Congressional Record—House H3587
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April 18, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3587 for 1 minute and to revise and extend confrontational and not coddle the tribute to Commerce Secretary Ron his remarks.) Russians on these very important is- Brown and all of the Americans who Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, on sues. lost their lives in that awful tragedy Tuesday, this Member introduced legis- f on April 3 while they were all serving lation to designate the American Dis- their country on a mission to Bosnia. I covery Trail as a component of the Na- TRIBUTE TO SECRETARY RONALD am pleased that we are able to make tional Trails System. The bill, H.R. H. BROWN AND AMERICANS WHO this a bipartisan resolution, in fact, a 3250, also creates a new category in the LOST THEIR LIVES ON MISSION resolution of all the Members of the systemÐNational Discovery Trails. TO BOSNIA House. For when a highly and distin- The bill is already supported by a Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I ask guished member of the U.S. Cabinet is bipartisanly balanced 44 cosponsors. unanimous consent for the immediate killed overseas for the first time in This legislation represents an excit- consideration in the House of the reso- American history, when we lose an in- ing step forward in the development lution (H. Res. 406) in tribute to Sec- dividual, and individuals of such ex- and connection of trails in the United retary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown traordinary ability and achievement, States. The multiuse ADT provides the and other Americans who lost their when we lose so many other dedicated connections which are needed to link lives on April 3, 1996, while in service business leaders and public servants, existing trails and create a backbone to their country on a mission to members of the Commerce Depart- for the National Trails System. While Bosnia. ment, members of the U.S. Air Force, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pa- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- it is not a partisan tragedy, it is truly cific, it connects large cities and small tion. a tragedy for all of our citizens and all communities with forests and remote The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. of our country. areas. QUINN). Is there objection to the re- In the week since Ron Brown's death, The American Discovery Trail will quest of the gentleman from Missouri? it has already become a cliche to speak provide outstanding, family oriented There was no objection. of his brilliant political and public recreation for all Americans. It will The SPEAKER pro tempore. The service career. Of his pioneering role as also offer important economic develop- clerk will report the resolution. chairman of the Democratic Party and ment opportunities to the communities The Clerk read as follows: his efforts to almost single-handedly redefine the Commerce Department along its route. H. RES. 406 The ADT also takes into account pri- and its mandate. For those of us who Whereas Ronald H. Brown served the Unit- vate property concerns since almost all ed States of America with patriotism and considered Ron a friend, as I did, it is of the trail is on public lands. The few skill as a soldier, a civil rights leader, and reassuring to know that the country exceptions are in locations where there attorney; remembers him as fondly as we do. But are existing rights-of-way or agree- Whereas Ronald H. Brown devoted his life when there are so many tangible ments with existing trails or by invita- to opening doors, building bridges, and help- achievements to celebrate in a man's tion. The bill also mandates that no ing those in need; life, it becomes harder to recognize lands or interests outside the exterior Whereas Ronald H. Brown lost his life in a what is less tangible but perhaps as boundaries of federally administered tragic airplane accident on April 3, 1996, more important. while in service to his country on a mission To me, there is a simple reason why areas may be acquired by the United in Bosnia; and States solely for the American Discov- Whereas thirty-two other Americans from Ron Brown broke down so many bar- ery Trail. government and industry who served the Na- riers in so many areas and shattered so The American Discovery Trail is na- tion with great courage, achievement, and many preconceptions, about politics, tional in scope, but it is made possible dedication also lost their lives in the acci- race, and America's place in the world. by the grassroots efforts on the State dent: Now, therefore, be it For all of his practical and political and local level. This Member urges his Resolved, That the House of Representa- talents, Ron Brown was an idealist, colleagues to support these local ef- tives pays tribute to the remarkable life and pure and simple. His goals for himself, career of Ronald H. Brown, and it extends his party and his country were always forts by cosponsoring the American condolences to his family. Discovery Trail bill. Be it further resolved, That the House of based on what should be and not on f Representatives also pays tribute to the con- what others thought could be. This is a tributions of all those who perished, and that rare quality in any of us, in a politi- PRESIDENT CLINTON SHOULD BE we extend our condolences to the families of: cian, a rate quality in a human being. TOUGH AND CONFRONTATIONAL Staff Sergeant Gerald Aldrich, Duane Chris- But it is why so many people loved and WITH MR. YELTSIN tian, Barry Conrad, Paul Cushman III, Adam respected Ron Brown and were so often (Mr. ROEMER asked and was given Darling, Captain Ashley James Davis, Gail willing to abandon their own goals and permission to address the House for 1 Dobert, Robert Donovan, Claudio Elia, Staff egos to work with him for a higher pur- Sergeant Robert Farrington, Jr., David Ford, minute and to revise and extend his re- Carol Hamilton, Kathryn Hoffman, Lee pose. marks.) Jackson, Steven Kaminiski, Katheryn Kel- Mr. Speaker, much has been said in Mr. ROEMER. Mr. Speaker, today logg, Technical Sergeant Shelley Kelly, recent days about Ron Brown's ability the President of the United States James Lewek, Frank Maier, Charles to heal divisions, to reconcile views, to travels to Russia. I would hope that the Meissner, William Morton, Walter Murphy, focus on what unite people rather than President would not pose for photo op- Mathanial Nash, Lawrence Payne, Leonard on what divide them. He truly believed portunities with Mr. Yeltsin but would Pieroni, Captain Timothy Shafer, John that you could always accomplish more instead be very tough and very Scoville, I. Donald Terner, P. Stuart Tholan, by working together, by bringing oth- confrontational on three important is- Technical Sergeant Cheryl Ann Turnage, ers along with you. That is one reason Naomi Warbasse, and Robert Whittaker. sues to America: SEC. 2. The Clerk of the House shall trans- why he nurtured so much talent in so First, the ongoing war in Chechnya mit a copy of the resolution to each of the many other people throughout his ca- that is killing thousands and thou- families. reer. As party chairman, he really did sands of people each month. We need to bring the Democratic Party together, b bring an end to that war immediately. 1030 something that is hard to do, some- Second, the New York Times re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. times almost one person at a time. cently reported a secret project going QUINN). The gentleman from Missouri To see the depth of his empathy and on in the Ural mountains in Russia. We [Mr. GEPHARDT] is recognized for 1 understanding, to see how far he would need to find out more about that. hour. go to understand people who disagreed Third, renegotiating the space sta- Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I yield with him and opinions and then to find tion on the part of the Russians could myself such time as I may consume. In the common ground between them was cost the American taxpayers several a moment, I will yield to the distin- to see the very essence of leadership. hundreds of millions of dollars. I would guished Speaker of the House. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown dra- hope the President, in a policy of en- Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning with matically expanded his mandate, rein- gagement, would be tough and great sadness to offer a resolution in vigorating the foreign commercial H3588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 18, 1996 service and becoming a real booster of a number of Americans serving their dom, to the willingness they had to U.S. exports on a scale that we have country, serving the cause of freedom, serve their country, and that our of- never seen before. He poured all of his seeking to help a war-torn region who fices and our doors are open, both to passion and energy in his work at Com- found themselves willing to take real Secretary Brown's family, but equally merce, as he had at the Democratic risks. This tragedy is a reminder that important, to the family of every Committee, and I always admired the service in our armed services and at American who was on that airplane, to aggressive way in which he led that de- times service to our country is poten- the family of every person who died in partment, even in the face of criticism. tially dangerous and requires of our service to their country.