Annual Report of the Colonies, Gold Coast, 1928-29
COLONIAL REPORTS—ANNUAL. No. 1464. GOLD COAST REPORT FOR 1928-29. For Report for 1986-27 see No. 1386 (Price $$. 6d.) and for Report for 1927-Q8 see No. 1418 (Price 2s. OdX PKINTKD IN THB GOLD COA8T COLONY. LONIXJNI PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased directly from H.M STATIONERY OFFICE at t he following address** • Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120, George btr^t, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Orescent, Cardiff; 1$. Doaegall Square West, Belfast} or through any Bookseller. 1929. Price 2s. ad. net. 58-1464. (6887-21) «t. l*8>7~1493 626 12/29 P.St th7/8 GOLD COAST. ANNUAL GENERAL REPORT. INDEX. CHAPTER PAGE PREFATORY NOTE ..i-v I.—GENERAL 2 II.—FINANCE ..6 III.—PRODUCTION g IV.—TRADE AND ECONOMICS 13 V.—COMMUNICATIONS 20 VI.—JUSTICE, POLICE AND PRISONS .. .. .. 23 VII.—PUBLIC WORKS 32 VIII.—PUBLIC HEALTH ..33 IX.—EDUCATION . • • •. • • • • • • 35 X.—LANDS AND SURVEY 40 XI.—LABOUR .. .. • • 44 XII—MISCELLANEOUS 45 Appendix "A" OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS .. .. 48 Appendix " MAP OF THH GOLD COAST. PREFATORY NOTE. •TP* HE GOLD COAST COLONY with Ashanti, the Northern I Territories and the British mandated territory of Togoland J[ is situated on the Gulf of Guinea between 30 7' W. long, and i° 14' E. long,, and is bounded on the west by the French colony of the Ivory Coast, on the east by the French mandated territory of Togoland, on the north by the French Soudan and on the south by the sea. The area of the Colony is 23,490 square miles, of Ashanti, 24,560, of the Northern Territories, 30,600 and of the British mandated territory of Togoland, 13,040.
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