Major Facilities by 2030
Major facilities by 2030 Table 1 Summary of operational and planned facilities Wavelength Ground based Space missions In operations Under Under In operation Under Under study Proposals construction study construction Radio GMRT, WSRT, J- SKA-P(MeerKAT, SKA1, RadioAstron Millimetron Low-frequency (m to mm) VLA, eMerlin, ASKAP), FAST, SKA2,? arrays VLBI arrays, SKA1, SKA2, 10-50 MHz Effelsberg, GBT, Arecibo, LOFAR, MWA, LWA, PAPER mm/submm/FIR SMA, NOEMA, CCAT, ASTE-2, mmVLBI- SOFIA SPICA, Far-IR APEX, IRAM-30m, LST LLAMA, Millimetron interferometers mm-VLBI, GMVA, Dome A (FIRI), PRISMA, BICEP3,.. IR/optical/UV 2-6.5 m TAO, LSST, HST, Gaia, JWST, Euclid, WFIRST-AFTA, PFI telescopes, VLTs, EELT, GMT, TMT TESS, HDST, GTC, VLTI, LBTi, CHEOPS, Subaru, Kecks, Large apertures (>8 Geminis m): ATLAST X-rays/Gamma MAGIC,HESS, CTA INTEGRAl,Swift, Astro-H, SMART-X rays VERITAS FGST, AGILE, eRosita, GRAVITAS Chandra, XMM- Athena, LOFT, .. Newton, NICER Suzaku, NuSTAR Solar System Chang’e, LRO, Bepi Colombo MarcoPolo LABSR Messenger Hayabusa II Europaclipper ARM Venus express, OSIRIS-REX Comethopper DAWN, JUICE TSSM ROSETTA, JUNO INSIGHT Saturn CASSINI, Exomars Uranus NEW HORIZON Mars2020 Mars Odissey Mars exploration rover Mars Express MRO, MSL/Curiosity MAVEN, MOM Connection between facilities 2030 and science themes By 2030 it is expected that ALMA could be contributing to the main scientific topics to be addressed by the operational and planned facilities summarised in table 1: Radio (m to cm) ALMA ● Dark ages: HI at z=30-50 Primordial chemistry?:
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