Page I of I Subject: Lending Request Date: 08/29/1404:25 PM To:
[email protected] From: Interlibrary Loan - Lending <
[email protected]> Type of Request: Article IL Number: 128918580 Call Number: N867~ Co - Location: art Article Details: Article Title: John Gibson and his 'Tinted Venus' Article Author: Cooper, Jeremy Journal Title: The Connoisseur IiIR sales annlolal Journal Volume : Journal Issue: Journal Month/Date: Journal Year: 1971 1 O;-;c..~:;1~~" Pages: 84-92 GZM TN : 2531354 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If you have questions please contact the ILL staff at
[email protected]. Thank you, University of Wisconsin-Interlibrary Loan Department THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17 U.S. CODE). https:llwiscmail. _static/layoutlshell.html?lang=en-US&2-6.0 1_002019 9/2/2014 John Gibson and his 'Tinted Venus' JEREMY COOPER URING his lifetime 'John Gibson of Rome' became an Exhibition of 1862 a sculpture which attained the greatest D elected 11lcmbcr of the Royal Academies in London, possible notoriety. Munich, Berlin and Turin, of the Imperial Academy in St. The marble statue which aroused the Victorian public to Petersburg, and of the Pontifical Academics of St. Luke in conflicting storms, ranging from excessive abuse to ecstatic Bologna and Ravenna. With so rcfined and academic a pedigree, praise, was known as the 'Tinted Venus' (see colour plate) , divergence from the established artistic norm might seenl and it is the purpose of tlus article to provide the grounds for a unlikely, and in many respects Gibson did fit snugly into this balanced lustorical and aesthetic assessment of this the principal well defiu9d niche.