Enabling Sustainable Production Landscapes in Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands Provinces for Biodiversity, Human Livelihoods and Well-Being
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5/7/2020 WbgGefportal Project Identification Form (PIF) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Enabling sustainable production landscapes in Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands Provinces for Biodiversity, Human Livelihoods and Well-being Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10515 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Enabling sustainable production landscapes in Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands Provinces for Biodiversity, Human Livelihoods and Well-being Countries Papua New Guinea Agency(ies) FAO, UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 1/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA); PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA); Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), Department of Government Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Biodiversity, Focal Areas, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Productive Landscapes, Mainstreaming, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Forestry - Including HCVF and REDD+, Forest, Education, Communications, Awareness Raising, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Stakeholders, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Demonstrate innovative approache, Indigenous Peoples, Private Sector, SMEs, Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organization, Academia, Type of Engagement, Participation, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Beneficiaries, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Capacity Development, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Participation and leadership, Access and control over natural resources, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender-sensitive indicators, Women groups, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Exchange, Learning, Adaptive management, Indicators to measure change, Theory of change, Enabling Activities, Innovation, Knowledge Generation Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 48 In Months Agency Fee($) 613,994 Submission Date 3/20/2020 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 2/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) BD-1-1 GET 4,835,730 36,870,000 BD-2-7 GET 1,627,367 15,780,000 Total Project Cost ($) 6,463,097 52,650,000 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 3/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective Project Objective: To mainstream biodiversity in priority sectors and landscapes in Eastern and Western Highlands Provinces. Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund Component 1 Technical Outcome 1.1: Investment Output 1.1.1: Biodiversity GET 1,853,696 16,050,000 Improving spatial Assistan and land use decision assessments conducted in the (2) data and ce making in EHP and WHP target provinces, including forest strengthening enhanced by using assessments supplementing the integrated land participatory and National Forest Inventory use planning, transparent decision coordination and support systems (DSS), Output 1.1.2: Spatial data management backed by including gender disaggregated comprehensive land use socio-economic data, customary and biodiversity landowner aspirations, information, and development plans and historical improved access to land use and land use change in spatial data the two target provinces; key gaps and trends identified. Indicators Extent to which Output 1.1.3: Biodiversity, socio- investment and land use economic and historical land use decisions in EHP and and land use change information WHP is enhanced using of the target provinces is made DSS and improved data available through CEPA’s web- sets database systems. Output indicators Output 1.1.4: Priority areas and 2 provincial biodiversity species for conservation and assessments completed mainstreaming biodiversity and utilized in integrated defined through participatory land use and investment planning with customary decision making landowners https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 4/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal 2 provincial forest Output 1.1.5: Participatory land assessments completed and conservation planning and utilized assessments and mapping of 200,000 hectares of priority areas 2 provincial data sets for agricultural improvement, made available to conservation and Western and Eastern forest/grassland restoration Highlands and at national level and utilized Output 1.1.6 Land use monitoring systems for the 2 target provinces 2 Participatory land and established. conservation planning assessments completed Output 1.1.7: Integrated decision and used in land use support system developed and planning tested for the Eastern and Western Highlands, based on 2 provincial DSS systems adaptation of lessons learned on operating in target decision support systems provinces elsewhere in PNG 2 integrated land use Output 1.1.8: Capacity to plans developed, undertake integrated planning including 2 updated built amongst 100 women and forest plans men (10 provincial officers in 2 provinces, 24 personnel from 12 district administrations, and 66 representatives of 33 local level governments) Output 1.1.9: Integrated decision support system used by stakeholders to identify sites of high importance for global biodiversity for 10 potential Community Conservation Areas (CCA) and other protected areas, areas where deforestation and ecosystem degradation should be avoided, areas for restoration, and areas for economic development. https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 5/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal Output 1.1.10 Integrated land use plans and updated forest plans for the 2 target provinces, that support both biodiversity and climate change objectives, prepared through highly participatory stakeholder processes involving both women and men. Component 2: Technical Outcome 2.1: Key value Output 2.1.1: Review of the GET 2,417,865 21,000,000 Scaling up Assistan chains for sustainably farming and forest use systems landscape-level ce harvested products (gender disaggregated) of the action for strengthened/establishe target provinces conducted and integrated d and financial and options for gender sensitive, conservation & market support biodiversity friendly and climate sustainable mechanisms for forest resilient practices and supply chain and farm producer approaches identified development organizations made available Output 2.1.2: 1,000 men and women farmers of the target provinces supported to improve Indicators their farming and forest 1,000 farmers are management systems, including demonstrably benefiting forest restoration and from improved ‘green’ agroforestry, and adopt value chains in WHP and biodiversity friendly and climate EHP resilient practices that support Number of small-scale green commodity value chains farmers with improved business arrangements Output 2.1.3: 50 assessments of specific production values by 5,000 jobs created by local women and men farmers small scale NTFP and forest and farm producer enterprises at organizations (FFPOs) conducted, community level. and improvement plans prepared Output indicators 50 sites where gender Output 2.1.4: Customary sensitive, biodiversity landowners and their FFPOs (50) friendly and climate have identified and selected preferred forest and farm product https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 6/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal resilient practices and value chains and developed approaches identified bankable business plans for biodiversity friendly and climate- 50 improvement plans resilient products and their related prepared technologies. 50 bankable business plans developed Output 2.1.5: Targeted FFPOs (50) have developed their biodiversity 1000 men and women friendly and climate-resilient farmers adopt improved production options into small- management practices scale farm enterprises. 50 small-scale forest enterprises 800 ha of land restored, successfully operating 190,000 ha of landscapes under Output 2.2.1: Review of the 5 improved practices existing protected areas in the 2 target provinces conducted and Outcome 2.2: Improved improvement plans prepared biodiversity conservation in targeted protected Output 2.2.2: Targeted customary areas (including CCAs) landowners (women, men and youth) supported to identify and Indicators plan 5 community conserved Decline of indicator areas (CCAs) under relevant species and habitats in 8 policies and laws, and to manage targeted protected areas their areas effectively is reversed Output 2.2.3: Management Output indicators effectiveness of 5 existing Review of the 5 protected areas, including protected areas in the 2 existing CCA improved target provinces conducted and improvement plans prepared 5 community conserved areas (CCAs) identified and plans prepared https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 7/65 5/7/2020 WbgGefportal 5 (275,000ha) protected areas under improved management (including existing CCA) Component 3: Technical Outcome 3.1: Integrated Output 3.1.1: Strengthened GET 1,208,932 10,000,000 Strengthening Assistan decision support national and provincial regulatory the enabling ce systems for land use frameworks (6) for the environment and management of the conservation and sustainable use governance targeted landscapes of multi-functional landscapes structures for enabled by adequate integrated policies and Output 3.1.2: Platforms for landscape/land methodologies improved coordination and land use planning,