This Is Thf ~GI~I~II~(3 CF ~1JR N ______
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FEDERAL ELECTION COiiISSION *&SMICIO% CC 104) This Is Thf ~GI~I~II~(3 CF ~1JR N ______ ,-,~_¢.CA, RA NO, ArE FILIED A~PWAhi~N _____ Judicial Watch;,: Office of the (General Counsel . Federal Election C'ommission "+ " \ ashiniz'on. D)C" 204 Re C'omplaint for Violation of Camnpaign Finance Laves and Regulations Against The 'itl . Administration. The White House. The Democratic National Committee. The Departmento Commerce and President Clinton Dear Ladies and Gentlemen Judicial Watch. Inc (JUDICIAL WATCH), a public interest government watchdog group, hereb files a complaint against the Clinton Administration, the White House. the Democratic National Committee (DNC). the Department of'Commece (DOC). and President Clinton (Collectively "Respondents"). and any, as 'vet unnamed persons and entities involv'ed with the alleged illegal activities .s set forth in the attached documents, there is reason to believe that Respondents have sold government services, and specificall~v seats and assistance on DOC" foreign trade missions, for large campaign contributions, frequent ly in denominations of"$1 00.00. to the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton. Gore 100% Reelection Campaign The documents which are attached to and incorporated into this complaint include -- An undated Entergx corporation inter--office memo --.Minutes of a Mission Meeting dated October 7. 1Q93 --A letter from Judith 1 Byrd to Carol Hamilton. dated October 7. 19Q3 --A letter from Wilson Golden to Secretar Brown. dated Nov.ember 16. 10Q93 ---\n undated letter from Jude Kearne\ to ,\lr Golden in apparent response to the previous letter --AX memo from M'sanan Pegram to Jude Kearnev. dated \o ,ember 18. 19-Q'3 ---A memo from C" Payne Lucas to Jude Kearnev. dated \o ,ember I 9-.1 99, -- A letter from an employee of W¥estinghouse Electric C'orporation (signature illegible) to Secretary Brown, d~ted Aprnl 13, 1994 --A memorandum f!om David Rothkopf "for the Secretary", dated April 15, 1994. --The first page of memorandum from Phil Verveer to Rob Stein. Jonathan Sallet, Larry Irving and Michele Farquhar, dated June 20, 1994 --A memo from Salty Painter to Loretta Dunn dated June 21, 1994 --A letter from Tony Coelho to Melissa Moss, dated July 14, 1994 --A letter from George T Lewis to Secretary Brown, dated July 29, 1994. --A letter from Lei~ L Lindenbaum to Secr'etary Brown, dated August 4, 1994 --A memo from Reta J Lewis to Sally Painter. dated August 16. 1994 --A letter from Mig~el A Sandoval to Mickey Kantor, dated August 22, 1994 --A letter from Jay h ose to Melissa Moss. dated September 8. 1994 --A letter from James A Harmon to Secretary BrownT, dated September 16. 1994. --A memorandum t 'om Phil V'erveer to Rob Stein and Jonathan Sallet, dated September 29, 1994. --A letter from Berhmd Herold to Secretar' Brown, dated September 29, 1994 Most of these docAnents were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, pursuant to court order in ¢JudiciaWh Inc. v. Denartment of Commerce, Civil Action No 95-0133 in the U S , - District Court for the District of"Columbia ('JIUDICIAL W'ATCH v. DOC:") • Other documents i', clude press accounts of the alleged illegal activities, as well as the published - brochure of the DINC which admits to selling seats and assistance on government trade missions for campaign1 contributions of SI100.000 Copies of the following press accounts are atace to C'q this complaint ~-, --A Chcg -'dW article, dated June 30. 1995 (reprints DNC solicitation brochure) -A Wahno iII article dated January 20. 1995 -- ahntnTll atcedtdMy8 1995 -A Wshinton iuI article dated May 9. 1995 --.An article from the BNA InternaionrldTrade Reporter. dated May 17, 1995 --ashnmonT~ A t article dated May 17. 1995 -- hcg rb atcedtdM 1 1995 -ABNation alu icle dateda,,27. 195 -A Newwek article dated May 29. 1995 --A Los Angles i article, dated May 30. 1o95 --A Busines Wee article, dated June 5. 1Q95 --A n article from l,. iil dated June 5. 1995 --AXN.WIasigtoin artcle, dated March 21. 1Q9(" --Two Wa. ngon Times articles, each dated July 22, 1996. --An excerpt fr'om The Buying of the President, by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Intgrty Because the alleged illega activity is likely continuing during the on-going 1996 election season, JUDICIAL WATCH asks that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) expditiously review this evidence and information and take appropriate remedial action In conducting its review, JUDICIAL WATCH pledges its complete support to the FEC factfinding process In this regard, JUDICIAL WATCH has in its possession about 30.000 documents which it has obtained, in JUDICIAL WATCH v.DOC. documenting several DOC( foreign trade missions and the participants on these missions Further documents may soon be ordered released by the court, such as communications by and between the late Secretary Ronald Brown and President Clinton For further information please contact the undersigned I hereby swear, on behalf of JUD)ICI.AL WATCH, that the foregoing is true and correct based on my current information and belief Sincerely. JUr t~ WATCH, INC . / - I, ChairwlanGeneral Counsel Notary Pl~lic - Date P-, - d'5 Mv Commission Expires " . J 3'-,..-€/ '(c / Inte~fce Memo Subject W hzg Thp te S. z Di Auns 17-Samn 11 ?~h i III ~ O Oc~ -~~Ewo Wshnqp t u Dzm £QnmsQ€ n,- MimWD~O ig em am ~ muv 34-4L Pu m~rp:wtpn Tak t.lm :e - ,tw ad ~ m'emm.d m w ums m KWdm - mei im ,__.. -.... L 3S d3€ m -O--i- --- ... " _. __ _ = -i _ - -- ~ b p p e - _- . - UshA=- ==I - ~ ke~w m~ u~m z' l 4issionl Meeting - Octob 1993 Lauri Fitz-Pegado (LFP) presided and set fort.h how this mission will be organized. She has created 6 Task Forces assigned to specific areas. Mission Overview Timing: dates to be set next week. November 26 - December 2 remain first choice. South Africa is the Secretary's top priority tor international traveli. Delegation size and composition: 25 private sector representatives. A diverse groups that reflects the U.S. business community - CEOs of large, medium, small firms, and ~igladethnic diversity (minority business, 1, states/cities moving quickly to lift sanctions). Participation selection will be cognizant of South Africa's developmental needs. (plus hangers on, we are talking a mission of 60 people) DO(C will ask the White House to make it a Presidential Mission. LUP questions whether investment should overtly be part of this mission because the Administration has not announced an overall foreign , investment policy. LU? will probably recommend calling it a "commercial interests" mission. South Africa War Room: Room 2202 will be the site of mission organization. Marian Pegram is in charge. There will be desks, telephones, computers, secretaries there. The heads of the task 04 forces or their representatives must dedicate 100 percent of their ~time to this mission. r? Task Force Reporting/Meeting Schedule o All Task Force Heads must submit 1 page report to Lauri every Monday and Wednesday by 5 p.m. This repot is to be in Decision Memo Form and ,.nclude any action, items pending action, and next ,- steps. Marian Pegram is to be copied on memos. oTask Force "w1lI meet ever-y Tuesday and Thursday C0-l :30. oStarting Friday Oct.ober 15, t-he Task Force Heads and UTP will meet with the :th floor every! Fridav for "hour -.o repot status. 7. Co rssin a Wright and someon4e name I mse iigislatiive1comerns will need to be adTU~ed at federal and state level. Mission participants wiii have to be fully briefed. ITA/Conqressional Affairs will keep the task force briefed. CA is to make strategic recommendation of who DOC should be meetinq/corlsultilq with , including mayors, governors, etc. In addition, LI statedI the need t:o toucht base with elect~ed officials and outreach to the people/organizations involved in anti-apateid efforts t.hat have led up to this time (such as Transafrica, I2RRC, Africa Comittee, Washington Office on Africa) and include them in the' process. ITA/Public Affairs Cecile Ablack is in charge of this outreach. 8. Leqal - Eleanor Levis, head. GC is tasked with providing info on federal and local sanctions. (I've provided Allison Senie with our list). Levis will cover questions re international issues and Gordon Fields will advise on ethics, admsinist.ration, part:icipant selection, and budget. -., I " , U N' I S N OcobeZ7". 993 Ma[. carol Hamhou U.Si. Depms, ot'Comm' Once. of Pi A.~irs 14th aat Coo. Room 5523 WaaudB1g.wa D.C. 20"30 Dw MtSovme a omzow s s~ r e ~atm ttuapw tmigwt yo-u todaT, amd.t u hoored ob ooiad tA pco v om,Sou. Ah a €uf mh tf.S. osm c mT As a ofacz nmaoz owe rm prsj rotpmm ,I m e b~~~ -NISOC boiwU. Ga',~ sa zassnd fSot hc, ta.mgp pr~~~~of e~~~~~a~~iu~gaonr~ o a n ozc. Ias ok v le ~ b. * N:;4! .~::o -41 !~,4!.J*J~? L: .N S U N, JUDITH L BlYRD EDUCATION Maam~u m rt Insuz of T~cho .gDepartett of Ur n Srudies &?!nP u ".Urba Fei1ow Goorcwn Unvut L.w Cram. W'szngn. D.C.. Jun.s Doc~oruce Juiz L Byr ii=a found aod -. i of l on Conzkn. C Sucul . = naaza 6M- w M ov~r~ -e= CYago, I1i= providing 5nancxa piami, fe pimn nd uainapreaoap=.g ==i==wvt totar a=i-rport p~o and d]vrp o pro=cu. RAeonzd s B of fa.a w~ avuno azm irainteL aScn t~ • PCf~r'u~Tri.eng the.