Above For Official Use Only ICDP Proposal Cover Workshop PreliminarySheet Full New Revised Addendum Please tick or fill out information in all gray boxes Title: Proponent(s): Keywords: Location: (5 or less) Contact Information: Contact Person: Department: Organization: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Permission to post abstract on ICDP Web site: Yes No Abstract: (400 words or less) 1 / 2 Scientific Objectives: (250 words or less) Summary of Support Requested from ICDP Requested Estimated Total Project Budget ICDP funds: (ICDP funds plus other sources): (in US$) Planned Estimated Duration in Month Start: (On-site operations only): Requested Drill Engineering Operational (Please contact ICDPs Operational Support Support: Group if required) Downhole Logging (Please contact ICDPs OSG if required) Field Lab Equipment (Please contact ICDPs OSG if required) Training Course (Please contact ICDPs OSG if required) Details such as a Budget Plan, Management Plan, and Drilling Plan to be provided as attachment to the Proposal. OSG contact: U. Harms (
[email protected]), Phone: +49 331 288 1085 2 / 2 Oman Drilling Project submitted January 14, 2011, proponent list & CV’s updated January 29, 2011 Oman Ophiolite Drilling Project Workshop Proposal Proponents: Peter Kelemen Ali Al Rajhi, Shoji Arai, Wolfgang Bach, Donna Blackman, Georges Ceuleneer, Laurence Coogan, Margot Godard, Steve Goldstein, Philiipe Gouze, Greg Hirth, Al Hofmann, Bjorn Jamtveit, Jürgen Koepke, Charles Langmuir, Chris MacLeod, Craig Manning, Jürg Matter, Katsu Michibayashi, Jay Miller, Sobhi Nasir, Barbara Sherwood Lollar, Everett Shock, Eric Sonnenthal, Damon Teagle, Susumu Umino, Jessica Warren, Wenlu Zhu, formally confirmed interest but have not yet provided CV’s: Françoise Boudier, Kathryn M.