Springvale Way, Bilston
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Wolverhampton MBC decision item 2000 / 2001 Agenda Item No. 8 PLANNING COMMITTEE 23012001 REGENERATION AND Open/Exempt Originating Department(s) Paragraph TRANSPORTATION Contact Officer(s)/ KEN HARROP Telephone Number(s) 555649 Title/Subject Matter PLANNING APPLICATION 00/1496/RM ERECTION OF NON-FOOD RETAIL UNIT FOLLOWING OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION C/0337/92 LAND AT SPRINGVALE WAY, BILSTON DecisionRecommendation Delegated authority to grant permission to the Chief Planning Officer in consultation with the Chair, subject to: (a) the completion of neighbour consultation time and receipt of any further neighbour comments, which would be reported to the Chair. (b) The receipt of satisfactory true to scale plans, sections and elevations of the building. (c) The receipt of satisfactory drawings and details of means of enclosure and boundary treatments. continued overleaf / … Date of Meeting Decision Additional Notes/ Document Reference 1kh spring ale a jc Any permission would be subject to conditions which would include: § submission and approval of large scale architectural details (1:20 and larger) as necessary, to demonstrate the quality of detailing. § submission and approval of external materials § details of landscaping, surfacing and boundary treatment § details of surface water drainage § fire escape doors on the west and north elevations only to be open in emergencies, and to be fitted with alarm systems to prevent unauthorised use § food retailing shall not take place from this site § details of sprinkler tanks and pump house § details of level access to public and staff entrances 1kh spring ale a jc Erection of Non-Food Retail Unit following Outline Planning Permission C/337/92 Land at Springvale Way (rear of B&Q) Bilston APPLICATION NO. 00/1496/RM WARD: Ettingshall DATE REC’D: 20-NOV-2000 DEADLINE DATE: 14 –JAN-2001 APP.TYPE: Approval of Reserved Matters APPLICANT: AGENT: Powerhouse Ltd Design to Build PO Box 453 3 9 Dudley Street 45 The Esplanade Sedgley St Helier Dudley Jersey JE4 8WQ West Midlands DY3 1SA 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 To inform members of this application for approval of reserved matters and to make a recommendation. 2.0 Background 2.1 The application site is the undeveloped land at the rear of B&Q, with access from Springvale Way, see plan attached to this report. The site has suffered problems of fly tipping and use by travellers. This land forms part of the outline planning permission 337/92, for “mixed employment development including non-food retail, petrol filling station and leisure”. Subsequently this permission has been part implemented by Mecca Bingo, B&Q and Halfords. The outline planning permission for the remaining undeveloped land was renewed in 1996 and 1999. The site was originally part of Bilston Steel Works, and was subject to open cast mining and land reclamation. 3.0 Policy Context 3.1 The land is allocated for employment uses in the UDP, along with the adjoining Springvale Business Park. The Council has recognised, in the UDP, and by virtue of the planning permissions granted, that an exception to retail policy has been made here, the purpose being to stimulate interest in the adjoining Business Park. Para 1.29 of the Economy and Employment Chapter of the UDP concludes, “the non-food retail development would therefore be limited to that already permitted by the outline approval granted 5 May 1993 and the associated detailed approvals”. 3.2 Draft national planning policy guidance No. 13 Transport, advises a maximum parking provision of one space/20-22 sq.m. for non-food retail development. 1kh spring ale a jc 4.0 Application Detail 4.1 The proposal is for a retail warehouse type building. The proposed occupier is Matalan (clothing). Dimensions are 80m x 53m (4240 sq.m. footprint, 45,000 sq.ft) by 9m height to eaves level. A combination of brickwork and smooth architectural cladding panels external finish is proposed. The main entrance and frontage faces south towards Springvale Way. 212 Customer parking spaces are shown fronting Springvale Way. Service vehicle access and the service yard adjoins the boundary with Mecca Bingo. 4.2 Matalan state that 20 full time and 120 part time jobs would be created. They do not intend to close the existing Matalan store in Wolverhampton. 5.0 Publicity and Consultation 5.1 The application has been advertised by press and site notice and neighbour letter to all the houses that surround this site. Additional neighbour letters have been sent out following a review of consultation, the closing date for replies is 25 January. At the time of writing, one written response has been received, requesting clarification of the application and commenting on the need for adequate tree screening and possible pollution hazards. 5.2 Consultations (a) Internal Consultations Transportation – layout satisfactory. Springvale Way and proposed new turning head will need to be adopted. Strategic Planning – Application accords with the outline planning permission and UDP supporting paragraph 1.29 which deals with the Springvale Site. (b) External Consultations Centro – Significant retail development should be within 250m of bus services. Nearest services are on Millfields Road (approximately 400m away) and Coseley Road (320m away). Parking requirements should accord with Planning Policy Guidance 13 Transport, of one space/20-22 sq.m. Severn Trent Water – No objections. No building to be within 5m of the public sewer adjoining this site. 6.0 Appraisal 6.1 Key issues: Siting and layout Detail design 6.2 Principle of Development Development of this site would represent the completion of the “Mixed Employment Development” site. It accords with the outline permissions already granted and paragraph 1.29 of the UDP. 1kh spring ale a jc 6.3 Siting and Layout (a) The building position has been amended to be 30m away from the nearest houses in Elford Grove. This distance is considered satisfactory. The space between the building and Nos. 4, 5 and 6 Elford Grove would be planted with trees. There is already a belt of young established trees on the boundary between these houses and the application site. (b) At the rear of the site a line of mature poplar trees stands within the adjoining sports ground. The building has been positioned 10m away from this boundary to allow for the canopy spread of these trees. (c) In urban design terms the siting of the building at the back of the site, surrounded by car parking is not good. However, a proper urban design framework has not been followed in siting previous buildings in the vicinity. Given the shape of the site and its position in relation to B&Q and the adjoining housing, the general layout can on balance be accepted. As submitted the site is shown to have a landscaped frontage to Springvale Way. Means of enclosure is very important to define the site edges and provide some screening to the car park. A combination of wall and/or railings and landscaping is considered necessary in order to create some sense of containment and urbanity and to compensate for the shortcomings in urban design. (d) The 212 parking spaces shown equal a provision of one space per 20 sq.m. of gross floor space. This conforms with Government Planning Policy Guidance on maximum levels of parking that should be allowed. 6.4 Design The building design reflects its function as a retail warehouse. The main south elevation facing Springvale Way and the east elevation have been amended to create a visual focus for the building. The combination of brick and smooth architectural panels as successfully used on the Jactone building (Springvale Business Park) should produce a building of clean and uncluttered appearance which will be appropriate for this location. 7.0 Financial Implications 7.1 This application has no financial implications for the Council. 8.0 Environmental Implications 8.1 The development of this site will be a welcome contribution to the completion of the Springvale Business Park. 9.0 Equal Opportunities Policy Implications 9.1 This application has no implications for the Council’s equal opportunities policies. Costas Georghiou: Chief Planning Officer Contact Officer: Nigel Brown, Head of Development Control & Information Case Officer: Ken Harrop 1kh spring ale a jc .