Lehigh Valley Ironpig's Grand Slam with Coca-Cola Park!
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Vol. 16 Lehigh Valley IronPig’s Grand Slam with Coca-Cola Park! Baseball is all the buzz in the Lehigh Valley as the Lehigh Valley IronPigs, the area’s Triple-A Affi liate of the Philadelphia Phillies have started their season in the beautiful, new Coca Cola Park in Allentown, PA. The $48.4 M, 10,000 seat stadium has been packed with fans since opening day and provides a state -of-the-art facility for viewing America’s “favorite past-time”. Vistacom worked with the Iron Pig’s to integrate an impressive level of technology throughout the facility. No matter where you are on the Cocal-Cola Park grounds, you will not miss a moment of the game. Over 230 ElectroVoice & Tannoy loudspeakers were distributed evenly to provide very dense coverage to the main seating areas, view balcony seating areas, concourse, party decks and outfi eld areas. The suites, press area and the private party areas behind home plate have the capability to listen to either the local FM radio broadcast of the game or the stadium announcer with associated sound eff ects and music. The IronPigs franchise televise all 72 of its home games, a rarity for a minor league team. To accomplish this, Vistacom integrat- ed a complex video playback system that accepts feeds from both the LED video wall and the local television channel. At the heart of the stadiums video playback system is a Grass Valley Indigo produc- tion switcher as well as ClickEff ects Flashbacks & Crossfi re computer systems. Click Eff ects CrossFire is the optimal multimedia broadcast server for unmatched quality and value in live event production. “ The Crossfi re became the best choice after we saw just how easy it was to use. Along with the level of power that it off ered” stated Rich mullen, communication technology specialist at Vistacom. “the system instantly serves video and audio clips, acts as a still store, a graphic generator with no rendering and a downstream keyer con- sole.” This system utilizes the latest technology available in digital ef- fects generation and allows the operators to create a truly immersive environment for the spectators. WHY GO WIDE? PANASONIC HAS THE ANSWER! Once a rarity in the business world, the demand for widescreen projectors is rapidly grow- ing and we need look no further than our own computer, laptop, television, game console or home theater system to fi gure out why. The proliferation of digital content has trans- formed the viewing experience, bringing a heightened sense of realism and immediacy to the “big” and “little” screens. Widescreen display devices, coupled with the plethora of high defi nition programming and digital content now available, are raising the bar for audiovisual equipment. Audiences today are more technically sophisticated. To hold their attention and deliver the “wow” factor, sales representatives, trainers and lecturers are graduating from standard PowerPoint presentations to multimedia presentations, combin- ing video clips, animations and dynamic Web content. For optimal viewing, widescreen presentations require widesrceen projectors. By projecting a wide source to a standard (4:3) screen, only 75 percent of the screen is used and the image size is reduced. All-digital TV is looming on the national horizon. In accordance with Federal Com- munications Commission (FCC) regulations, all televison sets manufactured today with an analog tuner must also contain a digital tuner. The end of analog TV broadcasts is slated for February 17, 2009. The FCC website states: “On that date, full power TV stations will cease broadcasting on their current analog channels, and the spectrum they use for ana- log broadcasting will be reclaimed and put to other uses.” From cell phones and computer notebooks, to digital cameras and camcorders- everything is making the shift to wide. Here are some advantages: 1. More realistic and engaging viewing experience. Top: Wide Screen, Bottom Standard 4:3 To meet business demand for high-impact, high- resolution displays, companies increasingly rely on wide-format projectors with high brightness. 2. More screen Real Estate= Higher Productivity- Widescreen display provides the user with signifi cantly more usable screen area, promoting multitasking since a user can have mul- tiple fi les and data sources open on the widescreen. 3. Wide is a Better Fit- When the ceiling height is limited, a widescreen display gives a larger picture. Panasonic off ers a growing number of widescreen business projectors capable of displaying a 16:9 image, which is equivalent to that of widescreen movies and HDTV. Models are de- signed for diff erent environments, where the brightness, resolution and operational specifi - cations must match specifi c media applications, environments and technical specifi cations. These digital projectors are off ered in a number of native resolutions. WXGA projectors, like the PT-DW5000U, with a native resolution of 1280 x 768 pixels, and the PT-DW7000U (1,366 x 768) and FW100NTU (1,280 x 800), can display both widescreen HD images (1,280 x 720 pixels) and XGA images (1,024 x 768 pixels) in full resolution. The FW100NTU’s resolution matches the display resolution of many widescreen computers and laptops. The Panasonic PT- DW10000U off ers a native resolution of 1,920 x 1,080, which is the highest HD resolution used on source materials like Blu-ray DVDs. Top: Wide Screen, Bottom Standard 4:3 For more information, contact your Vistacom account representative at 800-747-0459 Content curtesy of Panasonic Projector Systems Company . Rodger’s Ramblings Tips, Techniques,Technologies in the World of AV & IT. If your company is trying to go green, now more than ever is the perfect time to think about videoconferencing. The TANDBERG Advantage Calculator will help you understand how video conferencing can benefi t your business. Simply answer some questions about how your business currently operates. Then TANDBERG uses this information to build a business case for reducing costs, cutting CO2 emissions and improving productivity for your organization. Just visit http://www.tandberg-business-advantage.com/ and use their Business Advantage Calculator. TRACKING CONTROL WITH TrackVIEW is designed to control presentation cameras and provide hands-free automated camera tracking and pre-set control for instruc- tor/presenter camera tracking applications. TrackVIEW allows present- ers the ability to have the camera follow them as they walk between preset camera views. The Vaddio TrackVIEW camera control system is an easy-to-operate, fully automated presenter camera tracking system. Designed as a two-camera presenter controlled system, TrackVIEW incorporates both motion-based camera tracking and camera preset tracking in one system. It’s the perfect solution where hands-free camera tracking and broadcast-style preset camera control are requirements. As an addition to distance learning facilities, TrackVIEW has proven itself to be an invaluable tool allowing instruc- tors to maintain their focus on delivering curriculum content while TrackVIEW provides smooth, predictable video of the instructor at all times. Northeastern Pennsylvania Tech Expo 2008 SHOW IS A MAJOR SUCCESS! On March 5th at King’s College Sheehy-Farmer Business Center, over 40 vendors and 200 attendees took part in the fi rst annual NEPA Tech Expo. With a wide array of both IT and Audiovisual Technologies as well as a dozen seminars to choose from, attendees were kept busy through-out the day. Vistacom worked very closely with King’s College to put together a high-level technology showcase unlike anything that the region had seen. “We are really pleased with how well the show went,” stated Ray Pryor, Director of User Services at King’s College. “we had a vision, and I think we saw that vision come to life. We are hoping to make it even bigger and better next year.” The second annual NEPA Tech Expo is scheduled for March 4th 2009. VVISTACOMISTACOM PPRESIDENTRESIDENT EELECTEDLECTED TTOO BBOARDOARD OOFF DDIRECTORSIRECTORS Dave Ferlino, President of Vistacom, has recently been elected to the NSCA Board of Direc- tors for a two year term. Dave will bring 30 years of AV experience to the organization and will off er a broad insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the AV industry. The goals of the Board of Directors of NSCA include: making training and education available and aff ordable for industry professionals and students, attracting new qualifi ed individuals into the industry; and providing the industry with leadership and direction focused on the future growth and stability of the commercial electronic systems industry. NSCA is the leading not-for-profi t association representing the commercial electronic sys- tems industry. With a slate of more than 2,500 member companies worldwide, the National Systems Contractors Association is a powerful advocate of all who work within the low- voltage industry, including systems contractors/integrators, product manufacturers, con- sultants, sales representatives, architects, specifying engineers and other allied professionals. Dave is also a long-standing member of I.C.I.A., and A.E.S. Www.vistacominc.com 800-747-0459 Allentown, Pa. 18103 Pa. Allentown, 1902 Vultee St. Vultee 1902.