REFERRAL AGENCIES Youth Initiative Program Youth Initiative Program, Auxiliary Support Division 911 N. Raynor, El Paso, Texas 79903 Telephone (915) 564-7256 Fax (915) 564-7098 E-mail
[email protected] YOUTH HELPLINE DIRECTORY The purpose of the Helpline Directory is to help those who live and work in the El Paso area to find agencies that respond to health and human services, education, recreation and emergency needs. In addition to the name, address and contact, the agency entry outlines services, eligibility requirements, fees, operating hours, intake procedures and emergency assistance procedures. Inclusion of an agency in the Directory does not imply endorsement of its purpose or quality by the El Paso Police Department or Youth Initiative Program and further disclaims any responsibility for the quality of the services provided by the listed and referenced agencies and shall not be liable as a result of the use of any of the services described in the Directory, subsequent revision or appendices. To update agency changes or for information, please contact the Youth Initiative Program (YIP), Nell Tovar, Coordinator, at (915) 564-7256 or e-mail:
[email protected]. Published by the Youth Initiative Program (YIP). Permission granted to reproduce this Directory. The Directory can be located on the El Paso Police Department website: Left click on Youth & Education; right click on Helpline Directory. - 1 - REFERRAL AGENCIES Youth Initiative Program MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to provide a highly skilled joint military force to the law enforcement and civilian community of Texas countering drug threats directed against our state and the U.S.