The Lawrentian, President of Live in Washington for the Duration School, Other V-12 Schools, Pre-Fligh*
Th e La w r e n t ia n VOL. 63, NO. IS •Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, October 27, 1944 GOP Speakers Commencement Will Address Group Tuesday Eve. Be Conducted Sunday Fifty Students ence, Bachelor of Music, and Mas Dirksen, Wiley, To Receive Degrees ter of Arts in Education. Several Keefe and Byrnes Master of Science degrees will be In Various Fields Appear at Rally conferred on students of the Insti With graduation for the Law tute of Paper Chemistry. Representative Everett Dirksen, rence college class of ’45 moved La Vahn Maesch, organist, will forward from next June to this Oc Republican from Illinois, was the play for the academic processional tober by the accelerated wartime and recessional. Miss Muriel Engel« main speaker at the Republican program of the college, many stu tally held in the Lawrence College dents who entered college in Sep land and Mrs. Barbara Webster, of Chapel on Tuesday evening, October tember 1941 will receive diplomas the conservatory faculty will par ticipate in the musical portion of £4 . State senator, Alexander Wiley, this coming Sunday. Commence ment and baccalaureate services, to the program. The invocation wrill Representative Keefe and John W. be held at Lawrence Memorial be offered by Dr. Thomas Kepler, Byrnes, candidate for the House of chapel at two o’clock Sunday af professor of Bible and religion. Representatives from the 8th Con ternoon, will be combined, as they Principal speaker w ill be John Whittier Darr professor of religion gressional district, also appeared on were this year in February, when and college pastor from Wesleyan the program.
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