Manulife Strength-China Value Foreign Investment Fund (MS-CHINA VALUE) As of 30 June 2021 Fund Investment Investment Policy: Inception Date: Registered Size: Fund Maturity: Mainly invest in units of a foreign fund named Global Fund-Dragon Growth Fund (Class AA) at 1 June 2007 2,000 Million Baht Indefinite least 80% of the fund's Net Asset Value in any accouting period. Risk Level: Risk: Market, Credit, Exchange Rate, Country&Politcal, Fund Type: Level 6 : High Risk Liquidity, Settlement and Derivative Risks Open-ended Feeder Fund, Foreign Investment Fund The Fund's Custodian: The Fund's Registrar: Dividend Policy: of Ayudhya PCL. Bank of Ayudhya PCL. None Morningstar RatingTM: As of Jun 30, 2021, the fund received a 4-star overall Morningstar Rating for Thailand Fund China Equity category AIMC Category Performance Report: Bloomberg Ticker: Greater China Equity MANSCVF:TB

30/06/2021 Net Asset Value (Baht) NAV per unit (Baht) Asset Allocation (as % of NAV) MS-CHINA VALUE 305,915,579.53 22.7061 Other Assets & Bank Deposits Liabilities Performance chart of the investment amount of THB 100 from the inception date 1.83% -0.12%

MS-CHINA VALUE FTSE AW Greater China/ MSCI Zhong Hua** Fixed Income 4.90% Mutual Fund Units : IHKF Class A 93.39%

Subscription Redemption and Switching Period Subscription Period: Before 3.30 p.m. of every trading day Redemption/Switching Period: Before 3.30 p.m. of every trading day (Investors can check schedule of trading day for subscription/redemption and switching at ** MS-CHINA VALUE has changed the Master Fund from MGF-China Value Fund to MGF-Dragon Growth Fund, Min. Initial Subscription: 10,000.00 Baht hence, the benchmark is changed to MSCI Zhong Hua Index since March 22, 2016 onwards. Min. Subsequent Subscription: Not specified Fund Performance (%) Min. Redemption: Not specified Since Min. Balance Account: Not specified YTD 3 Mths 6 Mths 1 Y1 3 Ys1 5 Ys1 10 Ys1 Inception1 Period of Payment: 5 business days from the date which NAV is calculated. (T+5) MS-CHINA VALUE 10.85 5.56 10.85 34.81 11.04 15.70 7.75 6.00 Fees (include VAT) Benchmark^ 10.26 5.00 10.26 32.45 8.74 13.22 8.80 7.34 Chargeable to the Fund Fund's Standard (% of total asset value deducted per annum for total liabilities excluding 22.05 17.04 22.05 21.97 21.49 19.09 18.90 20.72 Deviation the Management Fee, Trustee Fee and Registrar Fee) Management Fee: Benchmark's 20.58 15.58 20.58 19.98 19.56 17.45 17.13 20.86 ≤ 1.87% per annum* Standard Deviation *(The investment manager of the Master Fund grants a rebate to the Fund in the form of cash or Remark: 1%Annualized additional units in the Fund such that there is no double charging of management fees.) Custodian Fee: Calendar Year (%) Annualized ≤ 0.06% per annum (Current charge 0.04%) Fund's Standard Benchmark's Year MS-CHINA VALUE Benchmark^ Registrar Fee: Deviation Standard Deviation ≤ 0.11% per annum (Current charge 0.05%) 2012 8.90 19.47 14.14 13.54 Chargeable to the Unitholders (% of NAV per unit) 2013 15.53 15.49 14.33 13.40 Front-end Fee: ≤ 1.50% Back-end Fee: In case of holding < 2 years: ≤ 1.00% (Currently waived) 6.37 7.64 12.31 11.69 2014 In case of holding ≥ 2 years: None 2015 3.04 1.93 22.14 18.61 Switching Fee: None 2016 -4.60 4.24 16.38 16.18 Transfer Fee: Not exceeding 200 Baht per transaction 2017 38.26 35.95 12.87 11.55 Master Fund Information 2018 -17.09 -16.34 21.26 18.73 Manulife Global Fund-Dragon Growth Fund (Class AA)^ Objective and Investment Policy: 2019 13.18 11.06 16.85 15.86 The Fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of 2020 36.33 25.10 24.50 22.28 equity and equity related securities of public companies which are listed in Hong 2021* 10.85 10.26 22.05 20.58 Kong and/or, although not listed in Hong Kong, are listed on a stock exchange in any other jurisdiction and have substantial business interests in Hong Kong and/or *Performance as of 1 Jan - 30 Jun 2021 China. Such equity and equity related securities include common stocks, preferred ^The MSCI Zhong Hua Index is a composite index that comprises the MSCI China and MSCI Hong Kong Index. The stocks and depositary receipts. index captures large and mid cap representation across all China securities (B shares, H shares, Red Chips, P Chips and foreign listed shares) as well as Hong Kong securities. Fund Duration: Indefinite For the period less than 1 year, the fund performance shall not calculated to annualized return. Management Fee: 1.50% of NAV Front-end Fee: None Source : Morningstar Back-end Fee: The fund performance document is prepared in accordance with AIMC standards. In case of redemption within 2 years : charged 1% of NAV per unit (waived) Switching Fee: Up to 1% of total redemption price (waived) Source: For more information of Master Fund, please go to ______^MS-CHINA VALUE has changed the Master Fund from MGF-China Value Fund to MGF-Dragon Growth Fund since March 22, 2016 onwards.

©2021 Mormingstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Please consider the product features, conditions, risks and returns before making an investment decision. Past performance/ performance comparison relating to a capital market product is not a guarantee of future results. The value of investment units may go down as well as up due to exchange rate fluctuation and investors may not get back their original investment. Manulife Thailand Limited (the “Company") was acquired by King Wai Capital Limited on 31 March 2021 and is now part of King Wai Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited. Consequently, the Company is no longer part of the Manulife group on and from 1 April 2021. King Wai Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited by its subsidiary is determined to develop a business ecosystem in life , general insurance, asset management and real estate where synergies are being created to offer clients holistic products and services with the customer-centric philosophy. n n E-mail: [email protected] n Tel. (66) 2844-0123 n Fax. (66) 2056-9747 31 MAY 2021


Manulife Global Fund - Dragon Growth Fund

Investment Objective The Fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing at least 70% of its net assets in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related securities of public companies which are listed in Hong Kong and/or, although not listed in Hong Kong, are listed on a stock exchange in any other jurisdiction and have substantial business interests in Hong Kong and/or China. Such equity and equity related securities include common stocks, preferred stocks and depositary receipts.

Fund Information Fund Performance

Fund Size USD 606.92 million 320

Base Currency USD 280 Dealing Frequency Daily 240 Benchmark ** MSCI AC Zhong Hua NR USD index 200 Investment Manager 160 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited Indexed to 100 Indexed to 120

80 Total Return (NAV (NAV TotalNAV) Returnto 40 Dec-16 Sep-17 Jun-18 Mar-19 Dec-19 Aug-20 May-21 Class AA

Returns (%) Year-to- Since Calendar Year 1 month 3 months Date 1 year ‡ 3 years ‡ Inception ‡ 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Class AA Fund (NAV to NAV) -0.03 -4.74 3.00 50.27 11.44 19.81 42.30 21.58 -16.56 55.55 N/A Fund (Offer to Bid)* -5.03 -9.51 -2.15 42.75 9.55 18.44 35.18 15.50 -20.73 47.78 N/A Benchmark 0.88 -2.91 3.24 39.87 8.10 15.49 25.13 20.71 -16.25 49.35 N/A Class AA (USD) MDIST (G) Fund (NAV to NAV) -0.03 -4.74 3.00 50.27 N/A 23.69 42.29 21.57 N/A N/A N/A Fund (Offer to Bid)* -5.03 -9.51 -2.15 42.75 N/A 21.14 35.18 15.49 N/A N/A N/A Class S Hedged MDIST (G) Fund (NAV to NAV) -0.04 -4.85 2.84 49.51 N/A 49.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Fund (Offer to Bid)* -5.04 -9.61 -2.30 42.03 N/A 43.13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Fund Characteristics ^

Sector Allocation % Geographical Allocation % Consumer Discretionary 26.97 China 84.07 Communication Services 16.82 Hong Kong 13.93 Financials 15.43 Cash & Cash Equivalents 2.01

Healthcare 9.81 Materials 7.64 Real Estate 6.89 Information Technology 5.68 Industrials 4.21 Consumer Staples 3.51 Energy 1.03 Cash & Cash Equivalents 2.01

** Please refer to Class AA for the benchmark returns. ‡ Annualised for periods over one year with net income & dividends reinvested * The Offer to Bid performance includes the effect of an assumed current maximum front end load, which the investor might or might not pay. NAV to NAV figures reflect the Fund’s investment performance. ^ Figures may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Source: Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte.Ltd.

31 MAY 2021

Manulife Global Fund - Dragon Growth Fund


Class Information

Bloomberg Inception Management Class Currency NAV Per Unit ISIN Code Ticker Date Fee (%,p.a.) AA USD USD 2.223 MADRGRA LX LU1328277881 13 Dec 2016 1.75 AA (USD) MDIST (G) USD USD 1.633 MLHEAUM LX LU1813983027 14 Dec 2018 1.75 S Hedged MDIST (G) SGD SGD 1.562 MLHESHG LX LU2039709279 16 Apr 2020 1.50

Important Information Manulife Global Fund (the “Company”) is an open-ended investment company registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The Manulife Global Fund - Dragon Growth Fund (“the Fund”) is recognised under the Securities and Futures Act of Singapore for retail dist ribution. The Company has appointed Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. as its Singapore Representative and agent for service of process in Singapore. The information provided herein does not constitute financial advice, an offer or reco mmendation with respect to the Fund. The information and views expressed herein are those of Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Company Registratio n No. 200709952G) and its affiliates (“Manulife”) as of date of this document and are subj ect to change based on market and other conditions. Manulife expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of, and the requirement to update, such information. Investments in the Fund are not deposits in, guaranteed or insured by Manulife and involve risks. The value of units in the Fund and any income accruing to it may fall or rise. Past performance of the Fund is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Opi nions, forecasts and estimates on the economy, financial mark ets or economic trends of the markets mentioned herein are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management and/or hedging. Investors should r ead the Singapore prospectus and the product highlights sheet and seek financial advice before deciding whether to purchase units in the Fund. A copy of the Singapore prospectus and the product highlights sheet can be obtained from Manulife or its distributors. In the event an investor chooses not to seek advice from a financial adviser, he should consider whether the Fund is su itable for him. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte.Ltd. 8 Cross Street, #16-01 Manulife Tower, Singapore 048424 Unit Trust Hotline: (65) 6501 5438 | Fax: (65) 6235 1138