Character Tables of the General Linear Group and Some of its Subroups By Ayoub Basheer Mohammed Basheer
[email protected] [email protected] Supervisor : Professor Jamshid Moori
[email protected] School of Mathematical Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa A project submitted in the fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters Degree of Science in the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. November 2008 Abstract The aim of this dissertation is to describe the conjugacy classes and some of the ordinary irreducible characters of the finite general linear group GL(n; q); together with character tables of some of its subgroups. We study the structure of GL(n; q) and some of its important subgroups such as SL(n; q);UT (n; q); SUT (n; q);Z(GL(n; q));Z(SL(n; q)); GL(n; q)0 ; SL(n; q)0 ; the Weyl group W and parabolic subgroups Pλ: In addition, we also discuss the groups P GL(n; q); P SL(n; q) and the affine group Aff(n; q); which are related to GL(n; q): The character tables of GL(2; q); SL(2; q); SUT (2; q) and UT (2; q) are constructed in this dissertation and examples in each case for q = 3 and q = 4 are supplied. A complete description for the conjugacy classes of GL(n; q) is given, where the theories of irre- ducible polynomials and partitions of i 2 f1; 2; ··· ; ng form the atoms from where each conjugacy class of GL(n; q) is constructed.