Lightsmonday, out February 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 Queensqueensqueens Residents Lose Power Vol.Volumevolume 66, No

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Lightsmonday, out February 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 Queensqueensqueens Residents Lose Power Vol.Volumevolume 66, No VolumeVol.Volume 66, No. 65,65, 80 No.No. 207207 MONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10,10, 2020 20202020 50¢ A tree fell across wires in Queens Village, knocking out power and upending a chunk of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSMONDAY, OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 QueensQueensQueens residents lose power Vol.VolumeVolume 66, No. 65, 65, 80 No. No. 207 207 MONDAY,MONDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 10, 10, 2020 2020 50¢50¢ VolumeVolumeVol.VolumeVol. 66,66,67, 65, No. No.65,65, No. 80 809No.No. 207 207207 MONDAY,THURSDAY,MONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY,TUESDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARYFEBRUARYFEBRUARY AUGUST AUGUSTAPRILAUGUST 27, 6,10, 6,10, 6,10, 10,20212020 20202020 20202020 50¢50¢50¢ Volume 65, No. 207 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 50¢ VolumeVol.TODAY 66, No.65, 80No. 207 MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10, 2020 2020 A tree fell across wires in50¢ TODAY AA tree tree fell fell across across wires wires in in TODAY QueensQueensQueens Village, Village, Village, knocking knocking knocking ‘We want to outoutout power power power and and and upending upending upending A treeaa chunka chunkfell chunk across of of ofsidewalk. sidewalk. sidewalk.wires in VolumeVolumeVolumeQUEENSQUEENSQUEENSQUEENS 65, 65,65, No. No.No. 207 207207 LIGHTSLIGHTSduring intenseMONDAY,MONDAY, OUTOUTOUT FEBRUARY FEBRUARYFEBRUARY 10, 10,10, 2020 20202020 keepQueens peoplePhotoPhoto PhotoVillage, by by byTeresa Teresa Teresa knocking Mettela Mettela Mettela 50¢50¢50¢ QUEENS out power and upending 57,00057,000 Queens QueensQueensQueensQueensQueens a chunk of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSQueensMONDAY, OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 off the Photostreet’ by Teresa Mettela 50¢ FebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTQUEENS 10,10,6, 2020 20202020 residentsresidentscommitmentscommitments lose lose power power 57,000 QueensQueens FebruaryTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY 10, 2020 commitmentsQueens New York lawmakers consider duringduring intense intense bill extending eviction protections FebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTAUGUSTAPRIL 27, 10,10, 6, 10, 10,10,6,6, 20212020 202020202020 20202020 commitmentscommitmentsresidentscommitmentscommitments lose power FebruaryTODAYTODAY 10, 2020 TuesdayduringTuesdaycommitmentsTuesday intensestorm storm storm as state preps rent relief WORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHWORLDMAYORADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruaryFebruaryAUGUST WAR BILLWAR PARK PARK II PARK PARK DE IIVETERAN WAS VETERANWASBLASIO WAS10, WAS10,6, DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED2020 2020HAS2020OLIVER OLIVER COM - commitmentscommitments By David Brand ADDISLEIGHWORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruary WAR PARK PARK PARK II VETERANWAS WAS 10,WAS DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED 2020 OLIVER commitments a New York City historic district during Black Neliganaa NewNewADDISLEIGHNeliganmittedaa NewNew YorkYork fought YorktoYork fought CityCityadding CityCityoff historichistoric PARKoff historicahistoric75 muggera electric mugger districtdistrict WAS districtdistrict with DESIGNATEDschool duringduringwith duringduringa cupa buses BlackBlackcup BlackBlackof of to Queens Daily Eagle a NewNeliganacoffeeaHistory NewNew York YorkandYork foughtMonth City his CityCity historicbare off in historichistoric 2011.handsa mugger district district districtTheafter New duringwithbeing duringduring Yorka attacked Blackcup BlackBlack City of Tuesday storm coffeeHistoryHistoryatheHistoryHistory New andpublic MonthMonthYork his MonthMonth fleet bareCity inin inover2011.handsinhistoric2011. 2011.2011. the TheTheafter districtTheThenext New Newbeing NewNewtwo duringYorkYork attacked yearsYorkYork CityCity Black CityCityand New York renters at risk of eviction could HistorycoffeeHistoryfromADDISLEIGHHistoryHistoricADDISLEIGH behind Monthand Month MonthDistricts his in inbare Woodside inPARK in2011.PARK 2011.handsCouncil2011. 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