. 'i’ ^ « ■■'*..' ■ ______ f4 T i -•7 • T'-; , . t^ \ “iV*" ■ j- IT of VOL. LIIL« NO. 202. (Oaaslfled AdrortUliig on Pogo id.) B1ANCHES9ER, GO^n ^^1084. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE: GRi AMERICAN GOLFER I ■ ' ; • .'i'K-J ' :;'• WINS CHAMPIONSHIP 4 W . Lawson Little Captnres Younrs AnACK British Amatenr Title by ON GIRL BRINGS Let*s Have Another Goardsnen T i^en lines i 14 and 13 Breaking All Clean Auto Record Teleda as Mas Is Held m Existing Re<M)rds. C H E S m TERM Arson (%arge— Series d Motor Vehicle Commissioner Michael A. Connor Blazes D iriiu N i ^ - r Prertwick, Scotland, May 36.— Wilbert Tedford Sentenced (A P )—^W. Lawson LdtUe of Call- Again Appeals To Drivers To Save fomla defeated James Wallace, Lives This Week End. Several Womided m E a i^ After Story of Assault and Scottish carpenter, 14 and 18 today for the British anmteur golf cham­ Homing OatbreaL pionship, smashing all existing rec­ Cblorofonn Threat Is Told Encour^ed by the results of last week’s appeal to the public, ords for this classic tournament. made poMible by the whole-hearted cooperation of the presss, After gaining a 12 hole lead in — Companion JaOed. Ckaninissioner o f Motor Vehicles Michael A. Connor, in attend­ Toledo, O., May 26.— (A P )—MIU- ance a t th e National Highway CJonference in Washington where tiamen tightezied their linee about the motor vehicle accident record is the prime topic of discus­ tbe riot zone at the Electric Auto- Wilbert Tedford, of 72 East Cen­ sion. again urges Connecticut motorists to 1^ moderate and Lite plant today, frankly worried ter street, was committed to the sane in their week-end motoring and endeavor to record a non­ over a fire menace as one man was State P.eformatory at Cheshire for fatality report for Saturday and Sunday. Following is the booked on an arson charge. assault upon a local girl and Walter Commissioner’s appeal: A man who rave his name as Jodoin, of 162 Center street, an ac­ “To those drivers who so effectively cooperated in making Thomas Meyer, 26, was arrested by cessory to the fact was given 60 the highways safer over last week-end, the thanks not only of National Guardsmen In toe- area days in Jail, by Judge R A. John- where renewed rifle fire broke out scm in Town Court today. Tedford, myself but of the citizens of Connecticut are due. I am indeed early today in the wake of strikers’ through his attorney, George Less- deeply grateful, and my hope and prayer is that this record can rejection of a peace proposal. ner, pleaded guilty to the charge. be improved or at least repeated this week-end. His arrest followed an Investiga­ Jodoin pleaded not guilty. “ Each of you, I feel, has respond-^ tion of a series of incendiary fires Confesses Part ed to these appeals, imd I am sure during the night. A. F. Gartz, dis­ According to a confession given Felled by a barrage of stones and bricks hurled b y strikers and thdr sympathizers in the battle which and each of jrou mu^: regard your­ trict fire chief, said most of a dozen to Lieut. William Barron, by Jo- raged at the Electric Auto-Lite plant in Toledo, this Ol**o gruardsman was carried from the scene of conflict that your behavior on the highways self as an Integral part of i t It is alarms were false, but that a box doln, the latter told the officer that by fellow troopers. More than a dgzen of the militia men were cut and'bruised by mfmiitAa which the attack­ of the state last week-end was a ycur duty—you must do it. car and two houses had been fired “Police officials who this past ho had talked with Tedford on ers showered on them before the soldiers fired into the crowd, iriiung two. definite indication of your wilMng- with oil waste. The were tip- May le concerning the part he was wee^ gathered at the State Capitol tlngulshed quickly. Military officers ness to cooperate with us. We were for a conference on this subject are expected to play in the case. Due indeed gratified by the Teductlon in said they were worried over- the fire to the fact that Jodoli^was not a li­ determined to energetically and im- menace. censer' operator j f a car, plans fatalities, and during the wmk 1 ceaslngly pursue their part to cor- have been even more pleased by let­ Passes Issued were made to solicit another per­ lect the bad drivers. They are de­ Military passes were being is JAPANESE MAY GIVE UP KELLEY, VICTIM ters received from individuals termined to keep a sharp eye on son, a minor, to operate the car to throughout the state who likewise this morning for the first time be used in coimectlon with the con­ even the lesser violations. In re- newspaper men and others wh templated trip with the girl. have noted a definite change in the sx>onae to the appeal issued by His behavior of the driving public. wished to enter the riot zone. Ihelr Plans NAVAL PARTTY CLAIMS OF BULLETS, IN Bjicellency, Governor Cross, they In an early morning outbreak. Na­ The three met on the 17th of May Reprimand the Reckless have pledged thdr mipport in this tional Guard Lieutenant Verne 811- W. Lawson little and made the plans, the defendant “In spite of my own enthusiasm, program. Governor Cross suggested baugh of Lima, Ohio, was shot ifx testified in his statement to the of­ SERIOJ^ STATE I am somewhat amazed at the tone remedial measures—offered a pro­ the thigh by a sniper. His wound the morning round by shooting a ficer. They met at 8 o’clock at the Fear Anglo-American Com­ and temper of these letters. The gram for improvement, and gave was not serioua The firing later au^ sensational 66 to break* all records comer of East Center and Spruce RUMOR OF ^REAK’ sane and safe drivers who realize definite impetus to the campaign for sided. for this strenuous seaside course, streets and rode together to the the importance of highway safety safety in which all of us are par­ Little quickly put an end to the one­ Payton Case, 36, was admitted to home of the girl. Tedford then got bine at 1935 Conference; Otbmr PoEcemen Slot by are definitely banding themselves to­ ticipating. A ll of the agencies in the- a hospital with severe jaw wounfil sided match at the 2Srd hole with out of the oar and asked the girl to INDEDHAMJAa gether to see to it that the bad and stato were asked to take part in it. caused by a gas projectile. P e t^ another display of,sub^>ar golf. He go with him for a walk, it being un­ reckless drivers shall not escape a Indeed, no sane or conscientious in­ was three imder par for the five Win Demand a ^ b e r Ra­ Burglar m Hartford, Im- Bruner, 42, was tr r a t^ for a bayo­ derstood that Jodoin and the other reprimand. dividual can oppose this wortoy en­ net wround. holes of the afternoon round and boy In the car were to follow and “The speed, I am sure, was not so terprise. It is logical therefore to ex­ Walter Noland, 36, a bakery eg^ eight imder par for the match. meat Tedford and the girl in the tio, However. great last week-end. Cutting in was pert that each one of you should Cheney flower garden off South Prisoners Searched Bot pw^ing — H ansa, “Cop- gineer, received three hip wouzids he Third American Victory. Qov so prevalent. Surely this must definitely pledge himself to take ^ d wae inflicted by bayonets. J o ^ In becoming the third native M«Un street. Jodoin said that he did h-ave Incficated the willingness o f the pw t. ai si^a««d and after iric&g O. Quigley, n nearlqr resident sor- American to win the title-»^ Jess r” Aiso WSReeoyor. pubUc at large to <to its shaze in this Itfe Amerleka ))orted be waa shot in the apkla Sweeteer Won In 1626 _ ^I^edftTH».nnA. th s.g ii1 *lfrth l g a s d w cruSade. Enreo'di&'bad'^ driver who he Americans. Let’s shoot off South Main street, & sy .'dtove -fearing an Anglo-Amei^caa com­ Fire' (ig h te Scene Jones in 1930— the 28-ynar ______ may or may not have ' seen our ap­ for tbe reooci. L e t us in Coimecticut, For a short tiihe the glare of a fbmia husky set up four records. to Highland P ick and stoi^>ed at a bine at 1935 naval conference, is and Falttr Q»|ftiod Tjierp. Hartford, M sy 26.^(J!dt>)-:-C8rl peal, or if be did, paid no attention set an example of safe driving that woodlot off Spring street where the fire which attacked a box ear aaid His margin of victory was the most ready, it waa indicated today, to L. Hansen, ^ y e a r-o ld “ o ^ h a te r” to it, must hlmseU have been Im­ will be the emulation of every other two homes in tlie southern edge of one<dded over registered; his lead cai was turned around and parked. abandon any claims to naval parity pressed. I urge you therefore to state In the union. Don’t therefore Gill Blindfolded of West Hhrtford who-shot three tbe darkened strike zone—the seetbr of 12 holes after the first 18 was with the United States and Great Dedham, Maas.,'May 26.— (A P I- persevere in this endeavor.
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