[2591] 1 ar4rnrnrnt OF WESTERN ATJSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 330 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 111.] PERTH: FRIDAY, 24th OCTOBER. [1952. Bank Holiday Boyup Brook, Busselton and Public Service Commissioner's Office, Margaret River. Perth, 22nd October, 1952. PROCLAMATION HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council WESTERN AUSTRALIA. By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles has approved of the following appointments: TO WIT, Henry Gairdnnr, Knight Commander of the Most CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Ex. Co. 1655, P.S.C. 306/52-0. M. Smith, Clerk, GAIRONER, George, Companion of the Most Honoarable Order Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent Kalgoorlie, Crown Law Department, to be Mining LL.S.] Order of the BritishEmpire, Governorin and Registrar,Leonora,MinesDepartment,Class overtheState of Western Australia andits Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. C-II-3, as from 21st October, 1952. Ex. Co. 1650, P.S.C. 304/52K. B.Gartland, C.S.D. 439/51. Clerk to Assistant Crown Prosecutor, Crown Law IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the Department, to be Clerk of Courts, Boulder, Class fifth section of the Bank Holidays Act, 1884, I, C-II-3, as from 21st October, 1952. the Governor of the said State, do by this my Ex. Co. 1671, P.S.C. 310/52P. F. Hoyne, Clerk, Proclamation appoint the following special Bank Factories Branch, Department of Labour, to be Holidays: Clerk, Government Stores Branch, Treasury De- Date and Place. partment, Class C-Il-i, as from 30th September, Tuesday, 4th November, 1952Boyup Brook.
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