Buying Support Assists Market to Regain Loss

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Buying Support Assists Market to Regain Loss THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, a v e r a g e d a i l y circulation ELartford. for the Month of October, 1929 Fair tonight; Friday increasing stale j 5 ) „ .a l ^ cloudiness, not much change in tem­ 5 , 5 2 2 omp. perature. Members of the Audit Bureau of iEupttinn Circulations FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Clasclfled Advertising on Pag< 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929. VOL. XLIV., NO. 33. MOTORCYCLE HITS NAVY’S NEXT DIRIGIBLE f r e n c h t r o o p s SEN.ASHIIRST ARNOLD SAYS A DEER ON ROAD ! BUYING SUPPORT ASKS TARIFF One Man Seriously Hurt— INRHINELAND I HIS JOB WAS Other Unhurt and on Return ASSISTS MARKET to Scene Finds Deer and Ma­ A R E T r a A i l ON H W N E S E NOT LOBBYING chine Gone. TO REGAIN LOSS Westerly, Nov. 7.—(AP)— When their motorcycle struck Quotes Figures Showing So Says Berlin Press, Blam-1 Head of Tariff Association! a deer on the highway two sea­ men of the Submarine Base, Profits of Steel Interests; Most of Early Losses Cut New London, Conn., were ing New French Cabinet PRESIDENT ISSUES Tells Probers He Merely' thrown to the pavement early today and one was seriously in­ Says They Can Welt Af­ Down Sharply and Long jured. Edward Knox, 19, Los j for Order— Paris Denies Presented His Opinion to Angeles was brought to a hospi­ HIS PROCLAMATION tal here, where it was believed ford to Pay. List of Issues Sell $10 to that his skull was fractured. I the German Report. the Senators. His companion John Snyder, 20, Washington, Nov. 7.— (A P)—A . $27 a Share Above Yes­ of Philadelphia was unharmed. Berlin, Nov. 7.— ( A P ) — Vor-| Names Monday, Nov. 11 as They were enroute from i demand for a tariff on manganese, a ; Washington, Nov. 7.— (AP) J| waerts, Berlin daily, today said; Providence to New London. ! raw material used in the manufac- j A. Arnold’s activities in connection ; Snyder returned to the scene ! evacuation orders issued recently to ; Armistice Day— Full Text terday's Final Quotations. I ture of steel, was made in the; with the tariff bil' were again un-; later and foimd both the motor­ j the French regiment stationed at; ; Kreuznach, in the Third Rhineland; ! Senate today by Senator Ashurst, | der scrutiny today at the Senate, cycle and deer missing. New York, Nov. 7.— (AP.) — j military zone, had been cancelled i i Democrat, Arizona, who said statis- : of the Document. lobby committee’s investigation, let-; Strong buying support came into ; suddenly and that the regiment i tics in tax returns of the big steel j the securities markets today after ters the general manager of tlie j ! would remain until further notice. 1 corporations showed they had made ! 'T /A•D^ T_ 'prices of manv leading issues had Southern Tariff Association WTOtei I French soldiers about to enter WORLD PEACE BASE I a net profit of $930,191,059 since 1 ^ ^ TT i I broken $5 to nearly $32 a share at in an effort to eliminate the season­ i a train at Mayence for return to ■ 'M -w enactment of the present tariff law. | order that the people of the U. S. i opening on what appeared to be al clause, which permits to free en-1 Ar« r'n riTr'II DAI l A V l France were ordered to resume their i Ashurst took the floor after Sena- | jjja.y recall the “ High purposes for { the completion, at least temporar- try of foreign vegetables at certain, O r llifcW vll 1 Oi-iiv'l Iquarters in the Mayence bar-, : w - tor Wheeler, Democratic, M ont^a,, Nation entered the World j ily, of the distress selling that has seasons, being introduced into the' I said he had been informed President | a i been over-hanging the market for ______ i Vorwaerts said the counter-order i W ar” President Hoover issued record. ! Hoover favored the free listing of ; the past few days. ! was believed to have been the result j proclamation today naming Monday One, written to Lorenzo A. Wil­ ! manganese and asked if this had ; Mort of the early losses were cut son, of Jacksonville, Fla., said tfie I prompted the Senate finance com-1 Nov. 11, as Armistice Day. down sharply aud a long list of is­ “whole thing swings around’’ the New Cabinet Announces Its I istry and the appointment of Andre | ! mittee to place the product on the j[ The President also said it was fit- sues cold $10 to $?7 a share above votes of Senators Fletcher and i Maginot as minister of war. | - a free list after once deciding to put |1 ting that on this day the nation yesteroay’s fin^^l Quotations in the Trammell, Democrats, Florida, add­ a duty upon it. ;: should recall its obligations to the last hour of trading Foreip Policy-4n Favori^ S;; Chairman Smoot denied Mr. Hoo- i ing “ no other influence is needed.’’ I dead to apply itself to measures to Total sales on the New York Stock ver had influenced the committee in ; The letter added that he talked . I ^ 1 opinion that the Third Zone in whica ; i “prevent repetition of such devasta i Exchange in the first two hours with the Florida Senators and they of Naval Conterence. Kreuznach and Mayence are situa- reversing its decision. ! ! tions of humanity,” as in the World : were 5,386,200ono oshares, as against only after | Could Afford Duty talked with Senator Watson of Indi- ed should be evacuated ! War. 3,340,700 in the same period yester­ in to! The Arizona Senator said he cited ana, Republican leader. the Young plan has come 1 The text of the Armistice pro day, w’ith the ticker running more the profits of the steel interests to clamation follows: After a Trade. force. I than an hour behind the market. Paris, Nov. 7— (A P )—The foreign ' An artist’s conception (above) of the navy’s next dirigible, the ZRS-4, show they could afford to pay a By the President of the United “W’ere you trying to make a floating over the capitol at Washington. The ship, on which construc- Some Quotations trade?” asked Senator Blaine, ; policy of France tmder the Tardieu REPORT DENIED. duty on manganese. He first sound­ I States. i tion was started today, was designed by Dr. Karl Arnstein (inset). Be­ ed out Senators on the propriety of A Proclamation w'hereas, the Some of the leading stock quota­ publican, Wisconsin. government will be based on the Paris, Nov. ’L -(A P )—Reports low is a new hangar at the dirigible port maintained by the Goodyear- tions at 12:45 p. m. were: using the statistics which were sup­ Eleventh of November, 1918, marks “No, but we wanted as many organization of world peace, at the from Berlin that evacuation of the Zeppelin company at Akronj Ohio. U. S. Steel, $176, up $7; Consoli­ Senators with us as possible.” Tbs ' Rhineland has been suspended bv plied by the Treasury to the finance the cessation of the most destruc­ same time guaranteeing French se­ tive, sanguinary, and far-reaching dated Gas, $97.25, up $6.25; New witness added he talked with Sena­ order of Andre Maginot minister of committee. curity declared the new Cabinet in Ashurst referred to the profits of war in human annals: and, I York Central, $180.25, up 37 ’Cents; tor Watson “a few times.” war in the new Tardieu Cabinet, Whereas, it is fitting that the re- j International Telephone $79, uj: In a letter to D. A. Burguieres, its ministerial declaration made were officially denied today. eight steel corporations. Total profits were given as $931,- curring anniversary of this day J $3.75; Anaconda, $86.87, up $5.75; New Orleans sugar 'man, Arnold public just in advance of its reading The movements of troops neces.'i- should be commemorated by exer- ; Montgomery Ward $61.50, up’ $4; said he had talked with Senator tated by the evacuation, was e.K- Navy^s Big Dirigible 684,318, after deducting losses, net before Parliament today. profits were $930,181,059. cises which shall recall the high General Electric, $223, up i$17; Smoot of Utah, Senator Watson and In the grave questions to be de­ plained, might give the reason for purposes for which the nation en­ American Can, $117, up $2; Johns others in regard to getting some one tlie supposition that the evacuation The Arizonian then made public termined, the declaration says: The statistics which listed net profits of tered the World War, the devotion Manville, $119, up $17. to “take the place” of the late Sena­ government pledges itself not to orders had been changed, but such Is Dedicated Today the United States Steel Corporation and sacrifices of those who gave ser­ Closing quotations of some of the tor Gooding, of Idaho. He added that conclude any agreement that is not orders have been changed only to vice to our country in its peril, and for the years 1922-28^ inclusive, as leaders were: they designated Senator Watson “to subject to free examination and meet exigencies tf the service with­ the memory of those who died to $642,812,128. He then gave profits U. S. Steel $177.50, up $5.50; contact with us.” “sovereignty ratification” by Parlia­ out in the least modifying the evac­ bring peace, and which likewise General Aiotors $43.50, up $3; Gen­ The witness said he had later con­ Akron, O., Nov.
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