
0908UPHL "$5*0/ Aerial spraying in banana plantations threatens right to food of residents from 7 villages, Davao City, Mindanao

Philippines, 19.05.2009 Aerial spraying is spraying of fungicides from the air on crops such as bananas. For some years, residents of 7 villages in Davao City have been lobbying against aerial spraying, as it has affected their health conditions, water supply, and damaged crops which are their source of livelihood. Although an ordinance banning aerial spraying was issued by the City Council of Davao City in March 2007, it was declared unconstitutional by the Court of Appeals (CA) based at Cagayan de Oro City in January 2009. The right to food of the villagers is therefore at stake.

$"--50"$5*0/ Please write a polite letter to Chief Justice Reynato Puno of the Philippine Supreme Court, requesting him to uphold the constitutionality and validity of the Davao City ban aerial spray ordinance. Please also send a copy of this letter to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

#"$,(306/% Bananas are the ’ second most abundant export crop, with the island of Mindanao producing 75% of the country’s total yield. In March 2007, the City Council of Davao City passed Ordinance #0309-07 entitled “An Ordinance Banning Aerial Spraying Practice in all Agricultural Entities in Davao City”. The local law aimed to prohibit companies from spraying fungicides over bananas from airplanes in 1,800 hectares out of the total 5,000 hectares of banana plantations in Davao City.

The law was passed after the lobbying efforts of the residents from 7 villages (Dacudao, Guinga, Mandug, Sirib, Subasta, Tamayong and Tigatto) and other organisations grouped under the Mamamayan Ayaw sa Aerial Spraying (MAAS)/ Citizens Against Aerial Spraying who have complained about skin, eye and respiratory problems caused by the fungicides. Aside from health problems, durian, coconut and lanzone (lansium domesticum), which are the main source of livelihood of the villagers were adversely affected by the aerial spraying. The springs, which are the water sources of the people, were also contaminated with fungicides.

The Pilipino Banana Growers & Exporters Association (PBGEA), an association of 18 banana corporations, led by Davao Fruits Corp. and Lapanday Agricultural & Development Corp., filed a civil case at the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 17 of Davao City and questioned its constitutionality and validity. The PBGEA, which has been practicing aerial spraying since 2000, claimed that banning aerial spraying would make their bananas vulnerable to the Black Sigatoka disease, and result in loss of jobs and bankruptcy. However, similar ordinances passed in other provinces of the Philippines would disapprove this assumption. Allegedly, the banana companies in Davao City want to avoid manual spraying as it will be more costly, requiring the hiring of about 5000 workers to do the work.

On September 22, 2007, Judge Renato Fuentesof the RTC Branch 17 of Davao City decided against the petition of the banana companies. As a reaction, the PBGEA appealed to the 22nd Division of the Court of Appeals (CA) based in Cagayan de Oro City to reverse the decision of the RTC. The 22nd Division of the CA issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against the Davao City ordinance. A preliminary injunction was further issued on January 2008 by the CA. On January 9, 2009 the CA at Cagayan de Oro City declared the Davao City ordinance banning aerial spraying unconstitutional. A Motion for Reconsideration was then filed by the Davao City government on February 2, 2009. '*"/."/%"5&

Aerial spraying not only damages the health and water source of the villagers living in Dacudao, Guinga, Mandug, Sirib, Subasta, Tamayong and Tigatto in Davao City, it also threatens their right to food. As a state party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Government of the Philippines must respect and protect the right to food and the right to health of the villagers who are affected by the aerial spraying of banana corporations.


Honorable Reynato Puno Chief of Justice Supreme Court of the Philippines Padre Faura Street corner 1000, The Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 526 8129

Please ask for a fax tone. Calls can only be accepted during office hours.

Copy to:

Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo President Malacañang Palace JP Laurel Street, San Miguel Manila 1005 The Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 736 1010

&/%0'"$5*0/ 20 of July, 2009 Please inform FIAN International about any response you receive to your faxes and letters.

'*"/*/5&3/"5*0/"- P.O. Box 10 22 43 D-69012 Heidelberg Tel:+49-6221-6530030 Fax:+49-6221-830545 E-mail: [email protected] www.fian.org

'*"/] 8JUI)VNBO3JHIUTBHBJOTU)VOHFS Honorable Reynato Puno Chief of Justice Supreme Court of the Philippines Padre Faura Street corner Taft Avenue Ermita 1000, Manila The Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 526 8129

Dear Chief Justice Puno,

I was recently informed that on January 9, 2009, the 22nd Division of the Court of Appeals declared Ordinance 0309-07 entitled “An Ordinance Banning Aerial Spraying Practice in all Agricultural Entities in Davao City” unconstitutional .

The continued aerial spraying of fungicides by banana companies under the Philippine Banana Growers and Exporters Association (PBGEA) on about 1,800 hectares of banana plantations has adversely affected the health, crops and drinking water of residents of 7 villages (Dacudao, Guinga, Mandug, Sirib, Subasta, Tamayong and Tigatto) in Davao City. Therefore, the right to food of the villagers is threatened

The Philippines is a state party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and therefore duty-bound under international law to respect and protect the right to food of all of its citizens, including the residents of the 7 villages in Davao City. I would like to request you, Chief Justice Puno to uphold the constitutionality and validity of the Davao city ban aerial spray ordinance.

Please inform me about any measure you intend to take on this matter.
