
Building Relocation / New Hangar Facility

Prince George’s County, Suitland, ______

Submitted by the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy

Concept Review

Project Synopsis Project Information

Commission meeting date: May 4, 2017 NCPC review authority: Advisory – Federal Project in the Environs (40 U.S.C. § 8722 (b)(1)) Applicant request: Concept Review Delegated / consent / open / executive session: Consent Calendar NCPC Review Officer: Michael Weil NCPC File # 1 number: 7872 NCPC File # 2 number: 7873

Project # 1 summary: The United States Department of Defense proposes to relocate a building to a site that was formerly used as military housing. The project will relocate the use from a different part of the installation where a new facility (project #2) will be constructed. Project # 1 will consist of a 1,500 square foot building, power generator building (w/ a 10x12-feet pad), perimeter security fencing, site lighting and security cameras, parking (10 spaces), relocated access road, and approximately 5.4 acres of cleared land. The project narrative states that necessary tree removal will be mitigated pursuant to installation reforestation/replacement policies, and the project will comply with State and federal stormwater requirements.

Project # 2 summary: The United States Department of Defense proposes to construct a new combined 372,000 GSF administrative/warehouse/two-bay hangar building on the site of an abandoned weapons storage bunker, part of a golf course, and a part of a wetland area, adjacent to an existing airport taxiway. The project will include aircraft access taxiway/parking apron and associated airfield lighting systems, with connections and necessary modifications to existing infrastructure; fuel storage tanks; vehicle parking lots; access roads; delivery docks; perimeter roads; perimeter security fencing, stormwater management features, and landscaping. Mitigation will be provided for the project’s stormwater impact and use of an existing wetland area.

Both projects are contained in the Joint Base Andrews Master Plan, which is currently undergoing an update process, scheduled for NCPC review in the fall/winter, 2017.

2 Project #1: Site Location

future building site

project location

existing building site

3 Project #1: Existing Site

4 Project #1: Existing Site

5 Project #1: Proposed Building Elevations

6 Project #2: Site Location

project # 1 site

project location

future hangar site

7 Project #2: Existing Site

8 Project #2: Proposed Concept Site Plan

9 Project #2: Proposed Concept Site Plan

10 Project #2: Proposed Concept Landscape Plan

11 Project #2: Proposed Concept Perspectives