Sample File You Step from the Cool Shade of the Long Branch Saloon Into the Midd Ay Heat of Promise City

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Sample File You Step from the Cool Shade of the Long Branch Saloon Into the Midd Ay Heat of Promise City Sample file You step from the cool shade of the Long Branch Saloon into the midd ay heat of Promise City. Loosening your Colt in its holste r. you look down Main Street and spo t the leather and denim-clad stran ger who called you ou t. Citizens of the town scramble for cover as they sense the forthcoming battle. The ou tlaw doesn't look fast enough to match your draw. but ... wait! Your keen eyes catch the unmistakable glint of the sun against gun metal from the roof of the dance hall - the yellow coward has a buddy who's going to shoot you in the back! What will you do? Th ink fast. or you 'II be the next resident of ... BOOT HILL! BOOT HILL is the game of role-playing in the Wi ld West of history and legend. Each player adopts the persona of their characte r. becoming a shift less outlaw robbing banks and stages. a renegade half-breed lead ing Indians on the warpath, a straight-shoot ing sher iff determined to clean up the town. and so on. This boxed version contains a revised and ex­ panded rules booklet (which now includes ratings for man y of the real-lif e "fastest guns that ever lived"), a campaign map for El Dorad o County ("Somewhere in the Southwest"), percentile dice, and a 34" X 22" map of Promise City. in­ clud ing a movement grid which ca n be used with the counters provided or by miniatur es. and detailed structure draw­ ings showi ng door. window. and stair locat ions as well as the height of the buildings! BOOT HILL merges the West of movies. television. and literature with realit y to form the locale for endless hou rs of adventure and fun. Strap on your gunbelt. and ente r the world of BOOT HILL! This box cont ains your complete BOOT HILL game: BOOT HILL game book Campaig n/ Town map Percentile dice Die-cut counter shee t TSR HOBBIES, INC. POB 756 LAKE GENEVA, WI 53147 Sample file LUM6ER YARD I \ - I/ WELLS 1-~ARGO BARN WEll .S FARGO CORRAL \ II CORRAL NEWSPAPER- UNDERTAKER I PROMISE CITY I I CONDON'S[ BANK F R O N T S T R E E T l J ~ws ..... ,- --FEED & ! ·~ I IIARDWAREI C i LGRAIN STOREj ~ ] I hl NA1'10NAL L 1~j 0 ~ 11 a: C [rn1filu !BARBER SIIOf > & BATHS ,... HOOVER'S D COOK'S GENERAL STORE! RESIDENCEI ! WHOLESALE~ ' Ho! D z I LIQUOR & I 1biml1 ) DO~ V, I I BARKER'S PllOTOGRAPIIIC 00 U•.W i!li --3 I PEACOCK'S SALOON I 0 CJ ,:l ,~ D D l t!'J CJ D -- - ~ - I\ RIO GRANDE l t!'J IIGAY LADY VARIE'rY I DUST !;: ,_ ~I •~ - ... & ::; ... I IIOTEL & CAFE --3 ! HALL SALOON! -< ~I '1 a"" - ~ - I • D Sample file A L L E N S T R EET i""'i n - I ' Cl D """' "LJ 7 ,-, C: PR0~1lSE CITY PROMI SE_pTY •~ """' HJ lo g COOPER SIIOP IU 1, -~i:;=;YF.R fl 0 l-- + - 1--+ ;:a,;,IIO~T~£~L-=:i-- l-- - l-'I~-, n_, ~1- -1 L.. + -1.,r ~-~~~r ~- ~"'..+.~·~j. ~+- -t---jl-+ - + -f- --=f=-r'~L~O~N~E~ST~_A¥R~l~l--t-~ .~-J;,'; !JlJ~~i t ;; f - -,L- tc~ - + - £:1 fill~[m:~°£Rt:SIDENCE!} ~~-+ --l ,.u~ liil~ 1 DANCE IIALLtl LACEY'S O • --. TELEGRAPIIJ & SALOON ru GENERAL STORE o· .-, ~{J n • ]- Cl ALHAMBRA I JEWELER &1 L. iiiiiili~n-n'l~--+----1 ~~ ] ~I MAKER I ~PIERRE'S GUN 1111 "' I 1! SIIOP & HARDWARE I I g D "u DI OD 1--1 ---- ...~--u; I 'f · 1 I 'I COMIQUE VARl~,Y f I r- -, l'AI.ACt: SALOON COtJi',tfy I IIALL & SALOONI I CLAl~IS OFFICE I COURTHOUSEI ,~ OD STORE I ICITY MARSHAL] C J ' --. 11 F R E M O N T STREET i:l ~ ~ ... - JO D _l :i I Pn, ~ '---/ ~ t---t-- -E:]0::'::1-io=~ ~ - ~!-l----11--1--+---l,----l--~ !"-l---+---l---l--l--i-- i,i::..,,R::."'E-l:S;,,..o-E;j'N~'C;Ejl- -1--+---I---R...,F__l+.....; 17n:i-a~--s-4 +ll-,~---1-l-+-l~t, I -~~!:==:==::==:==:::~:~'"''_• " ~: :~~~~- -: 1- -+---f-'--f "' ~ BAR "II" STABLES ? "' ' 1,_ ~ :;; "z. lei! § ;,,-~ 0 D BOtiRDINGI ;: ,; i::, ·.,_; 1 0 0 1-- -+- --1-----f~ r;;li-:li==lla=iH-+i~ ...:..-· HOUSE .-., ~ {,I') 1 !~1'"'>1~ - --1-- -1 ..~ ~ I - j ...._ g T; :~/ 1,, "" E 'ti t---+- -----t '" " )0 ;:;~ ]( ;;. -· " l--t - -118---ii t:::i~~ - -Jo- ~ ~l-- --!l,--IB-A_R_'1--''_'"_C40_R_R_AI-L·-ol--~-+-+--ll- -+-+-1----1-+-+--l-l-+-+-- lo-..l,,- ,l---l--t- ~ """'l----l-+--J, '--iOf--.K--_c+o_R_R•A_L_.l--+- -j ~--+ - + --l- -l - -l- - +---i~-+ - --1--1---l--+-+--l\ --+ - -l----,l- -+ - +-+--+-+--i---f--+-+-l--+--li ICE.PHOTOlll ,ll--+-----f- -+--l----,l--+- +-+--+-+-4-----f -~ / :U,11,!!12 Sample file FOREWORD These rules are aimed at enjoyment on a plane unusual to wargaming, the individual and personal. Rather tha n com mandin g hordes of troops, players typically have but a single figure, their "c haracter". With these figures the players recreat e the individual gun fights, saloon brawls, and Wild West action as handed down to us from the pages of history - and the celluloid of Hollywood westerns. Generation after generation of American youth has grown up with tales of cowboys, Ind ians. Indian fighters. and outlaws to ente rtain them - first in dime novels, then in movies. and now through television (although the book and movie are still there also). So while the "western" is by no means unique to us, this form of Wild West act ion is. Before play begins. the participants will roll percentile dice to determine certa in cha racteristics of their figure. His reflexes. aim. cou rage . and previous experience will all have direct bearing on the outcome of any confrontation which ends with smoking six-guns. The players then go about the actions appropriate to their chosen roles in the game - or the roles assigned to them by the game referee - more or less letti ng the nature of the Wild West take its course. Within a turn or two things begin to happen, and before long all hell has broke n loose. In fact, Clint Eastwood westerns are somewhat mild compared to a typical BOOT HILL game! These games can be played as single events , each unrelated to the next (except for the experience which the characte rs might have gained. or the substitution of a new personal figure due to the incarceration or demise of a former one during the course of the previous game). It is better if games are strung together as an epic of action , with the whole taking place in some general locale and past happenings being reflected more directly in each successive game. Larger scope ca n be given to either sort of play if players are given some henchmen - a band of despe rad oes, a bunch of cowpokes , a troop of cavalry, a war party of Indians , a deputy and a posse. Showdowns? Dry gulching? Range wars? Vigilantes? Yep , pard. it' s all here. BOOT HILL offers basic rules for quickly gra sping how the game is played. There are advanced rules which require more skill but which enhance realism. Finally , there are special sections and appendices for true Western buffs to allow closer simu lation of the actual (or imagined) happenings of the Old West. Time to stop all this palaver and saddle up. If we hurry. we can head 'em off at the pass! E. Gary Gygax W4NTED 1 May 1975 ranHIGHW4Y l\ODDEl\Y Sample file DOCESHOTDLOIE $500 I\EWAI\DDEAD on ALIVE WELLSFAI\GO EZPI\ESS OFFICE LAI\AIIE,WYOMING TEI\I\ITOI\Y MINIATURE FIGURES A complete line of miniature figures suitable for use with BOOT HILL is manufactured by Grenadier Models under the " WESTERN GUNFIGHTER" series name . These figures come in pre-packaged sets, and the complete line of individual figures is listed below: C I Sheriff C 26 Prisoner in irons C 2 Deputy Sheri fl C 27 Town Judge C 3 Cowboy with rifle C 28 Undertaker w/ tombstone C 4 Cowboy with pistol C 29 Mounta inman C 5 Mexican Bandito with Henry Rifle C 30 Barb er C 6 Holdup man , pistol and Mail Bag C 31 Dude C 7 Gun slinger C 32 Doc tor C 8 Mexican w/ 45· 70 Carbine C 33 T own Drunk C 9 Holdup man, sawed off shotgun C 34 Officer C 10 Saloon keeper w/scatte rgun C 35 Troope r firing carbine C 11 Gambler . \~ .. :, Al,.. - \W'J • - ~ d C 36 Trooper charging w/ carbine »-·,"·~.~ I . \.Y C 12 Saloon•Gi rl • .• '\., r,.r, C 37 Trooper loading carbine C 13 Fighti ng cowboy w/bottle ~·-.-.- ·. - .. ::· C 38 Indian Chief C 14 Fighting cowboy, bare fists C 39 Indian firing bows C 15 Figh ting cowboy w/bowie knife ~ ..'• '.--...., ~~ .. C 40 Indian firing rifles C 16 Bankgua rd w/ carbine a.·· ~ C 4 1 Indian w/ warclub C 17 Cowboy w/ sac k 1 , ~ I C 42 Wyatt Earp C 18 Townslady C 43 Doc Holliday C 19 Old Veteran ; ' ... C 44 Bat Masterson C 20 Gold Miner C 45 John Slaughter C 21 Townsman & Child C 46 Shootist, Wes Harding C 22 Road agent w/ winchester ..,,..... .......... C 47 Squirrel Tooth Alice w/ derringe r ' C 23 Store owner w/ Civil War rifle ..... C 48 Mount ed cowboy firing rifle C 24 Ladyshopkeeper C 49 Cowboy w/ pistol C 25 Depot agent C 50 Cowboy w/ scatte rgun For more complete price and ordering informatio n, write: Grenadier Models, PO Box 305, Springfield, PA 19064.
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