Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science Department of Ecology

RNDr. Adam Petrusek

Diversity of European on different scales: from cryptic species to within-lake differentiation

(overview of the PhD thesis)

Supervisor: RNDr. Martin Černý, PhD. Prague, August 2007 Brief overview of the thesis

This thesis focuses on different aspects of the diversity of Western Palaearctic Daphnia. This cladoceran genus is often used as a model organism in ecology, evolutionary biology as well as in applied research, and plays a central role in ecosystems of temperate ponds and lakes. However, despite intensive studies, substantial cryptic diversity still remains undiscovered in the genus, and of certain species complexes is problematic due to lack of reliable morphological identification characters, phenotypic plasticity, and sometimes also interspecific hybridisation. Unifying concepts of different chapters of the thesis (all co-authored by various specialists in the field) are therefore cryptic species, lineage identification, and taxon diversity on different scales. First, I introduce the richness of Western Palaearctic Daphnia lineages by the DNA barcoding dataset, which proves that apparently undescribed species can be found in every major species group. Afterwards, particular topics are discussed separately in the chapters composed as separate manuscripts. First, barcoding and ecological data are used to explain the function of unusual morphological structure (“crown of thorns”) in the D. atkinsoni complex. Next three chapters deal in detail with the taxonomy and diversity of the D. longispina complex: we suggest a comprehensive taxonomical revision of the group, synonymising some of the commonly used species names, provide evidence of yet unknown lineage, and restore the oldest valid name for one of the Fennoscandian species of the complex. Using these data, the lineage diversity of the D. longispina complex in the Tatra Mountains is then evaluated. Additional three chapters focus on the effects of local heterogeneity of environmental conditions within canyon-shaped reservoirs on Daphnia taxon composition and intraspecific diversity. We evaluate the impact of vertical and horizontal ecological gradients on the spatial distribution of Daphnia species and their interspecific hybrids, and focus also on intrapopulation diversification within D. galeata in the vertically stratified water body. The final chapter of the thesis is a contribution to the global assessment of diversity in continental waters, and attempts to estimate the currently known as well as undescribed diversity of all cladoceran orders.

For more details, see abstracts of individual chapters below.

1 Stručné shrnutí práce (hovoříte-li anglicky, doporučuji českou verzi ignorovat)

Tato doktorská práce je zaměřena na různé aspekty diverzity perlooček rodu Daphnia v západním Palearktu. Daphnia je významným modelovým organismem pro ekologii a evoluční biologii i v aplikovaných oborech a hraje často klíčovou roli v ekosystémech stojatých vod mírného pásma. Přes intenzivní výzkum se však i v Evropě a blízkém okolí vyskytuje řada nepopsaných kryptických druhů a taxonomie některých druhových komplexů (včetně těch modelových) zůstává problematická. Důvody jsou mimo jiné v absenci spolehlivých identifikačních znaků a fenotypické plasticitě mnoha druhů, k chaosu však přispívá i mezidruhová hybridizace. Jednotící tématikou jednotlivých kapitol práce (z nichž každá je dílem více autorů) jsou kryptické druhy, jejich identifikace pomocí molekulárních metod a mezi- i vnitrodruhová diverzita v různých měřítcích. V úvodu práce je vyhodnocena druhová diverzita západopalearktických zástupců r. Daphnia na základě sekvencí mitochondriálního genu pro podjednotku I cytochrom c oxidázy (používaného pro tzv. „DNA barcoding“). Ukazuje se, že ve všech hlavních druhových skupinách rodu existují v Evropě nepopsané linie. Následující kapitoly se detailněji zabývají různými aspekty diverzity rodu. Nejprve je na příkladu druhového komplexu D. atkinsoni předvedena syntéza genetických a ekologických dat, díky níž bylo možno vysvětlit funkci pozoruhodné morfologické struktury („trnové koruny“) u některých jedinců. Následující tři kapitoly jsou zaměřeny na taxonomii a diverzitu druhového komplexu D. longispina. V první z nich navrhujeme jeho komplexní taxonomickou revizi (včetně synonymizace některých běžně používaných druhových jmen), druhá má za cíl zmrtvýchvstání polozapomentutého skandinávského druhového jména D. lacustris. Na základě molekulárních dat a našich předchozích analýz se pak podrobně věnuji diverzitě tohoto druhového komplexu v tatranských horských jezerech. Další tři kapitoly práce se zaměřují na vliv ekologických gradientů v korytovitých údolních nádržích na diverzitu lokálních populací komplexu D. longispina. Zabýváme se prostorovou distribucí rodičovských druhů a mezidruhových kříženců na podélných gradientech od přítoku po hráz, dále popisujeme vnitrodruhovou diferenciaci druhu D. galeata na vertikálním profilu ve stratifikovaném vodním sloupci. Závěrečná kapitola práce se věnuje perloočkám v globálním měřítku – snažíme se v ní shrnout současné znalosti o početnosti druhů v jednotlivých vyšších taxonomických skupinách a odhadnout i předpokládanou kryptickou diverzitu těchto pozoruhodných korýšů.

Více detailů o jednotlivých kapitolách je uvedeno níže (abstrakty v angličtině).

2 Abstracts of individual chapters of the thesis Abstrakty jednotlivých kapitol disertační práce (pouze anglicky)

“Crown of thorns” protects Daphnia against an ancient predator: an exceptional inducible defense discovered by DNA barcoding Petrusek A., Tollrian R., Schwenk K., Haas A., Laforsch C. (unpublished manuscript)

DNA Barcoding has emerged as valuable tool to document global biodiversity. In the animal kingdom, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences are used as DNA barcodes to catalogue species richness and to identify for instance cryptic or polymorphic species. However, the added value of DNA barcoding activities – providing background information that will be helpful in the selection of taxa for further analyses – has been little explored. Here we present an example how DNA barcoding in combination with morphological and ecological data unravelled a striking predator-prey interaction of aquatic organisms. The “crown of thorns”, a conspicuous morphological feature among members of the Daphnia atkinsoni group, has been considered to represent a species-specific trait. However, our study shows that this feature is phenotypically plastic and induced by chemical cues released by Triops cancriformis, the tadpole shrimp (Notostraca). The defensive trait is found in several Daphnia lineages coexisting with notostracans and enhances efficiently the survival, suggesting that the “crown of thorns” evolved specifically in coexistence with this effective predator. In addition, our study highlights the additive value of DNA barcoding, since this approach not only helps to measure biodiversity, but also to contributes to explain processes leading to ecological and evolutionary diversification.

A taxonomic reappraisal of the European Daphnia longispina complex Petrusek A., Hobæk A., Nilssen J. P., Skage M., Černý M., Brede N., Schwenk K. (submitted)

Systematics and nomenclature of the Daphnia longispina complex, which contains some of the most common species of the genus in the Palaearctic, including taxa widely used in ecological and evolutionary studies, have been in flux for the last 150 years, resulting in misinterpretations and erroneous use of species names. We revise the systematics of this species complex based on mitochondrial sequence variation (12S rDNA and COI) of representative populations across Europe, with a special focus on samples from type localities of the respective taxa; we also include data from a subfossil resting egg bank from a type locality altered by human activities. Combining genetic evidence and morphological assignments of analyzed individuals, we propose a comprehensive revision of the European members of the D. longispina complex. D. hyalina and D. rosea morphotypes have evolved several times independently, and we find no evidence to maintain these morphotypes as distinct biological species. Alpine individuals described as D. zschokkei are conspecific with the above-mentioned lineage. We suggest that this morphologically and ecologically plastic but genetically uniform hyalina-rosea-zschokkei clade should be identified as Daphnia longispina (O. F. Müller, 1776). The valid name of Fennoscandian individuals labeled D. longispina sensu stricto in the recent literature is D. lacustris G. O. Sars, 1862. Additionally, we discovered another divergent lineage of this group, likely an undescribed species, in southern Norway. Our results

3 present a solution for several prevailing taxonomic problems in the genus Daphnia, and have broad implications for interpretation of biogeographical patterns, and ecological and evolutionary studies.

Restoring Daphnia lacustris G.O. Sars, 1862 (Crustacea, Anomopoda) – a cryptic species in the Daphnia longispina group Nilssen J. P., Hobaek A., Petrusek A., Skage M. Hydrobiologia, in press. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9076-3

While molecular markers have revealed several distinct species within the Daphnia longispina group, there is a need to reconcile these species with traditional nomenclature. Here we show that one such species, called D. longispina in recent literature based on molecular markers, can reliably be associated with the described taxon Daphnia lacustris G.O. Sars, 1862. This species is clearly distinct from the original D. longispina (O.F. Müller, 1776), and this latter designation must be reserved for this Danish lineage. The diagnosis of D. lacustris (and other species of the D. longispina group) by molecular markers is unequivocal, although distinguishing it morphologically from other species is still problematic. The presently known distribution range of D. lacustris includes most of Norway, northern Finland, and a single lake in the Polish Tatra Mountains. Its typical habitat is oligotrophic lakes without intense fish predation.

Daphnia in the Tatra Mountain lakes: multiple colonisation and hidden diversity revealed by molecular markers Petrusek A., Černý M., Mergeay J., Schwenk K. Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie, in press.

Ecosystems of European mountain lakes may harbour relict populations of boreal aquatic species, including cryptic lineages not easily recognised using traditional taxonomic methods. As a previous genetic study revealed the presence of the cryptic cladoceran species Daphnia lacustris in the area, we explored the species diversity of the Daphnia longispina group (Crustacea: : Anomopoda) in lakes of the Tatra Mountains (Central Europe: Slovakia – Poland). Daphnia populations representing various morphotypes from sixteen mountain lakes were analyzed by DNA methods, including restriction fragment length polymorphism of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-RFLP) and sequencing of the mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene. Altogether, three Daphnia species of the D. longispina group were found in the region: D. longispina, D. galeata, and D. lacustris; we detected neither their syntopic occurrence nor interspecific hybrids. D. lacustris was found in two neighbouring lakes in the Polish High Tatras (Niżni Toporowy Staw and Wyżni Toporowy Staw); these may represent relict populations, since the closest known extant populations of this species are found in Fennoscandia. Morphologically highly variable populations of D. longispina formed the majority (69%) of the analysed populations. Relatively high divergence of 12S rDNA haplotypes from various lakes suggests multiple colonisations of the Tatra Mountain region by this species. Similarly, each of the three recorded D. galeata populations is probably of different origin. In addition, we found that the species replacement in one lake, from either D. lacustris or D. longispina to D. galeata, was associated with anthropogenically mediated environmental changes (fish stock increase, eutrophication).

4 Spatial distribution of the Daphnia longispina species complex and other planktonic in the heterogeneous environment of canyon-shaped reservoirs Seďa J., Petrusek A., Macháček J., Šmilauer P. Journal of Plankton Research, 29(7): 619-628 (July 2007).

Canyon-shaped reservoirs are often characterised by longitudinal gradients of environmental factors (including trophic level, phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, and abundance of planktivorous fish) affecting the taxonomic composition of the pelagic community. We tested the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of different species and interspecific hybrids of the Daphnia longispina species complex is non-random under such conditions. During the summer stratification, we sampled zooplankton from eleven reservoirs, covering both longitudinal (upstream, middle, dam) and vertical (epi-, meta- and hypolimnion) environmental gradients. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to discriminate among different Daphnia taxa. All three frequently hybridizing European species of the complex (galeata, cucullata, longispina = hyalina) and hybrids with D. galeata were commonly recorded. Smaller-bodied D. cucullata and its hybrids, when present, preferred mostly the nutrient- and food-rich upstream regions; D. longispina and its hybrids were more commonly found in the downstream part, and often dominated in the meta- or hypolimnion. Redundancy analyses confirmed significant differences in the Daphnia taxon composition, as well as in spatial distribution of other crustacean species, along both gradients. For the first time, we demonstrate regular patterns in the horizontal distribution of Daphnia species and hybrids within a water body, thus accepting our hypothesis. Such spatial distributional patterns may strongly impact local hybridization processes.

Daphnia species and hybrids in reservoirs: patterns of hybridisation on ecological gradients in pelagic environment Petrusek A., Seďa J., Macháček J., Ruthová Š., Šmilauer P. (submitted)

Cyclical parthenogenetic mode of reproduction allows hybrids in the Daphnia longispina complex (Crustacea: Cladocera) to successfully compete with parental species in asexual phase of their life cycle, while still retaining ability of sexual reproduction. Hybridizing species D. galeata, D. cucullata and D. longispina (=hyalina) often coexist but differ in ecological requirements, which affects the frequency and directionality of hybridisation. We focused on the distribution of Daphnia species and hybrids along environmental gradients (particularly of food supply and size-selective predation) in eleven canyon-shaped reservoirs, and analysed patterns of carapace size and fecundity among coexisting taxa. Spatial distribution of species and hybrids agreed with their ecological characteristics; taxa showing different affinities along longitudinal profile differed in carapace size, which corresponded to the presumed gradient of fish predation. Only hybrids of D. galeata with other species were recorded; D. cucullata and D. longispina preferred opposite ends of gradients and never occurred in the same samples, this spatial segregation explaining absence of their hybrids. Patterns of taxon distribution were relatively stable in two consecutive summer seasons, although frequency of galeata×cucullata dropped substantially, even disappearing from some localities. We presume that spatial variation of environmental conditions in reservoirs may facilitate existence of local hybrid- dominated zones.

5 in the deep hypolimnion: spatial differentiation of a “typical epilimnetic” species Seďa J., Kolářová K., Petrusek A., Macháček J. Hydrobiologia, in press. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9075-4

Daphnia galeata is traditionally regarded to be a non-migratory species which lives in warm epilimnetic waters. Depth segregation or vertical migration is usually attributed to other Daphnia species such as D. hyalina or D. longispina. In a two-year study, we found that in a deep, dammed- valley reservoir (Římov Reservoir, Czechia) the majority of the population of D. galeata lives in the warm epilimnetic waters during the summer months, but some specimens of this species could be always found in the deep strata as well. This hypolimnetic subpopulation stays in the cold hypolimnetic water and does not migrate. The abundance of hypolimnetic D. galeata does not exceed 1 specimen per litre and usually shows seasonal variation (minimal densities in early spring, maximal in late summer). Using allozyme electrophoresis, we found that the subpopulation from the deep hypolimnion was clearly genetically differentiated from the population in the epilimnion. We found significant differences in both allele and multilocus genotype frequencies; the FST values at most sampling dates exceeded 0.05. However, the spatial segregation between the epilimnetic and hypolimnetic subpopulations is not permanent. The reservoir is dimictic and hence, at least twice per year, all vertically segregated parts of the population are mixed together. Our results suggest that the deep hypolimnetic subpopulation is repeatedly re-established in spring by deepwater “colonists”, at least some of which seem to be ecologically specialised for the hypolimnetic conditions, and dominate the hypolimnion by the end of the season. The genetic differentiation is likely the result of both the different depth preferences of various D. galeata clones and different selective pressures in the epilimnion and hypolimnion.

Global diversity of cladocerans (Cladocera; Crustacea) in freshwater Forró L., Korovchinsky N. M., Kotov A. A., Petrusek A. Hydrobiologia, in press. doi: 10.1007/s10750-007-9013-5 (part of the special journal issue “A global assessment of animal diversity in freshwater”)

Cladocera is a primarily freshwater monophyletic group, an important component of microcrustacean zooplankton. They inhabit most types of continental fresh and saline water habitats, occurring more abundantly in both temporary and permanent stagnant waters. Cladocera is an ancient group of Palaeozoic origin. About 620 species are currently known, but we estimate that the real number of species is 2-4 times higher. A number of currently recognised widespread species can be expected to harbour extensive cryptic diversity.


Date and place of birth: May 3, 1976; Prague Nationality: Czech Recently married, one fresh daughter

Education: Charles University (Universita Karlova), Prague Faculty of Science since 1994 PhD. student of hydrobiology/ecology since 2000 RNDr. (Doctor of Sciences) Feb. 2003 Master of Biology (with honours); emphasis: hydrobiology Sept. 2000

University of Economy (Vysoká škola ekonomická), Prague Faculty of Finance and Accounting 1996-2000 Bachelor of Finance; emphasis: finance Feb. 2000

Appointments: Department of Ecology (formerly Hydrobiology), Charles University, Prague since 2000 Assistant (research and teaching) Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Vodňany since 2006 Researcher (external collaboration; 20% working capacity) National Poison Information Centre, General teaching hospital, Prague 1994-2003 Programmer and database developer, network administrator Development of on-demand software applications 1994-2003 example of applications: aids for aquatic biology and clinical toxicology Leader of a club for “young biologists” (10-15 years), Prague 1992-2000

Main research interests: • ecology, phylogeny and taxonomy of Old World Daphnia • analysis of invertebrate sibling species complexes • use of geometric morphometric analyses of body shape in taxonomy and ecology • ecology of non-indigenous aquatic invertebrates in Central Europe • distribution and impact of crayfish plague in Central Europe

International experience: Organiser of the international workshop “Genetic tools in taxonomy, phylogeography and ecology of cladocerans” (Leuven, Belgium, November 28-30, 2005) 2005

Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium 2004-6 repeatedly (2x 1 week, 1 month, 3 months); analyses of cladoceran cryptic species, supported by the Czech-Flemish bilateral cooperation in research and development J.W.Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2003-4 9 months; morphometric and genetic study of Daphnia diversity, supported by DAAD Estación Biologica de Doñana, Sevilla, Spain 2003 9 days; field collections of Daphnia for molecular analyses, supported by the EC Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest 2001 2 weeks; study of Moina taxonomy and biodiversity of ephemeral pools Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium 2000 2½ months; analyses of genetic structure of selected cladoceran species Department of Natural History, Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham, Great Britain 1992 1 month; voluntary work in the Natural History department


Language skills: English (Cambridge CPE certificate), French, Russian, Slovak

Teaching: • co-teaching of six subjects on freshwater and marine biology and ecology • supervisor of eight undergraduate students (+ three already finished) • consultant of MSc. theses at the University of South Bohemia (České Budějovice) and J.W.Goethe Universität (Frankfurt am Main) • popular lectures on marine and freshwater biology for public

Referee for journals: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B- Biological Sciences, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Hydrobiologia, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Fisheries Research, Zootaxa, Aquatic Invasions, Neobiota, Acta Societas zoologicae Bohemicae, Bohemia centralis

Awards: best article of 2005 by author aged 25-30 yrs in the Czech natural science journal Živa 2006 7th International Symposium on Cladocera, Herzberg, Switzerland 2005 “The best student presentation, 3rd place” 2nd Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Toulouse, France 2001 “The best lecture by a young scientist” ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Albuquerque, USA 2001 “Outstanding Student Poster Award” “Student Travel Award” (financial support for the visit of the conference) 12th Conference of the Czech Limnological Society and Slovak Limnological Society, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic 2000 “The best junior oral presentation” ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark 2000 “Outstanding Student Poster Award” 6th International Olympiad in Biology, Varna, Bulgaria 1994 Gold medal

Membership in scientific societies: • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) • International Society for Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL) • Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) • Czech Limnological Society • Czech and Slovak Ethological Society

Other skills, activities, and interests: • marine biology: popularisation articles; lectures for general public; translation of books • member of the Czech National Committee for cooperation with Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC) • FISHBASE co-operator • basic programming skills • scuba diving (diver qualification CMAS P***) • driver’s licence, international licence of pleasure craft operator (= motor boat driver)

8 ŽIVOTOPIS RNDr. Adam Petrusek

Datum a místo narození: 3. květen 1976; Praha Národnost: česká Krátce ženatý, čerstvá dcera

Vzdělání: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta od 1994 doktorské studium hydrobiologie od 2000 RNDr. únor 2003 Mgr. (s vyznamenáním); obor biologie, specializace: hydrobiologie září 2000

Vysoká škola ekonomická, Fakulta financí a účetnictví 1996-2000 Bc.; obor finance únor 2000

Zaměstnání: Katedra ekologie (dříve parazitologie a hydrobiologie), PřF UK v Praze od 2000 asistent Výzkumný ústav rybářský a hydrobiologický ve Vodňanech, Jihočeská univerzita od 2006 výzkumný pracovník (úvazek 20%) Toxikologické informační středisko, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze 1994-2003 programátor, vývojář databází, správce sítě zakázkový vývoj databázových aplikací 1994-2003 pro užití ve školství, hydrobiologii, klinické toxikologii apod. Stanice mladých přírodovědců, Dům dětí a mládeže 1992-2000 vedení biologického kroužku

Hlavní směry výzkumu: • ekologie, fylogeneze a taxonomie r. Daphnia ve starém světě • analýza kryptických druhových komplexů bezobratlých • využití geometrické morfometriky (eliptické Fourierovské analýzy) ve výzkumu taxonomie a ekologie bezobratlých • ekologie nepůvodních druhů vodních bezobratlých ve střední Evropě • současné rozšíření a negativní dopad račího moru v ČR

Zahraniční pobyty: Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgie 2004-6 opakovaně (2x 1 týden, 1 měs., 3 měs.); analýzy kryptických druhových komplexů perlooček; Česko-vlámská dvoustranná spolupráce ve výzkumu a vývoji J.W.Goethe Universität, Frankfurt nad Mohanem, SRN 2003-4 9 měsíců; analýzy diverzity r. Daphnia pomocí morfometrický a genetických metod; stipendium DAAD Estación Biologica de Doñana, Sevilla, Španělsko 2003 9 dní; terénní sběry r. Daphnia v NP Doñana pro molekulární analýzy; financováno EU Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest 2001 2 týdny; biodiverzita perlooček periodických vod: studium muzejních materiálů pro taxonomii, terénní odběry; bilaterální smlouva mezi ČR a Maďarskem Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgie 2000 2½ měs.; analýza diverzity populací r. Moina; podpořeno cestovním stipendiem Nadání Hlávkových a Českým literárním fondem Department of Natural History, Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham, Velká Británie 1992 1 měs.; dobrovolnická práce v muzejních sbírkách


Organizace mezinárodního workshopu: Genetic tools in taxonomy, phylogeography and ecology of cladocerans 2005 Leuven, Belgie, 28.-30.11. 2005

Jazykové znalosti: angličtina (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency), francouzština, ruština

Výuka: • podíl na výuce šesti předmětů na PřF UK (mořská a sladkovodní biologie) • školitel osmi Bc. nebo Mgr. studentů; tři Mgr. studenti úspěšně zakončili studium • konzultant diplomových prací na Jihočeské univerzitě a J.W.Goethe Universität ve Frankfurtu • popularizační přednášky o sladkovodní a mořské biologii

Recenze rukopisů: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B-Biological Sciences, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Hydrobiologia, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Fisheries Research, Zootaxa, Aquatic Invasions, Neobiota, Acta Societas zoologicae Bohemicae, Bohemia centralis Posudky projektů a závěrečných prací: Estación Biologica de Doñana, GAČR, GAAV, VEGA, MŠMT, MŽP, ČZU, JčU

Ocenění: “Cena Živy - kategorie 25-30 let“ za rok 2005 2006 7th International Symposium on Cladocera, Herzberg, Switzerland 2005 “The best student presentation” (3. místo) 2nd Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Toulouse, France 2001 “The best lecture by a young scientist” (1 ze 3 oceněných) ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Albuquerque, USA 2001 “Outstanding Student Poster Award” “Student Travel Award” (finanční podpora účasti na konferenci) 12. limnologická konference ČLS a SLS, Kouty nad Desnou, ČR 2000 Nejlepší práce v kategorii juniorů do 30 let ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark 2000 “Outstanding Student Poster Award” 6. Mezinárodní biologická olympiáda, Varna, Bulharsko 1994 zlatá medaile

Členství ve vědeckých společnostech: • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) • International Society for Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL) • Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) • Česká limnologická společnost (ČLS) • Česká a slovenská etologická společnost

Další schopnosti a aktivity: • popularizace mořské biologie: přednášky, populární články, překlady učebnic • člen Českého výboru pro spolupráci s Mezivládní oceánografickou komisí UNESCO • FISHBASE co-operator • základní schopnosti programování (databáze) • potápěč CMAS P***, vůdce malého plavidla (do 100 kW), ŘP skupiny B

10 Selected peer-reviewed publications / Vybrané recenzované publikace Petrusek A., Černý M., Mergeay J., Schwenk K., in press: Daphnia in the Tatra Mountain lakes: multiple colonisation and hidden diversity revealed by molecular markers. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 169. Forró L., Korovchinsky N. M., Kotov A. A., Petrusek A. (2007): Global diversity of cladocerans (Cladocera; Crustacea) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia. doi: 10.1007/s10750-007-9013-5 Skage M., Hobæk A., Ruthová Š., Keller B., Petrusek A., Seďa J., Spaak P. (2007): Intra-specific rDNA-ITS restriction site variation and an improved protocol to distinguish species and hybrids in the Daphnia longispina complex. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9090-5 Seďa J., Kolářová K., Petrusek A., Macháček J. (2007): Daphnia galeata in the deep hypolimnion: spatial differentiation of a “typical epilimnetic” species. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9075-4 Nilssen J. P., Hobaek A., Petrusek A., Skage M. (2007): Restoring Daphnia lacustris G.O. Sars, 1862 (Crustacea, Anomopoda) – a cryptic species in the Daphnia longispina group. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9076-3 Hotový J., Petrusek A. (2007): Resting stage density and hatching of two cladoceran species from small ephemeral waters. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 169(3): 177-187. Ďuriš Z., Horká I., Petrusek A. (2007): Invasive zebra mussel colonisation of invasive crayfish: a case study. Hydrobiologia, 590: 43-46. Petrusková T., Petrusek A., Pavel V., Fuchs R. (2007): Territorial Meadow Pipit males (Anthus pratensis; Passeriformes) become more aggressive in female presence. Naturwissenschaften, 94(8): 643-650. Seďa J., Petrusek A., Macháček J., Šmilauer P. (2007): Spatial distribution of the Daphnia longispina species complex and other planktonic crustaceans in the heterogeneous environment of canyon-shaped reservoirs. Journal of Plankton Research, 29(7): 619-628. Petrusek A., Petrusková T. (2007): Invasive American crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda: Astacidae) in the Morava River (Slovakia). Biologia, Bratislava, 62(3): 356-359. Kozubíková E., Petrusek A., Ďuriš Z., Oidtmann B. (2007): Aphanomyces astaci, the crayfish plague pathogen, may be a common cause of crayfish mass mortalities in the Czech Republic. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 27(2): 79-82. Beran L., Petrusek A. (2006): First record of the invasive spine-cheek crayfish Orconectes limosus (Rafinesque, 1817) (Crustacea: Cambaridae) in the Bohemian Forest (South Bohemia, Czech Republic). Silva Gabreta, 12(3): 143-146. Petrusek A., Filipová L., Ďuriš Z., Horká I., Kozák P., Policar T., Štambergová M., Kučera Z. (2006): Distribution of the invasive spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) in the Czech Republic. Past and present. Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, 380-381: 903-917. Kozubíková E., Petrusek A., Ďuriš Z., Kozák P., Geiger S., Hoffmann R., Oidtmann B. (2006): The crayfish plague in the Czech Republic – review of recent suspect cases and a pilot detection study. Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, 380-381: 1313-1324. Vukić J., Fott J., Petrusek A., Šanda R. (2006): What can size distribution of spheroidal carbonaceous particles reveal about their source? Atmospheric Environment, 40(19): 3527-3535. Lundberg S., Svensson J.-E., Petrusek A. (2005): The Craspedacusta invasions in Sweden. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 29 (2): 899-902. Petrusek A., Černý M., Audenaert E. (2004): Too large intercontinental differentiation of Moina micrura (Crustacea: Anomopoda): one less cosmopolitan cladoceran? Hydrobiologia, 526: 73-81. Faustová M., Petrusek A., Černý M. (2004): Status of Daphnia resting egg banks in Bohemian Forest lakes affected by acidification. Hydrobiologia, 526: 23-31. Kumstátová T., Brinke T., Tomková S., Fuchs R., Petrusek A. (2004): Habitat preferences of tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) and meadow pipit (A. pratensis) at sympatric and allopatric localities. Journal of Ornithology, 145(4): 334-342. Petrusek A., Faustová M., Černý M. (2003): Daphnia resting eggs in the sediment of Bohemian Forest lakes: an evidence for sediment disturbance. Silva Gabreta 9: 71-80. Petrusek A. (2003): The population of Daphnia similis species complex in Germany after 110 years – a new case of species introduction? Senckenbergiana biologica, 82: 11-14. Petrusek A. (2002): Moina (Crustacea: Anomopoda, Moinidae) in the Czech Republic (a review). Acta Societatis zoologicae Bohemicae, 66: 213-220.

5 manuscripts in review, 12 chapters in Czech monographs, over 35 popularisation articles 5 rukopisů v recenzním řízení, 12 kapitol v českých monografiích, přes 35 popularizačních článků