j1 m "yvvk $ " SbjrfT " p.'HIfii', f "TiaiatH ffj, gfiggr tf r""'v,'TJpiBa? """""r vrr'm&itir&g&tff ?Kf-- 5 V Saturday Press. VOLUME 111, NUMBER I., 45. HONOLULU, H. SATURDA, JULY 7, 1883. WHOLE NUMBER 149 SATURDAY PRI2SS. was withsl a ollheil gentleman alwais a vTitfu'D. justness (itrbc. Uuslncfio Viuoiucco durbs. gentlcnnn. He sulnequtntl) went to Texas Sitfiumnct c(lolicc6. foreign bbtttietmmts. on account of bis declining lienlth, and died it-- - - A Newspaper Published Weelsly. W, LA1NE. GRINDAUM & Co. IJYMAN BROTHERS, ISHOP A Lo. there. The Declaration of Indeiendcncc was p HAMBURO-MAODBBUR- FIRE w. M B Company Severance, for Hlock, SraRFT, of Hamburf. jj read by Cluils W. Vincent, mm) scam a or nr.r.iti Mskprs QvrtH No. MrncHS-i- lloMtu.1 II I., tM.i.iiif.v;( 99 SriocT, tf. BANKERS, Jl CAllroHNlA Sr.,CAL-,(Ri)O- No. 4) 13lUHlBS(ElfTlfl5$5.oo HtK,l W(i master of this Mr. Vincent for the Slate of Cahfornis, for die Hawaiian Island., it I,-- l "A JAMW&i AGRXT cariientcr cit). and Ueneral A(enl lor Ihe Pacific Mutual I ife In' niroiiiuitsAM) iioia:iaia: in: I.UVIIIIII-II- or (I K. UHA I. M HUVItA .v. lloioutt I, voxm-- era MrrchtlHttlnr, , ttmldniii, Merchandiv, and Machinery ii.nr.in.ix x voxxiastox Foreign suliscrii-llon- was n man of fine personal appearance, list- surance Company of California, Ml fn llenrrril 'If. 'rrti-e- from Ritrtutt, Draw nschaniteonthe BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Inmred kfatnt Hre on the moM favoribte terms, t Mrrrlinnt. , a San Francisco, and theit ajents in I ened deep, resonant tofce, and was an ex Germany and ih I'mted States. r $6 50 to $7.50. arrordntg 10 heir destination. IA!LUAM 0. SMITH, IV S. GRINDAUM ft Co. ccllcnt reader. Ilcjieda few )cars later in Xrll FORTUNA GENERAL INSURANCE COM. TJARNDBN ft Co i4 San Kranciko. VMAN pany of Berlin Ixiwcr California. One noticeable manner of CAUrnxiM Sr.i BROTHERS, !., Ilimiou, i i in: inso. iOMMtsstos H A 4 SCit f,rKfl fr Ca. AGKTS j Saiuosui Sr , .NKAa (.AtiroaKiA, S. F. V spcmfing I lie da) which I believe has been t) Mbiiunt bminti IloNoitti', Si iinnr.iitttisu J$i ji6AMiiii3Csuirijn.xls Smmtr, S (', huvh, Life Is loo brief for lulr, O king ' Mrrrhitnt, Ihe aboe Iiurat.c Company, ha erfahlithed a iit:xt:iiAi.rviti!iiAitxo generally followed since was a picnic Auckland, aokxtsaxm Hfr llnwAik nel loo .mall fur disrnrd seems ; cur R. CASTLE, Special faciittiM for nit., rticuiar Attention paU to wiiui.khau: mtocHH. General AgemV here, and the umlerMi;ned, Genersl Cmnnil..lnn 1 tr COt Ml.SSKS. M M. HOrilCIIIl.11 It SONS', Aitems, ar author Itetl lo UVerUiVsaRaln! the danger .rfrrriXHfe. And, In the vaulted barKiet hall of dream., given to the Snnd.1) school children. This MgnmenU of ILiul produce. rarliiuttr jlllentiun psid tii fttlinjt and llilppinfr lonim. I, A of the heas at the mmf, rtafonable rates and on the I (tie irr,phellc, sing ATTOItSI'.V AT II, orders. i Ofl have heard muse, took place at " Little Britain, the residence The ORIENTAL BANK 01 mot fatnrable ferin It. AUSTIN A Ami all Courts of the CORPORATION pRANK Co., Of that glad hour when peace shall fold her wing Notary Public. Attends Ihe JVTAX ECKART, London, and their Lranirie In of (!, II. Luce, where were assembled I Capt. kingdom T WILLIAMS & Co. Orris. No. to where plenty's grnered harvest leeim KORT BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. soCAuroams Stnrar, S. I'., sit, all of two hundred juveniles, who ran and Su. Itl STKKItt, Hi(OLliL Ittinykniif, QRBMEN Ami lift while ittue, eloquent of themes, IOMMI1SIOX OHM-AM- pDWAKD PRESTON, iei aii 104 fn.1 SmmtT, Suthipfi nml Atlt:.T.i 4 I 1 hal more manllnd, h dumb In discord's voice. jumped and ronicd and plain!, ale, drank, lug Agent.. rer, ttmt Ittttmnwt Srttm Melbourne, Al-- While love wllh life ami life with lose rejoice. laughed, sang, should I and made thcmtclics Ml InST StafcKT, IIONOIltt , I vitinimiiAi'iiir autisth. o agents for h And transact a generil Hanking Husiness, Lonsijnnients from the All order faithfully tetuteil. 32 and kinds made and i Board of Underwriters, llaaaiian Islands desired. And it if your to lay shall this thing be, happy, as childhood can. Queen I jiima X U1VS.HKI.I.0H AT I.A j FitUuesof ill sizes to order, Dresden Ihe best prices onl) AimitSliY frames of all contlantly on hand Board of warranted and sales guaranteed 4 Shall honor reign, or rank dishonor T Choose rlesrr!llons Al'o Vienna Underwriters. Corals, Shells Curiosities I'lKiiie 9 B. was present with the Prince of Hawaii, then a & FREETH, and of tlie JOSEPH WISEMAN Tor the Hawaiian Ittand The choice Is your, 'lis madness to refuse J RS, CUMMINCS A MARTIN AWRENCE HARLES BREWER ienillarly bright Utile Imy. A Co. Outride, the menace of a foreign sea ; D I HJt.'TOHM, A LLEN & Orncrt cornpk Port ssd IIkkktamia Srs fOX ROBINSON, ; Kims- Inside, the Judgment of a people free Among the old residents whose acquiintancc A f." LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Starat, IIhstok, sumiKoys rttv-- VUm nd Ktlmates furnUlied for Woik of Gun- Ifl.M I. sr.l TH llltOKKIl XII MI'I.O I'. GERMAN Company of Berlin, I ash iio.vwi'ATiitc HUMHIU, II AIIK.TH Ol' made, shortly after my arrival in the islands, aJWrrriv. Mmclin, ( JH r rw.neer.njr nml Sunelii(f. Oifice, lllrnr Jlnreaitt IIAWAI1AX r.iCKKTt, daor lliilhl-hi- n . 4 SCHAF.PKA tn, AURST. HKMIXltiCr.XCEH Ol iioxoiah.v. there arc but few of whom I cherish kinder Office Hours Until g A.M., anil from and Cijo-- 8 coruer of llAlekaumli and Kilauea trcrtf ntxt Dnilfrt In Ltlmbrr nml nil ktmU of Items Uonms, Cstae., Houle4,aud sells aod'leases llrnrrnl f'ommt..lon Agent.. Wtdeminn'tbtlclc arelwue. t.en-er- to Miitrrlnl; I'aluln, Oil; Xnlli, ilr,, Keal Kstate In all parts of the, Mnedom, Lmplo) rnent ! I abo e nurair. Company hat e Mublishf d a IAVI1I. memories than of Mr. Andrew Johnstone, the P, O. Hov 101. u6-l- - found for those seeking ssork In alt various Social attention tsen to the purchasing foods fur Aftents of schooners Ihe branches Asettcy here, ami the aboe tinned. General A ftentt, Ihe tf TNO. A. IIASSINGER, of business connected ssith these Islands. 1 e,al docu. the lla.ailan trade. Freight al lowest rate. 1 of ftl,c' in these schoolmaster. He was a Scotchman, a naliic llaleakala, Kulamanu, Kekauluolil, Mary Ellen, are a.Jihorueu' to take KUkv against the dangers of The production K,r 'ice GERTZ, menu drawn, Hills Collected, Hooks and Accounts kept Sea at the mot reaonil le late, and on the mW Intfbiob Orpicr, Honouu, PRANK and general olTite work Ishnds his arrival 91 such proportions, to the of Dundee, tall and brawny as a Highlander, Uilarria, P.uahl and Leahl. transacted I'atronaite solicited. ttrttis. A NTISBLL Afinxr to AVKSori.t:iHir.' At Kobtnvm's W liarf. t Commissions moilerate. 14 exclusion of almost all olhcr pursuits, one but a most gentle and amiable character. He takk So. ii4 Tort .ST.idrroftTr I'ANtitiuiM Starips lint menlH In Vanlrilcl for .ncVor. 3 PIANOS AND died AMBURCBREMEN FIRE INSURANCE OKOANIt visiting here for the first time "field at Honolulu, July to, 1859, aged 65 years. T YONS & LEVEY, at Co. Company. hoot.isi) sitoinr.tKttii. hoots ixt W. MACPARLANE H io,io I'UnosJ 1,000 Organs; half ( buy 01 in McGREW, M. D. r use tie perhaps be Interested to know what we The principal ficts his life history are these: TNO. S. mnttr , A & tV., H7AW TS. manufarturers; fromil, lo$iocij cash, rent. Shorn tn'itrttrr. (ilrvl Cor. Fost and QtKRx SraKprs, Hnvnit SttfAfiFER He was assigned by Ins father a Scotch Aurltonrtiit I'.mtttlailloll .Ufrrirl'., u, nr Installmenli t catalogues free. twenty or twcnls.fisc years nuo, when J l'ltr.StVIAX nml .1UIMKOX, Of test nt.1tm.1I at renwinaMe anJ fot CaO. a Ihe sboie firm having hetn appointed .tifeni rt hi m. UrAvrR rtUK.;, Qcekn Srair, Honoiilc. flrarrr HUk.) on those two staples were hut little cultivated. I'rcsliiicrianof the old stamp for the Chris- Hotel street, lietureen and AlaVea ureell company are pre par fit to inure ruhs against Ijre Sales oTKurnllure, Stoclt, keal K.tnte and General fiitlinitrrn ami f'rtiiinl union Mrrehantn .itonc ami iinck building ana on nrrcnin. Mored ANT1SKI.L rnrn.. l.,L.i .n.1 ISnu.ll Q.. . A In tian mlnlsti), but being left an orphan when oprtcit itotiKs: OLLISTER ft Co, therein, on the maft fi vorahle term. For particulars ' r statement of some of the facts this con Merchandise nromptl)' attended to. .Sole azents for clscn A. r'rom a. m ; t and 6 8 p. 1. Adents lor apply at their omce. in ct Ion will show that the Islands arc capable quite oung, his father's views were not carried 7 to la lo 4, lo tn WnotFLr Avn KktH American and I'uronean merclnndise. l.)ons, Telephone No. 164. u8-)- r j I. Jf Glasgow and out. At the age of nineteen, he left his lou tf The Honolulu Line of Packets of producing something else besides these two httrontsTs j.wt to ha fvoxihts. John Hay ft Co.'s Llrerpool Line of Packets FIRE INSURANCE DALMBR A REV, for The Walkapu TRANS-ATLANTI- which now niomiiiolie attention. Well, we home the West Indies, and resided for six H. PATY, So. 59 Nuttanu street, Honolulu, H. I. t GERMANIA MARKET. Plantation Company of Hamburg JOHN The Spencer Plantation, HUo had in some )cars as high as 300,000 pounds )cars in Port of Spain, on the Island of Trini- Hakalau Plantation, Hllo , ACKFFLP iV f.( Aftnte. Hovoiiiv, Oxnt', II. I., OK0WN&IMIIU.1PS, HoNnmir, II I. Mlrlees, Tait ft Watson. Su,ar Machinery SCOTCH of coffee from in dad, cngiged in mercantile pursuits. After - Keichvtiurk t,oro,vn TYPE POITXSKIU. j Kawaihac alone 1S59, wc XOTA HV VUHI.IV A.VIH'OMM IMHiO.VHIt Iter', Mutton. I.anttit The Puuloa Sheep Ranch Company Cniiaiand Reene 18 HomolIjli , H. I., Fotitfrf " their Lompanie " toi ,650,01V. rot-to- spending n vf Itrnli, No Ntt'ANl SrFKT, suit away 5,000 birrcls of Irish potatoes j )ear at Tanipicn, Mexico, he !, rtif Flh the State of California and New Vorlr. Office visiied the United States. In 1830, lie for i'mrtlctt! Vhtmhi'!, (la Fitter ntnl Total. RckliMiiarV 107,630,0110 The lirgesl anil only of a superior quality was at one time Hank K. 1 Cuiifiantly on hand, and of choice it quahtj Pork. A L. SMITH, complete Tjpe Foundry at the of llishop Co. I'rimers' aJ received Sanwr e, Ilolonna etc, alwa)s on hand Our meat Company, for the Hawaiian Warehouse on the Haclfic Coa. in large iuantities. One scry import an appointment under the American (SIHIMTKK 'Ihe Agents of the .lUe 1'articutar attention jkiuI to trie littmt; up of the are nil cut and put up in haitern t)le. All orders ASH DkaI KR l IkUnU, are prepared to tnMireJ.uiMing. hurtiiture, Hoard of Korcign Missions, and sailed for O M. CARTER, " faithfully attended to, and delivered In part of the ant article of export twenty years ago, but Springfield Cm Machine. an) l'I.,l-tv- Meixlutiidite aiul Produce, Machiner), etc., aIo Sugar OS and and cit). Shop on Hotel .Street, between Union and Fort III.ASSlrAUK, MMIIIIIKX XIIA'KH tt as7 Leldeidorn these islands in compaii) with Messrs. Bald HoSOIt'lt, Hi I., and Rice Mills, and tevaeMi, the hirlmr aaint Ion which has dropped entirely out of the Street. (406ml O. KAUIM. Proprietor. Ware, llrarkrtn, Vane., or damage by hre, on the moM faturahle lermv SH Commercial atreeta, win, Dibble and Tinker. In his engagement - H. OEDING, list and is unheard of, was piihi. This, as old Alir.XT TO TAKE AVKSOWl.RIMIK- P KIur's Combination Spectacles ami KjefiUsses, SAN FRANCIVO, TA1. F.j-pr- C. ROWE, Lustral Wire residents know, is a species of moss, or rather with the board, It was understood that when Mrittn to Voiitrttrtl lo l.thor. n tut DrfiyutttH, Ware, fancy .Soaps, I'iriure Frames, Pis- BW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSUR. Ea tols, Woslenholm. Pocket Cutter), Powder, Shot and N ance Company of Boston, opportunity offered, he his Office at Pacific Mall Steamship tlock, K.plaietde. 15 Freight, Package, and delivered to and from a soft, downy suWancc, like cotton, that should devote time RiKRae liOVHK anil StOX FAMXTKlt, Almiumlion, Clark's Siool Cotton, Machine Od, all - itll wirt$ of Honolulu and ticinh). Careful at kinds of .Machine Needles, "llome-.tic- ' Paper Fashions. CASUS & COOKE, s e Veep on hand the .tost of grows on the large mountain ferns, whlcl; to laliors among seamen, a class which had lention paid to tmniiie 1'urnilure, with Vatkk Han(,f, etc, Sole lirijel American Fancy WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. agent of the unisersal!) acknowledged 183J. ype eserlept on this crasl, liuelhrr wllh a nlrridy begun 10 lie numerous at Honolulu, KUig Honolulu inii-- i complete stocl. abound particularly on the island of Hawaii, JM. U'AOO.VS KXPKKSShV 10R THE PUKPOSL, 107 street, g Life of Miller at Rich. Domestic Sesrlnc Machine, The oldest Purely Mutual Insurance ard'a Scotch and there was no seaman's HONOUU', H. I,, telephone 86; resitlence JJ5 Punchbowl street. No 44 Fort Honolulu. Type ; and can at an elevation of from one to four thousand as)cl chaplain afreet Company in the United States. fiirnivh, at short notice, ItESTAL ItnOUS O.Y FORT HTKKEr, OtT.ce 86 King 106 tf here. And so, on his. arrival, he bciran the street. 1XTILL1AM TURNER, Vollete. on ihe mont I'arorahle fret. These ferns frequently attain to fifteen OlTuc in Urtwer' Illtxk. corner Hole And Fort In.ueit Term. work piSHERS or nr AaytUas la tka Priatar's Haa. feet in hlght. The pulu fern is found in of distributing bibles and testaments, Mreet. entrance on Hotel Street, i PHILLIPS ft Co. 84 King; street, MAStrt. fiti rlss and otherwise laboring for Insured ag. 3) years orilinarr life plan from a lludldn 10 a Cylinder Presa. Wc liave a mm greatest abundance in the districts of llama-kua- , the iinproscmcnt of M FHAVTWAI. tVATCHMAKEtt, tMAMI'AUXR CI stock of new B. EMERSON, M. D. Milt MAXI'I'ACTimr, 1 Annual premium continues Policy a years, 3 days and second hand Printing PreMM at toilers of IMPORTERS all maVes and sires. We I'lina ami "the the sea." One Sunday morn- And Importer of American Jewelr) of every riecriv No. 13 I.ILIHA SrRFKT, HoilOLl'Ll, a Annual premiums continue Policy 1 years, la ' are sole agents for Itilo, Knit, on Hawaii. The N Campbell's Cylinder Honolulu, Hj 1., untt HjoiVjmiV Healer In Clothtny, Hoot, lion, (fr'ormerl ol San Krancisco, California.) 50 3 Annual premiums continue Policy 6 years, " Press, Coltrell and pulu Is ing, while ouering.somc tracts lo ar. Intelligent .7 HaUocL ; produced around the stalk, where the llils besera;e Is for sale alall the 4 Annual premiums continue Policy years. ,i ' Prcss also Peerless, Clip- axo svnaEox, Minee, Hat, Mens Fmnishing Goods, leading saloons in the Orders from per, Jeisel, Cordon and n stem of the leaf from joung sailor belonging to a ship in port, a con- ntrsicfAX & cily. the other 5 Annual premium, continue Policy loyears.sa " shoots out the stock of TEtKftlOVK NDMRtK I4Q. T EWERS COOKE, islands promptl) attended Jobbers in Kane) Goods e,Ci la 13. - the fern, and only a small few versation ensued, the course of which the Ofhce m.; p. Atari, $j:t,iOO,OO0. quintity, a hours from SH to 104 a. J4 lo 3H ISltCKSSOkSTO I.MsrkS& DlCKSl.N,) WASHINGTON HAND PRESSKS; umce ana s, No. 11 Kaahumanu street. ounces, is found on each plant, the growth of sailor remarked: "Tlnrc is quite a number residence number nu km street. INsEST.ME.ST ANI AflENCV Losses paid through Hnoluolu Agency, $49,00. corner Fort street. M IMI'OIITKII.H I.VJI-tie- r HAWAIIAN newllaster sleani engines, which are just the ihsrsg of children in AXlt IIKAlAUt.l JX CoinKiny, (Idmiled ) fcr almiit four scars. The lalior of gathering pulu )ouiig Honolulu who want ) oil - F. WOLFE nml all hlntlM of Hullilliio Mttterlalm. printers, 'I uerls Water Moters, (lens Paper Cuilers, (- and a full line uf Sanborn's LooLoinders' was scry slow and tedious. When picked, it to teach them." Mr. Johnstone at once Jold Fort street, Honolulu, H. 1. MOXK1' LOAXEJ) (tTnrba. Honolulu, H, , machinery. him to invite all such to his house, and he U6incs0 was wet, and had lobe brought down to the On securities for lonu or short period. OVR FIDF.I.I1V ROLLER COMPOSITION would teach aitocEitr, fkko Axn Fitonsiox O. HALL SON, Apply to V. U (iRhKN, LONDON AMD PROVINCIAL lowlands to be dried. The until cs were them. This was the beginning Manner n trm. and Peerless Printing T YCAN ft JOHNSON, Merchant. P OtTice Quen Street, oer G. W. Macfartane & Co. M Inks are considered Use Lmc lo in of what was for a number of known as CoKMtN For- - ami Kimo Strfkts, Fir Iaunarsuioa Co. use. nase ou usea our Pertection platcs7 gathering it, men, women and chil- )ears Would heads of families, board inghoute keeper and Koht Sntt-PT- lite (Limned.) 'Iheysave editorial ssorlt and corapoVl. the "Oahu Charity School," It rapidly grew 105 to? and other to know that he at all time sell at prues lill'OHTKItS, IIKAI.KU.H IX II A U II- - dren, lln'ng for weeks at a time in the moun- A COMFORTABLE HOME I SnhiKrlheil Vapllal 9.Z.OOO.000 Hon, and therefore save money. in Importer nml Jteulrr tn nil html lowest of the low Order solicited and goods prompt!) liry UooiIh, Valuta, .... tains, in public favor, and was taken under the care of irare, huts. The principal pulu dealers at Uooit, Fancy Oootl, delivered in any part of the city or suburb. Number SENI) OUK CVTALOOUE Mnic King betwi AlaLea and Oils and General Merchandise. 1 he tinderIj;ned has recent!) fitted up l,tno,oon. 0k the time of which I am speaking were Messrs. of a committee of the foreign residents, promi- fafMintr (Intuit, 109 Street, en rortSts. I'urniiure, CKilrs, Sewlnj; Machine., Mirrors and -- No house on this roast can compel, with & C nent among whom were the late Stephen The abose Company hase now esuhlished an aienC) Aliel Harris Co., consisting of the late C. . A17-ILLIA- Mirror Plate, Picture Frames and Cornice made to O. SMITH, IkT W. McCHESNBY & SON, In rleg-in- t t)le, the larje roomy Cottage here, and are prepatett to tale risks on prop- us in quality of goods. Is. it formerl) be Harris and his brother Abel, and Trank Rc)nolds and W. Holt. In 1S59, was order. 137 jr lunging to the estate, on Nuuanu street, erty of esers description uilhin these STOCK Dfalrks is te)ond the Commercial Hotel premiei, Idsnds. Swain, and they had depots in known as the Honolulu Tree School, and was BROKER, llamakua, BREWER ft COMPANY, LKATIlHIl, III1IKS, TAl.l.Oir, AXlt for the purjKKe of conduvtinjj Cliicasa otTice tjt Monro street. and maintained by the Hawaiian (.!n eminent. A So. 153 MKKCHANT STRKKT, HONOLULU, J T. WATKRIIOUSE. Jr.. llilo l'una, where they bad wooden C CoHimi.itoii Mrrehmitit. Agent. good many men and (Itallislied In 1879.) for A auprlor Fiodgltig Houa. lom presses for baling the article for shipment. women in the islanc's, (trnrrut .Wemtnttleuml Commtton Affrnt Agents the Ko)al SonpCuian). Na 4a Queen s street, Honolulu, H. I. 9 The name of this pleauuu J The trade was reduced to a ssstcni. The bulk and whiles, who base since arrived Qrti-- Strki-t-, HoNOit'iu. Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone and other retreat the "WHITE LIFE INSURANCE COMPAHY M. CARTER ft CO. Corporation Stocks, Bonds and similar iiuuAu. 11 cannot ie urpaueu in the kingdom for MUTUAL of New at middle age or have passed 01 cr the riser, Officers P. C Jones jr., president and maniger; comfort and cleanliness. York. was sent to San 1'raucNco, where it sold as Joseph O, Carter, treasurer and Directors: securities buiight and sold on " C. COLEMAN, obtained the first secretari. Commission, Money loaned II It.DF.R & Co., ACE.VTS, high as 14 cents per xuiid, nccording to sup- rudiments of their education Hon. Cltartes K. Itithopand H. A. P. Carter; Henrj 'IHE GROUNDS AK1. SPACIOUS Ma), auditor. ia3 on Stock Securities. IIOMJLII.I, II. I., at the Oahu Charily School. Pupils resorted t and ornamented wilh lUirgeut, and mo.l Economical Life M. CARTFR, ply, sometime 25 cents, being used for mat- 18S2. tf shade trees. Safe.l Honolulu, H. I., October ibt, no Ill.Ar,KS3tITU, OAlt-rlag- e P. (.HAIIAM. . to it from California. Mr. and Mrs. 3IACUIXIST, iVrsou In.uranre Company In the H'orlil, tresses, pillows and upholstering purpo-.es- John- 'pHOMAS SORENSON, of reuectabilltv mas al.s L uir nrrhr. Work, Home Shoring, ful home there. A ittiniixoin U et apart for the con Australia, Vancomcr's Island (llrilish Colum- stone taught this school for twelve ) ears, and & COOKE, CASH ASSETS OVER Sorj,ooo,ooa fASTLB riantation Machiners, etc Shop on King street, seiiiencc of Ruesu. A FEW MORE ROOMS AKK No. 8.4 Kin StrOHoaiolml, in that lime who shall estimate the of Shift f'tirprntrrt Spar Mithrv anil CaalKrv ALA7 1. lenns bia), and Portland, Oregon, also were custom- amount No So. King htKhKT, Homiiuu, II. I. next to Castle & Cooke s. 1 alHa4 moderate. For further infortnation concerning ihe Company, QufcEN Stri-f- HonoKitu J?-- good they I from No. 9 (below Iron Vorl) and for rates of Insurance appl) 10 the Agents, or to " ers, for the article to some extent. accomplished After retiring Shipping Co mini ton MRS. T. WIIIli; Proprietor. U and Mrrchantt TOHN NOTT, J. J. K. Mtnan. Solicitimr Agent 1 As an nitlclc of export, it only dates the chanty school, Mr. Johnstone was en- In NRTAIL UKALKJIt IN luck to Importers and Dealers Mat Man of our rcaileni will remember Mrt. V'lTie gaged in a private school, and the last few T. LENEHAN & Co. No. 8 Kaahumanu street. j8jt, in which )ear the quantity sent to San ai proprietor of the Iodin house on Kort street, ad. GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE P GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Tin, Coppar and Sheet Iron Worker, ioiiutii the Pantheon NORTH.Company of Hamburg. Francisco amounted )earsof his life he again was employed in NUI'AM SrKUT, HONOUU., Stables, which was uch a com to only 2,497 pounds. A.11I KA.M.I- management. iia-i- IIII'OIITKIIS A.Vit C031.MISHI0X MKH- - Agents for MUShS - urtat'ie home under her . IIACKFKr.ll - Ct., jcxxrs. riREWOOD, COAL AICD de- mercantile, alTairs. Mr. Johnstone was emi of all kinds, riuuibers slock ana metals, house furnish. The following jear, however, owing to the rAilnfu. iq 'Ihe Hitchcock & Company's Plantation. Ol-ita- l and Keserse . HeHhfiisirk 8,830,000 nently distinguished for integrity of Ihe Alexander & Italdwm Plantation. ing Konds, chandeliers, lamps, etc. mand, the export bad increased to over o character, HE EVILS OF PAINTING " 35,ocssooo RS. A. M. MELLIS, K. Halstcad, or Waialua Plantation. Ihe Agents of the (or the Hawaiian pounds, and on growing, simplicity and singleness of piirosc, and hum- A. H. Smith & Comuam, Koloa. Kaiul went steadily M OAT & Co. Islands, are prepuied 10 insure Ituildinjs, Furuilurc, ble, unostentatious No. I04 FrtHTbTKKKT, HoNOLV'Ll', , J M. Alexander, llaiKu, .Maui. until in 1849, the annual export of pulu was piet). JM. Mertiiandi and Machlikr), etc., also Sugar Wc WOuld UOlifs lli Mil la - 'Ihe Haiku Company. , II, I., hJii. tiAii..Ln. On the loth of July, a vessel foundered FASHiOXAHht: UKKSS AXU f'l.O.IA'- he KofialaSur Company, and Rice Mills, and sessels in the harbor, agaitut lo.s tlcular, that we leep on land and for side. In 'isrttniesi.. over pounds. .Sujr 1 300,000 20 - or damage bv rue, on the most fasorable terms. to sun pursliasers and at lowest rates, fuel, e follows; some ten miles to the eastward of the island Jfalien llamakua Plantation SATFMAKEltS. FLAGS OF ALL i9E- It was. by a mere accident that Messrs. A. The Union Insurance Company of San Francisco. wlptttm mrtflfrtHif repaired. R of Molokal. was bark II. M. G. IRWIN ft Co. THCI REMEDY. Harris & Co. became engaged in the pulu It thc.Anicrican J. The New England Life Insurance Co. of Boston. leofi in A. K. Cooke's new fire proof building, foot ol QOSTON BOARO OF UNDERWRITERS. HARD AND SOIT WOOD, Lancaster, Captain Small, hound from San W HoNOU'Ll, II. I., The Blake Manufacturing Company of Boston. Nuuanu Street ?4 Cut any Lengths ; trade. They sued a storekeeper on Hawaii D. M. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. C. BfHI'EK & c.. Krancisco for S)dncy, with a cargo of rice, sraAit'i'ACToits .i.vi vommiskiox The New York and Honolulu Packet Llue. CHARCOAL, for an account due, and, getting judgment in HORN, It has been a!d ntth much trutht too, that houw. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Ayntl., The Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco W. NKWCVSTI.E quicksilicr, etc. Ten days out she sprung a CI AIS SI ifrckEL-S- , I ( IRMIM. I aiming inyhl, with study and anuirement of taste, COAL, their fasor, several thousand pounds of pulu W, Dr. Jaynes ft Son's Celebrated Medicines. SLO I COAL, Wilcox A Glbb's. Singer Manufacturing; Company IlOMItl It, II. I, resume its rank at a hia in." -- PaMteri' Mjixat. Of and the coulil leak and put away for Honolulu. When BOAf.D OF UNDER CKLKIIRA 1 r'l VELI.INnON MINtV was all they una to satisfy it. It was & Co. Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machines. -1 PHILADELPHIA abreast of Molokai It was found that the leak FiOXF.EH STEAM M.Vir JUAXVFAC-- IIKI'AKrUKe. BAY COAL, then considered to be worth little or nothing tory ami ilahrry. C. flKKUW & BLACKSMITH COAL. had suddenly increased, on sounding, five feet No. 37 KoKTSritKiir. Honoluu. T. OULICK, la. as an article of merchandise. However, they Practical Cook aiul HaVer. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. 1 A - Confeciuir, l'ttr IllC atlOVe Call 1 nrcl.rH hv T.t.I.lin, .hmmm.l of in hold, imvomtkii.s .i.vi it:Ai.t:tts IX II lilt- street, 1'ort and Nuuanu reliemi: the above to be true, A. II. KERKliainow n. 'tried the experiment of shipping it to San water was found the and the , xoTAitr rrni.tc, Numler7i Hotel Letecii and imnietlbie deliser guarantees!. ' mil-'- Vutleryi Too., his i)teln of working the bu&ines in LLOYD RUCK VER. pumps could make no impression on It, Ar.KNT TO TAKE ACkMJW LR IK, MP MS TO I.AhiiK J'rancisco, where, after some dcla), it realized The Taints and Oils. And General Merchsiulite l Honolulu. In the firtt place, he has secured the snlce SCHWEIZERISCHE of Wlnterthur. lioat Contracts, ami of that celebrated artist, Mr, Max Kohn, formerly of cents per Kund. They at once decided to was then got out, the (.hrr.iCrieter, ship's ENOLING A Co., San ranclvco, whose In . HACKFELO Cf (."., WC.VT.1, 38 RKNERAI. HUS1NKSS AOKNP, p work the line of paiers and a few provisions put into it, and w. PIERCE & Co. Capital of the Company , francs 5.000,000,000 commence the trade in pulu, which they prose- Nil. J Nt,L'AL SrKKRT, a OIVK US A CALL Kaahu-nian- Flaln and iiccttratlre Fatter-H- nylnat Agentsof .Telephone, No. the kirk abandoned, being first headed for the IIONOLVU', II. Otfice in Mackee's Block at corner Queen and Ihe the abuse Coins.iiy. ft. the Ilaisalian )ss cuted with laige profits for a numlicr of sears. ureets Honolulu. cty TJXMMirilS AXH.FIA'MHKHS, HEAL-e- r Islands, ar. prepared lo insure Buildings, Furniture, shore. Owing to ihe heavy trade,wind swell, CHAXItl.KICi .I.VI CO.HMISSIIIX r'rescoinz, U up unsurna-sw- Merchandise and Machiner), etc., al.o Sugar In the summer of 1859, the first bridge was Mill' tn Store, tlanyct Tin, v etc., to the prtkcni time hk ausis IK it was found impossible I he vevsel, JfrrrAftrir..1 and, on that Ulands, ha nc.cr been equalled. and Kice Mills, and sessels in tlie harbor, against los kksr sriKi. by J. LEVEY & CO., For - e nrst-c- or damage by lire, on th. most fasurable liuilt over the Walluku stream, at llilo. H. A. and ihe boat pulled for the shore, liefore Asents fur llrantl's Guns aiul llomb l.snccs anil Per O T jobs, mechanic, only will be terms W. CIRVIN. employed. K. Wood (lie died in California some eais reaching which the lurk was seen to careen ry liavi.' I'aln Killer. i nitolraalr ami ttrtalt llrom., HAY. OA lifor na and New Zala.id. In future, patrons can depend upon my fulfilling FOREIGN MARINE INSUR. BARLKY Whole and ground : and The coast being Fort street, Honolulu. Waiukv, Maui, II. I., on BRITISH since), who scry ably filled the office of super- our disapiear. ier) A1NE A Co. eei) order the num scientific lasts' known to the anci Company, (Limited) WH EAT, CORN-- VS hole and cracked t lil II, the crew 111 the lio.it were compelled to J Fresh Kroscrie. and proslslons of all kinds on hand and VOHMIHSiOX MKItVHASTrAXO flK.V-rr- al trade. lhc IIRAN, MIDIII.I.NllS, and other feed. intendent of public works, was the architect. rtselsedreularls Tiom Kurop. and America sshlch rJfCO. , HAI'ffCS, AGR.XT. pull some fifteen miles before a landing w,as HOSOLCLU, H. 1. Dealer In Ory flood, SIGN.PAINIING ANU LKTiKKING four will be sold at the losses! market rales. It was a suspension bridge, formed by effected. They were kindly treated b) the VOMMlSStOX MEHCUAXTS IMVOU free 'llitf etl'ovc iiytiit hat rcctiwd iitrut,tiou lu re Goods dclisered to ans part of the ell)' of cluuve. Groceries Hardware, Stationery, Mtnlicines, Deiortment will be permanently presided over by Mr Jure (lie rate of Inuraivcc between Honolulu and Order the abose through' Telephone No. of and ter and lieatrr In iironilit mill be JoJ, chain cables, on which the framework was people Molokai, on the following slauil orders solicited and attention Perfumer) and (jlaswarc. Giiikr,KSrKArMkfvK (further comment uni.c-r.n- ami Hay, Grain and Oeneral Produce. glien the same. Fortn the Pacific, it now prturctl to lue poll morning set sail in their Ik at lor Honolulu, to 113.1) a( th ratru, ih a erected, having a span of 1S2 feet, 22 feet dm Iocki idal rctlucitonon AMI WK WA.MANT which they reached the same day almut 4 I'.-- IRON WORKS Co., frtlfclit rtt tvtraincra. r and a feet in TJONOLULU above the water, roadway 14 A portion of her carm ;srcat.rcvl E. MclNTYRE BROTHER. fJOHG LEONO &. CO., liiHm H Hnsoii'i.P. H. 1. OeUeh DaUsyary width. It did good service for a number of anl hiought to thH city for exiMut, Cuk, KciKTferh., LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND aasl FaU Waiaat. Kincanu llosouii, Nut anu StalKT, Co. M saa, P. S. Send fur dctafn of frttcos. fur cItiiirs miul THB Globt Inaurancc Companj, 11. -S. STEAM KXOIXKS, HOtLEUS, SVOAH cor nice something new; and GIau years. AXJt out:, i Ayrnt. for MmihuI .Httyar, I'alama lllrr If ou want in) ukovkhv si Mill, Cooler, Iron, Hra pui can i CV., In July, 1859, Mr. Andrew Oarntt, aiming l'lanlalloHt ui, fue IUStQPSr ACWrS. rut: tiioi m.t: with rut: tukatv. And Kallua Ktcc 1'lantation and Milt iaa-i- ) And Lead Cattni 'Madunery of rr dt.itptin h mMH lBj6, naturalist, visited Honolulu on his way to Mi- HisCKFELD Co. made to order. Particular attention paid to bhip "TiOKH" FAiXT STOHK, OKHKHS KKOM Ol'llhK ISLANDS SOLICITEO The Mmar coiinnluiun will nut cxrwrience H Itlackmiihinii. work eKccuteU on tlie shortest uo VnUmOed LlitbUlty to This .1 naturalist. fcKN SraKIIT, HONOLIIU, II. Job N11. Stockholder. cronesia. was much Iruulilc In ascertaining that lanctlra of Ql I,, THEO. H. DAVIBS ek Co., ttcc. , 78 Kir.n SrnKar.... , Hi.M.LVi--u I'ree llcliser) to AU farts of Cily. Originally a tailor befoie the mast, Ills tastes sugar hasc been imtiortcil uiuler its cover from 41KXKHAI. fOMMISSMOX AIIUXTS. in AcU. ,i,AiM th. (1.ATK I SMON, OaeKH & Co.) RMnr. - . ,7f.f were decidedly In the direction of science, mid IhcSamluicli HlaiuU which tlie treaty uaa not (Icsijnctl CD. HOPFSCHLAEGBR ft Co. iMroitrmi, ioiuiihmiox mkiuhiaxi pHE MONTAGUE RANGE Iiomi. hik i8;g aUaaaataar, Ma. to ailmit free of iliit). Tills result I St Klaa Haa. by the aid of friends he was enabled to be- anil Agent or OOKSI BOOKS) BOOKS Prtusluau rtcohtd aftr dt4uctlon of rt- - has U'en ncciiiiiptishnl through a ruling of the IIOMILI'LI', OSHV, 11. I., Llcurd'a and the Liverpool Underwriters. B Lntur&AC S come a most successful gatherer of natural - kok i.v iikick. .), is. ilciMitiiicnt at Washington, modifying ivroitrtius .i.vi cohmihiiox mkii- British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, sirnisu Ia4 frouirtl) djitcii Miul tAiii btr, ija curiosities, and gained a complimentary notice or setting aside ihe rules cstalilUhctl hy thaul. And Northern Assurance Company. rkeraiMNcj fii - from a scientist than Professor Agassii Shannon at the time the treat) went into .1- no Icis W. RICHARDSON A Co. ft. ENGLfXa Co., Tka HawaiUa laUmtU mm Ota FaaUW. MAR1NB1NSURANCE COMPANY cflect. The lucent collector has simply fol- A..SCHABFER Co. A UNION of S&n Fr4vncltco. PNTERPRI3E FEED COMPANY, of Harvard University. During his stay here, AV, . lowed the rulings .sent for his guidance from P Dtfst-aa- XliHJHIt .St., pm.'mm, If, llASSAUSNlst-ANP- UirtKTui.s ami in J V CCOA'h AGA'XfS, he sent to the United Slates over two hundred Washington. Under ihisc Washington rulings llnMlll'l f, sosii- or hiiich sea CAXTIK MKII-- ( Sots for llsec Ulands. llsc Wst couaintf Coriser of Qu.sn and Fdiuburgh streets, HonoUh .I.VI COMMIM1IOX hoots, mioks, ri'iixisiuxa nooim, aems lncoriara),ctl Aj$. 1 kjiecimcns of fish one hunched as Crustacea initially refined sugar ha lieen admitted ilut) rAflHr. Ifiif., TriinK.yalle.f for the llanlaiion, Hotel or r'anul). flee. In this way Ihe work of rtlining hat C'ii, LXCKr.DINOLV RARI. II. J, AdNI.W, (cralts, shrimps, etc.) j thirty of star fish and l'crfuniers and Soans. Wf.lthaiii Watches. Fine less. KANUKS it r'lXllKKS u.l, as lieen transferretl from tliis cit) lo the islands, cor ol Hon s s (biche-lc-mcr- ) tin. etc., Fo(t and Merchant str.eta, UBRICATINC OILS. j of i AWlLDERACo. Kij.kss.cmss . , Iiifornss his frlcrids ami tlMruUlic UiM tse (went) w here lalior l cheaiwr. The coinmisMon will olulu, n. 1. 111 Hlllrr HotUll, ElusV Coivmsisn 1 volumes generally lias opened busIiMss 1 tlie above sund and has of worms and all manner of ireeping things, a doulitlesa . , coinpii'liend the difference lntwei'ii Coa. I'nr AsniiiUhN Srs., IIomiui ui . Hater rail.. A Tuva in Hsvaii ,v, Kills made cowolete arrangenseuls for a the roulu of aiiobtion of a treat) and the - B. WILLIAMS, Urate Hart, Kir,, i.ubi iiixtiug oils. supvly last numlier. lA'MHf.lt, r.UXVH, OIl.H. XAII.S, A Jul'iiMit Km wis tii. Wnaiu (j vols.) , ..Simpson continuous of necessary results of the treaty itelf. The iiH-- l HulUUg Material, of rrrry klml. i Among the mercantile inlcrpriscs that were lUISSKIKK SMI IlKAI-B- IS Al.a)s in siosk. Wt .livln locall aiitulcHi lu thf hM .4. I Oi'a J.HkssLls ma l'sciri; Eardley.Wiluioi HsxloOILS rraaa OsmsU aff ika awjr Baat slaaJMa;, iiuestion ftfthe desiraliility of the treaty not which wc now ha.c mi hamt, tot.iprititj( JL prominent in 1859, but which are now mere P. ADAMS, 1'1'tt.Vf OfKI-KK- StKSCHII'TION for in a remote degree all'ected hy the fact that ri'MK Ka4icit direcllons seltint; up acroinun) .srr) Su Mosnis lis Tin Sandmih I.ianks .Miss Bud ihe foUiinst ssiiicil hk saiu orraa 10a sals trade of the Pacific. follow it P .Ifao Vjikaltlerer mI .WnMWri4r.r. Kanc. memories, was the guano esil results it. iolation, unless can lie Qiikk SraniiT, llnMii'ii, iHfc l'oLSNisiAs RACfcfvol. 1) . . , . Fomandrr Is of Furuitur. WareisAnns No. Port Street. Vs'oek. Al TIIK IXlWKtsT fRICES. We used to have two or time large ships at shown that the treaty such a character .1 lo. r rvrtoxt.nu a .vi commihhiux hop at old stand on Hotel Mitel. All orders pronily Cirtulart an. I'riiti on afflimllm, uj-y- l.lrs."s l.i'C li.liH'KsTnu, Twmk OU. U mUtlM U that a violation of its provisions cannot be rhani, k.1 att by his Less Honolulu, liound cither lUkcr's, K so. 4 He hopes, gfslng attention, to to Janes, U Miul icnueu Jasvis' Histoid or Tiia Islamps. prevented. 1 here no difficult) of this Hawaiiax lrti Oil, In turcl ami C putdsc and 10 Nscnt a part of their patronage. Phoraix, Kndcrbury TJOTEUSTREET MARKET, In; How hod's, McKcaii'k. In the application of the provisions of the Ha- A S. CLECHORN Co. IlaM.r'TT's Skntncs or IIass CyluwUr otl. bsurtlf mint in t.iuc V V'AUOILtlLI POI FACTORY, AlneArii. Csttsiorotl, (ioqulHvt)iri A LAkCB Slosh. and other islands, for cargoes of the fsrllluer, waiian tieat). It has U'en violated, Imleilhir It, ir luruatku AMD Dkaiuks N K. rrt'K. PraprUt.r, Hawaiian AtUANAC AkuAhnraLs.. . iljs-i- paraisino 0(1, in tturtH ct which Itiuics- - iluiopc. The through stupidity m dishonnl). A atandaril A. K. KUNUIAKK., I'ropii.ior. WHEAT and OAT HAY, was shipped to tlKXKKAI.MKHCHAXOI.'IK, F.M-4- aitkle fur puchiiuMt ajkl, for for ilctirmining the quality of sugar Hassaiiasi .... , . . I, Uaitey che aiaj thin this port canirry Kaahuuunu Streets, Honolulu, lir.S I' I'AI Al put up to order la any siI. desired; ao1 ttfct. Mly ttfiul Iftth moii n penal UU WIIOI.K UHOUNU HARLfcV. visits of the guano at wcia - Coiner Queeu and luu-d- . llotel-Slre- MaiVei I easily U- devisul, which will limit iuiHiilatioiis suA, or id barrels. Orders through Us. lUslng btnshased the IrW Hawaiian I'll. I'Ataas. CALIIORNIA and OKKGON the) purchased a good Ulll hasc attention, sshclher toe cil) ether pleasure in annouiHtn, thai I ssiU gisc ih. business lay K ALW K SKnVII great help to trade, as free of .Hit) lo the brand contemplated hy the prouilil or kkKf OATS, BRAN, It Co. pas 01 iiULims. ersoiul alieiulon. and hop. lo supply ih ssanls of ih. rna v tn-ut-i irrs-n- l OOLLBS is in. sais many supplies, and left a considerable amount fraiueitof the The of ihe Uland lr)in puuicol llonolulu In a talislattor) luaimer t SKHKJAIK OH,, iHCaWtla MIIHLINOS,Rtc., nlanti-r- s , frouj, In tiiinoilinir Chinese coolies lodo Qiihn Smaar, HiinoI-- i ui-- II, I., rilOMAii THRUM, TWoWt MtU fio vhait'i User. J U full) of cash. Dr. Judd, after his retirement T. WATERHOUSB, Him 0. cual MOW OIS HANP. lluir wsirV has dcpiiviilthe ttiaty of much of JIM II- - VIIAXIUKHH .I.VI COM. VI SSI OX JOHN saw, MVTioir. veal, lamb, lo Urd, umI U much thcaptr office, was for a ituinlwr of years the aguit of " us value. , rela- MrrrhUHt; Qina SraaaT, H. I., srAhU Orilcis ssdscUed and saitsfactlun ass iotiiie cime commercial Homiuu, HOPP Co., 74 KI04 sUeet, PARK I.UHKICAUNO OlUinUir.Uj guaranseaf or one Of the guano coniunIe of New soils, tion with a country whose working population liitiurlcra and Ikalers lu Oeueral Icishaisdue. I pay asicd. TslevhoM ! ' a IMVOKTKH AXlt IIKALKK IX IIK.Y. KINDS 1 II K IAIU.E Juu tilt thii).; ft Su4r salUU.C-v- n CufUr auj Ci ' 1'hirnU Guano Com. U and coiueipjcntly III paid, l not de- OniER Or'MKAl 0R J Iutf,ttri mJ .mnfMluttrt Another company, the senile, Mrrrhamllie, I t Of tuytlov luu.Mitf twul at half iht F BURGESS, rrnl CS HAH Ik. h jvaiiy," was represented heir Ii) Messrs. L, A. sirable. There is no real reciprocil) In a com. N AtHAt pflc of polvff Uf mw !a u. HE " SUPERIOR" STOVE. L, mcicial licaty a country like the Uni 1 , Co, will well ie-- VAHi'EXTEH ami MOHAWK. FLAGS Kvsrfjr eUaarlyUaa aT raraltssa-a- William Old icsidciils ted Mates,, and a the larger iiroiurtion pLACSI In auleJiiUm to ahuvt, k csmnlry AU kUbls of Jobbui ptuuiptly attended to. I mcmWr Mr, Williams, familiarly known as of whuc iwpukilion i in a condi- t MOM FT HELtFEItV MA UK aawuMaca,' praciiolly ? ttsUOMi (VI tioattcf , I TfUlKMrt N), 130, WiUUmoi)t IrtiMft Omce, NpAdart uurfti, AV. J, S(., Hnulml. H, i., "(Jus. Williams," a most genial man, and tion of slavery. The Hawaiian Islands will AMERICAN aial HAWAIIAN, igt, aSutylbo. Otl. UaUw. iU .'m. Shop No 4 KLog ioS Inssenl'us OKIU-K- UV To tm. TasmIs, Cieip. Sills tw strttL lAlvKN ThLKPHONK Lord-l- OU lu quaAlUtstt to 4U. !h4. agsiusturlb.s. Islands, A full Una sst thorough gentleman, Ixlonged to New never liaie a laige value as purchase, ol Amer t'ssal.ai T (I. (IIKIIMS 'orsiie.t Stose, evry stsaUe rarsor !sss reuaed, liati lea lie tuoducis-whil- e svseresl, poliiJtai so lean llici- are liyChi- TtUAXiosr, No. J3V 131 aad saada e)al mnM Connecticut, being son of the well- - WILL GO new, MlresMa aiad eVisJ of thr Ua qualiiU. Alto, coftuantly on lunJ, ssavrter London, a may !nivirt their products free of pBOPLE I. nec. We NICHOLS, cleaned ei dun Almnut. IU.te., known Williams, a former lialchip owner J ilut), Hut tncy win purenase nut tittle 01 us in from ruci: io puck, P RBHTAURANT. aouce. .Iraaai,' No. Mr, Williams, who Is reported assay wealthy, return. Kruin a political point of slew, the, Hu)Ing poor Tobacco auj Clears, capstctln get io. i'oar Smear, lb.ui.i.M', CiMACHO, la t if. freritter, M.T tVrt-cU- a assess la od aad dry. ane) Wstee islands may assume a much greater imjiorUnce. pooo (ufttAt. Thcs wtigU as tll try to wool Wt aatas tar aa4 asairale Lr4 aasl Mint, of (snow Mtld W r residing with his family most eiriJ. KXaiXKKK AXO COXTMACTOU No, II, I, eMareM Ssaii.s. a received Munkm, are Us as a b) khatiug a hydraulic ram. TW ltug it dout. tt lluiii. Siit, J. II tlie) wurtti noiinng to uiaikei lor aa'iw For of RaiUsiod of the tiue In Italy, t th Conarsicttors US faraaaa our products it may worth while to pie. SfMTStkMt JaTresIa ml H kaun, nil U. faW mjtlleH Mew Fourth of julyiStl, was celebrated in ihe present relations, 10 present them Mills Iiou, Woodcts and Corabtuailaii Jsu she rUesc to csu HUo geass. The serie Has lh U CiOAH,Toasccu and all V'usdspT Hrtdges, and sup.asJA irMA Ihe he the mmrkrl esfcnla. from, falling Into the hands of some Kuiopeao - Vudoas HrU(a Honolulu with the usual enthusiasm, by the bin) V in- Uooi Iji In. nuiWtl, at for Caue llwasn. i.o 'TBIL RAILS' , mjiuc may iisn-til- e 7 "of dinnAs, addresses and pic-- nation, wiusii ai iuiuic nuie lie HONOLULU. PLOWS ANU AtiRICUI.'NMLM. IMFLKUKNlti and Fiawe L laa saau plwaf. la stack. Mm salute, to us. The sugar commission has nothing Js. it rORT STREET. hHC. 8. THRUM, 1.6-i- PARISIAN RESTAURANT, efevef) dwrrstetsm wsealoea lOsnuliosw His.' J. (. Ulatr, a prominent iiiemWr of the with this part of Ihe question. ' Foa' PoarAL of laMavat,ir JO WOK MsOMr-IL- ttOMl. lodo The a iHroariNC Aim ' Hor.L Sunt, MaxiACTvaisa -' bw of the supreme court, delivered an eloquent poiul for the commlsSMW liikeeu in view is YITAIL-UK- POI FACTORY, Tiliiaiali taesy- MTAXHtMHII, MWM n ill WayawTiix 'Hiin, there is no necessary relation ceo vio. , AUKUT, MIXTKM, ln Mil.iwii.iia. a.aaairv.ai.,i piaa, tid'reu Ibe Merchants Kxihange Hotel Ilut ltv ' U'MUKl-- MMALS HKMi'KO AT Ai.L AND MAHtrWAHK all al Wasli-inglo- MAVI, II. HOfCC WIRK VM lations of ihe uuder orders from n I. ear., (fckh stool on the site now occupied by the lrly UmI QnmHIt cisaewl;sataaJassfaaUsaas' and the treaty itself. A good niany tf ratal Mmuftlrr4 Ctf , Aalasil.lsW.olia.lsAT. Nits, la! I HattUajaaaL Jaat MOlssat aUaJr Ibe reejulae Uiaeders. ools" faiia-U- e ' Gaattts; lull Hrij) Mr. was one of laws Hoduce bad results through vicious AU orsWt ,SfsUl itiass U 'H 'Irt-- aV wkc MM nub dutk roots us lo M I iitiei. sf'WaM IMsV and - Coil, mai fatal lwlm) k4 address )ur, aduiinUtHtieo- mm t'wuciiti Me. UMaaaB,)VaajiaasjM. .jaaf P iW.ssssajaf.saaMH., rVMaV. ') V if t a rft-- - V, ': 1 l A ,f A -- - n- - i"1 HN'w;'i3?fii . jp- --

C P Hurl gum, T COMMERCIAL. firw( Jn.in J in Smifh'mlVh'kM' aKrccinK according lo the custom obtaining, .11 r . j Fn,, W N Macify J Meyrr, I tiii: roi.if.sio.v r koiiii.j. niK.ui: of nr .iri.r tkhv. its-- r ll.trr-on- . N P. V r 3i dUifliOrilij. lcU) SUh.lir.tt, J II Afcralismwn, Smnh to furnish irrected proof slips lo Imtli Ilulle The planters and mill owners met the At the oriental? sbucrtiocmcnlo. Iclu JVbbtrliocmcuto. i , 7 i Ami ., . ,. , . . stu'ar of the lulv term of the tn iiaiuiiLi jiny Andtrvr, A pei.ii hiiY JIK.Mttex I S kirn.- l ...... commissioners pleasantly at Com Kit ring how tery ffenrrrtMtr ihe rwpulace save F I ore, J liIsni .iin ano iviivcruscr in time lor tncir ver) Kohala, on prcme court on Monday last, after the engrossed ii J J the 29th ultimo. A luncheon (he ctlitlons. was was served nt resolutions passed by Ihc liar relative the Office of Superintendent VViter lhm4lTe up to preparation for, and th obrtr Jhe understanding perlcctly ( lo ol Works, and DUILDBR. KANCICO, June 4, iMj. Itii, U to ter the Kohala lub rooms, al which about twenty-fou- r death nt Sir. Il.1rn.11d lieen f nce t4 lh ''fourth, it I not diwppelntlng la our frank, and perfectly satisfactory. In the or had presented lo Unroll 11 , July J, its,. SAN that at the retnilar amitiat tlertton of Ihe DIED gentlemen, cither planters or mill owners Ihe Mr. I'l.XN'lAriONttlMI'ANV.Md bmir hot. If HJe fer th time Utnje hai Iweti court by Preston, one ol Ihe com- All trtom luviiie VV.ier l'tivil.M sr. nnlifinl llal IIH'IA SUt'.AK dinary jog trol of Honolulu newtpaprrdom the of Ihc Kohala and contiguous districts, were - If. I In llie fily atwl county of San ram Al their tlaci, for tlWe l an of a bcttrr ptrit prr mittee on engrossment, the same gmtleman llirVAi, Ksipv sr ttratle wmianmiallr. In aJ f f ir, eienc Haii - In Sin rranrfwo, California, 17th, Ale following Saturday would !ccn present, together with Hon. O. I.. Spaulding, Xo. t, tjihfotnla street, on ihe ilav above wrill.n. June hate early en expressed his desire to call llie attention nf the ofl r vaHing that Rie hop of limine MtMty in the near fi vnc., al the of the Siiwlintcnlral nf Walfr iht foUosyn-- itemlemtn sere duly elecre,! offieert ami andcr Hall, a native f Ireland, agd jrarv linn. A. 1. Tingle and Mr. K. Scarlet nf con It nowtrttlt-loaltrn- Itt migli for the publication of an) stmjlar nddrcts, J. it In another mailer, and that was the fact VVuls, f.Kil Nntianiiu Hie dirrrtors of this rrtmpany future. Mr Hall wa father of Mrv jarne 1 White, non Ihc commission t and Messit. F. P. f strrft, iin lit day of Ailunt nf the publication nf the testimony of Mr. S. .j; MUSI'K . I'resiilenl f hipping rnovemtnu ha 1en frf, the tunvali and resident of Hnnolala wh depart ett from here on the Hut the proprietor of the Adicrliscr's debts, and O. ( nf Honolulu, januai) ami Jntj ea.h )ear. I. It. WILSON, tll'IO J. artcr 'ihc tables, K. Kaai, taken livfore re- .11' Onlrrf irllh unit fINiffri, 11. Vlff- - President. iVparturM of whkh hare nearly all with San at Judge Austin, in M If Stiiriiilcntlcnl Water Wotks, lrnmihir t.ir.iit.s lai t earner hutim! for San rrancivco, eipnting toee clutching with drowning tignr al the straw he profusely decoraled with flowers, were placed ference the estate of Keelilolani, A. IIKIM .. . . TreaMirtr Ily !h arrival of the (iVnelfC on the 4th, In lo deceased. M. MKINIIKIM fraroco. her father ahehad reported erytfV a Ihe form of a T. Doctor Wight, in virtue Im 011 stt ..Ilireclor. alie. len Imagined log, thought he a the way clear This had Ken published in Ihe Salurdiy TrniorAr) of Id. It,, KinK llrrfl. M, NIll.ssji.R. ..Piretto,. we hate date to the ultimo. rrwn the Hart Fran Wen on nf being Ihc oldest titt Mr Hall had hit way to Honolulu, havini wool planter presenl, presided; I'rest of Saturdav last, and he thoindit its imb. 1IOSS cj'tto Biilltiin, the folic In reUtlt-- lo pull over the eves of his reading con jEcgal loliccd. JOHN emile ettraci arcomplnhed two third of hi long jmirne) from New at hit right sat (meial Sjiauldinir, at lilt left liealion unwarrantable, inasmuch It 'Irtrriiosr ..Ktv. USIAVK fltANK. Serretarv Hawaiian-America- n nt was tu to the Import and etport trade Utwren York, living slilucncy by parading his Mr. Scarlet. Al tj-t- & u. eepetting to n hi lat day with hi General Spauhling's rlghl evidence thai might never lie used Iicforc coiiit MrSBS. 0 W. MAC.fAKl.ANK Co.. worthy of note that a lancer value wat lm York ism in Ihe glow nf sal Mr. Adams, nt Mr. Agents at llgrkilidit. "ltd daughter Peace to hi ahe1 Ne and rocatc sun Scarlet' left, Mr. in anyeasc ; aiultliat if any case should arise KT 0 IKK, IUt'kk n aipoinirtl f ".uanltAn of M puttril from the Hawaiian Utand In May, than from Tingle. 'I he entertainment lf 'AKE NOTICE - . .TAKfe NOTICE In wilnesw, I hate placed the omcial neal of the Canada paper pirate top) J lieams. Il was a blessed opportunity, and was all that Ha invotvint? the subiecl matter nf tl ipttinwmv. AUhuka. minor, ktm nf tlit Me M. MAhtiLa. !. (Mgneil) any rther one vmrce It U alv worthy &f mention that walian hospitality anil Kohala caleting might cenrt,li Anl Atforne) in fad for I uViit witlow of beautifully wat il improved. then such previous ihlication would lend to vinl M. MaImiVa, (), tlUSTAVC FRANK, Secreiary the value one third of the total from all tource for suggest. 'Ihe repast began itTartt, nil at httt y tf iji wn al I2:.10. prejudice the rase. He did not that unclrtl to tlle nil m.illrr4 to Ih e(aie of On off ring Ihe first tlic siipn)se ifMatiitn (ink nitsrrt-s- that month. Thai the Utile Hawaiian fcroup oT1lands SATURDAY PRESS loasl, chairman Ihe paper which published it had done so from .11. .ianiu.1, uecfisw, wnii tlir u rh If rtu nu t?ir s tCH. A Mital meelioe of the Hoard of I foot welcomed lierely iKtifir,l Mr. Ka.i1!,,, NOI of llie tout the rrtallet kingdom In the world, ti, iw a The machinery wat set on nlmul as the. commissioners, expressed hit any sinister motive, but from a mere desire to nte that Simon K. ha no au Queen's ll.npilsl will be held al Alii 41 returned the gratification that the inquiry thoiii)' wfiaterr in llie nmtrr. A, ROSA. t.l.Mil Hale on MTUItll.W, the Jill Immeili-alel- talue of ViO.tr, in May. California follows; Mr. Hayselden wtis instructed lo wat begun and lurnlsh news to its readers. He thought, how (tUJiMUnnf M M,IiuVa. Ami nieettnir Is I SATURDAY, JULY ;, iMj." hoped thai the commissioners had minor, AliAtnri Infftd Portable rtuil Holler, after Ihf Menhtal of the soiietv compliment to the ettent of endinjr, to the Hawaiian secure the oration. On being asked mcl ami ever, that wat an alTair the cnurl should not for LtmlsU(), witljw uf llie hie Al Mal.nkd, ite' Euliia adjourned A SCIIAKI UK, (secretary for hit would full f Ma ml 4 a value of $47,jnofor the name month ' ' continue to meet in pass without notice. ccatrn. (hi nmn i copy, llftclor Itnlh explainetl the situation, their search, from every planter, manufacturer Ilimoliihi, Mny iftli tt-- 'I Vie wai an increase in niertharwlie Impmi jear .viMinritir.s o.vx.svo.v The iliief nut ire said that immcdiaUlv uim) t, ltor Mr. Ha)seldcti, with gentlemanly fairness, and shipper on the islands. loviilii lj.r. S.M.I. . . . SAI.F. fnun China and Hongkong, Hawaiian lland, (ft In regard reading ihc publication he hail enquired of In rtitrtlilifttwr poll to thecrimin.il romluct of D.ivM a rVTOIIU. willi ihc ttMm uf iL Iwliw, Scut land, Ifflarnl, withdrew. So far as Mr. (iilrson's After Unit of banter lietween General i.N Chailcr tli Iti l.nniat many, I'tru, tntih rat C'nmninRbitrg, who, lii proper counsel ami other oihccrs lonncilctl with llie iuctuitiriltetncmLrtl Two Liltl'n I.lrolioilts. until thcil.iy of enn Spanlding and Mr. Scarlet as who wie b I Fhillifptrte hlandt, and a detrea jth tA the to should court, at o how the information had lieen ob- iiiecii dnritlv Hill t.clj on NitunUy, for l,y It. A King fnnt preventative wat concerneil, the matter rested. llie Alnobnt-IUl- air MOItf. Co., t ami J umi, Appl) 10 A victinn, wat ImliliiiR iftice under (;ocrnh)eiit male ihc tejil), llie former rose and said-"'Ih- ;ih of Jul), iMi.m f At ioa. M. Mrsst.. IIKI.VVCIl CJIJIPANY other count net with whkh ehaie rommerflal rela tained, mid had found thai they had not lieen 1'rr A, St 11 tin Hut Mr. (iilison't sudden burst nf "enterprise' coiiiinitnion Ins been sent lo present Ontr I' IIAKFI.R, M) ll Hon. Of the value of $16,418, sou In mercbndie re at lioid SupiiviMir nf die itl.ind of instrumental In any way in furnishing Ihe Hit SViftaiy had I facts and not draw conclusions," from Hong a more pertinacious agent than Mr. lav lo The matter published, said that some reporter ceived hy ea, $j ot,ream Clilna and Mnwi, nc indnrte the Mateinent of our lie M. C. A HALL.. Hotel Street. scldcn. frank and cordial assistance of nil concerneil happened nt Vong.Jj, tjS,; from the Hawaiian NUrwU, U,11hr tin-- That agent was His Kxccllency Knllin lo be present Ihe bearing, and Y. (iaretlr, lliat tlic adminitlratinn in Ihe Hawaiian sugar business, in- had taken the evidence down. He .Shipping. from Japan, and $1,715,700 from r.ngland.' M. Haggclt, American minister resident and spection supposed SHKCIAL NOTICES, hiil Innp Ixcn in pottettlon'of the factt wlilcli of private liools, etc., had assisted that no harm had meant, but lli.U it had Kipottiftincecmrlatt foAti up $;,t9.77. of hkh president nf the da). Al ); Ifil to hit comictlon. Full ell hit request, at the the commission grcntl). lie had but one fault been published .11 a mere matter of news. I te the F.Mella loot the (argent nhare, both In quantity and the tmcrii A Card or SAN FRANCISCO, nominal of Ihc whole lo find j on one point the islanders had been Mr. improiuielv Tli.inki. poit value, ment knew the they mouthpiece assemblage, aereed with Preston as 10 the tint nnn erc cmpln)iii; lamentably reticent. 'I he I Si.l.mlid IUL. but nt the actual mouthpiece I "'Ihc place at which of ihc act, and liiqied its like would not occur unJmign!, a siitrerer l.y the fir on lhi morn U Kiiturtiu)' Vveiilii July 7tu 'I he hteamhip llanlow we leam will, on arrival, le at n enmrnnn forcer. confession of lit Excellency those Hit tworn Manilla and Chinese sugars are landed I It It some would In if the tSiti ultimo, iltMtc. to leiuler hi hrnrlffli with dispatch. She I Waller M. fiibsOn, Doctor again should, inlcrlcrcncc It. MU II It A laid on (x San Fraiwlwu now of the criin.- - which he Kitlh requested the has never been )inkil out " (laughter), ihariL who had committed, made be called for upon the Pail of Ihe couil. to all ihow i gpnerously auKtftl tn M.difc AT 8 o'eintTk tilhft fully due writer lo waiic hit right Id the Ms, As a KINK ... Mailrt before the hittrict Jtntice of MaLawao, at Mr. J, O. Carter, licing called uxm to tell Should n suit arise, requiring the testimony of a IJiii'tn of lil MotV. nnj rusrit fium ttte tie voting man, Mr, Daggett the 111 fUmtM vvili SHIPPINO. known throughout the itlandt almost immedi iicwspaier ought lo baic commissioner where Ihc landing place o. is. jsuiu leiercncc 10 111c estate reierren tMitl I. WAV. llsvr known the usage in such really wat, taidr "My task it a good deal like to, il would not be thai evidence that would atcly ihcrraficr, )et he wat nlloucd to hold matters. Il was a Quick Dlsintoh Tur the Above Port. Arrived at J'ort of Honolulu. that of Ihc man who wat given a liung-lml- be taken. A Car.l. osition until the clear" beat." Ily Ihc lulc obtaining in almost my day of hit trial. Nut and asked lo build a cask around II," As he 'Ihe remaining portion of the day wat : UHAND Kltauea Hou, Mm, Star, from Kahului. Jure 30 In tup lloNotlltt I'lr-iu- Al the anitual intti CONOiniT. r mma, from Waianae only tliii, lull he hat ever) newspaper community, Ihc Press was did not believe a single iHiiind nf foreign occupieil lielwcen counsel and the com!, in fT TreUlit or a,ag?, a'ty lit uh, continued to lc the in iiir vf the llonrtlof KritfentAlhf of the Honolulu Urnr Makee, ftlm, Mclur.alJ, frotu Ktitiai to itt advantage. No one's sugar hail ever arranging Ihc business ' & snih the kln.l i,( : - timate nf rights would lccn landed on these islands of Ihe session. M H9 f. A. SCIIAI'.I KK LV.. Agrula. Cl.rn lit Ainaicur Muha VVaimanalo, the minister of the interior and of Hre hrjiartntent, hf on 71I1 Mm, Nelson, from Walminito. 3" ror the certain ihr inUi.tf the uhjctt of yiei), hyihe from I have l.ccn Infringed. The other reshipincnl to han Irancisco, the landing Tuesday, Jrd instant, prisoners fonuelo, Am hetne., Cou.irt, S. July the Mnj. And, In the face of this, shall we papers would lNnrircAinl (mmi hiirninn on (.male trpirrty, mthln I.IVelike, Mm, King, from 1 Mo and wa rt nlaLc or Ihe ifi)lhical sugar might very well were allowed lo plead. Among these were SAN FRANCISCO have had an equal chance with the I'ress. or near iheciiy limit, wa ilicti(.l from n rnrman' POR l.ntikai, Klir, from waiama.. wonder at ('rowninnliurg' sanguine ctpec he represented by the bung-hol- of the l Francisco lerievia, rape; Kim I.nch, China- S y m ji h o n y Club. I.Iholihu, ch, from Hanamaulu And In Mantlp'int, nml, a iiiljilit hae e(ecicil, It calW 'I lif first llrlf! Honululit ... tation III it ro)al him In its advantage consisted merely "not hogshead. man, charm-- with unhcilcmcnt! Juav Out'. !en Clt Ill y of Sydney, V M h S, Pearhorn, from Sjd llir clemency wilhiid forth wiine letting them " Mr. Searles spoke at some length, charged with ng and ralhtr liiih omtmrnt on t ho who hat, riev further llie justice. 'I get ahead of it. So said Mr, .i) ing, larceny of VOSSUKI.O, ilcfcalinR erils of he in the liurinx the rar, either through lliutihtlriieM ur Itimio, HIIMS. . from Callau Whitney, so agreed Messrs. Iluckland and course of much cbelli.1t wat Interesting! jcvveiiy rroiu llie premises 01 air, ?. .Magmn, COUSINS Ma,i,r Mine Marshall, Am tlcf llcrgmann, from I'orl Hicr of iardon lies uilli the Uncand piliy "(icnllcnicn, for morelhan a guilty and Imlillercnce, len the came of ulcMtfT.ii atul Hayselden tear jsist no one pleadeil wassenltnce-- to two lsr.f liamiile coi.ncil should a majority of the Advertiser. So held the connected with In hard time of (he ite)Mitmeni anj wear mt. tear of Its ny Will IIAVP Iwalani.Mm, Haiti, fin Kona", Kauand Maataea of that council the refinery interests tlic labor ami $100 fine. On Ihe same da) representatives h) V1tiill!iis7 lionrirr without lit 11 Jennie Walker, achr, from I'apaikou decide to realize the expressed cxpectationt of of the other papers. And Iht Unilcil States has believed the teporlt of the it wfis nrranged that the demurrers in ihe ratu, stile, atul eled Quick Dlspatc-- ror Aliuve VHT RtT. iiisj, tho Hurt. Wailde, M.h, frutn Mahko.. . unjust ami ungciltlcmaiily interference of Mr fraudulent introduction through llawnii.111 several llliel cases should be heard on Satur- twimU wem, Intentionally, the ltm when the) Waiehu, from Klpahulu a felon, then rnuleccnt man will longer remain . I llv'n Uttcplion...... ). a, Co uh, )ortt or In Hawaiian vessels of either Manilla day ) ). 'Ihc latter part of the forenoon wouhtciiMe the uiiKt alum nml uiinecevii) urtV.atul K . Daggett S'iiutihoiii Pfuh. (iUntl, Uric SS, Sechley, from S. ... itt mcmlier. would have lieen disregarded if trouble for firijM or paswRf, a,,y lo Jlau4hpretkeK Arn V.U., rew,frum S. F or Chinese sugars. lint, as the charge had and the afternoon were devoted lo the hearing , Violin Sob line ln Ki(imiii .. ..a j. iifriot Doctor Kulh had not requested the waiving of Mr. Yarnilley. II. C. Munay, Amhk, Kink, from S. F. . m been liladu, of course the commission had to of the libel suit brought against the steamer It ua finally ileritlnl tonutliorie the Chief I In ameer r,9 W. !. IK WIN (')., Ajentt. isi: 3. Vocal - ( J0U1 he t4 V.AUvii Ihua, Mm, lxrenren.fm liana and Molokal ,tsi oriiKitmsn an undoubted right at a personal favor. lake II into consideration." in regard to Madras by the Isiard of health to to m ile a .ul.tic amej to the rojerl liuUlers anj Shi W from S. F. the recover aMkhlrli. II Almy, Am tk, rrfeman, resshlent SAN FRANCISCO. grades of sugar entered tint) free, the gentle- fl.ooo as quarantine expenses. Iiidginenl of the city generally, rrr)iietifi them to In psOR 4. QuarltM-l!sh- a Smphnnj . Ilain "I should think, said one of the liest and S)lnpliuni ( luh. ...J. As contractors are being paid off In man saidt "I find )ou are not sending any reserved. F. SI. Hatch for plainlill, and foim either the Mre M.trhal or Wmwlf u reaouahte 'I lie . Departure. govern ItMf.ariliite Viiral Sih- IhyiSfntinel Am W'aiwn brightest of Honolulu's citizens, if the heller grades Portland and San Francisco Preston for the Hrfoteh-n- of 5. - lt...... KMrtla. Am bk, I'utde, for San Franc tcn June "that ment IkiihIs ami lo agents. time iie enact tlmaml place af any in Mr MtCflrtiifj. 30 have been offering Ihein on than ou before ,1. I). Caiharim, Am I k, HuLhaftl, (r Stn Francisco " 30 'opposition' should put am hundred names j sent llie treaty." lie then Wednesday, being the lh of July, no cases temhil Uintire or trahliurntnK in outer tint M- SI'ltliVKKLS, 6. Cornet, Sots C'arJinal of Vcnlte...... At han S, S. F. July a the market at 90 cents. What is lo hinder went on to misunderstanding were heard, from Ciiyi.fSydie),l'M b l)arln.for in a hat and them a it say, "The upon and the Hawaiian jury were called alann these cauw )reei)itc flMIS Mastrr Mr. C .MUhitK C K Itilwjp, Mm, Cameron for Kauai a shale up while, could Sevtcrt Mi .. . .,Hocherinl Ihe government making a profit of 25 per cent, that point arose from the introduction into the lo attend on Thursday lo heal the ctoivli pro fJsime of our chien al Iseen 7 Faouie mid Ktlauei Hou, umr, Sear, for Kahulul. " a not possibly draw the names hae a nmJerate in UtIL MAVF S)inphon) Lluh, M of three men so treaty of the words 'Muscavado bruwnt ' secutions (native). .Mokutn, Mm., Mctiregor, fur Kuulau. ,. . , a by b;i)lng Ihcm up with their new coinage, and the miller ami Ktten 'lue not!t.eaalioterriurtrsll tut conspicuously unfit in Quick ror l,htu. Mm, lAjrttifen, for Mokikaland Hann.. " a to hold Cabinet office as 'other sugars the markets of Portland and Thursday, the 5th, was heard the case of the mMoin I hy no mean general. Dlsimtoh the Above Port. Kauikeaoult, Kh, for llonokaa ' J" worth S5 cents on the dollar? This money Frapcisco.' , m arc the three who now hold And San Now 'Muscavado browns' Ihc crown against Kaubane-- male of 'I hi U m.ule with SfCONh, llalenkata, cU,(of IVpcekeo, , it." let. making scheme apal n ileree f iliftulenrr, a I'AHT ' may not have suggested itself are known lolhe trade as sugars 'made in the steamer lnalaui, charged with maiming, the frrigti! Kmma, nh. fur Heela. r "a "while cscri the least splinter of the wreck of. memlcrof the depart ment rememlier Miih pleanue for or ii.ige, aiiply lo 3. Wtiy ItUi V. MarrhriH II Am " j' " " ' to the finance. We open train and purged in hogsheads,' what is having assaullce! a seaman and caused the loss Slillnian Allen, hk, UJridgr, for Hong minister of make no charge nml Knlitiule that they n a Unly Weti dealt gen S)inphon) CI11U the existing ministry" the opiwtitinii ' I hae Hi) W. 0. IKVVIN ii Co., Actnts. kong remains, for leftover being known at 'refining sugar. of Assault and battery was proved, g , Ven I Ihe suggestion. anc)c tiuUly with In llie sriM hy the K,nxl pro,le of thi Wal Solo Walt I. ratio ikehke. Mm, king, for llilo and way pjtti. . will be upheld by the sentiment it loiccs in know, from ieroiial interviews with congress- but no malicious intent maim, and a ril, Mkhiflsv U'aimarialo, Mm, for H'aimarulo lo verdict Ainl they liojur to a like MImJ. Sflon, " merit comlileration hi the future; OACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. a, I .inr, , Sihununn lamrft for withholding the men thai the words 'Muscavado browns' or of " not guilty rendered by Ihe jury after an Chmns (lii) Maker, Mcllunald, Kauai names of its candidates, from We cordially Indorse the at the lime ihej entertain a tnrjMire ol ronfi Amateur .Musiral Six My, r hukai, h, for Waulua appointment of 'refining sugar' was what they meant by 'Ha- absence of four hours. On the same lir- u day llie 'I Si'trndid Slfdtuliii m, Vwvil Sih-So- nif .. m , . theicnomout malice of those who are now itence tlut the reaioiiahleiies ot their rripieM will le (. - Harniodiut, tier l.k, Slwy, fur (Jania. Maj. Charles T. Gulick as secretary of Ihe waiian sugars' when the) passed the treaty case of the crown against Joseph Woodward, Air. 'I Iip. l)avi. W 11 for S. . Mrjer, Am hgtne. lelany, I'.. nilmltied, and a heait) toutpliance theicHitli AVSTUAIJA, -- "in." hoard of health. bill." charged with burglary of Ihe drug store of u. Ihitlr'n Maiil Clmrui IrUI li) J urj. Siillitat. walani,ftrn, llalr.,fur Maul and Hawaii .. e lute at present, in round threeK'.hundred St.hihy Mrs, Pat). Mr. Tingle said that his speech might be Messrs. Hollister V Co. on I'utt street, In num.eri. CAKCil IX,. . ...Commander ... (.nitar ami Jf, ...Utiltoullay There are doubting Thomases who gird at condensed the German this case the nctle meniWr, n large iiujor'it of honi decud for 13. Merchant Vesielt Now In Pott. into aphorism "I also." evidence was purely circum- II I AVIr HONOLllLlf Altsrt, Varmllry anil Mnnpiit. siikv.v nor. their lirhhool of their fa mi lie ami themelie on Nonanmjm, Anu Ik. the rash opposition because it calls a spade a After Doctor Thompson and others had stantial but well connected, and the iuiv. 14. I'inalf Kaitsrr Marrh. vriih thoint, . ...R. W'anrr JftlA. Holland Haw. ch soken briefly, Ihc entertainment btnl-- up in after an absence of an hour, rcturncel verdict daily wage; and while they do lit hfMtatc to Fpend For Sau Frauciitco on or About July tf. S)tfphont Oith ami Anuttur Muiical botietj. spade, and declines to accept a throne and Trjt ttml Catttmrttl a J A FALKiNnt'itG, (ioodiuan. Am. hkinf fruitt Ihf .tilrei tlMrr, order to give the gentleman of the commission ol "guilty;' sentence reserved till next da). their lime and Mrenxth, or risk life and llmh, for the lorf, I'rrdiallow . Am. hk official Mcplrc, uniforms, a mile or more o( Vhi' titilftnl. for Ifiiefit of their fellow cititMi uhen tKcasioti m ty le- - Sr. Lawhpnck, H'eth lint l.k an opportunity to isit Hart's and Ihc ll.1l.1u a Austin Whiting the prosecution, John Tor freight or parage, appl) to few (piire it, I IIAMMIN, lUsMful lint kliil. red ti"c, a kuiuds of decorations and a One of the best evidences of a well estab- mills. Kusscll for the defense. )et there nothing more disheartening nnl AdmiM'ii, $1 ; Urrvii.l Sf jI, 15 emit rxlra, tahc H- - A L MS HACKrTXD Co. Aeui. m V, KOIIKK'ISON&LWb. Ml a Irew Am mIi bulky catalogue of official designations in lieu lished government is shown in the full per Friday, the tith, Joseph Woodward, sen- det.trii(tle of discipline ami prornpliliide in the null lad J. 14S.il (oMstK, Cuutiuv . Am I nine mission tint is accorded to an oTiniit tenced to iS months' imprisonment and hard tidual (i rente n theuiele, and auno)in lo their tm ttlFNru., Spertht) lliit. Mm of royalty, majesty, prestige and power. These unscrupulous i.vi.vs. CEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1). C press to be occupied with abuse only. laW, Same day was tried plojer, tin to find, .lfier .i long ami fatiguing run rKON UUUbTI'.ADS Mukkav Kink . . Am. l.k '; the case of the are the O I men who skulk along the skirmish line .Mr. irr Manhail, llergiu.11111 Am. Vk True, Uriah, Ihc goat that buttcth not his Malle) it bus) getting up lumber for crown against lona cnthezrlement of govern uilli heavy apparatus, their cfTutt and tune hae len II W Fieemaii. . . Am. IV. Almv, of progress, holding up their hands in the his church. ment money to tne amount 01 lhrov.11 avAa in of a caretew. and wanton iok sai.i: itv head against a stone wall-i- s a wise goal. Hut $700. Naval pauses between thetollcys, and with a 2SU1 faUe alarm. SAN crjing On June a petition was sent to Ihe FOR I'KANCISCO. 1,3 1111 II. IIACKI'Ki.l) 1 Co. I the opposition of the stone wall to Ihe goat is vx, McConiiKk U.SS loud loicc, "lor God's sake, gentlemen, don't minister of the interior, askinrj him not viiotrjrjxaiiirnri s IVi older of the Hoard. ltiNjio, .11. I.J. M. S undoubtedly irksome while lo roxmssiox. JOHN NO IT, it is Capricnrnut con grant a license lo mm. shoot." And a striking commentary upon Ihc petition, which SIakayv'ao, January 2, 1SS2. Chief Kiipineer If. l Uepartinenl, tinues lo hold Ihc fort. was signed b) two hundred and two Veel Hvpectrd from PorelRit Ports their sincerity persons 83 and good faith that they manage Statement nf I). Crowningburg In to lloiii lulu, June n, I46-4- 6cncr..l bbcrtiecments. , Oer. tk. Ixksc The newspaper scold and the iourmlisiic of both sexes, was secured through the efforts Canumi always to secure enough loaies anil fishes certain drafts, lalen and sworn to belore me- Due July 5 to. Hackfeld Co., Agent. lo of the following Mrs. Hie Maghliicrnt Nru Iron Sl,atu!il(i i hue and cry have no hindrance ; there need be committee: I.uiher lius da) : Naw Yonk. Am. hk. Spartan . I.adie and (enilemcn viMiing San Franciwo uill .CrotMey assuage their grief, no check but the check that may be occasioned Severance, Mrs. F. S. I.) man and Mrs. S. I.. DuvJitU CaMle J Cookr, Agent. Cn.fn. March 17, 18S2. Draft No. Si, in favor of find tety desirable KutnKhetl KrKini Kn Suit and Sin TT HACKFELD t Co, I lint, l.k. Imp AKr.ii-stA- ..Dimey by public opinion. irkKii, of Kulona, four head of cattle, $100. Kle at No. 137 Montgomery Corner Ituvh. Due Sept. (1. W. &. There are some timid souls in Honolulu who 'lint St., Mr. MAJtirOSA, 15. MitfatUne Co, Agtiitk. And public opinion it so conspicuously on A Wailuku correspondent il is draft was indorsed by I ti.i Si, Michael, Itnt S H Hankow., writes thai a inc. T. Ilone, formerlv of llom,liihl. uninn, taken exception to remarks in last is. - Now due (!. W. Macfailune & Co.tpgeut. hae our Ihe right side that Ihc firm of I Jeep & Co. has well known fact there, llnl a prominent April 16, 1SS2.- Draft No. 100, in favor of IIOWAK!).. ...CommaiidiT OI'I l.K I OK !AI.K livrmiK)!, Itrit Lk. , . . Kdkin sue. It is gratifjing official in is Kapiuho, seven cattle, for Mallkoaif to be able to say that its trouble for its pains. now that town a leper. $200. This draft A Sucteiful llouel A Successful House I A sti.U Hue Sept isao. T. H. I).m & Co., Agent. In the correspondent's was indorsed by me. I reports from gentlemen laiifuai'e: "I think tin, InjC Micce-M- . hi KANtiiK.1), Anu hk. II. W, Almv . . .Freeman who haie visited Maui . iii'laiire uf a Retail (.uodO v,jy U ttt'L. AT TIM1; Sn And, as sometimes, nubile oninion is ran-- 1SS2.-D- raft lr li INVOICES OF NEW GOODS, Now due. Castle and Cuukc, Agent. shcrijfof Maui ought.to take him lo Molokal. Aptil 2,, No. in favor of alTuitleil h and Hawaii, recently, assure us that our course less or indifferent, the scold Ill, the I.eadtni MilinerV Houie of Cltatle L fRANdscu, Am. hktne. Klla . . Howe press and tilifier will not stay liy I lie Kama, $110. '1 his draft was indorsed by me. jn lie lumseir. other noon 1'Isltel, corner Tort and Hotel Mi Due C, & and our in is allowed free scone to give iSSj.--lh- eel. 'Ihe l'ropiielor July llrewer Co., agta. utterances supmrt of it meet with vent lo the he went into a Chinese eatintr place and sat April 20, all No. 113, in favor nf Ou ur jusr Ki:ci:ivi:n I'tiM 111 AKH , Am. 4Ch, Cul'KSRK venom nf his thouilitt. which, allhnur-- Mr. I'iOitl In act paired the ait of huKhng ctuioui. Ati About July tttftb, approval there, possibly because the evil effects in. down at the public table. It was a disgrace li. llelshua, for $50. Indorsed by me. i Due June 10.15. Allen K Uohinvjn, Dry OuhU House - agt. capable of moulding nr shaping any opinion, 1.SS2. -- can, hy fietly a.leitiing, draw cu- Uf YHtC, Itrit. Lk. HRNkvjAllM . ,(iltiniore of the lo think that a leper should eat at a public April 9, Drafts in favor of Kealalio, ANU WltL Kx Itail. C. Is. lii'hop and' Steamship Kluenfel., conduct of the administration arc more satisfies a certain lomervoiice or twice; hut to hold ihein, asd enjoy lleir fAll 'luuid early In June. Caule & Cooke, Agenta. sensational taste and table, but what ilidtheriilnamancaie? All that No. 114, for $250, mid No. 115, for $255. San r,u 7t.ALANniA . apparent there. We arc satisfied that radi- LOniitletitc, cuIU fur lheexeri,i Fmanci(u, .. .. .Webber the curiosity. he wanted wast went vfive cents for the dinner." Itoth inelorsed b) me. oflact and liberatil). Due J iijl 7. II Hackftld A. Co., Oood l aci. cal wing of llie; npo-.itio- is .May 1SS2. -- uutt inarLed down and notd for wluil the) Fur Sau FrauoUoo About August 2d. J'roHntHEM EX, SVUNKV, 1 M S S, Al'HThAIIA. 'lulloch numerically It may not lie " moulding or shaping any 19, Draft No. 120, in favor of I are; '1 I A. lies. II. P. laker, nf came back from - neter misrepresent any ankle. hat the. Due July 30. II. lUckfrld Co., agent. stronger than any other part) in the outer dis- opinion to lead decent people lo agree that llilo. Kaoliilu, for $90. Know- nothing of il. ilici . his on ofClwilenJ. and that iKilicylu Sn FmancIko, ikk. Ma mi usA. HoHard U trip June 21st, very tiled. From Mauna June 7. 1SS2. Dralt No. 135, in favor of made the firm Convicting in part of as fulloMt;. Due July W (!. Irwin & Co, AgetiU. tricts. It not s.i)ing too much to affirm that you are a nuisance and ought to be indicted 37. as I.oa he was not able to go In Mokiiaweoweo. Kapua, for $jo. I Kapua's for one of Ihe grealest in il line, on thr leading thorough NrwCASTir, N. S. V Am. tk., M. KiowiiiT.Srar the is wrote name administration represented in the outer such, Uriah ; but il comes so near it that Water was not lo be found along the route. him. (Signed) 1). fare of lluuolulii. 'Ihe Leading Millinery Store of I'aft'tait't in this uuniriCf nt Mam!hip ma)' Duejiil Crowis;iniiU.;i.. iutitUatiic- - b A.Lui-k- or OootU, lihuii-N- . ,. Clwtilc nurd appl)ingin Aasortmeut Dry ier. tk. Mazaii an,..,. districts by the men who are sharers in the there's no fun in it, Uriah. He went to Ihe crater where the last flow canie Subscribed to before me t'liis 2d day of Jan- J,' hischel, i to Honolulu what Mi.c)' ii to I "Zt UwJiiii; May y. II. I lack ft J & Co., Agent. profits from in 1SS0 and liSl: there Is now smoke uary, 1SS2, and sworn to before (his New Vorls, Charles J. Kishel male a ssecialty of Mil. N S W, .. of administration jobbery, and by no A sulislantial opposition maintained by men ine eth NwCatik, IlKUFlvm and steam issuing from it. He came near day of hnery. Sts Hie one of MS Wn. li. IRWIN S. Co., Agents. ror Mutukona, one else. of knowledge ami experience, and dealing in January A. D. 1SS3. stoic theMht of the thy. (Jamiilk tk,., losing his way on returning. Walked the whole I'okt Auu Kmikalu (tatter facts and correct arguments must necessarily (Signed; W. F. Mobsman, u leading June II. Haclfcld &. Co., distance from the crater to DOSTON ANO HONOLULU DIUHCT. Detdins, Brown Tick-lug- s, it at. have an influence ; but when llilo over the last District Justice, Makawao. KA'lhS OK and White Cottons, Drills, The timid ones, while they paltry men, mere forly-fiv- 10S1AG admit the truth flow for e miles, with guide carrying Turkey Ked, Merinos -- amateurs in Ihe handlinc of and tin- - black and SHIPPING NOTES. of our strictures, question the propriety of our tuns blankets, food and small tent. Water verv " . journalistic pen, lash themselves into a heat as SIakawao, January 2, 1SS2. colored, 4 qualities, Keppi, Alpacas, much wanted by them. Cliailei Itierter A. Comiiiiy Hill diUlcli tiie UaiL criticism. In reply to those who, like an ex- would-l- relormers and renovators Statement of D. Crowninburg In rMMrit KlilACK KAlhS. Couourfs, ItAlian Cloth and AwriiMon- - April sEth, lo- - legaul lo Hawaiian bark cellent Dmip I.HTThkt or (inula in Ian, lloilo, for ralmoulh, of our acquaintance, hold lint Pardon the interrupting, Mr. but At Mahulona, on the nicht of lime aird. cciiaui accounts, curieni, suuvciiikii and sworn it, tuthd rmelupe, 10 Ileep, V mi mc Minire vtu-f- 1 the kingly, office the attention of some of her ncighlmrs to before me : mimiw uetosiieii( cent eacli Idterpoid In nrt, June IM, IlritUh nhip Urodict should lie exempt from criti- what do )ou mean by " mere amateurs in Ihc weie lialf ounce. DHKSS GOODS, CaKtle, lor Honolulu, vu liieinrn. attracted hy the screams of a woman in a In recarel lo C. K. Kanule's nccounl. I cism, we hate just this to say: Vc claim be i Dunt-sti- front Boatou ror 'I he American trigantine Hesperian, Wiiutlng, hence to handling of type-- and the journalistic n?" house, and, bursting in llie door which made out false- - returns, selling sixteen Uttiks, to any aitoftl.c Kingdom, Sail tbU Port she had cattle if le than and a for aXlilU.ial arrived at San I'edro, 14th. as one with those who v, rent, iw.t cent each Setcmlrr 1,1, June are willing to accord the 011 knoiv, and the community Uiows, ami not thought to unlock, the) found her standing .um leuiiiiuig eigui, ami so 011. Muv Sill., 'I he llrilUh hhiit Shandon discharging; 1 I - at the O, fi. fullest respect lo the kingly office, and to the you know that it knows, that silent, with one hand upon Ihe wall, enveloped In regard to young lee's account, 1 au- To fultowed Ly llie Amv Tinner, January I, i&gi. S. Ca'awluif. Her cargo i turning out well )ou "give aw.i)" NkVysI itrinted in the IsIIno.Lsui mul u,U.l 1.. Black, Cros-gral- Fancy, Colored and Stilued. popular in llames. It is impossible to net al the thorized John Richardson lo sell cattle and Mihstnl-c- hark. i institutions and patriotic stntiment in exaci from oflut of puhltcaiiwu are stumlil Ini Ain-im- The American Nonantum taking ballast at your own shop when )ou tall; nlmul amateur 1 Jiteiii thn Orders ill nut later than t facts In make iiiom-e- - fi,,m -- Barege, the lplanbde. it is the case, she bavin? lieen alone in llw returns lo me. ihe load's. Roll of h.iinr.ui.ttiir...MH r.. tstli, insuie shir,melit. fulther oailiciilars, Crepe, Ac, which founded, but while wcjx-spcc- t llie journalism. to fur The proof of the eating is in the house, with her child three months old. Hut, John Isicharilson; six or eight were sold. not to luna lute MilscntM:rx, tuimut tiiliu itie 1ikIU vf C. IIKI.WKK COMPANY', 'I he lUiudi UrlSt. lurencc Udnhargiug coal at office, hold ins ircc the foot of S. S. l.ikchkc we the man who occupies it pudding, Uriah, and arc Ining satisfy from her beint. covered with oil, it may in regaril to s account. I sold him Tour law. 147 9n voeeil klreel, Honolulu wharf. )ou lo lo ihi , Melt's t'lirninlihii (IoiiiIh,. 'I he American tatk. Llrxie Marvhatl U to bis for the proper exer- surmised that the lamp exploded or wat acci- or five cattle and made no return, I'ACkAi.u anu I'.ikih.-.- roniaimn; liooLt ofnuil-jl.I- diclurgiug the pulihc with the pudding bag. In the Ian intriluiiJi-o- lumber at the foot of Fort Mreet. dentally broken, .She was terrible I sold Slakee hone (C. II. Slakec S. jii) kind, ail) Iniir. neS-tr- r HONGKONG DIRECT. cise of his kingly function. guage nf the burned. Co.). lurcel llul may may T?OK 'IhlAmeikaii Lark Hope camp, old son, "It won't wash." The 1SS2, for I, nuiltd, i.ii iui. ha been hauled up on the completely over, and survived but a short lime entry Slay 13, two slceis; there mcnlof a free of 10 in addillon Ihfc lliillsli Shirts, Woolen. MUed. CaUco, Hickory, Denim railway for reuiiR. Is itnls lo tlieoiilliiar fine Steamshiii They merely serve to amuse Ihe careless after the arrival of the doctor. The child, al- no truth ill the charge. etc.. Merino and Cotton Uudershlrtt, White I V, S. When the editor of Bosom & Mocking,. he M. S. Zralandia will te due from San thi Advertiser was away cuiosity we have referred to, ami do though not liadly Imrucd, was dead when The item of $St. for Slieel. there was .mk , Shirts, bocka Gloves r.w with not, in Nr shai Kks, loinptilets, atniaiuu-.- calcihlars, liand-bill- ihi:si:i.a, Haiulkerchlefa, Foulards, a Urge In- rianciuthi ioda liter new. on Maui, some 'prentice hand was sense, found, a purchase cow- - ., crmilled lo any manulacttire any public opinion, do apparently strangled by the heal of the of one heifer; none of and calf iiiaca-inc- laaiw, iMvakional and liublici-two- s voice of CLOTHING consisting I he I1. M. S. . Cit of S)Uney Monday ulirr SI'KIX'lll.V. Ma.ler anied a not establish any platform flames. The woman's husliand or three heirert. I sol, ,v ,ijrS ,,f (not bniindl, t ccnl forcaclt , ounces or action of Fine Black Cloth Coats and A.M. from Sydnr) , and tailed name day for San print silly editorial about the fourth of July, of principles or help was absent. 'iolll j, WIIL IOK trail I thereof, tjmilars, in unscalrj cswli. SVIl Tilt. IOKT Pauls, Bucksklu Sacks, IttCO, which to organirc an) thing like a parly. to Sain Van for $3. kept tlic mone) elrawu i lent probably had something lo do with keep- While Mr. Preston and Lieutenant llrowti in Pants and Suits, Felt, I he American haikentine Jane A. Falktnturg ha faor of Nauhuli myself. 1 took the 1'Ancsl.s of ineriliandiao of any lrtn.1 Kill Le receiicd On or About July 9th. Drill, ing many from In Ihe sweet mahoie Ihe naughty oposilinii were nt Lahaina, 011 (icniluluiii mone) Mohair, hauled in to the old CuMum Houe wharf, where she it away the exercises at the Ha- oliservalion from the firm in favor of Kauonolii aiidfiardil in tlm inter UUiul' mails at I tic rale of duly, l Olnwatu-rmtpr- . and kept it. Flannel now loading for will argue it with from turn-ley'- s Ihevorisinbu-i- a trio 1 " 'this reciilaiion ban rruticUco, id Mil in a few day. waiian Hotel grounds. Mr. Daggett, whose )ou, the outside lo have no mortgages from the parties whose '"' '"'. iiT. dues not liicliidc Sacks ft Pants. This wonderful depression fulls- llie romiiii mad servile. All lianels for freight or oassage, airily lo Boy's 'I he American tern KxccMur, hence, armed at IVxt wicket, Mr. Hcep. in the hills protested Hrewer lan and journalistic gorge must bate risen under his notes are in .V Coiniiam ' reistend. Chlldi a jackets, uwiiritu, june um, anu Amertcau taik Keterc, cquajs the much belter known Wailuku valley; tyrU C, IIKEWKK &. COMI'ANV. I. hence, This is fully illustrated in the condition hands. R, arried June 13th. defender's defense, may well exclaim, in the of and is in many features more beautiful as well as ,IliokR (iMiutcil or Uank). Cuiitt, Kiifiravliis, Coatstk Leigln(i, Mon 1 In regard lo the money paid Rich- -. II. .I . key and Sailor Jackets, Carpet (he tarkcntuie Malay, whkh tilings here. hese noisy, scolding, xilifving 1 me by J. ulrha."-- n ..." put Into Auckland In lines of the late more impressive. is perhaps three miles ." j,1 U...... , ..Mi.n.. s.uiiiii, 01 SYDNEY Via AUCKLAND. I, C. urrn Mr. Souicliody, amateurs of la-e- ardson, I given an of C,OR Slippers, Silk and Umbrellas MiMirna, iui icMirca, anu MileU Alay loth, Tor the press that have long and nearly h.e account llie money ''...K. s'e, lesicu andParasols, Fancy and ruget Sound, "Heaven preserve us from friends denunciations as wide. It is almost com- to the supreme court, liouidi), Articl ol Llulhnnr. Satin.l. ,.r ....!. Travelling our t" and prophet) ing "political nnv kind, and l.l. 'I he S'ldcudid Steamship Shawls, Cotton and Turkish Towels, Tho uthMUirr ITHama t II,.,- - pletely surrounded by precipitous walls, from I of all kilicl.s ih4 included in Class I and Dlailrr un Wt n for can give no account of my affairs - White ftuga the earthquakes" a )ear past are doing the two to lour feel in regard a of the lav of i8;8 wluni kcinliini- ik.1 mure than fuur and Fancy Quilts, Felt and Brus- morning of the abilmf June, ty the parting of her thousand high, lis interior is 1 sels HlbCous, same thinu now and with same ii to my txvoks, ns have kept none, Iwiin.U or sikty-iou- r ounces i au XKALAXltlA, Carpeting, Silk and Velvet Threads (rumtatle. SU a uutully Injured, and waOMiitd The Fourth of the densely wooded with koa, except rent oulire or frai lion July celihralion was a sue. kulul and (ihia notes; 1 thereof. All aitl-.l- likely dailUje liia'd, J .11 . (V has noliasis in truth or in the convictions of luirneil my Ixioks when was going Id to the ale WKItllKK. Ma.ler ,), fUUIIIUll. cess, for many trees. The trip is not an easy one, but may be Honolulu; sttKlly llhnikrln, Iht following rcpMt lut teen from leasons. There was a slning Ihe masses or the eoplc ; it is a dicordsUit Ha)selden'k biH is in my wife's icceied the made with mules or d horses through Will Sail on or About July 8. whaling tlert up lo April roth IheOrvn had o at work lo carry it A din and nothing more. Vi iiiliit. dunk in Honolulu. s White and Fancy Blankets, lUKiJere, uiij out. committee, tfnreira Ii narrow gorge which breaks from the valley 315 tairrU; Hrclwiug, 350 Ur- fairly I sold . Kichardsnn fifty head o( call le, or Fancy Striped Wooleu. two tUei, iel, and the MaUl, So lwrrtU--.W- rcprescntatiie of all classes in the com- Thai is In say, Mr, Ileep i A about four miles from Ihe coast, reaching the i.uini t,,a, uioie, in Wailuku, bought horn Ltiahinn) can- U'e are now nrj.iared to issue tt.ket. lo San fran Scarlet, Orange, Whit Wooleu and 4 points, I h laik Templar, Capiaut ocean nlmtu seven miles Tfs.B--tn Buttons for Shirts, Coats, I'uuUm, pacd the pOM munity, had it in charge, soutlr of t.aliaiiia. cisro for $i?5, Ihe rouml Pants, Dresses, and worked with fttirftasMi ; or, in other words, )ou are pro- - not recollect the dale. a and irluni Iriik latSunda, and on Monda, the Laptain landed at Wheulnlier known, this valley at- Kv ItoiKls for shipment per steamer ran now he sluie.l, Truh. intelligent real to carry .ought lo Uichaiibiin holds Sv Waianae. to iro(.urc nr. II. ,.iR. out a reasonable and fauely near Ihe end of jour rope. tract visitors from J. twenty )oung heifers; free ol chatee, in Ihe file pruof warehouse near the fuun New N S. ..i.. all parts of the world. I CMle, WUund toSau FranvUco. J sufficient programme. A majority of the no brand of ours on them; I hoy were given ns i sleanuruhaif. .'Els U M KKV, AmeiUan Mr. Henry Turton's plantation mil! commissions. I have no business di- 3TI B lh uhouuer CUua SpreckeK arrived from American community thought best to ask the JIOHK .lIOIT TIIK VOIXAIIK. and al now, Sitn I raikiM.11 uu I hun-ia- y Ut, au.) lu dovktd at lU Lahaina have been placed in a most satisfac- rectly or indirectly, with John Uichardson. o For freight or avMfie, apply to of l, -- tlcuuine l!au de Coloene. Luhui'a Ka. loot roil Mretli die u now dmharging, Cup American minister lo preside over the literary Klinnit Saturday I'rs.ss Sir I notirnl tory Neither he 1 . i)H II. llACKIKI.I) X. Co., Diew, condition hy recent improvements. Farly or owe each other, Can't lell Atenu. Iran,, 'loitet Ssips, I'tiikicooie, llair lam ai of lU Conwiekj, and forutnU of the quotation from my I H Ivuiare, i in cihuiiuihI. exercises. In hi doing they acted according lo )our teller lo )ou on the last soring a gauge railroad was com- when sold him my own callle; think it was Ssdi'S Od, CihuIm, laXiklnifliLss,, Pipe,. I. coinage 7, K. Halls, question. The profits on the coinage pleted four and half miles ("mm il- - m May, or July, 1882. TIMK TABLE FOR THE STEAMER Harmonicas, Ittank lluuk,, the llniidi u earner lilenel - their convictions. A minority, also ac- a ninth June Did not sell my aiied fiuut San Fran- acting of silver seemed so ridiculously high, " livid laf. Jewelry, tlokl Walctte., ihv about a a. m onll.c ,th itiuji.t, audcnuird the thai )ou nilll to a point alxiut lialfa injle beyond lllack daughter s callle lo him. H Tape, haibor cording to conviction, prepared to stay away hatdl) gave me credit for IAKKIAKK, Elastic, Scarfs, Albums. wiihoui a pilot, and without iuintirwiiiit the veracity or corretl Rock, at a Iota! cost of $2J,ooo. Ily means (Signed) D. CunwNiNiaiUHc, 5 1ak i.hvui.t, M Uought a mad drum SauTran. from the celebration ra,ther than tiarticipatc in information, if 1 may use the latter expression. of this A r KINf. .Master 1IMT0, road, chlell), the entire crop was to i!a , Id June tttl, I enclose a clipnine from lale Mltiss.iihril define tne Ihls ?d .liv nf n o an affair presided over by official whom a London brought mill 111 six I'lflllKt funiltHi-e- Iheicwai a tiiuitnv ). an with K'. lolhe weeks, the usual January, to8j, ami sworn lo Ibis " steamer will leutc Honolulu each I tl uk.i.. at a collateral prool of my figures. ine tn this l.uottu, UiMam Keflj. lime consumed King nearly six nay - 4 r. louiliiiijr MaLena, ouMarihtad, luiin whuh iney weie thoroughly out of sympathy. In I iiionths. The 5in in January, 1SS3. al M., al ladiaiiu, Maataealtav, the vajitaiu kltot Jolm Madden Oik of he profits of silver coinage. Ihe rapiil, laUir saving hat 5"I Mahukotia, Kawailiae, llilo. thLicw. Cap. lint disagreement there was been veiy great, twenty cans (Signed) . V. F. SIossvian, 2 O luuahotlioe and '.,lei,4.a, Ann, I'iuing loom nj Pallor Chain, uui Kell U nu in all Fianuwu. awailiug knytion ample play for an and continuous fall in recent )cars in the rnar- - and one liftv Kelttrnlu will lousli al all llie above fttrUlug Srllees, Morots, the hundred and vole nfiiun Inii,,.. District Justice, SIakawao. 3 ' isnts ,tc, I'mieJ Stale authentic may deem honest difference of puce 01 nas 111 al Honolulu cath bUNtlAY morning. neAaij opinion. Many gentlemen .ci snvcr, raised a curious way been dispensed Willi. Sir, Turton Is about Ihc profit made Ihe mini lo I hereby certify thai ihe almve is a true copy U Wll.lKKK.Cu. Iht WikaiiUk D. C Munay arrived un 'Umr quietly staved away. There was no orgaulrcd by on the silver coins extend hit track to the south end nf Ijil.nlm Aiolillea, da) froiu Sau and thxked at & wmen, as of Ihc confession made and filed in Ihe t'liliUui, tllrlht, fillrruii Ualhtr, riamiwu, Hier Co.k opposition is well known, remains nf the same When this is done all ihe fields case of u4ii. wnriv Mien no uiciMiging a general ,areo made. Several private affairs, in and fineness , wil1 reached trie Mug vs. 11, Lrowmnbiirg. Attest III SOMETHING WORTH READING, ftwa Sau Haikim.0. Slic U weight under all variations in the by ihe cane trains-- my hand comuunded thU lifi! L) no way which will run on portable - Captain KmL, inteifering wjlh the commillee pro- intrinsic value of the metal. In 1S70, the and the seal of the Second Judicial t'lreuil I I 70 f ,1M- Henip& I, K. I'atlli.i.'Coallla.lell, switch tracks. The road so far built has been B I gramme, profit Court this 17th day of A. D. 48 he AwerVanbttgauimeCutivrVka aimed Um Sun. were carried out Ly those who did not wat only 9 iwr ccnt.j In 1S75, It was 18 substantially laid. A visitor mention June, tSSj. da Irotu San In per while malinp V! ft ipniSlurji.-ru,- riaiMu, couiuuiul of Captain attend the regular exercises. And candor on the crnl.j at present it is about iS per Ihe trip from lllack Kocl to Cocoanut Grove," -J Wit. O. ATM A ILK, CRATES OK ASSORTED CROCKERY, Cvumii, Utt ofiheKliootMrCtmSorrvkek She ha cent. Itioncvrar, il was even higher, Cleik Circuit Coiitt, Second dotted i the rlplaiude opiktethe Cuaom Houm, part pf those who did attend i. about three miles, in ten minutes, the engine Circuit. ought to compel in 187S, when il was wr cent. In 1&J1, aria Xjisi!i J. B. WISEMAN, wUn ttU dmhargmg an wilrd cargo. Shtie jHf naming iwcivc cars oi cane. 8 S ,.l Coaaniiiiir llale,, Cups. Teanottv Bowl., ChamUeis, turiiv to Sau the admksion that ainung th Americans Ihe total gains of the mini on the r unciuu rail) wetU coinage ol If aii)Uklj I, Imlil ami Hue Dishes ail llalers, lleiiiStulun J .lid 1 for silver reached the large uiililiisltliig inouli Sample Vase, '! f4Unm vewU heme,itaiilvedat Sau Krarwiwu their absence were jut as repre- sum of 166,823"' to asmil that lie lias a ill C.IUis, Honied and (ilauttare, llanila k U.I Kl.lt's TIME. vvliicli rurrs x s a i(ii and Tarred Kut-e- CimI Hag,, wine. pbw lout uhf tUimau lutk C H. Htdiuu I lift iliU-as- 3rJ5 is Hi!. tiHltilf Gunnie.. V sentative, just as honest, Just as reputable, also noie thclupcof theamtver of the eveiv ami It uflt-- Ural Jhoktr uml tlrnryal M, b, k AaUndu. Wetter, ijth, Amu-U- just niliraUv ami Burlap., Woolpatk and twilled backing, linen Hoe taikcutuie hureka. l.ee, Amciican-AmeiU-a- minister of finance in his reply lo queries. Inuilly he Is folLiHiii-- j llnulltrH AUfltt, American M.hoMnrr Ida as as are any of us who )our KtlllOK SAlllkllAV I'llKSS Sir- - Tl... sure luluve a ipe. Hhiuuer, HoUttMW torn Kahului; wiK, Auiciican Vour letter lo him Ou- of 4, were in hc wasopjonune, to say sporting ers, ninoni; svlioiil will 1m fourul mcl) 8 S !lu! I logamuie (. Irwin, luruei, ijth. Ameiivan U.n "whoop up," tcast, all cdilnrof the Hullelin, if such a vt hi J" No, a; Mtaciukr IIOKOUTl', 11, I, am ly C as business men are inirirsiisl nml son Is nf ability am xu.ition. Ilimian crclulitv it Stssrr sunAk iiic; hags J, loid,luiraiht; in!;, AmerkaiiUiktutine all intelligent employed b) thai iapcr, occasionally t-- Ptmman. cituent should be. It is a pity gets rather li uroni; in resist llie iisiijve assertions of aieilive, of all sires and sjualities. The office of American that this juncture person mixed. pvihas he docs not know 8 ft ft s Minhlct resident is at a more hi did not what he talking llie uacl.. I'ersmii vvhn are not traineil in Ili, . it about, but it does not mailer , PASSBNGBRS. one occupv the nositimi of minister of fioin,-.- scleiinfic tliouj-lil- f that every American is Iwuiul lo honor. f,. much aii)how. In mclluals i.f ami who know a reference to Ihe statement 1 have lu several Heal llflt)SI--s ...! ffYITAf! UM (Ifurrflm. Ihe prospect are thai shock is 10 lie dealt to Uolnuii; a Unit hi siolny, f in tvnv-tU- 94(tt The occupant of lhai position may or may not made by the llulleliq of the 291 h ultimo, 1 nen the 8 6 liuilj ro lei In various pail, of Honolulu aud sulsitU. Alw, Arrival. ine currency 110111 which the riHiiiliy is not alfalis of life they are most f r some uv wie Is would say lli.it General Garfield's time d Kood Uulldio Lots and propeily lo sell. Sarvsuun lu half and rusarter boaes. From auimr respeci irul ilue his ollice. likely 10 at iiiciinipi-ieii- t Sau Fianuwo, per CUnelg, Julj Chlu speedily. Locke Mist tvvo-)ca- r aiejieifcclly lo'luriii just iInlons Salt In Castor Oil lu tuts. h old was not 1. 52, bill 1,53 (nude in X llsV, Jars. Matches. Is Mr. Uaggell deservim; nf that resin-it- ".Money being Ihe counterbalance on uieilu-a- l iiMHi-is.-- - 8 llVss4j (skM. H. loall things the race with I lance.. k njr.Wtit,f Mmilhlf. f Cocoanut OU,W.h Wld Least, purchasable on jhe 4.th of Jul), StearliM . H , liotu AuvkUud and Sjtnc), City v( Sjdnej, The bv il. as much as von iA- - r...... " Caodtes. a. and Wacsdt, Saturday I'ress, since the writer lus lieen l, ' -, luly j7Mr MWett, 1'Aslu, W lUrUk. U ""Wi a llnl I, .IS, lull 1. 49, FsirLorkitMr Foonu o rumri isajiiiliisV V'ok- HubUcka Llnve.rPaliit OU, Whit. 2ukTaint, olTlhe value of money, so much vouadd lolhe again ' osiAi.k fa (irijmtirs Kir is in, oxiok. conncvled with ii, lias not made a disrespectful with Hancock on the of June, Johnson ilcfinrs a ru.ick as f'a Uiastfiil r price of ihe thing exchanged for This tub SI Flu CrukiKu, I) K. it" IB.S2. w In. lullmAuslral.ail.aloines. lenlsfu, ,a.l, l hn Muiiav, lulv I' to U-a- Ahy one ho wat on Ihe wurse on the an ait he lines not uiHl.'rsiaml," u ftt t auusKi the piescm minister. It males should answer to one tluvl-a- s dand. . . I rati-att- (let-Min- i KWbh.iwv, EHillum, MTlUVV, A A an) who says, 18th of must Another wilu--r ilni-ln..- - nM Ar l,lna(.ailOj,. au ro si'kmvh nml Hamuli l!iyur, Mu. none now, Hut June have known thai Gaiheld's uui iwf. i.h, MlJl,v III ."''laouaina rllblAfiaaul tt .Uu lft. A A U JK It J W..I. when jhe topic it a live one, l.mg a he gels a dollar's worth for ll..... I.. .1. . .1 I I. -- . f.l t - a . j ivtrultfitf- 4, uJ Il Is .. : atto;K me 11, uictu--.i- l neai wmi , was Ix: juilnl li) the f.uti.fa iierson's Ignorance In I u rsainua ttmrtUirv - -- i.iiiiis,...!.! 1.. I.I... ..1...... jt, la frvm S.B Ki.ucIku, r Cuiu,U, Jul- A when the community Is M",wl ,,u" wiuusv or 1,1 , l J divided upn it, when " V " image SUtnr ' 1 reijar.l tnliltthat iidosjo.- I a nu fur tsStih), y-f- "" "" spurting or of which he lot it MOMKY At' AMY T1MK I'laled foil,, CTruls, T44 IUvu,.r, if .aj (tautf (,), Wt M A lluiuu lilr scriHion It hears, bhould llie new llasvaiiai "i tokinm, I u rsialu, ,1a Sal, raluVMa iccimg uo tun nigh, aiul the fighting item,, why doesn't Ihe ami e f N V"p' Napliu, Kings, halull, lulace tvartv Hullelin get ailiiliiiaalluriliHiiii()er:uaraiils-- St. Itartlk4u,uvw. tiaT atlaa elft, coinage in an sen-dor- s 'to ., Id ItlJk k il K.iu.1. lluUf , tJiilt-h-. " iit ajitieataoce slmtly, the some one Ok J 7 males (.ublic of the intimate st who knows a horse from" a hand 11..1 .1. nuiiier may noi pe also a iiuack,. ie lo Cape of lIs.algHiH'C tViatftaf tsstslll s.cuaiir. last niiiathy of of exchange will soon oiien Ihe eve the Hui-duat- of spile ? . , man svho feigns to l.n.,w that of which is to Madairastar. . luretsu.lt tne American repiesentative 1 vscsotK,f he (tut hcie, it would that article when they come 10 ignorant, or professes to Si, lUktna !' S Kluct, CuUna, Juu, yst- - J oL present at the counter an ability to iwifoiiu acts llutilier Kajsea, Muse , sw a dullcjej exxaent of American opinion who which are , Nature is the master f laleiil is il NfcwirAt-tHk-. fulai art rklusa, Ml. IfoctU tt , 'chi" genius (he which I. generally known or Ulicit.l he Is r.itf. IU posu(9 w u, l.tjl JVrn 9 all PiKiiptiiHt ihuuu. Needles, Spsken, rilee, Hours, tMUaniamst iuisi outsKic 01 nawaii net at cenls on the ma. IW COtMicft. Km .Via KniKtm, tiCiiyv( lalv , W rclusevl to notice il. 7$ ler of nature. unable (o whether he carry vsiih him Ncu trtlntl. 1 ti.utiji U KtMotua Hovv Iimo, Keg Kli.li, llumrnm. iJiy, dollar. As loot? tulhccivuntrv I. tiv-....r.- i 9 Ustt psiptr. Ou tuj4 comJ JouS J H hiuv. inJ il., Mi, iMikk li if lulun, K a ilruen aichiiienl scrolls, U cut ukcr iuud iiriai- ICu(iatlu aoj l'euuaosIuVrlefsvUy laavst. M.ia, anu tawmposHh as much a iiuacl, icr, 4 (tsu.li tuu mumm mt Cktloot .U k.ir.U KoitnluU, U Ho.uU the treaty lasts, and the lialanie of trade is In u M U Umt HosiM Lbint aud L've itstAMaleure rtaUititliO, S ud lf, Mi.CJ Is a vcijctalile? ? as Ihe unlelleml fool, who prates of wusso. 4 to, Ha, I tnd M (i4il,nkci(, Mlu I A I'lMI, And now a word of personal explanation i our ravor, tne lie When not ,ttirlaMc Wl.tn his wares lh.il, inherence will not seriously It uioi) the street wil. nJ tibiUmi, T lulouu, A v, iul Last fell, we jt ihat juu caulillowrr. miners In the worst of gram- KtUr lit UtaCr laAlaaa..! uWi, Tuesday, the writer called oil the orator but can noi rouiit on continued fair mar. The k.atal rslu WJ.kl"inl,0,WU. Mi lluulmtt utj wind, and when Ihe time onl)' essential of iiuacLery U pie. ckarned, hka oh he karlied ty luaurs U.lU ok.e "u "J Mi S W wkl clulJ,!, of the day and requested to, first uw of hit cunir; to ship UUr Icnse. lu Honolulu. ' AlitNT IOK 1HK BBS.T )0HTLAN1 'ClrUslKNT, ' nnmmiw. m,, , Mm Hawaiian for Slaiklara Oil VVwls lit Jefsi-- y uit,, ail OlUUin, Ml IM.l, Ml "chi" iiiayment goods, per. llie CU)', ""sa"ipsssw, II. M, Kb-v- manuscript, To this Doctor Huth n WIIIINKV, K M.O. .SulnuJit,, Mnllouorwadaiu.lti. Ura f awnlcd. haps the owners of them will ., ,...... New Jcixy, luvc lo-- Ihiiiiis); Umt, tn rfas mmk Ufc 1 imtiw i,yx,. ll llottsn't ilu lo .lt.mil ..lit. . Honolulu, April, ,Mj-- h V Wullcii. Iliu A M)U. asking that no equal lights iti-iul- TlsssJ 1U' of other uper be aliulion that the difference U nnnrJLt s...i. clKBiiM, tor he always has IN THK WOKLI1 ous. rvlit riaily. , . aWstJ 4aVa4TaBi OTMsHk) JtVKf infiiiigeJ, and leaving that, as a matter of and will devoutly wish they had proleicd IsTYLs AKT1SI11 UU. fs.li i. . Wt against (he NtVVKST TVW: ANO a..j. ,'a. i.l. course, coinage. are? iwtlv itfialdIhiiiA--l- . of smey Isiimu nM, uua ska ksvW likoa "ssaC lo the good faith of the writer, who There now I'ttslc luc UbcU Is l,r ul,,. n ; nu.lt kiLL In Cutsstuc Mrlliu-- vifti-ga- BktJaCiTgt fee lsga I I Okw, J -- ibcuoly mm. O .a. um-- - giaXJLl AagasJ(tAtt. fa ft,, jfWk,WII.B, CHmiw, fully explained the situaliou here, WsISAu, 1 In siroug iha hetting Ji.lq UMtur u4 ...... ewai m tweajger sssagajrajssw nSiari Juneati, Wj. ta-r- a c ar.'KKasrS; ir.n usaf fer tUif. AitUiiitf hOsU TsutrMVM,iH...... ,,, r.aisssg.sagi; :Mks2X: - -. .- 641 M. fl lgJIHt V. ' 4? ' I fo. -i- m? i $" mi'VpH tHMWT?s eujwv rm1 i.'i uiiiifiya f!p'wMij!wS,V'fc'?9,i

HATORIJAY PRICSS. rm: for urn. assisting in the aIvatlon of a counliy vvhoc secinetl paliicidal, but, when ihe hour had son for 0111 amiabilily We aie a giant nnd. two or thire Americans are gathered together, worship to me I a leheion, may heaven cease come, they roused from their lethargy like therefore, good naturcd. We rather laugh at let them lemenilier Ihe motto of their land, ilctu Vbucrliocnunto. cntrul bbcrtiormente. Iff Vol,. lllril rf I'rmlntn ,Srrert, 7ie lo mercilul lo me; and II ever Ihe country giant ictrcxlieti vvitn new wine, nnd knew Ihe growling nf puny powers antl smile at the " I" pluiibiu One out of SATURDAY, JULY 7. tMj. - umim. many." 'Ihe .fler-rrr- f nirrFet their xrrxHre. max- heaven fornet nor sleep 1i e irerefsejs 7,e its neither test until Ihe clotious end threatening nf those whom we could wipe mil bigot cannot lie broken. In union thcte is llirl,ll-ll- l for without i l.l( nf Ihr Ml, lilewing, a nation gratitude a had come antl lilierly was theirs not only In of existence with a single blow. The other strength. And, as the )ears roll by, nnd this OOK SALEI BOOK SALE! office 6 Rl with an In I'utilieatlon li at Kaahumsnu street nation without heart, alike imlividuil, mine but fact. In time of great pros- day, when a South American power vvas show anniverar) come ngain and B I Itnrlal rooms 10A Tort again, wherever RUSSESI TRUSSES at Ireet. 1 f unfit In cumber the enrlh. The great com- perity, we are Toiget the price for Ing loom I One, two, ihrrw ihltlren guns apt.lo ianl her Iceth, antl talking war, we didn't even you may lie, don't forget II, lmt meeting to- Snbscriberi amt Aoeerllsers will pirate address of Massachusetts Mid in sulisiancc, with our ransom, anil when llie Until) T ! Penl rm Iwlla, nnd moner ) ear have answerback, localise we knew lhal if e TIIOS, O, THRUM, Publisher and Proprietor, Clng prtl, go iheclmrch worst gether a )on have done lo da), pledge )our-elv- a rhetoric almost divine, thai the morning closetl llie wound made b) Ihe bloody hand came lo worst, if the t! C. DA KB Is the only nuthorlred agent for the liell of Ihe engfn tower nnd ihe Itells on Infatuated nation dared anew to ihat count!) which I the i!rnm-1n- l of the llrllish empire roller around of war, we sometime fail the "PRESS In San Francisco. liosird Ihe Il t cnrrrly five In remember the lalse its hind, wc rottld take each one of lis "home of the free, and Ihe land of the brave." rising tlay In ami SstturtUy. July 14th. at A. If., Alt matter for the Saturday Press should be o'clock, llie watches sti) lmt. from the the earth with the un; so, one anguish suffering of those who fought lo (icoplc and throw them inlo the sea, antl yet (,od hie our native land, ami may It flag It at of ihe chil save I should addressed to the SATURDAY PRESS." lnrlle In tin? street, one wmiM think it i.n the least, the acclamations tis. Therefore, like lo refresh not miss the men we sent In do it, nor know wave on through the ag- e- must In by noon. dren of the great tcpulilic, scatlcietl evci) your memories by a recital of some ol Ihe Ihat Ihcy had left my 1 1. Advertisements be sent Pti.lay fully em nurlnriler. No, friends, " of Ihe free heart's linj.e an twime, At sxlMftnoii, I will No Insertion for can be Ruaran-tee- d where throtiphotit the earth, move round wilh lirincioal nets of the revolulion. and hv word sril. rmi.K.s5. the current Issue " And there were mounting In hot havte Ihe launis of jealous power that tlic Yankee Ity anset hsnits la valor eiven, when sent In later. Advertisers will mark III IKtlSSI.S. Aist Imrr) ings 10 ami fro," Ihe rising sun in a continuous hosanna; and jmrtrailsof the grand men wholioreon their will not light have been loo often answered Ihy siars have the nelkin ildnte, the number of Insertions desired, from which date by Anil at) TKlLSMr. liclvv and Ihy hues eere horn in ht avert: 'I s( SO efTeii, tire heie lliesc Island, ecu Ihe east shoulders llie brunt of foreign allack and bloody ilcaih lo lie regarded by 11 now lttt,s;i they charge, any not marked will be charged J Or wTnUn thai ami down Mrerl iim "Are Portver rl.wt iKil stamlrtnt sheet, A Small Collection of ValusvhU Book ikii.sitX-rRilSFiS- . months. in ursl, we add our voice 10 the joyou anthem. home dissension. Hut, lime will permit only tlie Yankie cowards?" veiled Ihe men of ruussrs. come n irnnp of hnises grimly gulttnt their Hhtte tsretthe. the foe hrl falls Ufore us I kllSSLS. I HI,S.IS. I RttsM s, Douhle'Cottimn advertlsnenta, cuts and large motly My friends, I have eimitlmc found cause a curor) glance al the eventful ianoranii. Massachusetts a, the red llrilish line went f illi 'reedmn'. soil lienrall, our feel, Irapjiing. Ireeil-m- I iku.ssrs iktifiSrA ikussi.s types will not be admitted Into our columns ; lo complain that Ihe chairman of a meeting Suffice it to av llul from Ihe hour when tlic reeling nnd broken down ihe slojies of Hunker Ami t tKlnner tlreaming oer us." lorn the lil.rar) t.f a gentleman atswit lewlng I KUSStS. will Into ' Hark ro the clatter nf l feel, In pvtt as follow,; neither advertisements be admitted "read, ' has, in opening"!!, not only ttesiasetl umn lloston tan 111 rew the tea inlo the harlmr Hill, Appreciative applause was frequent, thecnumr), kll,s;sr. ng columns, at any price These rutes will be lb mourned potVe rome i.,n Ihe street lhal tpiestion was answrretl then, and nnd, nt my lint mure still in) until Ihe 1I.1) when C'ornwnllis gave hi ihe close, he- IKll.ssi.S rigidly adhered to. Ami behind them filnl Ihe MuHigim fiimol, time, seriou uHin up since lh.il lime, on the ensanguined field nf prolonged nnd loud, the oralnr 1 RUSSI.S. we will Ikivv of any of on subject. Thu nitmoniHied, prnccisl sword to Washington the fight went on. It Mexico, and by .1 thousand contests in lhal ing Ihrice obliged lo his thank, K)i;rKY.-C- Notice events Interest transpiring and then the "lwliy juiniier" of llie fire de Uh t.f C.ol.1, Chaucer. IW. Ilavj. the Islands will received with Ihe exereie. nf Ihe tlay, llie next was like Ihe irresistible tide. It ebbed and fratricidal war itefresliminis. Icecream, soda nliinrr Mrs. other alays be thankfully imrtinenl, and n not Let, another, and )et which our whole nation wain, SpotTon!, Cenue AiihiM, lliilv.fr, I. tt. 1IOII.W.!, for publication. Correspondents are requested to In order Ihe rntilini: of Ihe declaration flowed. Now in tlie Tar ntnlh, wheic Arnold, in its own liest IiIihhI. the answer has lieen ale and lemonade weicscivcd on the ground lMiiuii Miller. Slil.tirne, Whitman, in Arnold. names to all communications, unfamiliflr face ami stailling Injiiie, or lini P,ll append their Into of Irhlefcfklence. Hut first allow me In ex Icl ti give Ihe traitor what meed nf wc again nnd nl the conclusion of the Koliett Prottnint's rutn.lrte porlieal noils, 9 volumes, not for publication necessarily, but as a. guarantee sciies of liguirs. Into ihe ample Jard nco prnlc again rccatci1. No, llie Yankee speech. jusi Issues! In good detach-inent- press llie conviction hi every iVinerican can, nearly tliove llie llritih from Canada. were that the writer Is acting faith. behind May' groceiy, the slrangp s not cowaiii nt Hunker Mill nor ever Till, n.vi.1 ,T Mislc IMII.. CO. present, Dial It is the grandest document cvrr Now in New York, where Ihe Continental. after. During the war HOLLIHTCH tih. are ihe)? ami vh).'" of the revolution they I.anlcins lo liehl of them, lanterns In left "hoiiianli grastan of Honolulu, given 1) man toman. It was the first opposes! by llnwc, wcie foicetl on llie Dela fought wnh a stublioin ciidiiranie ami with a si.vsii.viiii 1.1 ri iAiuni vv.i.. l.tir.ti. iri:.u,s. "They are the of them, lantern in fiont of them, hung over I I'esr.f Nnvtli.l, ami I " tlcclaralion that all men nre crcnlcd ware, nnd hnaiiy, nlier the rnut al llrnnd) bull tlog courage which never weakened nor lrsiiuiiii Mone) ami Metnn. l and liecaine, 'If 'the ilay we celehtale.' Ihe head ofthc four hundred nnd fifl) present, Istit M l.vthiiiiret I essons in f .tsgir; I ertntrs on Alt, : that tlirv entitled an ctiiial share wine, Iheir I i eer-M. tonal ntc lo lo chcerle and camp nl failed, and when ihe war of 1S13 n Ail ife ami lho.ries Mi-- , 11111I Port street lineil with cnrlon sight mir ihrm as Ihey llrjan Waller PriOnrl t.'uilis' r Itnvvr liave lietii nt vvoiK nllcv I Now- - pissed thiough Ihe front entrance tn Vy royal of Ihe sunshiiic of heaven nnd the fruits of the orcc. siirroundini' lluit'ovnr chance llie) showed uiion llie seas what ils; Iiini,l,rr) s I ivin Cblletilon Mannal, vol ; In the vvagonellc it King David and the music Latsln-jties- t Ktshs.t s laifr innUt ef ii l.uihlnif llinr jd.uiM Iniirusl in lltr 'recent law 011 hall. Inside, the decorations were t our oin l.lements of Inlf llecltial llf)iw Coimilar-Age- i a enrlh j that the) nic equal before the as the height of Saratoga, and gathering aid coinage meant. Think of in the Kxscx t S ieirfe; Sienrer of llilo. There Poilci an nilislic triumph, shared b) Messrs. Morrill Second iliouihi., ml.: kithar,! - Life, l.v hre llie) aie equal nclote iioii. una iiecomc and comfort h) the vurender of his forces nn nt Ynlpaiaixo Ids his t Uldtn'- InirM of bMren ihtonlol inehslv, a vvhooiiiiif! topmasts gone, ship and L'nger ofthc ball committer, nnd b) llncc Mode); llatlau. t lll.lory of Kniland, Ihe hope and inspiration of the struggling I m.1) say In iMsslng. llial called .Men .,f I Ml I' C Jniicn, Jr., will load Ilia iJfHptt choru of mirthful cheer, and the ilromlo cvciil, ftiilh and on a lee shore, thsastir staring him voung Ametican filers; llyrnlls, b) Chadfs kin... tif all cailh, and what was thought nppieiiuces Horn Hie l.sscx, .Messis. It) Mflnofiet, 1,cnu' leniieralice meeting at the llellitl sentry this following people the nun, me v iiaioaiu ins ceicoraitti m imu 01 lifhlj l..a)s; Pamihar inarshars usher their pielrild into liold mi .isi, i.iiuiisii vessels siqierior M. L. Ilniliuan, P. O'Neil and W. II. liMallotisilurlasilies of the Ijsr a hundred vcais aeo In be the utterance tribute lo America: "You cannot conquer niclal Indue-ini- J. fteirieri; Diction cvemiir fort slrcel ami down toward King. hoveling around him, evcijlhing i ary of (uoiaikms, rate; .xlltrelUnies; IM a for I I'hlnlc). Ihaclerai's nf desjieralc jieoplc warring llicir lights, America. If were an American ns I mil nn him haul flat-- . In Itr-- 1 Th. CUbratad 'IVbm.a 11. lo tlown his hi 'I I In- - Dniotlj I'utle Kruiiis; t lane's moils, rom. C.llalold Wetlnesdiv' was llie ilall)TClMl) Till MAKi'll of Tilt. A ASH enlighl-ene- iim he committee 011 decoration had flans .tlli Is now Ihe pohlicnl religion of cvciy Liiglishmaii, while a foreign troop was landed anchor he fouglil tlum until ills officer nnd lilele, 5 vokj Inlftnalional lAn, VVooUej-- ; Ametican ( t lie Honolulu I'.iillctln'a wa by of nearly cvciy civilized and ilircri Institutions, iniomle'ticc The imrade foimeil llie Marshals of lieople. The ancestor of the men who In mycountiv, I would never lav down mi crew lay dead around him, nnd his si ddtln of Scirs, llarwin; Ihe Sc.Mlfl decks vveie nation nt ils Fiom cx- - teller: Jriniunham .Mollis, l.rinf in.iy it wave. Ihe Pa), Henry llcbliard and (ienrgc Ahley. wno wrung Never ' !" Now lighl- - iliqH.il. ibis almost Joutluls; Ouklai leu Itamct! Iliat iloeuinenl wcrelliosc nim. Never Never so sleep In blntsl that lite ruby Mieam ran from IhnusanJ a ear;Afteil ((.ill ., I ....,.. -- 111. V? hauslless supply six national flags llnnan's llousrhohl tf In advance the band of Ihe Hawaiian Indus- niat-- charla from King lolili, mid under the n.MlM.t !.. tl I. .. thill) nnd H11I). I , 'die I'nss in inilelilril tn the Ailtciliirr, fnl '"h u.iii-- s i, untune m uie s.,uin, ,SIMV the cuppers. Think of Decatur advancing six rare: I) mohulcal rnelnh llirliouaii-- Vslhrl; trial School, riding in Ihe big furniture vvngnn llie Ii) signals weic chosen, representing the fob .Vlaeleans llorate; Uteri, ile oaks of old l'ngtnnd establisheil ttial weakened by bankruiilcy and divhcnitcnetl b) inlo Ihe t r. -- Uftiris; Spiers and Sum. riit'r.clroivi llie vcikilini report of Mr. '" stronghold of the barbarou tlcy. I,... -- ...... Pt. t I bister rrth IbRi'lt's of by Mr. iuiii H.1111J11M v tu ner'l rciKh DiClloflSrj P iiutli Mnroiilo Acneio. iiitrixluclury remniKn. Mr. C. i:. Williams, driven Kdwaid Jui); and when the father of the revolution ihe lack of expected nhl from I ranee. Now 'Ihink of the ilj ing Lunance, who tiietl with i,uiLuumi niieo states VMllianis, ami nccompaiiicii Principal be cheered America, Hawaii nei, (ircat lliiialn and ly look un arm ncainst Grievance thai mil h) lite defection nf Sit Ilcniv Clinton, his list hrealh, " Don't give 1111 llie ship." Mission of Itraiity" will lie Ml. Walter IlilL Then Ireland, France, (Icruiany, Kussia, Austria, "llie came the elaUiratcl) come unendurable, they fell il their tlul) In Ihe arrival of llie French fleet wilh men, arm I hlnk of I'ciiv leavini; his shaltertsl vessel nnd t mnn'" tlieine Suiulay morning, ami "W'li.it dccornlcil American C ., Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Amrrican Statfsnifn. s vol. , wagon ofthc Kxpress justify llicir nclion in llie eyes of Hod and and money, and finally achieving sucres by under ti ... Just issufil I passing hall of grape lo tlitlale litms we Know nlmnl lent en," in tlic evening. on which sat enthroned (mililcs ; Swlirciland, Hclgiuiu, Hraril, Chile, Peru, Ihethtistian enr, Kehltr . ust l.suej the of man and the verdict ni men ami angels was cooping up Comwallis, nt Yniklown, nnd fiom the tlcik of another. No, I need f Cmse l.ihertv, in person Mr. not Ikilivla, I'araguaj, Mexico, Japan, China, Justissunl the handsome of Mnilin that Ihe accused was guilty ns charged in the lorcing turn lo surrender his whole army lo Ihe Hun back the of show Imiltlionof thrhl, A. Kfnipit lust IssueJ Tl.c cnLimlii is i(:mllcil as to press, pages hlstor) lo ihe Slant, ami the Republic Itnoi-- s weijii 'I homison, .skilfull) driven by Mr, William Indictment. Hut few of Ihose prevent victorious Washington. last of Liberia. Prom Ponlaim) in I'esih, AMtich just Issued ami uill irol.ilily tlic iiiit.l.i.'st passage nugusi This sliokc wa bravcrvof Ameiicansi'wlio denies it? Who Is and reiorl aicini)te. in order 10 l.j ready to put out have ierhaps seen lite original declaration, the finishing blow, wreath and garland of malic, clump or on record, from San I'r.iiicKcu I timnliilii, fnrlhe newsnf that xictory there lo come forward nnd sa) lhal when An to any fires of tiatriolUni that iiiiitht too ilanircr- - for office, now in paiiu leaves, sprays 01 lern, hianclies ol cetlal nun hut nl in l'itn.k. a long lime in the palcnj bill readied Kngland at the same time the carriers danger slate us in the face, 01 when out honor '! WK IIAVi: "SPECIAL FACII.irjES ously flame from the ardent presence of the I and buiiclies of li. vveie twined nnd crossed Mr. John Hopkins, Lite nirvcvnr of the the slate department, believe. Ills )cllow aimed wilh the intelligence of the levolt in is assailed, we nre riot trail) I I think then-- Is Also giHincss, lite lollowcd trio it nre nnd draped nnd festooned among the brilliant Ouccn'i llosiitn), succeeds to the flmtlicc5iiy-Mil- "iiaiiy juniper in wilh nge, and many of the signatures lo Irelind. The double blow wa too much. no one. No, not one in the whole wot Id. Parnassiin Irain, led ns '( colot harmony of the circling sweep of bunt' A I.O I' Of I'AMPIII.niS. of A. Palmer, in the little iltuj; by Mr. Frank Ma) scarcely legible. he name of grand old John Iird Norlh resigned, and, as the historian We meat peace with all the world, il is Imp. J. nilly chief; hy Kciihen ing. In the celilcr of llie proscenium arch was ami drawn Master Dexlci, Hancock is among Ihe brightest ; but even (ireenc rcmaiks, "In the face of such a rising and sometimes is One Ijtrite Shelf, illi drawer. stoic of Palmer Thatcher, the quiet man thought to he susientletl Ihe union nn lls.k dressed as fat Iniy, Master Olaf Sorcnson, that is growing dim ; while those of Stephen nl home, it became plain the most jacL, cfleitlvc color One Small IW.l Shelf. i to tloggcd one who m.i) with liiipuiiltv, hut in 'I he Symphony Chili's conceit this evening, dressisl as a clown, and by a "inixallagcnu palsied whose of II contrast ils iuimrtliale back mound. For Atljuitlnc Trust!. Hopkins, whose hand was but Tories that was impossible lo continue n .,.,,-- . ,iiw 1,1 ,1 1 11.11 at the V. M. C. A. hall, promises, a rare treat bilin" of volunteer fire laddies, whose iiiiiiiwu-- itiisi e,i.iiu. Around the semicircle of the balcony seals nunc heait was iron, nnd others, can scarcly lie sliifc across Ihrec thousand miles of sea. And virse, which is the motto of one of the great 149 Im I'-- AIIA.MS, Aiirtliinefr. sunt hurly-burl- was a continuous draper) of hunlint'. the of iniiiiinicnl.il vocal inusic, of which it could not be learned in the of read, nnd nil me steadily fading way. In thus it was lh.it Kngland became icconcilcd Ixilltical parties in Kncland. exnrcsses'our siars and stripes occupy ing the place of honor in the Is hnietl this community will slimv its full preparation. noting this, n feeling of sadness steal into the to the facl that the American colonies ; "were, condition exacll) center, directly EGULAR CASH .SALE, nppicci.ilion. 'I he others in lire procession may not have palriolic Hut I sometimes think il i antl of tighl almve ihe central aisle, 'I lie heait. ought to be free and independ- "WetliMi'l ttnnltn fiKlit, R HOLLISTEK CO., been in the order here named, hut were alt belter for thing made with human ent slates." Far abler Hut, by JIiijCu, Hawaiian colors clleclivcly draped Ihe royal Last Tuesday nflernnon, Miss Sirali King's thu, ever) tongues than mine. have if ue !j, Imx. distinct features of a distinctly fealurcvimc We've got llie men, we've the The ilr.iL'on tl.ic of ' alhav was one of tsunami .Slreit Kindergarten, gave an csliilil hand must sooner or later pass away, antl jusl spoken the praise of the great central figure roi jiunt, parade. Masters Joseph McCuirc and Thomas Antl ue te gut llie limne), txi." the most conspicuous used. The Japanese t ton. The little ones their as these immortal names fade from the earthly of the revolution, but, one tribute has lalcly Saturday, July Itli, at IU A. II., illil.i)cd Nott were most fierce and Hut this sountls like pure nnd unadulterated colors were promincnlty displayed. The ex- in the Interest itn! fan ami parchment, Ihcy grow brighter and brighter lieen paid lo Washington, and thai, too, bv an alwats drill: ele- brae, wc pression of pleasure at Ihe beauty, laste and wild Indians. The fifteenth amendment among the constellation nliove, where they Knglishmati, which issoconiplctj, so touching and did not meet here IimLiv to in AT SatRSRUVlt, evidenced in all they did, the fiithful orW of gtiori of the decoration vvas well Cot. Port ami Mrrthanl snrfis anil $9 .S'utianu vliet ment in American life was well represented. arc being penned h) the hand of the recording and si, tine that I cannot fotbear giving il lo dulge in lhal tllsagticahlc science. Wc aie judgment men talcmeil teacher. nigh unanimous and most of the cicilil belongs 3t Tlic Mulligan Cuanls were led hv Mr. Linton angil in lines of everlasting light. ,011. It is by Ihe historian John Uichard accused, pcihaps lighlfully, of living a nation 11 COI'IONS, IlKII.I.S, Mr. V. ('. Ilrnsli, rcitnit. tint on 1'iiday J. Toibcrt, astride a mettlesome charger of Mr. Daggett's brief speech wastlelixcictl in tirecne, a man whose death not the of Imaxters, but it is lo lie rcmarLislih.it wc where has already been placet!. . only At o'clock opened. morning of last week, while the ULeliLe was aiiliniic architecture and horrible coinolexion. a loud, clear voice, well suited lo I'nglish nation, I ml tlic whole world of litera- generally carrj out what wc undcilaLe, and nine the ball His ex IlKNI.MS, IICKS. cellency ihe CASTLE A COOKE. coming down llicllaali.iii Channel, n largo which he alternately coaxed with a voice of oratory. It vvas frequently applauded ami ap- ture has lately had reason lo deplore. He that we unileilakc inlctpiiscs now nnd then American Minister Resident nnd I'KINIS, .MUSI. INS, hii under full sail, I ml living tin colors was silken softness, nnd prodded with a pair of parently gave good satisfaction. sa)s, in his " Ilistor) of llie Knglislt People," which nppal people not accustomed lo the Mrs. J. S. Mitiiew acted as host nnd hcaslcss. eleven-Inc- Doctors Ilnsnn It I , seen, She up the channel, and spurs. His gallant following of On being introduced, Mrs. Hendry read speaking of Washington: nobler figure spring, the snap, and the cneig,)' of Ihe Anict ellagaii nnd Kmlger nnd Messrs. II, "No Lnine, Morrill tlnthhtft f.7r. tiliout three miles offshore. unmounted mokes, were represented by that immortal cssav which tirolnhlv has been ever stood in the lore front of n nation's life. leans. And, after all, is it a crime lo lie proud and Scott actctl as reception Mr. was aiasicrs vviinc Kiiecasue, Vine (.lark, more often read in public than any other bit of Washington wa grave ami courteous in ad- of our great successes? Is il n sin to be elated Committee. William Ungcr floor Would call attention to their Larye anJ Thursday evening, .Mr. and .Mrs. Captain P. varied of Hart, Kliur Charlie Crane, tlie, covers 01 dress; his manners were over Ihe achievements of our fellow rilieris? ininagcr, assisted by Messis. L. C. Aliels, Il AIUMS, AuctUieer. Stock 1'idler, entertained a parly of jniing people, human language outside llie simple and unpre- Henry Hart, Will and llcniiy Haiti win, dcorgc bible. She read it intelligent!) anil pleas- tending: his silence and the serene calmness Are we doing wroni when we look with plea ll.ivitl .Alctarlnc), A. W. Kicharduin and J. llie occa'-.io- n being tlie liittlulav of Mr. I. P.. Wiseman. nnd Willie Itruns, Jame While nnd WdRe antly, but was evidently unused to nf his temper spoke of a perfect self master). sure on such a work as the Pacific railway, A SSIGNEES' SALE AQRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT!, fiedge, Mrs. riilkr's brother. Dancing was Dancing men HciricL. The conlraliiiid contingent wasslill rcntfing and was not fully heard. Hut there was lillle in his outer bearing lo antl when one of us build toward heaven Iwo speak of the evening as ex- the order mitll" midnight. All prevent ceptional, because of Ihe large further repu-xenti- h) n tpiainl The singing of The Star Spangled llanner, reveal the grandeur of soul, which lifts his monument almost rivalling the pjramid of proportion of ronsistlnj of ihe tuirlvalletl Palls Steel ciijuviil the hospilahl) of their hint ladies As n turnout, coniYining a venerable tlarkey couple, Ually Kound the Flag Hoys, and 'I he Red, fipire with all the simple majesty of an an- antl swings from their sdinmit a present. consequence, the dancing untl hostess. had pcrsoualetl by olui I.tica nud Charles Siiiilh, While and llluc, was led by Mrs. DicL-so- cient statue out of ihe smaller passions, the bridge, the like of which the 'ingenuity of man men heller opiortuiiitics and dancing , belles less "Hawaiian I'isluries and Methods of I'Uh- - .iccomiaiiieil by a juvenile ilarkc) Ihi)-- clad Mrs. S. Simmons, Miss Alice Phila-brow- meaner impi-c- nf the world around him. has nevei before produced? Are we to In wcie ictxistently besieged li) Jln'iktnff i'htir, J. clamorous lieaux. HICE PLANTATION ing, with mi Account of the Pishing Imple- in siiiiieiemi)- giarin; aim goioen anil Mr. W. W. Hall, Mr. I). McCartney, It vvas only as the weary fight went on that cluded because we burn a few fircworLs, and ,, A full, in- iMjw, ment'. I led li the Natives," is llie title of n gorgeous to delight the teeming resthctirixm Mr. L. Koss nnd Mr. W. Clark. Owing Ihe colonists discovered, however slowly and because a million of us stand in erudite, piquant and delightfully IIANAI.I'.I, KAUAI. Ihe Moline Sutl Hieakfr, ami KiirtoMlng Md J. line Steel I'lantt, Cult- work iM Issued fioiii the Advertiser's of tlie minister resilient. And still another oversight, re- admiration? If we have not a ritdil lo brae a accurate account of some of the costumes worn I'lowiall Men Jr., priming to nn almost unpardonable no imperfectly, the greatness of iheir leader his ivator, IIrt . by ladies in lasl la-;- islanlislimriit, by Mrs. laiuna Milcalf llccklcy, inspiration from Africs sunny fountains, fell hearsal of singer vvas advertised by the coin- clear judgment, his heroic endurance, his lillle over Kochling, tlic man who, for leu present, appeared 'I hursday's t mil instrucleil liy Messrs. P. T. t enehan, .j aiul Advertiser. , assignees of C iirator of the Hawaiian National Museum. inlo the long line of brunette beauty in the guise niittee on exercises. Il is therefore no dis- silence under difficulties, his calmness in Ihe long )eais, has ditectctl this gigantic task from The Jenkjns of that enterprising 'i ',pJkt IH of the estate l,ee daily has touched a Llul, tanltupl, 10 oflf r al puhlic auction full 111. ice next week. of "L'ncle Sam's Full Hand of Spades," in paragement to the ladies and gentlemen hour of tlanpcr or defeat, the patience with tlic shades of his sicL room ; if the President undouhledl) Ley note at in which the shoddy elements in llonolulan life John Dsara's Plows, the persons of Messrs. William Allen and mentioned ihat thcsininna wa unsatisfactory. which he waited, the quickness and hardness did vviong going to ihat sicL chamber lo Monday . Oac The Sh.indon, one of the finesi ships 1h.1t July 9, 1883, Jacob I'ishcr, Master Manuel lillle Half an hour's rehearsal would have altered ill wilh which he struck, the lofty and serene sense shake the hand of thai mart) r to the Caisson may stall most ravishing tunes for their own ever suited this mrl, Ins liecn discharging at At 13 tlluck SI., at my i.iltro0in, Hoe, LeM Johnny Pisher and a pet nionkc). Mr. Philip all grenlly for Ihe better. oftluty that never snirved from its task through fever; if our natural exultation over our men delectation. The presence of a number of I'lanter of the maVe. the Oceanic Steamship Company's wharf .1 is I officers from the Lssex and the Atkinson mane characteristic, Itrnthcr Jona- '1 lie Ufi)a1 Hawaiian Hand, under Mr, resentment or jealousy, that of genius all wrong then fear the most of Japanese lli I en of Ulce J ion llaiu-let- , iliiiing the week, discharging llie largest never, through tne lC&Ui.aa; 'latitat at cargo than; Master Alick Woodward, a most dan practiced baton, made an impoitaul war or fell the touch a us are sinners beyond redemption, and crini. added llie brilliancy of Iheir handsome conitinK cf IHSS'ION.V CKIaF,HKA1i:iJ CANR KNtVhS tver landed in this She litings I'ercer's iicace, of meaner ambi purl. a quantity gerous looking highwa)niaii, having pistols auxiliaii to the fcivoi of the day which the tion, that knew of no aim except that of inaU of Ihe deepest djc. The natural en- uniforms to a scene in itself strikingly effec- of pipe for the Honolulu Water Winks, mid an i it tive. The royal Imx was by Thirty AcrM or Rlok Rlc Land, enough in his bell lo run omioMtion lo ihe ', it., mini-line- s guarding ihe fellow country- thusiasm of the American people cannot ami occupied King for (i. V. esieemeti iicnry win piense an freedom of his tnade In orJrr. Ainei ShoveU and SuaJrf, U'soileil iaigo Macf.ul.111e & Co. should be restrained. Kalakatia, Consular Agent Spencer, Minister well national artillery corps, and enough Inuic I compliment. men, and no jicrson.il longing except that of not Children should be lltoroiiKhly atrrrd bj the Waioti Hivfr, at a arden I toe. Canal Harrow . Ox knives in his boots tn scalp an acre of taught Ihe glorious of our 'I Resident Daggett and others. A great many rental of jua jicr annum, paj.Mtle in attvance Mtm Chain, long water Hut the feature of llie occasion was, of course, to iiisiMsii iiiesioe wiieu incir iree-ilo- slory countr). he Yokes rente The expected Cilenclg arrived liefore I 011 June of each the rent now melons. Mr. James Nott, iersoiiiteil lady was grand acts of our soldieis ami our sailors, the young fellows'wcre piesent, and he dancing 11 )tar, Chains daylight on the Foiulli of July moiuing, eleven Jr., ami of itself, the oration. Tlie oldest and secured." being a!J tip lu June i, 1834. Callopiug Horse," in a manner well wondrous achievement of our inventors, floor was fully occupied. The Hawaiian Hotel days from Han l"i.iiiciscn. She had a small "My the oldest gentleman present, each over eighty, It was almost unconsciously that men our worthy the emulation of the fitcal Maccabe. engineers, our artisans, the palicnt labot of furnished a very nice, light supper apparently llie leaie expireijlanu.irv 1, 1SJ9. 'lite IjII,..i,s leltcr mad, which was Imded at and listened with the interest and inlhushsm of learned lo cling to Washington with a trust once, a elec- satisfactory all who of it, It had ankle uill IwwilJ uiili the land, itt Sugar Milt Requirements. Luge Masters Italph Ilagaunnd Lionel Hart were youth, nnd nt the speaker s close were among and faith, such as few other men have won, our scientific men, our chemists, our lo ale been lather periodical unit, which was not h) horrible horsemen and no mistake, ns honihlc him. for .1 still tricians, our philosophers, should not he sluirctl voted the committee some ihiileen lo lieail not si lit il the 51I1, Only one white passenger the first to felicitate As the younger and to regard him wilh reverence which l.Igltt WoiLtn Okeu. Ii'ii captiircsl the Master over nor hidden from tlic rising generation. lluee mil 10 have wine or other liquor in Un- One Sloreliotioe, almuM was on Loird, a Mrs. Hill of Hongkong. they rake. Walter American clement, the cntlmsiasin of its hushes lis iirprcsencc of his memory. Hut nenj Dillingham, vvilha tall white hat, corn colored was creditable afike to the speaker even Americans hardly recognized his true The achievements of Americans in building. It was present, however. For- One Ir)iii2 IkKird, about 40x50; SUGAR BAGS, SUGAR KEGS, ever) no one obviously luostor) WotuJen ItuiMiiiKi abseUt a txv shins' t The I1ienni.1l iiieeiing of the and hair, long blue coal ami palriolic trousers, and lo his listeners. '1 here was a magnetic greatness while he lived. It' was only when branch of industry, science ami art are as tunately, became the worse misters for it. " roof; life mciiibirs of the Ojuecn's Hospital, will he was ji very nice Uncle Sam in miniature. something nlxiut the splendid muscular death set his seal 011 him that the of great ns those of the men of nation from One Cos.UiOti.e and fitdiuri, voice nn) music, held in Master Veda Thrum, was a stylishly dressed, ami less distinctlv iiilellectu.il those whom he had served so long proclaimed of ciiilh-atio- The furnished by Mr. liergcr and One i DhcIIiii hou the government building, at ten o'clock the not before the dawn tlown lo the 1'Unlation handsomely mounted, pafc-facc- Mr. Yarndley, was excellent. Tools 'ihe election of trustees will lie held, but lather presence ofthc oialor. The mere possession of dim, "T he man first in war, first 111 ieacc, and present time. If the child show a preference Single I'urrou' 1'lou, Taken all 111 all, the ball may be CumWrlauit Coal mid llie ifMirts of secretary and treasuier for darkey dandy. Master Thadcus Woodwaid, brains is good ; but Ihe fortunate possession of first in llie hearts of his countrymen. Hut let for literature, lit him study the life of I'res-colt- , tinned "a Chinese I'low, brilliant success." And didn't go home the Iuei1ni.1l eriol will lie read and acted vvas a mosl featsoine looking bandit, ami wore brains, plus culture, plus pcrlect breeding, us turn from the American revolution 10 the of Hancioft, of Hryant, of toier, of "they About iHutloeti ltatLcts until day llghl One Hoai, Oil, C'jhndsT, Ijird A full skull anil cioss Ihiiics on his hat, calculated lo plus commanding nnd rare phjsie.d America of We started wilh every- Hawthoiuc, of IjOngfellow or of 3 am., ere tlid npiear." Sicmi iikiii, nllcl'dance is desirable. sialuie any of the One (iriiktstonr, anu Keroene carry horrible to the heart. (11 ttc vtlt I'cilect tenor antique As beaut), is a g!A from Parnassus, for which thing before Us, bankrupt alike in money nud thousand authors who have preserved llie THK llAV. 1 I'lmnbaijo, sv The Pensacnl.i, Lite flagship of lids a foil 10 lids most lerrorsoinc brigand, rode a every generous man gives thanks. friends, with nothing lo help us lmt our own records of the past, or who have drawn from (.iraM. lii-.i-i aiul During the serving of refreshments on ihe I hist IMjUiatiou t i, V I ... At will soon arrive here. She conielv Lilly, plump nud pleasing and aitfullj w4 l.nrLhi-i- fn.in l'a S. and J, tiles ilti'C'au.t lelurns to hands, our own brains, and a sublime faith in the mines of imagination the jewels of grounds, a respectable looking, pleasant faced,' ut ll.inalei, b 1 er .'Um it Ijnk New' oik, or some oilier Atlantic attired, by name Mr, W. L. Maguire. 'Mil. OkATIOS, n.uii, lor $,446.5 V.tnd, Steam I'acljnK, Flat tt of the J. the rectitude of our intentions tnwaid each romance. If his fingers ilcii for the pencil, nalivc lmy, was given a plate of ice by n iiuiiitnTi jt i(ej, Mini ii.e jjirMm aie uuert .til and KfiUiid India Kubber. introduced, Dr. Huth spoke as cieam niale I'nitcd Stales, via Honolulu, Vokolmna, And first, by light of their nilislic triumph On being other, and toward the general world. Have the brush, the etcher':, lool or the sculptor's of the waiters. a eirtioual oMluty to ait aeKihUjium AleMo and Soiu Stone, one Near him were umnlier in a well twjmjC I bitMr,iv. Hongkong, Sinionsiown and I lie Cape of follows: we ol our chisel, let him 'add) I lax faikiiiK, India KiiIh first, lisle the "mounted iihce," the "armed liilmlcd tlie hopes lorefatheis, or leam of West, of Sluatt, of of white men eating cream and drinking iced or sailiuWrs to the ,t liond Hope. The Pciisacol.i has on Iidies and L'cntlemcn i A few w eeks ai!o. have we in our later years, decrepi Hall, aiMnee. leer Hoe, Ji to a Inch. Pipes liecn police," the "cavalry Ihe laugh- fallen into of Jackson, of Powers, of Moran, of drinLs. The caterer ol the occasion happened Couplings NuH and this station at least twelve jaiuid llie booming of guns and Ihe iiiouiiiful and veats, and has ing stock of the hour, under command of C'apl. tude and languor of old age? lias Ihe caustic Abliey and of the vast army who have trans- lo notice the native boy with his dish of ctc.1111. H7 E.I'.A1I.K A1.t1U.eer, Wahers ftiiisJird, Machine 01 an changed oll'iceis several limes. . T. Monsaii.il. Never has Honolulu sun strains ol requiem lands, ihe asiies prophecies 01 Mncauley, who predicted that we ferred nature to canvas, or who have resur- Pouncing upon the lad, and snatching away the lltitts all mics Cold pretsed Anierican who, fiom his sail heart, had poured fall Hlatlnnith's ami fiilliiwlng is tlic a better bit of character acting than Young would to (lieges broken by our own weight, rected from the shapeless block Ihe glorious saucer, he s.iid, "that is for ladies and chil- A SSIGNEES' SALE, The progiainnie for llie nut a strain which is dear to nil the world, criticisms, CatpenlerV Hammers ltc Monsarrat's imitation of Captain Haley. The or ihe c)nical of Dickens, who, statue buried there, hu on through all thu dren, a child?" 8 Inch legular S.Kurilay aflcmooii conceit at Kniiu.i City Aie jou lady or a The ior Cutters Winches to airs, iiumicr-isin- s werelsirnc in funeral procession to the when he visited lis, could find nothing food department of life. The last tuch, V'ues 1'ut" Squaie, commencing at :JO: Ihe swagger, Ihe attitudes, the hundred years fellow crimsoned with mollification, ami the 34 Anils of (hat play soldier, and all the Hall ni Ww York, there to lie instate. The but evei)thing bad, or the clever sarcasms of of our national life has produced men in every SscTaperS (irtud4ones Ht llveittire festival doughty catcicr returned lo his patriotic YmA Itacti coriMiral's honors paid to the remains of Ihe author of I hackeray, who with all his walk whose histories Wi- American ICarlronand Mnnh Suile . . I jchnci guartl tit iiwashbticklers, were in wonileiful genius aie simply grand. mil. htrel, HuildeiV Hardware, I I luoto-t)pe- "Home, Sweet Home," the funeral cortege, ri he fMulliiuiiieer . Paecint "illegant iiuinctashuii" of their iiroud seemed always to gloat ovei llie frailties of our nced not go 10 Spail.1 for exampfes of personal The salutes w ere firetras pre iously .arranged VoluftbU LMMhold t HUo. alllindi and Mle, 's the minute guns, (he train of mourners, the Paints, Uulti Iteiuriuhralice Waldlcufel They were known in plain, simple, national nature, or Ihe bitter, almost malig- courage. Ilcrnilon going down with his ship fiom a shore hatter) of light nitlllei) placed at and OiU,raw Alursli I aniihttii'cr . .. ,.. , . ..Wjiiuci wreaths of flowers and llie sympathetic tears, nant, slurs of Cnrl)le been deserved? us saved, ami lnjikd, .Small Paint in ordinary every day life us Messis. William Let after he had hiindieds of lives, Custer, the foot of Al.iLea street, under the orders of In Selvtluii I'liiienre SllltlVrtll i not given to the man, bill 10 tlic Od, larte varietv. Ut) Ar- were entirely look around us and see. On July 4, 1776, wc that brave and gallant man, falling I Clark,. L. Torberl, William .McWajnc, I with his I lover nor Doininis. Thlrleen guns were fir Paints Umber, eneuan. author of Ihe song which appeal, more than is estciday there was an cx.iminalion at llie thur Ilrown, Alfred Carter, Thomas Wall, Ikin- - were a handful of people, so poor in numbers face to the savage foe, an example of. such sunrise, nn etpiat mimlier sunset,, and Red, (Vhres Mrlallw.K.c, 01 al nl llV OKItKH (If any others, in any language, lo llie neait as be counted for 111 ag- Whitluiit Orrrnan Window l'unahou Previraliiiy Sclusil, on ltcrelania me Moll.lll and John Uolhwell. to nothing the grant! splendil prolvcss that the who thirty-eig- at noon. man ; nnd all the pomp and circumstance of aVtd !es Manila Koi 411 eel. 'I he children had decorated the large The line of inarch was tlown King slrcet lo gregate tif the wtuld's population. What aie ilestroveil him honored his remains. Carficld, The Essex and the Klnjio were dressed iu that tlay told the one story that wherever we us I.KNKIIAN, aiM loom vei) tastefully uiili llowcis, as a Punchbowl, lo llcrclania, to Uichard, through we now? The last census ticks off at over Oarfield, who although racked by pain, antl their brightest bravery,- - the lXsex floating the .T. r.., 100 N.CAWK, mi may wander, be it lo lands of ice and h., piie to their Icacheis, Misses Moore and the hotel ground to Alaken, to the Anierican the fifty millions, and by this tune we have added wasted uiilil il seemellhat tortured nature stars nud stripes from each topmast, nnd a snow, or to the region where the sun sheds his three making Us Sloirs. Many ii.iteuls and friends vveie in Legation, lo Hotel street, lo Fori, to School, more, in round numbers must cry out, jet bearing his suffering with- fourlli flag aft. The Japanese floated the Alienee sf the Km ate of I je Chat, banliupt. directest to the farthest Occident, or tn where - nllendance, niui expression of satisfaction to Niiuami, to Second llridge. countermaich-in- ray, millions of lieople. Il is tliflicult to re- out a murmur, and wafting out his soul to the American flag at her mafnmast, Stapie firan'rte, lives his hive-lik- e life, our thoughts Willi the vvotk done wcic appreciative and along Nuuaiui to the While House, on the oriental nlirc what this means. It means a population eternity hejnnil without ever an imprecation Mr. and Mrs. Paly gave an afternoon always turn to the land of our birth. We are John win, oririt At m rue aictios, n very geiiei.il. Niiuauu street, near lleielania, kept by .Mrs. greater man mat ol any nation on the earth ex 011 the cowardly assassin who hail hurled liim picnic at their home in the upiier Nuulnu val- No. i mud i Flour, No. i and Rict, peculiar in this. Kven those whose native 1 J. T. While, where ihe A and It's halted for not cept Chun and Kussia. en millions more fiom the pinnacle of human greatness to the ley. 'Over sixty children, ranging upward in Crushed Sugar, ChinAftudJau.nTut The Mipciintcndcnt of watci ivorks has lands lie under heel of dcsjiotism, . Oysters, Ctaou, Saliuoa. lobsttri( a breakfast of coffee and cakes. It was "a piostrate the than" the mother countrv. Ten mil gates of death. Then De I.oiig, Ambler, ears from five weeks youth and maiden- MONDAY JULY tfik, already begun wotk on llie aitesian well nt or whose liberties are crippled by laws which to Hint it Table Fruits from tbe Factory. bully breakfast," one vulgar urchin said"; and lions more than France, whose generous aid Chipp, Collins, anil the men of the Jeannctle hood, were most pleasantly entertained anil Pure EneUih Spices. Coodeuud UUh, Maklkj, ireaialor) to placing n pvdsoinctcr are harsh and grinding, look when they are ab- when the A and I l's had well filled up, the helped iu 10 victoiy vvlien Uclcal was impend who starved tn death iu the Lena delta j Did hail a thoroughly good time. Neatly as many Cocoa. Specialties. Th im- - pump 111 iKisiliou to mpnly the leseivolr. The sent willi longing eyes toward llicir home. If ing. AT IX UllDCK N(VN, T KA K'ssttnivf, ii KrrumH" IHI, Ow-- native small the vicinage turned 111 and Seven millions more than Cermany, they have courage or tlid the) not ? Does any adults vveie Mr. liergcr and a por- rr feWN' t well has lieen enlarged liy hand, and casetl, tn lisof this be how much more is it true pieseui. rtfufftil IAhIhu, 14 loch, MuHrr clcaletl the tables like lillle men. From there true ofthem, whose hard workim; people have contri one here know what starvation means? Docs of early the dcplh of twenty feel, in order to accom- is tion the band were present. In the All the riKi, title ami Inure of the l.ee Chat ttprina mwI I'uhmm Jirwlce just at they went down Nuu.tnu lo King, to Foil, lo of us whose land the greatest over which the buted so greatly towartl our advancement ami he know the delirium of dreaming of ban- uiJ haod.BUke Steam Hump modate the pump, and the digging has Mill evening, Ihcre was a fine tlUplay of firewoiks. in Ihat rerlaInintUntuieArleafroiii K, KeeliLoUnl Valves.Pack to the r.splanadc nud dNpcrscd. blue vault of heaven hangs, ami whose country prosjiciiiy. twelve millions more than Aus- quets, and waking lo frigid dearth? Ifsmh Uitf. Ac, Blake Boiler Feed, Juke or a depth of feet. - Among iho places alioul town lhal were to lee Ami Chat of iarccl of Molasses, et Vacuum KU sevenly The necessary 'Hah for the A and Long may they is as free as the ocean which beats uihiii this tria, antl as many more than llaly. The then- be, he will know the feelings of those lx) le tint Irrigating Humps pumps and piping have lieen ordered fioni 1I'! most conspicuous for their decorative displays, wave I island. Neither time nor distance can irase nations onlv surpass us. and thev poor men who slay by tlay tlraggctl their frozen Viauclscti, will to- may lie mentioned," llie offices of Messrs. San and arrive khoitly. the love of country from our hearts, and must look to their laurels, for our babies come- - limbs over the snowy llll: l.lll.K.VKV l.XKKCISKS. wastes, and who finally, (irossmau, dentists, the House LAND IN HILO, Weston's Patent Centrifugali Complete, day, on this island, this speck in llie vast con- on by the hundred thousand; ami every tlay of beneath the pitiless ice and sleet, found Astor HAWAII, Iist Tuesday, Mr, Chailes Cairoll, a sailor At the Hawaiian Hotel two da)s had lieen test and icecream pailors of the Hart brothers, the tiguity of waters, we Americans meet to show me year, nuniiay aim an, a commit stream 01 fiom Ihe gnawing tooth of hunger, ami in the kNOWN AS THK on IksuiI Ihe 1'Xscx, was pla)ing with his iet spent in prepaiatiou. The coinniittee oil saloon of Mr. Dodd, and the store of the world thai, although thousands nf miles of I10111 two lo three thousand people bom other colt) embrace of death found the James parrot), when it suddenly llew out of his hand gniunds, under the active supcriNiou of Mr. waimlh they ; ,,l,o os (mr,NMisis)r sea separate us, we are not unmindful of llie shore land upon our own. Attracted by Un- had been craving. Yet, In De tang's, journal, l.ycau joiinson also the pieimiesol .Mr. Ahupuftsi of Lepoloa KauiUho n4 Kaulaokallio, and made for the shoic. The bird was of llie C. I'.. William, its chairman, had built a com- , ., Y. 011 Maunakea street, and the land which bure, nor neglectful of the anni- clear bright flame of liberty-- they come like exhumed from the snow that covered ihe Squires, . gray mucin vauciy, nuti laiKcn a goon ileal modious plalfoim, suspended over it a canvas re- lly While House, on Nuuanu avenue. Among (ONTAIhINO AN AUV Cahfoitiia Ha), putaines MarrtU versary which marks an act which shall lie vast flocks of moths towaid llie llghl; jet not of its wiilci, there is not one word of repining. Of llatUj, in ICnglish, It was the pildc of its ouncn awning and decorated it with led, while and membered till the recording angel shall roll up those places most conspicuous for llie'ir illumi Salmon, Ham, Atlrto .MUiure fur boilers like moths to have llicir wings singed and In Il is always "push forward," oil." and )f Wire ncnit nun tnc ihmiii coinpamou 01 tne mess. blue, lioui lice lo lire were carried roiK's of "hope nations on llie night of the Fouilh, the TIIHKir'lllJ.N'DKKO ACKKS, MOKK OK l.i:SS, Steam Pipes cheap, iein.' f his scioll, and time shall lie no more. One drop lu cruel death in the flame, nor like them the help of Cod, we will reach aid and weie and hiaplcs (ialvanled Kooftitg, Poor Cairoll was inconsolable last flags. The southern gales vveie wreathed with "Ily .Mrs. until hundred antl seven )cars ago, a knot of fearless to prey uion pur goods ami homes, but fine) sheflcr." Asior House, the residence ol afternoon, when the was colors. Along the fences lillle Hags were lo Macf.1rl.111e a ttrtH tj jfttrttftputjiitiiftrjr I, iSXf, Thuisday bird men assembled together nud, pledging llicir shelter ami antl the Uianllng and lodging t will antl peace home under a banner No, wc need go 10 no other land for exam- brought on Ixuid. Its wing be pudenll) nailed lo almost every pickit. The southern lives, their fortunes, and llicir sacietl honor, de- houses nf Ml, .. Y, Squires. which is Hiwcifnl enough antl willing enough ples ofpersonal bravery, nor need we go tunny At ihe rate of $ jo per J ear, Iih the tisht if teneat clipped, heieufler. from of ihe hotel was draped with maile and in The finance committee of the Fourth of July clared Ihe colonies of Kngtaiid America free to protect I hem aeainst any who may assail. other tot models in anything, (lave we m, for a further term of at Ux fesiooiusl with tbgs, and two patiiolic pictures celebration, Messrs. Whitney, Wiseman antl If )cart iaum rale An old sailor, belonging the U. S, S. losses, ami independent slates. It was an exjieri The mind Is staggered by the contemplation of Grant antl Shetiuan, Sheridan and MacLcniie SEWING MAOMINSS. hung in full view olne the outside sl.1lrw.1y. it seemed a one, but il was Simousoii, worked haul. , while 011 shoie eniojiug the "(jloiious nient, and deadly sum nutcase. itncic win 11 eiui nss. me for soldiers? Has any nation any belter? J The display of regulation bunting, and the s Isise ball malih between the an that necessity had forced. The Honolulu t Wilcox and AiuirtiiaiU') Smiei jlanuf.tf luting Kouilh," was miunuiily niicslisl, taken lo the exjieiimeiit pessimists; win not me whole country, hi a Have we not a Kairagm, a Porter, a Uowau, a A jmii-M- of tin land, fayaUmi one bundled ucre, OiUi flutter of more or lew tiny flag ami llaglets, team anil a fiom Ihe Honolulu Kemlngtieii rami)) ( Mntion houso and locked up, lo satisfy a if (ieorge the Third had taken the advice few )cais, be so packrd with human U'ings Decatur, a tawrence, Peny for leant lion U uul tu be lurtUularl) uuabl Uh vg (oiiin), AvteJ: Compaii). gave a piismalic .isiect to the southern half of 1 sailors? in a victoiy for Wilson Alaihines the lstt aiurlmerU Is) be ftiund, a as of that great statesman nnd admlicr of Amer- that men will be fight I Woiks, mulled the former by ship's vairaiit fot deserter described of compelled lo for room Does the history of the sea tel) of any finer. do and at floiioiH Prh.e,) b the grounds. F.ng-Lin- a score of 61 to o. Owing to the fact thai the P.. P. ilaik complexion, dark brown ryes, dark hair, ica, bold Chatham, and if his majesty of and breathing place ? No, far from ii. The not mink so. nun wnenvnu lookiiowuinexisla 16 ADxMS, Auctioneer. Ily p:io A. M. the grounds were o siarsrly lion woiks (earn had lint lieen logcliirr pre- and with monument" tntoord on his fore- hail not lieen blinded by Ihe sophistries of capacity of our noble land is so great, that the or time, you will see afl the marked by "a Dccuplcdtli.it iheoulTiHik for a full allcndance ust vious loihegame, it arm. The man aircstcd, had a light com- ihe shallow ami prejudiced Touushend, who whole population ihe world almost might the stalwan figures of men who have wasiiotasrxcitingasmiglit NE HUNDRUD AND TEN DAYS wasuujlhing but tiicouraging, but from that of made have plexion, .light blue eves, sandy hair and hcatd, at that lime had llie loyal car, the overt act settle in il ami find ample room, Il is so grand history anil who have made their land famous lieen mulct different ciicumsiauces. On o hour until alsiul 10:30 the people in the side of Ihe home learn all are worthy of und without any "inonunienl" laUocd on which precipitated the colonies inlo rebellion thai every soul in the United Stales al the among nations. Iltil, my friends, the Iheme of New Goods by every ariUal Irou Kugtaad, Net ihiougs and cioutls until all the seals were lot line frlthei nun. Such indiscriminate arresting as against (he mother country might have liecn present time could live comfortably and have a our national is one on any or us much credit playing, hut especially Vwk and Saa rraocUio. filial in the spate, between the stand and ihe glory which Messis. Hay Wodehouse, Whilnev and Dow. this I an outrage. Had it not been for the for a time averted. Hut il was Imund to come tianlen in any one of the i!tcal western states. could talk for hours. I will not ask PKOM IH.ASnOW. hotel, and nil the vantage points on the jour lime credit is due to Mr. accidental of the mistake by oHiceiv ui)ier sooner or later. The fiee air, Ihe boundless Texas alone cbn give everyone two acres of nor patience longer, but will only ask sell. Like I'oran of Ihe discovery ami lower balconies wvie fully nccupieiL )our jou Iron woiks. Mvitrnx and I'tlilber, llie old tar, who has prairjes, the vast ami silent woodi, the majestic ground, ami sun nave enough lelt over lo no on this nut birthday tu remember lhal the Ling, iniiiKlct Mr. William Castle, Mr. ami been in service since I S,V), would have Wen The the attornc) geneial, Ihe streams of the western vvoild had lieen slowly comdatc a million or two more. No, ihcre is land w men we own as moirier, ihe country John I'aly of linanceiind sevrtal oilier ollictals, Mr. James I.vfau made conspicuous displajs 1 Maw Trvaistom Esutaa, M ktwie illegally deptivedof his libeily for an entile lugelher but suicly piodiiring their natural elfecl. The no fear of our Iwing overcrowded. There is wiimn wnuse oorni'isaaii are as iree as Ihe taff. with some the oll'iceis tlie Kssex and a air of fireworks during the early errning. F10111 slay, and Unit on llie vuiy day when liUily of of great foiccs of nature had been al work upon ample mom for ourselves, our children and Ihcy breathe, i slill marching on fiom "coil- - O. W. A Co. few till nine rocket huisiing almost MACrARLANE was most ilenr to him. ladies, occupivd the ca.t cud of Ihe lower Ihe sturdy men of the colonics, Their heaits our children's children; and there is plenty not quetlng tu conquer, not by gaining treasures seven weie balcony, every minute. Pcihaps iheie was a diieillv facini' the slaiul. On Ihe hail expanded as Iheir IhxHcs gicw, and ihe onl) for ourselves and our descendants, but lor or territory by slaughter, not by driving fiom never Oidcrt fium tU ulier UandMWd at rWa Kates anJ Majrstv's iiun-of- . stand two chairs in which sat lime had come when thev could no loneer mcnier paiiy 01 nine man the one which, with dmuub Ills luipeiial Jusinee wcic tows of the millions whocatc o tempi the sea foi the me seas ine neipies navies 01 weaker nations cirrta loa ssii. TtiitiASti or iiik svar Klnjio, last Tuesda) inomlng, American Minister UcVidcnl Daggett, presi- ! biiiok ev en llie semblance, of a chain. When we when burned Its fireworks and set offilsfiie-ciacker- s anivnlheic sake of the frcv!oin offer them. And not by llie jiower of brutal force hul by its -- Uev. I on the southern slo of Punchbowl. One of foiiylwo dj)s fioui I'ull.io, liKiking ralhet the dent, of the day; Ueorge Wallace, ih.ii iKingdcoige wiole tolus famine minister, the lime docs come when we feel a tiiuV ham steady glow Ih, by its strict justice, by ils VCKANIC STEAMSHIP COUPAMV. a for the her Mis. 1". K. Ileiuby, reader of lliedecl.i -- the sunniest of llonolulan ladies, two of Ihe worse wear, usylid Iahx, aflu lain; " The die cast, the colonies must either pered for quce, when we waul MIMIV loom, administration of law, by Ihe care of ils s busiest of one gilly-gi- OUyuar slay in that unpleasant Peimlaii kii, Tluee ration, and M, - Huth, V. S, N., fiom ihe triumph or submit. If we take the resolute j our filendl) ncighliois on the north and south children, and by ils lofty regard for the rights sadilesl and men, madcap Estraai Irsta Vlililikasssliia ahd five sltoug-lungc- . f her crew died during the vov.ig, one living INsex, now in pott, oiatortif ihe day. Ilehiud pail, they will uiuloubledly he veiy meek," he I will lie only loo glad lo receive ami welcome not onlv of ils own cituens, but for those from hoys, SKIIICK lO Sltlft-KkS- In I he 111 sat the singers. inn-sno- made the wild echoes ring fiom the mountain tvhile the shtii was Hawaiian waters. The tne teuqiei 01 ine men 01 whom neiour oveillnw. Air we or nation? Well, oilier lauds whom necessity or preference has .NOW lit INI) IAS III II m WAHI'H0U8KSar lU O. S. S. Co, calleil calling the wall the lowivoiceil sea; shouting, capering, Its at Uitoaic ii in loiianese, liciiberi. The On llie lo order, sKile. lie did not know thai constant inter povriti has not its liaud oil us as wt. lliiown upon its shores. Do not, j beg of you, lo cwii(4tesL MsrvliaiKlise intentled Sue sttiwnenl ami astonishing by llicir plethora itvliioilsiu s iwliy aU,. um will Kinjio'x of ollicert and ciew is president of (he day introduced the chaplain, course with free nature hail made ihein free. "Sharp penury has not "jet worn us d away by the foul slanders of vtsMls U lU U t KKK sa lolhc which, from UJU lsueU fy yWi, including naval cadet and Ihe follow- asking the audience to lise, Mr. Wallace lhcuiselu-- did not know if. Their ideas the gentle I'oitugurse in their peaceful homes. IN I.XCKMIONAII.V KINK atrf'af t rtctilAS tauie. mii 34 They bone." Our raimcnl U not entirely ragged. lime to time, apjK'ai in our journals, nor PONIUIION, Insurance Ml luerrnaiKlUc wblla ltt Ihe starekouses Hi )e moulded police feature nf at ing 42 omYcist Lantalu, S. U. Itu; Cuiii' prayed telly, earnestly and liiiprcssivvl). of libeily were dim, prihaps slumbering, hut We slill have bread, and now nud then a lul of Impressed by (he slurs which now and then Ihe thciiaudc oatKrs' isk, was an inspiration of Mr. Totlveil. tnander, V, U. Nakamliei l.ieulenaiits, Ka Mr, D.iggilt linn spoke n follows t when the spark of opposition stiuck I he lindcr meat. We plod along wilh a daily income of arc entitled bj those who happen to In-- for the James 1. WM, II. IK WIN A CO., Vain.--, II Mulligan Cr wards dressed cldrlly in ii or Ajsnii O, .V S. Css wuia, YuVoo, Takagi ami Fellow coiinti)iiitii and fiiendst Is a of patriotism their souls vveie lighted. Then alaiu! one million ofiliillais, we pay our debts moment in opposition 10 the tugiiliig (wlitical The weie timiitriso nss iihm by - !," SsHtiiid I.leuU'ii.iuU, I'chldi, Niiie, Kan.) and pleasant privilege lo call lo older such an the llame buisl foilh, ami (ieorge and his fast lo suit creditors. Our vaprr is is cor- jaimenti hand made faster Union J, Joi- j oi oci uity. There much lalk ofbilbeiy arul lis-r- Sid.-l.i- a A FRANK COOKk, 'ToKip i ulen.ints, Arakt, Dew a, llo, assemblage at such time, al such a pi ice. niinisUrs found llul a fire had hcvn kindled worth mure than in face, out national vaults ruption, IhiI,iuj friends, twclvi-millions- fire- 1 Ijicc (if - HKV Mukovaina, Kakainujo, Take!, Matsuvrxla, and for such a pints.'. see bcfoie me the which was vi Tunc llial no uiwer of thelis of coin thai the is a! hi men U-- mines A nuuilwr airrsu were mails- fur 1. aicsufull tieasuicr ranuoi bought, The of the s At.SHr (us coasiiisj VaiiLula and Mujaokot Chief of aliiuiM all nationalities, could it out No, No power of ilruiiltniK-s- in the afttiiUMin ami eye'iiln. , itu oiiuxii llikad.i, pal ihriis, wilt slid In know whcie (o store Ihat which is earth tlo not hold sulliccnl gold. That we have IIAWinVAKt-- WAII.k'LK, WAI.OUJ, Chief the Aiueiicaii is the FnelUhi.iaii, the any -- 1 M .Sliinouaial Suigisiu, Vauianiato; nor ol oiliei tor Dial flame was the pouring in. e owe less than $34 apiece, our faults, ilo not pretend 10 deny, Lvcu ihe wtui.i, IIJLIA. a Chief paymaster, Nauii; Assistanl I'lenchman, the (eimaii, the I'oilugucse, ihe beacon light of libeily, and jl lias bunted if WAll'.IIU. W.SIMALU, Suigcsnis, and wecould pay lh.it wc wished, diamond is not H.fsxi, and ml Ihe glowing sun fOK SAl.t. ONKNt-- i liisiimau, gentle who - iKN Dli.OP.L. KALUNA.W14 Touhira and Nagato; Assistant as well a the Hawaiian, brighter and biighlcr as the rolled and if our rieditors could In- induced ENtilN'i: H , l'a)iiulei, jeais luie lo lake thcie aie spots, but, thank Cod, the hcai of Kuji,, tfssl utter, tu ssk b' OI.ASoW.xkr'., INA. - Arbara and Soiauia; Assistant t.ugincxis, comes with his kind atolia to the suangti 011, Il Is a fue which opposition has fed. A Ihe No, It would republic is is monc), weaic not poor. the great sound, ami the blood as U IlKKWr.K a (OktfANV. LAI! Whk, Hall. llstatiliic, Asada, Nainiiiic aiulSaitoj uillan his gales. All liavc come lo give coun- llame that has been nouiished by bhsxl. A KHlcr for I fLANlADON SlOktS, pk. cwmt U be u, sometimes think, if we puic as the toircnl llul falls from tlie mountain Qsvesst au4 srasunu httssi. Katoj l'ujii, .Matsumoto. anuivs'rs.iiy of he biith of i t.KL Narita, tenance lo the light which will not lie hidand which lias wcic not so rich. The knowledge of possess top. The daws our enemies ee aie but specks KNlistAVKtlCAklui ANi SUOAk 11ACUINKV, ' Neke, Takenouchl, Mlnano, Mori, Shlina and human frcvdoiu on eaith 10 lliU day of tlajs not only Illumined, our wondrous pathway, but su I d KoKls fuf,Hukiua CTarit, lull praKriwuiM, 'VH ing inucruiiaiciiai wealth t, (car, sapping upon the most jieifect national chrysolite that flciMts, rsvtivesl Ln Urn al iHe'sAipiiuei' pLANTBRaV LINI i a 11 I lie li.wl !, ...... llrt ami tl.lr.tn., .....,...... it. ...- -I ...... 1...... 1 sic, wsdy Jiikagawa. The Kinjio compsllo sciew ami not wiin enlnustasiu ami ucvollon li.. It I. the stais liar; shone upon since the great Pssss OiriCK, Nifc t Kasbsubuuiu slrcel. KJkTABLIJIkAMWAy,. of M il ill fOH, ISUrsfciSCO. twattier. She wean an armor i inches the American, least with a icspcct llul 'other countries that, before our lime, liad Ion of our iialional honoi. Thcie was a lime creator said, "bet llicic I light." tat us then hH r '& well-nig- fail Ih-c- lhck. Her buideu Is 1,459 tons, she is 310 is akin id them. Nor can I 10 lying in the uiklnledat gloom of )liilcal when we would not stand an insiuualioii. much be proud of our country. Let Us iciucsuUi HOOUS AJs'll Or HCi: SrATKUIKKV, . C. UMKWKK at BUNK M IMOis. fIJf J..Vr, featM. hart long, feet licsiui, Jl feel draught all note ainoni; this ioullv oallieiiiie a iiunili le- - an Insult, but no so rich that we allegiance usoniwKl tUIIIHUMts! &$ siavei), wc are our to our native land. Wherever Loeouorivts, MteiUikbst lacaiMsJ Sutaf !"' ssssj ItUeal (svaa. to: wild. She WiiioO Vavasseur who lepiescm that grand anny of ivitiiotic Our forefalheis Uvl unconvciously iiubibed haul 10 tVtsrMJtvt. aie arouse. duty or phasure or business may call us, MO. M IIIKUM'S IOMT-S- T. STQttF. wJ aseeaas wt hmmsi las Bawsssacass ssjr IB, s MK Slll.tl IKON, TO tjoundriSf a Kiupji rannoii and 3 small and sturdy men, who, in a lluic of natioiial ihe elixir of lilsffty, lhal suUle esiice which Anger sluudis-i- deep, ant lesentiiicin lus whether It be to luxuriate amid the delightful ftsvss Maat sw sssusisseat ta Sfsxifc their rHw lk AULkleTANrsM TkACI' ISicilh-- iiMct guns. I lei oAicer aie a eviilleinanly peril, barctl Voonis o the assaults of cannot" lc diiicd, but vvhieh is lawn of the been diuggcxl by gold. At least,' so it seems, suitoumlitig of Ihis garden sprrt, and lo enjo) l.lil, tNUUMI SILAU lOAl, HsMsuaua 'W II Ulswtua aMHdajrboul Utmiko, 1 rasters, fir. IK IV A fc'uuass stwt, i m of uicn, many of them nwaklng l.'nglisli treason llial the live, and this gian.leui of iuiiiic, ami which, in some lmt, after all, the Itilurgy is bu seeming. A ihe fitwsioiii of thu ideal kUidoni, or 10 d fO Vtst UasU jf S'ajMitH s Uh"J, . fluently. day plight lj retcbraiitl Toievcr. Among Sliange am) marvellous iiiaiiuei, sinks into the sharp shock would stir us Into our olu time Ihehardshiii of Um fruitful region, let hi ntft-ktm- ssjUs, sarin mist, ssasl ., lindnj i them aie whitened locks arul maimetl heait of uiui who commune willi ie ust activity, and a hrl cause us lo shake us nut ('Hfl lhal wc are Americans, Let Wit lasstiwsgrsasisaasoi.yH WMl liolels Jcsstly been fiuislml or but wheicvvi I see llieiu, either home or works of the t Alt lie kusCU kill. U utrtLSstb Twctily b at creator. They weir not caver lo oumlves Uncath out moumaln of gold, atvl lime, dm iliiUnce, nor any other Msxal AM,LlBMwSas ivirict.-a- a. imy ate novt lu of eaustiuclion hi ihe Oily aUoad, a halo sevuu Hksurioum) their headtj quancl, iu fct they dU alMhal men could tlo PhImm luio the iggrgstiw by the weight of from our birthright, nor siUs lu u6ethe love )ocv fv Waxloo. and if ever 1 cie to be giattfal 101 llwui tu avert ttrvujKie which to uuwy of lhw the mcul. Thwe ussy, loo, he aiMxhssriM- - for fussJosu whichTU ow Itsyacy, Awl when TKiA"?M&me"X' nnmjKl vMUknilasaiIstl.fc ,W '5 r )l ' , - sj,' 9 (I , . l, 3 wtjwjw n 4 :! i rrijJ '

Ccitcritl bcrliscmcitts. Ulu rcVaucrti&cmcnto. GcimMl JlblicrtiBCiiunlG. Ocncntl bbcrtiocmento. (rciitntl .Abiicrltocmcnto. Iclu ulKtstscmcii.o. (Gcitcntl JVbbcrticcnuntss. kiu bbcrticcmcnls. r - - - BURLINGTON ft QUINCY OVDNEY nUDBER PAINT, WEST, BREWER A COMPANY -"-ALIFORNIA PACIFIC ILLINGHAM & CO.,. RAILROAD. M. MELLIS MIXH) READY !0R UIKi IIiim Staafr, D Nel itoH. id llattMil ft Co ' r. I. MeKA PASSI.Ntir.R OI.NT, any llnmMti, II l Exhibition, or cai mr It Df.AI.KRS IN International OFfFR 0K SM.K CViiiltriii, No. !I2 Montgomery Street, Use the Pnoino Hulilier Pnlnt, Chnmplon CarrlKRn Builder SAN FRANCISCO. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WILL SHI. HIS ENTIRE STOCK 1HT9.. X' DrMt. Clint .f VumWrrt. lhe followInK lot of mtrthandite Jut landed from HoMon, omer, in excellent Eaitern-boun- d Touilitt and Patitngtri i MAItrArTt t oLS Of llic ItUmlt. All UnJ of Hfpairlni an.1 IIAKDWAKi:, - Wnetl maVniit lf J on lh moil Kifnllfic pun- Will find it to their adlanlage lo make ihemielve itintr tai tin ornim rot 4: CO., rtpM At tKh tlMhhmenl h art By the Sttt and KuiiXa c have received LAKGlt knOn to the iinoentgned, to al la tecure tenenii not WHITTIEK, rUHEH AUDI 1 IONS to Cur lock of generally eonteded to parliex appl)lng in the tlty. AT REDUCED RATES .1 Houno-FtirnUhl- GooUt Ex. Aracrlcnn Bark Amjr Turner t cf th SAN rRANCICO, J. I. WILLIAMS, Correvponding Agent for Hawauan liUndi I'KOI'UKI.V SHOD. the IN HOROLOGY. And frt sale by lh Import!; " ll""'"1 PAINTS, OILS and VAKNISIIl, rrtmSa JUDGES rut up m s, r, " ;s . istlt tb.iwl.tt.ilm. NI.W AND SVLISII Inlh lllMl.Mtkka'.fclullntMall.tikwfhUllHnttI M In h fint1a .III nM ll h ' Ml ih fWWi Ihrpatt, tfiittoiKM-- A.sh ou.s Furniture In Every Line, Lei! ""WlWlltel-O-mt.u mi'tl i.vnnit'AriMi .Ml p.e WI.U. IffrMIt CLEARANCE SALE. THK NF.XF l6UR W'EEKtS, In ration of the farts detelod in ibis t xamin pHNUINE arin. frl the ptpondfrartreor eletnetitiof tnher with a .irony; eehvlwi of in I"" Km". ent ami cvmtaraiU merit a1Judged by the Tiani:sMi:N. iivaams .ixii riiAV.Toss, fidgmi-nt- ) Hie hrje.t aHlment of PI OW'S, for all purpose, to udtt (fah in Invlej-- rnlent be on Ing epial to yo per rent nu'ite than the i louno the itunnA next Mghel eihlHt, thrv hair IMmir-n- r Wlilln LlMtll. found it esceAlingfy ditirtult Wc .la not mn out allfiilitn Is Uinl'le arnl HiiKtr Vok4, And wt are telling f.ltlprH to tilt AimivAi or A LA MIR AND tl-- I Htkilr - -- frV. a ItairoH, Cultltatur, lorc Shoe, 0 fc Vfllw Sheatliinf Metal, ' lo make Micti a Wi guarantee thi. Uml lo rwlM( recliuml) l)iiitn lot an klnl ol () () Chain, rolder Cuiteri, l6ud rioi; mrm laibonate "I Lestd. Sf"""! I" ' h(Jl wMchirwi""! ami 6nily MulfJ toi, Ath Itinli, aHrted utii tUn in deKirea will pui. i"!"';" ami IM Own and llomin) .Mill, Oak PUnh, aKorled tlica; Oil, and ll l .lt sullied lo Oirdfn Ami Canal It arrow, bum pipe IH IN flOCK SIUl)i:UAKhl WAGONS, oivl Li.N-HANir- ii jusuri ro all Hand Cart. THK ittXK OF THK INVOICE Or NEW QOODS A ry cheap; I I lsmnuf.tluml In Hwi tie Grtae AT THE LOWEST RATES. FIONI I R Will All fl.ir ITfeMal Ht.rt.tv of mniirt inrnl I ft the 1 raj. Hk ADJI trfia TO TMft Irannsui, arrises heir ftes, "' "' ' anted Orilrn from the olhrr Idamhmill rerrlre our lil al Ltiln tcntttiK and Illumliintluic OUi romirflr and in,.uanlies s. ," " J"'.."i Inillan, !" rrotv mir.l, In the "II In w hkl. ll inwnn lens i5 A srvxIALTV AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY. s.lel ihlo the swndnf the fmUin, ml cmUerill Alto, In airhe per Pullman II. Allen! LEADING MILLINERY HOU8K Ih fornult.Ki of "skin." is avoided 'NTHRI'UISn PLANIMO MILL. KI.KOSI.Ni: OIL SIOVI.S, OF WALTHAM. Ihe lliri. I.KAI) U..T wkllt.W Chandehe n and lititern- - tiewM)les, market, lias superior 11cm. I telling, finer eraunil than any other in this Putm, DU.MI' IIAHKOWS, acolrt' Patent. THE EASIERN AND EUROPEAN MARKETS MaAc.huett, U K . Nxly or covrrlnn'rot.ertle,aml Is without an e.pial. Powtler. Shot and Caps Shelf Hardware, ll is pul up In S "'. ' """J t)n.Vtg.ln 17 Knar Slarnt, HuHnilLl', II. I, At Hamllc nml 1'icU Handle'. ft and It' ll" ' "' ln """ "m f,onl ' We alo MANUKACI (JKK to order MU1T fF OtI WITHIN THK NMXf JCt DA.S, A fir c)j award and such other ei(al diMluclion lS 'J Howe Standard American Scale diploma, medal, or award as Is coiiUii( with the du io-- each . Kctosmc Oil, "Ulecltic" luaiid. A full utility Is constantly, kept ,'""-- i.. "' For all jturjo; lie and obliratlons of the honorable Sjdne) Interna hustles In IIONOI.UI U. to -- horn e cordi llunal Comtnm.on, for the large! ami ccmplete wlmlesale nlMhliiff UtnutSf Collate riimilute, In uinli'd sets. (ttwM ally recommend intending iurihaers. otMr"n exhibit uf horologlcal inurnment civmrtrd C. J. Hardy and II. P. Ueltelmlnn, Icr Vtetnn iWfirii, Oil I.umlirr, i, 2, l5, iyt, ainl 4. in. I o make room for the imtuenM iiewto,k to arrive with urn only nv A yule i Mr. Cha. J, Mthtl oil thu mil itoamer Tlio Honolulu Clothing, Emporium. sianiacti itotttrttrr, I by which their O.ir, 16, 17 and iS fl. SPRING" due on the ijtli instant. They ilu u poe, a he only mean Tlmntrr MATTRESSES, sptreclatlotiol the, merits of lit jrodin.tkns of this 8c CO.. WHITTIER. FULLER Yellow Metal Naili, a l) in t (of ever) kind ) company can be adequately or e.pninUy reongnlied by I l( HEIOW COSM HEI.OW COST I the committee on Judcing and Award, that a separata Corn.lrrt of While Uad ml Manufacturr-rsi- Mltrd CONTRACTORS nnd BUILDERS. Call and examine our ifuxl. Our Muck i wiron' Vellou Metal blie.it iti);. 18, 20 ami 31 11. fir.t class award be gUrn far the time keeping qualities. , mc V hue, with AT cosrj Painlt, UJ'.r", Vsrnishr awl taiilly replenished IhehyM and mot approved EUREKA MATTESSES, COST I HONOLULU,!!. I., all grade; t f hee uatthe. intention that It U Impiibfe to enumerate them Al A Planinp;, Shaping, Turning, within the space of our advertisement. and Pillow, n.l of I reucli and lleljium link t,ls, IRON SAFES. iniirterl A lo, a teparate firilla award for I he ierfevtioii ol Band mid Scroll Sawing, iTint ... .below Cot. thi! sytteinof wfttchimktngand ihti improvement i SAN I RANCISU), U. S. A. Zinc hlmardi. Pohu.. . below cost the mechanical arts of the watch, Uing notably In tli FEATHER PILLOWS, , below ymKLr Cocretl Uuckell. Ginghams. cot, malmi-rln- ami going liarrrl, the patent safety pinion 141'im Sash, Blinds, Door rut: MTEsr and Pillown, below cwt. Doors, Manila Koiie. Cotton... the ierfrct eic)hddal form of all the teeth of the train Somethinjt which no nne ihonMbc without, It one of ihe awlrd Me. grade of watch alike, ami the Iot.hronal ad Uairy Stt,in tartets. MRS. A. M. MELLIS' inrery ..u and Window Frames, Fire-Pro- jtiMment of the lAtance j ring. LINE MapieoCalclte of Safea, kutentltle Cement, piONEER" Hond Case or Jewel Cae. '! Brackets, Ballusters, lire Cla), E.tabltshment Up Stairs AJw. a award fur new imle i( cornpentat Head one ic.timonial out of man). Curlnl I lair. I'lnLroideiie, Pdgli.ic. and lniti.mt al covt DressmakiuK lug Stairs, made to order. nt ccki : Nnv) OaVuin. SilktandSittm I'HOM I.IVKUI'OOI,. A'rtrf Ctmmittft of Imuran, t R retit . at f Metallic Paint. PILLOWS RiMHn4, all viidthiaiid Oiadel. cinl FEATHER al fni-;- Ux t MOLDINGS AND FINISH, At a mectinz of the Maachuett Mutual Hrt In Ilullom, alUind.and le.. fo .,r Alto, a sepaiate award the Improte surance Union, held at Nantaiket Heach, August t(t, . and !lohter, lancy !rln;ei .atcutt IJi mentl in rate, the number of aitiutc form and design Alwayaon hand. iB8i, umple of bote manufactured W the lai;nfv- - Pine Barrel Shook.. anil Head.. Crelonnet. .,,...atcot used, the beaut) and elegance of their finish, and for Calcite f Company were .houn. An Iron 1'ine Keg ShotA and Hentll. their new and method of enameling'. box, about two leet lonjj and one loot deep ana wide, Cider Vinegar, In harreti. & CO. with lining three fourth of an Inch thick of Magneto-Calcit- e Cotoane, AirlLDBR & CO. TI1E0. H. DAVIES material, wa filled with varum documents, Alo to Charles Woerd, mechanical super intend llnrder filled nniltort notice, and JoliUnt; promptly grecnlackt and f art of a card of lucifer mAtche. It Kalnct of !.emon. ent American Watch Company, Wall ham. Mass, M wa then placed upon a of hot coatt, and lean and All ool SliawN . ...reduced to 75c, former price $1.50 S. altrixJed lo. Mon mff made In an) pattern wilhotil ted at Fxtractof Vanila. ) SHEET Importers and Dealers in U. A. 01 I OK SALE, four fret dry, hard wood piled upon The ho was Caih meres to 40c. 1. 01 IrK tturiie fttr knftev Price of Machine woilt, oi it. Fxtract of Almond. etira kept under extreme heat for an hour and a half. Not Extracts, atwrted Cathmcrea to j;Sc. 7! on to o per to-t-r Iron wa Colored Atpacai lo joe, by the of llir (,lrnlitme nml mlier ternil $t St hour. withstanding the ctner of the box v badly The following is the order of awards nude rrmn Ihr mrgoM warped that the lining w a in Immediate contact While !Unnel to asc. oc Sydney International Exhibition Cominmibn to the mktU, ihefollowiiii; with 17 Catksand lliidt Crocker)i Glaitware, Lainpi IslfJIJittlt, the Iljinc, on opening it the whole content were found American Watch Company, of Wattham, Ma1 fpUORGE LUCAb, hi A perfect Male of preservation. A small lond and 46 Cate Crockery, (.lauuare and Lamp.. note taw, designed to be Ued inside of vault and ifet, And Building Material Dry Goods unci Clothing: 4$ Ihrreh CKxkery, GUfiwareand Lamp. PILLOW OASES. wa lubjetied to the same degree of heat for hatf an Gold 2ml SiUer Watche, of met It found (all First degree and hour, and It content were alto a free from an lU.,) special mention : Gold Medal. Print- if thr Uttht l,faU color. CONIKAClOk and IIUILULK, appearance of fire or vmoke a when placed therein. Sweeping Reduction, in Illur lrnim, Urown lintn DnIN, H, C. HiGFUm, l.tghl.and Heavy Hand Caru. White ( rovdun MimiIhk, Amos Hat, of all kindt, juvt received, ex late airivaU, sefra Timekeeping Qualities of all grade of Watches First HotrucV-- lHig LMh. Watwprour lwreilv Ciia. 11. Cuminos GENIS', LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, large ana wu leiecieu cargoes oi degree ol merit. lol-Uan- l lowclttnf, (tH IvmcU, Cm a. A. Howlanh. I allr UoiU, laMeNnliim, LttjAii Howk, ir., iKuowlen' Steam Pumpa, various .lie. Perfection in S)iem First degree of merit. HA M 1 1 L.V, At KRkl) It. llAKIiOUH, GuoiU, ST PhA XiXi! M Lounge Loungers Purn Linen. Shnwl Dro Representative insurance officer. and Bed New mode of compensating balancesFirst degret of Ihntnltilu. t.renadint, While anl Colored bilk, AV.iMf, A NOTHER DRUG STORE. merit. (.ulwfil Snnt (iravi CIckIi, OHN NOTT. Immense Reduction in Artificial HoHcnftnJ Fraihrrs Improvements, finish ami elegance of Oas First de tHtf llaiidkrrrliitfi. Silk J made to order. gree of merit. 'lalilr Covers oilrn.Ct,lomlSaltrrniuii'ICrftrS .Mintificture all kind of MENS, YOUTH'S and noVS'CLOrillNG.IIAlS, iancy MUttireaml Htue and iiray I UnrwU, NORTHWEST LUMBER. Engraving, chaUng and enameling of Watch bHM) JOHN NOTT, Ce Viriuria lwiti. lrool.s Cotton, Mouldings, CAPS and UNDERWEAR. First degree of merit and special mention. Mine ami UMte OtrcL. I.ttatlos Iiirrfijifref rrin An re their choir of comprising all the utual stock tiiel Brackets, PALMER & THACHER, Chailes M, Woerd, Mechani.al Superintendent First Window frames, degree of merit, special. FANCY DRESS GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. NUMIIt.R 8 COVERINGS IN SILK OR PLAIN REP1 In Scantling-- Timber. Blinds, sashes I anc PliMs Hcatii Shirt. U . Shiit, While Shim reduced to ant. ; STREr.F, lute uiul Lulrrtl Colt.ni Sliitl, and Doors Pharmacists, Fancy f!iiiti . . ..reduced lo coi. raiic Scarf, Pi!m Kfer, Straw Hats... , leducedtoor.it. I Half Fencing, Pickets, Mm Wlme a in llruwn Cuilnn lime, and all kinds of wood-wor- k finish. Soft and SUIT Fell Halt reduced to con. being watches bearing IjuIi- - tdTHicifc several worthless lloc, Men'i KcaJ) ASH liEALKHS Helmet and C01W Halt. reduced to col. of Wall ham dlwmen-- within the Mtn't Cats, If the marks Watches anil fancy ktraw). TIN, pa it seven months, palmed off on the public as genuine, ljitir Matt (white, black the public are hereby uotified of the fact and cautioned IihIia KubtN-- Outs Cat ami I KCinif, E. P. ADAMS. Agent. Planks and Boards. Itlue and Gray Morvc lilankcii, fccroll, CIIEMICAI-ft- , Telephone No, Woolen ItlanVets H wet, Culor and Hculit; Titmlng. and band hawing. COPPER, D1.UGS ji M. McINERNY, Great reduction in other articles too numerous 10 mention Vrlvrt CiirfM. rhrt Hnu PATENT MKUICINl-S- , tu tf Agent for t lie Hawaiian land t'ttert "! lttirtry lonr Jltttm, All kind of Planing and Rawing, Mortitinx, and Ten AND oninif. DRY REDWOOD, M ToUet Artieirtt ami Fancy Goods, ALSO SHEET IRON WORKER, fXriVI. WENNER & Co., SADDLERY. THIS IS A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE Scantling, PUne suifjce and rough Hoards sur and OKDKKS PKOMm.V AriCNDKI) 10 ANH No. 113 FORT STREET. T UNDBORG'S PERFUMERY. uceii anj tougn Battens, ncKeis, nutuc, A full attoitinent c( OFN U.UMKN'S Lattice and CLtpbvardt Fukt SmrfcT, ,, SADUl.hS . alw, Saddles frr lto and C.iik, WORK (SUAKAtflKKD 91 HoNoitfut, and a few ,nwii:v sAini.r.st Order from the oilier UUmU uiluited. is6-t(-r 1'LUMUING IN ALL IIS 1IRANC1IES. CAIL KAkL, AN11 WITHOUT fall, n anticiiuttnn of the nuMicr want of a lru2 Store MANDTACTURINO JEWELLERS Aorimenl of be coneniently located, where medicines can procured ssjlh HRIlJl.hS, Suddlo Cloth and CtaniOK Sllnu at we nave opened n pnariuac) me Have reopened al the old stand a new HERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING ail iiour, in uainon and carefully selected Slock of 'y Utock, near Hotel street. We carr) a large aortmcnt At The Leadinir. MUliuory House DOORS. SASH AND BLINDS, 01 goout peculiar to our line, w men w e otier ai n'ntclten, Suuar Buum, 20i;i. Artesian Well sizes. Hat we feel a tittle aiulou for )ou to know atom. Pipeall VERY LOW PRICES. Coal Baf(i, 2Ux37. All sties, of Eatteni and California make, ami for Clocks, PERFUMERY. sale in quantities to suit, at low prices .And all kinds, Rloo Bti(; and Twlno, Gold Chains and Guards. PERFUMERY. The Great Amorlcau Clothing Huuiu Our Store in Kept Open Evenlnga, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac. PERFUMERY. CHARLES J. FISHEL, Stovtim nnl Hniif:M, - Indies would do well tu call and examine our slock ol ilith'ttttttrtt Vurt ttyutrtt ittmjltut (a nauge), Kepectftiil) rail our attention to their PERFUMERY, r, Itracclels. Brooches, LotLets. Earriiiits, etc., coniDlete. At so, in Stuck, which were especially selected with a In 6, 7. 8 and 9 feet length. , Our stock of Drue and Chemicals it Unilt Sam, Medallion, Richmond, Palace. Our line of Patent Medi.itic embrace all the popular CoKNs. or Hotu and FoT SracKTs, Honolulu view to suit Ihe market. H 00 UNO &CKUWS AND WASIIKKS. STYLISH UUS1NLSS AND I)KI.SS bUIIS. remedies.- - K. flora, May, Contetl, Grand I'rire, New Rltal, i All the Ken Remedies, ) White Letiil, KUKUI AND SHELL JEWELRY All the Kcmcd'ica. ) 10S With Mrong,cmreable lining, which ve are celling low I OI.nteluLle Derb), Wren, Doll), Gyp), Queen, Made loonier 0ra. 011.3, OIK WHITE ZINC. PAINT r GALVANIZED RIDGING '1 he repairing btam.h of our business wc l'.ui4), Arnt Range. Magna Charta, rctftd as ari UF THK lAKClCiT AVSOHTMKNT job will HOW, YOU I IIS anl CHILDRKN'S CI01HING HAK Of METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS, (tnitoitaiit one, and all entrusted to ui Anncaletl encc Wire, Not. 4, 3, 6 and 7, and Sublet; be executed in a manner second t nane, ItatvanUrd Iron ItucLctt, all kite; Buck, Suilur, Magnet, Osceola, Ala. ToUet Article nmm a GLASS AND SALT', (ialvaiiijcd Wali IUun, Hf St rkHIOK In Kingdom, a. Knaravhtf (Ulvantrrd Curd en Horderin and Netting, nieda, Fklie, Charier Oak, the tuch - PAIN I tinned Iron Saute atliues; Hair Unishc, Tooth Urushe. Nail, Cloth. Heh Of ever) description done to orler. Particular attsu ian, In nuke, quality ami s.t)Ie to general impiertationi ,4 and Hath Druhhe, Urclng ComU, Pocket Comb, eakettlft, real Janii ftlackltitf. NlmMc, Itmood and tion Is paid to orders and job work from iheoiher utn KOtKi iur ini niarkci, Hne and Hack. Coinbt, Cosmetics, Pomailc, Hair Itlaitd, While tlankliig the public for Cold AND WHITEWASH BRUSHES. pt Oil, 'louth Pieinaration, Cream, Camphor favor, w e return lo hoie that our lung ex. laundry Stove tee, Perfume, Handkerchief Lh tracts, Cologne. pcrtence In the lalitd will citable us '1 oilct aters and inegar, bachet Powder. Hand ravhifj itrlcls ami Oanlvtt Titrs, Tkt HAVE JUST RECEIVED to obtain a fair khare of prtrntiage Lattst Xtntltitt in Catf 'MtMtAiMfamJ Halt Mirror. Nail leaning bet, Smelling liottle, In ihefutuic. Atomiicrs, Raror( Strops, Shain Cup, Itrushe Garden Roller. S. COHEN CO., and Soap; lotlet ijoap of ever) kind. f "Quirk HmnH IVoife," 1 .awn Seat and Chalri, ft A fine assortment uf itrmt Umbrella Standi, Is arut ihall In No. SrxfcFT GALVANIZF.n IRON and COPPER IIOILERS Ladle--' ToUet Article, our ittottu, we keep Uftk ever) article U I run bcraMira, 17 Nm'anv Honolull'. , our line of buineiS. 141-- S'3n Such Cameltine, Dicke)' Cremc de lit, !.aird FOR KANOI'.S, GRANITE IRON WARE, at THREE LAWN TENNIS SETS If loom, llagan k luiin, ttourauu urtemai (.ream, The Lartxest Lot or Perftuaerjr WALL PAPER, Lubtn's, Saunders, Pouoni's lellow, Calvert's, t ..it H RS. THOMAS LACK, I'totltr ItttMkrt, DEAVER SALOON. NICKEL PLATED AND PLAIN. ami a host of other Powders and Rogue, Hando line, l(eautySott,etc;iine Urge llalhiugbpoiige. M llitifl'HuiKrlM, Sponge Jtakets, etc. Uftlatest styles., II No. 19 Street, Houolala, orhltohrlMt II. J, NOLTK, PROPRIKTOR, liiw imporlvd into this kingdom, Fort iron WK I1AVK TIIK LOT Kegi toannotinre to hi friendtatid the public In ten-rra- Galvanized water Pipe, all sizes, and flNRtT Of ISirnHTUR AMI iikalkh h lltat he haioened the abive baloou where . H CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. laid on at lowest rates, also cast iron Infant's Sponcee Firewood, , Flrat-Cl- brought thi Kingdom- - SEWING MACHINES aricy (.Lit Uim rr SunJ, a RetrMhmenU Lead Soil Pipe. Ever to Inn tUsLttsric. Infant Diehwng Case, Nuriery Powder, ANUCEMLINK m Front 3 a, u.t till 10 r. mI Prepared Fuller's Earth, COMPRISINOOVER Ml DIFFERENT ODORS Nails, Screws, 1'nrlM, AlliirhmrulM, Olt .trrrworl. 1'OKTI.ANI) Cr,Mi:NT-KIK- i: 1IUICKS, Putt. Castile Soap, ul n Nipplef.Teetl.ing.King, AGKNT TO" Tltr The rtnei Kubber Tubing, recdinjf Holt let, rtra Clay, Clgatettei, House Fuimlenliig Goods, all klads. Night Taiicfs. Ridge's rood, Locks, Bolts,, Wmts andthe Ntw Houk Machine, Tobaccos, Talor's Arrow Root, Wkttlnn. j Soothing Syrup, etc. Howard'! Macbin. Needles, all kbids Clears, Pipes and CortlccITt Silk, in all colors ami sites t Chalk, , Butts, etc., Barbour's Linen T lircl, Smoker's Sundries RUBBER HOSE, LLuk'i O. N. T. Macbin. Cot 10.1. Yellow Oohro, TMK ONLY COUFLhTK STOCK Of CIk-- h by a pers.tul election from ntlat nunu. Mmt. PniQinft KtliaMt Cut PoJtriii Alum. factiie, ki lieen uUatned and Mil) le All tirct ami gradei. Lift and Force Putnpa. Cittern IpaotftoUi amd EytOUnti AT LOWEST PAIGES. Jiftr added from time to time. IN TOWN, Celebrate4 Luadhors; Maaufaetufe. AMI riBMCATIUNS. Puinp, Galvanlred Iron, Sheet Copper and ROOFINT. Sl.A'1'F.S, Dealer In RirLU, One of Prunw Uk iv lUIke's cclcUated BNOLINO Co., RsyoLVs, Sheet lad, Lead l'le. Till PUtt CkaasioftU of kUda, k Ol'M and SrulTlhd GuQtK, I frrfjioo? ,atl Itark .Salt, mtj, 1'nfna PkotoTPlo all r int BUliar Tabic. . Snor, Powbia, Can, s niti Haltrtt HuwrMlrr ,Stwrr Water Cloei, Marhle tl.U ODOR CASES, sod M.TAllIC Casytsiucis. tHIt Ikcunnecietl with the nhere lover of . etahlihn.eutt A I A KG AWRrWINT OP ,rC , N. j NUUANU Si., HONOLULU, 11, n itinl tirorrvtr. the cu can participate. amtbuiat cnaaieled FANCV BOXES, s. ui khuuhksk aroma, u uo. 5i HOUSkKEKrFKS' ARTICLtS. V) Sewini'Machlnc, Lock and Dreamily ' wai.hMandb. Hectro-Silico- BOrTLES, ETC, '4 RANOES, sitendeoTio, ar pOR SALE I Such a Sapotio, Sitter Soap, GUni STOVES aad Eutjlish, American and Hawaiian ana iJuniona cement, inct( rowuer, riy fupcr. Ant Puimni. rate, t"itougn ou 3 Coper am! Slierl Iron, Sheet Le.4 snd ki llu. laj NION FBBO COMPANY IWO 101' IIUGOIF.S. LAMPS AND LANTERNS Rats; Shoe Hlacking and lrevIng, Hlacklng Brass , CHANDELIERS Prashes. Ihes, DMniecunt. 1 oitel PaDcr.etc Pip., (ialv.nlied Iron Pip. snd t lllingl, Goods FLAGS! - u I WO MCOND-I- I ND KXl'RKSSr.S, WtbuU a ,ui.llro- rLAVORING LX TRACTS .11 sties, Artesian Well aiul Irrigating Pip.. 'Pie us- I hire, Put and tttn ardt lotif Hoc Hags, HOLUSTER A CO have on Uaod aid fur sale, ONK SIUIKD ILXSKI.T of our osin nuuuUctur.; Water Rub. A OO ual Tin and Iron VV'. Baths, Closets Sinks. Wash, ber uuniona, .sicuunn. i.ncsis, eic. MOLLIITER Nuuanu and A Eon and Merchant streets, In fur ONI. IIKACII WAGON, OAT Jr., & Co., sliest, cuncr stands, Marble am! EiuneM Iron, stock arul IN SaJ. at icasotutbt, Ules. MAY, OATS, BRAN. AARSsEY roi'SAiL sitKi-r- r ONK DKAV IIORSK AND IIARNLSS. chains, lli)soil't.u, II !., WAV, No, 1. (whole or ground,) All Iht ahoc al in order, nearly .a goud a nc. Oar Delicious Soda Water, TssUbSosm XI iMr Adltivalt) UM, M, ftud r r.OU THIS KAII1ANT fOVNTAIH, No. Klllg ilTMt, lit i, t ). PAN IS, io. B. WEST. STATIONERS NEWS DEALERS, ACENTS TOR HIE IKWAHAN KINOIIOM iU hich surpass !n elegance ever)lhingoT llie aliu! tier PURNITURE-UPHOLSTER- Y. HHULK tOiV.V, brought to the, islands U iniuiitatle. iiAV CONSTANTLY Would laV. this method of informiniE In inhabitants of CONTRACTOR ANB BUILDER, yyv, Honolulu, and In. other ItUmts Hat VMAVKKM CBMM, Ihey tiav. opened Manufactuicr ol I'OWIXI. DUFFHVN STK.W COAL. s and In fart thing peilatning busttsssM. W. uianutViuie bODA WATER snd GINGER SL CROWLEY. VPMOLSTERER, etei)' la lU Feed ON HAM, .Aa(.g QUANTITIM Of ALE, ami lar the agciwy for geuuui. Kasleni ApfJ. DOOKS, B. Stationery and Depot In the New , Newt Cider. Na. SB SASll. II. URUNS' 8tattuur)-- Hawaiian Gasctte Block, No. as Mer Naaaaa Btraet, HL1NDS, At J, Jr. ami chant Street, where they are prepared HK UKLIfKH Ul'M tUHHl etc, etc. Orders front Urf IsUnds sill bait our prsrfMU sAl Iron BwUttwda lluu drain CewrtMr or Kims eSstavel Strastts, easeful Slltntieo. to furnish , To an 1 In. city, snl thin 10 ih ulicr Llan.ls. a Urge uf which U cvnstantlr on hand, titabhng Of all kinds kkh (JTrr'to imrckaMr. at (ail slot t ie, on soon rwnite, in nuitn cotg dm It s rhonweb Prsciksl Wvikiiun. J.NGUMI l.l'.MIU.K IIKU1N0, from "jhh," HI11 nk Hook, building of erv dcuitptkHs, u a The Lowest Market Rate, Orders front the country sill receis, careful altciuluu And coiner of Furl and MeriLuii strseis, HoimUii. 4 tteOTOughand woikoianUke and shliped promplly. SolRwing Ik. pulJlc pal. manrier. Q.r aock U lenewed by Juh arri.lfixMulhe Meiiiommluul U CO.IA' ANO SKK. ' ciau .Hook, ronage . w scry respectfully, All wtlcrt to U aJJussed, . -- PACIFIC MUTUAL JToSSIbc e aU klsvia ssraeaatlr tioese, t Ink nuil MucSlnyr, PALMER L pHB and .4 biw- ptKM. UNION EI'.1 CO, llorxdulti. floor Oilolu k. 1HACIIER. I'.vtry lescipl!.Mnf First Class TlLfctHflK, No, HMI In rjuaiti, .inli, half ilnu, ami cones. 10;, TebpliuM No. 4 7 j. ; HAVING A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DtttltllHfaT HHd VUt'MttHrt TEEL HAULS, NO. O. FOWLER Co., Letter and Not Paper, Foolscap, Legal BAND AND SCROLL SAWING IX itm i. au mac to pata. STEAM AND VACUUM Bi - KNOWLBS' il hti UjviK; 16 ih) il per )aiJ. OHIIT MILL, Cap, Esvetepe, rapettries, etc., etc.- j o CAiiroam u all limes. rHsasaaa. iah I'Uiti, IWu au4 Null. ,J JCMSfffiMif, Match. HV 11 l'rrll-wl(- OrlnJ Ornln hrtAt, Spllta tu r afatlkltult - IHsb, ta roil lb. Jikvilsi aitciuionof to S.I.K . C, BK&H'Xft KllnJ re firrimrfi ! sirstla flixt aaei KMl- ctuLody rlFTV VARIETIES Of C., AGSfTS. AT ANY 1IMK. Mtffr. for Wm 1hi . BtssaeslMwerkaraJlaisUa, Hating oakwal Ml suaj nattstn stask sfies) OniirtfaktH fur amu ptrMiemt r Meu-tM- jrr smv. cssatenssess ystsspi, tisss ysveMer mm For Pe4tW Suits, ugM snd sf Ch.irs. wsssss fail. On4 t'utrff I'vrlnM Knyinr, thui 0 e slejlrel. PORTABLE TRAMWAYS. TTJNTINE JNVESIMENT POLICIES, . uges atooas. . sesrSMWIasssat.ssi ssTasaaasr Itsl SlfHrt . Ufsst Ihstn mr sstW ttyks WalaJ, l'itu-r- r Wub csr w'usoui snd Iksjsuoiism. SswsUlly u Umtaa JN Alto, Oh I'etilful Csrs Wkkk cnsuala the Indisputable tlaus. SCREWS AND ROLLERS ON" sss 1 Ihltfllurmr GENERAL AGENTS I OR f JACK KEPT ta. ,intiiaMn sesi.ee. isssssessestsf ta Kuilnr, rlr, Ns Kesiiistisw cm lmssle Kmldem. )bl umrciv or ntsskSBNBt la. bsu steatassiissi a Co. ADAPTED tOKSl'KAK PUNTATIONS, bat asVajus. sftAsjNI Thi '( MutuM lift HiHwtM 0 OiA, ,r frost Uauge' si torfstar SlitfssUMl Tj St THKft II. UWItSkCa VKf iHturjHtt Tit S'twUnk'Kittrgliixurftftki Ajk, StJtt lnltilmHt C., Cu,, Piutupi attaniwn will U given ,g iU MUing AlulMS Dtruur Ksi"JwuT Pullcv, and lb. Mu. taiLAJ Papers gthe Persuanent Kail..)S, and lwuuutim and cars, lra. Witb susspeieM s(.las4 lis. pewf ind .... Tk TthfktHt, unJ f la subscribers oa ay of the aMKl Louauuliscs, lust Ihsssswwm PWicy, bvve lit YOU WANT A GOOD CLOCK, SALE ONE HIOUSAND MA lb llnir lit ilmint, kit iUaawls ; tW ibu EuffUK " Sicsu tutuuC4TJlc.ilsslniswd touu.'l aJo, agctas tW Purs-ab- pOB psjusliiiyr Cuklseawyi lisctdaoy, U s l ase.il snd rSsjiV. s sissl. at (as tu un, sul Ut - ' (Mfitl nw ' Lafsvu tW a usdiug , IjWsUGc BjS4fWesABM NeiWt sss mum. Maluy Mis,. la ts U ss- Vou sVsmsI eteea c Llast " UaaV r If frg,vmim TEU U 00. lb. ssosl rdisbk csymani.1 talsof L...l s, nSJr 1U. 1 CHIMBSK BIOS. - IVsy f w You wsm RED RUBBER STAMP. ltaloeun sua sssminini, MooeH sua raavs- ss. as ausSswiW, siss wysils SipiUs t claims ttt5Ji K' a. m Watch mm, las Us, amasuJa; I mu bonswslr e SsW be; sib LvkU co, Rtinresl.r tsv. Uae, So. sag Kisf sswes, r.eomii. Iu or dul) .AIMS a rSflsf Mifcaasssi, sseis. to, ar (atl oe ilast Ufi e tunstasi yssMsstf, oj usteissasMof ft. C. S. Will fa. t. vuUm4.ttM lJ ys nttiaan. tm eassjXsi1kfatal Lusjussjssajst . ,.4 Orders fsti Kc4 Rubber Sun and nHsaL4l)r U.W.MACIVI JOAtTS XO.. AtsssM . - m . bjpbi rartsHt nnie4 M!.rw . m . - . e g Btl'IVSM..iilM, Ml l ) T. WATLKWOUSE. Iij-- usasMi aasM mi wa rMasaas I. MJ-- " J gptSBPjt"".srWsfl fP"sPB JP1 p !) hC " nPrf kWf ft S .flj , r'l'-T- ' 10, ')) fl ? 7 ':'istaS