedi 3 49 DolatpUr 64 64 76 Kalyanpura Dhakad 79 80 50 DUdlai 63 63 77 Kalyanpura Dube 86 87 51 Durgpura 9 9 78 Kaneriya 121 122 79 Kankad Kheda 91 92 G 80 Karanpura 56 56 81 KhajUflya Dhengi 38 38 52 Gadiya 71 71 82 Klum Kheda 151 138 53 Gaji Kheda 128 129 83 Khejda 102 103 54 GaontaJab 98 99 84 Kheri III 11.:\ 55 Gau Khedi 44 44 85 Kherpura 13 13 56 Golu Khedi 8 8 86 Kolu Khedi 139 142 57 Gora Khedi 41 41 87 Korra 140 143 58 Goyal Khedi 32 32 88 Kudi 95 96 59 Guradi 117 118 89 Kulhadi 29 26 H 90 KundikhaJ 59 59 91 Kushalpura 76 77 (iO Haliya Khedi 34 34 (11 Haraspur 58 58 L 62 Himntatpura 73 74 63 Hutiya Khedi 67 67 92 Ladawad 88 89 93 Ladpura 78 79 I 94 Laliya Khedi 60 60 95 Lasudiya Goudi 145 ] 48 64 It Kheka 146 140 96 Lusudiya Goyal 31 31 J 97 Lusud iya Kaugar 104 J05 98 Lasudiya Ram 9:! 93 65 Jamli 1\2 1 J 3 99 Lusudiya Shekhu 28 2S 66 lamoniya Fatehpur 51 51 100 Lau Khcdi 27 27 33

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------SI. Name 01 "'iIlase L.C.No. Sl. Name 01 Villa .. L.C.No. No. t"""--J.-.-~ No. ,..--.Jo---. 1971 1981 11171 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------__...,_,_ --

    29/3 Ichh.1far lUliI

    101 Lawa Khedi 154 153 102 Loha Pathar 159 158 R 103 Lotiya 150 151 \31 Raghunat bpura 65 65 132 Ramdasi 66 66 M 133 Ramgarh 129. 130 134 Ram Nagar 37 37 104 Magarpat 157 156 135 Rampura 23 23 105 MandaJgarh 142 145 136 Ratanpur 48 48 106 Mawada 125 126 137 Rupadeh 70 70 107 Mogra 100 101 138 Rupdi 69 69 108 Mohanpur Lendi 5 5 109 Mohanpur !

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES ------_._ SI. Namo of Village L.e.No, Sl. Name 01 Vi IIIII' ,-_..A..L.e.No. ___ No. ,--..A..-...... , No. 1971 1981 1971 1981 ------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------.------

    29/4 NlSrullaganj Tahsil

    34 Borkheda Khuru 6 8 A 35 Bor Khedi 73 88 36 Borpani 164 166 Agra 121 138 162 2 Amba Jadeed 143 C, 16& 3 Ambajhiri 168 S4 37 Chanda Gahan 79 92 4 Amba Kadeein 50 113 38 Chandpura 129 147 5 Amdob 163 105 39 Chorsa Khedi 32 30 Ii Amcerganj 91 140 40 ChatarKota 169 112 7 Amlada 112 S5 41 Chhapuri 45 4& 8 Atralia 69 42 Chhipaner 24 27 B 43 Ghitgaon Kachhi 142 158 44 Chhitgaon Moji 84 97 134 lSI 9- lIabri 4S C;:hie~ 74 8') 16 10 Bachgaoo \5 46 ChichI aha Khurd 102 120 145 161 11 B(ldgaon 47 Chichlaha K~lac 112 128 27 28 12 Bagwata 48 Chichli 11 12 D Bain 9 11 14 Baisad 113 99 D 15 lalagaon 63 79 49 Dabr; 1:5 164 16 Bankot 8 10 50 Demawar 144 160 17 Bansdeo. 13 20 51 Dhaba 167 ) 15 18 Barkhed'j 12 15 52 Dhamallda 106 122 19- B:!dnagar :16 35 53 Dhandia 86 96 20 Basantpur 162 () 54 Dhankot 132 149 zt Basnia Khurlf 131 148 55' Dhannas 85 98 22 Barodiya Jl6 132 56 Dholpur 29 32 H, Beejlan 60 74 57 Digwad 132 154 24 Beela Khedi 157 59 58 Dohhan 19 21 2S Beelpati }O) 116 59 Dongjapani 146 1 26 Bhabbad 105 123 Dlnc!akui 56 69 27 G 28 Bh,ilai 159 62 29 Bhimg:lOn 82 95 61) Ghutwani 3 5 31} Bhura Kheda 156 (1) 6! Gilhari 35 38 31 Bodr 10 13 62 Gillore 62 76 32 Borghati 125 J4~ 63 Gohan 110 130 33 Borkheda Kalan. 61 75 64 Gopalpur 20 22 35


    ------_.------_------_._-- St. Name' or viI!alle L.e.No. Sl. Name ot VillaR' L.C.No. No. r---..A------., No. ,---..A-~ 1971 1981 11171 1981 ------~------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/4 Nasrullagnaj Tah!i1

    65 Gorakhpur 37 39 66 GuJarpura 55 70 t

    H 95 Ladkui 47 55 96 Lanchor 89 100 Habeeb Nagar 4& 53 67 97 Lawapani 92 106 68 HaJya Khedi 64 77 69 Hameedganj (Tumdi) 5 7 M 70 Harmau 98 110 98 Magaria 71 Hathighat 90 102 41 42 99 Mahagaou Jadeed 136 153 I 100 Mahagaon Kadeen 39 41 101 Mal3jpur 126 1.-l2 Harsi 34 36 72 10~ Mandhi 67 ~4 124 73 Itawa Jadeed 107 103 Majhli 75 87 33 37 74 Itawa Kalau 104 Manji Khcdi 42 43 2 75 Itawa Khurd 2 lOS Mariyado 53 67 106 Mehrugaon 81 93 J 107 Mongra Kheda 158 61 76 J amonia Bazyaft 101 119 lOR Muhai 7 9 77 Jamonia (Pandagaon) 30 33 N 18 Jllagar 137 152 25 79 Ihaklaha 23 109 Nadia Kheda Bazyaft 100 118 49 56 80 Jhali 110 NaJia Kheda Kh:t1sa 130 146 8 t Jhirnia 46 47 III Nahar Kheda 88 103 82 Jogala 80 94 112 Nandg:lon 118 135 113 Nandkot 71 ~(J K 114 Narela 99 117 115 Narryanpura 25 21i 83 Kal ...·una 124 143 Nawa!gaon 152 58 84 Kankaria 95 108 116 72 % 85 Kandgaon 140 151 117 Ncelkanth 18 Nlmnagaoll 5LJ 72 86 Knajuri 165 114 45 87 Khanpura 119 136 119 Nimota 43 88 Kharsania 58 73 120 Nlpania 11 J 127 89 Khatia Khedi 117 134 90 Kl>hanpur 4 4 P 91 Kosmi 151 51 139 92 Kotra Pipalia 97 109 121 Padliya 123 93 Kumantal 16 18 122 Palasi Kalan 57 7\ 94 Kurinayapura 14, 49 123 Palaspani 52 64 36


    ------~------Sl. N.... Gf viJ)-a .. L.e.No. Sl. Nlme Gf Viii ••• L.C.No. No, ,..---..A-----.. No. ,...... ---...A.~ 1971 1981 11171 1981 ------.------2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/4 Nastun.laoj Tahsil

    124 Panchore 87 101 146 Sas1; 21 24 125 Pandaaaon 31 34 147 Satdev 28 31 12.6 Patrani 127 141 148 Satrana 120 137 127 Pattala; 93 104 149 Seegaon 22 23 128 PipJani I 3 150 Seelkanth 66 83 129 PipaJia 13 14 151 Semalpanj ladid 94 107 130 Pipalia Khal sa 12!? 145 152 Semalpani (Kade8fil) 38 40 131 Pipal Kota 114 131 153 Sewania 154 165 132 Pal:!!i Khurd 44 46 154 Shyamugaon 133 15Q 155 Shyampur (Kadcem) 40 44 R 156 Shukarwas 14 19 157 Singpllr 133 Rafiqurganj 150 52 153 57 134 Raja 138 155 158 SiraJi 147 162 135 Ramgarh 109 126 159 Sirali 160 63 131i Rampura Chakaldi 96 III 160 Sohan K.hedi 68 81 137 Ranipura 26 29 161 Sonthia 77 90 138 Ratanpllr 161 6j 162 Soyat 104 121 139 RichaTlya Jadced 141 159 163 Surai J)haba 166 127 110 Richhadia Kadcem 65 78 164 8uned S4 68 '41 Rinjhadia 108 125 142 Rithwar 115 133 T 143 Rujan Khedi 78 91

    129 S 165 Tajpura J 11 166 Tigali 70 82 144 Sankota 148 50 167 Tikamod 51 66 145 Sarsodia 17 17 16S Tiladia 139 156

    29/5 Budoi Tahsil

    A B

    Akoi:t 88 90 4 Bagwada 75 77 2 Amon 127 129 5 Baktara 132 134 3 Anwallghat 40 39 6 Bamhori 139 14f 37


    ------~------.~----- SI. Name or villa.e L.e.No. Sl. Name or Vill.at L.C.ND. No. ,..--...-Jo--____, No. ,....---.A-~ 1971 1981 11171 1981 ------_ ------:z 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/5 Badni Tahsil

    7 Banela 93 95 8 Bansapur 67 73 G 9 Bansa.gahan 125 127 41 Gadar 122 119 10 Bardha 1 2 42 Ganjeet 41 40 11 Bordha. Kheda 8 11 43 Gehun Kheda 12 17 12 Bar Kheda 28 30 44 Gondl! Kheda 126 13 Basania Kalan 31 33 128 45 Gondi Guradia 18 IS 14 Dayan 52 52 46 GUlad Khe(1a 22 23 15 Behra Khedi 29 31 47 Guwadia 71 67 16 8erkhedi 69 68 48 Guwadia Shahganj 95 100 17 Bhadkul 10 12 153 18 Bhim Kothi 156 H 19 Bhomda 21 29 20 Bibda 54 S6 4\1 Hotlewa R5 83 21 Bincka 104 109 50 Hathnora 102 104 22 Bisa Khedi 146 148 51 Hignasir 141 145 23 Bodra 108 113 52 Hirani Ui 84 Bordhi 9 10 24 53 Hoda 116 121 16 14 25 Bori 54 HilJipura 64 60 26 Born a 142 144 , 27 Budni 68 72

    C 55 lsharpur 120 120 56 [tarsi 42 44 2R Chachmau 78 80 57 Itwar 114 111 29 Chakla 157 154 30 Chandla Kalan 117 122 J 31 Charua 49 4R 58 Jahajpura 55 57 32 Chikli 119 124 59 Jahanpur ~~ 79 D 60 Jail 107 IOn 61 Jajna 33 35 33 Dehri 137 139 62 Jamonia Kalan 2 3 34 Delawadi 153 6 61 lamoni a ShahgaDj 72 74 35 Devgaon 62 65 64 Janwasa 147 14~ 36 Dha'lkot 43 45 65 13 wahar Kheda 99 101 37 Dipa Khcda 47 :il 66 Jharrapuf 73 75 38 Dobi 105 107 67 Jholipur 151 1 39 Dongri 5 68 Jonlala 134 136 40 DUngllria 97 97 69 JoshipUl 74 7(, 38

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VJLLAGES ------SI. NIIIIt or yill. L.e.No. Sl. Nlme 01 Viii ... L.C.No. NG. ,.....--..A-----. No. ,---.A--...... 1971 1981 1971 11.181 -----"------2 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/5 ~UdDj Tahsil


    101 Naganpur 89 91 102 Naharkola 154 lSI 70 Kakarda 21 27 103 Nahlai 3S 37 71 Karitalai 123 125 104 Nandner 143 143 72 Khadli 26 28 105 Narayanpur 145 147 73 Khandabad 59 61 106 Nayagaon '23 24 74 Khanp'lra 7 107 Neem Khedi 113 112 75 Khapa Khurd 70 (i9 108 Neemton 96 98 76 Khatpura 79 81 109 Ninore 57 59 77 Khawada 121 118 110 Nonbhet 138 140 9 78 Kheri 7 133 135 7~ Kheri Silgena 0 123 80 Khidiya Kurmi t 18 131 81 Khilwai 128 I I J Odia 50 53 HI '117 82 Khoh, 11 83 Kasmi 13 P 132 84 Kosmi 130 1>5 Kusum Kheda 136 138 112 Pahar Khcdi 83 86 113 Panar; 98 96 114 Pandado 60 63 M 115 Pangra. 38 42 116 Panguradi~ 46 50 R6 Machhwai IOn 108 117 Paraswada 82 K7 87 Madhawan 92 94 118 Pathoda 45 47 88 Majarkui 25 26 119 Phulada 39 41 89 Makodia 20 22 120 Pili Karat 61 64 90 Makodia 80 88 121 Pipalia Bazyatt 15 13 ,}1 Mal.wayan 18 20 122 Pipaliya Kheda lOG 102 92 Mand 66 il 93 Mardanpur 30 32 R 94 MathaI 152 150 95 Mathni 4R 49 123 Ramnagar 76 78 96 Mathagaon 34 36 124 Rampura 94 99 97 Mau Kalan 63 66- 125 Ratanpur Ii 98 Mogra 37 43 126 Rehti ! 7 19 99 MUrari 1 JO 116 127 Rewgaon 36 3R 100 Murrah 44 46 128 Richhoda .124 126 39

    ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES - ---.__ ---,------_------_------_- Sl. N arne of vii! age L.e.No. Sl. Name of VilisII' t.e.No. No. ,.---.J.------., No. ,----"------1971 1981 1971 1981 ------_ 2 3 4 2 3 4 ------

    29/5 Budni Tahsil

    145 Sudania 101 103 S 146 Sudon 91 93 147 Siyagahan 131 131 14 15 129 Sa&onia T 130 Sagpur 129 130 131 Sehrai Ginnor 155 152 14R Talpllra 6j 70 132 Saidganj 87 89 149 Thikri 135 137 133 <;alkanpur 19 21 150 Tillot 144 146 134 Samnapur 109 115 135 San Khedi 112 114 U 136 Sanwalkheda 32 34 137 Sarda! nagar 103 105 151 Ukai 90 92 138 Satar 51 52 152 Uncha Kheda 53 55 139 Satra mau 115 110 140 SaltU madi 56 58 V 141 Semaria 24 25 142 Semri kat Kuwa 4 4 153 Vikrampur 81 il2 143 Sbahganj 24 25 Y 140 142 144 Somalwada 154 ¥ur Nagar 58 62



    The Village Directory contains information P - Primary School about the name of village, total area of village, M - Junior Secondary or Middle School total population and the number of households in H -- Matriculation or Secondary Scbool the village, amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post and telegraph, market day, PUC - Higher Secondary / Intermediate/pre­ communications, approach to village, distance from University/Junior College the nearest town, power supply, staple food, land C - College (graduate level and above) use, places of religious, historical and archaeologi­ like Arts, Science, Commerce etc. cal interest etc. This is further supplemented by I - Industrial School information on copies of newspapers corning in the Tr. - Training School village, number of motor cyc1es/scooters/cars/jeeps AC - Adult LIteracy class/centre and tractors available in the village. o - Other Educational Institutions. These Every village in a tahsil has been assigned a may include Sanskrit Pathshalas, serial number which is the location code of the Senior Basic School, Maktab, etc. viIlage to facil itate identification. Apart from the revenue villages, forest villages have also been Where figures like P(3), M(2), H(l) etc. occur listed. Villages that have been treated wholly or these denote that the village has three Primary, two partly as urban outgrowths hecause of their being Middle and one Higher Secondary School. contiguous to an urban arca have also been listed and a note ind icaltng "included wholly or partly as If there are composite schools like Middle urban outgrowth of such and such town" has also school with Primary classes or Higher Secondary been given against each such village. schools with Middle classes, these havc been included in the number of Primary Schools and Information about the amenities available has Middle schools as the case may be, been given in columns 5 to 10 of the Village Direc­ tory with the abbreviations used in different Column 6 : Medical facilities have been shown by columns as ind icated below: - the use of the following abbreviations:-

    Where there are more than one institution of a H - Hospital type the number of such institutions has also been MCW - Maternity and Child Welfare Centre shown within brackets. If no facility or amenity is MH - Maternity Home available within the village, a 'dash' is shown and CWC - Child Welfare Centre next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz., 5 km.. 5-10 km. etc, of the nearest place HC - Health Centre where the facility/amenity is available has been PHC - Primary Health Centre indicated. PHS - Primary Health Sub-Centre D - Dispensary Column 5 : Educational facilities have been shown byadoptmg the following a bbrevia­ FPC - Family Planning Centre lions :- TB - TB Clinic 42

    NH -_ Nursing Home KR Kaccha Road RP - Registered Private Practitioner FP Foot Path SMP - Subsidised Medical Practitioner Column 12 : Nearest town and distance - The caw - Community Health Worker distance in km of the nearest town 0- Others (whether located in the state or in another state) has been given in Colomn 7 : The types of the potable drinking water brackets under this column. supply and the sources available in the village have been indicated by the Column 13 : Power supply: For this purpose, the following codes :- following codes have been used under this column. T Tap Water

    W Well Water ED Electricity for Domestic Purpo~e TK Tank Water EAg Electricity for Agriculture TW Tubewell Water EO Electricity for other purposes like HP Hand Pump ind ustrial, commercial, etc. R River Waltr EA Electricity for all purposes listed above. F Fountaill C Canal Column 15-19 : Land use: Break-up of area under L Lake different type of land use viz .• forest, irrigated area, unirrigated S Spring area, cultuTable waste and area not Nuilah N available for cultivation has betn 0 Others furnished under columns 15-19. NA Information not available (a) Forest - This includes all lands classed as Column 8 : Post and Telegraph facilities have been forests under any legal enactment shown by adopting the following abbre­ dealing with forests or administe­ viations: red as forests, whether state own ed PO Post Office or private, and whether wooded or TO Telegraph Office maintained as potential forest PTO Post and Telegraph Office land. Phone Tdephone connection (b) Irrigated and unirrigated (land use) ~ The Column 10 : Communication facilities have been two columns (cols. 16 and 17) cover indicated by the following codes ;- all agricuituralland and include net area sown with crops and BS Bus Stop orchards or nel cropp·ed area and RS Railway Station also cuncnt and other fallows. The NW Navigable Waterway (including latter implied alliaods which were river, canal, backwaters, etc.) taken up for cultivationl . but are Only public transport like Bus. rail temporarily out of cultivation fo, and waterway have been considered a period of not less than a year for this purpose. and more than five years. These Column 11 : Approach to village - This refers to columns do not include gross area the state of road etc. leading to the sown Or gross cropped area. village. (c) Culturable waste - It includes lands fit for This has been indicated by the use of following cultivation wh.ether or not taken up codes :- for cultivation or once taken up (or PR - Pucca Road 43

    cultivation but not cultivated for For example, if there is any famoua inore than 5 years. Grazing land religiOUS, historical or archaeologi. and land under groves have been cal place in the village it has been included under culturable waste indicated in this column. Some but this does not include 'orchards'. useful information like number of To be more precise culturable copies of news-papers coming in waste includes: the village, number of motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, cars, tractors, etc., a Permanent pastures and other arc available in the village has grazing lands, been given. The abbreviations used b Land under miscellaneous trees, to indicate the above information crops and groves, relating to the village are as below:- c and cultivable lands not put to agricultllfe. N - Copies of the news papers coming ill the village. (d) Area not available for cultivation ~ This column gives the area of barren M - Motor cycles/scooters available in and uncultivable lands and lands the village. pu t to non.agricultural uscs like C - Cars/Jeeps available in the vilJagc. villa ge sites, roads, water, rocks T - Tractors available in the village. and hills etc. In case there is 'Nil' information for a village a Column 20 : This is a remark column but it bas been 'dash' has been shown. used to indicate some important information relating to the village, 44 '.ill!' f.:t if!!T'tH «T~)t ~~I~ ."1fn7Q ((If lif'l ~qQ')t1 _------~q ,18.' "'_ eilll .1 f'I !l'1I~tIfI niifil' OIlI'!jfqI'ITIl; (!rf~ VIII it 'jf!i'1fT1t ;r'l'iiI'i!! ;r~ t en ilil<'l1r it (-) i~ iiJ'IJTIII "ql I '1';15 ~1!I.i;{lfilil qlf'l'i1:ml lII'h ""iii ~ ~ lfiT~o'li i'i II'tl{ 9' fl>r,,;{t '1:,) en 'lfir!fTlt ~!I l Iii! ~

    ------~------~- 1 itm '!iU, 257,73 138(20) -(-5) -(10+) WR -(5-10) -( 5-10) -(-5)

    2 '1ifij1.f1 29[).93 446(73) P(l) -(1D+) W ":'(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    3 'Hi, 677.51 504(91) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

    4 !!

    5 ijl(,('I'Ii[I~T 1,139 57 516(92) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    6 if'l:il'I'.[;:' 472,21 217(32) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    7 , f'l'ltil1TT 330.93 ,,')7\'1

    8 ~'~T,T 640.91 313 (51 ) pel) _(5_10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    9 ~'1Ti'1 307 85 475(86) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    10 ;r;;3n~~r 26R_79 315(4R) pel) -(5-10) w -( 5· 10) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    11 1f1fl:;;1 ~i 2R3.50 188(34) _(,_10) -(5-10) W -( 5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)


    13 fifl!fil ~~I 168.17 ,,),1'1

    14 1{1"~1 528.75 451(82) P( I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -( 5-1 () -(5-10)

    15 "'('('( ri~r 236.62 197(27 ) -(10+) -(_5) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5~10)

    16 '(9(f,:!,' 474.55 629(99) P( 1) ~(-5) W,R _'(--5) -(5-10) -(5-10)


    -(5-10) -(5.10) 18 ll'i''IlTT 283.80 290(59) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5)

    19 1f1T\;:::r 914.83 652(118) Pc!) -(-5-0) W,R -( 5-10) -(5-10) ~15-10)

    20 !!!IOI,!,I 26.71 33( 5) -H) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) VILLAGE DIRECTORY 45 AlDeo.tI_ lad Laa4 ulle Sehore Tahsil

    ~n II'n flQ't It- '{fiI .... (nit! 'if!! i1I1it1t Ifif f'lm" Rifll1 if; •• fioqwfi arfq IfTII'liT iffli ~ lift) ~~. oil 1I1~' illilf'( " flI~1I l(iMll( if; i(I ~"r.I !!'Ii) ~m,mr. (Mi.". it, ,hI Laud lilt (i c arca under differcnt types of Land .qifT"~erN ue in hectare. rounMd UP. to 2 dccimal places.) f{~ i "",I ,-______A ______---, ,'" .. II1r.11 , h tift if; ffiii tift t r9' r.,., I'IIf.. , nlllill ~ V'Iq'lII;&' Remarkl ('I1'!!1: a1~ includinl '1Hl'1'~I«~II) ,n, I'lace of Appro. Nearcsl CuUurable Arc. 1101 relillious, aCh town 1lIl0 wasle( inclu. available bi~torical [0 di~tance Power Staple Irrigatcd Unirri. ding gauchar for or archaeolo. Nllme oJ village (in kms) supply food Porel' by source gated and groves) cultivalio'< glcal interest Village

    II 12 13 14 15 HI 17 18 19 20 2

    KR Narsinghgarh ( 10) Wheat. 161.69 45.88 50.16 Pili karar lowar KR Narsinghgarh( 10) Wheat, D.47W 213.93 23.83 39.70 Hallsia Jowar KR Narsinghgarlt( 10) Wheat, 305.39 246.x6 7S.7X 49.4R Parer lowar KR Narsinghgarh (4) Wheat, G.07W ..\.66.36 X7.76 509 52 GalVa Jowar KR Narsighgarh (S) Wheat, 699.63 I .03W 204.50 47.72 18(' (,9 Satfinwadi Jowar KR N~rsinghgarh (11 ) Wheat, 264.09 4.38W 137.55 2~. 72 42 47 Barnawad Jowar Uninhahited Vikraillllum

    KR Narsinghgarh(9) Wheat, 297.09 12.nlW 205.34 23.45 102.42 Jowar KR NaT~in ghgilfh I 1 ~) .• Wheat. 12.18W 165.9R [)ur~aon .rowar KR Narsinghgarh (14) •. Wheat, 3.89W 173.43 3 1.19 Mahl.w:\khed;

    .low~r KR Nar3inghgarh (1 (,) .. Wheat. 15.74W· 210·.n :II .75 25.23 Ma~r.rdi Khurd .lowar KR Narsinghgarh (18) •• Wheat, 0.75W 3R.36 79.67 Chandbad Jowar .' {Jninhal:iite{l Bishan Khed.

    KP. Bhopal(47) Wheat, 46.16W 333.20 71i.04 73.:15 M:mpura .Iowar KR Rhopal(49) Wheat. 5.57R 15-l.()5 16.13 Rallal Kheda .lawar KR BhhraJ (49) Wheat, 58.48R 271.35 66.91 77.81 Chhata pura Jowar KR Bhopal (63) Wheat, 5.46R 271.02 78.53 Maganli K~ Ian lowar KR Bhopal (57) Wheat, S. 40R 193.30 3R.44 Motipllra Jowar KR 1:IllOpal (60) Wheat, 356.05 33. 53R 315.88 49.8-1 99.53 Magarda Jowar KR Berasiya (21 ) Wheat, 21i.71 Ktlshalpura Jo\\ar 46

    ~n:{'f~i" 1l'''1~ ~. 1!f.. :gqq)1J

    ~It III. 11;1 ""' "tll~ rr 1I!;f!i'1II ;Jq<'l'iIl

    ------_------~.------2 3 4 6 9 10

    ------~------_---_-- 21 i!j'-tei),!,1 658.75 477(103) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    22 qi'~r 468.88 357(73) -(-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    23 ;;10<11 308.47 III (24) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    24 q"f

    25 '!"mif.n 599.90 520(80) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    26 ii!NITl; 551.23 U7(SI) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    27 "l;;rliil 972.77 1.020(205) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -H) -(-5)

    28 ~ll'Fil,!'{T 262.58 114( 13) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    29 'fiT"!. ~~l 172.24 125(20) P(l) -(S-IO) W -(S-IO) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    30 1[0') 'IlI,{l'll 306.RS 192(40) -(-5) -(- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    31 'l'T~f;;rIt' 2!5 49 250(4&) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -(-5) -H)

    32 lI'{til?T q:"" 1,356.28 2,213(385) M( 1 ),P(l) 0(1) W PO Saturday -H)

    33 ~ilfT Iif

    34 itp:r 554.87 417(79) P(1) - (- 5) VI -(- 5) -(-S) -(10+)

    35 ~i

    36 r.n;:r::r 233.11 192(32) -(-5') -(-5) W.R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    37 "\l~'J' 232.58 90(16) ~H) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    38 '{'if! 234.34 106(16) -(-5) -(-5) W ~H) -(-5) -(-5)

    39 \llu~< 222.92 184(37) -H) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    40 If;f~T 367.46 307 (51) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5\ -(-5) 47

    AaleDttll8 lad ~.~ ule Sehbre Tahsil

    ------~---~-~--~- ~-- _------llll! il~ f.iliic([l! ltlf"( f.-Oft l!;ili _111 "liM (~Ie ,,111 IIIIlil1Iliil fiffu. ~ iii •• fitq1lft !lrru Ifllf'lir '1m qi~ . ~ ;t8'lfl Itt 'Ii) 'IAn'll • iw," i Mm1l UII1R ij; .. ~"' 1!1Ii) ~1iI"!lI' IIiT 1fm \flii.1!'i.~) ~f«t Land uti (i e area under diCCcreDI type, of Land _iliff q'"(I5f11 10 ,-______CIte in b.clar" rOllnded .A. ______up, 2 decimal place--, •• ) "III. ~ ~ ... "I Il"~ Ii'!' .. ,..,1' h .rit Hri writ iHw. r.. r.. flIflQ ~lA!i!ll!~ ((~'I"l!fi8 Remark! (111 .. ' ,,1~ includinl ,"~!llli'j U~") lOY place of Appro. NeauI' Culturable Area nOI religious. aen town and wasle( inelu. available historical to distan<:e Power Stapl, 'rrillaled Unlni. ding gauchar for or arehacolo- Nllm. of .illage (in krns) ,u!lPly food Porel' by source gated and groves) cultivatio. gleal interet! VillaBe ------~. ------"_ --- - II 1% 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---_. ------_. __ ------_.. _------_------~ ..... - KR Bhopal ( 61) Wheat. 143.19 7.37R 297.97 70.97 139."5 Lodhipura Jowar KR Bhopal\ 65) Wheat. 55.97 9.44R 183.20 108.64 II [.6, Patera Jowar KR Bhopal(56) Wheat. 88.64 131. 35 21.85 66.63 Jetla Jowar KR Bhopal( 55) Wheat. 6.65R 16] 67 24.60 36.35 Pathriya Jow.ar

    KR Bhopal (69) Wheat. 24.79R 35! 99 49.92 173.20 Mung.101i Jowar PR Bhopal( 51 ) ED Wheat, 66.28W 232 70 57.03 195.22 R.uar Jowar Silkheda KR Bhopal(55) Wheat, 31.SIW 475.10 111.14 355.02 ]owar Jugrajpura KR Bhopal ( 53) Wheat, 3.73W 78.00 36 32 144.53 Jowar KR Bhopal( 53) Wheat, 14.21W I J 9 .11 8.58 29.68 Kolu Khedi Jowar Garhi Bagra-j KR Bhop:1.1( 5 2) Wheat, 7.71W 184.37 4.61 110.19 Jowar PR Bh.opal (52) ED \V1Jeat, 10.81W 154.02 9.7J 40.93 Pada/i.ya Iowar P1\ Bhop,tl( 6 3 ) EAg Wheat, 83.97W 923 01 156.14 193.16 Barkheda Hasan Jowar KR Bhopal ( 63) Wheat, 37.20W 307 92 32.90 34.50 Slla Khedi Jowar KR Bhopal ( 63) Wheat, 10.04R, 218.62 241.53 73 .68 Dehri Jowar 10 OOW KR Bhopal ( 65) Wheat, 46.78 86.15 20.93 19.69 Jahan~ir~!\rh Jowar KR Bhopal( 52) Wheat, 24.03R 160.02 11. Rg 37.18 Phanda Jowar KR BhopaJ( 52) Wheat. 31 SOR 130.10 33.28 37.70 Sa/ehpur Jowar KR Bhopal( 52) Wheat, 180.5\ 23.08 3075 Gundi Jowar KR Bhopal (S2) Wheat, 1.62R 184.91 2.79 33.60 Hcentpur Jowar PR Bhopal( 51) BAg Wheat, 33.07R 246.76 26.59 61 04 M:ljhed.l Jowar 48

    m~~ "" ...... q. 'lfil 'i'4PI1'l

    ~II ". 'II,1ItlI '111111 !I'I,"WMI l'IWilI ."·W'~(lI" If1I it 'lfifrnt iqlrill ,~ • til ,,;(1111 it (-) n 1II''iPtlll1fl , ifj'Ti 9i.i\{~ I{f "fm~1 m R. '" ~ III~ Ii 1111 II' f.lrff;jl {b 1(1 IJfif~ i""" t lila en qt If, ~l) 'I"" (i~1It ~) if ilil" ti!lm ~ 1IIl1ff, -5 f.1i •1ft .. S-IO 1l&.1ft. III 10+k.lI1. "mcnillct avaiiabJe(if not· available within tile village. a dasll (-J il shown in tbe column and n:xl to it in braCkell. the distance in broad ranges via ·5tms.S-IOk;m. and lo+kms of the ne"'~1 plru;e where tb facility is aVI.lable il given). ".--~---..-- ____ --,-A;-______-.... f.mr. f.mtl "i! ., .,;jj ,1« an fI'IIf(/~,.;( fe'll lim il

    ------~--.------6 10

    _------_._------.. --~----- 41 .~II~l; 244.40 1,580(271) M(l),P(I) DO) w PO Tuesday BS Pt:;C(l) 42 ."i~l 433.66 541(94) P(I) -(-5) W -H) -H) -(-5)

    43 'Ii'l'l!{(l 385.55 222(39) - (-5) -H) w -H) -(-5) -(-5)

    44 ~tl(;" Ii~ 194.78 273(40) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    45 ij!ifj~ 349.27 587( 105) P(l) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    46 1!\'[I'il 1,40S.RS 1,349(218) M(l),P(I) DO) W PO Sund,1y as

    47 arT'§1,1~ 351.71 494(85) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    4R IHil~1 435.42 369(64) Pill -(-5) W -(-5) -(-J) -H)

    49 il.'X'1 249.97 176(31) - (- 5) _( (5) W -H) +) -(-5)

    50 >!'\f.tlrr 1);"<1'l

    51 q'''t v~, 485.02 478(91) P(I) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    52 rr)q~~:t 280.95 323(58) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5·-10) -(5-10)

    5~ '!!'ll;r! 755.59 ne( 128) PO) -(-5) W,P. -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    54 1;1<11'1 >i~1 192.02 105(18) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -H) -(-5) -(-5)

    55 "HfoT !l~) 183.39 • 135(25) -H) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    56 'rlfil1"~' 311.77 295(44) PO) ~(5 -10) W,R -H) -(5-10) -(H.U) 19(T,) S7 594.08 844(154) P(I) -(5-10), W -(-5) -(5-10) ~(S- to)

    58 ~Uij~ Sen) 290.41 180(31) -(-5) -(5-10) W -H) _(5_10) -(5-10)

    59 .nl 333.16 364(70) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5~10) ~(5-10)

    60 i1l'i'r;;1 309.07 303(56) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -(5-10) 49

    AmeoIU.. • ad I....Aad use Sehore Tahsil

    f.!~ijifl!ll' fUIiJ! li~ '!,PI Iql[Ur (.'lle "m ililth' .., r~fllw ~fl!1 , •• f'tlIvh Slflilli lI"ll1"'IIl '1111 It- <1m 'it iIi"t .''II1t! i~1I1 q fMIIf ••1m. ~ ~ "'Ff 1IlIi) ~fl'I~,;,. \fili.lI'Ut) 'L~1l1 Land ute (i e area under different type. of Land .'f1T ,,~a!1l UIO in beetarel rouDd~d up, 10 2 decimal place.,) "~l. if; '".! ,...------A------""""I '~!I ~ 1I111i11 i h ti!h if; fri tilt'l ~ fRii rwfo far,,", 'lI11iS liNt.. II,!Qllflll R"mart. (q,,","{ II)~ includinl 'O"(I'lI,!) fir!!") any place or I\ppro. NcaroJi Culturable Area no. religious, acb town ano waste(inclu. available historical 10 dislallCe Power Slap.o Irrigaled UnlfT1. ding gauchar for or arohaeolo· N1I11I.ol village (iD kms) supply food Porell by source gated aDd groves) culliva(io~ glc"1 interest Villallt

    11 1% 13 14 16 17 18 19 20

    PR Bhopal( 50) EA Wheat, 32.71W 176.81 12.18 22.70 M(10) Ahmadpur Iowar PR Bh(}pal (50) EA Wheat, 25.92W 281. 1 7 41.48 R5.09 Temple Bankheda Jowar KR Bhopal(50) Wheat, 65.83 9 94R 211.07 36.11 62.60 T(l) Karlal Jowar KR Bhopal (50 ) Wheat, 14. 16W, 105. 61 17. 17 33 20 T{ 1) Jowar 24.64R KR BhO\lal(49) Wheat, 29.S1W 258.42 27.2~ 34.05 'r(2) Sankla Jowar PR Bhopa1(50) EA Wheat, 40. 48W, 1,068.74 103.92 R9. 75 Charnal Jowar 102.9SR KR Bhopal( 5 5 ) EA Wheat, 13.18W 2~5.23 32.83 40.47 Achharoi ]owar KR Bhopal( 56) Wheat, 9.RSW 2R2.69 55.68 87.20 T(2) ~hrhati Jowar KR Bhopal(55) Wheat, 16.91VV 175.90 23.73 33.43 Bherurura Jowar KR Bhopal(56) Wheat, ~9R 260.01 23.42 82.73 T(2), Arniya SuI tanjlura lowar M(I) KR Bhopal (56) Wheat, 28 84VV 339.95 55 30 60. 9 3 PHu Khedi lowar KR Bhopal(58} Wheat, 5.17R 177.1538.61 1i0 02 Gopalpura Jowar KR Sehore(40) Wh~at, 75.3(') 45.941V 545 68 fi 61 x2 06 Padyala Jowar KR Sehore( 41 ) Wheat, 14.22 1106W 152.J8 3.27 11.29 Bhoja Khedi Jowar KR Sehore(40) EAg Wheat. 20.64 17.:!6W 14060 4 89 Kha~Ta Khedi Jowar KR Sehore( 41) Wheat. 34.84 Sg. 98W 200.86 0 89 16.20 T{I) Ramja Kh.edi Jowar KR Sehore(36) Wheat 13.73 80 13W 417.91 82.31 M{I) Chhatri Jowar KR Sehore( 35) Wheat, 31.33 11.92W 225.88 2.06 19.22 M(I) BairagarhChhatri Jowar KR Sehore (36) Wheat, 0.21W 235.42 48.63 48.90 Barti Jowar PR Sehore ( 38) Wheat, 11.10W, 181.25 31.58 50.(4 Hing(}ni Jowar 24 50R 50

    tft~ij~~ ."",_Ii q. ~"' i'qq)fJ

    ------~~-. --.~~-----. ~II ",. Iff "'- IIr1l" 'iii ~ lI[~!I"" ilfofil iIfiI-Wlf!lI!{(If~ If" it ~f'ffmi 'i'fOlill ~:fi a6) ifilor1!" it (-) iw Ollffllllflfl • '!i~ 'iiI!! "if"''' ~ qlffi_' vh 'O!IiIi ~ ~ 1Iit~'li it VI1I" R r.r,,;ft ;ii q~ W

    illr",. f~~lrr ",)it Ifl ""'" ,,'Ii 111' IIl'l!T1;Jij're 'iii ~'11 ~'lfn: ~"lfl 111 .. r.. " IIflf lllirt il) (If~ !'tIll' ~ .. ;i• Loea.- 1'otal RI![i! ,-..r-1{11i ) lion f01A1 area "opulatloo Day OJ Communica· ~ode of the and DrmklDj days of tioDS(Bus-slop. num Name of village (in number 01 water Post and the markett railway station. ber Village heotare. ) households Educatlooll Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way. _. ------_------_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    --.--~~ - . _- -_._-_-_-- ---_- ---_------~~- 61 ~!f' 830.21 853(157) P( I) -(5-10) W -H) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    62 ~"lT~ ~rrl'l 860.S6 900(168) P( i) -(5-10) W,N -(-5) ~(5-IO) -(5-10)

    63 "'liT 678.66 462(194) P(1) - (5- 10) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

    64 q~~;;f 502.76 47(8) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    65 ilf,li~ 1: .. 1 717.97 615(116) -H) -(- 5) W -(-5) ~(5-10) .-(5-10)

    66 ~'i!l\ ~ 267.39 136(27) -(-5) -(5- 10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -( 5- 10)

    67 &!l~,!'I: f<''l.''tf'fl:fl 932.51 1, 113( I ~4) -( - 5) -(-5) W - (-5) -(-5) -( - 5)

    68 fTq.r"~f 324.47 342(59) - (-5) - (-5) W -l- 5) - (-5) - (- 5)

    69 l1f1{ ~~I 1,499 HI 1,261(206) P(I) D(I) W PO -(5-10) US

    70 ,f\1;f1 oi~.'l 104. I () I·l( 6) -.( -5) -( -5) W -(-5) -H) -( -5)

    71 ~Jj~ 655.31 411(85) P(I) -( -5) W PO - (-5) BS

    72 '~1;f~'1 499.57 393(t7) P( 1 ) - ( -5 ) W PO - (--5) -(-5)

    73 't~T ti~r 168.62 59(12) - (- 5) - (-5) W,K -( -5) - (-5) -(-5}

    74 f~~TlI.'T 658·68 906(161) 1'(1) -( - 51 W PO -( - 5) -(-5~

    75 f"~,,,,~,r 249.84 327(62) P( 1) - (-5) W - f, -5) - (- 5) - (-5)

    7" 1!T1if"\'i'l:1 '!, 508.35 671( 123) 1'( I) -(- 5) W PO -( -5) -(-5)

    77 'll'lfl!

    78 'It{ ~it 363.56 50g(87) P(l) -(-5) W ~(- 5) - (- 5 ) -(-5)

    79 ~n: ~n";ft 443.85 361(6~) P( I) -(5~10) W -(5-10) -( 5- 10) -(5-10)

    80 \'l'l~l 351.18 287(57) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) ._( 5- I (l) -(5-10) 5L

    Amenities and Land use Sehore Tahsil

    ~~~-----. -- - -~-~------.. _----- !ITt{ (!'Ii f.f'lia"(!li'l''1' fiilll"" l!~ '!,flr IO'fIl"11l (lNl!! ,!fir ;aq1T1ll ,I fl!f1Iw fil;flil if; iii. fe.'f," Slf", 1I11I'li1 '1111 'fi"iI • ~ ijUlli'lIf~ 'Ii) WI'IITI i'lill~ ii f"~~,, OIlHfl1 iii lit "til" ~) qftrl!lfw. 'iiI lim (f.6.lir}r) l};fQr Land IIIC (i c area under different type, of Land II~ ~11~!. ale in bectare, roUnded uP. to 2 decimal place •. ) ~ ______.A.. ______--, "'1I,lI ~ ~""I "'~ ~ IIls"i II Ih .~ Horti tim it; forti r.r.. mf"8 ;j'lt;Jitllili'll' ~,!qt;J'1l Kemillb (I[)"'~ 'ih includin1l "'~llIliiT lTfl!lI) toy place of Appro. Nearell Culturable t\[CIlIlQl religious, ach town and waSle( melu. availabl~ hislorical 10 distan~e Powel Staple Irrigated UnITrI. ding gauchar for or archaeolo. NlllUO 01 1illage (in kms) supply food forel! by source gated and groves) cullivatio'" glcal interesl Village

    ------~------~------Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------.08 KR Sehore (38) Wheat, 30.30W 614.88 86 98.95 Bamujiya Jowac R4.74 PR Seho,e (34) Wheat. 90.35W 622.72 6275 T( 1) BairagarhKhuman Jowar KR BhopJ.1 ( 53) Wheat, 22.30W, 473.00 117.32 36.03 Tample Soli Jowar 30.01R T(3), M(2) KR Bhopal (5,) Wheat, 20.e6W, 295.70 50.45 ~1.44 Waheedganj Jowar 89.11GC KR Bhopal (51) Wheat, 60.16GC, 469.96 57.82 103.11 T( 1) Barkheda Deva Jowar 26.92W KR Bhopal (52) Wheat. 57.95GC. 128.04 36.70 29.48 Kasar Khedi Jowar 15.22W KR Bhopal (50) Wheat, 89.23\\ 505.09 208.81 129.3R T(2) Hasanpuc Tinonia Jowar PR Bhopal (45) 'Wheat, 35. SSW 245.49 20.32 23.11 T(2) Pipal Kheda Jowar PR Bhopal (40) Wheat, YO.OOW, 715.30 114.45 535.25 T(:!) Khai Kheda Jowar 44.81TK PR Bhopal (50) Wheat, 617W, 82.14 0.24 II. 51 Bheela KheJi Jowar 4.04R KR Bhopal (52) Wheat, 22.23 6.05W, 41R.H4 35.80 150.27 Mand Kheu,\ Jowac 2. ')2W KR BI'opal ( 52) Wheat, 53.67 4.86W 243.08 RR.23 109.73 Rasulpura Jowar KR Bhopal (50) Wheat, 14.29W, 128.8S 3.80 17.57 Buda Khcda Jowar 4.0SR Temple KR Bhopal (51 ) \\ heat, 45 89W, 437 65 43.82 111.09 T(2) Hinoti Jowar 20·23R Kl{ Bhopal (52) Wheat, 6.41W 149.93 24.26 69.24 Si kanda fpUra Jo\\ar KR Bhopal (53) Wheat, 145 69 11.35W 185.63 31.90 133.78 T(l) Shai1.jaha",,'lr Jowar KR Bhopal (49) Wheat, 110.01 13.11W 149.19 36.35 43.li7 Ajmatnagar Jowar KR Bhr,pal (49) Wheat, 87.19 6.94GC 1'76.15 27.53 65.75 Nai Hedi Jowa, KR Bhopal (54 ) Wheat, 8.46W, ;98.lil Ii 1.29 72.49 Badar Kasani lowar 3.00GC KR Bhopal (54) Wheat, 26.34 3.92W lX4.01 S3.2~ 53.62 Sankheda lowar 52

    m~~~~ ""'1~ ~, 'Ita ~qrr)"

    ------~ -- ~q "... , "'. IIIII' IIiI ~.orM nPJ '""-!f

    -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) ~2 I1fifllT ~~1 856 92 610(tGR} P( 1) - (5-10)

    83 >IT<'I"T'T 512.01 299(52) - ( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    - (-5) _(5-10) 8~ ,lIml'llnt 468.53 426( 73} -(5-10) N -(5-10) -(5-10)

    P(I) - (5-·1 0) W -(5-10) - (5- 10) 85 ~"$t l.lI'ti! 544.30 325(49) -(5-10)

    86 II'I'f'l;' 159.4& 110(27) - (- 5) -(5-10) W -(5·10) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    - 87 '1!I'T~'P'1 361.61 175(28) - (- 5 ) -(5-10) n,w -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5- 10)

    8~ 'If'li1!! 795.19 293(46) -( -5) -( 5·10) TK,W -(5-10) -i 5- 10} - (5- 10}

    8~ 'IT)" 614 46 299(4H pen -(5-10) TK,W -\5-10) - (5- 10) - (5- 10'

    90 ,p:Ioifl 749.09 617(100) P(I) -( 5-10) W -(5-IO) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

    91 'Ii

    92 'll?:" 1,153.14 1 ,835 (324) P( L) -(5--10) W PO - (- 5) - (- 5)

    93 liI'Iq)" 462.56 134(22) -(-5) -(5-1O) W - ( -5) -(5-10) -( - 5)

    94 l=jh.. llI 6g4 07 SI3(96) p( \) -15-10) W -(-5) - (5- 10) BS

    '15 'lI'.nf'l1!l ~

    96 ~lIf"'1!1 ~"" 384.64 394(62) p{ 1) -( - 5) W - (-S) -(-5) - (,_ 5)

    97 r~'Ii'~;;ti"' 372 94 189(33) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) - ( -5)

    98 'if"t'fiT 552.81 77(20) -( -5) -(-5) W - (--5) -(-5) - (- 5)

    99 >r

    1011 ~)'1:T~f 1,098.764,275(772) P(2),M{1), PHC(I) W PTO Monday BS PUC(l) S3

    Amenities aad Land ute Sehore Tahsil

    VT~ (flO f;r;g(f~ 'I1f'l: 'lfir W1IlITIf (•• 111 'lfir eclliIlI "" r.f1IJr fin," iii ." I!.qlit srflA! IIr~'If' "r~ 'fi~ ~. ;j~) Itl i~'" ii f;r~1f "'~ iii Ii! ~'i,;r !Ai) ~RI~,ftf, 'liT ~Tli tflO.lft.i!I') Land use (i e area under different type. of Land ""~ ~~~r~ UII in bectare. lOOMed liP. 10 2 decimal place •. ) "i{llf ~ ~.u" .-______A ______...... "i~ lI1i IrTll'ill ir (j~ i(ril iii f\illi "tit iii r,,1i fllf'f. flff"" ;j'Q"il5l ."" ,,~q!!19 Remarks ur)'If~ 1111< inclUding '"~If'~T ~fi;,,) lny place of I'lppro. Nearell Cullurable Mea 1101 religious. ach town and waSle( !Dclu. availabl~ hislorical 10 di9tan~e fowel Sllple Irng8lcd Un lin. ding gauchar for or Bn:haeolo· Namo ot village (in kms) supply !ood Forell by source galed and groves) cultiv8tioo. Ileal intereSI Village

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Uninhabited Peerpatan

    KR Bhopal (50) Wheat, 189.52 20.00W, 378.53 R406 ]SO.73 Halia Kheda Jowar 4.08TGC KR Bhopal (54) Wheilt, ]45.92 R .48W 11I0.25 115.28 1i2. 08 Dolatpl1 ra Iowar KR Bara'ia (32) Wheat, 461.53 Ctnlia Bhoj Jowar KR Bhopal (3R) Wh~at, 18.4GW 373.21 62.3'9 90.24 Rarkheda Kllllret Jowar KR Bhopal (3R) Wheat, 2017W 72.23 12.36 5'.08 Manpura Jowar KR Bhopal (32) Wheat, 361 hi Juwa!' KR Bhopal (32) Wheat. 2.2SW 30026 11().lR 382.47 Takiya Jowar KR Bholla! (30) Wheat, 101i.78 5.98W 194 86 2.50 304.34 RhoJ Jowar KR Bhopal (30) Wheat, 114.86 -I921W 331.50 93 48 160.04 Barkhedi Jow:lr KR Stopal (30) Wheat, 24.5SW 270 . .j4 69.98 124.+6 Kalpnfj Jowar' KR Bhopal (28) BAg Wheat, 191.85W 478 68 2~3.]8 199.43 Palan JowJr KR B~lop~1 (28) Wheat, 16.36W 240 53 1:9.93 75.74 .Jow~r PR Bhopal (24) EAg Wheat, 5~. 72W 275 00 97.48 256 87 T( 1) SO:lkalchh Jowar KR Bhopal (28) BAg Wh~lt, 89.51W 391.65 ]7314 168.79 JJlllonia KhurJ Jowar KR Bhopal (36) Whe;l!. 9.85W 304.54 18.33 51.92 Iml i.l Hasan Jowar PI{ Bhopal (40) EAg Wheat, 24.63W 229.75 54 57 63.99 Sikand.lrg mj Jowar KR Sehorc (42) Wheat, 5.IIW 207.42 60.75 279.53 T(1) Chauki lowar KR S~ hor~ (41) Wheat, 3.64W 117 77 24.43 46.23 Nawipur ]\Jwar PR Bhopa' (34) Wheat, 93.66 28.ISW 752.06 75.14 149.72 T(2),M(I) Doraha .Iowar 54

    ~~Tt ~\\1 ..... 1flnrrti q. 'If. ~ql.f)1'I

    ---~-.--- ~1J vn,,.;, ,"II V'"'1i1 ~;f 'I;lJIt.m nOfiS ~-~ElI~(1f1il VIII Ii tjfllf~ ~qO{iEl .Iff ~ m '1110111 it H illt ~I '1111 a 'Ii~ 'if! ,,~ ~li qftl('u ole ~ .. m lfi llil~ Ii Ifl1I {I r.HI~ ~'{I q1; l!f'f~ 'CI~iS ~ I!)! m 'n iii,! ~:~"I '!l

    ------~----~------2 3 4 6 9 10

    ------~--- -_ ---~------~- 101 '1nru &~T 190 20 )2~(19} -(·S) - (~S) W -(- 5) - (-5) -( - 5)

    102 .rn~'T >So#. 136.:i1 95 (19) P( I} -(5-IO) W - (5 -10) -(-S) - (- 5)

    103 ~,lil ~;;rf 257.51 325(55) pel) -(-5) w -I -5) -(-.5) - (·-5)

    104 '!trlllitl 300.17 276(47) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( - 5) -( 5- J 0)

    105 !I71i~l 1.485.63 2.252(366) P(I)M(l) - (- 5) W PO -(-5 ) BS

    J 06 IH rift 111. 64 ifin;; 107

    109 O1(1<:lf",'Tl 12R 00 156(28) -(-5) -(5·-10) W - (5- 10) -(5-10) - (5-10)

    !Io ci!,i;I-''T 100.27 78 (8) -(-5) -( 5 -10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-IO)

    III W'Ifrl[T 197.67 278(39) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5- 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    112_ mrn:f.!>rl 379.55 413(64) - (-5) - (5-10) W -15 - J 0) -(5-1~) - (-5;

    113 ..ilrf'l'l"l 326.04 317(48) P( I) - (5 -10) W -(5-10) -(5-)(. ) -(-5)

    114 'i!i1'FT 568 35 360(58) P( I ) -(5-10) W -(5~ 10) -(5-10) - (5- 10)

    115 f~~~1 333 J(i 2R4(46) P( 1 ) +5) W -( -5) ~( -5) -(-5)

    116 ,HHH ri~T 665.26 ifTrl'!

    117 f,,1J~"t 1,240.49 1,9Rl(351) M(l),P(I) -(5-ID) W - ( -5) - (5 -1 0) ~(5.10)

    118 fi[f~!fT 1,064.81 1,227(242) P(I),M(l) - (5- 10) W -(5·-10) - (5-10) - (5-10;

    119 1=[1i3f! 'iF 934.89 798( 160) P( 1) - (- 5) W +5) -( -5) -( - 5 ~

    120 fil~T 239.90 mr'l 55

    Amenities aod Land use Sehore Tahsil

    --~------._-- ill!

    -~ ------~------II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    ------.-_------~------_--_- KR Sehore (43) ""heat, 17.90W 103.1 g 19.07 50.05 NaIra Khedi Jowar KR Bhopal (26) EAg Y1heat, 16.86W 9~.R6 9.&8 14.71 Baradi Khurd Jowar KR Bhopal (26) EAg Wheat, 33. 8~W 175.93 13.89 33.&C T(1) Bar~di KaJan Jowar KR Bhopal (25) EAg Wheat. 12.45W 204.07 50.93 32.72 Khusamada Jowar PR Bhopal (24) EA \'h~at , 251.45W 698.69 26&.96 266.53 T(J) Jim Kheda Jowar Uninhabited• Dhan Khedi

    KR Sehore (11) Wheat. 24.87W 216 91 46.62 38.01 Badbeli .lowar KR Sehore ( 1) Wheat, 24.7SW 193.14 2 05 34.32 Dupadiya Dallgi Jowar KR Sehore (Hi) EAg YI heat, S.33W 96.03 11 57 14 07 Atrali a Jowar KR Sehore (\ 4) EAg' Wh.eat, 22 ~2W 5 I (it 13.40 12 94 letli Jowar KP. Schore (16) EAg Wheat, 1714W 113.41 4(,. II 21.01 Jhagaria Jowar KR Schore ( 16) ED,EAg Wheat, 9.ROW 303.77 50.8R 15. 10 Satoraoia Jowar KR SehoTe ( 16) EAg Wheat, 73.97W 170 10 32. 63 49 H Torania Jowar Kk Sehore (Iii) EAg Whe1t, 35.99W 391 .98 83 16 57. 22 Chhapri Jowar KR Sehore (24) Wheat, 63 12W lR3 .90 29 59 %.55 T( I ),M(l) Mittu Khcdi Jowar Uninhabited RasIa Khedi

    KR SehoTe ( 25) ED,fAg Wheat, 161 .G6W 7R6 il 171.74 120.:1R T(3) Siradi Jowar KR Seho[e (39) ED,EAg Wheat, 48 .52W 707. SO 0.19 30R.],) T( 1) BichhiYd Jowar KR Sehore (:19, Wheat, 172.87W 517.13 11. R9 2:13.00 T( 1) Mahua Khcda lowar L' ninhabited Bichhni 56

    m~)'{ ~~m'" """!I_Ii q. 1!'" na)fJ

    ~lf VI. IIIl lO" 11111 IIil ~\JI'lM i'!;;rill 1;fi!-~!11~(~~ V111 it lJ;fIf!IItt aq;;rill l(~ ~ at lliliR"ll ii H iw ;;t1J1lillflli • 'fi~ t!W 1If

    and I!l+lcrns of Ibe nearest place whereA_~ Ih. faciiity ______is ava.lable is given). ~ ,- ilf"'_ f;rf'li~1 q"ll\' ,..1 "I;i1 "lli q"tl IJr.rrl:/ll1e lli1 I'i;;r! uv:n: '!llItql III "f'l'1! 1lf1l m ~ j~ feT'Il>l;i. Loca- Total tiUI! , '""'-IfTIi ) tion fOtl1 area population Day or Communlca· ~ode urtbe and Dnnktoa days of ,io08(.Hu.-stop. 0'110 N~me of village (in number of water Post atl(! the market I railway station. ber Village hectares) households fldlJoatlooal Me~ical (Potable) Telegraph bat. I, any water way.

    ~- _-_- ~~------<--_---- -~ -~~~ ------~- ~ ~------_. ~ 4 9 10

    -- -~------~------~-~~------~---- 121 ",l;;{t~ 53.23

    122 v>rTl!'l' 1,461.65 4.019(712) P(I),M(I), PHC(I) W PTO Friday lIS PUCCI) 123 f"'Hf~'l1 746.49 675(133) PC I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    124 'il"1~ 'ii'lrn'l 834.77 966(\59) P(1 ) -( 5-10) w ~(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    12' ~T,{ fllf,r{ ~OO.86 470(76) PCI) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    12(, ,'lI'f( 320.71 121(19) -H) " -(-5) W -(- 5) -H) -(-5)

    127 ll;Ij(l'T'l: ,{m 640.88 1,535(231) P(I),M(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -( - 5) -(-5)

    12R 'I

    129 ""lnf'.n~ 731.69 639( 106) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    130 'TI >i~1 761).39 774(135) P(I) -(~-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) • (5. 10)

    131 1hqr 1,690.R4 2,071 (379) P(I),M(l) PHe(l) W,R PO .. (5-10) • (5 10)

    132 !Iliff >is') 411.11 353(60) P( I) -(-5) W.R -(-5} -(10,-) -(-5)

    133 ;;rl~ll~"< 536.01 612(104) Pc 1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    134 ,!.,.~t 400.&1 415(73) p( 1) ~(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -H)

    135 ~

    13(> 't''l~~T 250.78 202(40) PO) -(5-10) w -( 5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    137 ~fTlfT ~.: 397.0li 707(105) p( \) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(HO) -(5-10)

    138 .,,;;r'l ~~) 351. 63 225(34) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    139 oirl'lif IT;rn 213.92 6~ (11) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5- 10) -H}

    140 'It;iI ~~T 430.54 342(56) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-1 Q) -(-5) 57

    Amenltl. aod Land use Sehore Tahsil

    -----~-----~-----" --~------_-- --- !Ill! 5'1i M'Ii

    ~ _-"------~------_--_------" II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 "------~-- --~ ------_------__._--_-- t'ninhabited .. Khenbad

    PR Sehore (29) BA Wheat, 223.86W 939.22 135, 10 163 ,47 T(3) Shyampur Jowar KR Seho'c (31) ED,BAg Wheat, 73.19W 521.72 57,21 94.36 T( 1) Niwadia Jowar KR Sehore (35) Wheat. 3.37W IiR5.08 37.43 108.89 Ghat Palasi Jowar KR Sehore (31) Wheat. 13,R6W 48 [, 95 7,53 97.52 Pan Bihar Jowar KP. Sehore (30) Wheat, 9. ,OW 237,77 19,59 S·j 05 Raipnr Jowar KR Sehore ( 32) ED,EAg Wheat, 19,67W 470,21 44 05 106,95 T( 1) Mukhtar 1'o;agar Jowar KR Sehor~ (23) Wheat, 9.53W 694,33 117.90 124.93 T( 1) kawan Kheda ]owar KR SehOfe (23) Wheat, 57,90W 531. 50 53,70 RR,59 T(2) Kldlabad Jowar KR Sehore (23) Wheat, 9.37W 560,26 87.79 IOe.97 T(2l Sar Kh"da Jowar KR Sehore (20) ED,EAg Wheat, 149, S8W 1, 18}. 57 1P.24 170.15 T(2) Kha.ndw~ Jowar KR Sehore (21) BAg Wheat, 24.24W 264,51 39.89 8~.47 Dhobi Khedi Jowar KR Sehore (20) BAg Wheat, R9.59W 308.78 73.55 64.09 Khadampur Jowar KR :-.ehore (29) BAg Wheat. 3[.5IW 293.95 32.94 42.~1 Gulkhedi Jowar KR Sehore (29) BAg Wheat, 13.49W 217.15 :21.61 29.9R Shaharyarganj Jowar ( Hlrankhedi) KR Sehore (23) Wheat, 13,ORW I ~ 1.92 30.18 45.60 Munjkheda Jowar KR S~hore (12) ED,E-'

    m~(f~~ l"f~f'ItIyfi '{fif 'If' ~qrt)"


    ~II ". ",,;{fill "q'lil fiT iIf;flitlll ""iTilf iIf"·~!lI~(If~ Vlq it ,!f;;!ll~ i1'llfi!! ;r@ ~ at 'liliirll it (-) jill iTlITlfl illn • 'Ii~ tw III9I'fiOl I!

    ~-----.- . - ~.---- ~ ..----.- . 14J f;l'nRIfT 548.53 301(57) P( I) -( 5- 10) W ~(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    142 .;,:;{ Ij~ 321 86 326(42) P(1 ) -( 5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -(-5)

    143 '1il< ~~ 570.87 676(104 ) p( 1) -( 5-10) w -(-5) ··(5-10) -(-5)

    797 92 1,117(194) pel) PO ~4~ q;

    503.49 242(39) 14~ 'l:T'I'!

    146 ~f(li''l\Vli 1,00':>.30 1,700(293) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) \\ PO -(5-10) BS

    147 h<'l) 426.74 55~(90) P(I) -(10+) w -(10+) -( 10+> BS

    14R ;;ftf~!!! 4~3. 36 423(63) PI I) -110+) W -(10+) -( 10-1-) BS

    149 !I,pin 5R2.31 910( '45) PI 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -( 10+) BS

    150 ",'!.'T R32.S8 339( 62) P( 1) -( 10-1-) w -(10+) -(10+) BS

    151 1(.<'11 ~ffi 900 04 1.535(223) P(I),M(1) -( 10-1-) w -( 5-1 0) -(5--10) -(S-10)

    152 ,",Tf,!!! 'lff<'l 394.72 525 (92) P(ll -(10+) R -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

    153 ;f~T ~iT 242 29 90(1 $ ) -(-5) ~i 5-1 0) w -(-5) '·(10+) -(-5)

    154 'i!iT'!<"r ~~ 217.0~ 340(65) P( 1) -(10+) W.R -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)

    155 q

    156 ",,~,"r ,"~Tlf 255 21 307(58) -(-5) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) ~(HO)

    157 "f'Lf~' "!HI 314 35 476(70) P( I) -( 10+) w -(10+) ~(IO+) -(5-10)

    158 ,";{i!,f~1fl 357. 32 444(73) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(S~IO)

    IS9 l{1l"lT '"'iii 286.53 334( 51.1 P(I) -(10+) w -( 10+) ~(10+) -() ... IO)

    160 iH'lT li~1 315 13 546(94) pel) -(10+) w -(10+) -( 10+} -(HO) 59

    Ameumes and Lind use Sehore Tahsil

    ~-.. - --- VIl'! 6'1i Fr'liZ6l'! ;r'l, fQl!Tt 1!,~ q~ ilflll1l (a.la ,,~ iqlfu! 'lit flllf"liI ~~1Il iii .il f~tqorft !llf" 'l11T'li1 ijlll qd~ 11;' ij~) {fl 'Ii) .-r~1iI • (filA Ii f"oR!1I1 W1IOIlII iii Id fin" ~) ~1iIi!rfw'li 'Iilll'llT (f'li.m.~) '1mn Land lite (i e area under different types of Land Il.~ ~~~f1I ,-______ole in bectares rounded A ______lip, to 2 decimal placel.)-, l!iI

    ------~------11 1% 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20 2

    -~~------~------KR Sehore (21) Wheat, 15.17W 387.59 72.94 72.83 Nipania Jowar KR Sehore ( 1 8) EAg Wheat, 62.34W IR7.91 39.43 32.18 Karanj Kheda ED Jowar KR Sehore (15) EAg Wheat, 88.12W 289.18 85.61 107.96 T\I) Magar Kheda ED Jowar KR Sehore (19) EAg Wheat, 84.92W 486.20 111.'29 115.51 T( 3) Kachnariya ED Jowor KR Sehore (17) Wheat, 26.16W 387.43 46.54 43.36 Ramp3la~i Jowar PR Sehore ( 20) EAg, ]owar, 132.67W 677.11 72.69 123.83 T( 1) Khajuria Kalan ED lowar M(l,) KR Sehore (22) Wheat, 2.16W 290.34 57.16 77.08 Devli Jowar 41.32 63.55 Londia PR Sehore (20) Wheat, 14.4SW 364.04 Jowar RO.S1 90.tiD PR Sehore (19) Wheat, 2'!.40W 388.48 Dllln Khedi Jowat 89.47 128.46 KR Sehore ( 11) Wheat. ti.51W 608.14 Kapt:ri Jowar KR Sehore ( 12) Wheat. 4.78W 646.73 77.37 177.16 Mundla Klhn Jowar KR Sehore ( 12) EAg Wheat, 27.39W 260.33 :10.47 76.53 Kararia Bhi! ED lowar Meni Khedi KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 8.79W 170.46 28.82 34. "" Jowar KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 12.24W 152.60 21.67 30.57 Chhapri Khllrd Jowar KR Sehore (8 ) Wheat, 65,57W 358.85 28.59 R3.18 Btelnal Jowar KR Sehore (16) Wheat, 7.21W 166.02 "27.92 ,4.06 K'll'arj KaJcem Jowar Kfl Sehore (12) Wheat, 32.S3W 179.15 36.74 65.93 Laslidla Kha~ Jowar KR Sehore ( 12) Wheat, 26.16W 215.30 H1 • 5 R 3+.~H Kachnariya Jowar KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 12.22W 177.61 53.06 43.64 Sem~li Kollan Jowar KR Sehore \ 15) Wheat. 1.07W 226.69 ~O.60 66.77 M1na Kr.eda Jowar 60

    ~~hi:f~m~ ""1f""l1 q. 1118 i'IfU)11

    --.~-----~------_ ~If .,.~' wrv "1'11~ for.~ n.nll ""'.~!IIO:(If~ VIII it ~f~ ~

    162 ,)'1 liS-I 257.66 199(33) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    1(,3 'li"FlftllfTI 270.:'.0 42(9) -(-5) -{5-1 0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

    164 ;r;'{T~"1 3Tar 156.75 205(34) -(_5 ) -(-5) R -( -5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

    16~ 'I!')~I 145.38 3'»( 5) -(-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(~5) -(-5)

    166 ~in"'lf 670.94 930(175) P(l ) -(-5) R -(10+) -(10+ ) -(10+)

    1(,7 l[F'!f 30j.99 3<6(59) PO) -(5-10) R -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

    IGR ,I~ ,[T') 305.94 285(48) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -(10+)

    1(,9 i1~f~llt m~ 388.94 637(133) PIt) -(-5) W -H) -( 10+) -( 10+)

    170 f"lTif~1 252.04 159(26) P( I) -(-5 } W -(-5) -( 10+) -(lO+)

    In is-I 32(\.4'). 330(57) -(-5) -(-5) W.R -(-5) -( 5-10) -( 5-10)

    172 ~Tn')"'TllO'iI'I"!l 445.51 131 (18) -(-5) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    173 l!~1~1 159 57 611 (95) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5 10) -(-5)

    174 Ifl'li"!,!,' 125.07 95(16) -(-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(5-10, -(-5 }

    175 'ill.. " 485.72 961 (161) M(l),P(I) -( 5-10) W,JIP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    176 >llll"'T 347.83 414(73) PO) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5\ -(-5)

    177 "IOfT liT! 198.63 643( 10(,) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-

    178 "3'li1!lf~", 110.30 50(7) -(-5) -(-5 ) R -(-5) .. (5 .. 10) -(-S)

    179 'i"~1 169.55 453(68) P( I} .-(10+) W,HP -(.0+) -( lot> -(10+ )

    J )50 ;o"~1:J 222.12 271(46) 1'(1) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+) 61

    Amenities .ad Land use Sehore Tahsil

    ------.~--~~ ------VIi! <:I;; f.rifi!<:li! ~""{ ~ort 1!~ ,,111 'CIq$r (1Itl'\!I ,,111 ,"'!lim 'fil fCll1lw fi!;oo ~ Vi' f!.~ mflRi IIllJilil ;tllJ

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ------KR Schore (14) WIlea!, .19W, 250.55 36 ·73 53 15 ~,\llndla Khllrd Jowar 4.8R KR Sohore ( 10) Wheat, 0.8IW, 13-1.44 64 03 53.16 Rolu Khed: JoWar 4.92R KR Sehore (10) Wheat, O.7IR, 209 31 35.04 24.73 Kalyr.npura Jowar KR SchOle (21 ) Wheat, 17.76W 93'30 [0.81 34.X7 Karad:~ Ala Jowar KR Sehore (:'.1) Wheat, 98.0 .. 17 ~4 29.50 Bhimpura Jewar KR Schore (21 ) ED Wheat, :'7 32W 509,06 n.22 92. H Hadargan· Jowar KR Sehore (2 i) Wheat, 14.56W 211.58 31. 62 46.23 Kharpa Jo'.'ar KR Schore (21) Wheat, R.08W 253.28 9.60 35.48 Ram Khedi Jowar KR SehOTt (21 ) Wheat, 6.99W 294.45 19.98 61 52 La~lIdia Dhak.1C Jowar KR Sehore (11 ) Wheat, 10.45W 210.14 9.43 22.62 Bishan Khed" Jowar KR Sehore (21 ) ED,EAg Wheat, 11.1IW, 224.71 n.83 30.84 n~ndi Jowar 20 OOR KR Sehore (22) EAg Wheat, 3R. 5OW , 352.37 28.99 13.39 l hhapari BU3 fil" Jowar 12.26R Ashta

    KR Sehore (20~ ED,EAg Wheat, 5.95W 114.19 10.24 28.59 Mullani Jowar KR Sehore (22) EAg Whear, 41.42R, 87.37 10.22 18.54 Gol·al?ura Jowar 4.42W KR Sehore (22) ED Wheat, 62.82R 309.11 39.5{' 74.29 Muska, n Jowar KR Sehore (22) EAg Wheat, 80.80W 152.81 30.95 67. 19 Amla Jowar 16.0RR

    KR Sehor~ (20 ) EAg Wheat, IO.OOW 67.79 17.50 73,69 Lala Khedi Jowar 29.65T KR Sehore (2 0) EAg Wheat, 3.4IT, <5.85 6.75 13.89 Usmania JO\I ar 30.40R PR Schorc (20) ED Wheat. 15.39R 10 J. 2] 11 59 39.34 Sonda Jowar Udp,lrn KR Sehore (:? I) Wheat, R.OIR 13R.('6 3S.21 37.24 Jowar 62

    m~~R~~ ".. ~r.nri q4lr ,f'i ;rqq)1'I

    --~------~" ".15' Iff. tlllJlIiI ~ilij~ ij1lorilt 3fiI-W'f!TIl!: (Q'R VTl'I if ,!f'f!TIl!: : 'lilt ~ (~~r

    ----_-_ _-_-_------~------~-- 2 4 6 9 10

    --.------~ ----~ - -- - -_------~---- 181 m~,i 384.13 330(55} pel) -(10+) w -(10+) -5(-10) -(10+)

    182 r~, 262.R5 qlrt:f

    183 '3f1n~ 1,284.18 991(159) P(I),M(I) -(10+) w - (10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    184 ~lfTl!~' 474.~4 537(75) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    ISS "",TF 437.00 619(108) P( I) -(-5) W -( -'i) -( 5-1 0) -(H(.\)

    18(, fq1j)f~llr iI'l 639.47 5::5(88) POl -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    lR7 foq~)f~l{l iilT19:1 406.32 369(56) P( I) -( - 5) W -( -5) -(10+) --(-5)

    188 'I!<1~1 199.00 289(47) P( 1) -( - 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    189 r"l(llf'91n ~lJl 3'16.97 308(41) pel) -(-5) w - -s) -(5-10) -H)

    190 ifl'Hll

    191 ll[rru'li" 450.07 741 (122) P( I} -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    192 ''!iff. *'1 725.56 765(131) P( 1) -(-5) w --( --5) -(-5) -(-5}

    193 'l?iI\'Tl 755.53 1,231(1C,6) PC 1). M (1) -(-5) w -H) -( 5-10) -(-5)

    194 lj;'lI'l'1' 193.55 601(118) p(I ) D(1 ) W -H) +-5) -(-5 )

    19S l1T'~' 39R. 54 422(6R) P( I) -(--5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) +.5)

    19(, 3fili!<'<'l1'!' 313.19 91(27) -(--5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) - (- 5)

    197 ~.R!\l 557.36 742(120) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(::-10) -(5-10)

    198 'IIl~T' ~If?lfl 326.R9 479(101 ) P(! ) -H) w -( 5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    199 ~~)f:SlfT 1,291.98 1,113 (179) P(I ),M( I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    ?-no ~?'"I ~~r 172.24 llS(IS) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-IO~ -H) 63

    Amenities .1Id LaDd use Sehore Tahsil

    ----~ --- !I1l1'Il'li f,r«;e

    PR Sehore( 16) Wileat, 49.14W 1.002.55 80.BS 151.61 Jata Kheda Jowar KP Selme(16) Wheat, 18.03 267.56 11&.03 70.62 Sangrampur Jowar KP SehOic ( 13) EAg Wileat, 25.48W 287 13 1i0.SI 61.88 Pachpipalia Jowar KP Sehore( 12) Wheat, 14.21W 419.07 99.68 106.51 Chitodialia Ban Jowar KR Schore( 12) Wheat, 48.87W 240.74 58.1i0 5~ .11 !;;hitodia Lakha lowar KR Sehore( I I) Wheat, 14.30W 149.30 16.67 18.73 Bhatoni lowar KR Sehorc(lO) Wheat, IS 73W 252.10 55.83 20.31 Chitodia Hema Jowar KR Sehore (9) BAg Wheat, 43.89W 149.32 37.6S 20.14 Napla Khedi Jowar KP Sehore (6) BAg Wheat, 37·66W 241. 58 104.77 61i.06 Mogara Pho

    m~~~~~~ .,,"~ii ~.. 'If.. ~qq)1l

    ~lf!'ftlf .,.";, "'. VIII ~ PIII;nT1Ifl ~OI'ia ar;r·WQf~ (ifF!: Ifll it '1fil81~ a'l'OI'iS ;rty ~ fft ililOl'll it H iw Grllllfl 111fT • iliTt fillllllTiiI'liOl ~: ilii~ ~ (~R:T'I' ~,"~. Loca~ TGIRI filii'! ,;;r.!.qrli) tion fOI.1 area pnpulation Day or Communlca· code of the and Drinlona days of lions(Bus-stop. Dum- Name of village (in Dumber of water Post and the markell railway station. ber Village hectares) households EducatiODal Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way.

    - ~ ------~----~------_ ---~------2 6 7 9 10

    ------_------,~~---- 201 1')1'1,,1 'f;;rT 416.IS ' 425(69) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-1.0) -(5-10) -( 5- 10)

    202 f'-!:;rf7' 424.10 404(7R) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    203 fl;:;rr.:l ~S9.93 1,185(1&8) P( I) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    21'4 3flf'a1'r:1 228.81 123(19) pel) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    20~ hT'!~,i 19R.2& 51(9) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(.5)

    206 !til""! "{i 607.28 360(75) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(~ 5)

    207 i'ill'l'1'~ 140.05 125(14} -(-5) -(S-IO) W -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    20R '{H,,!': ~61. ~ 5 419(55) P( I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) - ( 5) - (- 5)

    20'> 'lI,iif'lllT ~i 1.002.16 942(149) P(1) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    210 :;nil'l' i1Tqf~lil 1,102.65 1,157(188) P(l),M(I) -(10+) H.P -( 10 1-) -(10+) -(10+)

    211 ..,1\'1'1T 302.34 142(21) -(-5) -(\0+) W -( 10-1-) -(10+> -(10+)

    212 'f;tf~1I1 'il'''1 460.57 538(80) P(1) -(10+) W.H,P -(10+) -(10-1-) -(10+ )

    2B llT'I'l.<:l 198.80 280(44) 1'(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

    214 :;rlliT ~91 285.65 314(50) P{1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-IO) -(~-10;

    215 f'l'llf'llII (,43.87 999(lli3) P(l) .M(I) - (10-)-} W -(10-1-) -(10+) -(5-10)

    216 ii"1~,r S 97.76 729(125) P(1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    217 ,!~'''wi>l 230.32 224(31) P( I) -(10+) W - (5-10) -(5-10) -(lOT)

    21& ,''11 5(){).42 676001) pel) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+)

    219 1);0:1<'[1 595.88 938(135) P(I) -(10+) W,R -(-5) - (10+) -(10+)

    :no !flfTi!<'[! 1,0(,7.1 R 1,575(258) '(1),10.10) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -( 5~IO) 65

    Amenities and Lead use Sehore Tahsil

    -- --. ~~------~- 1IfI[ij''fi f.r~\'Ifll'fil1: m~ l!~ "fir '1I1l).! (1IOI1tt "fir 'ill1inJ IIil filf"" lifiro iii "" f!.. ,ah 81 i'I. ll"l'!'lir 'Iff! ~~. ~" IJft"ll'Q 'lit Iil'lllil • ifill~ ii fij;(~JI 1(11111". if; iT ~Iij ftlIi) ~f;Ji!rlwl5 'lil filii \ f'li A).ij-) ylWr Land IIIC (i c area under d ifferen I types of Land II,." '!.1:t

    - -~------11 lZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ------~ - _- ~------KR Schore (7) Wheat, 38.30 234.72 71.40 71. 76 Chhapri Kalan Jowar KR Sehore (5) Wheat, 24.21 25'7.06 73.89 68.94 Bijora Jowar PR Sehore (3) Whe:!!, 238.20 418.50 120.34 10:'..89 Bijori Jowar KR Sehore (2) Wheat, 8.26 121. 52 57.88 41. 15 Awantipura Jowar KR Sehore (2) Wheat, 3.72 134.6'7 42.94 16.95 Shivpuri Jowar KR Sehore (4) ED, BAg Wheat, 185.45 314.97 59.82 47.04 T(1) Sem~li Khurd Jowar KR Sehore (5) ED,BAg Wheat, 55.17 19.76 31. 65 33.47 Hasanpura Jowar KR Sehore (3) ED,EAg Wheat, 126.48 287.60 38.36 409.41 Thull.! Khurd Jowar PR Sehore (4) ED,EAg Wheat, 332.71 143.94 120.08 405. -13 lamonia Kalan Jowar KR Sehore (13) Wheat, lC·2.22 733.12 158.29 109.02 Janpur Bawadiya Iowar KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 3.38 236.02 19.84 43.10 Molga Iowar KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 63.13 296.R7 51. 23 4)/.34 Kodiya Chhi!u Jowar KR Seho'e (10) ED,EAg Wheat, 46.90 11 g. 83 16.32 16.75 Manpura Jowar KR Sehore ( 9) Wheat, 34.18 181.23 33.58 35.66 Jakha Khedi Jowar KR Sehore (15) ED,EAg Wheat. 51.25 409.14 86.tiS 96. gO Nipaniya Jowar KR Sehore (16) EA Wheat, 46.18 ~47.66 5+. 10 49.82 Shekhpura Jowar KR Sehcre (17) ED,EAg Wheat, 24.33 159.28 19.99 26.72 T(1 ) Wahcedganj Jowar KR Sehore (13) EA Wheat, 116.21 317.03 43.15 24.03 T(2) Rola Jowar KR Sehore (12) EA Wheat, 168.57 226.54 115.43 85.34 T(2) Muhali Jowar KR Sehore (10) EA Wheat, 432.32 3911. 29 94.48 142.09 T(2) Mungaoll Jowar 66

    "II' iii! ~ Imittn W'fOf18 ""'-'Jk~ (II''' Ifll it ,!f

    •"rvr. f.r'6~ ~'iI 'Ii' ~,;i1 (Ai" ")1 ilT.m:/il"1C 'Ii' 1'<:"1 lim '1I'iR'1f' 111 i f~" qf~ 'liTt iii lim Rllf iOl;j. Loca­ TOtal Ii... " , q -lIT. ) tion TOlal area populatian Day or Communlca­ code of the and orinklnl days of tioDs(Bus-stop, num' Name of Village (in Dumber of water Post and the market, railway station. ber Village hectare. ) households EduOitlonal MedlCiI (Potable) Telegraph bal, if any water way,

    4 6 9 10

    P( I) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    222 71"!_ qrr 242.94 339(54) P(I),M(l) -(IO-!-) -(10+) -(Io-t·)

    1,223.39 1,617(273) P(I),M(I) -(10-!-) -(10+) -(10+)

    224 ~i'(':l 685.25 453(81) P( 1) D(I) w -(10·!-) -(10+) -(10.:-)

    141. 55

    233, L6 119(20) P( 1) - (- 5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    614,95 681(120) P(l) -.( - 5) W - (- 5) -(-5 ! -(5-10)

    222,34 :03(24) -(-5) -H) \V -(-5) -(- 5) -(5-10)

    5R4.9R 526(85) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -,) -(5-10)

    303.66 300(41) -(·5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10-1-) -( 5-1 0)

    543 43 320(49) P( I) -( -·5) w -(5,.10) -(-5) -( - 5)

    404.63 303(50) - (- 5) -(-5) w -( 5 -I 0) • (-5) - (- 5}

    415 67 1,198(189) PO),M(t) -(10+) w PO -(10+) -(- 5)

    709,31 786(123) P( 1) -(10+) w (-5) -(10-)-) • (- 5)

    799,94 667(100) P( I) -( 5-1 0) W -(-5) -(5-10) - (- 5)

    236 'f,'lT ~"Ii 1,020,611,116(192) P(I),MIIJ -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

    2 3 7 q''Jllfl 3R9.22 633(111) P(I).M(I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

    238 ~'"fT: 532 98 577(106) P(I) -H) W -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

    1,262,R7 975(151) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-1i') _.(-5)

    473.23 417(73} P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(lo-l-) -(-5) 67

    Amenttt. and Land use Sehore Tahsil

    VII! (lit> f.rR:!f1f 11'11, 'f.PI ell1iUr (1111111 "PI eqllllf Ifil f~flI'lf ~"" t til li",wfllllf,,'11 ~;f,r ~"~II'(i i~1R " 11I';~IU' 1(11~ iii "~'f';f!Ai) ~ml!lin l6T 1!l1i \ f.t; liUr) Lind III. (i e Ilea under dirrerenl typc, of Land '.If! q~tI!lI ale in bectare. rounded uP. 10 2 decimal placel.) ,-______A ______-., q~l~ , ""' ,,~ 'fo'l 1118;fi " th i!ft t fri 1Ii'!ft trw. r.,,-, IWN. "q-IiIia .;tIt "~O(IiII8 R.emarb (,[''ill: tih IQclUdinl ~~I'l"fj "f!!II) tny place of Appro. Nearcli Culturablc A.real no' relillious, ach town aD~ waste( Inclu. available hiMorical 10 distalltC Powel Staple 'rrlgalce Un 1m. ding @aucha! for or al·chaeolo. Nllmc 01 village (inkm8) lupply food Pore.. by lourC(! gated and groves) cultivalio. glcill interesl ViIIllle

    11 I! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    KR Sehore (Ii) fA Wheat 230.99 73,38 16,40 222.44 T(l) Raipura Iowar KR Sehore (I 2) FA Wheal 63.04W, 137. 95 17.~4 24.71 Raju Khedi Jowar KR Sehore (12) fA Wheat 120.18 765.55 181.90 155.76 T(2) Semra Danir Jowar KR Sehore (12) EA Wheat 24.61 537.02 66.91 5h.71 T(2) Dobra lowar Bark heda Su kai

    KR Sehore (13) Wheat, 1~.4iW 145.04 30.29 41.26 Narcla Jowar KR Sehore (17) EAG ED Wheat, 51.55W, 427.85 29.00 96.51 Dodi Jowar 10.04R KR Sehore (18) Wheat, 19.69W, 94.13 R9.12 22.1Ii Rata Kheda .Towar 6.24R KR Sehore (1 R) Wheat. 34.22W, 414.94 50.76 74. SO (T) M(2) Dupad1va Ilhil Jowar IO,26W KR Seh')re (1 (,) fAG Wheat. 40. 3 7W, 1 7t . I 6 23.71 35.54 T( I) Taj Jowar 32.8RR KR Sehore (1 5 ) Wheat, 25.52W 249.9F 87.91 149. ;5 Amwd Jowar 30.49R KR Sehore (14) Wheat. 1l.09W 169.liJ 159.25 52.~6 Chondi Jowar II 49R KR Sehore (1 4) fA Wheat. 58.96W 209.26 51.43 96.02 T(2) Khamaliya Jowar KR Schore (13) EAG Wheat. 7i,75W 347.21 59.27 225.(JX TU) Nor.ikhedl G\isain Jowar pR Sehore (10) Whea t, 151. 84 4 i . 'i9W 238 . 01 1 51. 77 2 1O .. 51 T( I ) Ralpur NaY8 Kh~(h Jowar PR SchoTe ( 8 ) fA Wheat. 196.77 I04.33W 413.7(, 115.87 Ig9.8RT(I),M(I) Thull3 Kalan Jowar PR Sehore (7) ED EAg Wheat, 27.72W 195.73 S9.53 76.24 T( 1) Panchama Jowar KR Sehorc (3) EAg Wheat, 7.85R 261.94 134.25 128.94 Jowar KR Sehore (9) ED FAg Wheat. .. 221.47W 536.17 273.57 231.1i6 T(2) Lasudlya Padhar Jowar KR Sehofe (14) Wh~al, .. 22.26W 349.43 39.94 1i1,6G Jarmni Jowar 68

    ~ft~R ~~~)~ :w;r-~Wr~ ~Ii iJ,fq \JqQht

    ~1f!Ift1f lit•• , ""' ell" IIiT f;TlIrofflin nOl'OIJ li('i!-~!l!o;(lfli: QTIf it '!fwo;

    - --~-~-~-~----- 241 ~l~~ 363.11 363(66) P(I) • (- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    242 '!T~~~T 204.66 355(70) P( 1) - ( .5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

    243 ~~~, 266.35 "1'1>:1'1

    244 T.f~T 553.89 494(81) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    245 'l!rr"H'I~1 205.14 91(22) -( -5) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    246 ~[1'fTr'['J 810.77 1,347(250) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    247 IJo'lrrrf"llJl 716.03 995(152) P(l),M(I) -(-5) W -(·5) -(5-10) -(5·10)

    248 ''dfllflfp 1,128.21 I ,217( 192) P( I) -(-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    249 I1Trr~1 ,{l{ 520,85 1,668(253) P(l),M(I) PlIe(l) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

    250 'l>T'Ilfm 715.47 150(15) -(5-10) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 5- 0) -(5.10)

    251 ll'l'll;n

    252 'f.1"Ilrr~ls 717.30 104(16) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -( - 5) -(5-10) .. (5-10)

    253 Il'l)e-r 1.420.87 364(135) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5· 10) -(5-10)

    254 Illll'! V~I 1,040.34 561 (88) P(I) -(-5) W -(--5) - (lOt) -(10 +-)

    255 'fi[1:_-Q ;;[1{11{ 608.05 472(62) P(l) -(~S) W,HP -(-5) .... (10+) -( 10+)

    256 f!J[,"n~ 1,085.90 945(148) P( 1) -( - 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    257 !lm)"r -"96.29 584(90) P(I) -(- 5) W -(-)) -(10+) -(10+)

    258 ~fo'l'T 1f~) 264,38 51 (10) -(-5) -( -5) W -(.-5) -(10+) -(10-} )

    259 '!:s'Irro: 1,574. <>7 1,113 (205) P(l) - (-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    260 iflj,f'il'fl 1,717.66 1,706(329) MCI),P(l) D(1 ) W,HP PO -(lot) -(lot) 69

    Amenttl. and Land use Sehore Tahsil

    'II1l{ 0;; lifllii!ol{ if'!'!: qflr 'IIIflfUr (lI'flt! "fq 'llIIIilIJ llil fllfu fllifll1 iii iii. f!"lvfi IIlf.. 1II '11"" ~. om ,'(I • i~u1. Ii fl!ii!tlll Ql1I1R it; tI Hill! ~) ~fill!ll"l1 !;!iT l{Tq l f;; l{'Ur i Land Ule (i c area under different typcs of Land I"I~ ,!-q!t~ ale in bectare. rounded up, to 2 decimal places,) "i!!lf if; ~Q"I ,------_. _-"------, "fill! irOIl ,,",QOlI8 Remarkl (.it..;, qi~ incllldin» ~H"TTifT !lfilll) Iny place of Appro. Nearel' Culturable Alea 1I0l religious, ach town ano waste( Inclu. available historical to distance I'owc, Staple Irrigated UnlrrJ. dmg gallehar for or archaeolo. Name 01 yillage (in kms) supply food Forelt by source gated and groves) cultivalior" glcal illl.rest Village

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    KR Sehorc ( 4 ) ED, Wheat, 75.14GC, 99.30 109.82 ?B.85 Alahda Khedi BAg Jowar 25.50GC KR Sehore (3! ED, Wheat, 5.05W 135.79 26 82 11 50 T(l) S;:ranga Khedi EAg Jowar Uninhabited Khursedpur

    PR Sehore (5 ) ED, Wheat, 144.00GC 101_04 150 88 137_05 Chanderi EAg Jo\\'ar 20_92W PR Sehore \ 8) ED, Wheat, 41.·35GC 81-98 10 63 55.93 HhagwMPura EAg Jowar 15_25W KR Sehore (7 ) Wheat, 95.31 6_16W 394 90 47.46 231 23 T(I) Jahangirpllra IowaI' 35.71GC KR Sehore (! 3 ) Wheat, 60.72W 490.;:5 62 01 103 05 Satpipaliya Jowar PR SehOtf (12) ED, Wheat, 175.1 5 208.69'" 5 59. 54 89 91 94.92 Amajhir BAg Jowar PR Sehore (10) ED, Wheat, 154.88 21B 12 54 10 93.75 I>,!ogra Ram EAg Jowar PR Sehore (1 0 ) EAg Wheat, 73.21 81.70W 177 32 88.,4 295.00 Konajhir Jowar PR Sehore (6) ED, Wheal, 91.83 130.71W 224.59 ~1 .j 1 153 n Hasanbad EAg Jowar KR Sell are (8) Wheat, 335.51 26.62W 23727 ·18.89 69 01 Kala P:lhad Jowar KR Sehore (14) Wheal, 176.93 50.24W 750,49 204,03 239,IS " , Dhavoti Jowar KR Sehore (18 ) Viheat, 29.47 39 82W 362 07 Jowar j(R Sehore (20) '~heat, 17.46 22_06W 248,75 319.7R Kahar; Jadeed Jowar KR Schore (17) Wheat, 76.36 46 17W 451 '.14 51 I ... 3 T(I} ShikarpUT Jowar KR Sehore (16) ED.EAg Wheat, 24.46 20.05W 29,t.63 257.1 j T(I) Sagoni Jowar KR Sehore (18) Wheat, 9.09 2 91W 160 00 92.3R T(I) Khutiya Khedi JOl'ar KR Sehore (12) Wheat, 36.90~,- X26.10 117.91 593.76 Badnagar lowar PR SchoTe (15) EAg Wllea!, 300.83 5_49 1,07M.99 7~.74 258_61 TO) B1muJiya Jowar 70

    ~r~~l'r~m~ ~i{-~~~q: ~:1 .m

    ----~.--~- .~------_ - - --_ - ---~--~-- 2 9 10 ------~-----.----~---~------261 r;ftG'fu!l1lft<:r 517,83 546(86) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    262 f;;;rnA 952 18 980([54) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

    387.90 402( 62) pel) .(5-10) W -(-5) .-(5-10) -(-5) 263 31I'll1'!.,r P(I),M(I) _(5_10) W -(-5) -(5-10) 264

    388(62) P(I) -(5-10) W PO -(-510) 26~ f

    W -(IO.t) -( -S) 266 rlT~'il1 436.45 401(53) P( I) -(5-10) -(10+ )

    -(S-10) 267 111,('iiT lift .104.83 359(67) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+)

    21i8 ~'ilnl 'Ii,,! 684. II 951 (154) pel) -(5-10) w -{5-10) -( -5) -(-5)

    269 f'if'P>n:I[:5! 27R.05 50(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    270 ~<'I'HI ~~ 619.06 546(84) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10-1-) -(-5)

    271 ifl'fijl 227.95 101(15) -(-5) -(-5 ) W -(-5) -(-j) -(-5)

    272 '

    273 oisijT 331.23 470(76) Pel) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    274 f'F9J'l'!<' 256.92 'J'T'U'l

    215 f~T!(Ii'il 1,022.26 2,202(408) PUC(I),P(J), FPC(I) W PO Sunday BS ~vr( 1) -(5-10) BS 276 j';'I,I,!' 365.6R 55R(109) POl -(5-10) W PO

    PO -(-5) 271 '!:t

    278 <<;{f

    279 rij~'~'1' 103.03 .'1,1'1

    2RO wrr 1f~T 248.10 504(RR) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(S-I!}) -(-5) 71

    Amenities and Land use Sehore Tahsil

    ~-~~------_--_ ------_ - lf1li o'li f'f'R(f1{ 'III, fifOllill l!,~ qf1r "IlPr (IN\" .. fll aqll1l1 llil f~f.. w fllim t Ii. !l.CI'!) !lIr"" 1I'l1!'Ii r '!T1r

    _-~------~ ---- 11 I! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ~-- -- _-----_ - _--- - _------PR Sehore( 15) EAg Wheat, 61.30W 234.06 78.90 143.5'1 Pipaliya Mira Jowar KR Sehore (8) EAg Whe'lt, 49.12W 550.96 161.29 190.81 T(l) Bijlon Jowar KR Schore( 1 0) EAg Wheat, 21. 53W 28:.05 12.04 72.2R T(I) Alampura Jowar PR Sehore(9) ED, Wheat, II. 18 Ix. 113.27 8R ;91 91.62 Barkhedi EAg JOlYar KR Seh,)re ( I 0 ) ED. Wheal, 28.49W 170.64 19.31 75.46 T(I) Tit ora EAg Jowar KR Sehore( 11) EAg Wheel, 45.19W 311.14 30.48 49.64 Padli Jowar KR Sehore( 15) EAg Wheat, 32.68W 223.08 29.59 19.48 T( I) Barbakhedi Jowar KR Sehore( 15) Wheat, 84.86 410.91 113.48 74.86 Kuias Kalan Jowar KR Sehore( \ 7) Wheal, 40.87W 200.89 JS.1i1i 20.63 Sikandarganj Jowar KR Schore( 15) Wheat, 58.08W 410.35 65.25 R5.3 R T(l) Kulas Khurd Jowar PR Sehore( 17) Wheal. 33.26W 154.02 12.69 27.9S T(I) Napli Jowar PR Schore( t 9) Wheal. 44.69W 238.01 ~ I. 79 ] 21. 71 Chainpura Jowar PR Sehore( 18) Wheat, 55.17W 219.77 19.00 37.29 Khcdli Jowar Uninhabited Kishanpura

    PR Schore( 20) Wheat, I. 46 87.44W 683.95 46.48 202.93 Bilkisganj Jowar PR Sehore(12) EAg Wheat, 6.16W ~99.43 30.20 29.89 Hirapur Jowar PR Schore( 10) EAg Wheat, 38.87W no. 78 21.90 4R.41 Dhabla Jowar PR Sehore( II ) Wheat, 3.55\1\' 256.01> 21.67 28.1 () Ra:awa. .Iowar Uninh~bi ted Sikandarpur

    KR Schore( 15) EAg Wheat, 12. UW 191.08 2],01 23.H9 Khedi Jowar 72

    III"'" fW~ iIl\ITiV :;rr-"fR: ~ ~ iii ~ -5 fiI;.Ift., 5-10 fiI;.Ift.IfIIO+fiI;.l!1. ' AmCllIliel availablelif nol available within the village, a dash (-) is shown 10 tbe column and O'XI to it in brackcrs, Ihe distance in brnad ranges viz -SkIDs.S-I Okm. and IO+kms of the nearest place where th. faeiiity is ava.lable is gIven). ,,___ ~ _____ A . ."flll. f'ilflli!81 ('Ii! ilil 'n," filii Ilh (fii!T\/~ti!: 'I>T R'I/ «'Itt 'It'4

    2 3 4 6 8 '1 10

    281 '111"1'1'[\ 564,59 516(83) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    407.11 439(76) P(I) ~(5-\0) W -(-5) . (HO) -H)

    270:73 214(29) Pill -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-S)

    1,291.80 1,879(317) M(I),P(I) -(-S) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10)

    2R5 ;;rrll~ ifTotllil'lO 524 81 37(5) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(- 5) -(S-IO)

    286 ')"11<1" "~T 874.48 288 (SO) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10)

    2R7 it~ "I'! 528.39 318(53) _(-5) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(-5)

    288 ~I~ 745,32 640(125) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    289 mf<:'1"1 580,80 50(8) ~(-5) -(-5) W - (-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    290 «HI ~~1 73~. 91 234( 48) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

    291 wi<17 290 28 S25(93) - (-5) - (-5) IV -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)


    625.08 J41(26) -(-5) -(5~10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    R7.82 351(48) (5-10) -(5-10) R -( 5 -10) -(5-10) -( 5- 10)

    395.88 22S(50) -(-5) -(5-10) W ~(5-1() -(5-10) -(5-10)

    296 'iT'D 810.34 648(126) P(I) -.( 5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)


    344.17 383(80) P(l) W -(10+) -(10+)

    299 if;Tel '!i'U, ~ 64,69

    300 aJflll111ii 577.71 274(44) -( - 5) \V -(lot) -( 10-+ ) -(lot) 73

    AmenIties and Land use Sehore Tahsil

    ---.~-. .~------IITJ[ o'li f.r~J[i!

    KR Sehore(26) Wheat, 189.57 4.61W 408.7(, 5.40 16.74 Deh:uiya Khurd Joy,ar KR Sehore(26) Wheat, 87.38 0.44 Beelkheda Khurd .Towar KR Schore (28) Wheat, 30.77 6.59W 247.90 110.62 T( 1) lila Khedi Jowar KR Sehore(29) Wheat, 478.35 7.69W 175.47 179.78 29.05 Khari Jowar Uninhab iled Lasudia Bazyaft

    KR Sehore (31) Wheat, 67.40 9.49W 20R.S3 O.7R 57.97 Anwali Kheda lowal' Uninhabited Kota Kal'ar

    KR Sehore (34) Wheat, 279.85 1.54W 1 S3. 12 50.36 62. 8~ AmamayC' Jowar fill lin P I!Inttm atrOflfl ~.~!tf~ (!f~ IITII it ~fimrt ii'CfO!i1r IIi!'! ~ ill ifi"r .... if (-) '" Ol'flflfl qlfr @ 'liW .1lI~ 1(" Ifft~'l:l ..,. V«_ CR it 'liteR it VIII if firiifoft ~~ Cf'l: '!flt~ .<;.Ii!l ~ Ilie ffR 1ft ~ ~'I <...... _) ~ liiilfl t9lRiR ft ott Iff ~ -5 fit; .Ift., S-10 fiii.Ift,""1 IO+fiI;.lI1. I\mclliliel available(if nOI available within the village, a dash (-J 18 Bllown In tbe column and next 10 it io bracKets, the distance in broad ranges viz ,SklDs ,S-1 Okma and to+kms of tile nearest place wllere lb. faciiity IS ava,lable is given). ,,_.-~-----~~-. ______A ______'.fOll. f

    ---~--~------~- - - 301 <:rf.r1fTilI~ 331.00 221(38) -(10+) -(10+) W -(10+) -( 10+) ~(10+ )

    302 ;om:m~ 289.27 232(45) ~ (1~+) -( 10-[ ) N -(10 [-) -(10+) -(10+)

    303 !II

    -~~~~---- ~------~----

    15:11.682.95 157,395 P{204} D(7) (26,745) M(33} PHC(4) PUC(4) FPC(l) Amenttt. aod Land ulle Sehore Tahsit

    WmrIT ijl[, 'lfir 11m (.,,11:, ~fir ;qll111 'lit fllf"" firim t iii. f!tcl1IiI alrn ~ 11m ~(I (1Ii1l< Ii filV!fll qq.. it; (I ffffll !Ai I ~ftrl!"911i (f"'.If·Ur) Land nle (i c area under different type. of Land 1I1!{1I11f~6~ ule in bectares rsunded Up, to 2 deCimal places,) qil~" ~ ~""I _ A ____. ___. __""'\ ,_,------IIfije ih vEfi if; fllTli .!ft it; fri ",r.. , VII\'1nr iiijf1 ,,~ql!f'lI Remark. I 'l)"~ I[)1 inciu(linl lIIl~rrll"l ~fl!") tny place of Appro- Near ell Culturable t\[ca 1101 religious, acb town aDO wasle( inclu. available hi~lol'ical to distanl:e POWCI Staplt (rngaled Unlfrl. ding ga\l~har for Dr archaeolo· Nilmool .illage (in kms) lupply food Pores. by Bource ga ted and groves) cultiv8liot;l glcal interest Village

    II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20

    FP Bhopal(28) Wheat, 6.00 325.00 Rabiyabad Jowar FP Bhopal(21 ) Wheat, 7.17 282. J 0 Umarjhir Jowar FP Barasia( 23) Wheat, 1.66 94.37 Sali Kheda Gusain Jowar

    7,461.88 85,154.49 28.1136.85 T(119) Total 12,072.58 15,782. n M(26) 76

    aTti!r tf~")~ ii'(i'{.§f~q ~;t ~f;f ~qq)q

    ~~------~If VI.'" .... 'fll ~ ~.iRI'Ml 'i'rii'!ilf ."'~!IT't(Iff.t VIII it ,!f'fBTtt :OWolf Ifl!l t If) 1fiI0I1r II H ~ ;omrr ifill ~ 'Ii~ tiWIl1G1Q;fI {{iii crlllr"l VR ;mt 1m ~ llit~~ 1I1I'r1l U f.;r!l

    - ~-~- ~ ~ ------~~------~------2 3 4 S 6 9 10

    ------~------~~ ------~------;iT'!. li~l 507.99 603(95) P( J) -(-5) W -(-5) ~(-5) -(5-10)

    2 If,;;r;;n6 1,004.55 2,353(396) P( 1 l, M(l) PHC(I) W PTO Friday -(HO)

    'f}.f;:Slll 'I',! 518.39 610(88) P( I) -(.5) W ~(-5) ~(-5) -(-5)

    4 q;'l:~'f .~I 533.55 1,043(182) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5~10)

    ~'ll'i.1m 570.76 688(109) P( 1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(- 5) -(5-·10)

    6 If.3'i Ii~) 150.48 223(33) P(I) -(-5) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    7 'TT"J~,!: JI'g)f:Sll'T 401. 60 467(72) P( 1) -(-5) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    mUif.l'ifT 517.81 721(113) P( I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(~-IO) -(5-10)

    9 ,!-';''1~ 1,219. I g 1,562(249) P( 1),M{l) -H) W,R PO -(- 5) -(10+)

    10 1.<.11 111&e.r1 805.40 1,055(157) (P),M(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    11 f~",a$' 229.05 it<:J'1

    J 2 'T<.1ml 237.31 245(37) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    13 ~'FH 1,193.23 1,376(213) P(I).M(1 ) D(1 ) W,R.HP PO Friday -(5-10)

    14 If,l'lTT ti~T 415.02 401(71) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -H) -(-5)

    15 "f1'f!!T 323.18 232(Jl) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) - ( -5) -(-5)

    16 ~"ft~ 488.29 497(83) P( 1 ) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    17 'lil'lllllf,!'1 534.92 610(101) P( I) - (5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    1~ ~p:f'fll'{lllq 573.17 RII (141) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) (5·-10)

    19 ~!I1't'!,~ 409.65 221(36) pel) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

    20 3T,f'flllIfI0f1 764.24 892(143) P(I) -(5~IO) W PO -(5-10) -(-5) 77

    Amenltl_ and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ------.-.----.-~- ---. ------_------VTIl (['Ii f.r'li~([I[ 'fIT, fora!;rt 1J:1!lf erA illl!P! (.'If!!! ,!f1r "''IQtq 1!i1 flfhnr fiIi~ .. ai. f!''t VTIQfIl iP'{ " 1iI;morll '1II1IlI'lI ~ {T ffflil 1Ilfi) ~f!ll!llu. 'liT IlTq (f'li,lIU'j I};mn LAnd tile (i c arca nndcr diffcrent type. of Land 1111'" '!.lJ~~ use in hectare. rounded uP. to 2 decimal placet.) "'Ill! .. l'lllll' ,....------...... _------, 1lf111 ~ III&'ifl, th im iI> fl:ll1! i"") iI> fwi r.. r., fllA-e .q-lIIiE!iI~ V~q,"iB Remarks Ill)"', 1I1~ InclUdinM ..-mlll!!' !If",,) Iny place of AoprD. Nearest Cullurable Area nOI religious. acb town and wasle( mclu. availabl~ hiRlorical to distance POWCI Slaple Irngated Unlfn. ding gauchar fOf I)f Bt"<:haeolo· Nltmc rJI village (in kms) supply food Porel' by source gated and groves) cultivalior" Sical irneresr Villasc

    ------_-- ~------~- 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    ------_- - --~------_------FP Ashta (35) EAG Wheat, 35.01W 342.47 70.96 59.55 Bis" Khedi jl)waT KR Ashta (34) EA Wheat, 80.9hW 650.57 1 J 5.73 1 51. 29 Kajlas Jowar FP Ashta (33) Wheat. 19.53W 430.30 34.48 34.08 Kundiy, Nathu Jowar FP Ashta (35) ED,EAg Wheat, 4.ISW. 369.74 91.77 49.fil Karm,i11 Khedi Jowar 18.280 FP Ashta (34) ED,EAg Wheat, 4.55W, 43R.87 60.66 3R.66 M(l) Harnawada Jowar 28.029 FP Ashta (33) EAg Wheat, 1,28W, 111. ZO 21.20 9.95 Gau Khedi Jowat 0.850 FP Ashta (40) Wheat, l.S9W 326.75 44.60 n.li6 Mahoctia Jowar FP Ashta (32) PD,EAg Wheat, 38.92W 367. ~5 82.46 ZR.5R M(1 ) Bhauri Kalan Jowar FP Ashta (27) FA Wheat, 73.75W ~62.69 145.5+ 137.20 ~. ( 1 ) Murawar Jowar FP Ashta (30) EAg Wheat, 3D.D6W 587.96 134.92 52.46 1 (1 ) Moondla Mohuhba Jowar Uninhabiteu Himl'1atpllr

    FP Ashta (20) EAg Wheat, S.34W, 198.23 18. 13 10.56 Palasi Jowar 2,050 FP Ashta (19) ED,EAg Wheat, 43.75W 967.13 9R.38 79.09 M(1),],;(I) Kurawar Jl)war 4.880 M(I) FP Ashta (24) EAg Wheat, 2.45W, 225.19 IZR.89 50.36 Ks.nya Khedi Jowar 8.130 FP Ashta ( 12) ED,EAg Wheat, 17.08 ~44.65 21. 87 39.58 Chapsi Jowar FP Ashta (24) EA Wheat, 12.14W, 317,38 4'- 85 35.59 Hajipur Jowar l4. 3 3R FP Ashta (22) EAg Wheat, 20.24W, 337.92 2X.71 89.19 Kalyanpura Jowar 58,86R FP Ashta (29) EA Wheat, 30.91 267. (,1) 19R.54 76.12 Harniyagaon Jowar FP A~hta ( 19) EAg Wheat. 5,76W. 280.33 62.88 +R.25 KeshoDur .Towar 12.43R FP Ashta ( 19) EAg Wheat, 0.14 18.53 536.25 123.51 85.81 N(ll Arniyagazi Jowar 7S

    allS!1 t=f~«it:f ijfo:r'~En1'Tij ttCl" ilf'1 :a-/{Q)q

    ------~Il ", .. , "'. fUll iii! fill' .q"" iII"iS .;f·W"Ilf~(!f~ '"" it ,!Fq!lTlt ~'IT"" I(~ .;it IIrfOl1l' it (-) illl toflTflli ITIfr ~ 'f>~ ,II iiOift '{It IlRlfI'i! vi, :;milllflif ~ IIlt8~ it 11'111 it f;;r,,;it 111:) 1l1; I!{F"!ITIt ij''fW'!l ~ If)! 6')1; Ill: q K>::) ;y~ (i'!lfl i) it v.. , ~ !filiI, ~ ~ d~ -5 flI;.IiI., S-IO~Ai.IiI.lfflO+f.4;.III. "'mcoltici available(if 001 available within the village. II dasb (-J is shown 10 rbe eolumn and n~J[( to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz -SkIllS,5-1 Okm. and lo+kms of tbe nearest place wher:e tb. facility is ava,lahle is given), _.---' A- """' ilffirl" f",fo(!81 ~')it 11"1 q,;f1 Il'li v)~ 1f(000'/~Ta 'iiI ~"I ~'i(" ilfii~.' In ~ f~" qf~ ~t ~) '~~1'1~i;\~. Loca~ Total !i~" , 'R-IIlti ) lion TOIlI area population Day or Communica· code of the and OrinklDj days of tions(Hus-stoP. num' Name of village (in Dumber or water Post and the markel/ railway station. ber Village hectare. ) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bal, if aDY waler way.

    -----~------_------.------_--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

    -_ -~~-- --- ~--- --.--_----~-~, -_ ------~ -----~ .~---_--- - 21 f.lIR!!! 419,54 889(157) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) ~(-5)

    22 .1"

    23 e:o: Ii~T 617,84 946(166) P(I) -(5-10) W ~(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    ~·I i!\imift'l"F 364,16 393(59) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -H) -(5-10)

    25 'II;;r ~~) 148.40 267(41) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -H) -(-5)

    26 1II"111:,T 135,86 68(9) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    27 'i9llfif~

    zg lIlj_ftiI'1"T 1;T'-1'11:<'I 806.19 1,019(162) pel) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    29 '1"\lfl"ilJl oq)~T;f 176. SR 355(64) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    30 ll('f

    31 OIl'l, 1,42 3,64 4,853(815) P(I ),(Ml) FPC(I) W,R,H,P PO&I'hone Thursday BS PUC(l) 32 li'\f<:"l ;;rl'l, 648,01 908(i4n P(I) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    33 'IIR) >iff 160,01 251(35) -(-5) -(-5) W,HPR -(-5) +5) -(-5)

    34 1I1~P:lI'l:,!, H6_84 100(15) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) --I -5)

    35 '!If;HI atIlT 925,49 514(86) PO) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    36 mr

    37 !rlli'l!ilTU 623.39 480(85) P(IJ -( -5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    38 ~(!1lI~ li~r 23R.39 314(50) P(I) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    39 'f,'lr, lift 269.R5 .n"\T'f

    40 f;PITl!~r 279.27 11 R(17) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 79

    Amenlt. and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    -- ~ - ----~ .. ----~.--- Imrff'li f.r~ffl'[i1'1' filOlOll lJ:~ 'lfir 'IIqm (n'!! '!.fir ;;1111111 1111 f;rf"" ~'m ~ iii. f!",wi) Slf.. 1I1;fifil '1111 'l1'~. ~. 'lint 1!_1I 'Ii\' Wt1llT'll iEVl Ii f'r1liZtf1! ,,,lin ir; it ,,,'" ~) qml!lfwlli tf'li.l!·Ui) 1lil1l1lJ ~firIn land uac (i e area under different typel of Land If"'" ~~~~ lite in hectare. founded uP. 10 2 decimal p!lieel.) q!l(ii( ili ~'"1(1 ,-______..10.. ______-, qfile

    Appro. N ear ell Cullurable Are~ nOI religious. aeh lown and waste( melu. avaJlable historical to distance Power Staple !rfigaled Unlfn. ding gau~hal fOf or al"';haeolo· Nllmt of village (in kms) supply food Fore" by source galed aod groves) cullivallor.• glcal interest Village

    ------~- _- -- 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2U ---_- --_- . ------~~ - ---._------~ ------. FP Ash!a (20) EA,EAg ,Wheat, 19.77\"" 301.90 70.M 27.13 Tigariya Jowar FP Ashta (30) EAg Wheat. 4.30W 141. 61 24.40 21. 64 MoJiya (Jawar) J

    FP SonkatCh (13) Wheat, 84.13 12.140W 139.12 23.2R :'.0.60 Nijamadhi J(Jwar RO

    VIII' iii! ~ tI';nitln aq;;riV ll'f-Wi;!lT~(lf'" '"' it ,!fi;!lT~ l!qor.v qil\' t an ~l

    2 3 4 6 8 9 10 ------_------_---- 41 'I!1'11Ii~T 274.02 466(73) P(I) "(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10)

    42 ~J"'¥T 'ilT'!, 3RI 81 382(60) P(I) -(-5) W - (- 5) - (-5) - (- 5)

    43 (fG~-ry 410.08 409(68) - (-5) . (5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) - (- 5)

    44 'lolf¥' 25) 74 159(31) ~(~5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(.5)

    45 'fT;;rQH 1,112 95 716(DO) P(I) ":(-5) VI -(-5) -(5-10) • (5-10)

    46 f'f,(fIJl'f'!" 374.RR 140(21) P(I) -(-5) w ·(-5) -(5.10) -(5-10)

    47 ;r'{ffi~'l 29195 930(151) P(I) - (-5) W -(-5) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    48 ~'"'1' Ij~T 700.40 153 (24) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5--10)

    1.711_33 1,4R5(~56) P(I),M(l) PHC(l),D(I) W PO

    5S7_25 343(53) -(-5) -\5-10) W -(5-10) -(104-) -( 10+)

    268.14 190(35) -.(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10)

    343 36 86(11) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP - (5-10) • (.)-10)

    43771 123(22) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (IO+)

    838.26 672(114) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5 ·10) -(5-10)

    258.69 214(33) P(l) -(5-10) W HP -(5-10) (-510)

    li7333 664(111) P(I) -(-5) W .(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    27212 2(1) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( - 5)

    58 f:1't 2,7.45 221(41) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP . (5 -10) -(5- 10) -( 5· 10)

    686.RI 921(152) _(.5) -(-5) W, T -( - 5) -( - 5) - (- 5)

    60 1flI"" ? 61. 46 830(150) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -.. ( -5) 81

    AIQeIlItIe8 agd Land use Ashta Tahsil


    FP Sonkatch( 13) Wheat. 5. 18 20. 42W 182.44 26 77 27.48 M(I) Bhana Khedi Jowar 11,730 FP Sonkatch( 14) Wheat. 23.27 2.18W, 113.94 18.RO 222.41 Jhikdi Jawar Jov.ar 1.210 FP Sonkatch(14) Wheat, 61.24 10.12W, 161. 52 31.71 95.31 Khatsura Jowar 39.860 9h FP Sonkatch (13) Wheai. 70.83 10.34W. 125.44 12.53 30. Satb~da Jowar } .640 100.65 40.80 T( 1) FP Sonkatch (15) Wheat, 568.31 32. 64W. 354.37 Bilpan Jowar 16.180 FP Ashta(33) ED, EAg Wheat, 233.30 25.09W, ~0.97 2.40 23.12 Chintamanpura Jowar 10.000 2.R.I 28.83 FP Ashta(32) EA Wheat, 173.29 2(l.25W, 56.73 Barchhaoura Jowar 10.000 Halya Khedi FP Ashla( 33) BAg Wheat. 329.10 l7.30W 155.3/i n 68 197.93 Iowar 22.06 400.19 T(I),M(I), GuradiyaVarma FP As/lla( 35) EA Wheat, 602.65 70.56W, 599.17 Jowar 17.000 N(I) Kurli K11an FP Ashta( 36) Wheat, 305.45 5.14W 233.51 9 32 33.83 Jowar - 18.53 Kodakpura FP Ashta(39) Wheat, 161.85 76.01 I 1.75 Iowar Dhurada Khurd FP Ashta( 43) Wheat, 199.13 5.98W 108.23 7.39 22.43 Jowar 70 22 2.45 167 20 Jhanjhanpurn FP Ashta( 45) Wheat, 197.84 Iowar Dhllrada Kalan FP Ashta(45) Wheat, 366.62 16.88W, 244.41 34.03 174.32 M(I) Jowar 2.000 Nmjipun FP Ashta( 41 ) Wheat. 0.18 151.38 1.27 104.86 Jowar FP Ashta(26) EAg Wheat, 12. SOW, 429.35 76.76 151.89 Shekhu Khcda Jowar 2.830 FP Ashta(26) Wheat. 9.74W. 207.64 15.35 36.16 Guradiya Manuha Jowar 3 240 EAg Wheat, 3.16W 170.93 27.5R 25.78 P'pai iya Salarsi Jowar FP Ashta(291 ED,~Ag Wheat, 229.26 53.82W. 247.97 48.74 66.28 Guwali Jowar 40 740 FP Ashta(29) EAg Wheat, 244.88 49.02W, 339.36 41. 50 74.46 Gawain Jowar 12.240 82

    'Q'!'Ie1 ~~~,~ '3I;{'if'fSYIf ~ ,!fq :gqqlq

    ~II'JIft. .,... "'. (I'lf IIil flil' .... fi'" eqorifl I[ij'.~!IT~ (Iff" If!! it !jflmq :a'1f0ll1' ~ • m '"10111 it H ill 1il'1I11f' ITlI'I ~ '01"1 ,iii' "iI'Ii1I 11-I1rot,,1 un 'iff • .,~ tllIil~ it lII'lf tr r.rlfOft ~ IR 'JRIITlt ilfOlil' , iii! 5'~ III if~ ~<:T ;;~ (~l •• it) .,It ..., ~ lim I{Gi "'" 'Ii ~ -5 !if; .iI.. 5-10 fif,,", 11'1 to+fif.lfI, ... mennie. lYailablc(if not available within the village. a dash (-) is sbown .n the (olumn and n~l[t to it in brackets. the distance in broad ranges viz -Skms,S-1 Okms and IO+kms of the nearest place where tho facility is ava,lable is given). ~ A_ "'"" 'hrfurw f"fllmrr q')lt 'Ii' ",'" "'Ii Il)l IIT~<:NT! '''If.;';;j e-",,, 'lfll~1 ~ f"'if Ifr... "'ft il lile- ~Iq'iii;i· Loca- Total "' RIII'I.fi-lITli) tion rO'I' area population Day or Communica- I:ode of Ihe and DnnklDl days of tioDs(HUS-stop. num' Name of village (in number of water P081 anll the market/ railway slation. ber Village hectarel) households Eduoatlonal Melliell (POlable) Telegraph bat. if any water way. ------, ------_.--_-_ 2 4 6 9 10

    ~--_----.------~ -~------~ ,------_------_._-_ 61 11il.'!\ 1,226.68 839(137) P(l ) -( 5· 10) W,T -(-5) -(HO) -(-5)

    62 '!,TTf~llT :rlor 263.76 216P9) PO) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    -(5-10) 63 In;;; l;T~T 375.67 389(6S) pet) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5')

    64 lIT(f{Tflil'lll ClfT

    65 '1'011<:1 l12.91 159(24) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    -(5-10) 66 liTGf~T ~T11 101.89 151(26) -( - 5) W -(5-10) -(5 -10) -(5-10)

    67 "11':'1'1'1 1ff'l'1'1' 2 8 5 . 69 194(31 ) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    IiR f,;';Tl{1' 63R.44 552(91. ) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -(-5) -(-5)

    69 ~'l'T 840.3R 1,233(205) P(I).M(I), _(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    70 ill) ~46 .1'9 627(100) P(1 ) -(Jot) W,HP -(,0+) -(10+) -(-·5)

    71 'l'ifi(;f'lfT~ 359.53 391(63) P(1 ) -(10+) W -( 10+) -(10+) -(-5)

    72 fl'f<>;fl'1< 251.82 247( 7) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    73 'l'lfIRlfl ~T' 643.12 901(156) P(I) -( ~-1 0) W -( )-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    74 ;;qcl 546.82 682( 127) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    342( 54) P(I) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 75 ''lI~~ 315.60

    -(10+) 76 ~,)'1' 338.50 441(75) P(l ) -( 10+) W,HI' -(10+) -(10+)

    -(10+) 77 '1['{;;:1 ~~ 566.17 470(82) P( I) -( 10+) W -(10+) -( 10+) i8 'Flf"flfl 363.94 427(73) P(l ) -(-5) R -(-5') -( ~5) -(-5)


    -(5-10) gO 'if <19"r'Tl'fF' 286.04 480(79) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 8.3

    Amen.t •• and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    "----._--_ ------~-~ ------~ !Ill! (I~ f;r~(Il!ifIl' fu," l!lilI ~111 ;QTII (11'1"111 11.111 ;qlim ~t flOfllll R-m iii Ii. ~.q"" Rlf!!, Ifll! ~1l{11J cri~ • ~li in"! '!:.11 ~) IIiIIVTI i.tn Ii f;r1Rll1l ....lin t ,,) ~'I"I;J !Ai) ~Rtillfn 'liT IfIIT (f'P.1iUt) ~mn Land UlC (i e area under different type, of Land "II_I,!:~~!II 1111 in heclarel rounded uP. 10 2 decimal places.) .--______.A.______---., qil!'I' iI; {".! lIiila !!if wI ••iT' ch em it; fOili 111m iii fri fllf';n r"f'1(e ;jqOliU II",,", Q~'1",ill Kemlltk& (1I1'iil 1111'1; iDcludina IIHIII~Il!~!I) Iny place Of Appro. Illearel' eulturable AIel! nol religious. acb town and wasle( lI1clu_ al'ailable hislOrical [0 distan~e rowel Staple lrngale

    ---~~~------~-~------~--- IJ 1! J3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

    -_--_-_ ------_------_ _--_-- ---.-~------_---_-_-_ FP Ashta (19) Wheat, 32.98W 648,50 295.58 249.62 Jbalela Jowar FP Ashta (21) Wheat, 7.49W 178.41 41.25 36.61 Guradiya Banda Jowar FP Ashta (21) Wheat, 17.75W 236,56 51.12 70.24 Bhau Kheda .Towar FP Ash! a (23) Wheat, 29.64W .195.47 60.75 139.01 Atralia Jawar Jowar FP Ashta (22) Wheat, 0.53W 50.62 13.46 48.30 Gunja,i Jowar FI' Ashta (23) EAg Wheat. 6.4:lW 76.05 13.93 5 . ..\9 Khejda Kheda Jawar FP Ashta (27) ED, EAg Wheat, 19.5JW 98.56 6.97 160.61 Shahpura Panchapura Jowar FP Ashta (12) Wheat, 66. 6~ 35. 39W. 341. 74 104.74 86.28 Hakimpur Jowar 3.680 PP Ashta (18) EA Wheat, 23.404 J~.26W. 415.07 244.24 124. ~8 N(I) Phudra Jowar 2.590 PR Ashta (16)' EA Wheat, 35. 40W. 255.95 53.17 99.9-1 N(2) Dotli lowar 1.830 PP Ashta (16) Wheat, 42.95 6.87W, 198.39 5~.60 57·80 Kankri ya Khedi Jowar 0.920 FP Ashta (11) Wheat, 32.44 2.QW 171.11 6.56 39.60 Mirjapur Jawar PR Asllta (8) Wheat. 2.50W 482. 27 45.26 113.09 M(l) Pagariya Chor Jowar FP Ashta (13) EA Wheat, 151.48 8.42W 283.06 22.92 78.94 M(l) Rupeta Jowar FP Ashta (14) Wheat, 29.70 3.76Tl{ 202.31 24.9<) 54.84 M(l) Rllr~heda Jo\\ar FP Ashta (13) Wheat, 1.48 TK 252.55 3 J. 9 j 52.52 Bheronpur Jowar FP Asl'ta (15) Wheat, 52.93 2.90W 35".71 4H.76 )04.87 M(I) Pardi Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (14) Wheat, 26.390 282.94 9.39 45.22 Paroltya Jowar FP Ashta (6) Wheat, 56.66W 261.43 IS.61 84.38 narkhcda Jowar l'P Ashta (8) Wheat, 17.(110 197.30 12.16 59.51 Lachhi rampura Jowar 84

    a~, ff~~I~ ijJff-~CfalQ ~~ iJ_fq :a-qq)"

    ------_ ----~~~----- I[tlf~ ijqO(ill QTIf IlilIiN if (-) iI'lltlfl '1111 ~1fffllf .,. ~J "'" ,0( ""~"" ~;f~!Il~(If[{ if ,!fir!ll~ acrOfill ~ t!IT iw ~ ~)i' 'Ii" eJil'IiOl !!;. crf'{im:1 IIlR :alft m (t ~~ it ll'llf !r f,wlf'l'T itt ~ IJR~ oCforill t m! fI~ q''{ if; ~\r '1~ (~nl) ~91llrl ~ 11m ~ 11ft Iff l-s f.I;.Ii'I., 5·10 f.I;.Ii'I.IfJ 10+r.;.1fI. "mcoiliel available(i{ not available within the IIilJage, a dash (-) is shown in the eolumn and n~ltt to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz -Skms,S·10Icml and 100kms of the nearest place where th. facility is aVI.lable is given). ..- A ___' ___ --- ______--~ iwflll'. Ifi"I ,,;r; ,,'h r"rIfi"1.r or)" orr.n .T~fl:/~ IIiI ~'11 ~'ifn: ill''''''' I ". ~ f~i1 lif. Ifi"Ti ~ (Q fi!T

    -(5-10) -(5-10) ~2 '!l1L~1ll cr~ 696.44 517(91) P(I),M(l) -(5-le) w -(5-10)

    B3 31{1Pill ~~ 897,7' 1,003(200) P(I) -( 10+) W.HP -(5-10) -(10+> -(10+)

    479. 18 584(94) P( I) -(-5) 84 apf~" -(10+) W.HP -(10+) -(10+)

    ~5 l[l3J;fT 502.75 421(71) P(I) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    ~6 T\<11 804.90 480(8J) P( I) -(10+) W.HP -H) -(10+) -(10+)

    21 (4) -(5-10) W.T -(HO) -(5-10) 37 ~~"'r:' 190"95 -H) -(5-10)

    88 'Tl:f;:

    89 O1l'!_f;:

    90 '!,Tlf:S'TIIfi""fl 131,01 161 (28) -(-5) -(10+) W -( 10+) -(lOt) -(10+ )

    91 If!<11 IflTT.-, 163,59 '"\1'1

    n ;:;lfll![T 768,86 731 (137) P(I) -(10+) W,T -(10+) -(lot) -(10+)

    93 ,!'lJr~1{T !i.~ 332.89 293(50) P( 1) -(lot) W.T -(10+) -( 10 +) -(10+)

    -( IO~I-) 94 ,n;;rr r,1~' 262"!)6 170( 31) -(-5) -(10\-) W,T -(10+) -(10+)

    - (-5) -(5-10) 95 !1TPo');TT ~I[,~J 191. 50 36(7) -(-5) -(-5) N -(-5)

    % qrr"f ,"10,) 406,91 223(36) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) 97 .r'"l

    9k ql[f,~1 i\'TI: 317.48 1,222(198) 1'(1) -(5.10) W,T -(-5) TuesdolY -(5-10)

    9<) ;;IT.-ft![T ~ lfo(!fl 495,37 2~7(38) -(-5) -(-5) N -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    100 '1~I'l ~" 50.89 '1ht'l 8$

    Amenities and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ~"------~------_~~--~ ~"--- _---__ ------IItIf f.r~~1f i!Tl~ filOllill Il~ 'i,A '1IlI'1tl (.tlI(I '!.f~ 'il!1tltj 'lit fl{Mt f'liro iii Ii. "."," .Ifll. till{ 'til qj1{ qi~iI • ~. ,,~) lit 'Ii) IiIIV'I'II i'lilll: Ii fiA;ell III1Q1{ iii c) ~fiI R) ~litililfi. 'iiI ifill (f'ti.liU~) §IWI Land ute (i e" area under different types of Land 11"'.-1 "~11~ IIac in bectare. rounded uP. 10 2 decimal places.) ,--______.A.______"ill,. i """ "fill! iFf "'Bal' ih IliffiHri llim ~ ffli f.r., mr., ,,,,,i81,,,11' 1I,!"fliS Remarb ('1'i.~ 11)1 includiDI "'"U'll~i "fll") lOY place of Appro. Ncare,1 Culturable Area 1101 reliaioll! • aeh town anll waste( inclu- available historical 10 distance towel Staple Imgalel! Unlrn. ding gau~har for or al'chBeolo- Nllmc 01 village (in kms) supply food Porell by source gated Ilnd groves) cullivatio.: glt~1 illteretl ViIIBKC

    --~-.- - .----~--~------IJ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ------~~~- FP A~hta (8) Wheat, 11 .83 17.51 575~21 14.86 149.32 Bandariya Hat Jowar FP Ashta( 8) Wllea!, 79.10 5.27W, 452.21 41. ,;2 101.28 Lasudiya Par Jawar 16.760 FP Ashta". (14) EAg Wheal, 72.91 54~g3W 558.77 1 11 :10 99.90 Amla Majju Jowar FP Ashta (16) EAg Wheal, 28.95W 288.4" 83.68 n.l1 Amarpura Jowar FP Ashta( 14) Wheal, 45.06 12.80 316.35 66.74 61.80 Gajna Jowar FP A~hta (15) Wheat, 224.07 14.4RW 429.92 82.29 54.14 Urli Jawar FP Ashta (10) Wheat, l3.350 111.17 28.41 38.02 UJanpura Jowar FP Ashta (12 ) Wheat, 17.810. 177 .69 27.46 52.21i Parariya Chauhan Jawar 5.27W FP A~hta (13) EAg Wheat, 34.060 372~99 109. 12 83.92 K.h1juriY3 Kasum Jawar FP Ashn (14 ) Wheat, 13.140 82~09 15. 1 3 20. 6.~ GUrauiyaKa Ian Jowar Uninhabited Moandla Magarda FP Alhta( 15) Wheat, 436.01 8.240 237.96 31.83 54.82 Lakhiya Jowar FP Ashta (15) Wheat, 52.56 9.99W, 182.83 29.01 45.94 M(I) Guradiya Jawar 12.560 Khurd FP Ashta (13 ) Wheat, 1.50W, 179.27 28.24 48.67 Bala Kheda Jowar 4.980 FP Asht1 (15) Wheat. 4. (oW, 145.10 10.40 23.44 Shahpllr~ Jawar 8.36R Magarda FP Ashta (15) Wheat, 22.97 3.00W. 278.00 46.82 38.35 Gang11 Kothri Jowar 17~77R FP Ashta (J 6) Wheat, 36.76 31 ~ 23W, 264.41 36.81 81.97 Nee I bad Jowar 24.19R

    FP A~hta ( 15) 'Wheat, 13.10W, I R8 ~ 12 21.12 43.R5 Pagarlya Hat Jowar 51.29R FP A,hta (6) Wheat, 282.22 6.41W 148.07 26.30 32.37 Bandariya Jawar Daliya Uninhabited hl~anpura 86

    atq't ~~ iilrt.~fi.nttq 1:'(J!f ~fq :a-qqht

    ~II ...., "'II' Irq !IrI pn~"" aq't;i!f 'ilir.tVcrllf!!;(Ifr. ItII it ,!fifllftt ;rQ'ON ;f~i t

    ------~-- - _--_ 2 4 5 6 8 9 10

    ---.-~-- --~ -- ---~~---~--- 101 ~') ) 56. 82 104(17) -(-5) -H) W,T ~H) -(-5) -(5-10)

    102 'flllf(! 392.85 1009(174) P(ILM(l) -(-5) W,T -(-5) -(-5) -( 5-1 0)

    103 :jfr>isT (f~,iT'E;j;;r) 732.88 171(34) -(-5) ._( -5) W,T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    104 ~CI 292.85 152(26) -(-5) -(-5) R,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    105 fll ..<:I'liIi"l 1,344.53 2,494(444) P(I),M(l) Dei) W,R,T PTO & Phone Friday BS

    106 ~'f,li~,) 426.51 128(22) -(-5) -(-5) R,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    107 11Ig:i!\11~7T 207.41

    108 'l"R-m 7(l 1,261. RO 1!T<:'"

    109 'Tflf';'l ~

    110 :fn'!l lift 1,808.75 605(93 ) P(I) -(5-10) W,T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    111 OTl1!\'!'i >i~1 214.83 280(48) P(1) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    112 ill'!"l ",r11<: 741.53 790(136) .P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(HO) - (5-10)

    11:1 'lil1. li)~1 255.38 212(32) pel) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    114 ;;)'1'["" 1,316.55 1,207(203) P{l) -( 5-10) W,N -(-5) -(S-10) -(5-10)

    115 7l'J';" "'"<'II ~,246.05 918(15Z) P(l) -(5-[0) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(5~[0)

    1 IIi rftqfW1f ,tII,rq 446.22 313(46) Pill -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    1\7 !li"I'HI".' 1,385.S3 1,523(212) P(l) -( 10+) W,HP PO -(10+) BS

    118 'li~ 132.14 'II""

    1 19 :a?:lf~ 269.46 469(89) pel) -( 10+) W -(-5 ) -(10+) -(--5)

    120 111,,1 ij)~') 257.69 192(34) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+) 87

    Amealtl_ and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ~------_-_- - _------1111 "'Ii f.r~1T1I 'I'll, milt 1!~ 'lfu ill'll)! ( ••1" "rll IiIqliUJ llil r.f'llR lilillil it iii, (i,qlf! I'lfll' 11111 'iiI "III

    ~------".--"---~- ~-- _------II U 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------~------~------_ --_-- - --+"------"_-- _- __ FP Ashta (15) BAg Wheat, J.91 3.0&W, 86.10 3.27 22.46 I1ahi Jowar 40.00R FP Ashta (15) BAg Wheat, 26.10 42.20W. 227.82 15.40 38.09 Jasmat Jowar 43. 24N . FP Ashta (36) Wheat, 524.13 3.55W 164.92 14.37 25.91 Barkhedi Jowar (Siddiquega.nj) FP Ashta (35) BAg Wheat. 1. 63 16.390 243.67 O.H 30.82 Deiunat Jowar KR Ashta (36) E~g Wheat, 799.24 12.14W 260.65 16.97 141.18 Temple Si ddiqueganj Jowar 44.47TK. 69.980 FP Ashta (35) BAg Wheat. 146.04 15.520 220.45 1.68 42.82 Baja Khedi Jowar Uninhabited Sh3hjahanp\'r~

    Uninhabited Guradiya RJO

    FP Ashta( 40) Wheat, 20.87 6.620 33.68 0.21 5.96 Rampura KIlurd Jowar FP Ashta (43) Wheat, 1,411.08 6.640 3: 2.72 ":1.11 57.20 N~rpa Khedi Jowar FP A~hta (32) Wheat, 1.92W 103. 10 2.83 106.9& Aw.lli Kheda lowar FP Asbta (21) Wheal, j59.29 14.64W 402.49 61.64 103.47 Bapcha 13aramad lowar FP Ashta (24) Wheat, 3.65W 189.22 23.72 38.79 Kadu Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (21) BAg Wheat, 618.3948.JOW, 530.g1 41.62 77.63 Naugaon lowar FP Ashta (28) EAg Wheat, 309.21 73.27W, 616.JO 62.52 182.04 Rampura Kalan Jowar 2.510 FP Asllta (29) BAg Wheat. 47.46 l:l.00W 299.70 15.29 70.77 Pipq],ya Rarndas Jowar KR Ashta (17) EAg Wheat, 2.08 ~4.83W, 1.011.18 92.58 248.79 Khacharod Jowar 6.07R Uninhabited Fatehpur

    FP A~hta (19 ) Wheat. 7.50W 175.95 11.40 74.01 Udaipur Jowar FP A~hta (11) Wheat, 0.95W 172.65 33.49 50.60 M:'1i Khcdi lowar 88

    11111 IIiI fO' ilI;n("" ii'f<'fill iiR'Wcnr~(lfft !WI if ,!f

    ---~~------121 ~ Ii~T 135.91 178(27) P(I) -(10+) R,W -(-5) -(10+)

    356.44 407(68) P(I) -00-1-) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    276.17 307(44) PO) -(10+) R,HP _(-5) -(10+) -(10+ )

    354.73 536(76) P(I) .(10+) W -(-5) -(10+)

    308.57 307(44) P( I) R,W -(-5)

    9~7.96 1,452(212) P(l),~(l) -(10+) W,HP PO -(10+)

    127 ftBifurr 340.04 462(65) pel) -(5-10) W • (5-10) -( 5.1 0) -(5-10)

    181.08 :;56(56) P( 1) -( 10 1- )

    624.25 622(106) P( I) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)


    291.40 439(71) pel) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    427(77) P(1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


    IR3.02 341(55) PO) -(-5) W,R,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


    315.72 23(4) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    564.60 921(147) P( I) -(5-10) W,R,HP -(5-10) -0-10) -(5-10)

    196.28 138(20) - ( -5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(_5) -(-5)


    204.03 571(102) P( 1) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5.10) -(5-10) 89

    AiDenltles and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    -----~. -_---- ill!" <1;0 f

    --~---~- .~~--- _----_--_ ----_- --- FP Ashtu \12) EAg Wheat, 9.140 79.10 19.59 28.08 Memda K,hedi Jowar FP Ashta (11) Wheat, 4.4IW 248.49 42.07 6t.47 D~epla Khedi Jow,-r FP Ashta (32) EAg Wheat, 14.61W 173.84 46.81 40.91 Sanga Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (15) Wheat, 8.7SW 254.10 29.07 62.8[ Dewan Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (15) Wheat, 20.61W HO.25 31. 21 66.50 Moru Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (5) ED,EAg Wh!at. 19.19W, 591.86 124.82 151. 05 Kannod Jf)war 70.440 FP Ashta (j 5) Wheat. 7.63W 283.54 15.56 33.31 Richhadiya JOWa! FP Ashta (l5) Wheat, 12.24W 408.36 27.75 32.73 Guradiya Jowar Sirajllddin KR Ashta (8) BAg Wheat, 36.72W 464.89 31.16 91. 48 L:lsudiya Jl)War Vi.iaysingh FP Ashta (20) EAg Wheat, 30.70W 384,06 12.61 57.65 Badodlya Gauri Jowar KR Ashta (10) EAg Wheat, 37.27W 208.54 12.04 33.55 NJn.akpur Jowar FP A'hta (3 ) RAg Wheat, 3.8SW, 119.56 0.77 29 . .+0 Chlncharsi Jowar 15.100 UninhRbited Rajjuk(1ura

    FP Ashta (3) BAg Wheat, 7.77W, 83.25 22.03 37.75 Tajpura Jowar 32.22R' Uninhabited Banl<1I1 Khcdi I

    FP Asltta( 5) Wheat, 1405W, 239.21 54.63 7.R2 Ahmoldpur Jowar S4.0jGC FP Ashta (5) ED, EAg Wheat, S.78W, 210.95 109.45 97.65 Aroliya Jowar 40.20TK,46.54R FP Ashta( 4) EAg Wheal, S.85 165.77 4.02 17.64 Khcmpur Jowar Uninhabited Khaladiya

    FP Ashta (9) EAg Whelli. 2.61 13.93GC, 107.75 25.13 42.62 l'ala·Jiya Jowar 2.05W,9.94R 90

    11111' '6l !1iI" m"" noti" iiti'f-Wifal~(1I1\t '11111 if I];fifill~ "'fiilill ~. 'T iii t -5 f,;; ,iT" 5-10 f.Ii,iT, 171 10+f.Ii,lfI. I\mcl\itiel available(jf not available within tM village, II dash (-) is shown In tbe ~olumn and n!XI to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges vill-5kms.5-IOkml Bnd lO+kms (If tbe nearest place where Ih, faciiily is ava.lable is given). ,,_ A, ~ ".fQT. f;cf~ "")ii ~Ilfl;ii fIlii qh 1"l'ifT~/~ iii! ~;;I .rm .1I~q' m " f>:11 IIfa llilt iil (Q Rllf ~;ij;i. toea. Total Eilllil • 'fi-'lili ) lioll TOlal area population Day or Communica· code of the aod Drink Ina days of tions(Bus-stop. num' Name of village (in number of water Pos! and the market/ rai Iway stali(ln. ber Village hectare.) households Bducatlonal Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way.

    2 4 5 6 8 9 10

    116.96 156( 28) -(-5) -(-5) W,O.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    142 3f1'f'?'')'!' 197.93 397(66) P(I) -(-5) VI -H) -(-5 ) -(-5)


    144 illil'[1\ 239.52 345(55) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    145 !!l~,!":r 71.89 9(3) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    146 "i[1TiH'f,!, 333.91 319(53) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -H) -(5-10)

    147 ~l[f"",[ mit 762.54 9S2(152) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W P.T.O. -(5-10)

    148 ~il:~' f,"~rUlf!241 .94 420(71) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

    101.29 72(12) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(--5)

    150.69 236(40) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

    ~06.21 22(3) --(--5) W -H) -(-5)

    124.93 74(12) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( ~5)

    62.69 74(13) -(- 5) -( -5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    179.J(1 9(1) -(-·5) -(-5) R -( - 5) -H) ~(-5)

    155 'l,'1"[fs'1"T 700 V 9RI (172) P(l) -( 5-10) \V 1'0 -(5-10) -(5-10)

    214.12 310(55) P(I) -(5_10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

    438(66) P( I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    530(81) P(1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(HO) -(5-10)

    296.60 213(38) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10)

    160 lilJ_>:1 330.41 234 (46) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) 91

    Amenltl. and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ------~------~---- !fT1I'

    '-~------~. --~----. II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ------~- .------~- FP Asllla (3) EAg Wheat, 8.090, 85.13 5.99 16.48 Shankarpur Jowar 1.27W FP Ashta (3) EAg Wheat, 2.34W, 159.40 7.3~ 21. 58 Anandipura Jowar 7.260 FI' Ashta (2) EAg Wheat. 5.35W 312.08 16.84 38.21 Jagmalpur Jowaf FP Ashla (') EAg Wheat, 17.870 155.23 34.72 31,70 NorangpUf JOW:tf

    FP Ashta (5) EAg Wheat, ~. 70W 49.51 10.55 5.13 Shekhdapura Jowar pp Ashta (5) Wheat, 2.S5W 270 96 14.95 45.45 Bhagwanpur .Towar FP Ashla (9) EA Wheat, 3.86W, 561. 72 98.34 90.00 N{I) Bamuliya Bhati .Towar 8.620 PR Ashta (2) EA Wheat, 45.78W 161.93 5.28 28.95 NO') Fatehpur Kilerama Jowar FP Ashta (2) EAg Wheat, 45.47R 37.82 0.26 17.74 "Shahwajpma Iowar FP Ashta (2) ED.EAg Wheat, 9.37W 115.64 5 . SO 20.1 R Baupura . Jowar FP Ashta (2) EAg Wheat, 2.87W, 145.91 12.1(, 21. 96 Mmadpura Jowar 23 31GC FI' Ashta (2) EAg Wheat. 21.86 86.94 0.71 15.4~ Abdllllapur lowar FP Ashta (2) EAg Wheat, 23.86R 26.78 1 .45 10.60 Jagannathpura lowar FP Ashta (4) Wheat, 3.%0 112.91 -12.00 50.63 Gh1nshyampuf3 Jowar FP Ashla (9 ) EAg Wheal, 12.65W, 536.79 47.55 67.03 nupad'ya Jowar 36.21R KR Ashta (6) EAg Wheat, S.17W, 168.65 13.54 18.47 Mundi Khedi Jowar 8.29TK FP Ashta (10) EAg Wheat, 9.40W, 234.17 41.44 49.64 MohammadpllI Jowar 10 49R Pakhani FP Ashta (5) EAg Wheat, 3.49R, 330.62 25 45 64 35 MalikhediBazyaft lowar 1.37W FP Ash!a (5) EAg Wheat, 1. 47W, 239.40 18.48 32.95 Dalpatpura Jowar 4.30R FP Asht? (6) Wheat, 9.250 286.64 1.73 32.79 Bhamura Jowar 92

    11111 IIil fW ";rli",, a"f""ilJ ~ •.pm~(Il'fl: VIII it ,!:f

    161 ",rft 736.93 957(168) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W PO -H)

    313.47 270(46) P(I) w -H) -(-5) -(5-10)

    293.36 365(65) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

    240.19 309(54) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

    156.19 99(14) -(-5) ~(-5) w -(-5) -H) +,,5)

    412.93 494(84) P(I) -(-5 ) W -(-5) -(-5) ..(-5)

    1,237.602,153(393) P(I),M(I) D(I) W,T P.T.O· Monday BS

    179.25 5)8(80) P(l ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    521.72 732(122) P(I) -(-5 ) w -(-5) -(~5) -(-5)

    17 0 illf¥,q;n 317.05 371(63) P(l) -(5-10) W -(- 5) -(-5) -(-5)

    141.28 334(51) P(I) W -(-5)

    172 ll,.l 310.92 325(58) pel) -(5-10) W -H) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    677 9R 8s9(f62) P(i ),M(I) -(5-10) W PO

    174 U'll'!l 445 7R 379(56) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5- 10)

    176 "Fnl~ 4%.01 274(47) Pill -( -5) w -Hi) -(-5) -(-5)

    177 iI'fGl 1 ,45~.44 2,346(409) P(l),M(I) -(5-10) W PO&Phone Saturday -(-5)

    706.49 919(166) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5)

    1,477.162,589(451) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W -( -5) -(5 -10)

    1,073.71 1,108(200) P( 1) -(-5) w PO -(-5) ~(-5) 93

    Amen I till and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    IIIf (1"'11 iif'll!trlf ~rrl; ~'" '!~ 'tfir ~)tJ ("18 '!fir ~1flitII 'fit f.l1r", ~~'" iii iii. ~qafl SIr". 1I111i1i1 "Ill 'Il.r.l ~i~~t ;t} 'IT'llTi ~n If f~'1 Q'Ilr" it; I() ~llJ (Ai) ~fiI'-1191f 'iiI Ifl'li (f'li.'1UI) ~ Lind Ule (i e area under different type. of Laod .... .r ,,-a~r. a.e in bectares round~d tip, to 2 decimal place •. ) "iiI. ~ ~'''I'I ~ ______.A. ______.., Q'f~ ~ ",.ilI' ih i!ftHri i!ft iii fl'l'i I'll"''' fdo il''1!l'i!l iI;or1 Ir.j~!l'i!l Remarks (ll);;'{ llih including ~wrlli'i "filII) Iny place of Appro. Nearell Culturable Area nOI religious. aeh lown and wasle( IOclu- available historical 10 distance Power Staple IrrigatCd UnITTI. ding gauchar for or archacolo· Nllmo of Yillage (in kms) ,upply food Pore.. by'ource gated and groves) cultivalio~ glcal interest Village

    .--~~----- _. ~~~--- II I! 13 14 15 16 [7 [8 [9 20

    -~--- .-----_ -~- - ---.~- FP Ashta (3) Wheat. 15.24W, 616.75 14.98 85 88 N(:!) Dabri Jowar 4.080 FP Ashta (6) Wheat. 3.05W, 244.95 12.9\ 5\. 10 Hamid Khedi Jowar 1.550 KR Ashta (2) EAg Wheat, 22.7SW 240 72 9 62 20.27 Kaji Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (1) EAg Wheat, 20.49W 166 50 4 69 48 51 MaJipnra Ashta lowar FP Ashla(l) BAg Wheat, 9.980 125.53 3.59 17.09 Bahadarpura Jowar FP Ashta(8) Wheat, 31.97TK, 271.93 21.31 84.06 DUka lowar 3.66W PR Ashta (12) EA Wileat, 75.27W, 832.94 131.00 180.73 Khadi Jowar 17.66TK FP Ashta(IO) Wheat. 1214TK, 118.3(, 4.23 25. II N( 5) Gopalpllr Jowar 19.41W FP Ashla( I 0) EA Wheat. 48 02W 339 49 60 gR 7:1.33 Channotha Jowar FP Ashta ( 10) EA Wheat. 7 56W 254.17 11 23 43.79 T(~) Bagdawada .1()war FP Ashta( 9) EAg Wheat, J'I.OOW 114.11 4 09 12 OR LaUmipur Jowar FP Ashta( 8) Vvheat. l,fi2W, 258.80 6.98 3 I 2S Tanda Jowar 12.240 PR Ashta (8) EA Wheat, 22 85W, 543.34 16 62 91 12 M(I) Hakimubad Jowar 4.050 FP Asht'l (R) Wheat, 2 02W, 301.70 54.19 R4 22 N(2) Dhanana Jawar 3.550 Uninhabited BadaJ iya Baram3d

    FP Ashta (1Ii) Vvheat, 8.69W 422.47 10 11 54.74 Paok~edi Jowar FP Ashta ( 16) EA Wheat, .. 83. 26TK, 976 70 30 76 328.06 N(l) Seoda Jawar 39. G6W FP Ashl:! (17) BAg Wheat, 22.92W 427 54 9 35 246 (,3 Titoriya Jowal FP Ashta (9) EA Wheat. 70.51TK 1,015.29 56.52 291. 77 N(I) Kha,nkileda lowar 30. 30W,II. 770 Baijnath FP Ashta ( 16) EA Wheat, 15.90TK, 73 1.88 62.56 247.50 Baijnath .lowar 13.17,2.700 94

    ""'IiI ~.~ ;rq-;{i8 ""'-ikIlTq(lfr~ VIII if !!fQf~

    2 3 4 6 8 9 10

    181 't~T 345.52 362(65) P( I) w -(. 5) -(-5) -(-5)

    3,004.76 4,770(825) P(1),~(2) D(I) w PO, Phone Sunday BS PFC(I) 183 tft~ 339.21 385(57) P(I) -H) w -(-5) -(-5)

    506.31 49R(75) P( I) - (- 5) w -( - 5) • (- 5) -(-5)

    678.62 595(103) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -( 5.10) - (- 5)

    144.66 276(44) P(1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) - (5- 10) - (- 5)

    469 45 520(81) P( 1 ) -.(HO) w - (5 -10) - (5·10) -(5-10)

    75 37 111(19) -(-5) -(-5) HI' -( -5) -( - 5) -( -5)

    493.53 499(73) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) - (- 5) - ( -5)

    303.34 359(48) P( 1) -(5-10) W "( -5) -(-5) - (- 5)

    19 I ~G1'fT P(I) -(5-10) W,HP - (- 5) -(- 5) -(-5)

    767.69 819(104) -(-5) _(5_10) W -( .5) -(5-10) -( .5)

    406.54 3R2(54) pel) -(5-10) W -(-.5) -( 5-1 0) -(-5)

    37&.46 336(50) P(I) -(·-5) W -(-5) -( - 5) -( 5-10)

    272.96 333(59) P(I) -(5-10) W -("5) -(5-10) -(5.10)

    182 38 254( 37) P( I) " (5-10) w - (-5) -(5-10) -( - 5)

    J 97 "llnf~!fl 729.91 S79(152) P(J) -(-5) W PO -(-5) -( 5-1 0)

    154.92 144(23) P( I) -( 5-10) W,R +5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    352.74 728(106) P(I) _(5_10) W -(-5) • (5-10) • (5 .. 10)

    550.39 642(109) P( I) -(-5) w -(--5) - (.-5) -(5-10) 9)

    Amenltlet!l and Land use Ashta Tahsil


    .~----~------"------_------~----- FP Ashta(22 ) EAg Wheat, 13.650 288.76 14.57 28.54 SlIlkhedi lowar PR Ashta( 20) EA Wheat, 164.43TK 2,314.25 122.77 391.07 T(1),N(2S) Maina Jowar 4. 15W , 8 . 090 FP Ashta( 17) Wheat. J5.70TK 254.42 4.30 64.79 Godi Jowar FP A.shra( 17) Wheat, 24.66TK 420.23 5.52 55.90 Kumdawada Jowar FP Ashta(16) EAg Wheat, 45.53TK 498.01 19.14 112.32 Loras Khl1rd Jowar 3.62W FP Ashta(11) Wheat, 9.24W 98.25 10.58 26.59 Kamal pl1r Khedi Jowa, Fl' Ashta( 18) Wheat. 15. S8W 331.86 43.75 77.96 HusainpurKhedi Jowar FP Ashta(l3) Wheat. 0.71W 48.0\ 0.77 15.RX Banveerpllra Jowar PR Ashta(12) EA Wheat, 2.02W, 415.3~ 8.97 h2.00 Patariya Goyal Jowar 5.22TK FP Ashta( 13) ED,EAg Wheat, 4.0"W. 240.59 2.42 38.71 .1hambhu Khedi Jowar 17 57TK FP Ashta( II) BAg Wheat. 5.5'2W 215.70 2.06 32.02 I\lundla Jowar FP Ashta( 1 0) EAg Wheat, 10.35W 659.RS 8.78 ~8.68 Htrapur Jowar FP Ashta( 10) EAg Wheat, S .91W 333.75 13.72 50.16 Lora~ Kalan lowar FP Ashta( 10) BAg Wheat. ~.15W 312.04 14.75 43.52 La~lIdiya Sukha lowar FP Ashta( \0) BAg Wheat. 10.5SW 20S.16 9.7R 44.47 Ci13cha Khcdi Jowar FP Ashta( 10) EAg Wheat, 2.19W 152.23 ~.1i4 19.32 Chharri Jowar FP A~hta( 12) EA Wheat. 23.31W .'50.67 51. OS 104.79 Chopadiya Jowar FP Ashta(9) ED, fAg Wheat. Ih.92R 102. IR 12.39 23.43 Ken Khedi Jowar FP A~hta(9) EAg Wheat, 20.20W, 261 .72 R 24 55.42 Jafrabad Jowar 7.11iR FP Ashta( 25) ED,EAg Wheat, 28 40W 425 (9 42.g0 53.90 Atr,liya Jowar 96

    . __ .-_._------vIIT 11ft ~ mtlrl

    2 4 6 8 9 10

    2,!33.22 2,421(414) P(I},M(I) 0(1) W PO Tuesday -(5-10)

    700.12 870(142) P(l) PAC(I) W,R,HP Po&Ph"ne -(5-10) -(HO)

    214.17 317(57) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    89.79 -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    460.12 637(99) P(I) -(5-: 0) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5··10)

    42R.76 265(42) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -H) -(-5) -(-5)

    287.36 612 (89) P(l) -(-.5) W , HP P(}&Phone -(-5)

    496.28 762(IIR) P(I) -(-5 ) W PO -(-5) -(-5)

    813.69 6.18(92) P(l) w PO -(-5) -(-5)

    IlS 38 ".

    228.52 175-(31) 1'(1) -(-5) w PO -(-5) -(-5)

    636.44 975(158) P(1 ) -(--5) w PO -(-5)

    2 1 3 'liToiI 'li1ift 2,266.01 5,258(&31) P(3).M(2), H(l) W, HP PTO & Phone Saturday ns PUC(1),O(l) 2 14 If'tfl'flfT .ih'r 7')0.42 652(98) 1'(1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    407.45 gR5(141) P(I).M(l) -(-5) w PO&Phone -( -5) BS

    3R7.S7 566(91) 1'(1) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    199.76 404(67) 1'(1 ) -(5-10) W -\-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    347.95 509(75) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    211.25 193(27) P(I) -H) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    7R2.21 1,511(259) Pl1 \.M(l) -(-5) w PO -(-5) ··H) 97

    AtDenltlfJ8 and Land use Ashta Tahsil


    ------~ -~-- -~------11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    FP Asbta(22) EA Wheat, 70.17W 1,583.09 129.48 350.48 T(2),N(I) Nipaniya Jower KR Asbta(22) ED,EAg Wheat, " 17.35W. 450.08 64 . .19 5~. 28 T(I) :M( 1) Borkheda Jowar It 6.020 FP Ashta ( 21) ED,EAg Wheat, 19.45VV, 143 58 17 82 30.74 Shivkhedi Jowar 2.580 FP Ashta(20) EAg Wheat, ,,18.35W, 43.01 4 II 17 3Z Parwagosai Jowar 7.000 FP Ashta(19) ED.EAg Wheat, .. 50.76VV, 267.99 37 41 55.32 Kachnariya Jowar 48.640 FP Asll(a(20) ED, EAg Wheat, 68.87W, 14.16 39. n M'lina Khedi Jowar 19.160 PR Ashta(11) ED,EAg Wheat. 12.02W, 196.41 24.19 22.61 N(I),T(l) MoIu Khedi Jowar 32.130 PR Ashta( 14) EA Wheat, 5J.91VV 371.45 IS.51 52 41 M(I),T(2) Bheelkhedi Sadak Jowar PR Ashta (12) EA Wheat, " 138.46W 578.03 15 11 82 ()9 Mana Khedi Jowar Uninhabited Kanapur

    PR Ashta (13) EA Wheat, 2J.71W 177.15 03 21. 62 Jowar PR Ashta(1,j EA Wheat, 94.71T 439 90 39.83 !i2.00 LaslIdiya Klms Jowar PR Ash:a(12) EA Wheat, 244.93W, 1,531.28 108.31 352.20 Kothri Kalan Jowar 29.220 FP Ashta( 11 ) BAg Wheat, 12.37W, 676.19 23.02 63.12 Ban1llliyaKhinchi Jowar 15.720 PR Ashta(12) EAg Wheat, 3 820 304.91 37.79 60.93 T(I),N(2) Deda KJledi .Towar FP Ashta (8) EAg 'Vheat, 9.i1W 321 92 18.85 37.09 Sandho Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (9) EAg Wheat, 12.17W 13Y.62 9.49 38 4R Umarpur Jowar KR Ashta (6) EAg Wheat, 13.26W 281.61 22 51 30.55 Jnta Kheda Jowar KR Ashta( 12) El\g \\'heat, 4.98 43.03 Tipa Khedi Jowar FP Ashta( 16) EAg Wheat, 12.67W. 521.54 17.8H 209.R5 Gawa Khedi Jowar 20.270 98

    _!!l1II! ~ w;ni"" rn(lll 'A-W~IIlI(lIfc IIIf if ~f'l'lIlti 'i!qOlil.lIl~' iii 1IIlOl1l i'I H R fiTITlIl ql[l ~ '1" "«'liii! ~. 'Iftml u'll ~iIt '" (l ..~ it !rI1f iI' fi;J(!;y) ~il on: wont 'i!'Ilfill _ m! a'll on OIl ~tt (~"iI) S'VIIlII ~ 11m Q it Iff ~ -5 fiIi.liI .. 5-10 fiIi.IiI.lfl IO+fiIi.~. A.meoilie. Available(if not available within the Village, a dash (-) it shown In tbe eolurnn and n~xllo it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz ·5kms,5-!Okrnl and lO+kms of the nearest place where tb. facility is ava,lable is given). ".. --__,A~ ______~ __ ~

    illlf". f.-f'li!VI q')i1 'Ii! ql;il "~II'll fI'Wrl:f~1e 'Ii! full !i'm i!!~'" (In: if; f.;r Irl'. 'iiJi~) (Q Rfl! iii!~' Loca­ fatal ~w;r,~-IJI1i) tion r0111 area population Day Of Communica. code nf tbe aod DrinklD' days 01 lions(Eus-stop, num· Name of village (in number of water Post and the marketl railway station. ber Village hectare.) housebolds Eduoatlooal Medical (Potable) Telegrapb hat, if any waler way.

    2 4 6 10

    157.66 1r1(26) -(-s) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -H)

    657.72 'r96( 129) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    368{55) pel) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    124 Ef,1

    494.98 1,053(161) P(I) -(5-LO) W -(-5) -(5-10)

    274.18 2:16(32) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    601.841,091(157) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    106.85 164(22) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -15-10)

    511.95 775(99) P(I) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    157 62 48(7) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    21741 369(51} P(I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    232 '~~T~ 4LO.52 649(96) pel) -(-5) W -(-5)

    233 'li1ffT: 440.66 137(22) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -\-5)

    563(96) P(I) -(5-10) w -('5) -(5 ·LO) - (-5)

    1,015 03 1,462(246) P(l),MO) H(l) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

    23(' 'Ill.! ',~00.J2 3,132(557) P(I),M(I) w PO Sunday BS

    245.16 413(64) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -( - 5) (-S )

    224.81 425(64) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    537.17 R41(129) P'I) -(5-10) W,HP "( -5) -(5 10) -(5-10)

    L94.58 271(35) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10 ) 99

    Amenities and land use Ashta Tahsil

    ----~ ~------~~---- ~- _---_-_------1ITlf{l'li f.rt;~a-IJ ;rl!\ filOl," 1J'.!;lI IIfli

    ------~--~--- -~---. -- ~- - ~------_------_.------~ fP Ashta (13) BAg Wheat, 3.48W 116.75 2.90 28.46 Samardi Jowar 6.070 FP Ashta (13) EAg Wheat, 21.95W, 511.82 12.72 99·09 Jowal 12.140 FP Ashta (17) EA Wheat, 19 32W 370.00 59.54 292 81 Mullani Mangalpur Jowar FP Ashta (16) Wheat, 16.06W 152.39 1.73 73.37 K,anda Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (5) EA Wheat, 78 93W 369 30 4.82 41.93 Wafapur Jowar FP A~hta (9 ) EAg Wheat, 9 14 7 92W 202.28 5 12 49 72 T(2) Kasampura Jowar FP Ashta (6) EA Wheat, 0.11 77.95w 435 91 33.18 54 69 MugIi Jowar FP Ashta (6) EAg Wheat, 7.27W 80.01 6.78 12·79 Darapur JO'.var FP Asht& (9) EAg Wheat. 82·65 48.33W 20R.95 99.07 72.9<; Mubarakpur Jowar FP Ashta (7) EAg Wheat, 11.92W 124 26 IS·g0 5. G: Mehmudabad Jowar Khedi FP Ashta (8) EAg Wheat. 41.94W 141.39 14.89 19.19 Sobha Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (R) EAg Wheat, 37.35W, 213 27 43.81 108.98 Raslllrura Jowar 7.110 FP Ashta (11) Wheat, 7.340 181 78 84.65 166 R9 Amipur Jowar FP Ashra (12) Wheat. 106.83TK. 529 42 125.40 314.52 Guradiya Rupchand Jowar 2.65W FP A,hta (8) EA Wheat, 34.55W, 347.03 132.R7 37!i 46 M(l) Hager Jowar 110.72TK,13.400 KR Ashta (22) EA Wheat, 561.51 50.76W, 2,090 24 293.fiO 447.00 T(2) ,N( 1) BllOnra Jowar 3.370,153.84TK FP Ashla( 25) Wheat, 44.56 0.20 121 .10 7.44 71. g6 Badjhiri .lowar FP Ashta (9) Wheat. 13. 7 2W 158 70 9.23 43 16 f),luniya Jawar FP Ashta (9) EA Wheat, 44.36W 32~.g6 21.15 147 80 llapcha .Iowar FP Ashta (8) Wheat, 19.83W 13 R. 60 12.91 23.54 Rhaurasa JO\ll'al' too-

    ~T~~)~ :jf~ ·W~gTll ~i(, '_fq :a-qq)l1

    - "------roftll 1111'1' 'Iii ;rIll" vIII' IIil pm"'" ;rq;Jifl 'il;J-Wl(fI(~(IIfi: Olll ii '11Ur~ iI'Iomr ~ • ffi 'iiI'"' it (-) illl "-llTIli If.. 1 ~ ;r,~ fi" lIfiilliO! ~ "t't.rv an ~iW m I!t ~1?;!Ii it VIii ~ r.llIm t"U 1ft 11~ ~'fOliS a mil tJ'\t '11 q ~) '1~ (~~n iI) tftli.zrt ~!I1m!ni ~ If( ~ -5 f.o.Ift .• 5-10 f.o.Ift.1I110+f.o.lIl. Amenitie, available (if not available within the village. a dash (-) is shown in the rolumn and n:1I1 111 it in brackets. the distance in broad ranges vi~ -Skma.5-10kml ,...and 10+kms of the neareat place_____ where A. tb, facility is ava,lable is given). WIllfllf'li f~fifiC~r

    ,------~---- -~- - --.-----~.-----.--"----~- ~~------_------2 4 6 7 8 9 10

    ---"----~-- ~---.------_- --~------.---~~~- 241 ~T;;~l'l:I'r: 343" 59 406(56) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    242 W.f,!~l ~Ra: 339"91 473(83) P( 1) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(- 5)

    243 on:f'llll '1:1" 278 18 634(107) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -H)

    244 f'!'l:f

    245 'li!r(t 236"49 3R9(62) pel) -(.'i-l0) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -H)

    I 246 'li!");i) 381,49 815(137) pel) -(-5) W,HP -(_5) _(_5) -(-5)

    217 1!q;)~ 519.96 1.073 (179) P(1) -(10+) W,HP ~(-5) -(-5) -(~5)

    248 ifill''! ~Tsr 160.19 .rrrfl

    249 !ffl~'«"fl 197.50 480(74) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -H)

    250 ~?;l," r,n) 271. 45 853(140) P( I) -(10+; Wi HP -(-5) Monday -(-5)

    251 ~"!.~TT 157 20 Ifr.:",

    252 mroTi) :no" 99 450(77) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    253 .,.~~;:r 107.31 'f'\~l'l

    25"1 Tifilm';'T 260.4R 311 (56) -1-5) -(10+) W.HP -(5-10) -(-5) -( --5)

    255 '111;;; .)s1 231.61 390(75) pel) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(- 5) -(-5)

    256 ~""1~ allte! 778" 26 944( 164) P( 1 ) ,M ( 1 ) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

    257 f'T'Tf,"'

    258 iff'll?:! 166.67 352(54) -(-5) -(lO+) W -1-5) -(IO-i-) -(-5)

    259 If~fu'

    7.60 '!\1I'li'f 804.92 1,053(155) P(I).M(I) -(10+) W ~(-5i -(l0+) -(5-\0.) 101

    Amenities and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ---~-- -~------.._------_------_--_--- -- Vllf (l'ii f.!'ii~lfij1J\ fuWl lJ:~ 'ill! ,~" (.'1i" "r" Iil"lil" llil fllf'll! fllifll1 it; •• fl.qlll) Illf"", ifIll 'lif 'IfII qi;f.i • 1(" ;an) Iii ifit Wl'VIi illin i rllilttll ••qw t Ii1 fll(l'l !!IIi) ~RI!ilf\f. llil IIIif (f'li.1!ur) v;mn Land Ole (i e area under different [ypc. 01 Land I(II(~ \~~~ Die in bec[arel rounded uP. 10 2 decimal pI6ee •. ) "il~ if; ,-______.A. ______--, ,,,,,I Ilf", 1('1 1118';1"1 , h i\i1H<'lli .II! if; f,,"ii f.f.", far"" ll'l"fiiEl iI"~ lII~qfiiW Remarks (lr);n lII'h includinll .-r~1!Il!i I(f~l'I) lny place of Appro. NeareRI Culturable Alca nol religious. acb town and IIIIIS[e( mclu- available bistorical to distance Powel Staple Irrigated U01m. ding gauchar for or a.. ~haeolo- Name of village (in kms) supply food fore .. by Bource gated and groves) cultivario .. glc~1 inleresl Village ------_-- ---~--~---.------11 11 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 ------~ .. ------_------_- ---_------_-- FP Ashta (14) EAg Wheat, 69.62TK 76.84 2.61 1 94.52 Khandaur~pur JoWllf FP Ashta (11) BAg Wheat, 28.59W 245.11 10.ti6 55. 55 A'niya Daud Jowar FP Asht:l(tl) EAg Wheat, 17.63W 192.03 27.14 41.38 Arniya Ram J,)war Uninhabited Jhirniya

    FP A~hta (12) Wheat, 0.51 14.650 157.54 11.27 52.52 Pangri Jowar FP AShll (14) Wheal, 67.83 2R.50TK 178.2~ 8.19 98.69 Bhatoni Jowar FP Ashla (12) ED,EAg Wheat, 41.34W 410,17 41. 21 27.24 Dhuphod Jowar Uninhabited BamanKhedi Jowar FP Ashta (13) EAg Wheat, 5.S9W 116 _94 6.33 22.04 Shampur Tappa ]owar FP Ashta (13) ED,BAg Whea', 10.12W 217.79 7.17 %.37 Harraj Khedi lowar Uninhabited Dallupura

    FP A~hta (14) EAg Wheat, 10.14W 223.55 4G.76 10.54 lharkhedi Jowar Uninhabited Lakhapura

    FP Ashta (16) ., Wheat, 12.71 7.74W 192.50 S.71 38.~~ KheniY:lpura lowar FP Asltta (16) Wheat. S.65W t60.08 29.11 36.77 Shecl Khedi Jowar PR Ashta (17) ED,BAg Wheat, 38.06W 552.:0 77.35 110.55 M( I) Khamkheda A~hta Jowar FP A,hl:l (19) ED,EAg Wheat, 7,R7W 160.45 15,55 22_ 34 M(t) Pipal:ya Chama ran Jowar FP A,hta (19) Wheat, J. 22 6.94W 13 J.II 11.3~ 16.0R Badghat; Jowar FP Ashta (19) Wheat, 2_ 32W 254.66 11.45 9.32 BldJiya Baramad Jowar FP Ashta (19) Wheat, 71.30 9.93W 552.01 29.30 142.38 Rolagaon Jowar 102

    IJfT~Z r iJtl:«1~ ~~-~Efalq ttct ~ ;;qq)q

    ~~~-~ --" - ~------~ ------_- ---~~-~ ~II VIII' 'iiI fl" viII 'iii fW'f~"" ijlfi;iS r;r1f-wm~(IIR 11111 it '2fm~ 'Ci'fi;iS Iliff ~ at 'iiI'"' it H n liflffirl !l1I1 ~ If,Tw 9i1if "GI'Ii" ~''ffl:im:' a'h ~iI; m 1ft ~~ it Ill! it ~i'I"r lif q-( lJi'.-sTti <1'I'WiS' t qjz 8'" 'H q ~'{J ij~ (i"!I' i) llfltilllll (lI!rm ~ Ifii rrf ~ -5 f.r;.JiT •• 5-10 fif;.iI.lI'f lO+m.l!I. Amcnilicl available (if !lOt available within the village, a dash (-) is shOWn 10 tbe eoJumn and [I!lIl to it in braCketS, the distance in broad ranges viz -5kIOJ,5-10km., and 100kms of the nearest place where th. facili ty is ava.lable is given). ~-- A~ ______~ ______~

    illlfvr. r..r'liIVl q)it 0(1 ql;fl ,1'Ii ci'rl omrr'(J~ 'iiI ~I IimOlTlfWI i'lf\ if;f~;f rrro: Iffri tT (if~ Rrq ~OI"· Loca- Total tiW'f ,

    -~- --~~------~~-~-- - ~ ------2 4 6 7 9 10

    ~--~---~--.- ---~------_- - - -~---~--~.-~------261 1!fQlf,'!r 81 .35 a;'hl'l

    2G2 mC:T! 61.93 ofr':!i[

    2fl3 rfI'1T '1>'1, ~ 80,95 ofT"'i[

    2(;4 fffm"llu 753,37 1,141(13R) P( I) -(10+) w -(-5) ~(lO+) flS

    2li5 IT'lRll!~'r 107.31 3 D (34) pel) .(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    26(' ~;sr~ 44,99

    2(,7 fCP:FIl oi~ 179.10 169(34 ) -(-5) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

    268 :;rl=lJ;:P:T 414.63 221(3:) -( -5) -( 1O~1-) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    521(84) P(I) -(10+) 269 q''''m 666,98 W -~-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 'IT'Ui! :'70 ~q%, 2"4.72

    346.02 130(15) -(5-10) -(10+) ~(5-IO) 271 'llllf.r:rt w -(10+) -(5-10)

    515.79 274(41) '-(5~10) -(10+ ) -(5-10) -( -5) 27 2 ~)'If~ w -(10+)


    648,91 64(7) -( 5~ 10) -( 10-1~) ~7'1 ar'IJ"~i W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

    275 11'1': m~i 203,14 348(52) -(-5) -(5-10) w -H) -( -5) -( 5~1(1)

    276 r'f;A~ 184,22 420 (64) P(l) -(5-10) w -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    277 !H €Is! 104,4 5 4(1) -(-5) -(5-10) W.R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    27R an:R'l'! 'itil'U 1.966.27 1,297(184) P(l) -(5-10) W,R -H) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    279 "IPi. r,)~r 160.23 234(43) -(-5 ) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) _(5-10)

    280 19rcn: 375,17 939(140) P(I) -(5.. 10) W,HP PO -(HOl -(5-10) 103

    Amenities and Land use Ashta Tahsil

    ------~-- -_------_._- IT!! a'li f.r'lia-ai! lilT, f;rut '!ill' II"' "11M (1111111 "til

    Uninhabited Bhatpura "

    Uninhabited Pili Karar Khurd

    PR Ashta (20) \\heat, 90.68 0.68W 511.96 19.44 130.61 T(1 ) SingRr~hori Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 0.08 79.1)5 7.62 19.96 Mani rampura Jowar llninhabitcd Deogarh

    FP Ashta (21) Wheat. 2.36W 128.51 9.29 38.94 Piralla Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 109.32 3.nW 230.89 40.23 30.41 Jassul'ura Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat. 451. Os 5.58W 156.71 21.33 32.31 llaukhoJa Jowar Uninhabited Deupur

    FP Ashta (22) Wheat, 239.10 81.55 2.08 23.29 Nomaniya Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 159.80 1.25W 282.30 26.24 46.20 Jhikdi Jm"ar FP Ashta (22) Wheat, 130.90 82.47 8.74 19.65 Barkh~di Jowar FP Ashta (22) Wheat, 587.56 45.03 6.19 10.13 Amkhedi Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 4.46W 169.62 6.56 22.50 Mag.lf Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 3.38N 144.66 11.93 24.25 Killod Jowar FP AsJ'>la (20) Wheat, 0.70W 74.14 10.74 18.87 Dh.ln Khedi Jowar

    Fr A~hta (22) Wheat, 1,275.91 23.o6W, 462.69 66.71 125.76 Ami ya Johri Jowar 12.140 FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 0.98 8.69W 137.12 3.75 9 69 Lakhu Khedi Jowar FP A~hta· (20) Wheat, 0.09 17.1IW, 257.47 9.H 78.95 Chhapar Jowar 12.4('0 104

    ~fl!!' "~~~ 3f;r-~T~ ~ '1f~ ~qqT.r

    ~q ..110111111_ Qrlf'li! pr~~ ill... '" (I{if.~

    --~- ---~~ - - --~-- _- -~ - --- _-- _--_- ---- ~~--- 2 3 4 6 8 9 10

    -----~------.--.------. --~------.~--- 2Rt f!,1;"(f~tH ~<1lWre 212.14 437(62) -(-5) ~(5 .... 1 0) W,HP -(-5) -(5-IO) -(HO)

    2S2 ~"fl'l!lifl 411.05 J3{ 1) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) W -(-5) ... (5-10) -( 5-10)

    283 fJfcJ'!

    284 mT'T 716.90 17(2) -(-5) -(-5) W -(_'I) :"(5-10) -( 5-10)

    ZS5 fl'liTr !ilt 350.00 522(78 ) P( 1) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    281i ;:r''tl1lif'T 225.00 20(3) -(-5) -(HOI W,HP -(5-10) -( 5-1 0) -(-5)

    2~7 'f.ltl1'tT 114.50 290(39) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -;(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    2RS I1Tll'r 305.75 475(74) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-1Q) -(-5)

    2R9 "'f1.~ 701.50 36~(59) -H) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(... 5)

    ~90 i!7 1m ,j~[ 1,016.25 2R~(44) P(1 ) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -H)

    291 litf";"'~"l:r 1,025.50 362(65) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(HO) -(5-10)

    292 1;7'119;'(1 39H.25 232(35) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    29~ '{r1l1 >i~) 252.50 70( 11) -H) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -H) -(-5)

    291 "["I'Fr. 400. IJ 315(49) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -H) -(-5) -(-5)

    295 mll'f·'!'1'ti 56.25 53(8) • (-5) ~(5·1 0) W -(5-10) -(S-10) ~(5·10)

    2% ~lItq~\ 1I1l"~1 1,358.50 R35 ( III ) D(l ) -( 5-J 0) W -( 5-10) -(HO) -(5-10)

    291 ~l"ll ,!,"F. "'<;Ii 216.75 54P) -(-5) -(HO) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10)

    29S '11;5'1;,{1 6(;.50 205(39) -( - 5) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(-5) - (-5)

    199 "O)fmr ;;r<;r 323.50 234(48) • (-5) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 141,961.01 P (202) DO) lfttl 164.364 M (31 ) H (2) (26.981) PUC (4) PRe (1) 0 (I) FPC (1) lOS

    Amenities aDd Land use Ashta Tabsil

    "_------~------~- -~-_--- - ~------_-----_ -- - -_ -- ---~------iT~ (l'q; f.r1!ie~i!1f1; fUll!! 't'ill '{iii ilIlI"l1t ( ...Ie 'l,f1I liq~ Itt fi:mw flt{~ it •• Il

    _-_------~----~------"-.---~------_-- FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 13.33W, 140.83 8.2S 45.68 Guradiyr Bazyaft Jowar 4.050 FP Ashta (21) Wheat. 243.9-1 1.13W 118.40 24 11 23.47 Kelapani Jowar FP Ashta (6J Wheat, 68.39 22 27W 134.64 4.12 43.84 Mitth' pura Jowar FP Ashta (7) Wheat, 598.68 109. 11 2 83 7.28 Gondpura Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat. 88. SO 12.25W 241 25 8.00 Dhinga K.hedi Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 169.38 I.OOW 51 50 3.12 Nimawara Jowar FP Ashta ( 20) Wheat, 20.00 6,OOW 82 50 6.00 K.alla Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 172.25 4.00W 120.75 8.75 Samari Jowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 530.03 166.35 5 12 Umardad Jowar FP Ashta (25) Wheat. 920 75 89.25 6.25 BuranJ Khedi Jowar FP Ashta (25) Wheat, 1,005.50 R 00 12.00 Guvindpura Jowar FP Ashta (25) Wheat, 247.50 6.2SW 140 50 4.00 Harjipura Jowar FP Ashta (25) Wheat, 190 50 3.50R 53.25 5.25 Pama Khcdi Iowar FP Ashta (25) Whellt, 292.38 96.25 11.50 Pithapura Jowar FP Ashta (30) Wheat, 34.25 3.00W 17 00 2 00 Chl1ayan Kalan Jowar FP Ashta (18) Wheat, 1,270,78 82.50 5.22 Shyampur Jowar Magarda FP Ashta (15) Wbeat, 165.75 0.50W 47.50 3.00 Pili karar Kalan Iowar FP Ashta (20) Wheat, 58.50 8 00 Gondpura Jowar FP Ashta (15) Wheat, 315.25 8.25 Kotiya Nala Jowar ------19,516.15 81. 316 ,99 19,268.75 N (124) 7.545. 8 1 9.986.95 M (36) Total C (1 ) T (19) 106

    ~gr-zv,: A~".{;I ~;:r-WfUla ~ '!,f" :;qq'nT

    ~1J fl•• , ..,. Ilfllllil ",8IRttIiln ;J'f;;

    f~fllill1T .-r~n:/~. llil ~ij I lim ill'ift!{' • "rlll. "'" iii' ",;ft f'lIi "h

    ---~------~ ------_ ------_-_---- __ ._ ---~--- --._----_-~---- 2 4 6 8 9 10

    ---~~~-- - ~ ------~~~-----~--~~--~ ---~-~-'------_ ----- ~11i~r 398.97 660(103) pel) -(-5) W.HP '0(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    2 :JTllmilT 1.163.32 2,051 (354)'P(1), M(I) D( I) W PO & Phone Friday BS

    3 'lilrn'1'l ~~ 334.36 175(39) -(-5) -( 5) W,HP -(-5) -(--5) -(~5)

    4 '1Olf\1flari'!>l L,2.09 14~(25) -(-5) -(--5) R,HP - (-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    5 ll~lf~'~1 156. &9 336( 50) -(-5) ~(- 5) W -(-5) ~(-5) -( -5)

    -(-5) 6 'IIl;('1,(T 116.17 112(l5) -(-5) -(~5) W • (-5) ( ~5)

    7 \-llifrf{f 1,153.18 2,344(366) P(I),M(I) D(1 ) N,V. pO & Phone -( - 5) -(-5)

    8 l'[1<'fo

    9 ;~vr 292.64 353(61) 1'(1 ) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -H) -(-5)

    10 fif'IFrTim 234 24 207(29) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(05) ~(5-10) -(-5)

    11 q~lf'l:!ft~n 217.20 210(45) -(-5) -(-5) R,HP ~(-5 ) -(5-10) ~H)

    1" ,!'fi'f~1 ~",r," 259 37 201(30) -(-5) -(,,5) W -(-5) • (5-10) -(-51

    t:l li7~,r R4.26

    14 ;n:f!Jll: oi~t ~20.!l9 1, lR6(~(1R) -(10+) -( 5-1 0) W -(5·-10) -(5-10) -(HO)

    15 WI" ~;lt 134 58 ql'{I1f

    16 ifl!l<'lT 234.20 421(60) -1-5) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(HO) -(HO)

    11 ,{,

    18 iif'1~1 ~lf1 475 &G 609(100) - (5-10) -( 5-10) W -{-5) -(5-10) -(HO)

    1 q a"t?;f;PH 51C .11 5~3(94) P(t) -(10+) W.HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    20 I'! lfI,if 265.97 129(23) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(1 0+) -(10+) 107

    Amenltlll and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    -~ -~-----.------~------_------_- VTlf if'li f;r'li~iflf '1111: f.-r'll' '!~ 'LA IIII'll)! (II'I'ln .pI! 1f'(1{ 'li1'11II q'i~ . 1{li inil 1ft 'lit IjfT~ (ml ii f~w 1I'1f1lW1I'. it f1Irii n) qfa!!tin If;J 1I11l \f'li.lIl.ij") l!;fUJ Land Ule (i e aree under different type. of Land "1!flfI"~"~ ,-______G,e in hectarcs rOUnded Jo.. ______lip, to 2 deCImal places.)-, "11111' i ~q,,' IIffl! Ir.f "'"'11, 'h iffi Honi .11) if; foni fllN.. ftlfQ i~ig.~ lI~q.1i1l Remarks (Ill". $I)~ includinl 'I{I''Jlllilll1f~lI) any place Of Aoppro. Near ell Culturable Arcanol reliGiou. , acb town anI! waste( illciu. availablt historical to distance POWCI Staple frngBlcd Unlrrt. ding gau(har for or ar,chaeolo. Name 01 village (in Icms) supply food Porell by 80urce gated aDd groves) cultivatior., grcal interest Village

    ------~-~-. ------~-- II 11 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20

    -_-_ ------~------~-~------_-- FP [chhawar(l6) ED,EAg Wheat, .'. 2I.67W 299.19 24.51 53.60 BhadaKhedi Jowar PR rchhawar ( 15) ED,EAg Wheat, 75.4SW 912.19 50.24 125.43 T(3).N(5) Amlah3 Jowar FP Ichhawar(15) EAg Wheat, 40.00W 226.78 18.03 35.87 Kaliya Khcdi Jowar 13.68R FP Ichhawar( 16 J EAg Wheat, ! .SOW 72.85 24.93 19.41 Patariyabank Jowar 3.40N FP Ichhawar( 16) EAg Wheat, 23.50W 88.60 22.64 19.66 Mohanpur Lendi Iowar 2.49R FP Ichhawar(15) BAg Wheat, 4.82W 49.32 9.02 14.91 Hhojpura Jowar 3S.10R PR Ichhawar( 12) ED,BAg Wheat, 63.53\'! 857.45 32.66 156.35 N(4).M(2) Dhamanda Jowar 43.19R FP Ichhawar (12) Wheat, 57.53N 373.21 71.45 118.66 Golu Khedi Jowar FP Ichh;l.war ( 10) ED,EAg Wheat, 7.98W 186.23 58.96 39.47 Durgpura Jowar FP [chhawar (9) Wheat, 9.14W 178.55 29.08 17.47 Dishan Kheda Jowar FP Ichhawar(l3 ) Wheat, 14.60W 137.49 2"'.n 29. I h Patariya Sidha Jowar 11.170 FP ichh,war( 12) Wheat, 16.40W 163.61 18.57 31. 94 T(1) Su kal iya H ansraj Iowar 28.850 UninhabIted Kherpura

    FP Ichhawar ( 12) ED,EAg Wheat, 79.20W 379.60 66.% 68.57 Nafsingh Kheda Jowar 2(,.660 Uninhabited Sunur Khedl

    FP Ichhawar( 11 ) Wheat, 9.04W 160.59 32.n 26.75 Nagult Jowar 5.600 FP Ichhawar( 10) Wheat, I! .20W 141.36 16.03 30.23 Pnrtappura Jowar FP Ic~hawar(9) ED,BAg Wheat, 40.21TK 258.08 70.31 79.13 T(I) ,M(I) llarkheda Kurmi Jowar 18.920,9.21 W FP Ie hhaw&r ( 13) Wheat, 18.45W 342.85 76.84 71.97 Toraniya Jowar FI' Ichhawar ( 12) Wheat, 3.87W 131i. S5 59.07 Iii. IS Chhapari Karrn' Jowar 108

    ~g~~ ~~~1" 'ff"f·~f

    ---~----~---- . _ ---~--~~~---~--~--- 2 4 6 8 9 10

    ------.... ------~~ .--~~--~-.---~---. 21 fq![i{ lisT 653.37 ,897(134) P(I),M(I) ~(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    22 l1'ffi ~~"t 126.50 16'>(24) -( -5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    :3 ,!l'!~' 350. [9 256(43) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    H ~~5't 212.20 211 (2') -( - 5) -(5-JO; W.R -( - S) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    W,HP -(-5) . (-5) 25 'm'ffi "''!'Ii 275 23 555t 9O ) PCI) -(-5) (10+)

    2(' ';;'~~"t 502.88 464(84) P( I) -( 5-1 0) W,HP -(5-1~) - (5-10) _(10+) 27 ""l""-it 483.06 492(91 ) PO) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (10+)

    28 i'f'!f¥!lIW~ 334.74 38 0(65) prj) -(5-10) R -(10+ ) -( -5) - (10+)

    2') 'IHTiI(f~ 594.88 29S(47) -(. ) ) ~(5-10) W,HP" (5-10) • (5-10) -(10+)

    30 Ilq"TIUll 359.16 1026(148) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5- !O) -(10+) -( 10+)

    31 ~f~l!T 'l1'B 623·58 497(93) P( 1) -(5-10) W,HP -( .5) - (5 -10) -(5-10)

    n 'l)r(i1! ~~ 226.97 68(8) - (-5) -(5-10) W - (- 5 ) -( -5) -(5-10) 33 Iflwrr.. 791.39 604(92) P{I) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-1') 3-1 QTf1''l'l >i;;'t 288.~S 324(52) P( 1) - (5 -1 0) W -(5-10) -( 5· 10) -(5-10)

    35 "'WI li;;) 193.36 "T-~FI

    36 ~"[['1,T 467.71 355(53) Pel) -(5·10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    37 ,Ill"", 614.08 1~42(207) P(I),M(I) ·(10+ ) W,HP,R -(5'-10) Sunday -( 10+)

    38 'i'~f7l:[I,j,it 1,2'14.30 949(151) P( 1) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(10+)

    39 ~1\I!~cr 83,55

    4(\ 'Slle 1i~) 231. 31 296(46} pel) -(10+) WR,HP -(5 -I 0) - (-5) -(10+) 109

    AiDeDltles aod Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    ----~------~--~- -- mil'li f.r'l1~i(1t :f1T"( ~'It l'!~ wI'! nvm (.lfl" "til I!qmr ~I f~"f,,'11 r.~ iii i. f!tqtf! &,Ir" Illli 'iiI ill1I qi~ I!;!( iU'llt ,-a 'iiI 1iI1Q1'11 • ~IR i f.Iimr onrn iii it {ifill !Ai) ~ml!lfwll 'iii IfIll (r'li.lfr.~) Ijmn Land Die (i e area under different typcs 01 Land 1I11f1fl'~~!~ lise in hectares rounded lip. to 2 decimal placet.) Qlll'l iii ~OII ,,! ,.... ______A ______-., "file ~ "llI'l!lll Ih lim ~ fri .,,) ~ H'IIi flliQ fur", n\lliIJ ."111 lf~ql!!'8 Remarks ('1i;n: ,"1 inclUding ..-r-q'lli(l Qr~") any place of Appro. Neare.. eulturable Arca nOI religious. acb town and waste( lIlclu. available bi~torical (0 di9tance POWII Staple lrtillalC

    ------.-~-- ~--- II I:Z 13 14 15 16 17 [8 19 20

    --~------~------~---- FP Ichhawar( 10) Wheat. 8.09TK 481.85 63.61 81.06 N(J) Bishan Khedi Jowar IS.76W M(I) FP Ichhawar(9) BAg Wheat, 9.41W 84.71 13.77 18.61 Mola Khedi J[)w~r FP Ichhawar (9) \\ heat, 27,16TK 114.74 43.60 106.66 Rampura Jowar 2.43W FP Ichnawar( 7) Wheat, 16 67W 122.00 41. 61 31. 92 Dehkhedi ]owar FP Jchhay,ar( 15) Wheat, 26.79 174.61 48.61 24.22 Chhapari Talluk Jowar FP Ichhawar( 13) Wrerlt , 15,67W 372.23 42.84 63.91 Kulhadi Jowar g .230 FP Ichhawar( 13) Wheal. 88.78 29.47 240. 09 42.7R 47,54 Laukhedi Jowar 34.400 Fi' Ichhawar( 13) Wheat, 19,78W 206.80 19.28 74.71 Lasudiya Shekhu Jo"'ar 14.170 FP Ichhawar( 13) Wheat, 51.23 28.94W 392.11 32.90 R9.70 Bhagwatpur Jowar FP lchhawar ( 14) Wheat, 12.17 54.24 171.93 60,77 60.0~ Dhawlarai lowar FP lChhawar(9) Wheat, 22.21W 462.21 49. 63 79.41 Lasudiya Goyal Jowar 10.120 FP Tchhawar( 4) Wheat, 3.03 186.22 16.32 21.40 Goyal Khcdi Jowar FP J chhawar( R) EAg Wheat, 46.12TK, 489.86 76.89 118.29 Molga ED JOwar 40.IIW,20.120 FP Ichhawar (8) ED,BAg Wheat, 10.05 216.39 12.29 44.51 T(I). £1.1(1) Haliya Khedi Jowar 5 040 Uninhabited Raman Khedi

    FP Ichhawar (8) EAg Wheat, 35.481V 317.77 50. 6~ 59.79 Balapura Jowar 4 050 FP Icnhawar( 12) EA Wheat 30 03W 3112.38 70.01 1 J 1 .62 Ramnagar ]owar 20.040 FP rchhawar ( 1 3 ) Wheat, B.22\\I 833.53 ~10.61i 210.R9 Khajnriya Dhcngi Jowar Uninhabi ted Dharampuri

    FP Ichhawar ( 13) Wheat, 10.12W. 131.77 32.1 h 41.61 .Tat Khedi Jowar 15.65R 110

    "~'f!f' tf~m~ \i!i'{-W-atq ~ct ~f;( aqq)q ----- ~II Illlf !lIT :frlf 'flf iii! f"1III;r6M1 i'l'1i!ill ~-W"IlI~(lIf( ~ it ",F"mi i'l'0fiIl1f~ ~ iii 'liIP Ii (-) R WIIf 11111 ~ if>ft fi" "Glq;" ~. qRiIlil un;

    Loca~ rota I ~Wil,fi-1fl1i) lion TOIII area population Day OJ Communica· cooe of Ihe and Drinkina days of tions(Bus-stop, num- Name of village (in number of water Posl and the markell railway station, ber Village hectare.) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any water way.

    ------'-----,-~----- _----_ ------~- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 ------.-~------~-- ~- - ---_ ------41 II)U" ~ 304 69 148(21) -(- 5) -tlO+) W,R,HP~ (10+) -(5 -10) ~(l0+)

    ;,2 'Hlfqqf'il'lfl 661. 17 737(121) PII) -(-5) W -(-5) -( .5) - (5- 10)

    43 at'Fif,,1I1 165.26 136(22) -(-5) -(-5) R,HT' -(-5) -( -5) -(5 ~IO)

    44 ~@~1 543.43 643(1(J6) PO) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5~10) -(5-10)

    45 q,"ff<'l'lfT 70.51 cr'hl'i

    46 'fT't'lfl 52.01 crlu'l

    ·17 ~'H ri~T 144 98 crru'l


    4q ~,I9:T'" 688 32 4 74( 77) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) ~(-5) -(5-10)

    ~O ;i;J,!u 1,222.60 821 (116) P(11.M(1) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(10 t)

    51 ' 1TIfTfillfr .rn~,!~ 227.80 354(50) P(I) ~(5-1 0) W.HP -(10+) -(5~10) -·(10+)

    5:1 f

    53 lIlTil'F' 271.80 396(66) P(1) -(5-IJ) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

    54 '1tl'fl ,Zi.n 636(107) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -H) -(10+)

    55 'fT1I;r~~T In 44 205(33) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -( 10+)

    56 ~"'~":T 255 .40 'frU;r

    57 trf'vn 505 20 944(170) P(I) .M(l) j) (1 ) W,HP -( 10+. -(5-10) -(10+) ss ~,~'!, 948.02 422(82) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

    59 ~;t' "lHi 576.66 410(68) P( 1) -(5--10) W,HP -(5-10) -( 1 0+) -(lO+)

    60 1i!f'il'ri~ 1,452.03 494(78 ) P( I) -(5-101 W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) III

    AQMlIltt'lI,and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    ---~' ------_ ------fif'lirfl1f f... ," IIf1r Sql(Pr (811,\8,wflf Ijqlihl llil filf'llt! !il;w ~.iii 8If,,'Ii Vl1f :t'lll!' ~f~l'I) lOY place Qf Appro. Neare" Culturable AtCtluot religious , aeb town and waste( melu. availablt historical to distance Powel Staple lrngslcd UOlrn. ding gau.:har for or archaeolo· Nllmc 01 villag, (in kms) supply food Forcal by 10Utce ga-ted and groves) cullivalio:" !Ileal interesl Village -- _------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ------FP I~hhawar( 13) Wheat, 17.51W 193.1i4 44.42 49.12 Gora Khcdi Jowar FP Ichhawar ( 9) EAg Wheat, 14.94W, 473.05 68.75 99.27 Satpipliy:: Jowar 5.160 FP Ichhawar( 10) Wheat, 13.440, 80.86 :20.13 47.59 Arwoliya Jowllr 3.240 FP Ichhawar(IO) Wheat, 20.3IW, 305.42 108.79 100.80 Gaukhedi Jowar 8.110 Tjni nhabited Parwaliya

    Un inhahi ted Bapch~

    Uninhabited D~wan Khedi

    FP lchhawar( g) Wheat, 30.S0W, 205.26 40.02 51.70 Ratanpur Jowar 76.6,'TK FP Ichhawar( 8) Wheat 55.49TK -UI.27 50.17 138. OJ Um~rkhal JOWaI' 13_ J6W FP Ichllawar( 18) Wheat 6.84\\> 556.30 183.70 475.82 Chaillpura .Towar FP lcbJIawar( ! 5) Wheat, 26.41W IH.08 7.74 49.51 T(I) Jam()nlya Fatehp'lr lowar FP Ichhawar (15) Wheat, 8.3SW 169.77 33.05 106.94 Bijort Jowar FP Ichbawar (14) Wheat, 20.51TK, 162.19 27.15 51.90 Shahpura J()w~r 10.05W FP Ichhal"ar( 12) Wheat 5.02W, 251.36 32.75 148.00 Mundla JOWEr 90.IOTK FP Ichhawar(ls) Wheat, 23.80Tf( 20.45 2.73 35.46 Blg3:tkhda Jowar llninhabited Karanpuf4

    FP Icllhaw!lr( I 5) Jawar, 29.52W 266.76 72.75 136.17 Ariya Wheat FP Ichhawar (27) Jowar, 574.37 J8.6\TK 199.3fi 7R.94 11 ~. 74 Haraspur Whe:tt FP lchhawar (25) Whe:lt, 229.04 226.00 43.57 7H .05 ~l\nui Khal Jowar FP lchhawar( 23) Wheat, 627.g~ 6.32W 4~8. I \) 143. 19 186.51 Laliyak,hedi Jowar 112

    ~gJ?r~ ff!{~l~ ~~-~f(~TQ f{. ~f" \iqqnr ---.-' ~II IIIIf il>1 ;rllf 'Ilf If!T fWlII'fttlfl n;;r;a 0I"f-~1lI~ (If'R VIII it '!f1m~ nilIS' I(~ am 1Ii10l1r Ii (-) .. wmll'l Iflfl ~ ~" "01''6'" !!" IIRlfIl' em n" m ~ 1f!T~ it Tllif ir f.;rff;!"r ~'€t 'I'( ~~ :miia ( 1I'ti! 6'll II, If"iS l:fJ ;;iif("'~ (ilf~II' i) illitll! ~ nn:",'IIT iii &-5 1iri.1ft., SolO 1iri.1I't.1I1 10+f'li.II1. "meDilie. available(!! 001 available withiD the village, a dash (-) is shown iD tbe .0Jumn and D~xtlo it in bracketl, the distance in broad ranges viz -Skms.5-10Icmo and lo+kms of tbe nearest place wbere tbe (aciiity is ava.lable is given). ,,- A_~ ______. ______...... w~flll'P f'iff'lmfl "'it ~ ",;fI ,,'Ii Il''h omrr'/IV~ IIiI R;; I Ii'ift< 11f'll0f1

    ------~------_-- _------"-_------2 4 6 9 10 ------~-----. ------61 r,,'lf'!<: 410.59 193(27) -(-5) -(-5) W -H) -(10+) -(10+)

    (,2 m:q~l 353.57 439(77) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -\]0+) -\ 10+)

    -(-5 ) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 63 '{.;;rt~ 393.59 679( 103) P(I) -(10+)

    624(94) P( I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) 64 ~

    162(30) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(10+) -(10+> 65 <"!.ill"'!l:1 264.52 w

    P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) 6(i 'Jif~n,"r 653.56 818(124) -(-5)

    <[hI;; 67 Qf'1'(I~'91 29l} 94

    1i73(lll) P(I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+) 68 ilnf~IIf"~ii 1,024 68

    -H) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 6:) ",qi'l 277.34 155(24) -(-5)

    94(15) -(-5) -( ·5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 70 ~llt~ 612.93

    -(5-10) _(5_10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 71 llTf,,(1 699.02 229(42)

    239(43) -(HO) -(5-JO) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 72 iit,'l1;il '3'q;'~

    'flU;; 73 19l'lfT fll'qf i78.98

    P( I) -(-5) -(-5) -«5-10) 74 fil:;if~U 493.24 305(50) -(-5) w

    0(1) PO & Phone Wednesday -(5-10) 75 ~frn 730 08 2,791(478) P(2),M(I) w

    76 ,!111~<:1 127.59 'ftTf'l

    356(54) P( 1) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(5~10) 77 'li11l",!,1 120.58 w

    78 .ft;;ri!'9 832.94 694(110) P( I) (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) - (5-10)

    79 "Ilr.FI. 159. f:4 'f'hfif

    80 'V<'!TIIlJ,!TI IDifi? 369.73 365(54) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 113

    Amenities and Land use Ichhawar Tabsil

    --~----~----.-- -~ ----~--- iTlr alii FrllieQl{lIm: f~1i!I I!~ Iifll W{m (.If\e '!,flt Iii'IlI)II I!;I f~f"" Ai .." it; Ii, Ii.qllft air"" ,II" 'Ii I "Tlr qj~. ~ .. ;j~),'(1 'fi) 'if!'Q1" i!!ill< II fll1Rll1l '''Q. it; III ~lilil ") ~f"l!lhl. 'liT IfIIT (flli. m.it) 'l~1I1 Land ule (i c area under different type. of Land IIW"tt,WI ..-______lI.e in been.res rounded .A. ______uP. to 2 decimal place•. ) !!1I!iI i ~", IIf(8 qif "Ia"I" ih .,"Uri llim t r"ii r.r., r"r,.. n"i!l."~ IlI,!Q"11I Remarks ('1i;;'l: ,,), iuclUdinl .-rUlfl!!' !lfil:!I) any place ot Appro. Ncarel\ Culturable AlcanOI religious. acb town and waste( melu_ available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Vnlfrl. diug gauchar for or al'Chaeolo· Name of village (inkms) .upply food Pore I! by Bouree gated and groves) cultiva[io~ glclli interesl Village

    ------_ -----~-- --_ 11 l! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 :I

    ---_- --_------~~ FP Ichhawar (20) Wheat, 46.55 220.00 49.07 94.97 Singapur Jowar F? Ichh~war (20) Wheat. 47.16 2.00W 177.40 70 65 56.36 Jharkhcda )OWRl pp Ichhawar (15) wheat. 37.804.12W 178.03 94 02 79.62 DudJai Jowar FP Ichhawar (18) Wheat. 1,59.916 10.76WI39.0ti 16.12 73.RS Do[atpur Jowar FP Ichhawar (19) Wheat, 10.92W 196.27 8.48 48.85 Raghunat hpura Jowar FP Ichhawar (15) EAg Wheat, 70.02W 414.37 62.31 106.RIi Ramdasi Jow~r Uninhabited Huliyakh~di

    FP Tchhawar( [6) Wheal, 286.40 64.00W 491.21 76.90 106.17 Bawadiya Gusaiu Jowar FP Tchhawar( , 7) Wheat. 4.77W 192.04 3S. '3 42.4') Rupdi Jowar FP Ichhawar( 17) Wheat, 294.26 4.43W 147 65 52.53 113.46 Rupadeh .Iowar FP Tchhaw?r( 20) Wheat. 199.82 0.25 295.25 5 3.61 150.09 Gadiya Jowar FP rchhawar(14 ) Wheat, 2,288.32 Borpani Alias Jowar Dudalawa Uninhabited Chhapri Miya

    PP {chhawar( 10) Wheat, 26.99 314.09 85.16 67.00 Himmatpura Jowar FP Ichhawar( 8) ED,EAg Wheat, 107 .21W460.28 67.67 94.92 NO) Dlwadiya Jowar Unin'\abited Jujharpura

    FP Tchhawar (7) Jowar, 19 nw 81 17 6.28 13.21 Kushalpura Wheat FP lchh~war (9) ED.EAg Jowar, 53. 84W 395. R4 50.58 332.6R Nilbad Wheat Uninhabited Ladpu,a

    KR Ichhawar(2) Wheat, 71.42 210.31 29.07 5S.93 Kalyanpura- Jowar Dhakad 114

    lI'if 'Iil P "ifWlIn "",ill :;r.{.w-rml!(l1'fI; IIflI ii ,!f~m~ W'iil'i8' ~iif aEli llil" ii (-) iw liI''l'Pfl ifill ~ , fiR alit ;m 161~ ii lIlif forc:r;[t <&,1

    2 4 , 5 6 8 9 10

    ------"----~-- - 907.50' 1.385(!30) P(ll.M(1) -(-5~ w -(-5) -(-5) -~-5)

    684.40 .,0(0(159) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) BS

    475.56 544(81) P(I),M(I) -(-5) W.R -(- 5) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

    475 36 707(109) pel) -(-5) W -H) -(-5}

    132 47

    131 03 92(16) -( -5) w - ( - 5) -(-5) -(-5)

    til 04


    .~9. 16

    162.59 139(22, ~(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) --( -5)

    91 fm:l-jt 563(92) P(l ) -(-5) w -(-5) - ( -5)

    741.20 1,398(208) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -1-5)

    508.68 460(79) p(jl -(-5) W,HP -(-,:,) -(5-10) -(-5)

    928 13 45~(69) P(I) W -(5-10) -(-5)

    2,127.73 2,846(445) P(I"M(I) PHS(I),D(I) HP,W PO & Phone -(5-10) .BS

    687.60 -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(S~l()


    432.61 3(1) -(5-10\ -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -15-10)

    5GO . 62

    IOO ~li!01T 'mil 1451.56 R87(137) P(1) -(S-IO) w -(5-10; -(5-10) -(5-101 115

    Amenities and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    11111 (Ill> f.r'li'!"tr1l iIlT< ti!q} l!aIf -rftr ~ (.'flll wftr Iillli1tr llil fiif"" fit~ if iii fi.1i'ft 8rf1llli 11111 'Ii r ilf1I 'I'd. ~ .. am c'O 'liT lIT'IInI • iell1: ii f~1f Q~ iii iii ffllil !Ai) qml{rlw. 'fiT "'lIT (flfi .1fI.~) !111m Land 1110 (i. e area under different typel 01 Laod 1I11f"'''"(fCl~ ,..______ClIO in becta'es round~dA- uP.______to 2 decimal place-"•. ) "illl11' ~;;rT fflll lfI lilla,if « -i'l: lim ~ fri i!hHwq fllf'i{W flilf'if(l Iilll'liSili'iI' "~q",, Remark. ('l''''~ 81, inclUding 'II1~llllli "filII) any place of Appro. NearcI\ Culturable Aroll nOI religious. acb town and waste( IIlclu_ a~aiI8bl~ hislorical to distance POWCJ Staple lrrtgBJc<1 Unuri. ding gauchar for or 81-.;:1!8eolo- Nameo~ village (in kms) supp'y food Forest by source gated and groves) cullivaliolli glcal interest Village

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    .. ------~.------~-~~~-- ~------.~-- KR Ichhawar( 4) ED,EAg Wheat, 232.05 513.68 26.32 135·45 Jhalki Jowar KR IChhawar( 4) ED. EAg "'heat, 73.74 429.87 69.15 111.6... Nayapura Jowar FP Ichhawar( 5 ) ED. BAg Wheat, 29.98 141.33 200.88 53.15 Amla Ramjipllra 5.10TK,21.120 FP Ichhawar( 3) ED, EAg Wheat, 55.05 243.00 120.87 56.44 Palkhedi

    Uninhabited Yarnagar

    FP l,hhawar( 3) ED, EAg Wheat, 9.000 60.61 42·95 14.36 Atraliya 4.08 Uninhabited KalyanpuraDube

    Uninhabited Shaharyar Na~ar

    Uninhabited Ladawad

    FP Ichhawar( 4) Wheat 6.20W, 59·55 67.06 24·~6 Jogda Khedi 5.320 FP lehhawar( 3) ED,BAg Wheat 23·88W 278·25 244.01 92.29 Siradi

    FP Ichhawar( 10) EAg Wheat, 99.40N 300.00 139. II 1.67.26 KanbJ Kheda Jowa, 35.43W FP lchhawar( 10) BAg Wheat. 62.SIN 284·13 31.96 65.62 Lasudlya Ram Jowar 59. 91W, 4. 250 FP Ichhawar( 7) BAg Wheat, S7.47W 515.08 135 .58 113.87 T( I) Ja!lloniya Jowar 16.130 Hatesingi; KR Ichhawar (9) ED,EAg Wheat. 134.460,826.30 487.2P 403·19 Bhauk!\edi Jowar 8.09C,197.83W FP Ichha war ( 9 .: BAg Wheat, 163.49 5.61W, 238.31 123.25 146.29 T(l),C( I), Kudl Jowar to.590 M(I) Uninhabited Chandpura

    FP Ichhawar (1) Wheat 12.30 255.87 142.23 22.21 BinakPura

    Uninhabi ted Gaon TaJab

    Dnabl~ Mata FP Ichhawar( S) Wheat, 219.18 74·24 655.11 ! 96·97 306.!lG Jowar 116

    ~~TCf~ o~~l~ 'If''l''W(Utll ~ ,f1:r ;a-qlfn-,

    "------.-."~-~- _._----_ "-" ----~ .. ---- ~~ 1I1lf if;f ;rllf fllf'lil f"mlllll ilfOJill if'f1R!lI~(1fA Vf~ it'lmntt 'i'l',"",,'1F{f t'81 'Iil'!l1l it (-) ... lIIlfI~' lIltT t if;~ 'lillr i;r'fiOl It- "Rift", v'R : 'lilt ~ (~~~ .. ~- Loea- Total Ii.r.l •;q -1fT. ) tion Totll area population Day Or Com munica' code 01 the and DrinkiDM days 01 tions(Bus-stop, num- Name of village (in number 01 water Post anc! the market/ railway station, ber Village hectarel) households Educn tiona1 Medical (POOIble) Telegraph hat. if any water way.

    2 4 6 8 9 10 ---_ 10 I Ifl'!,' 742 96 404(52) PU} -(5~10) W -(5 -10) -(5·-10) -(5-10)

    ;i\'m 102 'll.ro 244.86

    276(39 ) - (-5) -(5-10) W,R,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 103 .j"f~! 426.20 -( 5-10 I

    536(79) pel) --( 5... IlJ) W -(5--10) >--(5-10) 104 ~qf'{m 1,05784 -1(5-10)

    594(83) P(1) ~(5~IO) W -(5-10) -(5-10) lOS <'fw;pn 'lii~ 601.01 -(5-.10)

    381.86 582(S8) PO) -( 5-10) W --( 5-10) -(5-10) lOG "ill;:! men -(5-10)

    236,73 1 B(3) -(-5) -(5 ... 10) W -(5-;0) -(5-10) -(5-10) 107 ~"lli~

    3 66,72 400(70) P( I) -(5-10) W, HP ~(5-IO) 10 108 :;n"f~m ;r"\'l1!i!1

    10<) 'l>!<'!'IA'T'l

    ',10 fu-·nf.l':rr 421.14 455(73) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    851(135) P(l) -(-,5 ) W.HP -(-5\ -1(5-10) I! 1 mll<'f! 'f1>fli!T

    2.060(344) P( 1), M(l) D(l} W,IIP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 112 lift 2,153.41

    113 'lIIIf1;fT 1 ,181. 69 457(78) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(lO+) -(IO+)

    369,23 "')cT'l 114 ,!,n![~

    115 q,,\,'f\~ 1,350.48 1,36t(218) P(I)M(I) -(10+) W PO -(10+) -(10+)

    116 lft>rTQr'f) 785.02 351 (52) -(-5) -(10+) HP, -(-5) -(10+) -( -5)

    117 ""<'fT~' 366.46 341(38) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -( 10-/-) -( -5)

    118 Ifrril 372.18 462(84) P( 1) -(10+) W PO - (10+) -(~5)

    I (9 UI!T~'! 273,72 306(44) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(- 5) -(10+) -\-5)

    120 '11m'l 1,01)4. li3 411 (66) P(1) -(10+) W -H) -(10+ ) RS 117

    Amenities and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    Ill'll" fiA;!6lr ;JIT'{ f""," ~ "fir ;m)q (nle "fir 'iJ'IflIr iii' f. r"" r..",1 ij; 111. Fl.q~ alflll5 11111 ~ "I!'If 'Il'fij • ~iim't'CI 'liT CT'ITTI • i~ i f_" Ullin it ir ~I11!(11i) ~fiI'ITf8. 'liT '11111 ~r'liAI.~) Imt Land UlC (i.e. arca under differcnt type. of Land .1If""'(fa~ lIIe in bectarel founded IIp, to 2 decimal pllices.) qil~'\I i ~q.n ~ ______.A..______-~ "r,a !f'I "1tT,,1 Q- If-,; .8i iHri c8i it mii fuj'q" hlf'q(! ijq!.'Ti'!! ~iOI~ lI~q!.'T'B Remarks (11""1: 11)1 Includirg 'fIUllli;'! !lflll'tl any place of .... ppro. Neare,1 Culturable Alell nOI religious, aeh town and lVaste( mclu_ available historical to distance Powel Staple trngalcCI UDlrri. ding gauchar for or archaeolo­ Name of village (in kml) lupply food Forest by 10Ul'l:O galed aod groves) cullivatiolil gical interesl Village

    ------~-~------_-- 11 1% 13 14 (5 16 17 18 19 20

    FP Ichhawar( 5) EAg Wheat, 6.88 23.68# 483.44 124.07 104.89 Mogra Jowar Uninhabited Pangri

    FP I chhawI.r( 10) Jowar, 15.78 16.840, 273.00 46.33 67.17 Khejda Wheat 7.08W FP lchhawar( 6) Wheat, 265.90 5.32W 412.02 170.85 203.75 Sewaniya Jowar KR Ichhawar( 8) ED,EAg Wheat, 135.06 36.54W, 272.07 24.56 119.66 Lasudiya Kangar Jowar 13.12TK KR Ichhawiir(9) ED,EAg Wheat, 32.15 234.66 35.49 79.56 Pangra Khati Jewar 10.41TK,21.74W FP Ichha wart 8) Wheat, 13.90 13.44W 157.19 9.11 43.09 Sedhokhedi Jowar FP Ichhawar( 9) Wheat, 52.58 S.23W 243.48 14.13 48.30 Bawadiya Noabad Jowar KR lchhawar (10) PD,EAg Wheat, 292.91 58.40W 43! .09 23.25 236.99 Kalapipal Jowar FP I,hhawar ( 3 ) EAg Wheat, 43.12 36.07W 223.98 34 I! 83.86 Nipaniya Jowar FP Ichhawar (8) BAg Wheat, 76.35W 310.05 31.63 73.44 Amla Noabad Jowar FP Ichhawar(9) ED,EAg Wheat, 748.15 134.57W 986.68 141.95 142.06 Kheri Jowar FI' Ichhawar( 14 ) EAg Wh~at,490. 73 36.31W 198.25 203.77 252.63 N(I) Jamli Jowar Uninhabi ted Suwakheda

    PR Ichhawar(13) EAg,ED Wheat, 279. 19 98.07 268.89 203.92 500·41 Ilordi Kalan Jowar FP Ichhawar( 14) Weeat,332.96 20.80W 105.22 69·18 256.86 Moyapani Jowar FP Ich'llW.1r( 20) Wheat ,128.95 8.57W t 19.46 44.21 65.26 Temple Allipur Jowar PR Ichhaw,lr(ZO) Wheat, 34.06W 176.71 67.77 93.64 Guradi Jowar PR Ichhl war( 18) Wheat, 19.58W 119.81 36.99 97.34 Samapura Jowar PR Ichhawar(22) Wheat, 625.25 19.44 80.97 37.16 331.81 Nadan Jowar 118

    ~T;;r\ n~l~ ;jFl.w"erlQ ~~ ~" \;qqht

    - ----~.---~~------.-~ ------~--- ~Il llll1 'lit lI'tl1 vllll1iT ~~11111 ilfOfill 1"'" iii (-) .. W1I1lIlllffr ~ If;IT iii" liior'ftlil fl. q'R'm:1 lJ'tt.

    --.~------2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    ---~----~------121 .n~" 318.18 246(37) P(l ) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    959.94 431 (77) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) I'"-~

    1:'.3 nlf~lJl{'l< 3,199.99 2,428(422) PUCe 1) DC I ).MCW(I) W PO Friday -(-5) P(I ),M(l) FPC(I)

    124 q;if'll!l 920.87 592( 92) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) - (-5)

    1,284.47 325(50) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(--5 ) 125 Ul~ i-~l -(-s) -( -5)

    596.70 295(53) P(I) -(-5 ) -(5-10) 126 1'IqT~1 W -(5-10) -(10+)

    I ,360 _39 908(133) P(I l,M(I) D(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 127 U'I<'i\ ..offil:

    155(22) W -(-5) 128 tTlil_;;or: ;il'ITilI;;: 386.92 -(-5) -H) -(-5) -(10+)

    PCI) W,N 129 I!1J[T

    - ( -5) W -(-5) 130 <11111i!" 527.47 304(52) -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    402(69) - (- 5) -(5-10) W -(5 -10) -(5-10) -(5-10) J31 lJli!:'f ci~ 896.86

    132 "f",f~r~)('Oq;'WFI!r<'i,I, 523 .34 452(70) PCI) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 10+)

    1,279.11 563(76) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 133 iI<1ITf~1!t

    -(5-10) 134 'flR'j;

    -(·5) 135 i(I'I\,[I~~ 440.43 274(37) -( 5) N -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    136 urfil,n;1T<{ 2,516,30 1,1 02( 181 ) P(I) D(I) w -(10+) Satarday -( 5-10)

    137 mvrT 1j:sr 1,096.95 156(26) -( 10-[-) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    138 iiI'! ~; 1,850.23 232(32) -(10+) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) .

    J 39 "IT'!, >i:S1 411. 17 180(19) P( 1 ) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    140 ~?: 1j~! 532.23 288(35) -(-5) -( 10·\-) W -(10+) -{IO+ ) ... (10+) 119

    Amenities and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    -~~-- VHf C!'Ii f.r'IiCa1I' lflf'l: filii," IJ;,&!I' ifill IRliItr (pIa Iffir eqJiUr llil flif"w fil;f1it t Vi' I!tqufl 8rflilll lI'T1f 'I1f iffli 'Il;R. ~ iUlli') 11'0 q;) CT~'Il . i~n if_Ii 1111 ...... if; (I ~rif!l'll) ~fcliltltr. 'liT ;£111 (f'l1.!i"Ut) lfim Land tile (i. e arca under different typCs of Land ."., q~,,~ all in becta -u rounded uP. to 2 decimal placel.) IT~!. ~ ~>:f<'l! ~ ______A ______~ qfiS!I q.r maif! e- IT, .rift HOJ1i .rlil if; fri faf;;m flilf;;m Ijqfiil! iI"f1 4I~"fiiB Remarks ('1)'''' 111')1 inclUding ~nlfllil af~,,) alY place of Appro. Nearcll Culturable Alea nOI religious. acb town and wlIste( iDClu. available historical to distance Powel Staple lrrlgated Unlrrl. ding gauchar for or ar.:haeolo- Name of village (in kms) 8upply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivatiolil Slcill interest Village

    ~------~------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ---~-- --~--. _------.- -_------~ FP Ichhawar ( 17) Wheat, 93.30 11.60W 70.25 67.67 75.36 Birpura Jowar FP Iohhaw~r(n) Wheat, 4'16.31 14.23W 390.21 3.25 55.94 Kanenya Jowar FP Ichhawar(22) Wheat, 1 ,980.03 63,22. 892.46 94 44 169.84 M(3). Brijisnagar JOWllr 51.96W, 5.26N TO), N( 4) FP Ichhawar( 22) Wheat, 415.31 6.40W 363.55 1. 46 134.15 Phangiya Iowar FP Ichhawaq 22) Wheat, 1 ,096.30 O.32W, 128 16 1.67 57.82 Dhai Kneda Jowar O.20N FP Ichhawar ( 1 5) Wheat, 102.29 7.19W 229.19 73.65 184.48 T(1 ) Mawada lowar FP Jchhawar(12) Wheat, 351.16 7.26W, 532.66 280.85 180.57 Semli Jadid Jowar 7.89N FP Ichhawar( 11 ) Wheat, 90.31 1.48. 153.77 56.46 18.90 Mohanpur Noabad .~owar 6.68N,0.80W FP Tchhawar( 1 2) Wheat. 537.73 12.74W, 480.86 68.99 188.95 Gaji Khedi Jowar 5.35N FP Ichhawar( 1.;) Wheat, 45.08 O.28W 112.41 174.43 195.27 Ramgarh Jowar KR Sehore(35 ) Wheat, 533.38 210.31 4.% 148.21 Sohan Klleda Jowar KR Schore(30) Wheat, 1,254.77 222.06 8.28 38.23 Bawadiya ehor lowar alias Shaharyarpur KR Sehore(30) Wheat, 1,011.88 154.95 7.10 105.18 Balondiya lowar KR Sehore( 31) Wheat, 380.15 83.85 3.88 172.24 Nawalpura Jo"'ar KR Sehore (30) Wheat, 15.22R 179.55 5.03 240.63 Bannladarh Jowar KR Sehore(31 ) Wheat, 975.56 \3.45W 283.89 1,128.48 114.92 Abidabad Jowar KR Sehore\ 51 ) Wheat, 967.05 77.90 52.1l1l Sali Kheda lowar KR Sehore( 51 ) Wheal, 1,739.48 33.63 77.12 .t(ham Kheda Jowar KR Sehore( 34) Wheat. 203.33 15.28W 162.76 15.37 14.43 Nibu Kheda Jowar KR Sehorc(34 ) Wheat, 414.26 114.76 3,21 It Kheda lowar 120

    IIII'! Ifil

    2 3 4 6 9 10

    ~-- ---~---~----- 599.12 50(7) -(_5) -(-5) W -(10+) -(5-10) -( 10+)

    189.53 160(29) -(-5) R,F ~(IO+) -(10+) -(-5)



    810.47 31(5) -(HO) -(10+) R -'(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    146 ~iifilrU 622.68 236(41) -(10+) -(+10) W ~(I0+) -(10+) -(10+)




    373.71 172(29) -(10+) w -(10+)

    151 ;;r)fi':![T 2,278.81 221(33) -(5-10) -(5-10) W _(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-<10)

    1 52 ~.fijllT 'n~< 1,175.64 253(41) ~(lO+) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(l0-[-)

    153 <'f

    154 ...')~<;qT;ft 1,531.47 173(28) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    2,031.26 312(57) ·(IO--\-) -(10+) w

    1,385.84 306(46) -(10+) w _(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    2,574.63 355(66) -(10+) -([0+) -(10+)

    2,291.45 293(49) -( 10+) -(10+) -(10·1-)

    873.07 352(71) -(-5) -(-5) W, HP -(-5) ._(-5) -( -5)

    ------.. - -.- - - -~------~------109,743.81 72.457 p(77) 0(9 ) (11.631) M(!4) MCW(1) PUCCI) FPC(l) PHS(t) ----~--- _.. - ~-. -----_._-.------121

    Amenities and Land use Ichhawar Tahsil

    !IT1r QlIi" f.r~alfijlfl: f~,", '!~ '1~ e'll1'Itr (.... 'e "fir e"lIl1r .. , fi(f1!'11 r"flil $ ii, Il:,qm IllfJlIf Vllf ~r ij)'lf 'lioiot. ~ IiiH! \11 IIi't ~'IIT' • (1Ii1f( I{ f_" 1""1'"1 $ c) fflliJ ~) qfil~fg" lli"r lfllf (f;P.IIUI') §f1m Land lite (i e. arell under differeD! [YPC' of Land IJIfIfl 'l~~flI 0111 in beeline. rOUnded up, [0 2 decimal place •. ) ,...______A-______--., "~r" 1& ,,,,wi 'f~

    11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    --- --~------FP Ichhawqr (14) Wheat, 570.52 O.OlW 2.G.:!7 2.32 Bordi Khurd Jowar KR (chhawar (18) Wheat, 168.47 14.62 6.44 Kol!! Khedi Jowar Uninhabited Kotra

    FP Ichhawar (20) Wheat 1,292.95 Balupat

    KR Ichhawar (22) Wheat, 810.47 \1andalgarn Jowar KR Senore (40) Wh~at 622.68 Tankpura

    KR Sehore (40) Wheat 363.01 Pangri Jangal

    KR Sehore (40) Wheat 606.79 Laiudiya Gondi

    Uninhabited Sohan Chhapari

    KR Sehore (42) Wh.ea.t 342.17 29.51 20.3 Dehriya Mukar

    KR SehoTe (42) Wheat 2,169.00 85.28 74.53 Lotiya

    KR Schore (40) Wheat 1,175.64 Sewaniya Padhar

    KR Sehore (5 I) Wheat 3,507.08 77.94 55.90 64.51 La\\'a Khedi

    KR Sehore (43) Wheat 1,509.16 20.21 2. to Cilikalpani

    KR Schore (51) Wheat 1,837.76 126.84 72.66 Jhclplpali

    KR Sehore (40) Wheat 1,385.84 Magarpat

    KR Sehore (41) Wheat 2,445.79 106.95 21. 89 Saras

    KR Sehore (5) Whea t 1,738. 51 142.46 289.80 120.6R Loha Palhar

    KR Ichhawar( 4) Wheat, 795·07 52.48 25.52 Bkhholi Jowar 44,216.474,457.37 H,062.88 9,149.9812,572 28 T-12 M-9 Total C-l N-18 122

    ;m"i<_;~T~9f ('f~m~ ~~.weral~ ~ -.fq ~qq)f(

    -~ ------_ -~- .-----~~-~-----~---~---~-~-~-.-~.-.------~.-- ~II ;rTq' 'fT Iffq' 11'11 'Iil ",Irq,," "or;8 '"-'g1infT1{ (11ft m it 'lfii~ ~'IOmI ;rift • m 'IilOl1liiHnOl"1JflfflJlfr~ 'lil'i 'Ii'" !I1a:lliii1 ~lIj qRl(n:1 m ,,","it; 1m ~ IIRIIO'6 11 lUll i'r r.rr ~I 'n.fr ,r~ II),

    -_. --~----- ~-~-.---- ~~---- -_-- .---.- _-. _. 2 3 4 6 9 10

    ---_ ------~ ------~--- -~_--~ - - -- _- - ---_------_-_-- ~l'T\1I'Tr;ft 2,232.19, 132(21) -(5-10) -(10+ ) W,R -( 10-1-) -(-5) -(10+)

    2 ~W1'T~~ 1,597 63 722(113) P( 1) -( ~ 5) W,R -(5-10) -(-5) -(10+)

    3 N'l<1T,ft 2,430.17 1,076(168) P(I) -(10+) W,R -(I0+) Monday -00+)

    4 f'li"!!T"'i< 1,137.61 441:77) P(1) -( 5-1 0) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    ~'!r'!T 2,180.66 701(109) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(5-1(1) +-5) -(10+)

    6 iHFa:!~ 2,644 2~ 1,040(167) P(l) -(5-·10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    7 ?:llTG:lTlI (1"~.'T) 1,833.33 1,313(229) P(I) -(-5) W,R -H) -( - 5) -(10+)

    P(1) W -(-5) 8 liT~~~l ~;. 510.95 384( 70) (-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    q ~rt 964.27 694(115) P(I) -(HO) W -( 5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)


    11 ;rl{ 502.52 755(136) P(I),M(l) PHCO) W ~(10+) Wednesday -(10+)

    12 "1'T'f<-rT 427.55 298(58) 1'(1 ) -(-5) W -H) -(-5) -(11)+)

    13 ifl~ 335.20 151 (27) -1-5) -(-5) W -(-5) ·(-5) -(10+)

    14 fqqf<1

    15 !f.Ii~ 344.14 372(57) p( 1) -(-5) w -(10+) -\-5) -\10+)

    if"f'TT'f 553.95 16 584\94) P( 1) -(-~) W -(-5 ) -H) -\-5)

    17 w

    18 f'l'1

    19 lll,,"<:ql

    Amenities and Land use Nasrullaganj Tahsil

    -----~------11111 Hifi f.r1fia'HII" ;rtf, f;mfi 1!~ '!.11! ftIinr ("Ie '!fir aqll11l llil f

    Appro. Nearesl Culturable Ale~ nOl reli~ious . ach town and lVaSle( IDe!u. .vailablt histOrical [0 distance Powel Staple IrngsleC) Untrri. ding gauchar tor or arr.:haeolo· Name of village (inkms) lupply food Forest by lOUrce galed and groves) cultivatio&l g[elll interesl Village ------_- - - _------+----_- -- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    --~~------_------,_------~---,--- FP Nasrullaganj ( 36) Wheal, 2,026.36 4.49 174.11 76.93 Donglapani Gram FP Nasrullaganj ( 38) Wheat, 938.78 358.59 273.60 26.66 Ita wa Khlud Gralll FP Nasrllllaganj (40) Wheat, 837.73 4.10W 448.84 1,029.87 73.63 Piplani Gram FP Nasrullaganj (36) Wheat, 574.69 2.99W 336.76 195.81 27.36 Kishanpur Glam FP Nasrullaganj (33) Wheat, 1,069.06 5.13W 554.53 503.67 48.27 Ghutwani Gram FP NasTullaganj( 35) Wheat, 2,063.66 448.68 54.93 77.01 Basantpur Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 26) Wheat, 790.97 7.41R 575.99 383.24 75.72 Ham~edganj Gram FP Nasrullaganj(26) Wheat, 14.00W )38.50 140.61 17.84 Borkheda Khurd. Gram (Tumdi) FP Nasrullaganj(29) Wheat, 232.81 1l.71W 420.63 266.50 30.62 T(I) Mullai Gram FP Nasrullaglnj(24 ) Wheat, 11.00R 212.27 62.62 17.56 B~nk()t Gram FP NasruI laganj (39) Wheat, 7.78W 422.81 109.70 22.73 T(1) Bain Gram liP Nasrullaganj (32) Wheat, 6.34W 316.11 91.74 13.36 Chichli Gram FP Nasrul Iagll.nj( 39) Wheat, 1.01W 255.85 68.92 9.42 Bodi Gram FP Nasrullaganj(33) Wheat, 4.05R 189.73 86.56 9.30 Pipalia Gram FP Nasruilaganj(36) Wheat, 1.62W 248.82 82.74 10.96 Barkhedi Gram FP N1S rulllga'lj,25) Wheal, 6.48W 455.18 80.63 11.66 Bachgaon Gram Uninhabited Sarso,lia

    F? Nasrullaglnjt22 ) Wheat, S.21W 696.76 199.39 20, R6 Kumantal Gram FP Nasmllaganj(24) Wheat, 2.92W 474.85 192 .09 32.74 Shukarwas Gralll FP Nas ,ullaganj (25) ED Wheat, 7.26R 632.43 335.28 60.84 Temple Ransdeo Gram 124

    "m!~\=f,q:sr (f~ml=l Qt~-~f~alU ~. ~f" \tqq)1y

    ~If IIl'lf ~ ,",'If Vllf ~ P 1Ilni"" ""<'liS :;or-wnr~(lfr. Ifl! if ,!f'fflT~ oli0ri8 ~ t lI'I 1li10l1l it C-) iw l'r'l11fT 1I1f! ~ ..)W ~ qron'{l v'I~ 'iIlfC m ~ 1Iit~ if 'lflr 9 f\;raat ~ft '" qRIffit o

    ------~ ~- -~ ~ -_ ------~------3 4 5 6 8 9 10

    ~~~- 21 -g1'l!T 545.95 446(85) PO) -H) W -(-5) -(-5) . (-5)

    22 lfT

    23 m'TTa; 915.79 608(108) P(l) -(~5) W -H) ~(-5) -H)

    24 ~~<'f') 518.27 233(49) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5..... 10) ~(5-IO)

    25 ~"";\1~ 729.99 ,r"rUi!

    26 ill<:!![1!!,!;,(1 263.6R 33S(S9) P( I) ~(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) ~(5~IO)

    ,,7 '

    29 '(l.,TTl 557.08 390(78) P(I) -(-5) W -(~5) -(-5) -(-5)

    30 ;fr<~1 liir 379.86 464(75) pel) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    31 m(l'~

    32 U)i'f~ 657.75 808(!27) P{l), M( I) -(5-10) W,R -(10+) -(5-10) -(-5)

    33 "!fIr,,.! qfilll1

    34 'ti~llll'! 448.10 419(69) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    35 ~,,'f'l: 661.24 444(85) P( 1) -(-5) W.R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    36 ~7.P:~"r 697.01 I,076{193) P(l),M(I) D( I) W ~(10+) -( 5-) -(-5) PUC(l ) 37 ~ol'{l ",\off 86~. 19 747(119) M(I),P(l) -(-5) W.R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    38 fir~<:l 624.45 473(73) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(HO) -(-5)

    39 m'tl'i'( 962.14 1i48 (115) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    40 ,r'l<'[lfT'I''T ;t;1{t1:r 1,053.02 1,294(221) P(l) -(-5) W.R -(5-10) -H) -(-5) 125

    Amenities and LaAd use NasruUaganj Tahsil

    -----~------~~----- Vltf

    ------~-.------~ 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    ------~------_-_ ------FP Nasrullaganj( 25) ED Wheat, O.50W 336.07 lR6.34 23.(14 Dobhan Gram PR Nasru lIaganj( 22) ED Wheat, S.30W 497.90 121.63 30.92 Gopalpuf Gram FP NasruJlaganj( 25) Wheat, 9.16W 112.39 169.86 24.38 Seegaon Gram FP Nasru IJaganj (27) Wheat, 6.S4W 385.99 114.84 20.90 Sasli Gram Uninhabited .. Ih.uklaha

    FP Nasfullaganj (23) Wheat, 4.74W 195.17 51.50 12.27 NaraY:ll1pura Gram PH. NasrulJaganj (22) Wheat, 4.93W 360.65 127.42 199.49 Chhipaner Gram KR Nasrullag~nj( 20) Wheat, J6.42W III 1 .74 75.66 30.76 Bagwarll Gram KR Nasrullaganj (20) Wh~at, 5.37W 330.74 119.90 101. 17 Rauiparl Gra.tH KR Nas;'ullaganj (1 R) Wheat, 5.29W 215.18 82.90 76.49 Chorsa Khedi Gram KR Nasrul!aganj (I g) Wheat, 8.31W 288.58 235.19 134.69 Satdev Gram KR Nasrullaganj (15) Wheat, 24. J2W 540.81 45.87 46.75 Dholpur Gram KR Nasrullag:mj (13) Wheat, 6.07R 345.63 22.42 71.78 Jalllonia Gram l"andag:1on PR l'o:asrullaganj(12) Wheat, J.37R 273.16 147.10 24.47 Pandagaon Gram KR Nasrul laganj ( 12) .. Wheat, 25&.42 4.41R 252.62 99.42 46.37 Badnagar Gram KR NasruJl aganj (14) Wh~at. 11 _06R 525.04 13 2 _59 27.32 Gram FP N~srullaganj( 14) Wheat, 9 5'}R 560.53 251.95 46.11 T(2), Itawa Kalan Gram M(2) KR Nasru Ilaganj (13) Wheat, 201.26 3.55R 313.25 ~5. 17 21 _22 Gilhari Gram FP N asrullaganj (8) Wheat, 25.48 1.70N 718_99 174.41 41.56 T( 1) GorakhplH Gram FP Nasrullraganj (6) wheat. 44.12 1.36W 7&6.78 176.08 44.68 Semalpani Kadeem Gram .126

    ~t=~ltii5f ~~m" Ofot~~alq ~. "f~ 'iqqnr

    ----.. ~-~ ~II IIIf 'fiT '111f tltq'IiT !'f~ i'f~" '""'!ifl'! 'i" ililf'lii.'l lin ;("'III"' ,m ij; f'l'i! iffII' "''If ~ (q RTQ'~l'I'" Loca- Tolal Eillli!. ;;m.1IJIi) tion Toral area population Day or Com wunica· code of the and Orinkini days of tions(Bus-stop, num' Name of village (in number 01 water Post and the market I railway station, ber Village hcotare. ) household8 Educational Medical ' (Potable) Telegraph hal, if any water way.

    4 5 6 9 10 ._----_--. 41 "Ii'[1lfi~ '!>1I'1If 855,74 580(106) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(5-10) -(-5) +·5)

    42 lI'lff1:1f1 687,24 734(136) P( 1) -(5-10) W -( 5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    43 IPrTIi#t 1,004.12 706(124 ) P{ I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    44 ~'l1"1'F 'F«TII' 1,381.44 1,393(243) P( f) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    45 filmol 1,162.57 1,358(226) P(l ),M(l) PHS(J) W -(10+) Saturday -(10+)

    46 qmtfl~

    P( 1) 47 firo:fi'f~T 381.65 394(74) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(HO) -(5-10)

    48 I9T'lf) 1,802,99 1 ,022( 170) P( 1) -(10+) W,R -(5 -10) -(-5) -(10+)

    49 '.8'I'I'1l'I,!'1 2,520,59 654(98) P( J), ".1 ( 1) -( 5-1 0) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    50 l1'I'FlcT 711. 90 393(51) P(1 ) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    51 ~lll"lT 2,230.17 28:2(33) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -( 5-10) -(5-10) ~(5-JO)

    52 ,ir;r..ror 1,032,16 488(81) P( 1) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    53 ~;ftiiT '1'(\ 438.13 233(38) -H) -(-5) W,lt -(-5) -(-5) - (-5)

    54 armn ~Il 525.76 567(92) P(1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) +5)

    55 i'll~~~ 1,230,32 3,210(54/) PUC( 1), PHU( 1) W -(10-1-) 5undey -(-5)

    56 mm 448,11 443(75) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    57 flfll,!' 2::!4,90 239(33) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5\

    53 'l'lOfIfi" 116,55 276(36) -(-5) (5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5- 10)

    59 .i)~t:j~ 84,12 156(20) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    -(5-10) 60 'lp:r~~T 44.34 57 (13) -(-5) -(5--10) W -(5-10) ~( 5",:~0) 127

    Amenities and Land use Nast'ullaganj Tahsil

    ------.-~ illt a. ~q;m fn.n- ,!1;If qill ~ (.Ie "PI Vqlilc! llil fl!fq~ ~iil ~ Ii. f!~~ air. Itlll 'iiI Till! 'Ij.r.t ~ ;nllilll''CI 'Ii) liJww • (EIR iH~ II'.IR'I. t rfr fIIlii. "'Ii) ~~Thilli 'liT ;rpj (fil; .llt.~i !1ms Land lIIe (i e atca under different type.,..of Land ~'!.'U~~ Qae in bectaret rOUnded uP. to 2 decimal "lace•. ) 1Ii1~" 11; Hnll ~ ______.A.-______-., IIf~ q.r ~T9'ifl ~ '1<: .lit if; for" .lit 11; r"" f~f"l'(! f«f"l'a "qori!l I!~~ V~"I!I'!I {{emarke ("hr~ 11)1 includivg 'lITU1I'I!'!fffi") any place of _ Appro. N ear eSI Culturablc A,ca nol r:lieious. ach town and lVaslc( inelu_ availabl( historical to distance I'owe, Slapte Irrigated Unlrri. ding gal1char for '1£ 8l'chaeolo- Name of villag.e (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and gloves) cultivHlior" glctll imeresl Village ------_ ..- -_------11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    - --~~---.------_------~----~- -- - FP Nasrullaganj ( 16) Wheat, 46.61 1,05W 639.45 118.09 50.54 Mahagaon Grp.m Kadeem FP Nasrullaganj( 8) Wheat, 26,05R 412 36 212.36 36,33 Magaria Gram FP Nasrullal,lanj ( 8 ) Wheat, 11.17 2.70W 276.76 476.73 236,76 Manjikhedi Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 8) Wheat, 27.44W 429.66 319,57 604.77 Shyampur Gram Kadeem FP NasrulJaganj( 12) Wheat, 220,87 30.27N 460.69 429.20 21.54 Nimota Gram UninhabIted Palasi Khurd

    FP Nasrullaganj ( t 5) Whnt, 4.6t 230,10 119.79 27' .12 Jftirni~ Gram FP ~asrullaganj( 18) Wheat, 1,006.17 316.21 423.61 56.1)9 Chhapri Gram Fp Nasrullaganj(26) "'heat, 2,123.97 217.00 103.10 76.52 Kuri nayapura Gram FP NasTnllaganj (20) Wh.eM, 445.15 t 20.17 146. S8 Sankota Gram FP Nasruilaganj( 22) Wheat, 1,621.21 75.00 9.28 524,68 Kosmi Gram FP Nasfullaganj(26) Wheat, 710,26 219,00 77,31 2),59 Rafiqlleganj Gram FP Nasrnllaganj ( 17) Wheat, 20·99W 244,77 t 53.35 19,02 Habeob Nagar Gram FP Nasrullaganj (17) Wheat, 10.47W 351,39 138.12 25,78 Amba Kadcem Gram KR Nasrullaganj( (4) Wheat, 1(),79 n.46W 803,13 244.60 77,,34 T(s),M(9) , Ladk"i Gram N(6) FP Nasru llaganj( 15i) Wheat, 47.50 9,03W ~40. 58 139,78 11,22 Jhali Gram KR Na~ru llaganj( 17) Wheat, 6.07W ,69.10 48,09 I. 64 Singpllf Gralll FP Nasrullaganj( 2(1) Wheat, 89.27 25,63 I. 6S Nawalgaon Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 19) Wheat, 57 81 24,02 2.,29 Beela Khcda Gram FP Nasrullaganj(29) Wheat, 27.77 15.23 1 . 31 Bhura Kheda Gram 128

    ~~~;n~ Ef~~)\lI ~;:r-WCf&T~ ~ ~f~ :a-q~ht

    ~!I IJ1f 'Iill'fl" ,I" 'Ii1 p;rni~ n;;r;. 'IiI'~~(q~ QTII it 'lfirnr~ ~ II'(f t m 'Ii19111 it (-) RliI1lTlfl 'IlI'I ~ ~~ ~1Il"'fi" !{~ q'R.r,1 m 'Rii> lflii t\ 'Ii'I~ it Q'f'I ~ r.r

    ---.----'~--\ --_._--_._-- 61 m"-':r~T 45.63 257(33) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-.10) -(5-10}

    112 f~"',~ 243.57 756(98) P(I.) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    63 fq,liT 134.13 157(24) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    64 q-;;rrqlf"fr 3~3.43 i82(27) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10 ) -(5-~O)

    65 '~'1,!' 154.89 130(21) -(-5) -(-51 W -(-5) -(-.n -(-5)

    66 "l!f;TI1Ti!" 1,389.41 998(146) Pel) -(-5) W,R -l-5) -(-5) -H)

    67 11~ 276,44 233(38) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    68 ,!'il-; 473.57 128(19) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -( - 5) - ( -5) - (-5)

    (,9 m?Jji~ 806 94 984,182) P~i),M(I) -(-5) W,HP -(HO) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    70 ll'-""J

    71 'f<;{ml ~m 716,20 524(91) P(I) -(5-10) \Ii,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    72 fi'(l';;TqTq 848.80 1.002(153) P( I) -(~-IO) W --(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    73 ~lf;;

    74 ..."t'l<1i 644,80 443(81} P(l) -(-5) W -(~5) - (-5) -(-5)

    75 ,,"'('nI¥T !f;<'!l 1,455.62 1,450(257) M( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10 ) B~

    76 f'l\'<1T, 823,12 932(159) P(I).M(I) D(I) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10} BS PUC(I) 77 ~"'-IIli~T 1,049,32 713 (138) P(I) -(-5 > W,R -(-5) --( 5-10) -(5-10)

    78 f,mf;:qr 'liiftl1 576.43 498(83) P( I) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(HO)

    79 !f1",rrlf

    80 <'!'G..rrz 166.68 IIS( 11',) -(-5) -(-5) R -H) -(10+) -(10+) 129

    f¥i;!~ l!tR ~fiI ,,~,! ~t~~\~. "qlft'!. ~I. fiif'lw 'fii~l!l ~ "". re:q!ft III r~" ITIl! ~P!1l! 't.;;~':t , J~~ l! \~l! ""-110111 ~ ~) {I[jlij 6lJ;) .. ,~fit~Tf9" (f.!;.'1ft :(r) Land ule (. c. area under different types of land III[jIfl ,!:'UeI!1I ~e 'in bcciares;'~u~ded UP. to 2 decimal places,) "i!Pii( t ~,,,,, ,-__-_. ______A ______-, II'fi[ll lJ"i!

    11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

    ------~----~------FP Nasrullaganj(:!l) Jowar, 25.71 18.29 1.63 Mongra Kheda Wheat FP Nasrullaganj ( 1 g) Jowar, 208.87 32.53 2.17 Bhilai Wheat FP Nasrullaganj ( 19) Wheat, 95.44 35.62 3.07 Sirali Gram FP NasTuJhganj( 19) Wheat, 129.33 130.65 16.56 6.89 Palaspani Gram FP Nasrull aganj ( 18 ) Wheat, 130.31 21.96 2.62 Ratanpur Gram FP Nasrullaganj (17) Wheat, 107.04 7.40 640.86 573.78 60.33 T(1) Tikamod Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 17 ) Wheat, 9.99 9.70 171.31 71.90 t 3.54 Mariyado Gram FP Nasrullaganj(15) Wheat, 17.27 328.85 104.75 22.70 Suned Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 10) EAg Wheat, 13.54W 533.41 220.76 39.23 J3h~dakui Jowar FP NasrUlIaganj( (2) Wheat, 7.34W 444.52 183.35 22.94 Gularpura Jowar FP Nasrull agani ( 11 ) Wheat, 3.15W 486.27 203.66 33. t 2 T(l) Palasi Kalan Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 6) BAg Wheat, 36.17W 614 41 163.31 34,91 Nim~agaon Gram FP Nasrullaganj( 6) Wheat. 12.82W 5~5.64 106.15 15.58 Kharsania Gram FP Nasrullaganj (3) BAg Wheat, 3.35W 495.83 12437 21.25 Bocjlan Jowar PR Nasru]!aganj( 5) EA Wheat, 4.61VI 1,020.99 360.49 69.53 N(4),T(1) ~orkhedlKalan }owar PF. Nasrlll!aganj (8) ED Wheat, O.5SW 538.02 235 39 49.16 Gillore Jowar FP Nasrulla"ganj( 8) Wheat, 17.53W 631.95 354.05 45.79 Hal yakhedj Jowar 19.13 M(l) Richhadiya FP Nasrul '~ganj( 5) Wheat, 21.23W 371.37 164.70 Jowar Kadeem Balagaon FP NaHullaganj(8) Wheat. 6.07W 463,11 25595 39.53 Jowar KR Nasrullaganj( 2) Wheat, 4.29W 9+.84 55.01 12.54 Nandkot Jowar 130

    -~-.--.-~ .. -.---- ~If lIt11' 'Iil lfI1t Ilf1l1l!1 p~'" ;Jlf;rq ir.r.'!fl':aTq(l{ft' "I! it i!R!fI1'i a'l1lilllt~ • tit llil'l1l' iI H iw Wtrllff ~I ~ "'~ ~.iif'li1il ~. qll:~tl em lRI~ ;m (t.n~ if IIt1I' ~ filrWi"t rtt q"( l,Jfimq a'R'l'" ~ 1I't! s'It q~ q ~ '!~ (i'Rn ') ~ ... , rt !I'm " otr 1lf t -s fiI>.lft., S·10 fiI>.Ii'f.lI'llo+fiI;.lfl. "meqiti •• nail able (if OOt available withiq the village, a dash (-) is shown iq tbe column aod O!Xt 10 il in bractell, Ibe distance io broad ranges viz ·Skms.S.10tOll and lO+kms of the oearest place wbere lb. facility is available is given). "..... A. .... Wt'l'f1rr1fl fll'fll;w ,,)hl'!'I'!'i filii lI'h ;mln:/~ 'iiI Riff &'m~iiI'IIf' aI, il> f~iI qf~ ,,,It ~ (II" 'fi!1'f'ilii. Loca- Tolal fiflil , 'iI1f -IIJ1i ) !ioo TOIlI atea !)oVulation Day OJ Communica· code or tbe and Drinkinl days of lioDS(Bus-SIOp. num' Name of ,iIlage (in Dumber of waler POlt and tbe markel! railway stalion, ber Village bectare. ) bousebold. Educational Medical (Potable) Telegrapb bat, if any water way,

    .-----~-----, 2 3 4 6 8 9 10

    ----~~ ---~----.--- ~----~------~------__ - --~-~- 81 ""~'l~s:'f 4H.31 150(24) -H) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    R2 f

    R 83 "1"f'lil'C 535.64 539(102) P(I) -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

    84 ll'il 60~. 17 446{~9) P(I) +-5) R 0(.,5 ) ~(5-IO) -(5-10)

    g 5 l1iP'Tf,,'l1 403.13 536(93) P(I) PHC(I) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    P(I) R,W Ro ;fr,,!"~ 698.23 487(85) -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-1:J)

    87 nlll;;fi" 263.88 103(21) P( 1) -(-5) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    88 ;it,~il 430.60 530(91) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    S9 "I'i'l 904.72 82 8(141) P(t),M(I) PItS ( 1 ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    90 ~'ifolTl 755.60 699(111) P(l) o( - 5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    91 ~

    549(1(10) P( I)· W,HP -(-5) 92 'iill'~1 'It-'I 521.92 -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    279(44) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) 93 ~~m" 676.13 -(-5) -H}


    1 -(5.. 10) 95f~ 377.40 45 (13) -(5-10) -(5- 0) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10)

    96 Gif.'ll 344.53 318(56) - (-5) -( 5-1 0) W -(S-IO) -(5-10) -( 5-1 0)

    97 I'fur'll

    n a-,;rm 253.69 129(24) -(-5) -(5-10) W -H} -(S-tO) -(-5)


    100 '{ioq-'r, 867.41 500(83) P( 1) -(-5) VI', R -(-5) -H) -(-5\ 131

    Amenities and Land use Nasrullaganj Tahsil

    ~I(lf"( 'lllr rmihr (,,111111 '!,ftr a'llflv 'lit flfr"" fil;frn 't ~ fu,,,~ urflfili ttti;r~I. iWlrt if flRi!tll! QQ. ~ lit flllfil 1IlIi) ~mil:lf«ifi} (fili.m.{r) Land ilia (i. e area under different type I ot Land 8N'IT ~~~ IIle in hectares rOUnded up, 10 2 decimal place•• ) I!~q it ~;;{Y .-______A ______-, "~

    J1 I! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    FP NasrulJaganj (9) Wheat, o.66VV 293.66 117.26 16 73 Sohan Khedi Jowar FP Nasrullagani (12) Wheat, 118.45 118 54 79.72 Tigali Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (11) Wh,at, 4.32W 287 86 158. (8 85.28 Seelkanth Jowar FP Nasrullal,'llnj (9) Wheat, 6.g2W 356.11 169.99 69.25 TC[llple Mandhi Jowar FP Nasrulla!;anj (6) Wheat, 4 36W 249 65 135 37 13.75 Atrali~ Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (8) Wbeat, 15.23W 319.20 276.19 87.61 Temple Neel Kanth Iowaf FP Nasrul]aganj (8) Wheat, 10.68W 164.40 70 61 18.19 Manjhli lowar FP Nasrullaganj (6) Wheat, 8.33W 293,32 116.71 12.24 Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (6) Wheat. 32.17W 630.99 206.03 35.53 C(2) Chich Gram T(2) FP Nasrullaganj (2) ED Wheat, 2.43W 546.62 180.78 25.77 N(3) Sonthiya Jowar KR Nasrullaganj (2) Wheat, 7.61W 339.27 1~6.71 16.22 Rujan Kheai Gram FP Nasrullaganj (2) ED,EAg Wheat, 17.40W 366.62 116.31 21.59 Chanda G:than Gram FP Nasfullaganj (3) ED ,AEg Wheat, 7.99W 444.42 206.97 16.75 T( 1) Mehrugaun Gram M( 1) FP Nasrullaganj (4) Wheat, 2.31W 259.86 109.16 10.14 Jogala Gram FP Nasrullaganj (5) Wheat, 8.90W 271 33 88.00 9 10 Bhlmga@Il Gram FP Nasrullaganj (10) Wheat, 5.55W 215.29 80 18 7.S1 Dhandia Iowar FP Nasrullapnj (0) EA Wh.eat, 15.92W 783.20 198.32 38.39 N( 1) Chhitgaon Moji lowar T(2) FP Nasrullaganj (l 0) Wheat, 5.66 165.72 7741 4.90 M(2) Dhannas Jowar F P Nasrullaga nj (12) \'Iheat, 10.62 275 47 60.19 12.48 Baisad Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 13) EAg Wheat 66.95 14.21N 468.89 283.25 34.11 Lanchor 132

    ;:mq~ •.=nrf~ ~~lIf lII';{ "1f~~TIi ~ ~fq """'"

    ~If 11111" ;m ;n1l' It1l'lIiJ P IiTIRiIln ;ql'liU or;r~l!fT!{ (.qk WI" it '!finrr~ ~... ~ aS't lIiJOI1I' it (-0) h' '"Tnrr ~, ~ ..~ ~lfi~ ~.; Ifftlfl~ vA ;mt WN 1ft ~ it IrI1!' It r.r1l'l1 ~u Ti gl (if!! RIIf lOli- Loca- Total ~~iI • fi-101i ) tion Tota' area population Day 01 Communica· oode of the and Drrnkml days of tions(Bus-stop, nurn- Name of village (in number of water Posl and the market'/ railway station, ber Village heotarel) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat. if any water way.

    2 4 6 !I 10 . --.--_------_- tOI

    to:! ~1"!"1i0! 657.89 589(105) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(05-10) -(5-~0) -( 5-10)

    103 ;;~!i~r 854.01 345(57) P( 1) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    104 qTO!ff<;I~ 287.73 215(34) -( - 5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5-1(1) -(10+)

    10~ ~",,\\li:;r 29,30.05 1,577(226) 1'(3) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ )

    106 ",rolflil! 297.61 204(39) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) ~ (5-10) -(IO+)

    107 Q"ff'l'r;;! :;r

    108 'lil~ft'l'r 573.49 188(34) -( -5) -(-5) w -(-5) ~(-5_1 -(10+)

    109 'liT,," fqqfff'H 763.41 578( 106) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    110 ~T,(+!~ 421.24 153(25) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    111 'lJ11'l;" 'if'Mf~1 1,463.842,443(431) P(I),M(l) D(1) W,K -( 10+) Monday -(5-10)

    112 "1'ff\~Tcl 79.97 161(21) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(10+)

    113 ~~& 62.98 277(51) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(-5) -( I(}-+)

    114 ""t" 1. 45 937( 111) P( I) ,,(lOT) W -(10+) -(-5) _(10+) 115 IT,1f 189.57 395(62) P(l) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    .ft;;rQlc'l 116 313.55 141 (16) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    117 "I~i'll 806.20 256(44) P( 1) -(-5) W,K -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) 118 ;;lf~1 lli~

    120 ",!",;;rr~~;f 332.20 203(40) -H) -(-5) W,R -(-5) ...,_(5-10) ~(5-10) 133

    Amenities and Land use NasruUaganj Tahail

    lIT1f(A; fulRmf~ ~m ~Iilf '{fir raq1I11r (."ie wfir ~ llit f,.-r"w Ii!;Mf ij; ~ I!tq-n mflAi 11111 ifiPUIi Ifi~ ~ij~ fil 11>'\ 1Ill'llft ~ if f_If Q"". if; lit ~lIflli ~) qmitlf«ifi ! 'Ii{ 11m tfifi.iU~5 ~ tand Die (i. e Ilea Ilnder different types of Land af'.l'IT~<"! 1110 in bectarel rODnd~d UP. 10 2 decimal place •. ) lIQ

    11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

    FP Nasrul Iaganj( J 4) EAg, EOWheat 115.40 18.44W 306.38 142.90 27.09 Panchore

    FP Nasrullaganj(7) BAg. EOWheat 12.82R 464.49 140.18 40.40 Hathigllat

    FP Nasrul1aganj( 9) Wheat 265.29 5,.54R 384.03 171.01 28.14 T(J) Nah~r Kheda Jowar FP Nasrullaganj(29 ) Wheat 171. 09 RO.90 35.74 Pattalai Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 39) Wheat 1744.7& 1.59W 829.94 319.88 33 86 Ameerganj Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 30) Wheat 14.3~ 111. 13 94.80 17.33 Lawapani Iowar FP NasrulIaganJ (29) Wheat 4.00 O.41W 244.56 73.69 11.97 Semalpani Jado. Jowar FP Nasru)laganj(26) Wheat 117.84 1. 73W 304.17 133. 41 16.34 Kankaria Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 14) .. Wheat 88.33 6.3SW 491.70 151. 72 25.31 KOlra Pipal ia Iowar T( 1) Harmall FP Na Hullaganj (14) .. Wheat 17.33R 270.62 103.73 29.56 Jow;!r 111.05 T(3) Rampura Ch1kaldi FP N asru 11 rganj( 17) Wheat 11. 24R 924.63 416.92 Jowar Chatarkota FP Nasrullag1nj (35) When! 61. 71 15.26 lowar Amdoh FP Nasrullaganj( 3 5) Wheat 0,18W 55.7"2 7,08 Jowaf Khaiuri FP Na~rullaganj( 45) •• Wheat 0.75W 0.52 0.18 Jowar Dhalla FP N asrulbganj(30) •• Wheal 152.43 37.14 Jowar Beelpati FP Nasruljaganj(28) .• Wheat 151.92 86.45 64.28 10.90 Jowar 41.68 Narela FP Nasrullaganj( 25 )EA Wheat 43.62R 431.69 289.21 Jowar •• Nadia Kheda BUZUf FP Nasru llaganj (25) •• Wheat 25.87 6.49R 215.71 83.69 14.16 g Jowar JUlUonia Bazyaft FP NasruJlaganj(20) .• Wheat 1.12R 263.33 88.33 16.64 Jowar FP Nasrul)aganj(20) .• Wheat g.40R 191.08 114 89 17 63 Chicl~laha Klmfd Jowar U4

    ~t:~T"Gf R'!:«)tcr ii'{;:r-WqCTTIl ~ ,'!fq ~qll'ht

    .--~.------~" IIT'If 'I>T ,,"II .'If'lil .~ mtln i'fi.'fi8 or.r.~!TT'{(Il'~ VfI' if ~It :O~~ t en llirli1l it (-) .!IT I!r'l1Il'f 1T1rT ~ '!iii ,1ft !jjaq;q qliOf~T,", m ;Aft ItRIIP Ifi'l~ illlTlf ij- r.t'1 ~i!l Ii,"" ~lf1;1i' al'- if; f.l! IIfhitf ~ ('HI ~I'f 'OI~· Loea- TOtal ~n . fi-lfJ1i) tion fotal area population Day or Com mUllica· code of the and OnnlCJlla days of tions(Bus-stop. num' Name of villago (in number of water Posl and the markell railway station. ber Village heotarel) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegrapb bal, ir any waterway. 2 3 4 6 9 10 ------_ .~------.-_--- J21 ~i)'l<1 666.13 982(173) P(l),M(I) -(5 10) W PO -(5~IO) -(-5)

    122 ElTIf'¥1 444.94 23 (9) -(-5) -(-5) W -( 5-10) -(- 5) -(-5)

    ~(-5) 123 'I1'.i{~ 141.22 9(1) -( .5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

    _(_5) 124 -.zlilT :;r;::r~ 309.15 92(20) -(-5) R -(~5 ) -(-5) -(-5)

    -(.5) 125 f';>lTf~1ll 200.35 192(30) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

    --(-5 ) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 126 ,1FI~1 235.67 155(29) -(- 5) W,HP

    127 f'l'frf'l1lT 589.81 4J3(81) P(l) -(5-10) W,R -H) -(5-10) -(-5)

    -(5-10) 128 f"",;;rTi[T 'Ji<'lT 429.58 239(49) P(1) R -(-5) -(10+> -(-5)

    -(5-10) W -(-5) 129 ClNl~ 294.15 546(104 ) P(I) -(5-10) -(-5)

    130 'ill?_l'l 369.07 133 (20) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    131 qrq;;y ")~J 547.72 343(49} P( 1) -(5-10) R,N -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    132 ~~lf.::ln 577.31 235(37) -H) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(1(1+ > -(-5)

    133 f':i5lfT, 307.67 709 (11 8) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) • (5-10)

    134 19'T

    135 'l,,,1ft'f 877.88 877(156) P(l),M(1) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5~10) BS

    136 '!l'l'};"T 409.57 408(62) (PI) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -H)


    138 aTl11Tl 482.69 354(56) P( I) -(10+) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    139 qT~f

    140 3\'\If"f1:Sf 309.31 434(79 ) P( 1 ) -(~O+) W,R -(5-10) -(1 0+) -(5-10) 135

    Amenities and Land use Nasrul1aganj Tahsil

    VTJI a.; f.r'lieiPPf1l< mWt ~'" '{ftr 'Iq'1jtq (pili 'if*! ~lit1t 'iiI r.nnl filifJfl ij; mr ~tOJ'ft arfq1li VTJf 'lir illlI Ifi~. ~,mll''O II>i ~ ill€lA ii fQ!tf1i II'1Iq1I it lit ~liI lR» ~ftll!lf,,'fi 'iii Jltll (f'li.iUr5 I!fQr Land lIIe (i. e. area under different type. of Land ~'f

    . KR Nasnl! laganj ( f 3 ) EA Wheat, 29.96W 446.50 165.51 24.16 Soya! Jowar KR Nasrul1a~j( 18) Wheat, 20.78R 333.60 79.56 11.00 Dhamanda Jowar KR Nasrullaganj( 17) Wheat, 3.70W 92.68 38.85 5.99 Bhabbad Jowar KR Nasrullaganj( 17) Wheat. 6.41R 238.83 17.59 16.32 Itawa Jadeed Jowaf KR Narsullaganj( 11) Wheat, 2.00R 149.46 44.11 4.78 Rinjhadia Jowar KR Nasru11aganj( 12) EA Wheat, 23.35R 138.19 53.82 20.31 Ramgarha Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 13 ) Wheat, 2.02W 412.28 153.2S 21. 93 Nip:mia Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (15) Wheat. 3".84W 225.63 146.89 26.22 ChichI aha Kalan _ Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 14 ) Wheat, 206.62 74.75 12.78 Tajpur Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 17) Wheal, 2.27W 271.12 78.46 17.22 Gohan Jowar FP Nasmll aganj( 12) Wheat, 350.04 177.55 20.13 Pi pal Kota Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 9) Wheat, 6 22R 424.48 119.66 26.95 Barodia lowar FP Nasrullaganj (7) Wheat, O.96W 243.26 51. R9 11. 56 Rilhwar Jowar FP NasruIlaganj( 7 ) Wheat, 2_60N 175.83 76.89 7.37 Khatia Khedi Jowar PR N a5ru Ilaganj ( 6 ) EA Wheat 9.00R 549.91 268.30 50.60 N( 1) Nandgaon Jowar C( 1 ),T( I) FP NasruUaganj(8) Wheat, 1.59N 263.79 125.56 18.63 Khanpllra Iowar FP Nasrull aganj ( 10) EA Wheat, 0.90N 237.14 104.64 29·09 S"alrana .1owuf FP NasrulJaganj( 13) Wheat, 0.54W 324,34 125.86 31.95 Agra lowar PP NasruI Jaganj (10) Wheal, 2.59 341.78 154.72 18.02 Padliya Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 12) Wheat, 1.51R 183.49 95.1 :2 29.19 Amlada Jowar 136

    rrn-~t:~TJjiif ('I'i'!m~ iif~-§f~UT~ ~ ~ ~\'fl.t)rr

    ~!I Vl1l''frr ;mr qrfl 'iiI ~~ mrill n'W

    P(I) W.R 142 10fPI,!' 320.42 365(62) -(10+) -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

    143 .,I'{qT;{1 607.22 529(97) P(1) -( 10+) W -(10+) -(10+) ... (5-10)

    P(l) W,R 144 ;frI;"freT 389.76 261(48) ~(lO+) -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    145 f<[qf'illlT l[{;;rlIl 266.47 58(7) -(-5) -(10+) R -(HO) -( 10+) -(-5)

    319(62) P(I) -(10+) W,R -(5-10) 146 ;jTf~l

    250.36 340(60) P(1 ) -(10+ ) W -(HO) 147 '!f',,~r -(10+) -(-5)

    382(63) pel) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) 148 rnTI'fl1'l ~a 545.63 -(5-10) -(5-10)

    205(32) .. ( -5) -15-10) W,R -(-5) - (5":'10) 149 l>'1'f>Ti!' 385.23 -(S-IO)

    346.66 380(61) P(l) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(10+) 150 ~ql'irrl. -( 10+)

    -(-5) R,HP -(~5) 151 ;{l'ln 933.45 746(125 ) PO) -(10+) -(10+)

    379.21 12(1(18) .... (-5) -(10+) W,R -( 10+) -(10+) 152 ~I'T' -(10+)

    -(10+) R -(-5) -(10+) 153 +I~Irt

    866(155) P(1),M(I) -( IlJ+) "",R -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 154 f~m~ 769.76

    ( 5- 10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) 155 '(I .. T 2,862.60 1,971(328) P(I),1f(I) -(-5)

    P(1) -(5-10) W,R -(5 .. 10) -(-510) -(5~IO) 156 fllmfg!l1 697.59 1,366(224)

    617(103) P(l) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+) 157 rsr~lffq 651.21

    ~(-5) ~(-5) -{I 0+) 158 f~'llffq '!>fl'l1 765.54 1,128(192) P(I),M(I) W,R -(5-10)

    159 f, !9lf9'f1 qr~a: 357.33 114(21) -(-5) -H) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    160 f:SllT'Il' 1.224.38 1.025(184) PO), M(I) D(1 ) R -(to+) -(10+) -(10+) ]37

    Amenities and Land use Nasrullaganj Tahsil

    VlII ('!!Ii f.rlI;!iI1f 4fll"( fQl'iT 'l11! .fIr

    II 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    _------~------~------_-- FP Nasrullaganj(12) Wheal, 7.52 2.4JW 161.48 179.06 33.66 Patrani Jowar KR :N'asruJlaganj(12) Wheat, 12.62 4.34W 196.07 89.50 17.89 Malajpur Jowar PR Nasfullaganj (1 3) EA Wheat, 91. 3'1 2.07W 379.61 112.43 21.80 M(2) Kalwana Jowar FP Nasrullagani ( 16) Wheat. O.ISW 241.36 129.43 18.82 Borghati lowar FP Nasrullaganj ( 1 5) Wheat, 39.41 136.75 84.78 5.53 Pipalia Khalsa Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 16) EA Wheat, 0.41W 141.56 143'.56 13 .43 f(I) NandakhedaKhals Jowar M(I) FP Nasrullaganj(15 ) Wheat, 161. 32 77_3L 11.73 Chandpura Jowar FP Nasfullagan(21 ) Wheat, O.04R 389.07 149.83 6.64 Hasni a Khurd Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 18) Wheat, 7.52 233.47 127.26 16.98 Dltankot Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (18) Wheat, 207.29 126.20 J 3.17 Shyamugaon Jowar FP Nasrullaganj(18) Wheat, 13.40W 505.68 330 70 83.67 Babri Jowar FP Nasrullaganj ( 11 ) Wheat, 2.4JR 178.84 175.99 2\.95 Jhagar Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 14) Wheat, 16.59W 545.53 292.90 34.73 T( 1) Mllhagaon Jade Jowar FP Nasnll1 aganj( 16) Wheat, 8.90W 480.0\ 249.44 31.41 Digwad Jowar PR Nasrullaganj ( 5 ) EA Wheat. 4.37W 2,072.11 674.69 111.42 T( I) Rala Jowar FP Nasfllllaganj(9) Wheat. 458.89 198.52 40.18 N(1) Tiladia Jowar FP Nasru lIaganj (12) Wheat. 393.63 218.35 39.23 Kha,lgaon Jowar FP Nasrul Jaganj (13) Wheat, 1.00R 452.62 215.47 96.45 Chhitgaon Kachhi Jowar FP :N'asrullaganj( 13) Wheat, 229.54 117.06 10.73 Richlnriya 1adeed Jowar f'p Nar,rullaganj( 14) Wheat, 4,05R 636 49 375.Sg 207 96 Dimawar 138

    vl"IIiT form... ilriiT;a Ofif-Wifarq(lif<: 1'111 ii ~mmt "f 'If ~ -5 f.!r •>it .. 5-10 f.!r.>it. II'! lO+fiI>.lII. ,o\meojtie. availablc(ir not available within the village. a dash (-) is shown in tbe column and DOXllo il in brackets. the d'8tance in broad ranges viz -SkIDs.5-1 Okm, and IO+kms of tbe nearest place wbere tb •. faciiily is ava,lable is given). ,_------___ A. llTl!'lfllf'li f~mlTT rff.t 'f;1 '1'1'11 ,rlt Q'')'{ ifr.m:/~ 'f;1 f<:.'1/ Ii'll'{ '14",",11 ,m: if, fa-'! Q"ta' ifi)t ~ (q ~T" ....._ LOea. TOlal filii''! •Gr.!-1!T1Ii ) lion fota' area population Day or Communica· Qodc or the and Drinkln. days of tions(Bus-stop. water PoSI aDd num" Name of village (in Dumber of the marketl railway statioD, ber Village bectares} households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way.

    2 3 4 6 10 c ______------R 161 '1~'li'f 371.09 299(45) P(I) -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

    IG2 O;{l f liT 31!{f~ 576.34 407(63) P( I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(10+)

    163 f~!iiT'T 5.67 76( I:!) P(I) -(10+) w -(10+) -(5-10)

    _(10+) W 164 ;flin"r 758.01 459(78) P(I) -( 10+) -( 10-i-)

    _(_5) 165 ~a;~1 176.04 417(47) pel) w ~(-5) -(-5 ) -(-5)

    166 iI",,'nif"r 1,316.23 137 (20) -(-5) ... (10+) HP -(10+) -(10+)

    167 ~'(~ iliff 251.27 98(13) -(5-10) • (10+) w -(10+) -(5-10)

    16& 3!lf'11fi!ro:! 460.91 259(34) -(-5) -(5-10) R -( 5 ·10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    112,123.34 91,097 p( 122) D(4) (IS,442) M(21) FPC(l) P{!C(4) pHe(s) PHS(l) SMP{l) J3.9

    Amenities and Land use . Nasrullaganj Tah8i1

    IIII' a. f.r~ 11111: 11111 i~ (."Ie "rll Iijqll1tt IF.I flOf"w f5tlll t iii. fitqljt Inflllll qj~. q. i~ ctl • tlfi~ if f_lI QlQiI iii "fI!lJilIiPli) ~ffi.rfll'lII II>T lWT (f.to.m.U) Land ute (i. e uca under different type, of Land 1I1!l.r 'n:r(wr owe in MC[arel fOUnded u". [0 2 decimal "Iacea.) .-______..A... ______-._ '''1'" ~ "'-1,,1 IIfilft .!iTHri lim t r... ii ilq"TO"I!~ V~q\i!'" Rem.rlel (If)'!~ ,,1~ including "'TUlflll:) II'fillf) any place of ApprD­ Nearest Cullurable Alea 1I0t religious, acb [own and ",as'e( inclu. available bistorical to distance Power Staple Irnga ICd VnlTrI. dtng gauchar for or archaeolo· Name of village (in !ems) supply food Forest by louree ga ted and groves) CullivatioL' Ilca I illl erest Village

    --.~----.- ~ --~------.- II 12 13 14 " 16 17 18 19 20 FF Nasrullaganj (14) Wheat, 6.02R 188.85 63.37 1]".85 Badgaon Jowar FP Nasru!!aganj (14) Wheat, T.2m ~i5. 10 193.80 106.~3 AmhaJ~deed Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (20) Wheat, 5.67 Sirali Jowar FP Sehore (40) Wheat, 272.39 242.81 :.. 42.81 Dabri Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (20) Wheat, 176 04 $ewania Jowar FP Nasrullaganj( 35) Wheat, 250.09 44.52 1,021.62 Borpani Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (25) Wheat, 13 2.32 Surai Dhaba Jowar FP Nasrullaganj (38) Wheat, 71.B 389.58 Ambajhiri Jowar ------=---:-_.. __ .__ 18,589 54 57,411. 99 8,433.62 T (27) 1.141.95 75.212.01 M (111) C (3) N (16) ----_. _-_._- 140

    ¥'l=tT a~ ...j~ Gl~~Ti ~ '1'" :.;qqhy

    ~If !I!lI' 'liT ;

    ill1'~ll1 flfflt;w cft~'IiT '1'1",), ;;:"" Ir'h ifr\llT<:/~ 'iii fi{'I'/ !I'

    3 4 6 9 10

    ----~-~------"--~ ------~-~~ -_----- !fTf.rllt~ 499.38 206(54) -H) -(10+) W,HP -( .... 5) -(10+) -(10+)

    :! orl,1tT 1,497.74 380( 62) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

    3 Olmf;;m ;f<;{i 1.052.15 .231(35) P{I) -(5-10) w -H) -(5-10) -( 5-10)

    4 ~11\')' "'c~~ 1,821L23 446(71) P(t) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) BS

    5 ~ltr7l 994. 12 306(59) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    6 itm~;f')' 882.84 117(22) -(S..-10) -(10+) W,F -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    7 1lf'!,!,T 812.55 355(68) P( 1) -(10+) W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

    8 UI'I'!' 2.,08.32 447(77) P(1) -(10+) W,R -(5-10) -(10+) -( -5)

    9 oiit 473 93 463(91, PC 1) -( 5-10)' W PO -(5-10) ~(5-10)

    10 ,ihul 1 ,135 54 1,120(182) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -H)

    11 lI'l>'m ti~r 196 56 '1"rF!

    12 'I[~'" 5S0·99 575(103) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    13 Mqf<'l'!fT iIT'illl'fllCf 246·23 94( 18) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-s) -(5-10) -(-S)

    14 it.] S.;5.35 348(61) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

    IS ,!Tflf

    16 'lil'!lfl 245·40 255(48) -(-5) -'-5) w -(-5) -(-S) -\-5)

    17 it~q~T 331.71 181(35) P(1) -(~5) W -(-5) --(-5) -(-5)

    IS Ifl'')' 1l,rft!ff 611.54 639(112) P{ 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    19 '{~i':l 928.26 5,225(981) P(2) ,M(l), D( 1 l, W,HP,R PO & Wednesday BS PUC( 1) FPC (1 ) Phone 20 'IT'''llqilH 397·80 312(6S) P(I) -(-5) w -( -5) -(-5) as 141

    Amenities and Land use NasruUaganj Tahsil

    Illll a'Ii f.t~,'Im: f\mn ~ ,111 ,,_ ("1ft "l,"' W'I1i'11I ~ rlif'l!w 11ti","t il; !lfi'f ~"tfl mill'ifi IIr" ~fI;f11l' q''{iI ~ in. riI II>'t VRmI illin ii flAilRlll , ... iii II) fflI;{ 1I'Ii) ~fit~Ifa~ ~ 11m tfl!;.~.~) gfim Laod UlC (i. e am uoder differem type. or Laod IItm,!~al'll lIIe in belltatel fOUnded \Il). to 2 decimal place•. ) ~if;~~T ,...______-- _A______.~fiJ:i! q;r arlf"ll ~ IT, .!IIU"'" .!II iii rwr; fam f~f;m ~"""'1Iiij[1 1I~""i9 Remarki ('1i'iil: ",)1 inclUding IiffUrruil !If!!!!) any place of Appro. N ear es\ Culrurable Area not reliaiOUl, Reb town and was Ie! melu. 8\lailablf historical to distance Powel Staple Irrigate., UOlr1l. dmg gau~hal tar or 811Chaeolo. Name of ~ilIagc (iokms) supply food Forest by 80UfIlII pled and groves) cuitivuliml g1eat interesl Village

    ~-~------_------_------_------"-- - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    -----~------KR Nasrl1llagaltj (35) Jawar, 397.91 1.40R. 55.97 16.63 27.47 Jholiapur Wheat KR Nasrulbganj (.10) Jowar, 4.61R 276.34 56.87 1,159.92 Bardha Wheat KR Nasrullaganj (45) Jowar, 217.55 104.94 729.66 Jamollia Kalan Wheat PR N asrull aganj ( 42) Jowar, 166.01 48.51 1,613.71 C(I),T(2), Semri Katkuwa Wheat N(l) KR NasrulIag.nj (39) Jowar, 4.13R 404.89 122.25 462.85 Dongri Wheat PR (17) Jowar, 854.88 14.84 0.41 12.?1 T(1) Dehwadi Wlleat J{:R Nasrullaganj (45) Jowar, 263.88 25.38 523.29 Khanpura Wheat KR Nasfullaganj (45) Jowar, 2.19W 346.33 51. 27 1,808.53 Ratanpur Wheat KR Nasrull aganj (28) ED Jawar, 30.20R 300.98 67.45 75.10 C(l ),T(2) Kheri Wheat KR Nasrullaganj (26) Jowar, 777.89 99.85 257.80 Bordhi Wheat Uninhabi ted Bordha Kheda

    KR Nas ruIl aganj (26) lowar, 450.34 78.78 51. 87 T(2) Bhadkul Wheat KR Nasrullaganj (22) Jawar, 2.00R 215.16 29.07 T( 1) Pipalia Bazyaft Wheat PR Nasrullaganj (22) Jowar , 315.73 17.73R 177.62 1.08 33.19 Bori Wheat KR Nasrullaganj (21) EAg Jowar , 198.09 18.72W, 349.42 0.62 36.48 T(I) Sagonia Wheat 9.09R KR Nasrullaganj (21) EAg Jowar, 12.28R 200.24 1 )1 30.97 Kosmi Wheat KR Nasrullaganj(21) Jowar, 6.99W, 294.29 1. 03 26. 79 Gehunkheda Wheat 2.61R KR Nasrll1laganj (21) Jowar, IO.44W 560.09 41.01 T( 1) Gon.di Guradia Wbe3! PR Nasrullaganj (20) EA Jawar, 40.00W, 681.42 66.95 84.4:! N(250),C(I~). Rehti Wheat 55.470, M(12),T(lO) PR Nasru lIaganj (12) EA lowar, 4.05W, 306.46 33.67 31. 33 C(1 ),T(3), Maliwayan Wheat . 22 290 N(4 ) 142

    i!~T~~ ~;r-~fI!fUTi ~ ~f~ :a-qqm

    ~q lIllf 'Ii'! 1'flll qlll iii! ~~"" ~qO\'ilJ 1;flf~1Jt~(qft IrA it ~f;m~ ~iRI ~ _ '" IIWi!W it (-) f~~, ttlIl ~ ~)g !jWlililtlifi ~Ij qftlfltl 11)1 an; iifllI {r 1Ii~ it VA ~ f.;r~) ~iI q< ,!f"~ v)~ ;r13lR/~ lIi1 ~'!I 1I';m IIIlmF' m 1l; fit'! qf~ riff IP (i1'9 fll'l ~ ..i. Loca- Total ~",fi.lIR) lion Total area population Day OJ Commuoica· code of the and Drinkina daYs of tions(Bus-stoP. nurn- Name of village (in number of water Post and tbe marketl railway station. ber Village heotare.) bousehold. Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat, if any waterway. -_- 2 3 4 6 8 9 [0

    W PO -(5-10) 21 ~\'T'I>'l1' 632.17' 522([03) P(1),C(I) -(5-10) BS


    23 '1:>:1:. Ii~ 333.19 l{TU'I

    605(106) 24 'fm'Ti'f 530.27 1'(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    121(19) -(-5) 25 (rll'fBfI 165.78 ~(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    26 ifl"!,{~~ 739.31 663(117) P(l) -(-5) W,HP ~(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    27 'Ii'li,~1 342.58 235(40) P(1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    !S liI~"Il 322.49 295(56) P( 1) -(-5) W,R PO -(-5) -(-5)

    29 'Il,'r

    30 if,>i~T 703.39 487(90) pel) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    31 of[l:lli~ 322.72 75 (14) P(I) -(-5) w,R -( -5) ~(-5) -(5-10)

    32 if<:~'l',!, 816.97 934(182) P(I),M(I) D(l) R PO Sunday -(5-10)

    33 "fr;rf'l'!fT 'Ii;;rT 264.63 166(30) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) ~(5-I(})

    34 1j~'I'1'-T1i~T 773.51 473(67) P( I) -(-5) w -H) -(-5) -(5-10)

    35 "I'I'lllfT 522.92 400(76) P(I) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    36 'l'-,<>T'ITif 615.48 428(72) P(I) -(-5) R -(~5) -(-5) -(5~10)

    37 'f~"'Ilt 251.52 281(49) P( I) -(5.10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    38 rq'l'r.r 338.53 200(36) PI 1 ) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    39 8fi'f"llrm: 631.58 328(56) P(l) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    40 'Ii'll" 494.63 306(54) P(I) -(-5) W,R -H) -(-5) -(5-10) 143

    Amenities and Land use Budni Tahsil


    --~.--- PR Nasrul1aganj (26) EA Wheat 352.97 11.26 267.94 N(5),M(I) Salkanpur Trust of Mother KR NasruJlaganj (23) Wheat 44.41R 325.58 12.18 27.56 Makodia Rehti

    T!ninhabited Gurad Kheda

    KR Nasfullaganj (23) Wheat 5.57W 423.62 77.65 23.43 Nayagaon

    KR Nasrnllaganj (25) Wheat O.OIW 136.96 24.13 4.68 Semaria

    KR Nasrullagln j (26) Wheat 54.65W, 613.96 29.91 37.15 M(I) Majarkui 3.64R KR Nasru!laganj (22) Wheat 32.52W 249.28 45.35 15.43 Kakarda

    KR Na&nll1aganj (23) Wheat 32.21W 268.28 11.94 10.05 Khadli

    KR Nasfullaganj (25) Wh8at, 1. 83R 201.04 41.90 12.27 Bhomda Jowar KR Nasrullaganj (27) Wheat. lO.44W 528.70 86.71 77.54 C(I),T(I) Barkheda Jowar KR Nasrullaganj (28) Wheat, 8.38W, 294.03 0.12 18.69 Behrakhedi Jowar 1.50R KR Nasrullaganj (30) Wheat, 6.94W 434.93 125.09 250.01 Mardanpur Rice KR Nasrullaganj (12) Wheat, 1.01R 155.89 97.34 10.39 Basama Kalan Ric~ KR NaHUllaganj (201 Wheat, 2.IOR 202.64 205.42 363.35 Sanwalkheda Jowar KR Nasrlf! Jaganj (20) Jowar, 2.02R 168.94 178.72 113.24 Jajn3 Wheat KR Nas rull aganj (1 2) Wheat, 125.73 24R.46 241.29 Mathagaon Jowar KR Nasrullaganj (14) Wheat, 114.17 37.48 39.87 Nahlai JowaT K.R Nasrul ~aganj (t 4) Wheat, 2.00R 135.30 61.22 140.01 Rewgaon Jowar KR Nasrullaganj (28) Wheat 238.33 146.06 247.19 Anwalighat

    KR Nasrullaganj (28) Wheat. 1.77R 207.82 121. 3! 1 (,3.73 Ganjeer Rice 144

    li!q;:r) a~\lf G(;J -.,f;;rN'li ~ 1!f" \Jqq)tt

    -~--- ~. 1If1l''liT1'lf1l' "''filii pm.. , ~iiI'" ar

    I!Tlfff1lT'Ii f'ffll;w crTit'6l crt,1 ~f!li' sr'h Cfr~/ijre 'liT F:if I !!''fn: 1!.T;m(' rn if; f>:1f !.Tf~ '!fit ~ (Ill! f!11f i<'!i. Loca- TOlal ~'1if ,Q-'lIti ) lioo Totll area population Day 0% Communica· code of the aod DrinklDl days of tions(Bus-SIOP. Dum' Name of village (in Dumber 01 water Post and tbe markel/ railway station. ber Village bectare. ) household. Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph bat. if any water way. _--_-_ ---.~"--- 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

    ~-~---~- 41 'WIltl 217.69 154(34) P(l) -(-5) .w -H) -(-5) -(5-10)

    42 'Tttlu 332.61 424(82) P( 1) -(-5) W -(~5) -(-5) ~(5~10)

    43 IfTtr·U 856.90 837(146) P(l),M(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5- 10)

    44 ~p:","r 769.70 431(76) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) ... (5-10) -(-5)

    45 wr'fiti! ';58.21 190(41) - (-5) -(5-10 ) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( - 5)

    46 ,!,~ 546.1& 596 (113) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -( 5- 10) - (- 5)

    47 '1'irn 600.13 510(86) P( I) -(5-1J) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5.10)


    W 49 lT1~ 556.53 721 (144) P(l) -(5-10) -(-5) -(5- 10) -(5-10)

    D(I) W PO 50 ql"~

    \'1 51 oft'1I~j:T 23".64 209(37) P(I) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    34(6) -(~5) -(-5) W -(-5) 52 WIn: 118.90 -(-5) -( -5)

    106(21) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 53 01)~1 366.44 -(-5)

    P(l),M(I) D(1 ) W Po Monday 54 ;n!.TT 2,868.27 1,785(365) BS

    W -(-5) -(-5) BS 55 a;~"fli~ 971. 62 460(79) P(l) -(-5)

    ·(-5) _(_5) -(-5) 56 orli(<:l 451.R7 161(27) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP,R

    -(5-1() -(5-10) -(5-10) 57 "ii'(T:lf'I'1 708.29 1,170(222) P( 1) ,M(1) -(5-10) W,R

    -(5-10) .58 l"[i:f5~1 340.69 36(7) - (-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10)

    59 "1,{1< 1,434.10 1,136 (191 ) P( I) M( 1) -(HO) W.R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5_JO)

    B<; liD ~),,"r~71 ~ 06.98 6Rl(126) p( 1) \ -(5-10) W -(5-10) _(5-10) 145

    Amenities and Land ·use Budni Tah~iI ._------Ill!' ;!'Ii f.r1mnr lim: miT '!~ Ifflr 'iWm (.",,, * IlClIiItt ,.1 film" I1mil ~ Iit~ f!t~ 1'llfll'li 1I1l'! 'li'ilTI! ~~ ~Ilm'~ 'iiI • ~.ii~lI''''l!ni& ~~AII'Ii) ~ft"l1fij'li lliT'Il'm (f.!;.1it.\tj ~ ""'" Land Ule (i. e. area under differcnl types of Land "".. "'U~!lI au in hectarel roundtd lip. to 2 decimal places.) l!~

    KR Nasfullagaoj (26) Wheat 5.43W 222.89 76.(:0 2R .29 Pangra

    KR Nasrullagaoj (26) Wheat, 23.20W, 71092 89.79 31.30 T(/) Mogra Rice 1.69R KR Nasrul1asanj (28) Wh~at, 410.42 64,62R, 237.73 23.54 23.29 T(I) Itars! Rice 10.IOW KR Nasrullagaoj (30) EAg, Wheat, 8.99W, 316 60 112 .15 19.26 T( 3) Dhankot EA Rice 1.21R KR Nasrullaganj (31) BAg, Wheat, 8.31W, 419.12 38.95 76.35 Tp) Murrah EA Rice 4.05R KR Nasrullaganj (33) Wheat, 6.97W, 443.77 33 44 11~.34 Pathoda Jowar O.61R KR Nasrullagaoj (30) Wheat 9.20W 162 21 25.68 59.19 Chama

    PR Nasrl

    PR Nasrullaganj l26) BAg Wheat 1,599.40 14.28W 684.74 134.05 68.83 T(2) Panguradia

    PR Nasru llaganj (2 ~ ) BAg Wheat 12.05W 189 72 17.33 13.54 Dipakheda

    PR Hoshangabad (29) Wheat, 7.61W 95.31 4.89 11.09 Safar Rice PR Ho shan gab ad (29) Wheat, 165.13 3.24W, 151.82 14.80 28.21 Odir! Rice 3.240 PR Hoshangabad (27) EA Wheat, 1,966.96 77.43R, 585.06 147.06 76 99 N(18),M(I), Bayao Rice 14.77W T(7)

    P~ Hoshangabact (25) EAg Wheat, 666.64 10.01W 179.44 77.73 37.80 T(I) Unchakheda Rice KR Hoshangabad (26) Wheat, 7.90 16.21R 373.)5 19.66 35.75 Blbda Rice KR Hoshangabad (35) Whe'H, 369.:'4 224.01 115 04 Jahajpura Rice KR Hoshangabad (35) Wheat, 2 .06R 223 . ~5 34·21 80.87 Sa[tUlnadi Rice KR Hoshanga bad (35) Wheat, 12.R3R 1,015.02 7'2.73 333·52 Ninore Rice PR Hoshangabad (12) Wheat, 273.51 1.22W 144.05 319.00 69.20 N( I) Holipura Kondo 146

    ~q;{T ~~~ iifif"ifllTati ~ ~fq \iqq'ht

    ;q... 11 ifiT.\IfiI'Ill~(lItiT 1111 it ,!flnnli ;mmI1I@ l'ft 1IiI<'l'lI it (-) W1Tllf1 ~I ~ ~II VII( '"' l'Illf "'111&1 fW IIIfWtll! t nr 'lilt ~w nlfilil ~Ii QRII1,1 vA fi~ m ~ .111l5'1i it !rill g f.;r;:r.it ru " W"!ffi{ ;-cr.rill ~ lIT! !itt" q r6 (!f!lllil1; ~ 11ft iii -5 Ai.Ift., 5-10 fiIr.Ift.IJIIO+Ai.III. ,,~ (~II'if) tl UIlJI t Amenities available(if nOI available within Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in tbe .olumo aod O"t! 10 il io bracken. the distance in broad ranges viz -Skms.5·IOkm. and Io+kms of the near~sl place where lb. facility IS available is given). ,_.. )..------.. WelfUTtw f'!ffifim Wt'fT 1ft'll ~"" 3it, iffijJ'f\/~ IJil fil''1j wm tlf...-' <1'1< ij; fn 1If~ .?if ~ (ifl! ~N ~" •• Loca-- TOlal ri",~,Q-IIIli) Total area oopulatioD Day 01 Communica· tiOD Drinklnl days of lions(Bus-slop. code of the and Name of village (in number of waler POS! and the markell railway stalion. num- Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat, if any waterway. ber Village beotare.) households Educational 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 -- _- - --_._ ------"- 302(55) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 61 ,"liT~ 2,508.54

    76([2) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 62 'IT">: '111\ 1,417.44

    P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 63 qf~~' 340.75 264(56)

    W -(-5) -(-5) BS 64 'ft<;fl "',I": 578.27 502(105) P(l) -(-5)

    W -(5-1) -(5-10) -(-5) 65 ~"''ltq 391 _92 297(54) -(-5) -(5-10)

    pel) --(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) 66 l1:a;~<;fi 618.47 934(172) -(-5)

    R -(5-10) "';(5-10) 67 'l,qlf~!{r 330.70 425(RO) P(I) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 68

    70 al<;f'!\'1 684.02 457(83) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1,661(325) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 71 'IT'll 272.00 -(-5)

    Puql), 'PHC(I) W,H,R PTO& TUesday BS,RI> 72

    74 "IIITf'l1!T ~~ti"" 389.96 975( 192) 1'(2) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    75 ~71~, 232.17 337(63) P([) -(5-10) W.R -(-5) -( 5-10) -(-5)

    76 "IT;;i\~, 329.30 802(126) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W,R PO -(-5) BS

    P(l) W -(-5) -( -5) 85 77 illfq"~T 1,570.82 918(139) -(5-10)

    18 1:r11'111, 1,04('87 351(66) 1'(1) -(5-[0) R -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    BS 79 ~r'l~' 620.39 389(65) P(1 ) -(5-[0) W.R -(5-10) ~(5-10)

    80 'illiI''I3'> 1162.98 74( 12) -(-5) -(-5) 'N,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 147

    Amenities and Land use Budni Tahsil

    ------~------_ _------_---- . 'Ilf 1I'fi fu'fi~1IlJ illl"{ filOlOlr 'i~ Ilf1r rail'®! ("Ie IlfIr raorJiltr llit r"fllll ~~1 ij; eiOl fl,Qllll IIlflf'!> Ifill" 'fiPlllJ 'Il~. ~ij""') (\'I ~ ~'lI • illill"{ Ii f~1f nn"l. ~ il ~"'T" ~) ~fuil:,f~lfi"! 'liT 11!11 \f'fi. 1fUt) V;f.m Land "". (i. c arca under different types of Land ifl!fllT T:"I"'I .Ie in bectares tounded up, 10 2 decimal place•. ) lf~'f ij; t>li'lt

    ~ ______A _____ ~ ___~ ~f~ 'f'! "Iailt ~ rf, liar Ii; fri ~a"" t ffl. fijf'W fijl'W .'{,"i'!lll,," Ol'r'liilel:T Relllarks ('it'il~ a)1 inclUding 'ilTU"li;"i"~"j aoy plact of ~p"ro. Ncarell Culturablc Arca nol religicu! , acb town and .·aste( melu. available historical to distance Power Staple IrT1gslco Uot[no dlDg gauchar for or arehaeolo. Name of ~i1lage (inkms) supply food Forest by source galed and groves) cultivali051 glcal illleresr Village ------_------_. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ----- KR Hoshangabad( 10) Wheat, 1,691.16 36.05 333.05 448.28 Khandabad Kondo KR Hosh:~r.g:tbad ( 10) Kondo, 1,295 65 46.85 74.94 Yar Nagar Jowar PR Hoshangabac (8) Wheal, 16.29 21.98 217.29 79.19 N(2) Pandado Jowar PR Hoshangabad (6) EAg Wheat 275.26 2.11W 142.07 7:' 03 84. GO N(3) Pdl Karar

    KR Hoshangabad (8) Wheat, 138.17 1 21W 88.61 119.4x 44.45 Devgaon Jo"'ar KR Hoshangabad( 4) EP, EAg Wheat, 9.47R 2 +4.39 181.86 182.75 Mall K11an Jowar KR Hoshangabad ( 6) Wheat 139.83 -;01.36 116.51 Guw~dia

    KR Hoshangabad(") Wheat 166.19 '19.53 48.23 Berkhedi

    Uninhabited Khapa Khurd

    PR Hoshang:.lb.1'1 (7) Wheat, 337.85 146.48 155 61 44.08 Talpura J()war KR Hoshangabad( 6) EA Wheat, 25.37 121. 28 60.17 65.18 N(4),M(J) Mana RiCe PR Hoshangabad( G) EA Wheat, 211.74 10.DOW 226.29 139.83 171.21 N( 115) M(2 I J, Budni Rice C(6).T(2) KR Hoshang"bad (8) EA Wheal, 3,598.43 183.08 189.25 372.56 1'(2 ) Bamapur Rice

    PR Hoshar.g1b,\·j (~) EA Wheat 202.1G 14.16R 54.24 83.06 36.34 T( 79) , Jamonia N(50) Sha!'ganj PR Has hangahau (2) Wheal 47.72 130.90 53.55 Jharrapur

    PR Hoshangab~J( 1 ) Wheat R.C(R 1~8.07 97 33 95.24 Joshipur

    PR HoshangabaJ (3) Wheat 846 97 9. ~21t 2-+5.88 200.95 187.60 Bagwada

    PR Ho,;hangabaJ «) Wheat 502. 05 II . 7IR 169.32 138 11 220.68 Ramtlagar

    PR HoshangJbld( 10) Wheat 193.03 293.35 65.12 6&.89 Jahanp-ur

    KR Hoshangabad(23) Wheat 542.69 5.67R 184.00 135.45 95.17 Chachlllau 148

    ~1'iT ~~~:f,~ 'it~4~&11l Q;ef '+!_fq ~~tt)tl

    -----~---~- --~------. -----~--- ~If '1t{~ 'l'llt t,1t ~ ~~"" a"fPJ 'i(lf~a1~(Iffii: VT~ it '1f(fa1~ ~ "lff. 3117 qf'llT,/!?~ "'I f~>Tf lim iilTill'!f rn if; f>:'1 lIf~ o;li if! (iii!! RT'I ~",i- Loca- Total R~'I •'Iffi-'ITIi) tion Total area population Oavor Communica· code or the and Drink 10» daYs of lions( BUS-Slop. Dum- Name or Yillage (in number 01 water Post und the market I railway st"tion, ber Village heotarel) bouseholds Educational Medical (Polable) Telegraph bat, if any water wav. ------_-----_ -- ---_-_------2 3 4 S 6 8 9 10

    - ---~------_------~------_--- _.. _------81 IV:,!,I 3,g27.61 409(74) pel) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10 ) _(5_10) BS

    82 f1f'lill',!, 10-; .13 ,fhT'l

    83 ~'-r~'IT 163.83 202(34) -(-5) -H) W - (-5) -~-5) -(-5)

    84 fi'l'T'll 2nl .69 231 (38) P(I) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) as

    85 w~ti .. 1,134.91 4,858(848) PUC(I). D(I) W,HP,R PO & Monday llS P(2),M(1) Phone 86 'fiW~~T 271.69 349(64) P(I) -(-5) W -(_5) -(-5) -(-5)

    87 'l1l:~I~r 128.82 293(48) pel) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

    88 Jf",)f~'Tr 277.32 79(18) -(-5) -(-5) W.R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    ,!l • 89 'ij;:;'f\jf 1.474.85 171(35} -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5~10)

    90 o;r1tiT"I1 781.95 962(185) P(I).M(I) -(-5) W PO -(-5) -(-5)

    91 'f11f'f,!' 393.75 .lu'f

    92 '3'1tiI{ 625. R6 "flr!;;

    (H 'L~ 183. D 300(52) P(l ) -(5-10) W -(_5) -(5-10) -H)

    94 l1ifl

    95 af.I~ 3RO.77 765(133) P(1 ) -(5-10) R.HP PO -(5-10) ns

    96 'l'ITfi 398.86 41 (7) -H) -(5-10) w -(-5) -( 5·10) -(-5)

    97 ~:"f'lfl 695.74 485(91) P( I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-\0) BS

    98 ;f\l!C:T;r 5%.31 560(94) P( 1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

    99 'l1g-u 636.83 174(33) pel) -(10+) W -(-5) -(Jo+) -(5-10)

    .1 o() 'I'lTf~1TT ~fT~*1 224.47 294(54) pel) -(10-!-) w -(-5) ':'(10+) -(-5) 149

    Amenities and Land use Budni Tahsil

    ------~------'"If WIi fii'li!lN iftl. '{fir 8(ll.Ihr (IUllt! 'iN "q1il1l llii fllN'II flfi",il ii; iHiir fl"'vf) air!!", 'Ij~. ~II' vm !I''t ioRlI't ii filfitl" uro. if; ~ {",ri! !!"') ~fu~lfu", IliI lIN ( r... liU:) Land ute (i. e area under differenl typcs of Land 0i'1

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    PR Hoshangabad (27) Wheat 3,568.50 11.94R 130.66 39.29 77.22 Khatpura

    Uninhabited Vikrampur

    KR Hoshangabad (24) Wheat 3. QQ\V, 116.87 10.66 2'1.35 Hathlewa 5.05R PR Hoshangabad (22) Wheat 145.99 47.92 67.78 Hirani

    PR Hoshangabad (29) EA Wheat 6.07R, 84-.58 88. S6 187.50 T(8),N(70), Sllahganj 4.90W M(12. KR Hoshangabad (30) Wheat 243.23 14.30 14.16 T(l),C(I), Paharkhedl M(l) PR Hoshangabad (30) Wheat 103.43 9.51 15.88 Paraswada

    PR Hoshangabad (32) Wheat 166.87 14.00 96.45 Makodia

    KR Hosh~ngabad (3..;) Wlleat 162.72 1.81 1,310.32 Saidganj tCR Hoshangabad (32) Wheat 621. 8 3 :!1.76 138.36 Akola

    Uninhabited Naganpur

    Uninhabited Ckai

    KR Hoshangabad (35) Wheat 168.84 1.50 12.79 Sudon

    PR Hoshangabad (32) Wheat 189.61 1 50 56.74 Madhawan

    PR Hoshangabad (34) Wheat 305.35 0.21 75.21 T(I) Baneta

    KR Hoshangabad (34) Wheat 229.47 36.50 132.89 Panari

    PR Hoshangabad (39) Wheat 309.76 1.40W 321.94 45.14 17 .50 Dungaria

    KR Hoshangabad (41) Wheat 236.49 4.54 315.28 Neemton

    KR Hoshangabad (40) Wheat 198.57 11. 31 426.95 Rampura

    KR Hoshangabad (41) Wheat 193.72 3.34 27.41 Guwadia Shahganj 150

    ~~'1T "~~I~ ~l'1.§f",UJ1f ~~ ~fll '3QQ)rr

    ~If lUll' 'liT ~rll' IIIII''''' '!j!;l\ififfl'llrl ~i'OO Ofir-w-n:m!;(lI'f;: IITII it ,!firor~ 'iq;mz ififf ~ :l '1l'

    !!lmllf!l! f'-l'f~'ifl tr''r'f'IiT q-(;;T ;:f'!; air, "i;;rr>;{\m: ..1 fit;.;1 Ii~ Gtf"''l aT< if; f.'1 I1f~ 'lilt ~) (iI'!f ~lq ~",j. Locl\- Total liw" , 'fi-lffii ) Hon TOtal area population Dav 01 Communit'a· code of tbe and Drinkm~ days of tions(Bus·Slop. num' N.me of village tin number of water Post a[J~ the market! railway station, ber Village heotarel) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegrapb bat. if any water way.

    --~---- 4 6 9 10 ---_-- ---~ ---~---~-~ ------_ lOt 'i1

    102 fqqf"fllf ~:sr 458.10 596(120) P( 1) -(_5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    103 lI~lf;F!f 292 00 399(56) P( 1) -(5-10) R ~(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    104 ll:'l',,'hr 599.84 893(115) P(I) -(-5) R -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

    105 ~,G:T'l: ;;'If"( 1 ,557.03 1,~17(309) M(I),P(I) -(-5) R PO -(-5) -(-5)

    106 ~cr 604.58 940(187) P(I) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    107 :i1<11' 680.78 1,573(279) P(l) ,M(l) 0(1) w.nr PO Sunday BS

    lOR 'l1];"Ir~ 496 15 9 92(158) P(l ) -1_5) W - ( - 5) -(-5) BS

    109 f"li'!'f.T 206.40 73(15) -(-5) -(-5) w -( - 5) -.(-5) -(-5)

    110 uern Ir3'i 1,475. 10 766(119) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    111 -';'1:"11"( 219.08 230(52) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -H)

    112 ;nll~i\ 150.li7 242(40) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) +5)

    113 il'1~'1 152.63 118(24) - (- 5) - ( - 5) W -(-5) - (- 5) ._( - 5)

    Jl4 "'f~1' :235.43 388(65) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) • (-5)

    115 "'l"r~"( 1,OR6.2R 15(3) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

    116 ,!,nr 662.14 303(03) -(-;) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    117 ...~ 337.16 705(132) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) -( - 5)

    118 'lI'IT<:T 5R 1 .32 7R5(137) P( 1) -( - 5) w -(-5) . (- 5) - (- 5)

    ]19 '1r", 290.45 765(124) P(1) ,M(l) -(-5) W -(-5) WedneSday -(5-10)

    ]20 ~m,!<: 177.43 270(42) -(-5) -(-.5) w • (-5) - (-5) -(-5) lSI

    Amenities and La·nd use Budni Tahsil

    ill!' (l'1Ii f.r~I!'II1("( Imi'r f!~ 'iftr ;1I1ilII (."Ia '!.fir mhl Ill' flll1l" fill"" iii ~~ fItqaf) IiInlfili III. "'1'1111 ~ .... ~Ii eRr f'CI II>'t CRmr iell't i fllmllf Q'IPR ~ Iii ~JiI' tl1Ii) ~fuil:rf~"', 'liT 1I'N (fiI;.'liUt) if4vr Lan. u.. (i. e area under different typca ot Land ayllRT '!'T

    ~--~------.. PR Hvshangabad (37) Wheat 24.3.~7 25.19 39.98 Jawahar Kheda

    PR Hoshangabad (40) ED, Wheat 335.58 21.00 51.52 T( 1) Pipaliya Kheda EAg I<.R. Hoshangabad (39) Wh';at I.OOW.; 185.42 4').06 65.52 M(l) Sudania

    KR Hoshangabad (43) EA Wh~ar h.04W 459.1(, (, I .5.' 13.1 t Hlthnora

    KR Hoshangabdd (45) FA Wheat 3.12W 874.94 130.04 548.93 T(1). C( 1). Sardar Nagar M(I ).N(I) KR Badi (27) EA Wheat 63.90C. 383.99 53.43 95.07 C( 2),T(2) Jait 8.19R PR Badi (27) EA Wheal go 70C, 523.62 20.69 42.20 N(20),T(5), Dobi 13.57R >'1(j),C(4) PR Badi (26) EAg Wheat 68.50C, 382.36 14.55 26.06 T(I) Machh"ai 4.68W FP Daji (2n Wheat 33.60C, 144.70 8.28 14.65 R'neka 5.17W KR Hoshangabad (43) ,Wheat 26.65C 1,380.67 31. 88 35.90 T(2),N(I), Sutra Man C',l ) KR H'lshangabad (47) Wheat 3.67R 189.55 9.10 16.76 It war

    KK Hoshangabad (42) Wheat 13 t .70 4.34 14.63 Neemkhedi

    KR Hoshang11lad (44) Wheat 134.07 6.60 It .96 Boata

    KR Hoshangabad (47) Wheat 50.54 113.08 29 41 42 40 Sankhcai

    PR HQshangabad (46) Wheat 36.23 200.47 7~. II 777.n Samnapur

    I<.R Hoshangabad (48) Wheat 20.89 252.78 27 61 360.86 Murari

    KR Hoshanllubad (47) Wheat 15.27 275.46 23.3) 23.08 Khoha

    KR Badi (33) Wheat R6.94 450.17 12.91 31.30 T(l) Khawada

    KR Badi (28) Wheat 265.96 10.27 14.2:! T(2) Gadar

    KR Badi (33) Wheat g.14C 159.38 2'70 7.21 Isharpur 152

    vtl! ., .,... 1A1f..m iN~itI'· 1A..y.1Il1!; (lff~ VIII it tjfimrt ~

    :178.95 99(16) -( -5) W -(5-10) -(-5 ) -(-5)

    539(92) P( I) -( 5-10) w -( 5.:0) -(-5) -(5-10)

    9.)..34 441(91) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-IO) -(-5) -(5-10)

    118.37 134(24) -( ·5) -(-5) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

    126 f'(~T~r 14R.48 380(67) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    482.22 470(69) P( 1) -(-5) w -~( -5) -(-5) -(-5)


    %5.98 801(135) P(l) -(-s) W PO -(5-10) BS

    600(91) P(I) N:) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    129.45 503(99) P(I} • (-5) V,' -(-5) -( ·5) BS

    51\()(99) P( 1) -(-5) W - ( . 5) -(-5) BS

    li19.R7 ~73(165) p( 1) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) . -( -5)

    1,377.31 3.697(786) PUql), D(1) W.HP PO Friday BS P( 1), M(I) &97.26 1,121(196) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    99U7 1,540(296) P(I),MOl -(-5) W PO -(-5) -(-5)

    504 40 560(123) P(l) R -H) -(5-10) _(5-.10)

    627.25 606(104) pel) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    I 39 ~'T 238.52 514(85) PII) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    554(117) pel) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-10) -5-( 1 OJ 153

    Amenities and Land use Budni Tahsil

    --~~--.~------Vllf ~ f.r~;m rll'lil~ 'i~ ",fir ;qlittt (II~'" ",111

    ,...._--______A ______~ "fl!<1 q.; !r1a'!T {t Ii,

    ------~-- II I! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------KR Ba(li (29) Wheat 33.30C 267.44 4.68 485.55 Hoda

    KR Badi (28) Wheat 11. 93C IN.31 8.44 254.27 T(2) Chandla Kalan

    PR Badi (27) Wheat 45.7'iC 28).61 11. S 1 216.03 Khidiya Kurmi

    KR Badi (27) Wheat ~9.37C 41.58 5.96 16.43 Chikli

    KR Dadi (29) Wheat 38.05C 7 J .84 0.57 7.91 Karitalai

    KR Badi (3() Wheat 3.28W, 105.72 6.74 11.99 T(2) Rich.hoda 20.75C KR Hadi (31) Wheat 62.96C 377.98 13.27 28.01 T(3) Bansgahan

    U nllulabi ted Gonda Kheda

    PR BaJi (31) Wheat 0.7W, 271.87 5.76 20.35 T(1 ),N(I). Amon 67.29C M(3) FP Badi (30) Wheat 14.97W, 328.56 4.04 21.06 T(5),C(I) Sagpur 15.18C PR Badi ( 30) Wheat 2.78C 112 SR 4.71 9.0e T(l),N(I) Khitwai

    PR Badi (29) Wheel! S.40W. 240.88 4.18 19.0G T(5).C( 1), Kosmi 16.76C M(2) KR Badi (20) Wh~at 1.8SW 57(').79 15.03 32.20 N(2),T( 1) Siyagahan

    PR B"di ( 19) Whe.l! 166.2IC, 1,101.10 21. 33 80.17 N(100),C(2), Baktara 8.5CW T(IO),M(4) KR Bad! (24 , Wheat 203.8liC 650.52 7.05 35.S3 N(2) Kheri Si (gena

    KR Badi (22) Wheat 175.75C, 763.22 8.50 40.80 N(lO),M(4). lontala 3.00W T( to),C(2) KR Badi (23) Wheat 39.62C 432.50 17.76 14.52 T( 1) Thikri

    KR Babai (18) Wheat 40.00C 373.60 106.59 80.87 Kusum Kheda 20.19T KR Babai (19) Wheat 191. n Q.03 37,77 Dehri

    KR Badi (22) Wheat 54.4iC 347.94 II. 91 16.31 Nonbhet 154

    ii!it~r (f~~ft~ ~;r.§r€fa,U ~ ~f~ iilflfht

    ~11 il1lllillfl" vrll iii! '" 'A6f1l1l 'iI'I;1i8 3['1-w.r9Tt!(II'~ ttll il 'jfiiililli n~ qy • tfI ~ it (~h ..-.rfIn 1I11f' fil!! i"'lil!! Ir~ "Klfnl m ~ij; m ~ .11SO'1i i VA g r..-lW ~'iT In IjRani i"R'I'" t 1111 .,,~ q l\"t '1m11>'" (i~ln i) '" 1I,Ii't., 5.10 iiIi.IiI, Iff lo+hl,111. tt ."" "meoilie. avai)able(if not available IIVirhin tbe village, a dash (-) i. shown In tile mlumn and n!llt 10 it in bracket!, the distllnce in broad ranges viz -Skllls,S-10klDf and lo+lans of the nearest place where Ih. faciiity is available is given). ~__ A_~ ______~ ___~ IITII'fIllAi f... flrnfr tM~llfr;rl i!'li ail":

    ------~-~~---.- -- 141

    142 ~~l~r 151.19 151(25) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    143 'Iit:i'rt 1,221.83 1.684(293) P(l),M(I) D(I) W,R PO Thursday -(5-10)

    144 <111:'11 338.72 407(76) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) ~ ( ... 5) -(-5)

    145 fjill';rrflIt 285.82 87(17) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    146 f~ 216.57 190(36) pel) ~( ... 5) R -H) -(-5) -(S-lO,)

    147 "IW.f~< 452.74 690(127) P(t) -(-5) N.RP -( - 5) -(-5) -H)

    148 ;fml~ 187.73 109( 20} -(-5) -(-5) R,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(S·lO)

    149 'lfif'fr1Jl 270.77 314(57) P(1 ) -(-5) R -(--,5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    150 It':In: 4,709.73 444(66) -(-5) -(-5) R -(5-10) -( 5-10) -(5-10)

    151 lf~": ~r.rr 475.51 Itm'!

    152 II~U~ fll'

    153 \Tll1'liT.5t 334.27

    154 0Ifl1lfi1lll 2,702.4& W'f

    105,636.35 84,SIl' P (107) D (9) ifill' (15,5'0) M (21) PHC (1) PUC (4) FPC(I) o (1) fsS

    Amenities and Land use Budni Tahsil

    VI1I' ~ fu'lit(f1l" ;r", II£fir ~ (pI" II£fir ;qlfu! iii' flff1!v ~,J[f if, ~liil f!'lIarh flrlll'iJ; 'fI~. ~ ;ni lit • i'liln li fAll """" iii ~ 'IWI !!IIi) i(re&,fu

    "ppro- NcarCl1 Culturable A.re" 1101 reiiGiolil. acb tOWD ao~ waSle( inclu. available historical ttl distaD1:e PO'IfCJ Staple IrriBalcG Unun. ding !laucha! fOT or an:hacolo. Name of village (iDtml) lupply food Forest by IOuree galed Bod groves) cultivatio~ Rlcai interest Village

    --~----- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    KR Badi (23) Wheat 194.69 44.24 18.78 Bamhori

    KR Babai (20) Wheat 102.79 12.96 35.44 Sornalwada'

    KR Babai (16) EAg Wheat 51.SeNK. 881.32 164.86 123.77 Nandner

    KR Babai (19) Wheat 67.15C 191.45 64.91 15.21 Borna

    KR Babai (21) EAg Wheat 43.91NK. 176.46 50.90 14.55 Hignasir

    KR Babai (18) EAg Wheat 9.32NK 115.21 16.51 75.53 Til lot

    KR Babai (20) EAg Wheat 5.30NK 331.46 41.89 74.09 ~;arayanpur

    KR Babai (J 9) Wheat 154.29 19.27 14.17 Bisakhedi

    KR Babai (J 8) EAg Wheat 0.61W 111.84 31. 90 1:!6.42 Janwasa

    KR Babai (25) Wheat 4,709.73 Malhar

    Uninhabited Nahar Kola

    FP Babai (25) Wheat 2,153.73 Sehrai Ginnor

    Uninhabited Bhimv.othi

    Uninhab;ted Chakla

    27,475.61 41,553.86 20,125.52 2.717.21 8,099.20 T- (193) M- (72) Total C- (37) N- (662) 1515


    ( ___ ~ ______.A. ______~_ ---~ SIT'lff{llflf'ii

    ------_.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    Sehore 203 204 33 33 4 4 85 Ashta 198 202 31 31 4 4 80 Ichhawar 76 77 14 14 61 4 ;r

    Total District 701 712 120 120 17 17 2 2 311 157


    Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Me41cal IUId other amenities

    f~oo MEDICAL r------~------..A.------~ amcrn:r lRj:,m ~!mt !TT'![il;,. qf'('fT~ !TT"ff1rif; ~r"'IT m~'UfIT'Ii WIT IIfq for'iif ~ ~I ~~ f.P:rT;;'(;f ~q.'irrl: ~T~ 'lifli

    l8' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

    7 7 4 4 276 7 7 2 2 4 4 265 9 ·9 ] 128 4 4 5 5 2 2 154

    9 9 134 ---- _-----_._--" ------,------36 36 2 2 1 14 14 5 5 3 3 957 - - .--- -_------_------_---._------_.- 158

    lftii !lit 'IT'!'T DRINKING WATER r------...... ------~------.... !!iii ij~~');;r 'iiI ;:rIll 'Iii( '{m aromr '1<; 'I£~ em Sl<:ifI 'P..< !!JOl;[ ll;'Ii ;f 1Ti.iti;l ,!f

    2 35 ~~ 37 n :::9 40 41 42 43 44 .. -----.----~---- "T~"'rl: Sehore 272 3 42 17 46 2 3lT~1 Ashta 16 264 29 76 99 3 ~m~ Iehhawar .' 126 1& 45 49 4 ",,,,,,,,mIT"! 147 81 14 78 NasrulJaganj 5 ~~ Budnj 117 55 17 42 ------_------Total District 16 9Z6 3 225 2 169 314 ------_._-----_-.. _------159


    Tabsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and otber amenities

    ~r.. q i'll, lit"!"l", fif,;[<'I1 "I !;ff');fu POST AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNICA TIONS POWER SUPPLY A r------, r-----A------, r--A--~ ~~ erR"" ~ .. q ~r .. >In: en,It;: ~ ~'!r q 'i,,\lf1'! iTB' mq ~orr G!or

    Navigable A . PO and TO and PTO and Railway Water- val- Not av- PO TO PTO Ph.one Phon~ Phone Phon~ Bus Stop Station Way lable a Hable

    ~------45 46 47 48 49 51) 51 52 53 54 55 56

    25 2 17 III 7 181 20 3 7 :2 10 152 126 4 4 39 98 4 4 25 HO

    18 :2 29 31 [13 ------_._-_------_------72 5 13 3 64 1 354 651 ------_------160

    qftf~lSC! 2 APPENnlX II

    Land Utilisation data in respect of Non-municipal Towns (Census Towns)

    'If" a'!l1"I'f(sr.m fm"1',;r ST't\, ij; 'lfll ",'pill! it ani\" qr'1ll ~T 'ITII ~'" ~,!('T;!f~' Ii ciT il; f

    Name of Town! ClIlturable waste Area Dot SI. Tahsil within Irrigated (inc Illding gauchar available for No. bracket Total Area Forest by source Unirrtgated and groves) Cultivation --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 _----8 Nil 161

    qf~fu6! 3 APPENDIX HI

    ~~ 1Il1l1;t\ ~ITlom, ~T ~i qf~lIi. ~f~~, 'llli l! ~'" ilT<;tl'/I['~ ~ fG:;"f ITt f'l;"fl ~ ;fIll, Ii,," a'lT f~ ~ ar~ ~ !!iWl1! ~!l ;"f~ ~ Tahsilwise list of villages where no Educational, Medical, PoSt and Telegraph, Day (}r Days (}f Market/Hat, C(}mmunication and Power supply facilities are available.

    -_ ------~--~------...- 'lIilfi'li ~r;"frl.l l[jq!f;T ifrll !!IilIt'li f1IIifTI.I 1Ii

    29/1 .,~)1: "'i!~ft~ Sell ore Tahsil

    'l'kfl 'Ii':I< Pili Karar 35 lor '1liFr ~',;"t Natra KheuJ 2 6 i"",I"G: Barnawad 36 107 "~~\1r Badbeli 3 11 11llm~~ Magradl khllrd 37 108 iqTf~l "i.. f~ Dupadiya Dangi 38 126 4 12 'fi~~ Cha~dbad "T1f~" Raipur 5 15 ,Iqc{ li~r Rawat Kheda 39 145 'lJlf'l"lHft Rampalasi 6 20 1jlll"1'l"'!'l Kust,alpura 40 153 it>ft '!f'~r Meni Khedi 7 22 'l~rr Pathriyo. 43 163 1f.1:'1fT"!,!"! Kalyanpura ]0 28 \lj,1f,r<;t'.!'T Jugrajpura 44 164 'F<1~1 am Karadia Ata 11 3(') u<;;r iHRT'if Garhi Ragraj 45 I65 \1r'i'!v:r Bhimpura 12 35 ~r~ Jal1angirgarh 46 200 ~1~T liiT Dida Khedi 13 36 Q;;'l'l Phanda 47 205 fliT;;'!,r Shivpuri 14 37 ~~{ Salehpur 48 211 l!1wrr Molga 15 38 11',:Tfii[l.ITifl~ Rabiyabad i'ff;;;11'T 32 88 Takiya 66 302 ~I{,f~, Umarjhir 33 93 ~

    pti'" !mrl m ff'l1'T fif7;f\'ll 11\"1 al"l');f


    'lIi~tf-g ""if"{ 'f-r .. 'f~", SI.No. L.C No. Name of Village SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Village - ---_---,_ -----.------... --.------2 3

    ------_------_- ~- -- _------_------.. --_

    29/2 arroer ~m;;;r 1 shla T, hsiJ

    1 26 11T~T Malipura 27 258 iI~"1TtT Bodghati 2 40 f'[';\'rll'iT Nijamadhi :!8 267 fq'Tl'lT J;)~T Pirana Khedi .n ~,!U Khatsura 29 2()8 <;f''i'i<:T Jassupura 4 44 "ail .. ' Satbada 30 271 'lf,:

    2 0 /1, ~'EIT9-':: 'lQ.11;;;;r Ichhawar Tell,j!

    I 10 f;;rll'f'1f'~r Bishan Kheda 6 20 !9 q-,)I1\"<'I' Chhapari Karart 2 II 'fClfHT !T1UT Patariya Sidha 7 24 ~", ...'~ DebkIJedi 12 l.!'6f~1 ~"'T<;f Sukaliya Hansraj 8 29 'Il'l;[i'f'l.,' Bhagwatpur 4 16 "TlI"'!l NagaIi 9 32 riT

    qf~f~-3 APPENDIX-Ill

    'ior 11TI{1 ...1 ~¢lor!!f,( ~'ilT 'if~ mR", f;;rf"'«IT, m; ~ 6T,(, ~'/~ it f

    ------1ft... flIfmll' 'Ii:t. Illlf lIif llTli "li'fi ... flIfiftll'

    ~ il1'lf' SI.No. L.C.No. Name of Village Si.No. L.C.No. Name of Village ------l 1 2 3 2 3 ------_------~

    29{3 ~~ ~VI~ Ichhawar Tahsil

    11 43 ar~'lTrelH 32 137 '\TT\1'Tlj~l Sali Kheda 12 52 f;r:;rru Bijori 33 138 l1If'!!i~ Kham Kheda 13 61 f'\T1fT'!,<: Singapur 34 140 ~'c;j~ It Kheda 1.4 69 ~'l

    29/4 "1J~m'ii~ air-frY!' Nasrullaganj Tahsi I

    ~lrriif[ "I"'t Dongla Pani II 64 't;;rI!."f'Tfi'fT Pal aspdnl

    2 13 'flirT Bodi 12 65 '(!'I~<: Raranpllr 3 14 fif'Tf.rlfT Plpalia 13 67 l{f~1!tt) Mariyado 4 51 !f;llJl!r Kosmi 14 68 llire Suned 5 53 ~'fl. "Il1" Habeeb Nagar 15 80 ifi1l:'tTc Nandkot 6 58 'f'!<'flfi"! N,walgnon 16 81 lJT~ ~~r Soban Khedi 7 59 ~rnllj~ Beela Kheda 17 82 fcf\T"f1 Tigali 8 60 'l"~~ Bhura Kh~da 18 95 f'!llHtf"! Bhimgaon 9 61 qrlf;:r "~I Mongra Kheda 19 'l6 ~tf~lff Dhandia

    10 63 ftr1:forr Sirali 20 98 l'1''ItlJ Dhanna~ 164

    qf~fullt-3 ,APPEND lX-Ill

    f'" filill '61 \'I~m .. 6T~, ;rronT./'l.!C 11; ~~ 1ft fit"( it ;:nil. I.t.m

    ------~ ------_------_ ------'lIilli'li f'floitll''!>'R Jfi'll ~I;ftIl''6R VlJf *' "TJf IIlJf 'Til "'If ;n:iIt ~~'" SI.No, L,C,No. Name of Village SJ.No. L.C.No. Name of Village ------_'------2 3 2 3 ------


    21 104 qT

    Q9/5 ,{{rTf rrii[~i~ Budni Tahil1

    t lRTfo;rql'II: Jholiapur 21 83 ifil;;r'fl Hatlewa 2 2 "p:al Bardha 22 88 Jl'iif;Tfs'lT Makodia 3 S iTlf'l;1 Dl)ngr; 23 89 JI'{'I'r[;;J Saidganj 0 ':<'11'1'1.1 Delawadi 24 96 'f'lrlc Dhankol 30 120 t'1lT~' I~harpur 10 52 llill'l; Salflf 31 121 gl;rl Hoda 11 53 &1Tfs'1'l Odia, 32 122 "fI'l'''IT 'Ilort Chandla Kalan 12 56 ,,'lim Bibda 33 125 iif;l,) d<'ll{ Karitalai 13 58 fI'n.l1~ Satlumadi 34 126 f{'i9T.r Richhoda 14 61 11I!~i{~ Khandabad 35 141 i!~ift,) Bambori 15 62 tm:iftr( Y:1r Nagar 36 142 \tlqo;r 'f1~1 Somalwada 16 65 ~

    qRfGlI5! 4 APPENDIX IV

    f'I -.ql it II,,!,"" .lftIqti ~m iI(;(tIlfiI ~ ~afl~ ~q16 ~ 1I"!1iI11; ~rl{i ott 'I~ Lltt of \lllllse' ~ordioll to the proportion of Scheduled Castes aDa Scheduled Tribe. to tbe tota' populatfoo by rup. A-Scheduled Castes ------.------I!l!im Gllfa~ 'if"mr~jiIp:rj (Slfi(lfa) Range of Sche­ duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. ~Percentagc) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village ------_------._-_------2 3 2 3 ----_-._------29/1 ~r~)~ R~m Sehore Tahsil

    0-5 5 ~Tr) flhandeli 194 ,!'11~ Mugispur . 302 '3"q'"(ffl~ Umarjhir -._------_------6-10 3 'Tl~"( Pater 198 !!!til'$ >; IfiTf,

    28 "Lil"{Ii;! ~U Jugrajpura 210 l!fT'f~ ;rIiffilfl Janpur Bawadiya

    30 JJiJ~1>f Garhi Bagraj 21.3 J:f,"~>; Manpura 36 Q;'"i(1 Phanda 218 <:1<'11 Rola 47 IIllmf Achha:ai 222 "(T"t"l')' Raiu Khedi 65 1Ii"ll1: li~) Kasar Khedi 237 if~) Dodi 78 .T~ ~tr Nai Hedi 237 '1'1'TJ:ft Panchama 79 if~;mIlAl Badar Kasani 247 ~11 cf\qf\'llff Sat Pipaliya 96 ,'lfomT ~~'f Imlia Hasan 249 1<1'1U ,II! Mogra Ram lOS ~'lTfip:rT ~mr Dupadiya Dangi 257 mJfRr Sagoni 111 IIHJff1:1f1 Jhagaria 270 ~<>r'l!"!; 158 '!>'q;flf,lfl Kachnariya 280 <:1+0 ~~) Ramo. Khedi 159 ~Ir.ft llii;{j Serna Ii Kal~.n 283 q'T'l<'1'n: Pipalner 160 lft'flli" Mana Khed.l 288 'Ire'!) Patni 178 '3'ftfTfifll'T Usmal1ia 294 ;;rl\'lli~T "!i Reel kheda Khurd 183 "f

    I" ."~.I!I ~ Iro(fI,f'l(! II!lfu tl,1II I!'!"llla:« illl"Illf!l 'Ii «qfta;I~ "'l,'tRI ~ "~R ,,41)1Ii) ~:,,) Lilt 01 Village. according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and SclJeduled Trihes to tbe total populadoa by rangel.

    'It-'H1~f,,~ ~ft! A~Scheduled Castos

    ------~------at~'lf;nl ~lii\'lI QIII 'liT illli ~1"flI "If 'iiI ;nil IIIrftr 11ft 1filg 1fir. l;jIlUel!1 I!lfur!!t ~'iI,( IIl'iI, (1I:f«W!I) ~ngc of Sche· Guled Castes population L.C. L.C. No. lIIame Of Village No. Namo of Village (Percentage----.._------l 2 2 3 -_-.------:------1 --- 29/1 irl'&l'( a~"'" Sehore Tahsil

    ll-15 4 Ifilr Gawa 149 l:Iif~I:~.''t Dhanklledi 8 ii'it,1 Mendora 151 1!'~1 'Ii;:rr Mundla Kalan 1.1 II",{~') ~i Magardi Khurd 156 'lilir<') 001{ Kahari Kadeem 41 aTil1t~' Alun:ldpur 161 l!:llOlt ~ Mundl~ Khurd 44 'fil~ li~) K;!ku Khedi 175 '!,ll'li<:r Muskarll 46 'lfV!1i1 Charnal 193 '!~ 1f.rT GudbheJa 61 ;;'!f0l1l1 BamuliY;l 196 'I,!~<,,!~ AbdullapuI 61 ~ltr Soli t\)7 ~ Sew:lnia 67 ~~fll\jf' Bilkisganj 146 ~f\lll'l> ... t Khajuria Kalan 278 ,OI"IW Ralawati

    ---~------~------16.20 2 illflf'll Bans'n 42 iif .~r Bankhcda 10 ilgin €l1'1 J'vl:lhua K"eda 51

    qfd~t1! 4 APPENDIX IV

    '" ~I it 1ll!tf'iRr .Ifit ~ lIIt'J;f\flI 1II';f~ ij; ~afrm 1IIt"1!! ij; ~I1: Gl'f1 iffl 'i;ft UII 01 \lllJalel IU:cordiDIl to the proportioD el Scheduled CaBtes aDd Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by raoaee A-Scbeduled Castes ------~m ~fO'i}'If GlrRr'lil' ~ ~W;tn' ~!'Jr1f1 ~'I'<['I: (lIf~(I) Range of Sche- duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    _-----_------.. -----_---_..------2 2 3 ------"------~.~------29/1 ~~1:~"'~~ Sehore Tahsil

    16-20 118 f.f~ll"f llichhiya 223 Ulll:lum Se mra Dangi 12g 'l:rq'i~~ RawanKhedll 232 'ifi~r Chondi 129 "'~~ Kadrabad 245 '!tt'fTlt'!,'I: Bhagwanpura 133 1iT~ll'!.~ Khadampur 251 ~~ Hasanabad 1.37 !iO!.furr ~ Kh..1juria Khurd 253 ~rql,ft Dhavoti 139 lt Londin 262 p.T

    21-30 12 'i{f<::i(l~ Chandbad 110

    53 "~r.rT Padyala 127 1J:li<'Tf\iflf' Mllkhtar Nagar 57 "'(lU Chhatri 147 ~,,<'it Devli 68 rnlfl'l ~~f Pipal Kheda 153 !i.,)1j1t'r Meni Khedi 7S fll''l'>'<:~t Khokari 168

    q"f~~ 4 APPENDIX I'V

    r IIIjUQl 11 .,,,,fOll" trTre Q,II ilI~'lfOilii liIiliillfa ~ ~vfl'n~ 8l'!,1fflf iii II'1fl'R Illill1i'1 f!_'IIJ lilt 01 \lllJslC' accordin~ to the proportioD of l>cheduleu Casles and Scbcduled TJibcs 10 Ihe lotlll ()oPulatioo by ranl!Cl.

    A-Scbeduled Castos _------_.------",!~f~ p.l.il~ ill'll 'lil11111 fJPf 'iiI i'I'" ,ufa 'Il\ ~1~ iiI,nAlfI qf1Jl1l'1 il'ii!'{ (1If,,"") Range of Schoo juJod Castes population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No, Name 01 Village No. NalDO of Viii. _------~------3 2 3 ------29/1 ~ift!)l: ~~~ Sehore Tahsil

    21-30 jS5 'l'if'ilQfor'n Pach Pipalia 214

    ------~------_ .. _--- 31+ 2S 1'l1'mr Mungao/i 103 ;;rIJ1fl'l'OIi Baradi K.alan 27 ~lml~l Silkheda lOS R\~?T Jhar Kheda 31 q~fi'fl:!T Padaliya 113 1!'h:f'IlH Torania Sua Khedi 33 ~ Ii,?'! 119 ;J~'H ~1~1 Mahua Kheda Gundi 38 'f"l 124 'fTC 'IOfIlJT Ghat Palasi 43 iii,,,,,, Karlat 125 q'i!~' Pan BihaI 48 Marhati ffWT 126 in!i~ Bhoja Khedi 55 11Imnriil Khasta Khedi 136 "'l'0I ,,):fj" Munj Kheda 58 i'lIT, '<'J~-.) Balf;(garh Chhatri t~O ;;T,ft ..)~r Noni Khedi 59 i('J B::rri 145 ,mq"llJT Ram Pa1asi 60 fi(ilRT Hinj\uili 150 'Ii,!:,! Kapuri 6-1 i'f~i'!:1 Do'atpura 169 "'~ril!l Ullf;~ 1.asudi a Dhakad 8S '"riGl 'fie: Barkheda Kh"ret 170 f;r

    qflfQl'ISi!' 4 APPENDlh IV

    P IIfQ'tlfl it v,,'lf'm iltft! I!;lJI ~'.Ir..~ ~tfi! ~ lIloTI.rn: ",!qltl iii ",1'( 111111 'ltl 11 ~ Lilt of VIIIII.a aceordinll to tbe proponion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to tbe lotal populatloD by raup'

    A-Scbeduled Castes

    ------~------~ ~f.q\f Jfor!ft (llfamtr) Range of Sche. dUled Castes PopUlation L.C. L.C. ,Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village --_.-._--_------_ ------_------2 3 2 3

    -----.------._------.------~------~~--- i. 9/ I 'Ell~),( a' €!:'ElI\l Sehore Tahsil

    31+ 04 t{T'1I01' '!'-l Gokalpura 250 ",l;Hf.rl: Konajhir 191 mt{u~:oi~1 Barkhedi fiO;:;),r 205 f!!l~1 Shivpuri 265 Tllora 269 f\T,",,~

    29/2 ant!l iJ~'Ella Ashtll. Tab,il

    230 ~'i1lTifr~ ~,r Mehmudabad Khedi 296 Shyampur Magarda

    289 '3"if,~¥ ' Umardad

    ------~-----.------6-10 34 l1);;rtl1~l!, Mohammadpur 186 'Ii 111 ff'2l: ;i;;r KamJlpur Khedi 93 '1'I~r Gur:IdiYI1 Khurd ,i 223 1l',~<'lF'1 lirr\'f'I~ Mullani Mangalpur 119 a;'II1' Udaipur 268 Jassupura 134 trr,",!>:r Tajoura 1;f"'t~r 152 aro~~;;n,!, Abdullapur 294 'TI'll'!'i Pithapura ------~------11-15 47 if,llif,!,r Bdrchhapura 153 <;f1f."t'l,!l:I Jagannalhpura 82 <'l'l,f¥lfl 'TI,{ Laslldiya Par 183 If).. 1 Godi 116 'TI'Tf(ftrr ""'r~ PipaJiya Rallldas 211 lfTirn li,1 Gadra Khedi 122 <:I't<'l'r ~~r DeepJa Khedi 213 ~)o'l "'''I! Kothri Kalan 127 f<:l9f11lfl Richhadiya 222 'i!lllW Samarda 128 lJ:U f,lfr f~ru~~l" Guradiya Sirazuddin 236 ~T" Bhonn 131 "r""'F N~llakpur 269 iif¥IST;;rT Bad Khola 138 lil1~' Khempur 273 ilW¥1 Barkhedi ______~ ___~v. ------"------170

    qh:f~5~ 4 APpENDIX IV

    ~ n6MI it ~"!{~ iltfa rz"4 1Ili:ll:f\;R( llf;{iI(lfi! ~ Il{.ft~< 'li!:'uC! * V,I';I Ifill 'li1 11 ~ Lilt ot VlJlalu according 10 the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 10 the total popuJatlGD by I1IIlllet

    A-Scheduled Castes ------If.!'l:m ~R)lf :illf(f;i'r 'file \'iI;;~~flJ[lll i!l'iR (lIf~a) Range of Sehe- du:ed Castes population L.C. L.C. tPercentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village ------____._------_.---:------2 3 2 3 ----.------~------...... I 29 f2 aft1ieT ffQ~f<;; Ashta Tahsil

    16-20 3~ lillfiil' Mundi Khedi 195 'fFIr >i~ Chachakhedi IIlli.~I{'l~

    ------_._-- ~------"" ------.... _-_----- 21-30 5 &,;rriRT Harnawada 105 f!J'l1lT

    ~9 Hlf",lfT 'if~r'f Pan)liya Chauhan 142 '!I1''1~!,!'T Anandipura 31 'iTT", lawar 155 'j;'nf~llT Dupadiya 36 mr'n~r Metwara 161 .TifT'!;! Dabri 49 'l1Jf~T "liT GU'lld;ya Verma 164 lITiiftT'T ~Hcct Malipura Ashta 59 If.l('fT GUW .. dl 166 ~ifT Duka 61 ~

    ~6 3il:"Tl Vrli 173 ll:'fillll

    qftflllz 4 APPENDIX I'Y

    f. 111'''11'1 it ",!,!f'llft '11m l(liI' iI!,!~f;oa iilll;j[lfa Iii ilTv!t

    A--Scbedllled Castes ------_------1I~.. a ~IilT1l liTTfa'lf\' 'lhG 3f'fmr olfllf'l'l ,,;;r, ('if6~"'") RaDle of Sche. duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. ePercentage l No. Name Dr Village No. Name of Village ------:------2 3 ------_------2 9/2 3fTfiGT a~~T~ Ashta Tahsil

    21~)O 192 illU'!"{ Hirapur 234 ,!\Tf?'l'1 1;"!""i{ Guradiya Rupchand \1),Tm 193 ifflu«m Loras Kalan 240 Bhourasa 2 ~3 '!n:f;nIT ,(I{ Arniya Ram 196 'in",,,! Chhapri 198 ij;3i1i~ Keukhcdi 246 \1eT"1 Bhatoni 199 1iI1'1i<:1i!1{ Jafrabad 250 l7'101 ~:;:l Harraj Khedi 205 ..",,,rf''l'T Kachnatiya 257 Ill'lf,"", "fI{r~'l' Pipaliya Chamarao 207 '1~ri~ Molu Khedi 258 if?'!"Ttt Badghati 208 ~!ffi~IJ!f; Bhilkhedi ')adak 260 ,T;;T'li'l" Rolagaon 212 or~~t 1iT~ Lasudiya Khas 265 '1'1"11:1 ;r~<:r Manirampura 214 iI'tfiff'l'T liTr'inehi 275 l'flT"{ \j~T Mag<.r Khedi 219 itqr~V1' Tipakhedi 280 I'M, Chhapar 224 !f;T'f?1 ~~ Kanda Khedi 281 '!,atbada 14 ipl"l! ~~l Kanya Khedi 45 ifliff"," Bilpan 15 "iT"!!T Chapsi 48 [\Fil"'l'T Ii?! Halya KhMi

    17 'Ii'<'lTTlIf~~1 Kalyanpura 50 ~',"l 'Ii'<'If Kurli Kalan 19 iF'1Tt'!' Keshopur 51 'lilo'li'!U Kodakpura 21 fellf''l'T Tigariya 53 ;r:m'l'!'l Jhanjh"npura 22 o;r~l f<'l''l'T (,"Til,) Aroliya (Jawar) 54 "!.U?T'liorT Dhurada Kalan 24 ipl\iT

    d~~i! 4 APPENDIX [V

    f" .lfnll" ij ~~r'ill;l t1rf(! ((II iI"!.'!.f'il!l Ol"""rn iii ~vftq" III,!'IRI t ~ vflrllli'l ~.. ) Lliiol VlllltMeI according (0 tb- proportion of Scheduleo (aste~ and Scheduled Tribes to tbe total population by rangel.

    ;;;-6!;;~f'il(! orrf

    ------.---~------l!I'l!if'il!l fQroitu PIli .r'l'lli !'II1;ila V1lI' 'iii IfR IiIlf

    ---.------..---~------29 f2 6{'itSel CI'~~ Ashta Tabsil

    31+ 62 'lr~'T Shahw~pura 80 <;f"'il'("{Tq~;;, LachhirampuTa 150 '110;'1" Baupura 81 i!fi<:f,m«q KhajUriva Kasarn 162 ~l1ill; w~ Hamid Khcdi 90 '!.'I;,fsl!l 'I" ..t Gur2diya Kal~n 163 "'IOlT ljsl Kaji Khedi 92 <;flf"'''l Ll\khiya 168 'li'lFit$;; Gopalpur 94 "'0(1 "'~ ual.! Kheda 169 "i''lIOl Channotha 95 ~!~~<:I lftf,o:r ShahJ1ura Magarda 174 1ST'll,! Dhanana 96 IJ'lT<;f "'T05ft Gangal Kothri 17S fcaTf,!Tr Titnriya 98 'l'Ilf<:l!1 i!Ti! PagariYa Hat 180 h;;l,! Baijnath 99 i!ft~f'!.fl srfm!r Bandriya Daliya 187 ~Wr~>; ~,1 Husainpul Khedi 102 "HHIR Jasmat 190 W'~~T Shambhu K.hedi T03 ";;1i~1 (flJfa:<;;lJ'ot) Barkhe<:Ji( Siddikganj) 191 i£''6i'f1 MUnd!a 104 ~a Dehmal ,.97 "f)qf~l!r Chopadiya lU6 'I1:;r1&~ BUjakhadi 200 &I(fuf."'1 ,Atraliya J 10 'f"'1 oii9T Narpa Khedi 202 ill;;

    qf~fST1l! 4 APPENDIX IV r ~I it a'!tm '111ft! ~ a;~Rrlr ~ t oilliTm VI!'f1tI t ~1: 1I1ltl m '1 ~ List 01 \llJIalel accordioll to the proportioo of Scheduled Castes aDd Scheduled Tribes to tbe total population by raoae'

    A-Scheduled Castes ----_-_------_... "1~f.ot

    31+ 203 flllll' QiT Shiv khedi 249 11lT11:'j;U i!:t'I'T Shampura Tappa 204 'If''fTIfW~ Parwagosai 252 IP:&:;T lharkhedi 206 ll'lT Q-;T MainaKhedi 154 ;if'lll'T~T Kheniyapura 209 1tT'IT>i~ Mana Khedi 255 ir<'l'IlT-;T Bhilkhedi 215 i[~ Ii;T Beda Khedi 256 IiTlfij!-;T 9;f!~i Khamkheda Ashta 216 ij'a! !i~ Sandho Khedi 259 "l'f<'l''ll il\T1fll: BadJiya Baramad 2~7 '3"if':'!;".: Umarpur 267 fq-{T'll ij!;f Pirana Khedl 218 'If(IT Ii;! lata Khcda 272 ~ft'l'i{t Jhikdi 220 'lifT !i-;T Gawa Kheda 276 f'!i<'

    232 r~<1'!;":r RasulpuTa 281 'fr11f'1{T Katla 233 at'l!T~ Amipur 290 ~'I'lT IlT~Y Burana Khedi 235 '!lit', Bager 291 'i'rfll'il:q;_".:T Govindpl'ra 238 .if;flH Dauniya 292 il:'"'Y't,1 H"rjipura 239 '!l'f'ifl Bapcha 293 1f11H liTit Pama Khedi 241 ~H':'h,!, Khandaurapur 295 191'1;" 'f';{t Chayan Kalan 242 anf'!'H ~I:Oil; Arniya Daud 298 .ihG''!.,l Gondpura 245 Ifl'l,! Pangri 299 "'Ifi!:l:ll '!1'iIl Kotiya Nala


    2 9/3 ~S.'~\ tr~'"t:f Ichhawar Tahsil

    0-5 34 ~lft'i'n"T~T Haliyakhedi 121 i!'h~ Birpura 59 p ..')IiTi'f Kundi Khal 128 l!T~'1~".: ,il311 iTiI: Mohanpur Noabad

    62 1{

    qfdm! 4 APPENDIX IV

    f'I qWIIlrI it lIIItt{,f'lftl IITfilf.!,ii ar;:'!.f'ira _,,\jIlM ItT .ruil1ln: "'TIM it ~R 1m!"f iii\' ~"'T UtI 01 Villa ... according to tbe proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scbeduled Tribes ;0 the total PDPuJaliOll by ran.,.. A-Scbeduled Castes ------Ir.Nf~ II(rflr 'Iil' GPltmT lIlfllfll'1 (lTfamr) Ranle of Selic· duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Naill" of Villag. -_--- ... ------...------2 ------29/3 ~~

    6-10 10 fq~~ 'i1~T Bishankheda 125 ~t~ ~~ Dhaikheda 5~ ;;r.m;r'lT 'liil~~'!; Jamoniya Fatehpur 133 i1ffifrn BaJondiya

    86 'II"

    1(18 iIl

    77 ~m1,!" Kushalpura 126 ~;t Mawada 78 ;fl\1.~ Nil bad 132 ;rrqf~llTq)<:'3"Il at~'!;lfF,!, B~wadiya Chor 80 ~.'fT'lT,!<:T erI'fi"¥ Kalyanpura Dhakad alias Shabaryat pur 82 'fll',,!'!;r Nayapura 136 ilrrfi!<;[iTt~ Abidabad

    --_ ------_._--- --_------.~------.... 16-20 2 O(IF'!I~ Amlaha 112 Ii'!:T Kheri

    23 'l;1~U Rampura 115 i(T1:~T "'\'Ii Bordi Kalan 44 'I3i tift Gau Kbedi 123 f;r.rT~ ;{I[, Brijis Nagar 50 ;i;r,!<:T Chainpura 127 ~lf,"r \jf~T~ Semli Jadid 71 'I1fil:'IT Gadiya 129 'lJ"lT.~ Gajikhedi 81 m;;r~r Jhalki 130 <:Ilf~ Ramgach 93 ;;r'i~'!1 ,II{ Lasudiya Ram 131 ~Ti1;{~;r Sohankheda Nibukheda 100 iiTlT\1T .lfT1!t Dhabla Mata 139 'f"'!~li1~T Tankpura 111 ml1\'TT l!T3Tr

    ---.---~- _-.------~------_--_._ 21-30 'lT~r ~~ Bilada Khedi 8 111'1, ")~r Golu Khedi 3 'lirf\1l1T ij)~'r Kaliya Khedi 9 ~q~T Durgapura Sukaliya Hansraj 5 I{lii~~<: iii,,",! Mohanpur Lendi 12 :!'Ii'f\1'1T ~~<:1;;{ 6 'l)"l,);<:T Bhojpura 16 'f[Ifi1[1 NagaIi 175

    qf~f~! 4 APPENDIX IV

    P ~I it "'!~ IflIiI r:tti ~m ~TIiI it; ~afrm: 1fo!'!l6 it; ~11: ~Ilfl.a '1'ift Lilt 01 VlllalCi IICcordinl 10 tbe proportion of Scheduled Castes lind Scheduled Tribe. 10 the tolal population by ranlell

    A-Scheduled Castes ------~m ~1Iit!f 'lTTfClir 'Ii"~ '5!'I~T~firr'lt il1'i!< (!ff

    --:.---~------~------1 2 3 2 3 ---_._------29/3 ~~1'f'{ a~~~ Ichhawar Tahsil

    21-30 19 al<:f.''ll Toraniya 84 qT;;m~! Palkhedi 21 fiTlffil !if! Bishan Khedi 9, f.r


    31+ 4 qeTrorT "i'lil Patariya Banka 40 GfTvi~T Jatkhedi 14 If,fllQ ~~r Narsingh Kheda 41 ITI<:T rift Gnra Khedi 17

    22 IlTiift"it Mola Khedi 11 53 lff~,!,T Shahpura 24 il~i:s! Deh Khedi 6 3 ~"iifT~ Dudlai 26 :8iifii:r~! Kulhadi 65 '''i''1'1"'j;,r Raghunathpura 27 iifT~ ri~ Lau Khedi 74 f~~i'I'!u Himm.tpura 28 or'1f~!fT lii~ Lasudiya Shfkhu 107 ~m~"t Sedhokhedi 29 1{1!i[C!'!' Bhagwatpur 147 qt1!u Pangari 31 \'1'!jfillT lll'liif Lasudiya Goyal 14$ iifW~l!Tti\W! Lasudiya Gondi Dehr iya om kati 36 "T\'1'T~"'T Balapura 150 il~f,llT '!,'Ii"TCl! 37 \II[ flIP: Ram Nagar 159 fll"lm Bichholi 38 liif'llT ~tfl Khajuriya Dhengi 176

    "Rfll1i! 4 APPENDIX IV

    t" 'IfInlll if lIf1l\f'lfl:! IIIrRl {(II 8J,!~m IijlfIllfRl ~ tiivj)q" I[~ t .i!6" vMlIi) 1)."') u.t or Vltla..,. according to the proportion of Scheduled CaSte8 and Scheduled Tribes 10 the lotal poPullltiOll bY fillip.

    A-Scheduled Castos ------.------i!W'ifII £'Ir~ il(mr 11ft ~T~ ;;y;! tRIll tiif"lill ij;iJ"( (Jlfclllfif) Range of Sene. duled Castes population L.C. L.C. CPercentage) No. Name of Village NO'. Namo of Villag.

    2 3 __ ._------_------29/4 ;f~.~~ltTa{ ~~ NasruUaganj Tahsil

    0-5 3 fi1'1'i;!T"T Piplani 107 ~1Ti;!'1'f'f1 or~q Semalpani 1adid 5 'iC:'I'T'fT Ghutwaoi 114 'll"f1:n'ti[ Amdoh 6 'im~:r: Ilasantptlr 113 ~ KhajUli 52 ,q\T;f; lior Rafique Gan; Il8 'f,f~T Ii" ~R; Dlll'nkol 87 limrT Manjhli 162 i1THI'r ;;f{1

    q'f~mfj! 4 APPENDIX IV f'I .-.1 if Q~m .116 ~ cr.tt:fi'nr ~Tfit it; "Ift~ "'1"llI' it; "'!~,-.: 11111'1 tI 'l"" LIlt of VllIale. IICcordin. 10 Ihe proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe. to the total population by ranaca

    A-Scheduled Castes ------,----- ~1i:f;re ~T!I)7.r ,nfer ..,. ..~ or.rlill'lT ..rf;'p;rl ~<

    11-15 121 m

    129 (fr\lf~r Tajpura 156 fer<'frf

    133 f<:i5m RithVlar 157 ~~qfq Khadgaon 134 lfTre'll1i,'I Khatiya Khedi 158 t\9ffmq 1f;'T~1 Chh;tgaon Kachhj 136 ."~T Khanpura 159 Ric':hadiya Jadeed 137 ,,"1{,rifT Satrana f,~f"liT \lfoft~ 138 arm" Agra 160 f~IfT'" Dimawar ------~------_._---.--_------16-20 9 ij)~'i(~r ~~ Borkheda Khurd 45 f'flfTi!r Nimota

    13 ~ Bodi 65 m'i~, Ratanpur 15 q,V~ Barkhedi 70 '1""'l?T Gularpura 19 II!";HHT Shukarwlls 71 'lornft ...rl PaJasi Kalan 21 ~)trt Dobhan 72 fifl'ifT'!f" Nimnagaon 24 If,,"oft SasJi 75 if)1-V.,. 1f;'.rr Borkheda KaJ an 31 ql"~if Satdev 79 orr"fTlff

    qftfma: 4 APPENDIX IV

    f" 1II11W'!I'1 it 1Il,"!.f~!I IIITftr I.(l( 8l'l'!.fi;re lIIi1i11rRr Iii ~-nIfI1: 8I1"m iii 81~n: vflff 'Ii\' !!.. 1 lilt 0' vIlleae. according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste9 and Scheduled Tribes 10 Ibe lotal population by rangel.

    'Ii -1Il'W;fil iIlfu A-Scheduled CastO! ----...------~'i)~ Ill! ~l "111 f'rl'll1.l IITl'I 15"1 '11'11 1I!1ftt'''''' IIfrre'liT 'lilg 'liTi ~ml.;rf"":1 'll'iI' ,,;if, (llfam!) Range of Sche. :Ivied Cas tes population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Villago

    -----~------,------2 3


    29 J4 ;r~t;~i;fTri"' ('fi!m~ NasruJlaganj Tahsil

    21-30 90 ~lfollT Sonthia 108 'li"i'li"fHf Kankaria 92 '1'f'Gf If\l:

    93 ~t1lq Mehrugaon 126 '1'f~ Ramgarha 94 'lfTlfi'TT Jogala 132 if~fi{!T1 llarodia 98 a<;fm Dhannas 141 'l"c

    ------~- ---.__ ------_------. --- .. ------

    29/5 ~a;r"t ~~~R;r Budni Tahsil

    0-5 Ii ~<'[[ '1n!T Dela Wadi 80 '1'1'1'113; Chachmau 7 .r'f~'T Khnnpura 93 '!;:ir.r Sudon 15 Ulflf'f!Tl Sagon:a 111 ~;;

    qftf~! 4 APPENDIX IV

    IV -1R1lli1 ~ ~~,f'l(~ tlrfil Il,- 1II~'l.f,;tI iHI'URI 06 ~~n lII~qm ir; III~I~ Ill'll '6) '1.,,) LIlt of Ville..,. accordinl 10 the proportion of Scheduled Caste. and Stbeduled TJibes 10 Ibe 10lal populatioo by rangel.

    A--Scheduled Castas

    81~rQ ~I'flll 1111{ ~ "III orrfll '!if !fi)~ :;r;r1i'll'llI'if1l\'!f1 ~>l!\ (5lf

    6~10 47 'f>l)~1 Pathoda 113 .ftO:'1 Bodra 49 ql'lf'l) Mathni 114 1'I'fr,f:;:f Saokhedi 51 lil''1I~:g1 Dipakheda 117 lifTlrr Khoha 54 'Ii>rl Bayan 118 ..>rrO:I Khawada 59 'f't.it, Nioore 119 ITT?,;, Gadar l11lf~, Sagpur 60 ~M~'{[ Holipur~ 130 64

    11· 15 2 'I"!ilr Bardha 98 ",1 Jfc):r Neemton 9 ~,I Kheri 99 ,:t ~'T Ran.Pura 14 'I),) Bori 101 "I'IIF~~I Jawahar Kheda 'lIP: Sdrdar Nagar 27 If.'t'0:1 Kakarda 105 ,n,,:r, 35

    57 ,"~I"I,!'I Jahaj Pura 132 ")(1lf[ K{)smi 65 ft'flfT'f Devgaon 136 'lI''I

    q'h:f~a' 4 APpIENDI}Q V

    ~ "f,,8'li'1"I ii l:I,!~

    ------~--- !!!'!,'.If'1"ff 'llfa ..T Oi!';J#l;m ~1VII:rt (lIf(f!llff) Range of Sche­ duled Cnstes population L.C. 1.e. t Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    -----_-_------~- 2 3 2 3 ------29,r 5 ~;;,;ri' ff~~t'"tOl Budni Tahsil

    16-20 17 ii~ ~s:r GehuD Kheda 68 r1""~~r Sanwa Ikheda 123 f1l"f~r 'flff Khidiya Kurrni 45 ff'T'tTz Dhankot 124 'l.fr.,;.rt ChiKli 46 ,!,Jg Murrah 03 f!f11"l'TiFf Siyagahan 48 'ifT1iW Charua 63 qi:m"r Pandado 135 'li<:'Tf'l"liiill Kheri s ilgena 67 ,!'ITf~!fT Guwadia 138 'f~ €l?r Kusurn Khcda ------... ------_. -~--.- _.------~------~,- 77 iI'TIIT"?T Bagwada 21-30 8 "{

    31+ 25 i'ttrfrtlT Semaria 75 wi~ Jharrapur 37 '1i3:<'fTt Nahlai 81 "i!"~rr Khalpura ~8 l1'!iJf?l1l Makodia 41 'Il."TTrr Phulada "l'(;r<:r Bamhori 44 'Q

    qftfSl'! 4 APPENDIX IV

    P _"'1I1f! II .'l~f"li IIrfa 1(11' I!~r.ra Ilflf00rfa i 1IT1litq1~ ilfi:'IRI iii 1I~l\ gtql 'Ii) ~'II) Lilt 01 Villelc, according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste9 and Scheduled TJibcs to tbe tOlal population by ranges.

    A-Scheduled Tribes ------ili:'1f'

    3 2 3 ------29/1 'IT~i~ ('f~~a Sehore Tahsil

    0-5 2 i!Tf\l1ll Bansia 164 'Ii'lf~ ann Karadia Ata 4 ll'TT Gawa 167 I1l'n:qr Kharpa 5 ma;r~i Satanwadi 175 '!l;['liU MuskeT!! 6 1 'I11'3f I[ll~ Bhoj Nagar 141 f'l'llf'l'll Nipania 284 'O<'Im'l'l U!jhawan 155 'T'Ii<'l<'l Baktal 291 'I1'i,,1 Bhandcli 160 If!'!T Ii?'T Mana Kheda 293 ~'!lT~

    qf'd~TIS! 4 APpIENDlJll V ~ 1I!1Iml ij ql!\(m ~m ((II' ~f;;rn ",";l[lm it ~Qi'riffi: WJ:'!I<'f 11; ~1; 11111'1 'lit ,'ift Lis! 01 Village, according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes snd Scheduled Tribe8 10 the lotal.populalloa by ranllCl

    B-Scheduled Tribes

    ------_---_._------~ !;['F!:f'f<'f ,~~1t( '3f'i'GfTf<'f .rt 'IftS' ~1~fuT'1! '1l'l(, (lff

    6-15 3 'fli, Pater 101 '1lQ~ 19;;1 Natra Khedi 12 'i1i~1 Pilu Khedi 253 fI.ltt Dhavoti 60 f\'(Il\,"! Hingoni 255 ,"T~l G(

    29/2 3n~cT 1I'&l:t(;;r . Ashta Tahsil

    0-5 2 'Ii,"<'I1II Kajlas 8 'l!1ft if.m Bhauri Kalan 4 ""If'! lit,! Karman Khedi 9 'il:I'f< Murawar ~\ijlcr~1 Harnawada IS ~,f'i1lT llTq- Harniyagaon ]83

    qftf~! 4 APPENDIX IV

    fi" "'"'Ill 11 ~f'illl 'nfit t>," iI,!~f.qtl ~.nfit ~ ~~n: Bi"'!'fTa' it; 1f~1< aTlfT ~"r ~'iI"r U.! 01 Vllla,e. according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste~ and Scheduled TJibes to tbe total populalion by ranges.

    A-Scheduled Tribes ------.------EII~f'i{6 ~I;ft1I 'lI;r~l'If

    0-5 28 0I1f,f<1'lT ,llf~ BamuliYd Raimal 177 ~q~1 Seoda 31 mil< Jawar 201 fil'nf;r

    134 nT:;r~1 Tajpura 280 Chhapar 161 :SliFf DabTi 281 'Iuf~l ill"l'mij Guradiya Bazyafat 163 'lit'lll ij)l:I Kaji Khcdi Dhinga Kh,eui 1,69 'iIilTor Channotha 285 m'llli~ 176 'H'f 6Tsf Pao Khedi 292 i'l~~T Harjipura ------~-. -~ ------._. .,.. 6-1, ; 82 'ifl'l~qT<: Lasudiyapar 234 '!.'lf~llii'1\ 293 '111ft ~T¥f Pama Khedi 208 Iif

    36-50 122 Deepla Khedi 269 Badkhola ------~------.--- 111

    282 ~Tqt'!T Kelapani 297 '11"1f 'firt< 'l11;( i Pili Karar Kalan


    qfd~TI5! 4 APpIENDl')Q V P _m if CIl!~ ~fu ((lI' ~f;re ~rfit it IIMtIft{ W1'm'l it ~~ II,," 'I\l ~'Ift Lilt of VllIa.e. accord in II to the proportion of Scheduled Castes Bod Scheduled Trihe, to the total popuJatJon by ransea

    B-Scbeduled Tribes ------~~(f ~1ifIlf <;TIfjfrm'li'r 'liT? ~T~fQrlfl ifW.!' (lif

    ----,------~------29/3 ~-qm 8'Q~')<;J Ichhawllf Tahsil

    - 05· 'I1

    2 ar1l""I~r Amla'ta 75 ~'n~ Diwadiya

    7 Elll'!'G:! Dhamanda 82 'T1f'~·U Nayapura

    12 ~f<"l1fT~'l"'1I Sukaliya Hansraj 90 :;il~ ~)~ Jogda Khedi 14 ;f'J!f~ ij)~' Narsingh Kheda 93 <"Ill;fu"r lJli Lasudiya Ram 18 iif~)~ ~11"1 Barkheda Kurmi 95 '11"<;; "I~r Bllau Klledi 37 'U1I";;'1~ Ram Nagar 42 ~af'l'qfiif'lT Sat Pipliya 106 'l'hml1Il

    6-1,5 33 11"1<'1'1"1 Molga 104 lI'ffil'l[r Sewaniya 40 <;fTc ~)?T Jat Kh.edi 105 ., ~f«1 'filII, Lasudiya Kangar 49 i01!<: 11I1

    06-25 61 Singapur 1 J 5 <117<;1 'f<"lt Bordi Kalan 64 Dolatpur lIS ,!7r:sr Guradi

    ---.------~-----_.------26-35 103 Khejda

    ---- -_--_._------:.~- ---- 185

    qNf~1! 4 APPEND IX IV

    fl!l' IIII'R'1I'l if IIIlPtf'l!! trIm ~i{ aT1~ N!! \lfifOilm 'Ii oijuiT

    A-Scheduled Tribes ------i!I~f"" ~ri{~ :;['1:iTlfir '1ft 'liT~ :;r;r«.-ql ~f1Jl1l'1 '!JiIl: (lIfffl!lff) Range of Sche. duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percen tage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village ----_._------_------2 ------29/3 ~~T

    36-50 34 ~rf<'fl[T ~ Haliya Kheai 96 ~~ Kudi 113 :;[11",;, Jamli 58 ~~ HarspuT

    55 ~i{I"f'Vl Raghunathpura. 119 llllT'[U Srmapura

    7& i{"tOi1{~ Nilbad 146

    51+ 59 wi1m\'f Kund; Khal 134 i!q"f1" Nawalpura 63 <'I'If<'f'1"1 1i;;1 Lal;ya Khedi 135 ,nll<'fl~ Bamla Darh 62 ~<:lilT Jhar Kheda 136 3nf.<:TifTG Abidabad Salj Kheda 70 'If'fJil; Rupadeh 137 RTm~~ 138 ~111li~T K.hamkheda 71 "'~1 Gadiya 72 ifJ-,:q- r:r"r :aq;' :S;'61<'f'IT Borpani Oudalawa 139 ~f'i Ii~ Nibn Kheda 0;8 f'!Ofl,",!<:T Bina Kapura j4[ it<:ifr ~~ Bordi Khurd 116 lj:'tIl'I"T'I') Moyapani 142 'Iil'i~~ Kolu Khedi 117 or.\'If~, Allipur 144

    130 '1ll'T~ RamgMh 154 '1(tij;;;f'lI'lf Chikalpani [31 'il1~'1Ii~T Sahan Kheda 155 ~F'lq-fq;;ft Jhai Pipali 132 ifT1{f:~m '

    .------.. _------

    29/4 iI'~~~{:fl":or i'fQ~T(:( NasruJlaganj Tahsil

    0-5* 12 it"f<'l'I Chichli 30 "ff<:!ll ~~ Chorsa Khedi 20 iTi!l;:-1{ Bansdeo 32 ui",,!<: Dholpur 23 !IT'!i'l" . Seegaon 78 hW?m ifiG:flf Richadiya Kadcem 28 iflf1{T11 Bagwada 85 iIf(f<:rf<'l''1"r Alralia 186

    qh:f~fi! 4 APpIENDI:N V

    P -ntml li ~ "3!lfu ~ Wij,~f'iffl ~ijlTf" iii oii11Tm Wij,'i15 ~ ~,~ IIllfllffl 'l'ift Lilt of Vlllale. according 10 Ihe proportion of Scheduled Castes Rnd Scheduled Tribe. 10 Ihe tOlal populatIon by range. B-Scheduled Tribes ------_------_... ;;[,!,!:f'l'1 mT~f<7f'Ti (Slf;:(1!(

    O-~'" 86 ~T\ffii5 Noelkanth 136 'l'i$! Khanpura 89 "I'T"f Chich 137 ~ Satrana

    92 "I'l"U tfil" Chanda Ga"an 146 ;rrfG:lIl ~~ ~nnn Nadia Kheda Khalsa 94 OITll,,1 logala 150 ~!ftlJ: TT Rinjhadia 160 Dimawar 161 q?"'li'f Badgaon 126 ;:1t~1 Ramgarha 133 f<:iS'm Rithwar 162 m1'ilt.,.~'l; Aamba Jadeed

    ------~ ------_.. ------

    6-15 10 'lt1f;I<: Bankot 72 f~ltji'I Nimnagaon Kharsania 13 l[T~ Bodi 73 ..,~!f'!!fT Borkheda Kalan 15 q;:,,'?T Barkhedi 75 i[Tr~~T 'Ii<1f 79 iiT"I1

    35 ~~

    16- 2j 24 Sasli 39 Gorakhpur 34 Pandagaon 54 Amba Kadeem 187

    qRf5ll5! 4 APPENDIX IV

    flit et;ru,1I'l it 6l'!'lf~1! Iillm ~I( fI!~~f.qa 1il'!1ilrf6 qi 0.101\«1'( ~"ffi ~ ~!'( IlIIit ~) 'l"T Un 01 Villeaea according to the proponion 01 Scheduled Caste~ and Scheduled TJibes to tile total population by range••

    A-Scheduled Tribes ._-- ~------.._------._------_------~f'la f'IIl'f)1J 'iI,!

    2 2

    2;/4 1f~~;;~1*1' tl'q_""<'1 Nasrullaganj Tah$il

    16-25 63 hrmit Sirali 127 PI'lTf'llll Nipania 68 ~1i Suned 132 iI~lf<;lIl Barodia 74

    93 l!~1i

    97 ula!f[q '1);)11 Ch)litgaon Moji 155 <:l<'fT Rala

    -- _. ------.._---~------..------

    26-35 11 'ITt Bain 103 'ITfr' ~~t Nahal' Kheda 47 fwf;r:rl Jhlrnia 119 Gll1tf'!!f1 ifTGlIIT'Kf Jamonia Bazyaft 56 m;;rT Jhali 128 f~~'l)

    ~ --_.------.-_------_ ------.-----

    36-50 2 "WfI 'i~ Itawa Khurd 64 q\'fll1 QT.,T PaJaspani '1)'~~ ~:IT,,'I ri~T Sohankhedi 31 m~;i'" Satdev 101 Qi")"~ Panchore 38 flf<'[\;<:r Gilhari 108 'fiiifif<:!fT Kankaria 40 ~lT<'Tl '11~T 'fo,TI1 Semla Pani Kadeem 44 ~41~''foGTI1 Shyampur Kade.em 109 'fileU fqQf«f!fT KOlra pipalia 4S f,,'IRo Nimota 124 ~'!I~t<: !tawa Jadeed 52 ,iT'P Ii"l Rafiqueoanj 21 sTW Dobhan

    - -~------._------_... _----

    51+ ~'i'l';rlqri[) Donglapani 4 f.. qr'!'!'l; Kishanpur 3 f'lIffil'fT Piplani 5 ,!~'!1'1) Ghll!Wani 188

    qf~f~1i~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    ~11I .;r'''111 it 'f'1F!'!l!:f'lfil ~'1fofl!l' t;(;r;tlfCl'li'! ..N 'J["~~!l'T ~f1Jf!l't ifl'in: (5!f

    ----.------~------_, 29/4 ;:r~l!~<:rflt;jf (f&~f<:r NasruJlaganj Tahsil

    5'1+ 6 ~if~' Basantpur L07 «1(""£ '1Fft iif~l~ Se:nall'ani Jadid 7 i1:ql<::if:;r'!.11~l HameeJganj(Tumdi) 112 "I':m Naleh .53 Q:il!if ifll' Habeeb Nagar 118 '1r~lfT ~ST <[I"flll'l

    ------~------_- -~------

    29 J 5 ,!~;iT ii'QtI'm Budni Tahfil

    0 .... 5 2 ilT'{1l1 Bardha 105 '1'<:"1': 'l'P: Sardar Nagar 106 :ii'l Jait 19 'l:1\~'1 Rehli 108 if(§qr~ Machr.wai 22 " ..Tf.lIT iF! Makodia Rehti lIS 'lfilT'l"t Khawada 32 q

    q~f~! 4 APPENDIX IV

    fW IIIi1RlI'l it ",~f~ IiIrf6 Q,iI' iI~fil ,!","t U.I 01 Vllleae. according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes Bnd Scheduled TJibes 10 Ihe lOlal population by range•• ------_._------A-Scheduled Tribes ~lIf~ ~T;r'PI :;r;rorrf" 'iiI 'fiTs fllti >.lfurll"t '11'll\ (srftrQlff) Range of Sche. duled Tribes population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Vii lage No. Name of Village ------2 2 3 ------29/5 :T Hathnora 25 fll1f,lI"T :;enlaria 107 l"t

    77 i'ftrl!T~ Bag\vada 138 'tl!lf ~T~T Kusum Kheda 98 ~iif Neemton 144 m'f' Borna 102 flflfflHT ~¥T Pipalya Kheda 145 f~;nf\'!\ Higna~ir


    16-25 4 «11<:1 'F<~qT Semri Katkuwa 42 'liIT,T Pangra 6 ;:\1TqT~.'T nelawadi 44 ~c:mr1 Itarsi 9 1;1,1 Khcri 50 'Ir'l' 'r'Tf~I1T Panguradia 12 if5't<1' Bhadkul 73 ,Tl'l;rl[, Rarnnagar

    13 f'lqf<,!TT i'fr;;rlfl'lO' Pipalia Bazyaft 79 "fll:T'l'~, Jannnpur 14 iT""r Bori 87 'IT\~l!T~1 Paraswada 15 l1'Tlf;rll"f Sagonia 97 ~'Tf"H nungria 18 'flit'1,rfS"lI"l Gondi Guradia 123 fuf~r ~l'l1 Khidiya Klirmi 30 iTT'i~l Barkheda 132 'FT~m Kosmi

    34 ~iil<'f l;1~T SanwsJ Kheda 134 ![;o(I'" Baktara 36 l'lo,oT'Til! Ma(hagaon 140 ;>;Tif'llc Nonbhet 37 ;r~ffi-{ Nahlai 146 f

    qf'(f~5i! 4 APpENDIX IV

    flit ,"~~I it u~tf'ra O!!fa ~ wt'l:R"

    B -Scheduled Tribes ------...------~,!"Jfq\'l lilfffl'llt !!Tl'!'liT'ITl'! "f'[;(lf" 'liT 'fils' or'lfil;lfl >..Tf;'p:rl ~;: (Ilf~if) Range of S~he. dUled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. ~Percentage ) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    ---_.. ------~------2 3 2 3 ---_.------_._------_----_--'f 29/5 "i,,;r1 i'f&~1

    26-35 7 1if.1'!'1 Khanpura 47 'i'-l)~t Pathoda 10 <1f Mau Kal·n 21 «('1'11;;'1" Salk:lnpur 67 l'!,'fT~IrT Guwadia 31 <1(1:1 "1~1 Be1:tra Khedi 83 €[~

    ------... -- ,.._.------~-----

    36-50 5 ~jlTfr Dongri 70 i'[R~'T Talpllra , g Ratanpur '0"'2' 81 "1:~'! Khatpura 16 '!ilg1=lT Kosmi 88 Ifif.Tfslrl Makodia] 20 1=IM iTTl1i Md!iwayan 93 'l,T!''1! Jajna R9 'iII~ • .r"Jf S.lldganj 48 'ifI~i!fT Charua 99 "'1=1'),<1 Rampura 52 ~~n, Satar 109 fi!~'l\T Bineka 53 6lTfs111 Odia 112 ;frlfafr Neel11 Jamnapur 'IT'I), Ninore 59 121 ~j~1 Hod,l 61 liftsT.~ Kh~ndabad 142 'lj'P'l'fI1!"T Somalw:tda 62 lI!Hlf, Y n' N 19ar 63 qjsgl Pandado 150 l1'?1'T<: l'vlathar 61 'Tj;;ft'l71:P: Pili Karar 152 1=I;:;,r~ ft ''11'1; Sehrai Ginnor


    Notc- *Excludes villages II jth no S. C. population. ~ s ~ -;:rfR f;:r~f~q;l



    The details of statement presented in the Town cal aspect and location of towns. In colums 6 to 12 Directory, 1981 are given below ;- the name of and road distance in Kms. shown with­ in brackets, from the State headquarters, District Statement I-Status and Growth History headquarters, Tahsil headquarters, neare&t city with population I lac and above, Railway Station. This statement provides some basic data based Bus route, Navigable river Canal (if within 10 Km.) on the Primary Census Abstract (PCA).In column 2 have been presented. If the name mentioned in of the statement the class of the town has been these columns are the same as the referrent town indicated according to 1981 Census population of itself tbe distance has been recorded as '0' (Zero). the core town as follows :- In caSe the railway station (Col. 10) or bus route (Col. 11) is not available in tbe referrent town, Population Class the name of nearest town where the facility is ]00,000 and above I available with distance in Kms. from the referrent town has been presented. If navigable river/canal is 50,000 99,999 II passing within a distance of 10 Km. from the town 49,999 III 20,000 the name of river I canal with distance has been 10,000 ]9,999 IV presented in column 12. The abbreviation Rand C 5,000 9,999 V stand for the River and Canal respectively.

    Below S,O~O VI Statement Ill-Municipal Finance, 1978-79

    The civic administration status of the town as The data for this statement is collected from in 1980 hal! been indicated. Where there is no local admjnistra\1ve bod ies and has been presented civic body in the town it has been treated as Census not only io respect of statutory bodies but also in TOWIl. The following abbreviations have been used respect of non-statutory bodies mmagir,g the civic to denote the civio statl:s of the town- administration of the town, if they have separate budgets and accounts of their OWn pertaining to Municipal Corporation M Corp. the town. Municipal Committee/Municipality Me Under column 12. the expenditure incurred by Cantonment Board CB the civic authontyon 'public safety' includes such Notified Area Committee NAC items as fire fighting service, r~scue operations during floods and fairs, etc. Likewise, column 15 Gram Panchayat GP includes expenditures incurred on maintenance of Special Area Development Authority SADA schools, colleges and other institutions like publio Census Town CT libraries, museum etc. The exact items covered, may however, vary from town to town, which wOl!ld Column 5: Are:l (S:J. Km.) as supplit:d by the depend on the practice followed in this regard by loca} bod ies. each local authority.

    Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns Statement IV -Civic and otber Amenities, 1979

    This statement gives for each town, physi- The information given under columns 2 to 6 193 are new additions. Information under column 6 Borewell pumping system BWP represents Pucca and Kachha roads for which Pressure tank PT abbreviations used are PR and KR respectively. In column 7 the various types of seweargejdrainage In case of availability of fire- fighting service systems have been presented as given below- in a town 'Yes' has been indicated, otherwise the name of the nearest place where available and the Sewer S distance in Km. within brackets, have been shown. Open Surface Drains aSD Box Surface Drains BSD Statement IV (A)- Civic and other amenities in Sylk Drains SD Noti6ed Slums. 1979. Cesspool Method CD Information relating to civic and other ameni­ Pit System PT ties in respect of slum areas of those towns where the population exceeds 50,000 has been presented. In Columns 8,9 and 10 information collected from respective local bodies on different types of latrines has been presented. It includes public as Statement V-Medical. Educational, Recreational and well as private latrines. Cultural Facilities, 1979.

    In Column 11, the abbreviations us~d fOf the In c('Ilumns 4 and 5, the information collected 01' various prevailent methods of disposal night soil from the Stat~ Health Department has been are given below. Where more than one method is pres~rterl. The- institutions run by private doctors used, the information giY<:n upto two methoJs. have not been included. The informatlOn is limited for those institutions as are run by or aided by Head loads HL Government I Semi Government I Locnl bodies and Baskets B charitable imtitutions or social service agencies Wheel barrows WB like the missionaries. Where the family planning centres are attached to hospital or maternity and Septic tank latrine ST child welfare centres or primary health cenhes. Sewerage S those have been treated as independent unit and presented separately. The maternity and child In Columns 12 and 13 the sources of protected welfare centres, veneral disease clinic, chtst clinic water supply and the system of storage with capa· leprosy clinic have [lot been given separately. These city therein within brackets have been presented have been indicated alongwith other medicallUsti­ with the following abbreviations. Where more than tutions in column 4. The following abbreviations one source or more than One system of storage have been used. exist, the information is restricted to two major sources of systems. Hospital H Column 12 Dispensary D Tube well water/Hand pump TW Health Centre HC Tap water TA Family Planning Centre PC Well water W T.B. Clinic TB Tank water TK Nursing Home NB Column 13 Others 0 Overhead Tank ORT Service reservoir SR If there are more than one institutions of any type the number of such institutions have been River infiltration gallery IG 194 indicated within brackets e. g. dispensaries (2) Shorthand &: Typewriting SHTYpe nursing homes (4) etc. Others o All types of hospitals/dispensaries etc. whether The vocational institutions like Applied Art J allopathic or ayurvedic or unani or homeopathic painting College, Pharmacy College, B.Ed. College have been cov::red in column 4. These institutions Teacher's Training Institutions, Music Dancing have been indicated with the following abbre- I School, Nursing School, etc. have been covered viations :- under 'Others'. However the type of institutions included under. Others' have been described in the Ayurvedic A introductory note. Unan! U Homeopathic Hom Columns 11 & 14-The information has been In case of allopathic. no abbreviation is given. ,collected from the district Education Officers. The following abbreviations have been used- If no medical facility is available in the refer­ rent town the name of the nearest town with Primary p distance there of has be en given. The information on Junior Seccndary or numbel& of bed, has not been given as it was not provided by the authont.(.s concerned. III Columns Middle School M 6 and 9, the information collected from the Matriculallon or Such type of institu­ Education Department has teen presented with the Secondary tion does not exit in following abbreviations. Madhya Pradesh Higher Secondary/Inter- PUC Arts only A m ediatejPre-UniversitYI Science only S Junior College! (10+2) Arh and Science only AS System whether held in Commerce only C Schools or Coli, ges. Arts and Commerce only AC Combined for all Categories Arts, Science and Commerce ASC If there are composite schools like Middle Law L schools with Primary classes, or Higher Secondary Schools with Middle classes, these have been inclu­ If there are more than one institutions of a type ded in the number of Primary and Middle schools the number has been given against each in brackets. respectively. For example, if in a town, there are two primary schools and one middle s~hool with primary classes, the number of primary schools in Column 10-The information has been collec­ the town have been given as threlS and that or ted from the Education Department. Where the middle schools as one even though there may be institutions are found to be located just beyond the only three educational institutions. This also boundaries of the town but near the referrent town applies in the case of higher secondal y schools. and for all purpose are considered as belonging to the referrent town only, such marginal case' have been inel uded in the town directory. If there are If there are more institutions of a type in the more than one institutions of such type the number town, these have been indicated with numbers within brackets against the abbreviations e.g. D(3). h~s bern given against each in brackets. The following abbreviations have been llsed- M (2), H (2). etc.

    Shorthand SH Column 15 - The number of Adult literacy _Typewriting Type classes has been shown. 195

    If an educational facility is not available in the Public Library PL town, the name of the nearest place where the facility is available, have been given with distance Read ing Room RR in Km from the referrent town.

    Column 17-19:-The informati0n has been colle- Statement VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and cted from the Excise Department and concerned Banking, 1979. local bodies. Touring Cinema talkies have not been taken into account. Community halls have been included in Column (19). The Statement depicts information relating to three most important commodities imported, exported and manufactured. The commodities Column 20:-The information has been collected ha ve been mentioned in order of volume. Besides, from Educa.tion Department and the local bodies information relating to the number of banks, num­ who maintain public libraries and reading rooms ber of agricultural and non-agricultural societies has and the folloVling abbreviations have been used in presenting them. also heen furnished. 196

    fq.~ur 1

    Sf~'{fu t;ci C!fa: ~fiJ~l~

    ------.. ------~.-~~.------'iIl1f ;r~ ;t\ >-l1l['), on~ (f~ ~;I:hl 1fl[\1m 'fir ::rl~ Il'i;;rn<'[ ~'" qft lImt1f;"Ii m (~;j flli.lit if) m~ I!ft:t!fu 'IHI\ '1rom:l

    Number of H<,useholds Class, Name and Location including Population and 81. civic administration Code Name of Area houseless ,------No. sta tus of town No. Tahsil (in Sg.Kms.) households 19Of, 1911 1921

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -'---.. _-_

    IV 1;!11SC1 ('I. 'If. ) 29/II anliGT 15.38 3,269 5,534 4,855 2,463 Ashla (M) Ashla (-12.27) (-<19.27)

    2 V ~wrn ('1.'11. 29/HI -s:wrn 0·31 1,361 4,352 3,914 3,284 Ichhawar (M) Ichhawar (-10,06) (-16.10)

    3 V :rmOf1'1i;;r (lIT.'!' • ) 29!IV "\111'~ri'lf 8.81 1,329 NasruIlagll[1j (G.P.) NasruUaganj

    4 II ~~n: ('1. 'II.) 29/1 w~ 16.42 9,085 16,864 12.105 13,588 Sehore (M) Sehore (-28.22) (+12.25)

    ~---~ -- -_--. ---~~ 197


    Status and Growth History


    ______growth rate of the town--A- at the Censuses______of , Density Sex-ratio .A.__ -_---"\ (1981 ( 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 Census) 1961 1971 1981

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 U

    4,952 5,640 6,234 8.981 14,036 19,619 1,276 923 914 895 (~I01.06) (~I3,89)(1-IO.53) (-r44.06) (1-56.29) (1-39.78)

    3,662 3,997 ~lfl11i>(f 5,136 6,395 8,461 27,294 904 881 888 (+11.51) (~9.15) DeClassified H 24.51) 1-32.31)

    2,087 i!

    13,860 16,831 879 28,489 36,136 52,190 3,1 78 843 1160 856 (~2.00) (1-21.44) (1-24.05) (+36.45) (+26.84) (+44.43) 198

    .------'!1111 'IJf1: 'Ii\" ~1 ar'h: mil ln~f(f," <'I"~ f"l~f;:rfli

    2 3 4 5 6 7

    IV arrller 'I11'mT ,,~n: Ashta Bhopal Sehore 1,054.9 31.5 18.5 (81) (44)

    ,,')~, 2 V ~i!' ""111 <1 Ichhawar Bhopal Sehore 1,242.1 31.5 18.5 (58) (21)

    3 V lf~'II';;r 'l[tq-l;:r ,,~, Nasrullaganj Bhopal Sehore 1,412.3 31. 5 18,5 (92) (72)

    4 II ~~ 'I[tq-,iiI' ,,~ Sehore Bhopal Sehorc 1,412.3 31.5 18.5 (37) (0) 199


    Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1979

    1ITli ~ ~u (fit;. it. if) Name of place and road distance (in kms.) from ------_ ..A.. ______--, 'fltr;1f ~/~ "~tihr ~'Ii '!T1llf aW: m 8Tfliflli m IRf 1ITli (lff~ 10 f~."I!). ~ ~ ~T) 'J,Wl;l1f llI";rmr IIT~ f.rmf"l!" ~ ~w;r Tahsil Nearest city with Popula. Railway Bus Navigable river/Canal H.Q. tion of one lakh and mOre Station Route (if within 10 Kms. )

    9 10 11 12

    ill"1~r \llq-I<'f ;fl1;r- 8Tr~!T Ashla Bhopal Sehore Ashla (0) (81) (44) (0)

    '/i'i!lilf' 'liM I'" l;Il~h ~

    ;r«~onli~ 1tMf"," 8T)

    .i!;;:T<: 'lfqTl1" .il~ih \ft~<: Sehore Bhopal Sehore Sehore (0) 07) (0) (0)

    Note: The rainfall and temperature figures jn eols. 3 to 5 represent the fjgures furnished in D. C . H. Series 197 [ • 200


    ~rr'\ qlft:llfil f~, 1978-79

    ---- - _------~ ------_------lIri«f (lilf

    Z 4 5 6 7 8


    2 V ~1lI11f\ ;Y.lfT. 191 10 40 Jchhawar M

    3 V 'l'~lior ;Y .'fI. 450 69 NasruJlaganj M

    4 II ~')~~ if. 'II. 16.599 1.251 2.100 Sehore M 201


    Municipal Finance, 1978-79

    ilflI (w!(t it '00) ------, , ____ - ______Expenditure.A._---_------(in Rs. '00) _____ -..... ar.t< fOT 3l1t< ij llWlf lUIT\V'I \;f1f-~ tlIl'f ~~ ;;it'li flill'iur tlIif mrr SIilf fOT Olfll' >;{Tal ati< ;!flt 'Ii1 ~ 'Ii1 i'lf;;l {};f<{m~

    Other General public Sources Total Adminls- Public health and Public Other Total (specify) Receipt tratlon safety Convenience Public works Institutions (Specify) Expenditure

    9 \0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    7,982 1,785 49 1,822 2,055 463 512 6,686

    1 1635 1,876 103 20 40 1,626 1,789

    12 531 IR2 25 140 34 22 406

    2,704 22,660 14,180 4,184 3,600 21,964 ------202


    ~tltm ~ ,,;:r:r 'J;fcfm~. 1979

    'fi1I ij1T"{"T~1Jfl ;rT1lf1: .. "'Hi'lfI Of'1~f

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---_.

    IV ~T~ 'f.CfT. 19,619 2,025 PR (2.80) OSO lOS SSO 20 Ashta M KR (14.70) SD

    2 V 'il§l;r: ll'.'IT. 8,461 1,063 PR «.00) OSO 30 615 to lchhawar M KR (16.00) SO

    ~ V 'f~l';;rtl!lI '!,'IT. 7,212 837 PR (10.0u) oso 50 360 Nasrul1aganj M KR (3.00 ) SD

    4 II ,,~n: ll'.CfT. 52,l90 7,591 PR (22.00) OSO 820 8,750 25 Schore 1\1 KR (19,00) SD

    fc:t 'l!lfl- ( 1 ) ·'f.T\111 14 -m'l f'!i~I il1'[< if lfl'i W1"l ",!<;l"U il ~ ~ <11 ,,1I if ~ 1fT 'l'T~ ,r'l'lf '!it ll'Tl! '!IW ~'n ;;q;;r,!T ~, 'li'l 'liltO;; if r", Ifl. if i!1fI~ If~ ~ I 203


    Civic and Other Amenities, 1979

    ------_- -- ir.f 'I'f~ 1fT;ft '!fl ilTT'lfi'r *arfr.!!1llR ijq, fq~

    11 12 13 14 ! 5 16 17 18 19

    WB, T OHT ~i 1,166 68 486 535 69 ST (800,000 ) yes

    wn, w >11Q:I>; S~hore 275 1 S 160 21Cl 61 ST (21 )

    WB. W, !lr;:;T< Sehore 377 61 217 123 40 ST HP (72)

    WE, T, OHT Fli 3,485 110 1,365 NA 133 ST W (2,250,000) yes

    ----~~------_ ------Note :-*Col-14 In case this service is not :l.Vailable in the town, the name of the nearest place 10 the same district or the name of the nearest district in the s~l1le State or other State y"here this service is available alongwith distance ill killS in bracker have been reponed. 204


    iR'fmtf~ ~.~1 Q'f.!'flfl it ;rTIff~1fi 9;ih iR'

    ----~_-_ --_------_.- ----~ -- !Ifill '1tr>: iT >.luff IT'''I iltO:lillim G'<'l'~ '!it «:;r'li Gf;:f -lliiT f'l'lim') qijl]] 31i, 'IT'II 'II'll rff~ '[Ij f'liAr. it 'lif Gf'l

    Sl. Class and Name Name of Area of Slum Population Paved roads System of No. of Town Slum inSq. Km. of Slum (in Kms.) Sewereg~

    2 3 4 5 6 7

    II «ft{l< 1{IF "1~.iiTT Sehore Dohar MohaJI~ 0.50 700 0.25 SD

    IlIIT Total 0.50 700 0.25


    fucq1lfT : Slt!l! Q;.turf iii '1''1\1 iii f

    STATEMENT IV A Civic and other amenities in Notified Slums, 1979

    lIlhrT<1t[l 'Iii mr ;Om! i'['iT '!FTRif.T mml'fi\llf Number of Latrines ij; fi'l" «f'ifi'[ ","(1 '1ft iifum) ~ ______A ______~ (~W'fl fiRRUJ 'fir ~'ff Electrification f'f'3(f Private ~ Method of (No. of connections) (-___..A..-- __ ~ Community Disposal of No. of Tap Points, r------..A..------, qf;i) '!'r.f ,,"orr or· q night soil Hydrants installed for m~ ~~'fiT iii OT«r Water :ilervicc Other supply of protected water ml!T'I1{;; borne Domestic Road lig'lting Other points

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


    WB 6 100 3

    1 6 HIO 3

    Note-The slum areas of Class I and Class II towns only have been reported. 206

    fcr~~1Jl 5

    f:qf~ffiT, uf~, If.TT~;;r'l' '1" «i'f~f({~ ~f

    'f>+l "Ill: it ~1f[1 ;;f,,;i'Jltt f'if.R>i1! 'Jf.lm~ 1Iif~'f;' llf.lmrt lTlilfl ~), ;{T"II Medical facilities ,------~-~-_,.._------~--- , ___-.A------, 'lim/f'fill'll ~f~'I\·\'! ~f;rt,,!!Wt 'l1\,!1~fif"'f;' +Tr.'!«IT stT'r.[;;f 'f;'T~ ·'fil~ 'f;'T~;;f illll1!.forf'lj f;Wi.mT/ G!!lllt ~ (~'(!

    "'!\i'I, ·,fr'll"! m'll<'! ~)ql<'! 'Ill'll\'! IV ~, He(l) Sehore Bhopal Bhopal Bhopal Bhopal Ashta 19,619 O( 1) 34 ( 44) (81 ) {S 1 ) (81 ) (& l)

    '1lQ_1<: 'l1rCf["f 'l{1

    "n,)\ 'l{Ml;;r 'l11

    HCl), TB(I), m'lr<'! m'lT(1 1{lqr.r 'l{)'!nl 4 II ll"TQ.)<: FC(I) , ASe(l) Bhopal Bhopal Bhopal Bhopal Sehore 52,190 D(U-l), 156 0(1) ( 37) ( 37) (3 7 ) (37)

    ------_--_ -.~--~-'- -- -~------

    fC:C'l"lT-(I) iifiF'll1 4 (("if 6 l'r 15; lIfG: f'ff'fic1fT 3fll'1T f!IT~T 'If<1"I'TI ,,1T;rT 0111 ilT'W \f:s>:T 'l; fi1


    Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979

    Educational facilities mil' l1f~ 'fifl't;;r.{ ~ ml'ffult; Wm1f./iR r------~------~ (1ft .I{f.wm:') flffrn "'l."' ar>l:r (fri) df5"1fI! f.,itlfT fl1ihIT /i.If-

    11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

    "')1\"), Seh<1rc 2 5 7 (41 )

    "[1\"1' Sehore 2 5 nl) 2

    ~fti(t>.: Sehore (72 )

    4 13 21 2 3

    Note :_( I ) Cols 4 and 6 to IS--If a medical or educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place if in the same district or the name of nearest district if in the same State or other State and its distance in kms in bracket from the town have beeu reported. 2D~

    'll~ ~uf fft:r OfT

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    IV an~1 f.r.r.fT '1'1 ~11W1 'I'~

    2 V 'Ii~' Q;'1',r ~I~ttt f.t;"'1'l1 Ol'n"! '!!"tq-T

    3 V 'f<'f~"mq'"! '!"I~ ~1n~lii <'T)~ ~I "'le.:~

    'ill'll 4 II ~ ~qlfu "'~ ;;;1'0 iI~ <:'ri Sehore Medicines Cloth Salt Sugar Wheat Pulses 209


    Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979

    ~f1'.{ ~II{ ~fiI'relil iR~'>1t"f ~ \ll;liT ~fljfull1 '!ir ~T Name of three most important commodities manufactnred ,-__-- _____ --A.. ____- __ --. Number Nnmber of Number of Non­ '!~) Q"qU ,i't;:rf) of Agricnl tura I Agricultural credit 1st 2nd 3rd Banks credi t societies societies

    9 10 11 12 13 14

    ~ii;ilt'ftr c<'frf~'1i~ ilf\f ~,"fr

    ~ Pulse 4 16


    qf'{f~6c APPENDIX

    i'flfZT ~ ;;rrw,!:f~ ~l'f ~ m~ ;-jf;Pil§lfT Towns Showing their Outgrowths with Population

    2 3 4 5
