AFA National Report
[email protected] By Frances McKenney, Assistant Managing Editor Enlisted Appreciation in Oklahoma Sponsored in part by the Enid Chap- ter in Oklahoma, Enlisted Appreciation Night at Vance Air Force Base offered dinner, games, and some highly coveted door prizes. A, Moser Photo by Gregg The Enid Chapter—led by Scott Northcutt—donated $1,000 for the pizza party’s two top cash awards. Chapter Secretary Mary Feightner contacted local businesses to solicit door-prize donations. She and other volunteers rounded up nearly $19,000 worth of cash and goods from 170 donors, more than half of them chapter Community Partners. George Pankonin, chapter leadership development VP and co-chairman of the event, said cash donations paid for the party’s food, as well as prizes. And what a list of door prizes: two freezers packed with food, flat screen TVs, iPods, digital cameras, Blu-ray DVD players, a home theater system, a laptop AFA Board Chairman Joe Sutter addresses AFA’s Midwest Region Conference, computer, and camping equipment. hosted by the Whiteman Chapter at Whiteman AFB, Mo., in June. “The businesses in Enid really like to support the enlisted men and women More photos at, in “AFA National Report” at Vance,” said Pankonin. Enlisted Appreciation Night took Pitsenbarger Award recipients on its was the chapter’s black-tie celebration place at the Vance Collocated Club. front page. for ACC personnel and Team Langley. Col. Mark C. Nowland, the 71st Flying SSgt. Millie Gargurevich of the 90th Nearly 450 guests attended the gala, Training Wing commander, and CMSgt.