Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal 1601 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20009-1056 Katherine A. Meyer Telephone (202) 588-5206 Eric R. Glitzenstein Fax (202) 588-5049 Howard M. Crystal
[email protected] William S. Eubanks II Rosemary Greene (Admitted in MT & IL) Michelle Sinnott (Admitted in VA) January 8, 2014 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Capt. Roger Nienberg Deborah Lee James Ohio Air National Guard Secretary of the Air Force 200 RHS/EM 1670 Air Force Pentagon 1200 JN Camp Perry E. Road Washington, DC 20330-1670 Port Clinton, OH 43452-9577 Dan Ashe, Director General Mark A. Welsh III United States Fish & Wildlife Service Air Force Chief of Staff 1849 C Street, N.W. 1670 Air Force Pentagon Washington, DC 20240 Washington, DC 20330-1670 Sally Jewell, Secretary United States Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20240 Re: NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT, BALD AND GOLDEN EAGLE PROTECTION ACT, MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT, AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CAMP PERRY AIR NATIONAL GUARD WIND ENERGY PROJECT IN OTTAWA COUNTY, OHIO On behalf of the American Bird Conservancy and Black Swamp Bird Observatory (collectively referred to herein as “ABC”), we hereby provide notice of intent to sue, pursuant to section 11(g) of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g) (“ESA”), concerning the Ohio Air National Guard’s (“ANG”) installation and long-term operation of a wind turbine at Camp Perry in Ottawa County, Ohio, which is violating and will continue to violate section 7 of the ESA – because ANG has refused even to engage in consultation with the U.S.