Riley T. Culberg

397 Panama Mall, Mitchell Building [email protected] Stanford, CA 94305 (253) 254-4857

EDUCATION present Stanford University, Stanford, California PhD Candidate, Electrical Engineering Expected Graduation: Summer 2022 Thesis: Resolving Near-Surface Glacial and Structure with Geophysically Constrained Inversions of Sounding Data 2019 Stanford University, Stanford, California Master of Science, Electrical Engineering 2012 United States Military Academy, West Point, New York Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Geospatial Information Science


2018 – present Stanford Radio , Department of , Stanford University Graduate Research Assistant 2018 Antennas and Systems Division, Toyon Research Corporation Associate Research Analyst 2012-2017 United States Army Engineer Officer


2021 Stanford Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Doctoral Fellowship 2020 First Place, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Student Paper Competition 2019 Best Student Poster, West Antarctic Workshop 2019 Best Student Oral Presentation, IGS Symposium on Five Decades of Radioglaciology 2019 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (declined) 2014 Steel Order of the De Fleury Medal, Army Engineer Association 2012 Brigadier General Elvin R. Heiberg Memorial Award for the Highest Composite Standing in Applied Science and Engineering, United States Military Academy 2012 U. S. Grant Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science, United States Military Academy 2012 Excellence in Geospatial Information Science Award, United States Military Academy


[in review] R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder, G. Steinbrügge. Double Ridge Formation Over Shallow Water Sills.

[in review] J. Z. Miller, R. Culberg, D. G. Long, C. A. Shuman, D. M. Schroeder, M. J Brodzik. An Empirical Algorithm to Map Perennial Firn Aquifers, Ice Slabs, and Perched Firn Aquifers Within the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Satellite L-band Microwave Radiometry.


[in review] W. Chu, A. Hilger, R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder, T. M. Jordan, H. Seroussi, D. A. Young, D. G. Vaughn. Multi-System Synthesis of Radar Sounding Observations of the Amundsen Sea Sector from the 2004-2005 Field Season.

T.J. Young, D. M. Schroeder, T.M. Jordan, P. Christofferson, S.M. Tulaczyk, R. Culberg, N.L. Bienert. Inferring Ice Fabric from Birefringence Loss in Airborne Radargrams: Applications to the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites , West Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021. 10.1029/2020JF006023

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder, W. Chu. Extreme Melt Season Ice Layers Reduce Firn Permeability Across Greenland, Nature Communications, 2021. 10.1038/s41467-021-22656-5

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Firn Clutter Constraints on the Design and Performance of Orbital Radar Ice Sounders, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020. 10.1109/TGRS.2020.2976666

K. Winter, J. Woodward, N. Ross, S. A. Dunning, A. S. Hein, M. J. Westoby, R. Culberg, S. M. Marrero, D. M. Schroeder, D. E. Sugden, M. J. Seigert. Radar-detected englacial debris in the West Antarctica ice sheet, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019. 10.1029/2019GL084012


R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Simulations of Englacial Radiostratigraphy from Ice Core Measurements, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2021.

E. J. MacKie, D. M. Schroeder, G. Steinbrügge, R. Culberg. Quantifying Spatial Relationships in Ice Penetrating Radar Measurement Uncertainty through Clutter Simulation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2021.

D. M. Schroeder, N. L Bienert, R. Culberg, E. J. MacKie, T. Teisberg, W. Chu, D. A. Young, Glaciological Constraints on Link Budgets for Orbital Radar Sounding of Earth’s Ice Sheets, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2021.

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Strong Potential for the Detection of Refrozen Ice Layers in Greenland’s Firn by Airborne Radar Sounding, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2020. 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324268

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Radar Scattering in Firn and its Implications for VHF/UHF Orbital Ice Sounding, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2019. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898991


R. Culberg, D.M. Schroeder, W. Chu. Extreme Melt Season Ice Layers Reduce Firn Permeability in Greenland’s Interior, AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.

*A. Conger, D.M. Schroeder, E. MacKie, R. Culberg. -Floor Characterization in Radar Data: From Archival to Modern, AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.

R. Culberg, D.M. Schroeder. Quantifying Uncertainty in a 16 Year Time Series of Larsen C Thickness from Airborne Radar Sounding, West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, 2020.


R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Firn Density in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone from Operation IceBridge Radar Sounding Data, PARCA Workshop, 2020.

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Spatial Extension of Deep Ice Core Electrical Stratigraphy by Radar Sounding, AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.

*M. Altenburg, D. M. Schroeder, R. Culberg, N. L. Bienert. Testing the Feasibility of Orbital Altitude Radar Sounding Using a Multi-Frequency Radar System, AGU Fall Meeting, 2019.

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Radar-Derived Firn Density in Greenland’s Dry Snow Zone, West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, 2019.

R. Culberg, D. M. Schroeder. Radar Scattering in Firn and the Implications for Orbital Ice Sounding, IGS Symposium on Five Decades of Radioglaciology, 2019.

K. Winter, J. Woodward, N. Ross, S. A. Dunning, A. S. Hein, M. J. Westoby, R. Culberg, S. M. Marrero, D. M. Schroeder, D. E. Sugden, M. J. Siegert. Radar-detected Englacial Sediments, IGS Symposium on Five Decades of Radioglaciology, 2019.

R. Culberg, A. Kendrick, A. Conger, D. M. Schroeder. An Airborne Radar Sounding Instrument Concept for Characterizing Water Storage in Greenland's Porous Ice and Firn, AGU Fall Meeting, 2018.


Teaching Assistant, Introduction to the Foundations of Contemporary Geophysics, Fall 2020

Radar Processing Module, Radar Sounding Short Course, 2019 IGS Symposium on Five Decades of Radioglaciology, Stanford, CA, 8 Jul.


2019 – present Martin Altenburg (Stanford University) Awardee, 2019 AGU Cryosphere Innovation Award for Students 2020 – present Annabel Conger (Stanford University) 2020 – present Abigail Romo (Stanford University)


2020 – present Volunteer mentor with Service to School 2020, 2021 Speaker, Stanford Earth Young Investigators Program


2019 – present Member, International Glaciological Society 2018 – present Member, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2018 – present Member, American Geophysical Union


Reviewer: Journal of Glaciology, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Optics Express

* Presentation or publication by mentee.