1 MAY 2018 www.svdghana.org email:
[email protected] FROM THE PROVINCIAL’S DESK “ A story is told of two confreres living together who had never ever had a quarrel. One said to the other, “Come on, let us have at least one quarrel like other people.” The other said, “I don‟t know how to start a quarrel. The first said, “I will take this brick and place it here between us. Then I will say, “It is mine.” Then you will say, “It is mine.” This is what leads to a dispute and a quarrel. So they placed the brick between them. And one said, “It is mine.” The other replied to the first, “I do believe that it is mine.” The first one said again, “It is not yours, it is mine.” And the other answered, “Well then, if it is yours, take it.” And …you will receive the that was it they were unable to start the quarrel. [Story by J. Maurus (Wisdom Stories) – Slightly adapted]. power of the Holy In James 4:1-2, we read: “Where do these wars and battles between yourselves first Spirit which will come start? Is it not precisely in the desires fighting inside your own selves? You want a onhappy you, new yearand then something and you lack it; so you kill. You have an ambition that you cannot satisfy; so you fight to get your way by force.” you will be my The expression, “…if it is yours, take it” in the opening story is a statement of witnesses not only detachment – a disposition of “letting go and letting God in”.