GRE SHA M . co Reproduction of this tefi, or any efiract from it, must credit Gresham College THE SKY’S THE LIMIT! A Lectire by PROFESSOR HEATHER COUPER BSC DLitt(Hon) FRAS Gresham Professor of Astronomy 16 November 1994 .,, . .. .,,... .,..’.. -. , i GRESH.4.bI COLLEGE Policy & Objectives h independently funded educational institution, Gresham College exists . to continue the free public lectures which have been given for 400 years, and to reinterpret the ‘new lehg’ of Sir ~omas Gresham’s day in contemporary terms; to engage in study, teaching and research, particularly in those disciplines represented by the Gresham Professors; to foster academic consideration of contemporary problems; to challenge those who live or work in the City of London to engage in intellectual debate on those subjects in which the City has a proper concern; and to provide a window on the City for le-ed societies, both national and international. GreshamCollege,Barnard’sInn Hall, Holbom, LondonEClN 2HH Tel: 020783 I 0j75 Fax: 02078315208 e-mail:
[email protected] THE SKY’S THE LIMIT! Professor Heather Couper Why do astronomers do astronomy? A lot of people (especially cynical journalists) ask me this question. It’s often assumed that astronomy - at best - is the useless pursuit of measuring the positions of stars in the sky, or - at worst - is something to do with being engaged in a secret follow-up to President Reagan’s Star Was military prograrnme. Whatever, astronomy is believed to be other-worldly, irrelevant, a waste of money, and something that is only studied by old men with long white beards.