Term 3 Week 5
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Pomona Public School Fortnightly Newsletter Celebrating 100 Years in 2021 Term: 3 Week: 5 August, 12 2021 Principal: David McDonnell Phone: 03 5027 3486 502 Pomona Road Fax: 03 5027 3659 Pomona NSW 2648 Email: [email protected] Website: https://pomona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au Principal’s Report Welcome to this newsletter. 100 Years Celebrations Update The 100 years Centenary Committee met last night, and due to the current health regulations, Covid restrictions and border closures a decision to postpone this event until next year was made. The Centenary Committee will meet again early next year to set a new date. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Director Educational Leadership for the Far West Visit Last Tuesday, Director Educational Leadership Mr Peter Macbeth paid a visit to our school. He always enjoys spending time at school catching up with the students and staff. School Attendance School attendance plays a very important part in your child’s education. Missing school regularly has a large impact on your child’s learning. A student who attends less than 90% a year is considered educationally at risk. This equates to one month off a year. Parents are required to let the school know within 48 hours why your child is absent from school. If no reason is received after seven days, then this absence is marked as unexplained. We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All School Survey School feedback from our parent community is very valued and very important. It helps the school with future planning, improvements and goal setting. I am asking all families to please take the time to complete the survey below. Thank you to the many families who have already responded to this survey, your input is very much appreciated. Please click on the link below it will take you straight to the survey to complete. It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. School Google Survey link https://bit.ly/pomonaps2021 You can also copy and paste the link into your web browser to access the survey. Canberra Due to the current Covid-19 situation in NSW and following guidelines released by NSW Health and the Department of Education, a decision has been made to cancel the excursion to Canberra this year for our Year 6 students. Murray/Darling & Barrier Athletics Carnivals The Murray Darling Athletics Carnival will now be held in Wentworth at the McLeod Oval on Friday, August 20. Students will need to bring recess, lunch and a water bottle. There will be no canteen/BBQ operating. Students who have been selected to attend this event have received a note and copy of the program explaining current requirements and regulations everyone needs to follow. If you have any questions about the carnival please don’t hesitate to contact me. The Barrier Athletics Carnival will now be the following Friday, August 27, also at McLeod Oval in Wentworth. We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All Grade 4/5 Excursion to Swan Hill Due to current Covid 19 restrictions, the Grade 4/5 camp to Swan Hill has been rescheduled for Term 4 - Week 8, Monday, 22 to Wednesday, 24 November pending Covid-19 restrictions. I will resend out the information again in Term 4. Importance of Reading I ask that you support class teachers at Pomona School to improve your child’s reading ability by regularly reading to your child. Another strategy is to encourage your child to read to someone on a regular basis and also engage in some quiet time reading at home. These strategies will help to improve reading levels over time. Teachers will continue to teach explicitly at school and to engage in Professional Learning in this area of importance. Reading has also been labelled as a target area by the NSW Department for the next four years. Current Covid Regulations Extended Regional NSW Schools will continue on Level 2 restrictions until at least August, 28. What does this mean? • Pomona School is open and operational. • Parents/carers must drop and pick up students from the gate. • Educational meetings with school staff can take place if prior approval if given by the principal. • Some school events and activities have restrictions, have been postponed or cancelled due to the current situation. • Parents cannot attend assemblies. • School is open for students and staff who are well. • Most activities on school site can continue. • The majority of excursions, especially outside our immediate area are on hold. • Excursions are only allowed in your local government area • No non-essential visitors on site • All staff and visitors to sign on with QR codes Please remember if staff or students are feeling unwell with Covid symptoms then they should not come to school until they have received a negative Covid test. For further information please refer to https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for- school-based-staff/schools-outside-of-greater-sydney?deliveryName=DM15900 School staff read daily updates and will continue to support you and our students in following the directions and recommendations. Events allowed to be held must follow COVID safe requirements. Additional cleaning is also continuing on school sites. I am pleased to say that our students are coping very well and if you have any questions or queries, please ring the school on 5027 3486 We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All School Photos Due to current Covid 19 restrictions school photos have been rescheduled for Term 4, Monday, October 18. Principal’s Award Each Friday during our whole school assembly Mr Mac announces a Principal’s Award for a student that has been following our 3 school values ‘Respect’, ‘Learning’ and ‘Safety’. Congratulations to Erynn and Milla. Regards David McDonnell Principal We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All Important Dates For Your Calendar August Friday, 20 – M/D Athletics Carnival – McLeod Oval (Wentworth) Mon, 23 – Wed 25 – Year 4/5 Excursion to Swan Hill (Rescheduled for November 22-24) Thursday, 26 – Wentworth Book Week Library Visit Friday, 27 – Barrier Athletics Carnival – McLeod Oval (Wentworth) Sun 29 Aug – Fri, 3 Sept – Yr 6 Canberra Excursion (Cancelled) September Tuesday, 14 – Life Education Visit with Palinyewah and Pooncarie Schools (Now a Virtual Zoom) Wednesday 15 – P & C Meeting 3:15pm @ School Wednesday, 15 – Sunray Warriors Excursion to Mildura (Rescheduled for Wednesday, October 6) Fri, 17 – Last Day of Term 3 October Term 4 - Monday, October 4 Wednesday, 6 – Sunray Warriors Excursion to Mildura Monday, 18 – School Photos Year K-2 – Mrs Bertalli Wow! We are half way through the term already. We have been spending lots of time writing our information texts about different animals. We have learnt lots of interesting facts! Did you know The Giant Pacific Octopus has blue blood and three hearts? It can grow up to 50kg! The students have enjoyed putting a draft on to SeeSaw and reading aloud to you. The smile on their faces when they read your feedback is just gorgeous. In Maths we have been looking at symmetry and patterns as well as practicing skip counting. As part of our English and Art units we have been finishing off our macrame artworks with lark’s head knots and beautiful fabric dye. Our artworks are based on the constantly shifting sands of the Perry Sandhills. We can’t wait to bring them home! Great job to everybody on bringing their home reading logs in- keep up the fantastic work! We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All Year 3-6 – Mrs Forster Wow can you believe that we are at the end of week 5 term 3? In literacy students are learning to find the main idea in persuasive, imaginative and informative texts. Students are using the strategies of scanning to quickly identify the main ideas in a text and skimming to find key words. They are also identifying enriched vocabulary within the text and brushing up on their dictionary skills in order to clarify the meaning of these words. In craft we have also been enjoying learning the weaving process, by creating a woven wall hanging. Students have started from scratch, where they have had to: make their own weaving frame plan their weaving colour set weave remove their creation from the frame attach their woven piece to the cane/vines to hang the wall hanging RESPECT LEARNING SAFETY Facebook Link Website Link We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All Coronavirus (COVID -19) Information for parents and carers to support children and young people How you can support your child It is perfectly normal for children to have questions about events that are covered in the media, such as the information currently being distributed about COVID-19. Children look to the significant adults in their lives for guidance on how to manage their reactions and you can help your child by remaining calm and reassuring them. There is a common misunderstanding that talking with your child about a topic such as COVID-19 may increase their anxiety. This is not the case. It is important to listen to your child and answer their questions as honestly as possible and correct any misunderstandings. This will help them feel informed and understand what is happening. Keeping up to date with the facts from reliable sources will help keep conversations calm, considered, and constructive. Provide information in words that are appropriate to the age of your child. Children can be distressed by hearing repeated stories so monitor how much your child is being exposed to television and social media and encourage them to talk to you about what they are seeing and hearing.