CMS1801MM – Road, Pyecombe

4/2/21 – 4/3/21


Notice Page 2

Statement of Reasons Page 3

Draft Order Page 4

Plan “c_midsussextq2812nes_3” - existing restrictions Page 5

Plan “c_midsussextq2812nes_3” - proposals Page 6

Plan “c_midsussextq2912nws_2” - existing restrictions Page 7

Plan “c_midsussextq2912nws_2” - proposals Page 8

Plan “c_midsussextq2912swn” - existing restrictions Page 9

Plan “c_midsussextq2912swn” - proposals Page 10

West Sussex County Council (() (Parking Places & Traffic Regulation) (Consolidation No.2) Order 2006)

(Pyecombe: London Road & Church Lane Amendment) Order 2021

NOTICE is hereby given that County Council propose to make permanent Orders under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit waiting at any time (introduce double yellow lines) on lengths of London Road and Church Lane in Pyecombe.

The Order also introduces a formalised bus stop on the eastern side of London Road, opposite the BP filling station, which will prohibit stopping by any vehicle except buses at any time.

Full details of the proposals in this notice can be viewed on the Traffic Regulation Order page of the West Sussex County Council website. The website includes a response form for any comments or objections.

Due to current social distancing requirements, paper copies of documents will not be available to view in council offices or libraries. People without access to a computer who wish to view details of the scheme should telephone the West Sussex County Council Contact Centre on 01243 642105 to receive the documents by post.

Any comments or objections about the proposal must be received before 4 March 2021. These may be submitted via the response form on the website mentioned above, by e- mail to [email protected] or in writing to TRO Team, West Sussex County Council, The Grange, Tower Street, Chichester, PO19 1RH. For legal reasons, only correspondence including a full name and address will be considered. Please quote reference CMS1801-MM in all correspondence.

Dated this 4th day of February 2021. Director of Law & Assurance, County Hall, Chichester.

Director of Law & Assurance County Hall Chichester West Sussex County Council ((Mid Sussex District) (Parking Places & Traffic Regulation) (Consolidation No.2) Order 2006)

(Pyecombe: London Road & Church Lane Amendment) Order 2021

Statement of Reasons for Proposing to Make the Order

West Sussex County Council proposes to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order that will prohibit waiting at any time (introduce double yellow lines) on lengths of London Road and Church Lane in Pyecombe.

The Order also introduces a formalised bus stop on the eastern side of London Road, opposite the BP service station, which will prohibit stopping by any vehicle except buses at any time.

Due to its location near the A23 and the presence of the service station on London Road, Pyecombe is a popular place for motorists to stop, creating a high demand for parking on the local roads. This can lead to a solid line of parked vehicles on London Road, which prevents vehicles travelling in opposite directions from passing each other. This causes vehicles to drive onto verges, causing damage to the highway. Parking also takes place close to the junction of Church Lane, causing visibility problems. Parking on London Road near the Service station leaves the local bus service unable to pull up at the side of the road, which in turn obstructs other traffic on London Road.

The proposed restrictions have been designed to resolve these issues by preventing parking where it is hazardous and creating gaps in the lines of parked vehicles to create passing places. It also formalises the bus stop to allow passengers to be picked up/set down at the kerbside, which is safer for passengers and will prevent obstruction to traffic.

The Order is therefore proposed to avoid danger to persons or other traffic using the affected lengths of road and to facilitate the passage of traffic.

The attached drawings, numbered TQ2812NES, TQ2192NWS and TQ2192SWN show the lengths of roads affected by the proposed order.

Director of Law & Assurance 26 November 2020 CMS1801-MM



West Sussex County Council in exercise of their powers under Sections 1 (a) 2 (1) and (2), 4 (2), 45. 46. 49 and 53 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) as amended and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act hereby make the following Order:-

1. The Order shall come into operation on the ***** day of ***** 2021 and may be cited as “West Sussex County Council) ((Mid Sussex District) (Parking Places & Traffic Regulation) (Consolidation No.2) Order 2006) (Pyecombe: London Road & Church Lane Amendment) Order 2021”.

2. The “West Sussex County Council ((Mid Sussex District) (Parking Places & Traffic Regulation) (Consolidation No.2) Order 2006” is hereby amended by the addition of the plans specified in the Schedule to this Order, attached hereto.

THE Common Seal of THE ) WEST SUSSEX COUNTY ) COUNCIL ) Was hereto affixed the ) ) day of ) 2021 ) ) ) )

Authorised Signatory CMS1801-MM ) P Wayfield Farm YE CO MB E ST RE ET

S L I P P R Y N O E O A C R D O A T M 2 H E B 3 B N E O T U R A N N D C E

A 23



West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2812NES ± NO EXISTING WAITING RESTRICTIONS West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - at A3 size 1 0


Church Cottages 1

7 2

E Coombe The Old Schoolhouse NE H A View

S 6 L L Y O O W H

1 C

2 2 S

4 E 1 1 High Bank 5



H 1 2


Th e Old

l oo Dolphin Cott ch S e ld ag The Forge O tt Co The Chapel

LL Posts CHURCH HI Hilltop Ridgemont

S L IP P R Y 2 N O E Parish Church of the Mewstone O A C Pyecombe R D O T M Transfiguration H E B Lodge B N E O T Air Shaft U R A N N Fairlight D C Holly E House

The 4 Pryde

Staddlestones L O C

N H D U The White House O N R

A C R 2 H 3 O Tallai A L


2 N House 3 E

West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2912NWS ± NO EXISTING WAITING RESTRICTIONS West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - at A3 size 1 0


Church Cottages 1

7 2

E Coombe The Old Schoolhouse NE H A View

S 6 L L Y O O W H

1 C

2 2 S

4 E 1 1 High Bank 5



H 1 2


Th e Old

l oo Dolphin Cott ch S e ld ag The Forge O tt Co The Chapel

LL Posts CHURCH HI Hilltop Ridgemont

S L IP P R Y 2 N O E Parish Church of the Mewstone O A C Pyecombe R D O T M Transfiguration H E B Lodge B N E O T Air Shaft U R A N N Fairlight D C Holly E House

The No waiting 4 Pryde at any time

Staddlestones L O C

N H D U The White House O N R

A C R 2 H 3 O Tallai A L


2 N House 3 E

West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2912NWS ± PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS (25.11.2020) West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO 1_CMS1801 PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - DD/MM/YYYY at A3 size P Wayfield Farm YE CO MB E ST RE ET

S L I P P R Y N O E O A C R D O A T M 2 H E B 3 B N E O T U R A N N D C E

A 23 No waiting at any time



West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2812NES ± PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS (25.11.2020) West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO 1_CMS1801 PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - DD/MM/YYYY at A3 size Tr Hillside T a C ck P

(R A C / A 8 A ) Poynters






3 7


7 2


L 2 O A N A D L O The Plough A N N R Inn E O A D (PH)


0 1 Myosotis Air Shaft


St Helens


Riding School Haresdean

A 2 3 Filling Station A 2 3

ck Tra Hobbs Cottage

West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2912SWN ± NO EXISTING WAITING RESTRICTIONS West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - at A3 size Track Hillside TCP (RAC/AA)

8 Poynters



A273 The Plough Inn (PH)


10 Myosotis Air Shaft


St Helens

LONDON ROAD No waiting at any time

Riding School Haresdean

A 23 Filling Station A 23

Track Hobbs Cottage

Bus stop Clearway- No stopping except buses at any time

West Sussex County Council Highways & Transport TILE REF NO: The Grange MID SUSSEX DISTRICT: PYECOMBE Tower Street Chichester TQ2912SWN ± PROPOSED WAITING RESTRICTIONS (25.11.2020) West Sussex SCALE: SHEET ISSUE NO 1_CMS1801 PO19 1RH 1:1250 Reproduced from or based upon 2020 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings West Sussex County Council Licence No. 100018485 SHEET ACTIVE FROM - DD/MM/YYYY at A3 size