Idaho Batholith Near Pierce and Bungalow Clearwater County, Idaho

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Idaho Batholith Near Pierce and Bungalow Clearwater County, Idaho Idaho Batholith Near Pierce and Bungalow Clearwater County, Idaho GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 344-D Idaho Batholith Near Pierce and Bungalow Clearwater County, Idaho By ANNA HIETANEN METAMORPHIC AND IGNEOUS ROCKS ALONG THE NORTHWEST BORDER ZONE OF THE IDAHO BATHOI~ITH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 344-D Petrologic study of igneous rocks in the northwestern corner of the Idaho batholith UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1963 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 CONTENTS Page Plutonic rocks-Continued Abstract __________________________________________ _ D1 Petrographic description-Continued Page Introduction ______________________________________ _ 1 Quartz monzonite and related rocks ___ -------- D14 Locality and specimen numbers _________________ _ 2 Stock at Beaver Creek _________________ _ 14 Major geologic units _______________________________ _ 2 Coarse-grained quartz monzonite and mon- Anorthosite, its country rocks, and the Orofino series of zotonalite ___________________________ _ 20 Anderson (1930)---------------------------------- 4 Granite ___________________________________ _ 23 Belt series ________________________________________ _ 4 Pegmatites ______ -- _____ ---_-- -------------- 25 Distribution ___________________________________ _ 4 Plagioclase pegmatite __________ --_------ 25 Lithology and correlation _______________________ _ 4 Granite pegmatite _____ ------------------ 25 Petrography __________________________________ _ 5 Hypabyssal rocks __________________________________ _ 26 Prichard formation _________________________ _ 5 Granophyric and porphyritic dikes of granitic com- Revett quartzite ___________________________ _ 5 position ___________________ ---_-------------- 26 St. Regis formation ________________________ _ 5 Porphyritic dikes of quartz monzonitic and monzo- Wallace formation _________________________ _ 5 tonalitic composition ________________ -_-------- 27 Schist units ___________________________ _ 5 Dioritic dikes ______ ---------------------------- 29 Gneiss units ___________________________ _ 6 Gab broic dikes ___________________ --- ------ -- --- 29 Structure of the Belt series ______________________ _ 7 Geochemistry of the igneous rocks ____________ -------- 29 Metamorphism ________________________________ _ 7 Variation of the major and minor elements ___ ------ 30 Plutonic rocks _____________________________________ _ 7 Sodium, potassium, and barium ______ -------- 30 Distribution and classification ___________________ _ 7 Calcium and strontium- _____ ---------------- 31 Structure _____________________________________ _ 8 Iron, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, Shape of the bodies ________________________ _ 8 Contacts _________________________________ _ scandium, and chromium _____ -- _____ ------ 31 9 Aluminum and gallium __________________ ---- 32 Platy and linear structures __________________ _ 11 Inclusions _________________________________ _ Yttrium and zirconium _______________ ------- 32 11 Molecular norms and classification of igneous rocks __ _ 35 Joints ____________________________________ _ 12 Petrographic description ________________________ _ 12 Sequence of crystallization in igneous rocks __________ -- 38 Ultramafic rocks ___________________________ _ 12 Sequence and mode of emplacement of plutonic rocks __ _ 39 Hornblende gabbro and amphibolite __________ _ 13 Age of the rocks of the batholith _____________________ _ 40 Quartz diorite _____________________________ _ 13 Origin of the magmas ________________ ------- ------ -- 40 Tonalite ______________ ·- __ - __ --------------- 14 References cited _____________________ --------------- 42 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] PLATE 1. Reconnaissance geologic map of the Bungalow area. 2. Reconnaissance geologic map of the Pierce area. 3. Geologic sketch map of the Beaver Creek area. Page FIGURE 1. Index map of northern Idaho __________________________________________________ - ___ ------------------ D2 2. A geologic sketch map showing the distribution of the igneous rocks along the northwest border zone of the Idaho batholith ________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3 3. Photomicrographs of the border zone of the granite ____________________________________________________ _ 10 4. Photograph and photomicrograph of pyroxenite with hornblende crystals _____ ----------------------------- 12 5. Photograph and photomicrograph of quartz diorite _______________________________ ---------------------- 13 6. Photograph and photomicrograph of quartz monzonite along Beaver Creek ________ ------------------------ 15 7. Camera Iucida drawing of partly altered cordierite in the quartz monzonite along Beaver Creek _____________ _ 17 8. Camera Iucida drawing showing aggregates of muscovite and chlorite, originally cordierite, in fine-grained quartz monzonite along Beaver Creek _________________________________ -_-_------------------------------ 18 9. Photomicrographs of quartz diorite and gabbro of the qu.artz monzonite series ______________ --------------- 19 10. Camera Iucida drawing of olivine gabbro _____________________ ----------------------------------------- 20 m IV CONTENTS Page FIGURE 11. Photograph and photomicrograph of quartz monzonite along Musselshell Creek ______________________ -_-_-_ D21 12. Camera Iucida drawing of coarse-grained quartz monzonite______________________________________________ 22 13. Camera Iucida drawing of the potassium-poor border zone of quartz monzonite _______________________ - ____ - 23 14. Photograph and photomicrograph of granite near Bungalow______________________________________________ 24 15. Photomicrographs of hypabyssal rocks ______________________________________________________________ - _ 28 16. Variation of sodium, potassium, and barium___________________________________________________________ 31 17. Variation of calcium and strontium_------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 18. Variation of iron, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, scandium, and chromium ____________ -_-_---_-_-___ 33 19. Variation of aluminum and gallium___________________________________________________________________ 34 20. Variation of yttrium and zirconium___________________________________________________________________ 34 21. M FQ diagram for the igneous rocks _________________________________________________________ - ___ - ___ -_ 35 22. Pl-Or-Q diagram for the igneous rocks_________________________________________________________________ 35 23. Ab-Or-An diagram for the igneous rocks ___________________________________________ -- __ -_-_-_-----_-_-_ 35 24. Classification of coarse-grained calc-alkalic igneous rocks on the basis of their normative feldspar content______ 37 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Chemical composition, molecular norm, and mode of the plutonic rocks and dikes near Pierce and Bungalow_____ D16 2. Chemical composition of orthoclase phenocrysts from quartz monzonite 1.5 miles south of Hemlock Butte_______ 23 3. Quantitative spectrographic analyses of minor elements in the igneous rocks in the northwestern part of the Idaho batholith__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 4. Classification of igneous rocks on basis of their molecular norms____________________________________________ 37 METAMORPHIC AND IGNEOUS ROCKS ALONG THE NORTHWEST BORDER ZONE OF THE IDAHO BATHOLITH IDAHO BATHOLITH NEAR PIERCE AND BUNGALOW, CLEARWATER COUNTY, IDAHO By ANNA HIETANEN ABSTRACT zonite ·and related rocks in a stocklike mass just north The northwestern part of the Idaho batholith consists of of the area studied is included in this report for com­ several intrusive bodies of differing composition, separated by parison with the quartz monzonite in the southern part belts of metasedimentary rocks, by dike rocks, or by fault zones. On the basis of chemical analyses and thin-section of the area. studies, the intrusive rocks can be grouped into two suites: During the present study, it became evident that a quartz dioritic suite poor in potas'Sium and a quartz mon­ much of the area shown on earlier geologic maps as the zonitic suite rich in potassium. In the quartz dioritic suite, northwestern part of the Idaho batholith (Anderson, quartz diorite is most common and forms bodies as large as 1930; Ross and Forrester, 1947), is actually underlain 200 square miles (about 600 sq. km) in land-surface area; other members of the suite--hornblendite, gabbro, and tonalite--form partly by prebatholitic metamorphic rocks and partly small sill-like bodies. Among the rocks of the quartz monzonitic by small satellitic bodies of intrusive rocks, the com­ suite, quartz monzonite and granite occur in large bodies, 50-100 position of which has a rather wide range. It was square miles (100-250 square km in land-surface area) ; the necessary to map this area in considerable detail in order mafic varieties are in small bodies, dikes, and inclusions. Both to establish accurately the north boundary of the batho­ suites are represented also by pegmatites and hypabyssal dike rocks. lith, to establish the relations between the prebatholitic Field relations, structures, and textures indicate that the metasedimentary rocks and the igneous rocks, and to quartz diorite and related rocks were emplaced earlier than examine
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