The Non-Observance of Cooperative Principle and Its Implicature in American Tv Sitcom Friends
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THE NON-OBSERVANCE OF COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE AND ITS IMPLICATURE IN AMERICAN TV SITCOM FRIENDS A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) By ALIFYA KEMAYA SADRA 11150260000080 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2019 ABSTRACT Alifya Kemaya Sadra, The Non-Observance of Cooperative Principle and Its Implicature in American TV Sitcom Friends. A thesis: Department of English Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019. This research aims to discover the non-observance of Cooperative Principle and its implicature in the transcript of American TV sitcom, Friends Season 10. The research is conducted using discourse analysis with pragmatics approach. The theory used are the Cooperative Principle theory by P.H. Grice. The result shows that the non-observance of Cooperative Principle give rise to conversational implicature in the conversation of Friends season 10. The most common type of non-observance of Cooperative Principle found in the transcript is flouting of quality maxim. The occurrences of the non-observances and the implicated meaning behind it depends on the context of the conversation. The most common reason of the non-observance is to deliver sarcastic comment. This research uses TV comedy series as the data, however the limitation of this research is it does not use any humor approach. Hence, the relation between the non-observance or the implicature and the humor will not be investigated. Keywords: Conversational Implicature, Cooperative Principle, Grice, Non- observance, Pragmatics. ii iii LEGALIZATION Name: Alifya Kemaya Sadra NIM : 11150260000080 Title : The Non-Observance of Cooperative Principle and Its Implicature in American TV Sitcom Friends. The thesis entitled above has been defended before the Faculty of Adab and Humanities Examination Committee on November 27th, 2019. It has already been accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one. Jakarta, November 27th 2019 The Examination Committees Signature Date 1. Hasnul Insani, Ph.D. (Chairperson) 1976050 1 200801 2 010 2. M. Agus Suriadi, M. Hum. (Secretary) 1978080 1 201411 1 001 3. Hilmi Akmal, M. Hum. (Advisor) 19760918 200801 1 009 4. Dr. Saefudin, M.Pd. (Examiner I) 19640710 199303 1 006 5. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd. (Examiner II) 19750417 200501 2 007 iv DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institutes of higher education, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the thesis. Jakarta, November 18th 2019 Alifya Kemaya Sadra 11150260000080 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praises and gratitude to The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful Allah SWT for His showers of blessings to make this study possible. My humblest gratitude to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for his continuous guidance. I would like to express my gratitude towards my family for the prayers, love, and passionate encouragement which made it possible for me to complete this study. My parents, Ahmad Gaus and Jumiati Zaini whose valuable suggestions and guidance have helped me a lot in making this study. My sister, Raysa Falsafa Nahla and my cousin, Emira Tamani, who always give emotional support and who serve as my inspiration to pursue my studies. I owe the debt of gratitude to my advisor, Hilmi Akmal, M.Hum for imparting his knowledge and expertise in this study, and for his constant guidance and encouragement extended to me. I extend my sincere gratitude to the following persons who have willingly helped me and have contributed in completion of my study: 1. Saiful Umam M.A., Ph.D. as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 2. Hasnul Insani, M.Pd., Ph.D as the Head of English Literature Department. 3. Agus Suriadi, S.Pd., M.Hum as the Secretary of English Literature Department. 4. All lecturers in English Literature Department for their guidance, motivation, and immense knowledge. 5. Alecia Nabilah, Aramitha Kiarani, Naswah, Rizqiana Lestari, and Vinni Aprilia for always being there for me. Their endless supports have helped me a lot throughout this study. 6. Adelia Muthia, Alya Nadyasmara, Egi Lintang, Fachry Sudiar, Faisal Sila, Kesha Lariesa, Muhammad Kasim, Nadia Nakita, Nakita Febiola, Naufal Syauqi, Nieky Arghana, Nursyarda Aulia, Shafira Kautsar, and Vinny vi Oktharina for their companions, encouragements, discussions, suggestions, and inspirations. My college years would have been a lot harder and boring without them. 7. English Literature Department 2015, especially class B for the group discussions, suggestions, and motivations. Finally, to other friends and relatives who in one way or another have contributed to my study, thank you. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, this acknowledgement is an expression of my deepest gratitude. Jakarta, November 18th 2019 Alifya Kemaya Sadra vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................ iv DECLARATION .................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. x CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Background of the Research ............................................. 1 1.2. Focus of the Research ....................................................... 3 1.3. Research Questions .......................................................... 3 1.4.The Objectives of the Research ......................................... 3 1.5. Significance of the Research ............................................ 3 1.6. Research Methodology ..................................................... 4 1.6.1. The Method of the Research .................................. 4 1.6.2. The Instrument of the Research.............................. 4 1.6.3. Unit Analysis .......................................................... 4 1.6.4. Technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis .. 5 Data Collection Technique .................................. 5 Data Analysis Technique ..................................... 5 CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................... 7 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 7 2.1. Previous Research ............................................................ 7 2.2. Pragmatics.............................................................................. 8 2.3. Conversational Implicatures ............................................. 10 2.4. Cooperative Principle ........................................................ 11 2.5. Non-Observance of Maxims .......................................... 13 CHAPTER III....................................................................................................... 17 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS ...................................................... 17 3.1. Data Description ............................................................. 17 3.2. Data Analysis .................................................................. 20 CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 51 viii CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................................... 51 4.1. Conclusion ...................................................................... 51 4.2. Suggestion ...................................................................... 52 4.3. Recommendation ............................................................ 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................ 53 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 55 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1. ................................................................................................................ 17 Table of Data ............................................................................................................ i x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Research Interpreting what someone meant by their utterance in conversations is not always simple, because people do not always say what they mean. They frequently mean much more than they explicitly say. For example, one might say it's hot in here! but what they mean is: Please open the window! or