WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM The Triangle NC Republican leaders announce RIBUNE budget details TTHE TRIANGLE’S CHOICE FOR THE BLACK VOICE By Katelyn Ferral weeks of impasse and prodding ASSOCIATED PRESS from Gov. Pat McCrory to draft a budget with limited teacher pay RALEIGH — North Carolina raises that avoids big cuts to VOLUME 16 NO. 6 WEEK OF AUGUST 3, 2014 $1.00 House and Senate Republicans Medicaid and other areas of educa- unveiled the details of a $21.25 bil- tion. The new fiscal year began lion budget Tuesday that gives an July 1. Three former CIAA head average 7 percent raise for teach- The details come days after leg- ers now among the lowest paid islative staffers reported income football coaches – Rod nationally and preserves teacher tax revenue for 2014 is expected to assistant positions but cuts fall $205 million short of earlier Broadway, and Medicaid reimbursement for projections because the wages of health care providers by 1 percent. North Carolina workers haven’t – are now in House Speaker Thom Tillis and grown as fast as forecast. Senate leader Phil Berger added Democrats criticized Republicans the MEAC. details to the compromise budget who control the Legislature for plan and said votes are expected income tax cuts last year now pro- by week’s end. jected to cost $680 million in The compromise comes after Please seeBUDGET/3A

Dark Fathers get horse a second chance By Latisha gets a Catchatoorian [email protected] DURHAM – Fathers who welcome have wronged their families in the past can make things Ken Spaulding right again with the help of the Strong Fathers program. makes pitch for The program, which helps men (referred by child wel- gubernatorial fare) with a history of domes- campaign tic violence, relate in “safe By Latisha Catchatoorian and caring ways” to their families. [email protected] The program was dis- DURHAM – It was a cussed at a recent communi- Spaulding family affair dur- ty roundtable luncheon host- ing gubernatorial candidate ed by the Religious Coalition Ken Spaulding’s recent meet for a Nonviolent Durham. and greet with the public. During the 20-week pro- Spaulding, his wife Wendy, gram, men learn parenting and cousin Vince, were just a techniques and interact with few of the family members other fathers with similar who thanked residents for backgrounds. The program coming out. Spaulding said involves weekly two-hour the reception was a way to sessions of facilitated discus- show his appreciation to sion that cover being a role those who have supported model, co-parenting with the him since his candidacy for child’s mother, child devel- governor announcement a opment and the impact of year ago. violence, and the impact of “There’s been so many the father’s own childhood people who have been so PHOTO/LATISHA CATCHATOORIAN experiences on his parenting styles and behaviors. kind to us,” he said. “We’ve Downtown Durham was packed to hear Moral Monday’s voter rally message. been campaigning all across The curriculum for Strong the state, and we have peo- Fathers was developed by ple from all different coun- the Center for Child and ties here.” Family Health. The program Spaulding said the 2016 raises awareness of the election is a people’s cam- Moral Monday activists rally impact of domestic violence paign. So often candidates on children and mothers. focus on their running, but in “When we get the head North Carolina it’s all about right, everything else will fall into place,” said Effie Steele, the people. BullBy Latisha Catchatoorian City forhouse?!” voting shouted the Rev. Curtis rightsvoter participation, telling college president of the Religious He decided to run he said Gatewood, NAACP Historic students they can’t use their col- [email protected] Coalition for a Nonviolent when he did not see things Thousands on Jones Street coali- lege IDs to vote, and limiting early DURHAM – People congregated Durham. “We are ministering happening the way he tion coordinator. voting is all “bull.” at the CCB Plaza downtown were to the whole family, not in would’ve hoped. The crowd responded loudly in “We’re here in Durham because “fired up and ready to go,” and pieces, but the whole family, “People are hurting out the affirmative. even proud tar heels can march not just because it was a swelter- and we need to start with the here,” he said. “I really hoped The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of down tobacco road and use their ing afternoon. dads.” our leaders would’ve Covenant Presbyterian Church student IDs to register to vote,” he Moral Monday came to the Bull Steele said the resource is stepped forward to really said they had to bring Moral said. “We’re here to say that City as part of its effort to mobi- sorely needed in the commu- take on this McCrory admin- Monday to Durham because as Durham is home to the maroon lize across the state. There were nity. istration and the extremist “the past home of the Bull and gray North Carolina Central ladies adorned in hats covered in “The population that we legislative majority.” Durham Tobacco Company and University Eagles, and we can tell political buttons, families with serve for the most part is Attorney General Roy the present home of the Durham when something just won’t fly. children, and many waving signs fathers that want to be Cooper is also expected to Bulls,” they are experts in “bull- We’re here to say to the N.C. ablaze with calls for change. involved but clearly don’t run for governor, but ology.” General Assembly that your mon- “Durham, are you in the house?! have the skills or tools that Spaulding said Cooper has He said eliminating one-day Chapel Hill, are you in the are necessary. They haven’t been defending many of voter registration to decrease Please seeMORAL/ 2A Gov. Pat McCrory’s policies had models that were con- like “voter suppression, (no) ducive for them to learn teacher tenure and (lack of) proper skills,” said Sam marriage equality.” Clayborn, one of the pro- “Roy Cooper’s office has gram’s coach facilitators. been defending those “We try to make them have a actions, so if he had planned safe space. We come from a to be the nominee, then I Millions in health insurance nonjudgmental perspective.” think (it’d be) a good race Strong Fathers serves pre- between the two of us. The dominately young African- voters would get a chance to American males ages 22 to refund amounts to about $77 per new data. have a choice as to who they rebatesBy Bruce Smith coming to Carolinas 48. These men are usually family. Those companies that devote think best represents them,” disenfranchised and don’t ASSOCIATED PRESS Nationally, nearly 7 million con- too much to profits and red tape he said. have access to adequate sumers nationwide will receive owe refunds. The HHS report con- Debra Johnson said she resources. More than $21 million in health about $330 million in refunds. cluded that, last year alone, con- wants to see improvements Clayborn said the men are insurance rebates will be coming The refund nationally will aver- sumers saved $3.8 billion on their in North Carolina’s education initially a little resistant, but to consumers in the Carolinas age about $80 per family. premiums upfront because com- and tax system. by the end of the program, from companies the federal gov- The refunds are being made, for panies were operating more effi- “There’s several things that they are set. He said he is a ernment says spent too many the third year in a row, under the ciently. are going on now in North firm believer that hurt peo- premium dollars on profits and federal Affordable Care Act, Those entitled to refunds will Carolina. It’s not fair. Asking ple, hurt people. red tape last year. sometimes known as get them in one of several ways. you to show ID for the vote; “We’ve literally had grown The U.S. Department of Health “Obamacare.” They may get a refund check in that’s not fair,” she said. men cry. This is the only and Human Services released The law created the so-called the mail or a lump-sum reim- “Several things I’m not grounded safe space they’ve data Thursday showing that more Medical Loss Ratio Rule - also bursement to the account used to pleased with now in North had with no one judging than 205,000 consumers in South known as the 80/20 rule - with pay the premium. Or customers Carolina.” them based on their story, Carolina will receive more than the intent of making insurance may receive a reduction in future Wendy Spaulding said as their history or what neigh- $13 million in rebates. That’s an companies more efficient. Under premiums. potential first lady, she borhood they’ve come average refund of $92 per family. the rule, health insurance compa- Employers providing health hopes to tackle the state’s from,” he said. In North Carolina, customers nies must spend at least 80 per- insurance must provide the poverty problem. So far, 79 men have com- will be receiving more than $8 cent of premium dollars on refunds in similar ways or can “It’s something that’s very pleted or partially completed million in rebates in the coming “patient care and quality choose another method that dear and close to my heart as the program; and research weeks. More than 182,000 con- improvement activities,” accord- helps their workers, such as someone who grew up poor, shows gains in fathers’ sumers will benefit, and the ing to a release issued with the enhancing benefits. Please seeSPAULDING/2A Please seeFATHERS/2A

Triangle designer Index To subscribe: 919-688-9408 or Follow The looks to make online http://tcppc.com/Subscribe Tribune on Editorial 4A Sports 1B his mark. Email: [email protected] Focus 6A Classifieds 4B © 2014 The Triangle Tribune Arts & Life 5B Religion 6B 2A NEWS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, August 3, 2014 Moral Monday rallies for Spaulding makes his votingContinued from 1A rightsother legislation) in thatDurham are student, he encouraged peo- pitch for nomination ster voter suppression law hurting North Carolinians. He ple to register and vote does not fly in Durham, does said good things can come because “when you’re voting, not fly in Chapel Hill.” from the darkness, and these you’re not only voting for Gatewood said he remem- negative policies have yourself, you’re voting for bers Dr. Martin Luther King inspired people to come people like me.” Jr. speaking about a place in together. “My brothers and my sis- the South where the gover- “When we look at the cur- ters, something is wrong nor’s lips dripped with “inter- rent debate over the budget when I’m fighting the same position and nullification.” between (Thom) Tillis, (Phil) devils that my grandmother “The fight for justice is Berger and the governor, it fought. Something is wrong never irrelevant. It never ought to make us want to when we are passing laws ends. Whether proactive or organize and register and that leave some protected reactive, the fight for justice vote,” Barber said. and others neglected,” must continue because the Candice Benbow, a Duke Benbow said. minute you think you’ve Divinity School graduate stu- Stefan Weathers, a former moved up an inch, then dent, was raised on the south NCCU student body presi- comes the backlash, then side of Winston-Salem. Just dent, said the right to vote is comes the repeal, then last week, an early voting at the core of our country. comes the vicious rebellion plan was approved for the “If we are to call ourselves a to take us back a mile,” he city that did not include the democracy, how can we say said. “No matter what point south side. we want to deny voting or in history, the majority “I called my grandmother limit those who can vote,” he seems to think they can to talk about it. My grandma said. “We will not rewind and oppress us.” told me, ‘They think we’re play the same battles as 50 Recent legislation, such as stupid. They think we don’t years ago.” voter ID requirements and see what they’re trying to do. Chapel Hill resident CJ gerrymandering, leave many They want to discourage us,’ Suitt, who is in his 20s, said feeling like Gov. Pat but my 79-year-old grand- older people can handle the McCrory’s administration is mother said, ‘We are not politics and make an impact enacting voter suppression backing down. We’ve fought that way, while the younger reminiscent of times’ past. these devils before and we generation can change the “Let us not forget that we won,’” Benbow recalled. culture. are in a fight, and we are liti- Forty people from the “So we come here and we gating in court, against what crowd were invited to come see the political implications Kenneth Spaulding greets supporters at a reception. is unmistakably the worst towards the stage as a sign of of our cultural decisions, but attack on voting and the their commitment to register then we have peers who are Continued from 1A office that cares about the community worst attempt to comprehen- one eligible voter a day from cultural leaders and change and cares about the people of the state is sively abridge the right to Durham County for 10 makers,” he said. “Because of I understand the face of poverty and all the main thing – doesn’t matter what vote since Jim Crow,” N.C. weeks. that, we have the power to I have to do is look in the mirror and I color they are,” she said. NAACP President William Emilio Vicente, an undocu- change the culture to see it,” she said. Added Spaulding: Barber said. mented student at UNC- respond to the politics that Vince Spaulding, who serves as cam- “This election will be in 2016 and, Barber had just returned Chapel Hill, has been in this are happening up top.” paign treasurer, said one of the most yeah, they’ll have presidential elections, from Washington, D.C., country since he was 6 years Added Benbow: “We have interesting and gratifying parts of cam- but I want to be able to at least convey where he congregated with old but has never been able the power to turn this thing paigning has been to see how receptive the message so that we all together real- others to protest regressive to vote because of his status. around and make North folks are to Spaulding’s campaign. ize something that I didn’t realize awhile voting policies (in addition to Considered an international Carolina great again.” “When we call folks and ask them for back: The federal government can’t do contributions, everybody seems to be everything,” he said. “We see on the enthusiastic about his willingness to run Affordable Care Act how we tried nation- and his possibility of being successful,” ally. They came forth with the legislation he said. to help people, but here in North When asked what he thought about the Carolina on the state level, we did not go possibility of North Carolina electing a along with Medicaid expansion, so there- black governor, family friend Ed Ellis fore we have over half a million people Fathers get second chance said ,“I think it’s time for North Carolina that need health care in North Carolina to have a black governor, and he could who are suffering. So these decisions are be, and would be, I think, the first to do not only federal decisions that take place that; and if he makes it, that would be a toContinued become from page 1A ing upbetter in homes where there parentspoverty plays a role in this and impact our lives, but, in particular, plus for our great state.” is violence, there’s a very domestic behavior pattern. our state and local elections are very knowledge of child develop- Durham County Commissioner Brenda high percentage that male “How do you be a role important in our everyday lives.” ment and reduction in Howerton, who is a friend of Wendy children will model that model when you have self- To find out more about Spaulding’s reports to Child Protective Spaulding, said she doesn’t think “black behavior and they will esteem issues yourself?” she campaign, visit www.kenspaulding.com. Services. or white” matters. become offenders or abusers asked. Katie Bauman, director of “I think having the right person in the Strong Fathers program later on in life,” said Deanna Clayborn responded that in Durham (there’s one in Manley, who works at the people know right from Winston-Salem as well), said Durham Crisis Response wrong. the men are very near and Center as well as with Strong “We understand poverty, dear to her. Fathers. “We’re trying to, we do poverty well,” he “The line between perpetu- through Strong Fathers, stop said.“I respect your question, ator and victim is not as clear that cycle.” but there has to come a time as we might think. You can- Roundtable member Wilma when we take responsibili- not work with this popula- Liverpool said she doesn’t ty.” tion unless you can believe boys grow up think- For more information on approach each man as an ing they’re going to grow up Strong Fathers, visit individual and try to under- and make no money, be vio- http://www.cfface.org/pro- stand his story and his back- lent, and have no job. She jects/health_wellbeing/stron ground,” she said. “It is hard asked the panel if they felt g_fathers/. work (parenting), and if you don’t have some really good coping skills, your buttons can really be pushed. So it’s not a shameful thing that we need support as parents; it is not a shameful thing that we don’t always know what we’re doing.” Bauman relayed a story about one father who came to a group discussion racked with guilt after spanking his 3-year-old daughter. While at work, his daughter, who was being “watched” by a family member, caused an overflow in the bathroom after forget- ting to turn off the faucet. As a way to discipline her, he spanked her. Bauman said he knew what he did was wrong and the fault did not lie with his daughter, but with the lack of supervision. She said fathers learn communica- tion skills that help them be better parents. “When children are grow- 3A NEWS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, August 3, 2014 Obama gets emotional Budget detailseducation-related positions outlined Continued from page1A “We’re seeing lower and also would be eliminated. But lower shortfalls, but we have 2014. about $65 million for teacher to be prepared for that so the The compromise budget assistants that lawmakers promises we’re making in over Malia going to college plan will require up-or-down said local school administra- this budget continue to be votes from lawmakers, with- tors have been shifting to fulfilled,” he said. out changes. fund teaching positions will McCrory spokesman, Josh “Why are we rushing this be formally transferred to Ellis, said in a statement, through when we have all help pay for teacher raises. “there are several major these questions?” asked Rep. “Should the local school issues that are being worked Larry Hall, D-Durham. “All districts determine that they on, including Medicaid eligi- this bad information has need to move it back into TA bility, to hopefully avoid a been presented and then allotment, they have the full veto.” these same people are now flexibility to do that,” Tillis The budget also: saying ‘Hey just take our said. • Maintains funding for the word for it. We’re going to cut Medicaid eligibility will stay public university system. a deal we’re going to force the same. The Senate had • Gives most state employ- you to vote for it.” proposed eliminating ees a $1,000 raise and five Berger said the shortfall Medicaid eligibility for more extra vacation days. was accounted for in the than 15,000 people. The pro- • Increases pay for budget and said press cover- gram serves poor people and Highway Patrol troopers by age of it had blown its impact people with disabilities. at least 5 percent. out of proportion. The state spends $3.5 bil- • Creates a $10 million Teachers in their first four lion annually to treat 1.7 mil- grant program to replace a 25 years of experience would lion Medicaid recipients. percent tax film credit, in line see their pay increase from Efforts to revamp the pro- with a bill the Senate passed $30,800 to $33,000. In their gram to hold down costs earlier in the session. The tax fifth to 11th years of employ- were removed from the credit expires at the end of ment, teachers would get budget to be tackled later. this year. Last year, $61 mil- double-digit percentage rais- There are Medicaid cuts in lion was spent on the credit, es. Teacher pay would level the budget, including a 1 per- according to the N.C. Malia Obama (left) will be going off to college in two years. off at $50,000 a year after 25 cent cut in provider reim- Department of Revenue. years of experience. bursement, said chief House • Adds about $800,000 for By Darlene Superville visit colleges as time allows, The prevalence of social Berger said there would be budget writer Rep. Nelson take the SAT exam in March media and cellphone cam- vouchers for students to ASSOCIATED PRESS no change in the dollar Dollar, R-Wake. attend private or religious and set up a family meeting eras practically guarantees amount allotted to employ The budget also puts $186 schools if the program sur- President Barack Obama is with a college counselor in that Malia’s college search practically weepy at the teaching assistants. The million into a reserve for vives legal challenges and is late spring, among other will be even more document- thought of his daughter Malia Senate had proposed elimi- Medicaid cost increases and able to start distributing steps. ed than Chelsea Clinton’s 17 going off to college, a mile- nating money for local includes $700 million in a money this academic year. Michelle Obama is also years ago. In September school districts to hire 7,400 savings reserve to cope with stone many months away thinking about her daugh- 1997, more than 200 journal- that is already on his mind. teaching assistants in all sec- a program that has had Associated Press Writer ter’s departure. In a com- ists showed up to cover her Malia barely reached up to ond- and third-grade class- almost annual overruns for Emery P. Dalesio contributed mencement-eve address to first day at Stanford. her father’s shoulders when rooms. Funding for other several years, Tillis said. to this story. Topeka, Kansas, high school Bill Clinton and his wife, they moved to the White seniors, the first lady said: who was Obama’s first secre- House nearly six years ago “Days like this make me tary of state, were shocked with her mother, little sister think of my own daughters, when their only child chose and grandmother. At 16, she so forgive me if I get a little to attend college some 3,000 stands nearly as tall as her 6- teary.” miles away. Her parents were foot-1 dad and is visiting col- Chelsea Clinton and her educated at East Coast uni- Stage set for showdowns over lege campuses in preparation mother, Hillary Rodham versities – Georgetown for for that bittersweet day in the Clinton, toured some col- him and Wellesley for her – fall of 2016 when she trades leges together, at times before they met at Yale Law potential HBCUs contractions her White House bedroom attracting a horde and at School. And they thought By Pearl Stewart ous states, typically Colleges and Schools, which for a dorm. other times going unnoticed. Chelsea would follow their Republicans, recommending cited numerous issues, She has been seen touring Then-President Bill Clinton path. DIVERSE ISSUES IN EDUCATION closing an HBCU or merging including financial instability the University of California at never joined them, mainly In her syndicated newspa- Around the same time law- it with another institution. In and conflicts of interest on Berkeley and the Palo Alto, because of the disruption per column, Hillary Clinton makers in the N.C. Senate 2010 then-Gov. Haley the governing board. California, campus of that would have been caused wrote about her dread at hav- recently floated the idea of Barbour of Mississippi The probation only exacer- Stanford, where another by the large entourage that ing to say goodbye to closing Elizabeth City State brought up merging that bated the school’s plight. In president’s daughter, follows a president in public. Chelsea. University, the United Negro state’s HBCUs. Swift reaction, April, a state Inspector Chelsea Clinton, attended College Fund reported that involving marches and General’s report had con- college. the Koch brothers, who rou- demonstrations, ensued. cluded that SCSU diverted In a commencement tinely support Republican When Jackson State President $6.5 million in targeted pro- address to high school grad- candidates and right-wing Ronald Mason Jr. also pro- gram funds for operating uates in Worcester, causes, had made a $25 mil- posed a “unification” of the expenses. A few weeks later, Massachusetts, Obama said lion donation to the UNCF to campuses, he quickly SCSU President Thomas he’s practicing for what’s help struggling HBCUs. became persona non grata Elzey sought $13.6 million coming in two years. “So I’m Although financially ailing and soon thereafter from the state legislature to trying to get used to not Elizabeth City State won’t announced his departure. pay its bills. The Budget and choking up and crying and benefit from the Koch money Despite the uproar in Control Board approved a $6 embarrassing her. So this is because the UNCF only sup- Mississippi, Mason crossed million bailout. sort of my trial run here.” ports private HBCUs, both sit- the state line and within Like Elizabeth City State, Obama said during a ques- uations focused attention on months was named presi- South Carolina State’s enroll- tion-and-answer session with the plight of numerous black dent of Southern University ment has steadily declined in the chief executive of institutions, especially small- System, where Gov. Bobby recent years, to approximate- Tumblr, a social media site, er schools facing dwindling Jindal has also made known ly 3,100 in spring 2014. that his daughter, like young financial resources and his preference for mergers One legislator who voted people in general, should enrollment declines. and consolidation. against the bailout said, shop around for a college. Last September, the In recent years, lawmakers “We’ve got an institution “We tell her, ‘Don’t assume University of North Carolina in several states have raised that’s bleeding to death, and that there are 10 schools that System reported that the subject of closure or a Band-Aid is not going to you have to go to, and if you Elizabeth City State faced a mergers involving HBCUs, solve the problem.” didn’t go to those 10, that shortfall of $5 million, and only to be drowned out by Johnny C. Taylor, president somehow things are going to UNC President Tom Ross various constituents of the of the Thurgood Marshall be terrible,’” he said. “There warned that “hard decisions” institutions. However, con- College Fund, says state leg- are a lot of schools out were ahead. solidation has become islators are taking a new there.” At the time, ECSU’s enroll- acceptable among non- approach to handling trou- Malia goes into the 11th ment for the fall 2013 semes- HBCUs. For example, the bled HBCUs. grade this fall at the private ter was just over 2,400 stu- University System of Georgia “They’re saying, ‘We’re not Sidwell Friends School in dents, a decline from about has merged eight college going to talk about closing Washington. The Sidwell par- 3,300 in 2010. campuses into four to save HBCUs and having people ent’s guide to college coun- Then, in May, a provision in money. But students, faculty call us racists. We’re going to seling suggests that juniors the Senate draft budget pro- and alumni from both cam- give you so much money, take the PSAT test in October, posal called for possibly puses have vehemently and that’s all you’re going to eliminating “small, unprof- opposed suggestions that get.’ You asked for $14 mil- itable” institutions, specifi- Georgia’s Albany State be lion, and we’ll give you $6 cally citing ECSU. Within merged with predominantly million. Best of luck to you.’ ” hours, the blowback from white Darton State. He says it’s time for HBCU black legislators, alumni and Yet some black institutions leaders to have their own dis- community leaders was so continue to slide downward, cussion about closing or strong that the Senate voted making the loss of accredita- merging flagging institutions unanimously to drop the pro- tion a reality, which in itself “before others make the deci- vision. could trigger closure. South sions for us. Yes, it’s contro- It was just the latest jab in Carolina State was placed on versial, but we need to do it.” what has become a perennial probation in June by the joust by lawmakers in vari- Southern Association of The Triangle TRIBUNE Download a digital copy today @ triangletribunenewspaper.com It’s free! 4A EDITORIALS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, August 3, 2014

WhyBy Lee H. Hamiltonincumbentsother words, Americanskeep gettingJust as important, incum-reelectedThe nature of their work Special To The Tribune scorn Congress but keep r- bents enjoy an overwhelm- allows them to build ties to electing its members. How ing advantage in elections: a various interest groups back It’s no news that Congress could this be? large staff, both in home, which quite naturally is unpopular. In fact, at times The first thing to remem- Washington and at home, seek out the incumbents and it seems like the only real ber is that members of whose jobs focus on helping ignore challengers. 115 Market Street Suite 360H novelty on Congress didn’t get there by constituents. They find lost Incumbents receive invita- being lousy politicians. They tions to more events than Durham, NC 27701 Capitol Hill would be a Social Security checks, help jump in its approval rating. In know as well as you and I get funding for economic they can possibly attend; June, a Gallup poll found that they are unpopular, and development projects, cut challengers have trouble they’re masters at separating finding a meeting interested Gerald O. Johnson members’ standing with the through red tape to secure themselves from it and run- veterans’ benefits. At elec- in having them. Incumbents PUBLISHER American people at a historic low for a midterm election ning against it — appearing tion time, voters remember get the honored place in the to be outsiders trying to get this. parade, the prime speaking Bonitta Best year. It might have been notable except, as The in rather than insiders who That’s not the only help position, the upper hand MANAGING EDITOR Washington Post pointed out, produce the Congress they members can expect. when it comes to raising “Congress's approval rating pretend to disdain. They’re buttressed in ways money; challengers have to has reached historic lows at They’re also adept at talk- challengers can only dream fight for visibility and least 12 times since 2010.” ing up their own bipartisan- about. They’re paid a good money. And the news media Here’s the interesting thing: ship — which is what most salary, so they don’t have to seek out incumbents, often Nearly three-quarters of general-election voters want worry about supporting their ignoring the challengers. The lynching of — when, in fact, they almost In fact, challengers are at a Americans want to throw out families while they cam- most members of Congress, always vote with their own paign. They get to spend disadvantage at almost every including their own represen- party’s leadership, especially their terms effectively cam- point in a campaign. From Eric Garner on the obscure procedural building name recognition to It was one of the most difficult scenes in Spike tative, yet the vast majority of paigning year-round, not just Lee’s classic movie “Do the Right Thing”: the bru- incumbents will be returning votes that can decide an at election time, and they are arranging meetings to build- tal strangulation of peace-loving Radio Raheem by to Capitol Hill in January. In issue before the actual up-or- able to saturate their state or ing credibility with editorial New York City police in a Brooklyn pizza shop. down vote is taken. district with mass mailings. boards, donors and opinion That scene touched a raw nerve as it recalled the leaders, they’re trudging 1983 death of 25-year-old graffiti artist Michael uphill. They do get one leg Stewart, another chokehold victim of the New up — they’re in the district York City Police Department. all the time, while the incum- Now we find ourselves enraged over the police bent has to be in Washington killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island, which was regularly — but that’s a small captured on cellphone video as a police officer advantage compared to the puts him in a chokehold, with the man pleading obstacles arrayed against that he can’t breathe. Garner was taken away them. Especially when dis- unconscious and later pronounced dead. Another tricts are gerrymandered, as day in America. they often are, to protect Let me be clear: Eric Garner was lynched. He was incumbents. This means that brutally assaulted and choked to death by a police in primaries, incumbents officer who, supposedly trained, generally need to focus just abused his authority with deadly on the most active voters, precision. It is not enough to state while in general elections the that the officer used deadly force vast majority can consider because when it comes to black themselves on safe ground. males and police, there is a violent But there’s another reason regularity that has persisted for incumbents keep getting r- decades. elected that’s also worth con- The manner in which black men sidering: voters. Most and boys are set upon by law Americans don’t vote, which ALTER W enforcement is consistent with their means that a U.S. senator or FIELDS marginalization in society and the representative might be degree to which they are a criminal- elected by only 20 percent of ized class. There is no benefit of the doubt, no the eligible voters. And those reasonableness, no dialogue – just force and upon who do vote often cast their the slightest protest on our part, violence and ballots for narrow or unusu- probable injury or death. al reasons. We need to be clear and unambiguous about Garner’s death in the larger context of the sup- pression of black males. What black males on a daily basis experience is seldom the experience of white males, and cannot be fathomed by whites in Black Press: The voice of black America, part 5 general. White mothers do not have to counsel Our voice for the cause of having and supporting our law. the voting rights of black their sons on their behavior should they freedom, justice, equality, own newspapers, maga- Thanks to The Final Call Americans and others who have encounter police or worry when their sons step and empowerment is the zines, radio, television, and and the Los Angeles Sentinel, been historically denied the out the door whether they will be a victim of consistent voice of struggle other forms of media. millions of people will now right to vote. police violence. Even in the most extreme situa- and self- In addition to personally know the truth about that Next year will mark the 50th tions when white males are the perpetrators of determina- telling me that “The pen is tragic racially-motivated, anniversary of the 1965 Voting violent crime, police are in apprehend mode and tion repre- mightier than the sword,” vicious assault on Marlene Rights Act. But as we approach not in pursuit with deadly intent. senting the James Baldwin also empha- Pinnock by a bulky white this historic milestone to ensure Eric Garner was lynched. interests of sized, “Our black-owned California Highway fairness and equality in He is the most recent case in a gigabyte file of 45 million newspapers are at the van- Patrolman. American democracy, the U.S. such cases. I have yet to see the movie “Fruitvale black Ameri- guard of our struggle for National Newspaper Supreme Court and right-wing Station” because I know how difficult it will be to cans and oth- freedom because they dare Publishers Association controlled state legislatures in see the reenactment of the killing of Oscar Grant. ers who yearn to print the truth about our Chairman Emeritus Danny many states are systematically It cuts too close to home because I remember the for a better situation in America and in Bakewell Sr. and publisher of attempting to dismantle the killing of 15-year-old Phillip Pannell by a white BENJAMIN quality of life. the world. And that is the the Los Angeles Sentinel enforceable mandates of the Teaneck, New Jersey, police officer in 1990. The news that we need to first newspaper stated, “This Voting Rights Act. CHAVIS The Black boy was shot in the back with his arms raised in Press of read!” time, it’s a black woman. Last As the demographics of the surrender mode. America, pri- The eloquent and pene- week, it was a black man. Last U.S. as part of the “browning of The white police officer, Gary Spath, was acquit- marily through local and trating words of Baldwin week, it was our son; and we America,” the efforts of those ted by an all-white Bergen County jury. The regional newspapers printed are still true today. Take for want to make sure that next who want to take the nation acquittal came amidst a massive police march weekly across the nation, example the recent case of week, it’s not us. There is no backward to the days of Jim through the community in support of the officer. continues the long tradition brutal police brutality on a belief that the highway patrol Crow and de jure racial discrim- That’s the other piece of this ongoing horror of being the effective voice defenseless black grand- can investigate itself.” ination and exploitation appear show; the closing of the ranks of the blue frater- of social change. It is with mother, Marlene Pinnock, Of course, police brutality to be gaining some political nity and the perpetual denial on the part of law both a sense of pride and on the streets of Los is not just a problem in Los momentum. enforcement that these episodes are not the end humility that we serve the Angeles that was once Angeles. It is a national issue, The good news is blacks and result of racist intent. cause of liberation and the again captured on video- and in nearly every city and Latinos will increasingly hold Eric Garner was a victim of racism. quest for economic prosperi- tape. town in the United States, the the margin of victory in many The New York City Police Department is not ty not only for black This whole violent drama occurrence of racially-moti- Congressional races and alone in perpetuating crimes against black males Americans but also for all is a direct reminder of the vated police misconduct and statewide elections in the or operating in a way to violate the civil liberties who believe in equality and Rodney King brutality case brutality is well documented. majority of the important of black people. The NYPD just happens to be the the oneness of humanity. that was also recorded by a The hateful and prejudiced “swing states” in 2014-16. largest police force in the country and has per- We all should never forget witness videographer in physical assaults on black All of this simply means we fected the art of police abuse. Last week, the fed- that the only reason we have Los Angeles. Americans will not go unchal- have work to do. We have social eral government announced the monitoring of the basic knowledge about our If it were not for the per- lenged. The NNPA will contin- change movements, and politi- Newark, New Jersey, police force, which for years long struggle for freedom is sistence of the Black Press ue to report this news, and cal and economic development residents lodged complaints against. Now, it has because of the continued of America, this case would we will continue to raise our organizations to build and sus- come to light that officers in New Jersey’s largest existence and persistence of have ended as just another collective voice in opposition tain as we look to the future. In city are even suspected of stealing personal prop- the Black Press of America. anonymous case of an to all forms of brutality and the face of those who want to erty from residents they detain. In Chicago, for- Thus, this is not the time for alleged unprovoked assault oppression. It is important to take the nation backward, we mer city police commander Jon Burge presided us to start taking for granted on a police office in the per- note that we are also witness- must re-assert our determina- over a department that regularly brutalized citi- the value and importance of formance of duty under the ing more political assaults on tion to strive to excellence. zens and himself was alleged to have engaged in violence. He was convicted in 2010 for lying about the torture of police suspects. OUR VOICES NYPD Chief Bill Bratton’s order that all officers undergo training on the proper techniques to apprehend suspects is too little in light of the bru- tality of Garner’s death. For starters, every officer A glaring gap in North Carolina’s Medicaid program on the scene should be dismissed. If officers BY VICKI SMITH changes that would help soning), sensory processing ing needs, people with TBI sworn to uphold the law can witness a citizen them manage their disease. (sight, hearing, touch, taste, stand to benefit greatly from being choked to death and not intervene, they are Changing North Carolina’s This approach ignores the and smell), communication a truly integrated health care not capable of fulfilling their legal duty to protect Medicaid system has been a relationship between physi- (expression and understand- system. and serve. major topic of debate for the cal well-being and mental ing), and behavior or mental Consider “Linda,” a worker The video clip clearly shows a man who was not 2014 “short session” of the health. health (depression, anxiety, in a small factory. She sus- confrontational, who was attempting to defuse General Assembly. Common One group that would personality changes, aggres- tained a TBI when her car the situation and was trying to communicate with to most of the proposals especially benefit from an sion, acting out, and social was rolled after a collision the officers. He is taken down by the officers and under consideration is the integrated approach to inappropriateness). with a drunk driver. Linda then thrown to the ground as an officer puts him principle of “integrated health care, but that is cur- In North Carolina, we typi- was treated for the swelling in a deadly chokehold. health care.” Integrated rently almost entirely cally see a traditional, med- in her brain with surgery and Garner can be heard on the video pleading, “I health care, or “whole person excluded from North ical approach to treating TBI. medications. She needed can’t breathe,” but his physical condition was of care,” refers to a system that Carolina’s Medicaid system, Often the initial response intensive physical therapy in little concern to the officers who were intent on offers coordinated physical is people with traumatic involves surgery and other the months after the crash. demonstrating that they were the dominant force. and mental/behavioral brain injury. This population medical interventions to Although she regained the Eric Garner was lynched. health care. It generally receives few services under reduce swelling, improve ability to walk over time, she results in improved health our current system and blood flow and increase the lost her job and eventually Walter Fields is executive editor of outcomes. clearly should be included in availability of oxygen to the needed to go on Medicaid NorthStarNews.com Without this integration, any of the Medicaid overhaul brain. Once stabilized, a and Social Security disability. people who have serious plans. high-quality treatment might But she never received any mental illness may have a According to the National include physical therapy to mental health services. provider who monitors psy- Institutes of Health, TBI regain bodily functions con- When she left rehab, a chiatric medications and pro- occurs when a sudden trau- trolled by the injured area of nurse did give her and her vides outpatient therapy but ma causes damage to the the brain, occupational ther- mother a flyer with a few foregoes routine screenings brain. TBI can result from a apy to learn adaptive skills, phone numbers in case she Send letters, comments to: for blood pressure and blood blunt force to the head with cognitive therapy to adapt to wanted counseling, but there glucose levels. Likewise, peo- a closed wound or from an changes in mood or thought was no one who could help The Triangle Tribune ple managing chronic physi- object penetrating the brain. processes, and a host of her navigate the system. No 115 Market St., Suite 360H cal illnesses like diabetes Many TBIs result in long- other services that span the one warned her about the often do not get the mental term disability, including physical and behavioral bouts of intense anger or Durham, NC 27701 health care that would help problems with cognition health systems. Because of even the confusion she (919) 688-9408 them implement the lifestyle (thinking, memory, and rea- these complex and long-last- sometimes experienced. She

CYAN-AOOO MAGENTA-OAOO YELLOW-OOAO BLACK 01/29/08 USINESS B WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM BRIEFS The Triangle ELECTION 2014 North Carolina’s three political party chairs will dis- TRIBUNE cuss the upcoming election and key issues Aug. 5, 8 to 10 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 PAGE 5A a.m. at Embassy Suites in Cary. RSVP to 664-7090.

BACK TO SCHOOL Dollar Tree has joined Business Operation Homefront for their annual Back-to-School Brigade. All Dollar Tree stores will collect school supplies through Aug. 14. Job security C-SUITES Bob Greenberg, vice presi- dent and N.C. senior state executive of IBM strongest in Corporation, is the guest speaker of the Raleigh Chamber’s C-Suites Perspectives Aug. 15, 7:30 to 9 a.m. at The Umstead Hotel eight years ASSOCIATED PRESS & Spa, 100 Woodland Pond Drive in Cary. RSVP by Aug. 7 WASHINGTON – The risk of losing your job is to 664-7082. getting smaller and smaller. As the U.S. economy has improved and RECEPTION employers have regained confidence, compa- Durham Center for Senior nies have been steadily shedding fewer work- Life will hold a welcome ers. Which is why applications for unemploy- reception for its new execu- ment benefits have dwindled to their lowest tive director, Cathy Stallcup, level since February 2006 — nearly two years Aug. 7, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at before the Great Recession began — the gov- 405 Rigsbee Ave. ernment said last week. The trend means greater job security and LEGACY LUNCHEON PHOTO/GARY LAW FIRM suggests a critical turning point in the econom- The Auxiliary to the Attorney Willie Gary, partner Donald Watson and Chris Chestnut, Esq., won millions for client. ic recovery. It raises the hope that workers’ pay Durham Academy of will finally accelerate after grinding through a Medicine, Dentistry and sluggish recovery for the past half-decade. Pharmacy will host its 21st When the economy sank into recession at the Legacy Luncheon Aug. 16 at end of 2007, employers cut deeply into their noon at the Hilton Hotel in staffs. And then during the recovery, they Durham. Sponsorships avail- Willie Gary and team win hired only hesitantly. Instead, they sought to able. Contact: Ellison Howard maximize the productivity of their existing at (919) 280-2353. employees. But in recent months, the picture has bright- EXCESS SALE millions in tobacco lawsuit ened. Employers have added 200,000-plus Dress for Success Triangle SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE attempts. quality of life. We hope that jobs for five straight months, and the unem- will hold its late Trial attorney Willie After roughly 15 hours of this verdict will send a mes- ployment rate has reached 6.1 percent, the summer/early fall inventory Gary, along with his law deliberations, the jury sage to RJ Reynolds and lowest since 2008. excess sale Aug. 16, 10 a.m. partner Donald Watson and returned a verdict in favor of other big tobacco companies Now, the steadily declining level of layoffs to 5 p.m. at Northgate Mall, attorney Chris Chestnut Robinson. They determined that will force them to stop suggests that employers may have to hire even 1058 W. Club Blvd. in were awarded just over $16 that RJ Reynolds was negli- putting the lives of innocent more aggressively and raise pay if they want to Durham. million in compensatory gent and should have done a people in jeopardy,” expand their businesses, said Joel Naroff, pres- damages and $23 billion in better job at informing con- Gary is no stranger to ident of Naroff Economic Advisers. WOMEN ENTREPRNEURS punitive damages on behalf sumers about the dangers of seeking justice. In 1995, a “They’ve been continually working their The Small Business of their client, Cynthia smoking and the physical jury awarded Gary and his workers harder and longer,” Naroff said. “As a Association will host a con- Robinson. dependency caused by nico- legal team a record-breaking, result of that, we have consistent growth and tracting program for women- Throughout the course tine. half-billion dollars against you can’t lay off people anymore.” owned businesses Aug. 19, 7 of a four-week trial, Gary “RJ Reynolds took a calcu- The Loewen Group, one of The shortage of laid-off workers searching a.m. to noon at the and team proved that RJ lated risk by manufacturing the world’s largest funeral for jobs means that more companies may need McKimmon Center on N.C. Reynolds was negligent in cigarettes and selling them to chains. In addition, Gary is to pay more to attract talent. Thus far, wage State’s campus, 1101 informing consumers of the consumers without properly noted for winning a $240 mil- growth has essentially only kept pace with Gorman St. Contact: Eileen dangers of tobacco and, informing them of the haz- lion jury verdict in Orange inflation, and household incomes remain Joyce at (704) 344-6787 or therefore, caused the ards,” said Gary of the County, California, against below their 2007 levels. [email protected]. unnecessary and untimely Florida-based law firm of the Walt Disney Corporation Most businesses have so far been hesitant to demise of Michael Johnson Gary, Williams, Parenti, & for his clients who alleged raise wages, so there may be a lag before work- LIGHT RAIL Sr. Johnson contracted Watson. “As a result of their that Disney stole their idea ers see higher paychecks. “But when the dam The Durham City/County lung cancer as a direct and negligence, my client’s hus- for a sports theme park. In breaks, it’s really going to break,” Naroff pre- Planning Department is co- proximate result of smok- band suffered from lung can- 2001, a jury awarded Gary a dicted. sponsoring a community ing cigarettes. Furthermore, cer and eventually lost his $139.6 million verdict for the Some firms say they’re already dealing with meeting to encourage devel- he became addicted to ciga- life. There is no amount of Maris Distributing Company wage pressures. opment of affordable hous- rettes and was unable to money that will ever be able against Anheuser Busch. Cleveland-based Applied Medical ing near rail lines Aug. 20, quit despite numerous to replace her husband or her Technology has raised hourly pay for ware- 7:30 a.m. at the Temple house employees from $8.25 to $10. It did so Building, 302 W. Main St. both to attract new hires and because it heard RSVP to Juliet Black at 560- that some of its employees had quit for raises 4137, ext. 28216 or email elsewhere, said Jeff Elliott, the company’s chief [email protected]. financial officer. The company also started holding pizza par- BEST EATS ties and summer cookouts. Elliott said it’s Southern Living magazine American Underground cheaper and easier to keep existing employees has named four Triangle than to find and train new ones. restaurants as “The South’s The consensus forecast of economists is that Best Cheap Eats under $10.” the government will announce this week that They are Merritts Store and doubles space, features employers added 225,000 jobs in July, accord- Grill in Chapel Hill; Saltbox ing to a survey by the data firm FactSet. Seafood Joint in Durham; Not every company is avoiding layoffs. Chuck’s in Raleigh; and Earlier this month, Microsoft announced that it Garland in Raleigh. would cut 18,000 workers — the biggest lay- offs in its 39-year history. But layoff announce- KROGER REPLACEMENT ments now mainly reflect strategic changes State Budget Director Art within individual companies, rather than Pope’s Roses discount store broader economic conditions, Naroff said. chain will move into the Other data confirm that across the economy, vacated Kroger building on job cuts have reached unusually low levels. Martin Luther King Boulevard Total layoffs in May dropped below pre-reces- in Southeast Raleigh. Roses sion levels, the government said in a separate will carry groceries in addi- report that reveals how many people were tion to the standard clothing hired, fired or quit jobs. and homegoods. Tentative Even so, more people with jobs means more opening date is November. Super-sized @Main to include rooftop patio as startups thrive, creating 100-plus jobs. people with paychecks, which tends to boost SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE of this year. content so they can more easi- consumer spending and growth. After a sharp SELF-HELP EXPANDS “From Day One, the ly comply with regulations and contraction in the economy in the first three Self-Help Credit Union is DURHAM – To keep up with American Underground’s e-discovery requests.” months of the year, most economists expect opening a full-service branch expanding startups and mar- focus has been on providing The expanding @Main will growth to exceed a 3 percent annual pace in in Durham at 123 W. Main St. ket demand, the American flexible space for teams creat- feature: the second half of 2014. Members will be able to Underground will double the ing strong companies,” said • A rooftop patio overlook- access their SHCU accounts space at its @Main location by Adam Klein, chief strategist of ing Main Street with outdoor beginning Aug. 18. January. On tap are a series of the American Underground. seating and event space larger office suites, a rooftop “When we began planning for a • An Entrepreneurs Living Send your business news to patio and two new lounges. new location at Main Street in Room that opens onto the [email protected]. The American Underground 2012, our goal was to double rooftop patio, expanding the is one of just eight Google for the density of startups in lounge space within @Main. Gluten-free Entrepreneurs Tech Hubs downtown Durham and The living room will have floor around the world. Earlier this encompass 150 companies. to ceiling windows overlook- year, Windsor Circle – one of Now, as that mass of startups ing Main Street, along with isn’t always a more than 150 startups that attract investors and clients, couches, TVs and a private bar. call the American they need room to grow. Our • Forty-two additional Underground home – took top new space will allow for that office spaces, most of which honors at the inaugural Google growth as well as the opportu- will house teams of 8-20 peo- healthyBy Stephanie choice Carson for Entrepreneurs Demo Day. nity to bring in still more qual- ple The expansion will take ity companies.” • Twelve reserved co-work- N.C. NEWS SERVICE @Main from 26,000 to 52,000 American Underground ing desks. Entrepreneurs in co- RALEIGH – Gluten-free products are taking up square feet, giving the startups can transition into working and shared offices more and more shelf space in stores these ϭϲ American Underground net- expanded spaces within the have 24/7 access to the space days, reflective of consumer demand. And work more than 87,000 square network, which is designed to as well as unique access to co- with the steady growth of the industry, several feet across its multiple loca- suit companies from 1-30 peo- working options in the other stores in North Carolina are completely devot- tions – two in Durham and ple, or beyond. For example, Google for Entrepreneurs Tech ed to gluten-free foods. another in Raleigh. When the Smashing Boxes recently Hubs. AU teams can work for But Mary Waldner, founder of Mary’s Gone expanded @Main opens, the moved from the original free from nine other U.S. and Crackers, warns consumers to check the labels American Underground net- American Underground to a global cities, providing lots of on food packaging, because gluten-free does- work will be home to around larger space at the American runway to build partnerships n’t automatically mean “healthy.” Waldner 200 companies. Tobacco Campus alongside and relationships outside the desires more genuine gluten-free options, in The move comes as the hub companies like Appia and Triangle. part because she suffers from celiac disease, welcomes 15 new companies, Digitalsmiths, recently Entrepreneurs and busi- an autoimmune disorder. including regional offices for acquired by TiVo for a report- nesses interested in joining “So many gluten-free companies don’t care Uber, DeviceMagic (South ed $135 million. This month, the American Underground what’s in the food,” she said. “I see it as an Africa) and MindSumo (San The Wall Street Journal report- network can visit the newly opportunity to really look at our food and see Francisco). Together, this ed that campus-based relaunched American- what’s in it, and not replace it with junk.” ecosystem collected about $2 ArchiveSocial raised $1 million Underground.com or The gluten-free industry is now worth more million in funding and created in seed funding “to help gov- email space@americanunder- than $23 billion annually, with sales up more 122 jobs in the first six months ernments archive social media ground.com. than 16 percent over the past year. FRATERNITY NEWS WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM The Triangle TRIBUNE FocusSUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 – PAGE 6A ASK DR. SWINER

OMEGA PSI PHI On July 15, Tony Knox Sr. of Raleigh was elected the Omega Psi Why am I so Phi Fraternity’s grand basileus dur- ing the 79th International Grand Conclave. NORTH AMERICAN PRECIS SYNDICATE Knox became a fraternity member stressed?Is it just me, or does everyone of the Kappa Lambda Chapter at N.C. seem stressed nowadays? I often State in 1978. He received a B.A. in have to check with myself and ask, business management and econom- “Am I stressed?” And if the answer is ics, and is a deputy administrator yes, then I ask “Why?” with the N.C. Credit Union Division, My father brought an article to my where his office is responsible for attention last year and asked me to regulating an industry with more read it. He often does this to enlight- than 2 million members and $37 bil- en me or to somehow get his point lion in assets. across without actually having to He has worked in the financial say it. industry for 31 years and has It was a Newsweek obtained additional certifications in article titled “Women in the areas of banking and finance. the World” by Debora The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was Spar (October 2012), founded in 1911 at Howard who is the author of University and is the oldest black “Wonder Women.” Greek Letter fraternity founded at a From the titles, one can historically black college or universi- assume what she ty. addresses – women DR. C. doing too much for too NICOLE many and becoming COLLEGE SWINER overwhelmed. One out of 10 Americans admit to HAPPENINGS some form of mental illness - depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc. – each year. Women suffer from depression two times more often NCSU backs than men. Why is there a difference? Studies say a definitive answer is unknown. However, with research, I found similar theories, including hotel under higher incidence of physical or sex- ual abuse, use of birth control and having hormones in general, and persistent psychosocial stressors N.C. STATE Marriott such as job loss. NCSU will develop a privately man- Untreated emotional or mental ill- Best aged hotel and conference facility on ness can lead to suicide attempts. Centennial Campus that will operate More women attempt suicide, but under the Marriott Autograph more men complete it. The likeli- Collection franchise. The new facility hood is 4 to 1 that a man will be suc- is expected to open with 155 rooms cessful with suicide. Why? My theo- and 7,500 square feet of meeting PHOTO/DAVID M. RUBENSTEIN RARE BOOK AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY ry is women use it more as a cry for space with potential expansion of up help than men do. to 75 rooms and 7,500 square feet of Women also use self-poisoning or meeting space. Opening is targeted drug overdose as the usual tactic, for 2016, although final plans are still and that’s 70 percent of the time. By Phyllis Boykin in development. The hotel will over- Latest Durham Hub exhibit However, that does not mean we look Lake Raleigh and sit adjacent to SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE should ever take threats of suicide the current Park Alumni Center, with from a female patient any less seri- conference facility space comple- ous than from a male. mentary to the center. There are also health discrepan- “This hotel is the latest exciting leaps back to early 1900s work, which was accessible to everybody. cies in African-Americans versus the addition to Centennial Campus. Not By Latisha Catchatoorian Ruth Dzau, who is on the Museum of rest of the population, according to only will it be a place of learning and [email protected] Durham History board of directors, said the Center of Disease Control and collaboration, but it will also serve as when the idea for the exhibit was brought to DURHAM – The new Hugh Mangum exhibit Prevention. Points that I wanted to an important amenity for the cam- their curator, it was very exciting because of at the Durham History Hub is a visual time address were the differences in HIV pus,” Chancellor Randy Woodson the “breadth and the depth and the scope of machine to the early 1900s through poignant stats. said. Hugh Mangum’s career, and the types of photography. Interestingly, with all the safe sex The university envisions using the things that he did and the fact that most peo- “Hugh Mangum on Main Street: Portraits campaigns since the 1980s, HIV is hotel to attract regional, national and ple have never seen these things publicly.” from the Early 20th Century” launched last still the leading cause of death for international conferences, particular- “So we thought this was an amazing oppor- week and features Mangum’s “largely black women aged 25-34. Another ly related to education, science and tunity, not only for Hugh Mangum and his unknown portraits of southern society after point is that black women have a technology. It will also serve as a legacy, but for people who are photogra- Reconstruction.” Mangum was born in lower rate of getting breast cancer, resource to help enhance the devel- phers; and it’s just history in the making,” Durham in 1877. According to the museum’s however they are more likely to be opment of industry, government and she said. “Durham is about its community, website, he “attracted and cultivated a clien- diagnosed in later stages and more academic partnerships that foster and this gentleman captures so much of this tele that drew heavily from both black and likely to die from it. We must figure the unique learning and living envi- community, so it was very appropriate to white communities, a rarity for his time.” something out! ronment on Centennial Campus. have this wall and this exhibit.” The exhibit features an entire wall dedicat- So what can we do to lower stress The $28 million project will be pri- Shelia Huggins does her own historical ed to Mangum’s work, showcasing dozens of in our lives? vately funded and developed by NF research and is a certificate program student historical photos of people from all walks of • Rely on our support systems II/CEI Raleigh, LLC, a partnership of at Duke’s Center for Documentary Studies. life. more: our families, friends, spiritu- Concord Eastridge Inc. and Noble She thought it would be interesting to see Exhibit curator Sarah Stacke said the exhib- ality or religion, or hobbies as Investment Group. N.C. State will how pictures so old were done “way back it is an extension of a 2012 exhibit at Duke healthy outlets. lease the land to the developer, who then.” University’s Center for Documentary Studies. • Have your annual checkups. will build, own and operate the facil- “Some of the families, a lot of times when She and co-curator, Margaret Sartor, looked Take care of yourself mentally and ity. BB&T will provide the debt fund- you see older pictures, people are just sitting into Mangum’s archives many times and cer- physically. ing for the project. For more informa- there, they’re showing no emotion; and he tain photographs rose to the top. • Get more exercise and move- tion, go to www.centennial.ncsu.edu. actually took people through (a) series of “What this exhibit is really aiming to do is ment. poses where you saw them with different identify some of the individuals in the • Eat “happy foods” - less caf- UNC-CHAPEL HILL facial expressions, and aside from that, it archive and really place Mangum and the his- feine/alcohol, more omega 3 fatty UNC School of Medicine has been gave you a view of what they looked like in a tory of photography and his family’s role and acids (salmon, cod, sardines, nuts) selected by the Centers for Medicare sort of historical setting,” she said. “It made his role in this history of Durham,” Stacke help brain and nerve cells, reduce & Medicaid’s Innovation Center for a you wonder about a lot of the people, like said. “Particularly in the black community, intake of refined carbs that cause $6 million prospective award for its what their life was about and what maybe they were really harnessing the power of sugar highs and then severe crash- Better Back Care program. they had been doing that day.” photography to celebrate and create their es, and eat more veggies and vita- UNC is one of only 39 awardees Stacke said the pieces tell the audience identities in the way that they wanted to be mins. nationally and its Better Back Care about who Mangum was as a person and seen. Using photography to celebrate their • Pay attention to yourself and program is the only spine program to about the people he photographed. His work individuality, their prosperity, their accom- your moods. Recognize your symp- be chosen among the second-round builds a bridge between art and documen- plishments. And those images were creating toms early. winners of the Health Care tary. the foundations of probably their first family Innovation Awards. UNC’s Better “The camera – his mind worked through photo albums so that they would shape their Dr. C. Nicole Swiner works at Back Care program creates a new that machine to really allow these people to own identities and continue to shape the Durham Family Medicine, where she model of care for patients with back jump through time and be sitting with us identities of future generations.” treats newborns to elderly patients. pain that will improve their experi- here today after 100 years,” she said. The Hub was standing-room-only as She and her colleagues are accepting ence and outcomes, reduce the cost The exhibit will run through August. The onlookers crammed into the building to view new patients and can be found at of care and deliver an innovative public is invited to a program on Mangum the photographs. City councilman Eddie www.durhamfamilymedicine.net. method of financing care. and his work Aug. 10 at 3 p.m. “Back pain is common, debilitating Davis said he was fascinated with Mangum’s and expensive, and its contribution to poor patient outcomes and increasing health system expendi- Durham Parks and Recreation held an open ture has grown rapidly in the last house last week to showcase the Downtown decade alone. Treatment for back pain often does not follow evidence- Durham Armory’s new look. The project, led by the based guidelines and is subject to General Services Department, includes a host of overuse of diagnostic imaging, injec- interior improvements. tions and surgery,” said Dr. Brian The hardwood floors and baseboards were refin- Casazza, director of the UNC ished, and the paint in the ballroom was stripped Hospitals Spine Center and program to expose the brick walls. The drywall, wood finish- director for Better Back Care. es and drop ceiling in the ballroom were painted The Better Back Care program was and the lobby received new paint and finish developed with support from the upgrades. UNC Health Care and UNC School of Also, walk-off mats were installed at the doors in Medicine Center for Innovation. Collaborators for the program the ballroom. In addition, a new air conditioning include the Cecil G. Sheps Center for system was installed in the facility’s kitchen as well Health Services Research, Blue Cross as new grills in the lobby and ballroom. The proj- and Blue Shield of North Carolina, the ect also included improved lighting in the lobby. N.C. Area Health Education Centers For rental information, call (919) 560-4355 or email Program and Community Care of [email protected]. North Carolina. WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM MEAC The Triangle TRIBUNE lives up SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 – SECTION B to its COLLEGE billingI’ve boycotted the MEAC SportsCOLLEGE FOOTBALL Football Luncheon ever since Commissioner CORNER D e n n i s T h o m a s ordered for- Eagles, Falcons predicted next to last mer Morgan State football Shaw gets a respectable third in CIAA coaches preseason picks ECSU’s coach Don By Bonitta Best Hill-Ely to [email protected] stop telling Walker his highly Winston-Salem State wide receiv- anticipated er/kick returner Chase Powell is r a u n c h y BONITTA transferring to Hampton under jokes. They moves on former coach Connell Maynor. Dang, the wheel never BEST were worth Powell, the 2013 CIAA Offensive stops turning! the price of Rookie of the Year, caught 64 pass- Elizabeth City State men’s admission. es for 770 yards and seven touch- basketball coach Shawn But I’d forgotten how the downs. He also led the Rams in Walker has taken the same conference goes all out for kickoff returns. position at Grambling State. its football coaches: Each “I am very happy for him that Walker replaces Joseph one is introduced individu- he’s a decision-maker in his life,” Price, who was fired by ally by Bethune-Cookman new head coach Kienus Boulware interim President Cynthia Athletics Director Lynn said. “He knows what he wants Warrick a few weeks ago. Thompson’s thundering and is doing what’s best for him- Walker led the Vikings to voice under dimmed lights self and his family. When you the 2007 CIAA tournament and pulsating music. You’d bring the family situation into the title over a Dave Robbins- have to be dead not to get picture, then my prayers go out to led Virginia Union team. chills. him.” ECSU had a losing record Thomas is now a shell of entering the tourney and his former self – literally. N.C. Central rumors were rampant that The Commish has lost over Old school meets new. N.C. A&T coach, and former N.C. Central The MEAC didn’t give much Walker would be fired after 30 pounds. How did he do coach, Rod Broadway (left), shares a few words with new Eagles respect to the newbies. Three of the season. it? the four first-year coaches were coach Jerry Mack. Walker compiled a 196- “I didn’t go on a diet. It’s predicted to finish at the bottom of including losing three of its last “They hit it right this year. The 172 record in 13 seasons. all about moderation,” he the pack. (Florida A&M and four games. Mack replaces interim good thing about it is, you have an He was named 2008 CIAA said. “Instead of eating a Savannah State are ineligible.) coach Dwayne Foster, who idea of what to do for this year, he Coach of the Year and whole pie, I now eat just That didn’t set too well with new replaced fired head coach Henry said.” coached two CIAA players one slice. And I work out.” coach Jerry Mack, whose Eagles Frazier, who is suing the universi- of the year: Anthony The Eagles Club well rep- were picked No. 8. ty to get his job back. Shaw Hilliard (2007, 2008) and resented the university in “I’m disappointed we were Senior defensive lineman Ty Coach Robert Massey has his Angelo Sharpless (2012). support of new coach Jerry picked to finish eighth. I’m not Brown said the young Mack (33 highest preseason ranking since HBCU sports, never a dull Mack. A busload rode to new to this; I’m true to this,” Mack years old) has brought a renewed taking over Shaw three years ago. moment! Norfolk, Virginia, and was said at last week’s MEAC Football energy to the program. The Bears are picked to finish third Former Johnson C. Smith easily the largest contin- Luncheon. “We are second to no “He’s bringing us together as a in the South behind Winston-Salem outstanding track and field gent there. They even one and will not back down to any- team. With him and some of the State and Fayetteville State. star Danielle Williams has booed assistant commis- one. We want to be the best in the other coaches being young, they Shaw hasn’t won a champi- been named the women’s sioner for media relations, conference and one of the top FCS can demonstrate the moves to us onship since 2010 under former Division II Scholar Athlete of Patricia Porter, after she teams in the country. And there is on the field rather than just talk it. coach Darrell Asberry. the Year by the USTFCCCA. announced N.C. Central only one way to do that, and that’s It makes a difference,” he said. All-conference junior running (CC ain’t writing all those was picked to finish No. 8. the right way.” back Marquise Grizzle said it’s words out.) Williams won Bethune-Cookman coach Sophomore defensive back Mike St. Augustine’s time the Bears got back to their five individual national Brian Jenkins used his Jones and redshirt junior Adrian The Falcons will have the “no- winning ways. titles and is just the third three minutes to plead the Wilkins were named to the all-con- respect” rallying cry this season. “The team needs to come togeth- female to win the award for cause of all HBCUs. ference defensive team. The team is picked to finish next to er as a brotherhood and get back both the indoor and out- “HBCUs are in serious Jones, at one point last season, last in the CIAA South. to winning like in 2010,” he said. door seasons. Oh yeah, she trouble. I challenge every- led the nation in interceptions with However, St. Aug’s hasn’t fin- Predicted order of finish: finished with a 3.89 cumu- one to support our univer- four. Wilkins has been honored ished in fifth place or lower since Southern Division lative GPA. sities,” he said. Jenkins with just about every return spe- 2007. 1. Winston-Salem State And CC must say how said he’s given over $8,000 cialists award out there. He was “Being at the bottom is a great 2. Fayetteville State thoroughly we enjoyed the to Bethune in his four years the only player in any division to motivator,” coach Michael Costa 3. Shaw food, uh, interviews at the in various capacities. score five touchdowns on either said at last week’s CIAA Media 4. Johnson C. Smith CIAA and MEAC luncheons. Delaware State coach kickoff or punt returns. Luncheon. “Our goal is to rise to 5. Saint Augustine’s Still, that pecan pie at the Kermit Blount recently But this season, he has another the top. We have to put a little 6. Livingstone MEAC was the bomb! wore red pumps for charity agenda. more effort in it. We have to stay a Northern Division to protest violence against “I want to have a great season as little more focused and do a little 1. Virginia State WOMEN women. a wide receiver,” he said. “I still more work.” 2. Elizabeth City State New volleyball coach “If you find any pictures want to be a good return specialist, St. Aug’s finished fourth last sea- 3. Bowie State Nicki Holmes has added of me on the Internet in red but I want to score more as a wide son at 4-6. The Falcons return 25 4. Chowan four freshmen and one jun- pumps, it was for a good receiver.” lettermen, but Costa said he 5. Virginia Union ior college transfer to his cause,” Blount said. “I have NCCU is coming off a 5-7 season, understands the ranking. 6. Lincoln recruiting list. a newfound respect for Anastaja Jones is a 5-foot- women.” 10 middle blocker from N.C. A&T coach Rod Frisco, Texas. Gabrielle Broadway had the most MEAC MINUTES Leclerc is a Narragansett, introspective speech. Rhode Island, native who Broadway said his life has led her high school to the gone through three stages: Division II South the first was all about pro- viding for his family; the CIAA well represented in MEAC Please see HONORS/2B second was to climb the career ladder; and now the third, which is to make a difference in young men’s lives. Doesn’t mean he still doesn’t want to win, Tony though. “It’s time for us to get where Brian [Jenkins] and Buddy [Pough] are,” he Dungy said. “It’s time for us to win some championships.” Leave it to the white guy to get the party started. unfairly Norfolk State coach Pete Adrian brought the house down with a revised ver- attackedBy Raynard Jackson sion of The Temptations’ “I Wish It Would Rain,” and a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER breakdown dance after his Another former NCCU coach Henry Frazier (left) interviews Hampton coach Connell Maynor at PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION speech. Priceless! the MEAC Football Luncheon. The homosexual mafia But it was master of cere- has struck again. This time, mony and legendary for- Aggies a spring practice for the first time under By Bonitta Best however, they have picked mer South Carolina State Broadway. [email protected] the wrong target. Beloved coach Willie Jeffries who Coaches took notice and picked N.C. A&T to fin- former Tampa Bay and kept the audience in stitch- NORFOLK, Va. – New Hampton coach Connell ish third behind Bethune-Cookman and South Indianapolis Colts head es. He more than made up Maynor was more subdued than at his previous Carolina State, respectively. coach Tony Dungy has for Hill-Ely’s absence. media luncheons as Winston-Salem State’s coach “On a scale of 1 to 10, I feel a 10,” Broadway said. been under a vicious And with that said, I’m in the CIAA. “We know there are high expectations, and we are assault for honestly answer- giving the rest of the col- Nevertheless, Maynor did give one guarantee. capable of having a breakout year. We’ve just got ing a reporter’s question. umn over to Jeffries. Read “You picked me to finish seventh (in the MEAC), to be consistent. That’s what makes champions.” In an interview with the and enjoy. We sure did. that’s not going to happen,” he said at last week’s Delaware State coach Kermit Blount is the third MEAC Football Luncheon. MEAC head coach who is a former CIAA head Tampa Tribune, Dungy was asked if he would have “My wife and I have been Maynor led the Rams to three straight CIAA coach, and the second one from WSSU. Even drafted Michael Sam, the married for 52 years. How championships in four seasons, including a run- Blount’s coaching staff is a CIAA reunion with for- Missouri football player have we done it? We go to ner-up finish in the 2012 NCAA Division II cham- mer Virginia Union and Virginia State head coach- who has come out of the dinner twice a week; dim pionship. He replaces Donovan Rose, who spent es Arrington Jones and Andrew Faison, respective- closet as a the lights, have some good 23 years on the Pirates sideline, but was released ly. homosexual. Dungy food and music. She goes last season. The Hornets, picked fifth, have gone 15-19 in replied, “I wouldn’t have on Tuesday, and I go on Rose has since returned to the university as an Blount’s three-year tenure. They are the least taken him, not because I Thursday.” assistant athletic director for development. penalized team in the conference. “All y’all think I’m cocky. I’m not cocky, I just This season, he said, may be their breakout year. don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to “We have a yard-ax know what my God can do,” Maynor continued. “We have a tough early schedule, but we feel play, but I wouldn’t want to preacher at our church. We N.C. A&T coach Rod Broadway is the most ready to finally compete for a MEAC title,” he said. deal with all of it [the media saw him walking through upbeat since he took the job three seasons ago. “The players have been working hard and now circus]…It’s not going to be the yard, and we ‘axed’ him The Aggies were under NCAA sanctions for low they are ready to back it up. If we can stay healthy totally smooth … things will to preach.” graduation rates and had lost scholarships and and stay disciplined, we will be in the hunt.” the ability to hold a spring practice. In the no surprise department, Bethune- happen.’’ There’s nothing hate- “Statistics are like women Despite that, Broadway led N.C. A&T to back-to- Cookman was predicted to win its third straight back winning seasons for the first time in 13 title. The Wildcats shared the conference champi- filled or anti-homosexual years, including last year’s 7-4 record. onship last season with South Carolina State, about Dungy’s response. Please see MEAC/2B The sanctions were lifted this year, allowing the Please see DUNGY/2B 2B SPORTS/The Triangle Tribune Sunday, August 3, 2014 Honors for St. Augustine’s

Shawn Walker is now a Tiger.

Continued from 1B computer. DII All-American is John King Championships. Paige Phillips Track athletes Brittany Jr. The rising senior has a 3.79 of Birmingham, , is 5- Brown, Fanta Fofana, Taffawee GPA in biology. foot-8 setter who played her and Cherrisse Lynch were And the honors keep rolling senior year in AAU volleyball. named Division II Academic in for coach George Williams. Lauryn Martin is a 5-foot-2 All-Americans by the USTFCC- Williams will be inducted into defensive specialist from CA. (CC ain’t writing all those the Multi-Ethnic Sports of Hall Round Rock, Texas. JUCO words out.) To qualify, a stu- of Fame Sept. 17, 6 p.m. in Las Kelly Rossip transfers from dent-athletes must have a Vegas. (This is one CC hasn’t State College of Florida, cumulative GPA of 3.25 or heard before.) Manatee-Sarasota. higher and reach a provisional “This is quite an honor,” or automatic qualifying stan- Williams said. “I am delighted St. Augustine’s dard in indoor or outdoor to be inducted, especially as a Oh, you can tell sports infor- championships. representative of St. mation director Anthony MEN Augustine’s University.” Jeffries is back! The press St. Augustine’s releases are pouring out of his Representing the men as a

Player of the Week DungyContinued from 1B attackedremarks were for ‘Jim Crowbeing era let’s rememberopen that he is the DeVonte Barker Practically everyone knows awful. Yes, because racial seg- same person who signed a Dungy is serious about his regation and lynching can be secret deal with Oprah Winfrey 30 points, 17 rebounds Christian faith. But more appropriately compared to to do a reality show centered importantly, he lives his some guy saying he wouldn’t on his being drafted by the St. Christian faith in his everyday draft another guy into the NFL. Louis Rams. Sam was so life. Surely it’s impossible to find unprofessional that he never Dungy, the any significant difference told the Rams about the deal. first black between those two things.” Rams management was ticked head coach to Dan Wetzel at Yahoo Sports off, to say the least, when he win a Super extrapolated on this idea, showed up with a trail of cam- Bowl (2007), employing all of the self-right- eras in tow. The secret deal was born in eous hyperbole you might with Winfrey explains Sam J a c k s o n , expect. He lectured Dungy brazenly kissing his white Michigan, to about civil rights, and sermo- lover and allowing it to be W i l b u r nized about how Dungy’s atti- videotaped by ESPN. Dungy Dungy, a sci- tude mirrors that of whites And he wants us to believe ence teacher at Jackson who didn’t want to share that he only wants to be known College, and Cleomae Dungy, schools or public restrooms as Sam, the football player? who taught Shakespeare at with black people.” The sad part about all of this Jackson High School. His These rabid white liberals is that the NFL has declared father, who earned a doctorate should have pointed the finger open season on Christianity degree, was also a member of at Sam, not Dungy. It was Sam and people of faith. When for- the famed Tuskegee Airmen who unilaterally decided that mer NFLer Tim Tebow was during World War II. the world had a constitutional constantly criticized for talking With that background, I find right to be made aware of his about his Christian faith in it incredulous that white liber- sexual preference. interviews, Commissioner als began to attack Dungy for At his press conference, he Roger Goodell never made any his comments and com- said: “Well, heck yeah, I just statements about the NFL menced to try to lecture him wish you [the media] would being tolerant. on civil rights and racism. Can just say, ‘Hey, Michael Sam, He never said the NFL is you imagine the arrogance it how’s football going?’ I would about inclusion; he never said takes for a white person to lec- love to give the answer to that he was proud of Tebow’s ture any black, let alone question. But it is what it is. I expression of faith nor did he Dungy, on anything involving just wish you guys will see me applaud Tebow’s courage. Yet race and discrimination? as Michael Sam the football he bent over backward (pardon For many years, Dungy was player, instead of as Michael the imagery) to publicly sup- denied a head coaching job in Sam the gay football player.” port Sam, the gay football play- the NFL because of his race; Well, he was Sam, the foot- er. and he was reared by a mother ball player, when he kept his At the very least, those who and father steeped in the civil personal life personal. But characterize Sam’s decision to rights movement. Yet white when he decided to make the reveal his sexual orientation as liberals are going to lecture personal public, it was only courageous should summon him about race and discrimina- natural that he would become the courage to applaud Dungy tion? known as Sam, the gay football for truly being courageous – Blogger Matt Walsh, who is player. and correct. white, nails this point: Training camp started last “Meanwhile, the inevitable week and the mere fact we are Raynard Jackson is president hyperbole comparing gays in talking about Sam’s homosex- & CEO of Raynard Jackson & 2014 to Jim Crow era blacks uality proves Dungy’s point – Associates, a Washington, D.C.- came pouring in. As one com- he is a distraction. Since Sam based public relations/govern- menter put it, Dungy’s “only wants to play football,” ment affairs firm.

SPORTS SHORTS MEAC lives up to its billing RALEIGH MacGregor Downs Country Continued from 1B get them out of here. Just tell Marriott one night and • Shoot2Hear Charity Club, 430 Saint Andrews Lane. asked to bring gently used me who they are?’ She said returned to find two strange Basketball Tournament that Thursday night’s kickoff party clothing and household items [future Hall of Famers] Harry in a bikini. They show a lot men in her room. She called was scheduled for May 17 at will feature dinner, live music, to support Goodwill in Carson, Donnie Shell, and but don’t show it all.” the hotel operator and said the Dream Center has been an exhibition match and a raf- Durham. Buddy Pough. I said ‘Oh hell, ‘Call the cops. There are two rescheduled to Aug. 9. Call fle. Visit http://nc.prevent- boys will be boys.’ “ “When I was a coach at strange men in my room. Tell 614-6694 for more info. blindness.org or call 800-543- Send your sports announce- SCSU, a lady came to me and them to come and get one of 7839. ments to The Tribune by fax: And, finally, as he was said ‘Coach, three of your them out.’ “ CARY 688-2740; e-mail: info@trian- acknowledging the sponsors, players tore the TV antennae • The Prevent Blindness DURHAM gletribune.com, or mail: 115 he got to the Norfolk Marriott off the dining hall roof.’ I said Thank you, coach Jeffries. Mixed Doubles Tennis Classic • Fans attending Durham Market Street, Suite 360H, Hotel: ‘Who are they? I’m going to is July 31 to Aug. 3 at Bulls games Aug. 8-10 are Durham, NC 27701. throw them off the team and “A lady was staying at the SUNDAY, August 3, 2014

Raleigh Cary Durham Chapel Hill

B3 TheInside Black CollegeYard Sports ASU establishes new football classic Hall Masons Americanism Football Classic last week at the Sheraton Hotel Ballroom. The two-year agreement was signed by Alabama State President Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd and Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama Grandmaster Corey D. Hawkins Sr., Esq. Former Bethune-Cookman This year's game will feature the Hornets hosting Texas Southern Sept. right-handed pitcher Scott 27 at 5 p.m. In 2015, Alabama State will host Grambling State Sept. 19 at Garner made his professional de- the new ASU Stadium. but lastweek with a solid open- "We are certainly excited to establish a third classic for Alabama State ing performance as a member of University," said Boyd of this new classic which joins the existing State the Sonoma Stompers. Farm and the . "We are excited that The Stompers, an independ- when you (Ptrince Hall Grand Lodge) did reach out for a partner, not only ent club in the Pacific Association in football but in enhancing the lives of our young people, and especial- of Professional Baseball Clubs, formally announced signing the ly our young men, you chose Alabama State. It is important that we al- BCU graduate July 22 and moved ways acknowledge that our students are student-athletes; they are stu- him into action that night, com- dents first." ing out of the bullpen against the The mission of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and San Rafael Pacifics. Accepted Masons of Alabama is to continue the legacy of making good “I’m really excited to be here,” men better through fraternal brotherhood, to aid and assist widows, or- Garner told team officials at his phans and distressed men, and to contribute to the community through- signing. “I’m ready to play for service, scholarship, charity and training. Sonoma and help this team win.” Among the goals and benefits of this new classic football game will be The former Wildcat got off to a great start, entering in the the establishment of scholarships for Alabama State students. eighth against the Pacifics, allow- "I look at this as a great opportunity as black men to be role models ing no hits and no runs in one to young men going to school trying to better themselves," Hawkins said. inning pitched. "Part of our mission statement is to present scholarships. This is an out- “I’m feeling really confident,” standing way for us to do so. We have to be more involved in our chil- Garner told B-CU athletic com- SWAC.org dren's lives. In order to be a man, you must see a man, and I think this munications after the debut. “I is an outstanding opportunity. I am thankful to was able to go out there and for allowing us to partner with you. It's a blessing to have a school that's show them what I’ve got, and Alabama State University and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall willing to do such." was able to see and get a feel for how independent ball and pro- Grand Lodge of Alabama announced the establishment of the Prince fessional ball works. I have to be on top of my game every time, and right now I’m 100 percent healthy, and ready to go out there and do what I do best.” Garner was 20-15 in his four years with Bethune-Cookman, in- cluding a stellar freshman year in 2011, when he went 9-2 with a 2.48 ERA to earn MEAC Pitcher and Rookie of the Year.

The SWC released its 2014 football television, schedule which includes nine contests to air on sev- eral major networks. A total of four different networks are set to broad- cast games from the All-SWAC quarter backs Jerry Lovelocke (Prairie View A&M) and Ben Alabama State first baseman Meagan Dixon won two national soft- league: ESPN, ESPNU, ESPN3 Anderson (Arkansas-Pine Bluff) were selected to the 2014 College ball statistics titles during the 2014 season. and NBC Sports. All games Football Performance Awards Watch List. Dixon, a senior from Moreno Valley, California, led the nation in slug- are available in the net- Both players become the first from their respective teams to be se- ging percentage (.952) and runs per game (1.24) during the past season. work's standard high-defi- lected. The CFPA, the largest awards organization in Division I college Dixon was both the 2014 SWAC player and hitter of the year while nition. One of the highlights to football, recently announced its watch list for the Football earning first-team all-conference honors. She hit .476 with 14 home runs opening weekend starts Championship Subdivision that includes 36 quarterbacks. and 52 RBIs, ranking first, first and second, respectively, in the SWAC in with a non-conference bat- Anderson finished second in the SWAC in passing, amassing 2,787 each category. tle with Alabama A&M and yards. He completed threw 11 interceptions and 19 touchdowns. He Playing at first base, Dixon also led the conference in on-base percent- North Carolina A&T in the averaged 253.4 yards per game. He also led the SWAC in total yards age (.544), runs scored (52), and total bases (118), was tied for second in 10th Annual MEAC/SWAC with 3,611, averaging 328.3 yards per game. He spotlighted the Golden hits (59) and tied for third in doubles (13). She also stole 15 bases in 17 Challenge presented by Lions in rushing with 824 yards with nine scores on the ground, post- attempts. Disney. ing 74.9 yards per contest and 4.5 yards per carry. "Her hard work on the field and in practice really paid off in receiv- The schedule: Lovelocke led the top-ranked offense in the SWAC, finishing third ing these awards," assistant head coach Alyssa Smoke said. "The consis- Saturday, August 30 • Southern at Louisiana- in the league in passing average per game and fourth in total offense. tency she brought to the plate in every game set the table for the younger Lafayette, 6 p.m. (ESPN 3) He passed for 2,838 yards averaging. He completed 285-of-429 pass- kids. Her leadership, determination, and drive are what set her apart • Arkansas-Pine Bluff at es, throwing for 23 TDs and nine interceptions. He rushed for 284 from everyone else. Meagan and I had many conversations on what type Texas State, 6 p.m. (ESPN3) yards and nine TDs. averaging 260.2 yards in total offense. of impact and legacy she would like to leave at ASU.”

Sunday, August 31 Alabama A&M vs. N.C. A&T (ESPN – 11:45 a.m.)

Saturday, September 6 Grambling State vs. Houston (ESPN3 - 7 p.m.) News & Notes Thursday, September 18 Arkansas-Pine Bluff at Alabama State (ESPNU - 6:30 p.m.)

Saturday, September 27 Southern at Alcorn State (ESPNU - 5 p.m.)

Thursday, October 2 Alabama State at Alcorn State (ESPNU - 6:30 p.m.)

Thursday, November 6 Grambling State vs. MSVU (ESPNU - 6:30 p.m.)*

Saturday, November 29 Grambling State vs. Southern (NBC - 1:30 p.m.) History will take place this fall during the 2014 SWAC soccer season as Howard University is all Saturday, December 6 set to compete. Last year, the SWAC entered a 2014 Toyota SWAC membership agreement welcoming the Bison into Football Championship (ES- the conference for the sport of women's soccer. PNU - 3 p.m.) The women’s soccer program competed as an independent last season. HU will officially join the SWAC this fall when it opens the season on the road at VMI Aug. 22. The Bison will make their conference debut at Alcorn State Sept. 26. This transition now makes Howard eligible to Coppin State University student-athletes vide an enrichment component which can bridge compete for the SWAC Soccer Championship and and athletic department staff members as- the gap between academics and sports/arts. So have an opportunity to earn the conference's sisted with the summer STEM robotics camps we provide the sports and art component for the NCAA automatic qualifier in 2015. for local inner city kids. camp. With the addition of HU, the SWAC will now STEM is an acronym for science, technol- “In the morning, the kids are in class doing feature 11 soccer teams, eliminating divisional ogy, engineering and mathematics. The camp school work. And in the afternoon, we take over play. Each team will play an overall conference is designed to give students the opportuni- and provide the enrichment component. It’s all schedule alternating home games each season. ty to explore engineering careers and tech- a part of Baltimore City’s initiative for summer Howard's soccer program started in 1995. nology as they rotate throughout different learning.” Under current head coach Brent Leiba, Howard classes during the summer program. The events brought together a wide variety advanced to the championship game of the 2012 Coppin State has taken this program and of fifth through eighth graders from the city of GWC Soccer Tournament as a No. 6 seed. added a sports component to ensure kids are Baltimore with ambitions to improve in the class- "We are excited about our women's soccer team having fun and staying active. room, the athletic courts and fields. joining the SWAC," Howard Director of Athletics “The purpose is to increase test scores for Coppin State’s student-athletes were mainly Louis "Skip" Perkins said. "SWAC has been recog- the kids in math and science while allowing responsible for the sports portion of the camp nized for its competitiveness and commitment them to be creative within the enrichment as they served as coaches, counselor and men- to academic excellence. Howard looks forward to segments,” Coppin State athletic specialist tors for the program’s physical activity compo- entering the conference and contributing to Kyle Locke said. “Our role is basically to pro- nent. D’Vonte Grant SWAC's traditions of top performance on the field.” Classifieds SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 PAGE 4B ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE career corner Scholarships Guaranteed or Your Money Back! Beware of scholarship “guarantees”. Before you pay for a HEALTH PRODUCTS Going home again: A great office is a key search service, get the refund policy in writing. Call the Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! to success for new home-based workers Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP to learn how A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Spe- Brandpoint to avoid scholarship scams. cial - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-645-0137

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Consider an ergonomic Absolute Auction- 18 Properties - Houses - Duplexes - Lots. work. Only $67,100, won't last. 828-286-2981. desk that allows you to stand while you type. Many ver- Scotland County- Salesite: Champs Restaurant, Laurin- burg, NC. Saturday August 16, 11am. Damon Shortt Real sions of standing desks also can be lowered for use while Estate & Auction Group. 877-669-4005. NCAL7358 seated. www.damonshorttproperties.com Desks should incorporate storage and easy access to elec- On-site Estate Auction, Brevard, NC! Aug 16, 10am Preview tronic components. Office chairs should be comfortable and Fri and Sat. Shelley's Auction (NCAL 6131) 429 N. Main St., ergonomically correct. Be sure your furniture choices not Hendersonville, NC. J. Humphrey (NCAL6556) www.shel- is a member of: leysauction.com 828-698-8485. only fit your needs, but the room's, too. A huge desk may make you feel like a Wall Street CEO, but your enjoyment AUCTION- HUGE GUN & CIVIL WAR Memorabilia Collec- will evaporate if you don't have space to walk around the tion. Tuesday, August 19, 10:30am. Live & Online. 48 Pro- desk in a small office. It's important to keep office furniture gressive Parkway, Angier, NC. Johnson Properties. appropriate to the scale of the room you'll be working in. 919-639-2231. www.johnsonproperties.com NCAL7340 and is certified by: The number of people working from home continues to grow, according to Census Bureau statistics. One study by Place Your Ad the Easy Way a Chinese travel website found that working from home in- QUOTE, CLICK, PAY creased employee productivity by nearly 14 percent, ac- cording to the Harvard Business Review. Ensuring your www.triangletribune.com/Submit_CLFD N.C. HUB Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses home office is set up to inspire can help you achieve greater productivity and satisfaction as you work from home. AROUNDAROUND THETHE WWW.TRIANGLETRIBUNE.COM TRIANGLETRIANGLE The Triangle TRIBUNE Stories SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 – PAGE 5B worth LifeBOOK & Arts WAKE FOREST tellingThe first Forest Storytelling Festival is Aug. 9, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Wake Forest Black Inventors lawyers around the United States to Renaissance Centre, 405 S. A research project grows in Brooklyn.... By Keith C. Holmes determine if minorities had filed Brooks St. Tickets can be Global Black Inventor Research patents. He received a number of purchased at the Wake responses from people who scoffed at Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Global Black Inventor Research and ridiculed the idea of black men Brooks St. Projects, whose roots grow in and women inventing anything. Brooklyn, N.Y., and whose branches However, undaunted and undeterred, RALEIGH now span five continents, provides a Baker continued his inquiries and did PUBLIC HEARING canopy under which students of all receive a number of letters that docu- A public hearing on pedes- ages can expand their perspectives on mented over 1,000 inventions by trian improvements to I-40 African creativity and spark their black men and women from Canada, bridges at Buck Jones is Aug. inventive genius. Holmes, researcher the Caribbean, Central and South 5, 7 p.m. in the council and founder, has spent over 20 years America, and the United States. chambers at 222 W. Hargett researching minority inventors. In In 1988, Holmes attended the St. Call 996-3030. July 2012, the published the eBook International African Arts Festival in edition of Black Inventors, Crafting Brooklyn, where a book titled “Black NAACP BANQUET Over 200 Years of Success. The paper- Inventors in America” by Burt Raleigh-Apex NAACP back and ebook editions highlight the McKinley caught his eye. After pur- Branch will host its annual innovative accomplishments of black chasing, skimming and eventually Freedom Fund Banquet Aug men and women from five continents reading the book, he was so fascinat- 9, 5 p.m. at Church of God of and over 70 countries. ed and enlightened by its content that Prophecy, 1200 State St. Call Holmes recognizes the pioneering he considered buying additional 662-5006 for tickets. work of Henry E. Baker, Columbia, copies and selling them. Miss., an African- American who His mentor and friend, Dr. Ra Un CAREER DAY attended the U.S. Naval Academy and Nefer Amen, encouraged him to write ECPI University will host worked as a copyist with the U.S. a book about black inventors. Initially, Career Discovery Day Aug. Patent Office in the early 20th centu- he laughed at the idea, but, still 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 4101 ry. intrigued by “Black Inventors in Doie Cope Rd. Visit Baker’s interest and research America,” he eventually took his men- www.ecpi.edu. opened the door to the idea that tor’s advice and embarked on a minority men and women throughout research journey that took over 20 BACK TO SCHOOL JAM the world had filed for patents. years to complete. His research A Back to School Jam and Although western countries have a proved that the invention bug did not Book Bag Giveaway is Aug. 9, system of filing patents, not all inven- only burrow into the African- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lion’s tions are registered in patent offices. American imagination but also into Park, 516 Dennis Ave. Open In fact, every society and civilization that of Africans in the Diaspora. to the public. has developed its own ideas and A research project does indeed inventions with or without patents. grow in Brooklyn! CARY Baker sent over 2,500 letters to CONCERT Boo Hanks and Lightin’ Wells will perform in part- nership with PineCone Aug. 9, 6 p.m. at Sertoma Amphitheatre in Bond Park. Call 664-8333.

DURHAM SEMINAR “Lady Docs” Nicole Price Swiner and Jennifer Rounds- Bryant will host a health seminar for women titled Designer hopes to make his mark in fashion world “Sit Yourself Down Triangle resident wants to update men’s fashions. Somewhere” Aug. 3, 3-4:15 By Maria Magher Washington, D.C., and dreams,” he said. “Oh man! Philadelphia. p.m. at South Regional CORRESPONDENT I’m inspired by so much. I Library, 4505 S. Alston Ave. He moved back to the can see a shape out of the Thomas Ruffin knew fash- Triangle with his mother, corner of my eye or a person FILM SCREENING ion was in his blood as a who wanted to return to her walking down the street. I A screening of “Freedom young boy. He was home state in her later years. really do live and breathe Summer” is Aug. 3, 3 p.m. at impressed by how well his He operates as a courtier in fashion.” the Main Library, 300 N. parents were always Raleigh and Apex creating Ruffin’s fashions have Roxboro St. groomed, and he loved the custom garments. been featured in fashion looks he saw in fashion mag- Though Ruffin has an shows and other high-profile STEM CAMP azines. So he started to sew interest in both men’s and events along the East Coast. A STEM camp for students and design his own clothes women’s fashion, he is par- Supermodels like Iman have in grades four to eight is Aug. at age 15. ticularly interested in elevat- strutted his clothing line. 4 & 7, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at “The first piece that I made ing the quality of men’s Recent events have included Gilero Biomedical, 40222 was a pair of simple draw- clothing. His work is noted a collaboration with Models Stirrup Creek Dr., Suite 300. string men’s pants,” Ruffin for clean lines, expert drap- Against Domestic Violence, a Register at www.stem- said. “I was then inspired to ing, and tailoring that pays benefit at the Southern forkids.net. do a full men’s suit. When I special attention to the mar- Women’s Show, and a bene- saw how well it came out, I riage of texture and tech- fit for the Cape Fear Valley NIGHT OUT knew that fashion had to be nique. Health Foundation’s Friends National Night Out is Aug. a part of my life.” Ruffin says that what of the Cancer Center. 5 throughout the city. Visit What started out as a pas- makes his clothes unique is Upcoming events include a www.durhampolice.com. sion turned into a career. they are wearable and “have showing at Virginia Fashion Now Ruffin has his own line a slight urban point of view, Week and a show in RACE PANEL called Thomas Ruffin F.N.O., and that’s because I was Manhattan. A Conversation on Race which stands for “Failure Not raised in an urban environ- “Right now, I am in the and Reparations is Aug. 7, 6- an Option.” ment…. I want people to feel process of advancing my 8 p.m. at Main Library, 300 The Triangle resident’s a lot of who I am through my career as a designer and N. Roxboro St. Call 824- path wasn’t always a straight designs. I hope they see that have some of my looks man- 0659. line. He grew up in White so much love goes into every ufactured and distributed to Plains, New York, and stud- piece.” stores and boutiques,” DPAC ied at the Fashion Institute of Like many other designers, Ruffin said. • R&B artist Keyshia Cole Technology in New York Ruffin says he takes his Visit www.fnothomasruf- will bring her Point of No City. He worked in retail inspiration from multiple fin.com for more informa- Return tour Aug. 8. stores and fabric shops places. tion. PHOTO/HAROLD SMITH Babyface and Eric Benet along the way in New York, “I am inspired in my Thomas Ruffin (left) and a model wearing his design. will perform Aug. 10. Call 800-745-3000.

ELECTIONS Operation Breakthrough will hold its target area elec- Review:By Dwight Brown ‘GetJamarion On Scott) livesUp’ with his notBaigelman a worthy (“Feeling biopic of Brown tions Aug. 12, noon to 6 p.m. mother Susie (Viola Davis) Minnesota”) infuse a lot of NATIONAL NEWSPAPER facts, events, tragedy, family at 800 N. Mangum St. PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION and his father Joe (Lennie Contact: Jessie Parker, 688- James, “Snatch”) in a shack drama and music group 8111, ext. 222. This much-awaited bio-film in backwoods South dynamics into the storyline. tells you some things you Carolina. Mom and Dad have You learn a lot about the psy- OPEN HOUSE already knew: James Brown a torrid and abusive relation- che of a world-renown musi- WNCU 90.7 FM radio sta- could sing the funk out of a ship. At a tender age, she cian, who, even after so tion will kick off its 20th song. It also shows you some abandons James. One day, much success, got arrested anniversary celebration with things you might not have dad drops him off at his and imprisoned in 1988 for an open house reception grasped: Troubled boys grow Aunt Honey’s (Octavia leading South Carolina Aug. 13, 6 p.m. at N.C. up to be troubled men. Warts Spencer) whorehouse. James police on a PCP-induced car- Central’s Farrison-Newton and all, in fits and starts, becomes a barker, driving chase. Communications Building, finally the Hardest Working customers to Honey’s house Between Taylor, the writers 1801 Fayetteville St. RSVP to Man in Show Business gets of prostitution. He can’t stay and editor Michael 530-7445. his story told. out of a trouble as a kid and McCusker, someone made This project had been in as a teen (Chadwick the misguided decision to BREAKFAST development for years. It Boseman, 42), his law-break- tell this story not as a Lincoln Community took on new momentum ing ways get him a prison straightforward bio film but Health Center will host its when Browns’ family sentence. as a disconcerting series of annual Community approached Mick Jagger of Behind bars he meets a flashbacks that feel more Leadership Breakfast Aug. the Rolling Stones about gospel group headed by random than rhythmic. 13, 8 a.m. RSVP to Mabel shepherding the production, Bobby Byrd (Nelsan Ellis, Long after Brown is a full- Cjadwick Boseman and Jill Scott in ‘Get On Up.’ grown man, there are clips of Mitchell at 956-4002 by Aug. which he did with producer “True Blood”). Before you ished. Byrd should not have career forward with hits It’s a him interspersed as a kid, as 6. Brian Grazer (“American can count, a-one-and-a-two, been surprised the day Man’s World, Payback, Sex if his childhood haunted him Gangster,” “Frost/Nixon”); Brown is paroled into Byrd’s Brown and his manager Ben Machine, I Got You, and Get into his later years. Once you VOLUNTEERS the Stones and James Brown home and becomes the lead Bart (Dan Aykroyd) tells the Up Offa That Thing. And he see young James pulling the The Retired and Senior once toured together. The singer of a gospel-turned- group that their name was had his share of women, shoes off a lynched man and Volunteer Program is seek- producers hired director Tate soul group called “The changing from the Famous wives (Jill Scott, Jacinte saving them for himself, you ing volunteers 55 years and Taylor, who made the politi- Flames.” That chance meet- Flames to James Brown and Blankenship) and children, know he has a tortured older. Call 536-7247, ext. cally incorrect and historical- ing turns Brown’s life the Famous Flames. too. soul. You don’t have to be 5301 or 5303. ly inept, The Help but also around. Disenchanted, the guys The over-complicated sto- beaten over the head for 133 • Help elementary school the strong drama Winter’s Screenwriters Jez and leave him. But Brown finds rytelling wreaks havoc on minutes with flashbacks. students develop and fulfill Bone. John-Henry Butterworth and assembles another back- the momentum. their academic potential. As the film unfolds, a (“Edge of Tomorrow”) with No good deed goes unpun- up group as he pushes his young Brown (Jordan and the help of a story by Steven 5 prices a WWW.TRIANGLE TRIBUNE.COM leader must The Triangle be willing TRIBUNE to pay SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 PAGE 6B By Perry Noble CHURCH LEADER GAZETTE Jesus gave some INCREDI- Religion BLE advice in Luke 14:28-30. Today, we will dive into five areas where we need to be Duke names religious position after former professor willing to pay the price as a leader. 1. There is a financial cost. Books cost money. Conferences cost money. Putting yourself in a position to be stretched and grown cost money. And one of the qualities that I’ve always noticed in leaders who were “getting it done” is that they were personally willing to pay a financial price. 2. There is an emotional cost. Leading in the church is one of the most emotionally draining things you will ever do. You will discover that you can go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows with one email or phone call. Your heart and motives will be called into question. Critics who don’t know you (and don’t want to know you) will malign, mis- represent and attack you. On most days, you will feel over- whelmed and unworthy of your calling, and all of this requires that we be willing to pay the price emotionally. 3. There is a physical cost. Laziness and leadership do not go hand in hand. It takes blood, sweat and tears in order to be developed to your fullest leadership potential, which means you get your butt out of bed and go to work! And yes, rest is Joshua Lazard is the inaugural C. Eric Lincoln Minister at Duke Chapel. essential, but it isn’t possible to burn out if you’ve never By Bonitta Best Lazard will contribute to the Path-encounter illuminates the best that as well as his life of ministry in the actually been on fire. There Ways student ministry, with an em- [email protected] humanity has to offer.” Methodist church,” Chapel Dean Luke are seasons where lots of phasis on racial reconciliation and Lazard previously directed student Powery said. “Both academic integrity DURHAM – Duke University is hon- time, energy and focus are outreach to students who have beenministry programs at Dillard Univer- and faith are at the heart of Duke oring the legacy of the late C. Eric Lin- demanded — period. historically underrepresented in thesity’s Office of the University Chap- Chapel’s ministry.” coln with a religion position in his 4. There is a spiritual chapel’s ministries. lain. Dillard is a historically black uni- Lazard attended Johnson C. Smith name. Lincoln was a scholar, activist, cost. The more influential “I’m ready to have the hard discus-versity in New Orleans. Seminary at the Interdenominational novelist, hymn writer and Duke pro- you become as a leader, the sions and facilitate the meaningful “In Joshua, we see someone pre- Theological Center in Atlanta, and fessor who taught religion and cul- greater the intensity of spiri- work of reconciliation,” Lazard said.pared to carry on the work of truth, earned a Master of Divinity degree ture from 1976-93. tual attack on your life. You “I’m looking forward to the chal- justice and reconciliation as modeled and a Master of Arts in church music. The first C. Eric Lincoln Minister at will experience spiritual war- lenges, because in those moments weby Dr. Lincoln’s pioneering work in He is currently seeking ordination in Duke Chapel is Joshua Lazard. fare. You will encounter find God most present, and such anblack church and religious studies, the United Church of Christ. temptation on a level that is greater than anything you could imagine. You have to be willing to fight the fight and pay the price if you want to be a godly leader. approved a constitutional 5. There is a personal cost. U.S.By Michale court:fect the Virginia South, a region where andmarriage all gay and lesbian Vir- up is the fight. for all lovers amendment that affirmed All of the things listed above Felberbaum the rising tide of rulings fa- ginians — no longer have to “In all these cases challeng- voring marriage equality is live as second-class citizens ing state marriage laws, our marriage as a man-woman come around to this: There is ASSOCIATED PRESS testing concepts of states’ who are harmed and de- office along with other attor- union,” ADF Senior Counsel a personal cost when it Byron Babione said. RICHMOND, Va. — Vir- rights that have long held meaned every day.” neys general and state attor- comes to leadership. It will Carl Tobias, a law profes- ginia’s same-sex marriage sway. Defenders of gay marriage neys across the country have never cease to affect you. sor who watches the 4th Cir- ban was ruled unconstitu- Gay marriage proponents bans are likely to ask for a made about every legal argu- Jesus knew this when He was cuit closely, said he expects a tional on Monday in the first have won more than 20 legal stay pending their next ap- ment imaginable,” Cooper in the garden, and yet still direct Supreme Court appeal, such decision by a federal ap- decisions around the country peal; otherwise, licenses said in a statement. “All the fully surrendered to the since there is little reason to pellate court in the South. since the U.S. Supreme Court could be issued to Virginia’s federal courts have rejected Father and went to the cross. expect a different outcome “We recognize that same- struck down part of the fed- same-sex couples in 21 days. these arguments each and from the full circuit, given its Galatians 6:9 is a promise sex marriage makes some eral Defense of Marriage Act And once it becomes final, every time. So it’s time for the current makeup. The circuit we should take to heart as people deeply uncomfort- last year. Most are still under the decision will apply to the State of North Carolina to long had a reputation as one leaders. Do not give up, do able. However, inertia and ap- appeal. More than 70 cases entire circuit, American Civil stop making them.” of the nation’s most conser- not throw in the towel. prehension are not legitimate have been filed in all 31 Liberties Union lawyer James The decision by U.S. Dis- vative courts, but that has At times, the price is bases for denying same-sex states that prohibit same-sex Esseks said. trict Judge Arenda Wright changed in the last five years. incredibly high, but none of couples due process and marriage. Nineteen states North Carolina’s top law- Allen that Virginia’s ban vio- us has been asked to pay the equal protection of the laws,” and the District of Columbia man, Roy Cooper, quickly an- lates the U.S. Constitution’s Associated Press writers price that the One we say we Judge Henry F. Floyd wrote. allow such marriages. nounced that he’ll stop de- equal protection and due Brock Vergakis in Norfolk, follow had to pay. His assign- The 2-1 ruling applies The U.S. Supreme Court fending his state’s ban, say- process guarantees was chal- Matt Barakat in McLean, ment was much tougher than throughout the circuit that could have at least five appel- ing it is “time to stop making lenged by two circuit court Larry O’Dell in Richmond; ours, and it brought Him joy also includes West Virginia, late decisions to consider if it arguments we will lose.” But clerks whose duties include Allen Breed in Raleigh; Jeffrey to fulfill it. Maryland, and the Carolinas, takes up gay marriage again a spokesman said South Car- issuing marriage licenses. Collins in Columbia, South So, let’s keep our eyes on where the attorneys general in its next term, beginning in olina’s attorney general, Alan “Every child deserves a Carolina; and Amanda Myers Jesus and keep doing exactly split Monday on what they’ll October. Wilson, sees no need to mom and a dad, and the peo- in Cincinnati contributed to what He has called us to do, do next. The 6th Circuit in Cincin- change course. ple of Virginia confirmed that this report. knowing that He is with us, Virginians voted 57 percent nati will hear arguments on Maryland already allows at the ballot box when they has equipped us, empowered to 43 percent in 2006 to Aug. 6 for Ohio, Michigan, same-sex marriages. West us and that II Corinthians 4:7 amend their constitution to Kentucky and Tennessee. Virginia Attorney General is as true today as it was ban gay marriage. Virginia The 7th Circuit in Chicago is Patrick Morrisey, for his part, when Paul wrote it! laws prohibit recognizing set for arguments on Aug. 26, said he’s reviewing the deci- DON’T GIVE UP!!! same-sex marriages per- and the 9th Circuit in San sion and won’t comment un- formed in other states. Floyd Francisco for Sept. 8. The til it’s final. Perry Noble is the founding said such measures “imper- 10th Circuit in Denver over- The ruling came as Col- and senior pastor of missibly infringe on its citi- turned Utah’s ban in June. orado’s attorney general, NewSpring Church in South zens’ fundamental right to “Marriage is one of the John Suthers, asked his state Carolina. marry.” most fundamental rights — if Supreme Court Monday to The 4th U.S. Circuit Court not the most fundamental stop county clerks from issu- of Appeals in Richmond is right — of all Americans,” ing licenses to gay and les- the second federal appellate plaintiffs’ attorney David bian couples. But North Car- court to overturn gay mar- Boies said. “This court has af- olina’s Cooper said his fellow riage bans, and the first to af- firmed that our plaintiffs — attorneys general should give

care. Bring all donations by Church, is the guest speak- RUSSELL MEMORIAL CME Send your church news to: Aug. 3 service. A benefit er. Several musical guests 703 S. Alston Avenue The Triangle Tribune, 115 concert will be held Aug. 9, will perform, including The church will host Market Street, Suite 360H, orship 5 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Pastor Luther Barnes of National Night Out Aug. 5, 6 Durham, NC 27701; e-mail Catholic Church, 2817 Rocky Mount. Call (919) to 8:30 p.m. The public is [email protected]; Poole Rd. 266-1457. invited. or fax 688-2740. Deadline: W Tuesday by noon. RUSH METROPOLITAN riefs 554-558 E. Cabarrus Street The Raleigh District Lay Council will host a Praise BCLAYTON and Worship Music JOHNSTON PINEY GROVE Celebration Aug. 30, 4 p.m. Homecoming and revival at Rush. services are Aug. 3 at 10 a.m. and Aug. 4-6 at 7 p.m. DURHAM nightly. The Rev. Lamont HILLSIDE HIGH Johnson of Providence 3727 Fayetteville Street Missionary Baptist in The Celebration and Rockingham will preach Praise Group of Durham during revival. Call (919) will host the 45th 553-5056. pastoral anniver- sary of the Rev. RALEIGH Lawrence R. COMPASSIONATE BAPIST Turner Jr. of 2310 Compassionate Drive Durham Aug. 2 at School supplies and book 2 p.m. Bishop bags are being collected to Kenneth Monroe, presiding benefit children in foster bishop of the AME Zion