Isometries, Fock Spaces, and Spectral Analysis of Schrodinger¨ Operators on Trees V. Georgescu and S. Golenia´ CNRS Departement´ de Mathematiques´ Universite´ de Cergy-Pontoise 2 avenue Adolphe Chauvin 95302 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex France
[email protected] [email protected] June 15, 2004 Abstract We construct conjugate operators for the real part of a completely non unitary isometry and we give applications to the spectral and scattering the- ory of a class of operators on (complete) Fock spaces, natural generalizations of the Schrodinger¨ operators on trees. We consider C ∗-algebras generated by such Hamiltonians with certain types of anisotropy at infinity, we compute their quotient with respect to the ideal of compact operators, and give formu- las for the essential spectrum of these Hamiltonians. 1 Introduction The Laplace operator on a graph Γ acts on functions f : Γ C according to the relation ! (∆f)(x) = (f(y) f(x)); (1.1) − yX$x where y x means that x and y are connected by an edge. The spectral analysis $ and the scattering theory of the operators on `2(Γ) associated to expressions of the form L = ∆ + V , where V is a real function on Γ, is an interesting question which does not seem to have been much studied (we have in mind here only situations involving non trivial essential spectrum). 1 Our interest on these questions has been aroused by the work of C. Allard and R. Froese [All, AlF] devoted to the case when Γ is a binary tree: their main results are the construction of a conjugate operator for L under suitable conditions on the potential V and the proof of the Mourre estimate.