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GOVERNMENT of INDIA MINISTRY of EARTH SCIENCES LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 2922 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2016 Seismic Tremors 2922. KUMARI SUSHMITA DEV: SHRI HARISH MEENA: SHRI MANSHANKAR NINAMA: SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA: SHRI RAVINDRA KUMAR PANDEY: SHRI SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH: SHRI C. MAHENDRAN: SHRI PRAHLAD SINGH PATEL: SHRI RAMESH BIDHURI: Will the Minister of EARTH SCIENCES be pleased to state: (a) the details of seismic tremors reported during the last six months in the country along with their intensity, location wise and the loss of life and property reported therein; (b) the details of claims of insurance/ compensation of earthquake victims lying pending, State-wise and the action taken/ being taken by the Government in this regard; (c) the details of earthquake study centres and monitoring stations set up in the country, location and State-wise; (d) the details of funds allocated and released for establishment of new earthquake study centres, monitoring stations and appointment of geologists, State/UT-wise; and (e) whether the Government proposes to join hands with other countries in studying earthquakes and developing early warning systems and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE FOR MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES (SHRI Y. S. CHOWDARY) (a) The details of earthquakes detected and located in and around the country (covering the area bounded by 6°-38°N Latitude and 68°-98°E Longitude) by the National Seismological Network of National Centre for Seismology(NCS) from November 2015 to April 2016 is in Annexure-I. During this period Tamenglong (Imphal) earthquake (04-01-2016) caused damaged to life and property in India. Causalities (10) deaths, injured (302) and houses damaged (2240) were reported in Tamenglong / Manipur (Imphal) earthquake (4th Jan 2016) covering 13 Villages in Senapati, Tamenglong and Imphal. (b) Assistance to the victims of Earthquake or any other natural hazard is dealt by the respective Relief Manuals of various state governments based on the ground reports submitted by the Deputy Commissioners. Government of Manipur already provided immediate assistance to the kin of lost lives, full/partial damaged houses etc. (c) NCS, maintains a National Seismological Network (NSN) comprising of 84 (eighty four) permanent seismological field stations. Its state wise location is enclosed Annexure-II. (d) During the FY 2015-16 an amount of Rs 18.21cr was allocated to the National Centre of Seismology (NCS) and expenditure incurred was about Rs.16.05Cr. During the FY 2016-17 an amount of Rs 24.36Cr is allocated to NCS. In addition to permanent employees of NCS, a total of sixteen scientists on project basis are working in NCS. Details are as under: Project Scientist B -6 Project Scientist C-2 Research Fellow-5 Research Associate-3. (e) A pilot project on Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system is already on implementation in Uttaranchal region of northern India. A successful EEW system can provide a lead time of about 5-60 seconds to Delhi, in case of a big earthquake originating in Himalaya. Annexure-I Details of earthquakes detected and located in and around the country (Covering the area bounded by 6°-38°N Latitude and 68°- 98°E Longitude)by the National Seismological Network during last six months (November 2015 to April 2016) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Day Origin-TIME Latitude Longitude Depth Magnitude Year Mon day hr min sec °N °E (Km) (Richter scale) (UTC) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2015 11 08 10 42 8.0 7.00 94.60 35 5.2 2015 11 08 10 53 31.0 6.80 94.60 35 5.0 2015 11 08 11 54 52.0 7.30 94.50 60 5.0 2015 11 08 13 24 3.0 7.50 94.50 35 5.2 2015 11 08 14 34 12.0 6.90 94.80 50 5.0 2015 11 08 14 47 8.0 7.00 94.60 50 4.9 2015 11 08 16 47 7.0 6.90 94.60 10 6.0 2015 11 08 16 59 26.0 7.10 94.60 10 5.6 2015 11 08 17 47 17.0 6.70 94.70 10 4.7 2015 11 08 18 48 47.0 6.60 94.60 10 4.9 2015 11 08 19 14 48.0 6.80 94.30 10 4.9 2015 11 09 06 12 24.0 6.50 94.80 10 5.1 2015 11 09 08 12 53.0 6.70 94.80 60 5.4 2015 11 13 07 44 33.0 29.80 80.20 10 3.0 2015 11 14 16 53 40.0 7.10 94.90 10 4.9 2015 11 18 00 59 10.0 36.50 70.50 184 5.0 2015 11 18 08 25 41.0 29.80 80.50 15 3.3 2015 11 18 14 31 21.0 34.00 74.70 10 3.1 2015 11 19 04 15 52.0 27.80 85.60 20 5.0 2015 11 22 18 16 2.0 36.50 71.60 80 6.0 2015 11 25 16 15 7.0 26.40 92.80 10 4.9 2015 11 27 08 34 2.0 22.50 94.70 47 5.2 2015 11 27 11 40 37.0 34.90 73.80 67 4.8 2015 11 29 02 47 38.0 30.60 79.60 10 4.0 2015 12 06 12 35 17.0 28.80 76.80 5 2.9 2015 12 13 18 24 25.0 26.20 92.30 36 3.3 2015 12 15 02 35 14.0 24.20 86.60 10 4.2 2015 12 16 04 48 16.0 13.50 94.00 10 4.8 2015 12 18 22 16 55.0 29.30 81.70 10 5.4 2015 12 23 13 27 12.0 25.80 94.70 48 4.2 2015 12 25 19 14 46.0 36.50 71.20 186 6.5 2015 12 27 04 42 50.0 25.40 91.90 5 2.7 2015 12 29 15 50 22.0 32.20 79.30 10 2.9 2015 12 30 17 24 54.0 25.10 91.10 10 3.7 2015 12 31 03 23 22.0 7.20 94.40 10 4.5 2016 01 01 06 54 35.0 29.70 80.70 10 3.0 2016 01 02 08 37 19.0 36.50 70.90 170 5.8 2016 01 03 23 05 16.0 24.80 93.50 59 6.7 2016 01 04 03 57 46.0 24.90 93.40 20 3.6 2016 01 04 09 00 2.0 24.80 93.50 20 3.4 2016 01 06 10 25 8.0 25.20 93.20 40 4.0 2016 01 07 13 42 58.0 27.70 93.30 32 4.5 2016 01 08 09 07 10.0 36.60 71.00 225 5.5 2016 01 12 20 04 58.0 36.60 71.10 220 5.8 2016 01 15 00 25 20.0 25.20 92.70 10 3.0 2016 01 15 19 24 52.0 11.90 92.50 10 4.0 2016 01 18 00 52 40.0 26.20 92.60 10 3.5 2016 01 21 19 22 43.0 28.10 85.10 10 4.8 2016 01 23 04 54 11.0 36.30 71.50 50 5.1 2016 01 24 17 09 26.0 27.00 92.20 10 3.2 2016 01 26 23 19 9.0 36.80 70.00 250 5.4 2016 01 28 22 47 8.0 27.10 75.50 10 3.8 2016 02 01 19 48 37.0 23.80 93.80 111 3.8 2016 02 01 23 49 30.0 26.40 93.40 33 3.7 2016 02 02 16 14 0.0 25.50 91.90 10 2.5 2016 02 04 07 10 27.0 32.70 75.70 10 4.1 2016 02 04 15 30 51.0 14.40 93.20 10 4.8 2016 02 05 16 20 9.0 27.80 85.40 10 5.2 2016 02 08 11 05 56.0 24.70 94.60 118 3.8 2016 02 09 15 13 47.0 32.80 76.40 10 4.4 2016 02 10 22 45 27.0 25.60 92.10 6 2.7 2016 02 15 16 35 29.0 30.20 79.60 10 3.5 2016 02 16 23 06 55.0 26.30 93.30 10 4.4 2016 02 21 03 39 42.0 7.10 92.10 50 4.5 2016 02 21 07 50 56.0 30.90 78.30 5 3.5 2016 02 21 09 12 8.0 36.50 70.90 177 5.7 2016 02 21 16 32 7.0 36.30 78.40 50 4.4 2016 02 21 18 10 0.0 27.80 84.60 30 5.0 2016 02 22 18 20 58.0 7.50 92.00 20 4.8 2016 02 24 02 06 51.0 24.90 72.30 26 3.0 2016 02 24 09 22 17.0 27.60 85.60 19 4.5 2016 02 27 00 31 3.0 13.60 94.00 60 4.6 2016 03 02 04 03 58.0 26.50 95.20 10 4.0 2016 03 02 06 35 14.0 29.90 70.10 10 5.0 2016 03 06 00 50 19.0 24.50 92.80 30 3.5 2016 03 06 08 51 18.0 24.70 92.90 10 3.3 2016 03 10 09 46 59.0 25.60 91.90 8 3.0 2016 03 10 09 50 32.0 25.60 91.90 9 3.2 2016 03 12 16 15 16.0 26.70 89.40 21 3.8 2016 03 13 05 15 36.0 27.80 84.90 25 3.8 2016 03 13 10 30 4.0 26.50 92.30 10 4.3 2016 03 14 21 27 40.0 27.20 86.20 10 3.9 2016 03 17 16 47 4.0 34.20 77.90 10 4.5 2016 03 18 03 37 33.0 25.40 73.40 33 3.5 2016 03 21 02 19 41.0 25.40 92.50 10 3.0 2016 03 22 11 49 12.0 26.10 95.30 49 3.7 2016 03 28 15 42 42.0 24.10 93.10 5 3.7 2016 03 30 02 04 11.0 32.50 76.00 15 3.8 2016 03 30 12 26 42.0 28.00 85.70 10 4.4 2016 04 03 20 31 39.0 24.40 94.30 120 4.0 2016 04 04 04 31 26.0 27.80 86.20 10 4.3 2016 04 05 07 42 27.0 25.90 90.40 10 5.4 2016 04 07 20 03 19.0 27.00 75.10 15 3.5 2016 04 08 14 30 43.0 36.90 71.20 78 5.0 2016 04 09 13 20 14.0 27.60 85.20 10 4.5 2016 04 10 10 28 57.0 36.40 71.20 190 6.8 2016 04 11 10 36 13.0 29.80 80.10 10 3.7 2016 04 12 11 55 48.0 26.50 90.80 10 3.8 2016 04 12 14 41 53.0 27.50 86.10 10 4.5 2016 04 13 03 56 54.0 24.90 94.00 60 4.6 2016 04 13 13 55 13.0 23.00 94.90 134 6.8 2016 04 14 05 41 55.0 23.80 94.00 80 4.5 2016 04 14 16 23 40.0 23.30 93.20 5 3.5 2016 04 19 01 14 46.0 24.80 92.70 10 3.7 2016 04 19 20 32 58.0 10.30 93.80 10 5.1 2016 04 23 20 31 1.0 28.70 85.10 150 4.6 2016 04 24 21 43 9.0 37.00 71.70 100 5.2 Annexure-II National Seismological Network (Field stations) S.

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