ALL COMMERCIAL SOURCES SORTED ALPHABETICALLY AVAILABLE PHONE NUMBERS (include after hours VENDOR NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CONTACT NAME AFTER COMMODITY REMARKS number and mobile numbers) HOURS? Scott Pottratz Mobile Chainsaw And Continental Earthworks PO Box 1493 Avon, Colorado 970-390-6672 Yes Avon, CO Small Engine Repair
[email protected] 866-270-1749 24/7
[email protected] Evergreen Resource, Inc Idaho City, ID 208-392-6005 Office Yes Generators Idaho City, ID
[email protected] 208-392-4989 Fax 866-270-1749 24/7
[email protected] Evergreen Resource, Inc Idaho City, ID 208-392-6005 Office Yes Light Towers Idaho City, ID
[email protected] 208-392-4989 Fax 866-270-1749 24/7
[email protected] Evergreen Resource, Inc Idaho City, ID 208-392-6005 Office Yes Tents Idaho City, ID
[email protected] 208-392-4989 Fax 2533 North Carson Street 800-255-3119 Phone Jim Stumpf Expeditors Carson City, NV 89706 Tents Elko, Reno, Las Vegas Suite E182 714-939-6449 Fax
[email protected] 602-787-3909 24/7 BLS Kit with Operator - Wilderness Medics PO Box 722 Hamilton, MT 59840 406-375-5079 Fax
[email protected] Yes Arduous Certified 602-694-3595 Jack Spears EMTF 602-787-3909 24/7 ALS Kit with Operator - Wilderness Medics PO Box 722 Hamilton, MT 59840 406-375-5079 Fax
[email protected] Yes Arduous Certified 602-694-3595 Jack Spears EMTP 602-787-3909 24/7 BLS 4x4 Rescue Wilderness Medics PO Box 722 Hamilton, MT 59840 406-375-5079