Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020

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Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 Everett L. Cattell Library Assessed by Rebecca Fort Date July, 2019-June, 2020 Mission Statement: The mission of the Malone University Library is to provide curricular materials, research information, and Christian spiritual development resources for Malone students, faculty, staff and other library patrons, and to provide instruction in the use of those resources and in general information literacy skills. Unit Goals: 1. To equip students with information retrieval and evaluation skills 2. To provide and promote access to curricular materials, research information, and Christian spiritual development resources for Malone University students, faculty, and staff 3. To provide and maintain a web site and physical facilities that are conducive to study and research 4. To promote professional development and personal Christian spiritual growth for librarians, support staff, and student employees 1 | Page Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 Expected Performance Means of Assessment & Summary of Data Outcomes Criteria for Success Collected Use of Results G1-1. All first year students will G1-1. The library staff will G1-1. All fall semester Comm G1-1. We will continue receive at least a basic library work with communication arts 110 classes visited the both practices. orientation. professors to present basic library and had opportunity library instruction to all Comm for individualized instruction We need to improve our 110 classes. with librarians. online instruction Spring was disrupted first by possibilities. We will create All GEN 100 classes will the renovation and then by more tutorials and update complete a self-guided tour COVID-19. Only 2 classes the ones we currently during orientation visited have. All fall GEN 100 classes completed the tour. One of the instruction librarians also presented as part of the CSS Expo series G1-2. Liaisons will work with G1-2. Each academic discipline G1-2. Librarians presented 8 G1-2. Students do not use department faculty to present will have a subject-specific subject-specific class the guides or even the subject-specific information orientation, LibGuide, or sessions; 26 of the LibGuides library’s resources unless literacy instruction. tutorial. offer subject-specific their professors direct and academic information encourage them to do so. We will find more ways to reach out to faculty. 2 | Page Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 G1-3. Library staff will provide G1-3. The number of G1-3. Individual instruction G1-3. Library use was individual instructional questions/sessions will meet or 2018-2019 = 1151 impacted by renovation: assistance in information literacy exceed last year’s number. 2019-2020 = 438 moving half of the skills Service statistics will be Far fewer students contacted collection off site, collected by Reference, us for help after COVID-19 Closing the 2nd and 3rd Circulation, and Archives staff. sent them home, but floors for fall semester, numbers were down by at construction noise and least 25% even before that. activity, and closing the We suspect it was due to the entire library for 3 months renovation. due to COVID-19. Numbers for this year were atypical in all respects. G2-1. The library will provide a G2-1a. Each journal title and G2-1a. Usage statistics were G2-1a We will continue to relevant collection of current and standing order will be evaluated used to evaluate all use usage statistics to classic materials that will satisfy according to use. Departments periodical and standing eliminate unnecessary the resource needs of faculty and may also be contacted regarding order titles. Unused titles titles to make space and students current and future needs for were not generally renewed— leave funds for increasing specific titles some leeway was used this costs of current year for a few print titles subscriptions and future because of the renovation additions. and COVID-19 barriers. G2-1b. Library staff will do an G2-1b. We discarded more G2-1b. The renovation is in-depth weeding of all than 14,000 items (books, complete and so we will collections involved in the cassettes, and periodicals) spend most of this year renovation. Goals: to eliminate returning books to the old, outdated, damaged shelves. Periodicals will be materials and to create sufficient the priority for weeding space for the collection after the this year as we create renovation. space to return those items to the shelves. Print journals that are also available online will be removed. 3 | Page Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 G2-2. The library will provide G2-2a. 400s-- 900s, records, G2-2a. All necessary items G2-2a. Next year we will convenient access to the research Friends Library, bound were moved. We found ways return items to the shelves materials and information needed periodicals will be packed and to shift items so that the the items will be checked by the Malone community and moved for the renovation. They 400s and most of the for proper order on the will promote the use of library will be returned to newly periodicals stayed in the shelves. We will improve resources renovated areas. library so they remained signage to help students accessible along with 000- locate materials and will 300s, scores, curriculum, create better signage to juvenile, and DVDs (library help students find what staff retrieved from hard hat they need. area) G2-2b. Library items will be re- G2-2b. No official testing G2-2b. Student workers shelved within 2 days and will occurred, but supervisors are instructed to check be shelved correctly. Team observed that shelving shelving during each shift. Leaders will conduct random trucks were regularly cleared We will continue that tests at least once each for the areas that were procedure. semester. accessible throughout renovation. Turnaround time = less than 1 day. Renovation and COVID-19 disrupted this, too. G2-2c. Library staff will assist G2-2c. G2-2c We updated the library visitors in accessing and 2018-2019 way we collect statistics in utilizing the library’s resources Service = 4000 the middle of last year. at a level that matches or Information = 780 This year we dealt with exceeds last year’s service. Instruction = 1631 renovation and COVID-19 Service level will be determined so statistics do not reflect by circulation, equipment 2019-2020 normal year. However, we assistance, and directional Service = 2128 did maintain online statistics. Information = 301 service through chat and Instruction = 438 email. Students rarely 4 | Page Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 In-person service and used those methods to ask borrowing levels were for help. impacted by renovation and COVID G2-2d. Gift items will be added G2-2d. Gifts were moved to G2-2d. After the to the collection or removed from the bottom of the list while renovation is completed, the library within 4 months of we worked on weeding and we will reorganize the receipt. renovation. technical services area to facilitate better work flow. G2-3. The Archives Collection G2-3a. The archivist will process G2-3a. We moved the entire G2-3a. With the loss of will be organized, preserved, at least one collection each year archives collection from 3rd our archivist, progress will promoted, and made accessible. floor to the Lower Level. The slow, but we will continue collections are now better to try to process at least labeled and better organized one collection/year G2-3b. Maintain and build G2-3b. Statistics were not G2-3b. We will continue to connections with EFC-ER: maintained through the highlight our Friends demonstrated by at least 4 changes of this year. collections, including interactions each year. display and use space in the renovation. G2-3c. The archivist will work G2-3c. The archivist G2-3c. We will continue with at least 2 classes each year facilitated 5 courses and to work with at least 2 to provide students with hands- assisted with a history class classes each year. on experience with archival project before she left in materials February. 5 | Page Library Assessment Report: 2019 - 2020 G2-3d. The archives will be used G2-3d. Despite the crazy G2-3d. We will continue to at least 100 times for inquiries, year, we had 197 users. We expect at least 100 visitors classes or individual research continued to receive chat or inquiries each year. sessions. Statistics will be kept and email requests by the archivist throughout the year. G2-4. The library will cooperate G2-4a. Library users will meet or G2-4. G2-4. Because of with other libraries to provide increase the number of 2018-2019 renovation and COVID, we necessary resources for our checkouts and ebook usage as Checkouts = 8363 expected reduced students and faculty compared to the amount ILL incoming = 1835 checkouts. ILL borrowing performed last year. Numbers Ebook usage = 22,019 was atypical; we didn’t will be gathered from Sierra Ejournal usage = 48,829 have as many available statistics, OhioLINK database books due to renovation (= usage statistics, individual increased borrowing), but database statistics functions 2019-2020 we closed for several and Google Analytics reports. Checkouts = 6541 months (= decreased ILL incoming = 1166 numbers). The real Ebook usage = 12,649 surprise was that ebook Ejournal usage = 41,825 usage decreased so much. One possible explanation is that most statistics changed from COUNTER4 to COUNTER5 and so the comparison is not exact. G2-5. The library will improve G2-5a. The library will create G2-5a. G2-5a. Professors have access and training for online and maintain useful LibGuides # of guides = 107 mentioned that although users. and tutorials. Usefulness will be Usage = 17,169 views the guides are useful, they measured by usage statistics. are difficult for students to find. We will continue to work on simplifying language and access.
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