CTraditionalelebrating Music & Art

Wheatland Music PO BOX 22, REMUS, MI 49340 (989) 967-8879

PAGE 2 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Welcome to FARM 2019! We’re so happy you’re here! To those of you attending for the first time, TABLE OF CONTENTS we’re honored you’ve decided to join us and hope you’ll be so gratified by your experience that you’ll make plans to return as often as possible. For our Conference Schedule at a Glance------5 returning and veteran attendees, we’re equally honored to have you continue Acknowledgements------11 along on this journey with us. Last year’s attendance broke all records and General Conference Info ------13 we’re on target to match those numbers again. Award Recipients------15 & 17 Keynote Speaker------19 Taking a look back at last year, we featured several exceptional men in our AV Crew------21 spotlight events. Our Keynote Speaker, Award recipients and Wisdom of the DJ Showcase ------23 “Daves” to name a few. This year, we’re thrilled to be hearing from a handful Official Showcase ------26 & 27 of inspiring women who have made their mark in our folk music community, Performance Lane ------31 including Tret Fure as our Keynote Speaker, our two worthy award recipients Wisdom of the Dames ------33 and a discussion with 5 outstanding women in our “Wisdom of the Dames” Workshops ------34 - 39 segment. Special Features------41 Attendee Directory------43 - 59 We made a few adjustments based on the feedback we received in our post conference survey. A number of you felt the smaller size of one of the Performance Lane rooms was unfair so we’ve addressed this concern by adjusting the rooms to make them all equal. Some of you felt the program booklet could have been more user friendly - so we hope you’ll notice improvements there - starting with the Table of Contents to the right. Friday night’s community dinner was well received and many of you wanted more so we added Saturday night dinner. We also fixed the DJ panel and reception to allow for a more focused presentation, our open mics will all be in the Grand Centennial Ballroom designed for dedicated listening and we’ve worked on the signage to help you find your way more easily.

I also said this last year but it bears repeating. You may not walk away having booked a whole Midwest tour - very few actually book anything AT the conference, but if you show up with a generous and positive attitude you’ll make a lot of new friends and allies in this crazy music business. We work hard to create a setting that helps nurture and build relationships. So instead of focusing on booking the gig, try making connections; instead of focusing on your own success, try helping a newbie or mentoring someone with less experience than you; instead of trying to show what you CAN do, think about learning from others what you COULD do. Trade feelings of intimidation for inspiration. Trade feelings of competition for community. Exposure is good, Experience is better!

Above all, enjoy yourself!!! We’re gonna make some incredible music together this weekend!

Annie Capps FARM Conference Director PAGE 3 HOTEL MAP

PAGE 4 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM CONFERENCE SCHEDULE at a glance THURSDAY TIME DESCRIPTION LOCATION MORE INFO 12:00P -9:00P Registration Atrium PAGE 13 3:00p - 4:00p Community SIng with Matt Watroba Thornapple PAGE 41 4:00p - 5:30p Welcome Reception Atrium 6:30p - 7:45p Open Mic Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 8:00p - 10:30p FARM DJ Showcase Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 23 11:30p - 2:30a Private Showcases Rooms 101 - 129 (Select rooms) ** FRIDAY 9:00a - 9:00p Registration Atrium PAGE 13 8:30a - 11:00a Breakfast Buffet Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 9:00a - 1:00p Presenter Breakfast & Roundtable Thornapple PAGE 41 10:30a - 11:45a Workshops & Panels City Rooms PAGE 34 12:00p - 1:00p Open Mic Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 1:00p - 2:15p Workshops & Panels City Rooms PAGE 35 2:30p - 3:45p Wisdom of the Dames Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 33 4:00p - 5:30p Performance Lane Salons B, E & G PAGE 31 5:30p - 7:00p Buffet Dinner Atrium PAGE 13 7:00p - 8:00p Awards Presentation Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 15 & 17 8:00p - 10:50p Official Showcases Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 26 11:30p - 2:30a Private Showcases Rooms 101 - 129 (Select rooms) ** SATURDAY 9:00a - 9:00p Registration Atrium PAGE 13 8:30a - 11:00a Breakfast Buffet Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 9:30a - 10:30a Local 1000 Membership Meeting (Members only) Saugatuck Room 10:30a - 11:45a Workshops & Panels City Rooms PAGE 36 12:00p - 1:00p Open Mic Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 12:00p - 1:00p Friends of Bill W Sobriety Meeting Thornapple Room 1:00p - 2:15p Workshops & Panels City Rooms PAGE 37 2:30p - 4:00p Radio DJ Panel & Reception Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 41 4:00p - 5:30p Performance Lane Salons B, E & G PAGE 31 5:30p - 7:00p Buffet Dinner Atrium PAGE 13 7:00p - 8:00p Keynote Address by Tret Fure Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 19 8:00p - 10:50p Official Showcases Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 27 11:30p - 2:30a Private Showcases Rooms 101 - 129 (Select rooms) ** SUNDAY 9:00a - 11:00a Breakfast Buffet Grand Centennial Ballroom PAGE 13 11:00a - 12:15p Workshops & Panels City Rooms PAGE 39 1:00 p - 2:00p Membership Meeting (ALL ARE WELCOME) Thornapple 2:00p - 3:00p Community Sing Atrium PAGE 41

5:00p - 9:00p Straggler’s Song Circle & Gathering Thornapple Brewing Co. PAGE 41

** Private showcases are conveniently listed and organized in a separate mini schedule booklet! PAGE 5 ADVANCED REGISTRATION RATE ENDS OCTOBER 31



On behalf of our Board and Kansas City-based staff of Folk Alliance International, welcome to the Folk Alliance Region Midwest conference!

We acknowledge that the FARM conference takes place on the traditional lands of the Potawatomi and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) peoples, who sang the original folk songs of this land. The purpose of making this land-acknowledgement in post-colonial society is to show respect for indigenous peoples, recognize their unique culture and enduring relationship to the land, and raise awareness about histories that are often suppressed or forgotten.

It takes a year of meetings and behind the scenes work to organize, curate, and program each regional conference, so our heartfelt thanks to the entire Board and volunteer team of FARM who give of their time and talent to do this work.

This year FAI is making a deeper commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as we set out on a year-long process to establish a Cultural Equity plan. This work will help inform our actions, resources, programs, and outreach in the future, including ways we will support the Regions. To begin we are providing training to our staff and board, as well as all Regional boards, in addition to a webinar now available to all at

Naturally, we continue to encourage gender parity in artist line-ups and conference panel programming, and we continue to invite people to adopt this community pledge:

“As a member of the music community, I pledge to create and uphold a safe environment for all, one that respects all national, geographic, cultural, ethnic, social, economic, gender, sexuality, orientation, mobility, and other forms of diversity. I reject harassment and discrimination of any kind. When I witness behavior that undermines or threatens the safety and security of any participant, I pledge to address this behavior as unacceptable. I will seek training to learn how to address these issues appropriately. “

We hope to see you January 22-26, 2020, in New Orleans for our next international conference where we will also be hosting a summit on Cultural Equity which we invite you to attend.


Aengus Finnan, Executive Director Folk Alliance International PAGE 7 PAGE 8 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM FARM President’s Message

Welcome back to Grand Rapids for our second year in West Michigan. You’re attending with a record number of FARM community members, the same as last year. This has happened thanks to YOUR support, the leadership of our dedicated and delightful conference director Annie Capps, and a large host of hard working volunteers. Annie and company have kept the bar high again this year, and you’re in for a productive, educational, and fun time. Please join the FARM board and me in thanking all of them.

We’ve included dinner both Friday and Saturday with your registration this year. Use this time to recharge with some great food, but also to network with your peers. Do the same as you wake up at the optional brunches each day. Come to listen (and / or perform) at one of several open mics. Performance and listening opportunities are boundless at FARM. Stay up late and jam with friends. We’re sure you won’t be bored this weekend!

Your board of directors has one returning and two new members who will officially start their terms at the end of the conference. Cindy Morgan, who has been active with FARM for a lot longer than I can remember, returns for her second term. And new to the board are Chicago-land’s Karen Rigotti and Grand Rapid’s own Nicholas Thomasma. Please join us in welcoming and thanking them, and say hi when you see them during the conference.

Leaving the board are two of our longest serving members, Nancy Emrich Freeman, and Lola Tyler. I am humbled by their dedication to FARM and the folk music community over so many years. When you see Nancy or Lola this weekend, please thank them, and ask each to share a story of FARM way back when.

Take the time while at FARM to catch up with old friends and make new ones, hear new music as well as your favorite artists, sleep (a little) and make those connections that will improve both your life and career. One of the things we’re proud of is that FARM is big enough to be professional and truly help anyone achieve their music career goals, but small enough that you still (even with 300+ attendees!) can feel part of our community and have fun while you are here.

And please stop and chat with me and any of your board members during the conference. We all want to hear what you think and encourage you to share your ideas of how we can make FARM awesome for you.

Smitty Smith President, FARM Board of Directors PAGE 9 Two Way Street Coffee House

Live Music Every Friday Since 1970! FARM Private Showcase Schedule Room 120 Thursday Saturday 11:30 pm Noah Derksen 11:30 pm Neil Jacobs 11:50 pm Patty & Craig 11:50 pm Lynne Hanson 12:10 am Rod Abernethy 12:10 am Ashley & Simpson 12:30 am Ordinary Elephant 12:30 am Eric Lambert 12:50 am Andrew Huber 12:50 am Chris Vallillo 1:10 am Jan Krist & Jim Bizer 1:10 am Sue Fink 1:30 am John Stano 1:30 am Amy Dixon-Kolar 1:50 am Zoe Speaks 1:50 am Friction Farm 2:10 am Katherine Rondeau 2:10 am Joe Rollin Porter Please note: times, artists, Friday subject to change. 11:30 pm Dennis Warner 11:50 pm Ruth & Max Bloomquist 12:10 am Heather Styka 12:30 am Escaping Pavement 12:50 am Deidre McCalla 1:10 am Lyal Strickland 1:30 am Fendrick & Peck 1:50 am Cari Ray & 1047 Curtiss Street The Shaky Legs Downers Grove, IL 60515 2:10 am Diamonds in the Rust 630/969-9720

Something Special is Coming! Save the Date: Saturday, November 7, 2020

PAGE 10 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Acknowledgments These folks all played a role in making FARM happen this year. a few very special people we wantIf you see to them thank roaming the halls, please make a point to say thanks!

Cindy Morgan: Volunteer Coordinator & assistant to conference director. Smitty Smith: Official Showcase Coordinator, Private Showcase Co- coordinator and support to conference director! Sue Fink: Registrar (She took over this HUGE job and rocked it!) Special Thanks to our Joanne Smiddie-Brush: Private Showcase co-coordinator, Drop Zone! Charlie Mosbrook: Workshop Coordinator 2019 Sponsors Brianna Lane: Social Media, Presenter Breakfast & Roundtable, Workshop assistance GOLD LEVEL Randy Styka: Awards Committee Loretta Sawyer Acoustic Arts Stephanie Cofell: Sponsorship Committee Rich Warren: DJ Showcase Coordinator Jan Krist: Now See Hear Coordinator SILVER LEVEL Joan Hellman: Performance Lane Coordinator LilFest B Ryan B: For help with our awesome sortable private showcase schedule Wheatland Music Org both in print (new this year) and on the web. Nancy Clark Matt Watroba for extra help with Wisdom of the Dames Maurice Smeets, Karen Jenson, Anthony Padilla our awesome sound crew! Charlie Steen: FARM official Videographer BRONZE LEVEL Robin Scully: FARM’s official photographer Dennis Warner Two Way Street Coffee House All of our Workshop Facitilators and Panelists and Mentors Elderly Instruments All of our Private Showcase Hosts Our many VOLUNTEERS who help with registration, room monitoring, time keeping, ticket checking, and so much more. FRIENDS OF FARM Kim Watroba: For assistance above and beyond your typical volunteer Last Minute Folk / Deb Kirmer; Local , and the entire team at the Crowne Plaza for Blend; Wayne Greene; Mark Dvorak; Justine Hauk Michele Drake patiently accommodating us every step of the way. Simeon Peebler; Pump House Concerts; Patty & Craig; Sue Fink; Sons of the J. Oscar Bittenger, Josh Rose, Quinn Matthews, Nicholas J for helping Never Wrong; Hiawatha Music Co-op; to coordinator the Pre-FARM showcase and Grand Rapids community Frank Dvorak; Organic Arts; Curt Joa; Lilli outreach! Kuzma; Michael J Miles; Al Kniola; Roots of The FARM Board for their support, guidance and work year-round: Smitty American Music; Thornapple Brewery; Old Smith (President), Charlie Mosbrook (Vice President), Lola Tyler (Treasurer), Town School volunteer Randy Styka Brianna Lane (Secretary), Nancy Emrich Freeman, Cindy Morgan, Randy Styka, Joanne Smiddie-Brush, and Stephanie Cofell

Special thanks to all FARM sponsors (list to the left) and all FARM program & web advertisers!

And most of all, our thanks to YOU. We know you have many choices of music conferences and we’re REALLY happy you chose FARM this year! PAGE 11 PAGE 12 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM General Conference Information Welcome to the Crowne Plaza Airport Grand Rapids!! Most conference activities are held in the Atrium, except Performance Lane which will take place in the Salon Rooms B, E & G, and the Private Showcases which will take place in select rooms down the hall with rooms 101 - 129. There will be a large schedule posted outside the Atrium along with a map for your convenience and our pocket size conference schedules will also be available at the registration desk.

ALL ACCESS NAME BADGES are required for entrance PRIVATE SHOWCASES are held on a single hallway of to any of the conference events and are provided to rooms 101 -129 from 11:30 pm to 2:30 am each night. There all who have pre-registered. Walk-up registrations will will be plenty of signage to help you find your way. PLEASE be allowed. If someone would like to attend only the BE COURTEOUS and take conversation to the lobby or evening showcases, we offer Taste of FARM for only $20 the area outside the showcase floor. This year the private per night. ALL PERFORMERS MUST HAVE THE ALL ACCESS showcase schedule has it’s own separate program sorted CREDENTIALS if you’re performing at any time over the by Room, Artist and Time slot for your convenience. weekend. OPEN MICS We have several open mic opportunities at REGISTRATION opens at noon on Thursday and 9:00am the conference. Drop your name in the bowl or bowls on Friday & Saturday. It is located just inside the near registration for a chance to perform. All names will Atrium. There will be a volunteer available at or near the be drawn at the beginning of the open mic. If you’re not registration desk to answer questions. in attendance, another name will be drawn. Official & DJ showcase artists are excluded from performing in the open DISPLAY TABLES are provided without charge, in the mics. Atrium and other conference areas. Feel free to set out your press kits, cards, flyers, stickers or whatever THE DROPZONE Located in the Ontario Room, all weekend merchandise you’d like to share for FREE. Please be long, the Dropzone is a room full of boxes labeled with economical with the space and leave some for the rest of Venues or Radio stations for you to drop your CDs and/or the attendees. One Sheets. The labels will indicate what each presenter or DJ is accepting. i.e. “CDs only” or “Anything you got”. Please DINING This year we included both Friday AND Saturday honor these guidelines and only drop what they request. night dinner with all registrations. Dinner will be buffet style served in the main conference area with overflow JAMMING and SONG CIRCLES are encouraged throughout seating and in the Thornapple room. Breakfast buffet the conference. as long as the volume doesn’t interfere with for Friday, Saturday & Sunday is ONLY available to those conference or other hotel activities. The common areas in who purchased in advance and will be served in the the lobby (until 10pm) and conference levels, conference Grand Centenial Ballroom. The opportunity to sit and rooms when not in use, are all available for impromptu socialize is well worth the extra cost. A limited number will jams and song swaps. Late night jams & song circles are be available to purchase on site. ONLY allowed in the Salons, located down the hall from the Private Showcase floor. MENTOR SESSIONS Mentors are experienced individuals who are volunteering to meet with you and let you pick SHOWCASE VIDEOS As in the past, showcases are being their brains for 15 minutes or so. This year the schedules filmed and will be available for purchase. More information will be set by the individual mentors. Sign-up sheets will on this will be available at the registration desk. be on a table near the registration desk. INSTRUMENT STORAGE is available in the Petoskey Room PERFORMANCE LANE will be held in the Salon Rooms B, inside the Atrium. Check at the registration desk for hours E & G located down the hall from the Private Showcase and information. Floor. The schedule is 10 minutes unplugged with no break between performers. Moderators WILL cut you off mid- song if you don’t end on time so prepare your set just shy of that 10 minutes. PAGE 13 PAGE 14 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Folk Tradition in the Midwest Lifetime Achievement Awardee Susan Bertram Friday, October 25, 7:00pm WHERE: GRAND CENTENNIAL BALLROOM

We felt the best way to introduce you to Susan, for those who don’t know her, was through excerpts of the nomination letter so beautifully written by her daughter. It is our pleasure to present Susan Bertam with this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award

The greatest hope one can have for their family and friends is that our memories live on through them, are carried out by them, and are handed through their own family and friends. That our shared values, turned life lessons, can inform and transform the younger and future generations. Legacy.

I write this letter today as the President of the Board of Directors, a musician, a mother of two, and a legacy of Hiawatha Music Co- op. I didn’t think about what this truly meant until today. It felt normal to play folk, bluegrass, and blues on Saturday morning while our children played. It felt natural bring them to a festival I have attended since birth with my parents and brother and sister. It was instinctual to join the thousands of volunteers and serve on the board of directors. But none of it would have been so visceral, had it not been for Susan Bertram, my mother.

Susan Bertram is the beacon of light that continually burns for traditional music, the Hiawatha Music Co-op, and the Hiawatha Music Festival.

Susan has made it possible to forge partnerships to keep the arts alive in the Upper Peninsula. She made the brand well known for fostering the education, promotion, and preservation of traditional music, arts, and dance; the staples of the Hiawatha Music Co-op mission and vision. She was instrumental in moving the Co-op into 501c3 status, building a membership, moving the festival to larger venues and more accessible locations for families and the community, introducing intimate settings for musicians and attendees to interact, and over 40 years offering hundreds of opportunities for family friendly traditional music and arts events to further promote the mission of Hiawatha Music Co-op. The reach and breadth of Hiawatha Music Co-op thrives because of her tireless dedication to forming alliances.

In 2013, the Hiawatha Music Co-op almost lost their most dedicated and passionate volunteer and I almost lost my mother. She was flown to a hospital 8 hours away and stayed for 3 months where I prepared to say goodbye more than once. After surviving a very extreme and rare autoimmune disease, Susan was determined to persevere as if nothing happened and to carry on at festival that year.

To think that I had almost lost that moment where I could tell her how proud I am of her and what she has gifted to us and the entire U.P. grieves me. I cannot let that moment slip by where she doesn’t know how proud I am of her and what she has done for this organization, traditional music preservation, the arts, and her family.

As a Legacy of one of the founders of Hiawatha Music Co-op, the youngest President to serve on the board of directors, Membership committee Chair, a 35 year attendee of the Hiawatha Music Festival, and her daughter, I implore you to help me honor my mother, Susan Bertram, with the Folk Alliance Region Midwest Lifetime Award.

Together in music, Katrina Keough (Bertram) PAGE 15 est. 1993 winnipeg, canada noahderksen

PAGE 16 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Lantern Bearer Awardee joan Hellmann Friday, October 25, 7:00pm WHERE: GRAND CENTENNIAL BALLROOM

Joan has been active in folk music and dance as a volunteer, dancer, and organizer since shortly after she moved to an apartment two blocks from The (old) Ark. She began volunteering there, and has remained involved (and within walking distance) to this day. In 1979, she was one of the founders of AACTMAD (Ann Arbor Community for Traditional Music and Dance), and served on the board for a couple of dozen years, including serving terms as both president and treasurer. Now she helps organize one of the monthly contra dances, and the annual Dancing in the Streets. She rarely meets a dance organizing committee she doesn’t want to join, including Michigan Dance Heritage Fall Weekend (since 1990) and CDSS Dance, Music, and Spice Camp (2015 -2018). She served on the board of the Country Dance and Song Society 1997-2003.

One of her most enjoyable volunteer activities has been FARM. Joan was at the table at the Folk Alliance Conference in Chicago in 1991, when FARM was initially conceived. She went home with the seed money donations and served as treasurer and registrar for several years. Since then, she has missed only one or two of the annual gatherings. Currently, she enjoys hosting a showcase room featuring traditional music.

It surprises Joan that her social life revolves around dancing, which she did not enjoy in high school. However, she discovered that contra, Scottish country, and English country dancing offer great traditional tunes and the sense of community that is common in folk circles. Though not a performer at heart, Joan has been known to participate in demonstrations of Scottish country and 1860’s contra dances. She loves that she can find groups to dance with throughout the US and around the world. In her other life, long ago, she was a lecturer in mathematics at the University of Michigan - Flint.

Joan wants to thank the Midnight Special for introducing her to folk music, and The Ark for traditionalizing her tastes. PAGE 17 PAGE 18 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM 2019 KeyNote Speaker | Tret FUre Saturday, October 26, 7:00pm WHERE: GRAND CENTENNIAL BALLROOM Tret Fure began her career at the age of 16, singing in coffeehouses and campuses in the Midwest. At 19, she moved to LA in hopes of obtaining a record deal. Within a year she was performing as guitarist and vocalist for Spencer Davis, touring with him and penning the single for his album “Mousetrap”. She went on to record her own album in 1973 on MCA/UNI Records, with the late Lowell George of Little Feat as her producer. With the success of that release, she opened for such bands as Yes, Poco, and the Geils Band. A prolific artist in the contemporary singer- arena, Tret Fure has released 16 albums and CDs over the course of her 48 year career. In addition to being a gifted songwriter, Fure has engineered and produced countless recordings by a variety of artists, including her own work.

She’s a winner at the South Florida Folk Festival Singer/Songwriter Competition in 2 out of 3 categories., Best Overall and Best Up-Tempo Song. as well as the prestigious Jane Schliessman Award for Outstanding Contributions to Women’s Music. In 2009, Tret was voted “Pride In The Arts Favorite Female/Lesbian Musician”. In the same year she received the Janine C. Rae Award for her work in Women’s Music. She is also the #1 folk artist for Reverbnation in Newport News, VA. In 2017, Tret took 2nd place in the Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay songwriting contest for her song “The Fishermen of Bristol Bay”. Her latest release “Roses in November” (2018) was a favorite among Folk DJs landing her song “Lessons From Home Plate” the top most played song in the month of June, with the album at #4 and she was the #2 artist.

Fure also markets of her own line of clothing named after her popular song “Tomboy girl”. In addition, Tret teaches guitar and songwriting individually and in workshop settings. She paints pet portraits on commission and, an accomplished cook, Fure has also published a cookbook, “Tret’s Kitchen”, featuring her own recipes. Along with bridging the marketing, production, music and art worlds, Tret served for 6 years as President of Local 1000, The Traveling Musicians Association--a union geared toward helping traveling musicians find security and longevity. Tret is truly a Renaissance Woman! LEARN MORE AT WWW.TRETFURE.COM PAGE 19 YOUR FOLK MUSIC HEADQUARTERS & Proud Sponsor of FARM 2018


We can’t remember a FARM conference where Maurice was not at the sound board. His partners in crime have varied over the years but most recently he’s been assisted by the lovely Karen Jensen who will be joining him again this year along with Karen’s son, Tony Padilla. This crew will undoubtedly be the hardest working bunch at the conference and we encourage you to thank them frequently. Maurice is a go-to sound guy in the Chicago area where he has run sound for the Two Way Street Coffee House, Maple Street Chapel Concerts and many others. FARM has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years and Maurice and crew continue to live up to the challenge!


Charlie Steen is a storyteller and music lover! Since 2011, he has been lucky to work around the country and various parts of the world sharing stories and creating content for people, bands and brands. He’s created award-winning content for the largest of brands to the smallest of personal projects, and has had work featured by Sony Music Masterworks, Shure Microphones, The University of Michigan, Leon Speakers and more. Charlie’s looking forward to telling the story of FARM through his lens. You can see more and view his work at

Charlie will once again be offering a limited number of 30 minute video sessions at FARM for the extremely low price of just $100. He’ll deliver a beautiful, professional promotional video that every artist or band needs. Times are from 11 – 3p on both Friday and Saturday. Contact him at [email protected] to book your video shoot.


The road to becoming a professional photographer was a simple one—she began documenting the honesty in her children’s everyday lives. When others saw her work they began asking her to capture that spirit in their families. She officially established her business in Spring 2004. Now, her children have grown up and she spends a lot of her leisure time enjoying local music performances. This peaked her interest in shooting photos of musicians. In the last year, she has shot about 10 musicians/bands official promotion and album photos, with a keen eye for composition, location, and capturing the soul of the style of the band. “I love what I do! Meeting new people and telling and preserving their stories through photos is what I thrive on.” Robin is based out of Manchester, Michigan.

Robin will be offering a limited number of private mini sessions during FARM at fun locations around Grand Rapids. Call or text Robin to reserve a spot during FARM or discuss a session for a later time at 734-255-4646 PAGE 21 PAGE 22 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Folk DJ Showcase Thursday, October 24, 8:00pm WHERE: GRAND CENTENNIAL BALLROOM

With gratitude to Rich Warren for organizing again this year! 8:01 - DAVE BOUTETTE & KRISTI LYNN DAVIS: Presented by Jen Sygit, “Eclecticana”; WLNZ, 89.7 FM, Lansing, MI 8:14 - JONAS FRIDDLE: Presented by Sue Kessell, WNUR, Evanston-Chicago, IL 8:27 - ANNIE SUMI TRIO: Presented by Matt Watroba, “Folk with Matt Watroba”; WKAR, 90.5 FM, East Lansing, MI 8:40 - MONTE PRIDE: Presented by Jim Hall, “Roots and Branches”; WLNZ, 89.7 FM, Lansing, MI 8:53 - FOLKAPOTAMUS: Presented by Wanda Fischer, “Hudson River Sampler”; WAMC-Northeast Public Radio, Albany, NY 9:06 - BRIAN KOENIGSKNECHT: Presented by Mark Sahlgren & Darcy Wilkin, “Grassroots”, WMUK, 102.1 FM, Kalamazoo, MI 9:19 - DOUG HARSH: Presented by Al Kniola, “The Back Porch”; WVPE, 88.1 FM, Elkhart/South Bend, IN 9:32 - MICHAEL BRAUNFELD: Presented by Terry Moses & Naomi Soule, 89.1 The Wood, St Louis, MO 9:45 - ASPEN JACOBSEN: Presented by Laura Nowe, “Open Mic” WYCE, Grand Rapids, MI 9:58 - FENDRICK AND PECK: Presented by Rich Warren, “The Midnight Special” / “Folkstage”; WFMT, 98.7 FM, Chicago, IL 10:01 - JARED RABIN: Presented by Lilli Kuzma, “Folk Festival”; WDCB, 90.9 FM, Glen Ellyn-Chicago, IL PAGE 23 kari strin Integrative and Holistic Artist Career Consulting


MEET with Kari at FARM WORKSHOP - FRIDAY 10:30 - 11:45 am: WHO ARE YOU? IMAGE & BRANDING WORKSHOP - FRIDAY 1:00- 2:15pm: SEX, GENDER AND FOLK MUSIC WISDOM OF THE DAMES - Friday, 2:30p Kari will be available for Mentoring Sessions at various times throughout the weekend. Check at registration!

Please support these client’s Showcases: ROD ABERNETHY - OFFICIAL SHOWCASE! Michael August & Nell Levin, Ordinary Elephant, Annie & Rod Capps, Eric Lambert, Claudia Nygaard , Joe Rollin Porter, Bryce Taylor ...

folk radio 2019 No. 1 CDs of 2019! John McCutcheon - TO EVERYONE IN ALL THE WORLD - February photo by kari bedford Ordinary Elephant - HONEST - May Si Kahn & The Looping Brothers - ITS A DOG’S LIFE - June Tim Grimm - HEART LAND AGAIN - July & August! A Holistic Approach No. 2 CDs: to Marketing/Branding Danny Schmidt - STANDARD DEVIATION - March & April! Joel Rafael - ROSE AVENUE - May Promoting Your CD’s Careers & Rising Appalachia - June Career Assessment System Dave Gunning - UP AGAINST THE SKY - September Artist Development Top 5 CDs: Management Programs Jackson Grimm - THE BULL MOOSE PARTY No. 3 - March Hourly Intensives Spook Handy - DEDICATED TO THE PROPOSITION - No. 3 - May Guy Forsyth & Jeska Bailey - CONSPIRATORS - No. 5 - July A & R Services Allison Lupton - WORDS OF LOVE - No. 4 - September Acoustic Radio Promotion Annie & Rod Capps - WHEN THEY FALL - No. 5 - September

P O Box 60232, Nashville, TN 37206 | 615-262-0883 | [email protected]


KATIE DAHL - 8:00PM GAINES & WAGONER - 8:20 PM ROD ABERNETHY - 8:40PM Known for writing evocative, Based in Madison, WI, the award- Rod Abernethy’s latest album “The intelligent songs of place, Katie Dahl winning husband and wife duo of Mary Man I’m Supposed To Be” reached No.9 is a nationally touring playwright Gaines (cello, guitar, vocals) and Chris on Folk Alliance International’s Folk DJ and songwriter whose work Dar Wagoner (violin, mandolin, lap steel, chart in 2018. An authentic southern Williams has called “the very best ukulele, vocals) play an eclectic mix of folk troubadour, storyteller and master kind of songwriting.” Her newest Americana originals and classics: folk guitarist, Rod performs songs and guitar album, “Wildwood,” was produced to jazz, bluegrass to blues, honky-tonk instrumentals that revolve around by JT Nero (Birds of Chicago) and and a little singer songwriter on the side. family, friends and places in the Deep released in September 2019. Booking Booking info: [email protected] South. Booking info: rodabernethy@ info: [email protected]

DEIRDRE MCCALLA - 9:00PM T. BUCKLEY - 9:20PM SUNDAE + MR. GOESSL - 9:40PM Deidre McCalla doesn’t merely take T. Buckley has been a staple of Western Sundae + Mr. Goessl are a charming wife/ the stage - she owns it. Dubbed Canada’s music scene for the past husband duo featuring humor, vintage the “dreadlocked troubadour” by several years. “Buckley has the catchy style and serious chops in their multiple the Miami Herald, Deidre McCalla’s melodies of the ‘70’s era singer- award winning act. Bringing back the disarmingly charming stage presence , when writers like James tunes from yesteryear while seamlessly is relentlessly engaging as she Taylor and Cat Stevens ruled, and presenting originals (IMA Nominee, 2018), celebrates the power and diversity of the succinct writing of the later Texas this act can be described in a single word: the human spirit with fiercely insightful school, Guy Clark and Townes Van delightful. Booking info: booksundae@ songwriting, refreshingly cool vocals, Zandt”. – Bob Mersereau Booking info: and agile guitar work. Booking info: [email protected] [email protected]

WINDBORNE - 10:00PM Internationally acclaimed vocal group Windborne is known for the power and innovation of their arrangements, as well as their unrivaled mastery of polyphonic music from around the world. Currently Windborne is touring a project called “Song on the Times”, songs of social struggle from movements over the past 400 years. Booking info: [email protected]


RJ COWDERY - 8:00PM HEATHER PIERSON ACOUSTIC JOEL MABUS - 8:40PM Ohio based Rj Cowdery is widely – TRIO - 8:20PM Joel Mabus is a longtime fixture in and wildly appealing. Her lyrics are “If you’re one of those people who american folk music. A songwriter with unpretentious and warm with wry likes any style done well - old-school roots deep in tradition, he’s toured the humor punctuated by some seriously jazz, folk, pop, classical - you’ll love major folk clubs and festivals all over sweet guitar playing. She writes about this prodigiously talented threesome. North America. Cornell Folk Song Society some of the most difficult of emotions Keyboards, brass, all sorts of strings, says he “is a free ranging fretboard in a way that allows listeners to lean in and beautiful singing make for a genius and funny, deep songwriter whose hard against her honeyed voice, and dynamic show packed with energy and warm voice, sly humor, and musicianship then come out the other side changed. surprises.” - Sarah Craig, Caffe Lena sweep audiences along for the ride.” Booking info: denis@blackoakartists. Booking info: booking@heatherpierson. Booking info: [email protected] com com

NICKEL AND ROSE - 9:00PM DREW NELSON - 9:20PM ZOE SPEAKS - 9:40PM Nickel & Rose have influences that Michigan-born Navy veteran Drew Zoe Speaks is a band from the mountains span the spectrum of American music. Nelson is a storytelling songwriter and of Kentucky performing roots & traditional Carl’s background brings elements multi-instrumentalist. A fly fisherman songs and socially conscious originals. of West African music and blues and world traveler, he writes as a witness Song contest wins include Telluride while Johanna brings her experience to the lives and journeys of those he has Troubador, Merlefest’s Chris Austin playing bluegrass, folk and jazz. From met along the way, mixing Americana Contest, Rocky Mountain Folks Fest, and loss to heart break to love, Nickel & and roots rock with traditional folk Kerrville New Folk. Their album “Wings” Rose address the human experience styles. Drew describes himself as “a God debuted at #1 on the Folk DJ Chart. with gentle harmonies, soul stirring fearing feeder of birds.” Booking info: Booking info: [email protected] cries and a shared appreciation [email protected] for traditional music. Booking info: [email protected]

ASARAN EARTH TRIO - 10:00PM Asaran Earth Trio is an all-female multinational group of virtuosic musicians and educators. Together they perform folk songs from around the globe as well as original compositions, uniquely arranged for voice and percussion. Their music honors their roots while simultaneously reveling in improvisations and contemporary harmonies. Booking info: [email protected] PAGE 27 PAGE 28 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM PAGE 29 FARMAD_2019.pdf 1 10/4/19 1:25 PM

10/24 - Uncorked Room - 1:15am 10/25 - ca ocae - :40m 10/25 - radona Room - 2am 10/2 - eaand Room - dn TOURING WINNING - -



[email protected] Y

CM AWARD 206-234-2690 MY




WE PREVIEW CONCERT TH RM #128 11:30pm FR RM #120 1:50am SA RM #105 12:10am SA RM #124 2:10am

With captivating harmony, this talented duo delivers clever, insightful songwriting with a style rooted in the tradition of early American music – acoustic blues, folk, ragtime, gospel and more.

317-524-1545 • [email protected]

PAGE 30 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Performance Lane Schedule Refer to printed schedules on the door for any last minute changes.

Friday, October 25 Salon B Salon E Salon G 4:00 Lynn Biddick Dan and Faith Joe Peters & Linda Hicks 4:10 Sarah Morris John Stano Liz Brooks 4:20 Karen Singer Brianna Lane Ruth & Max Bloomquist 4:30 Katherine Rondeau Chris Vallillo Mike Ward: Psychosongs 4:40 The Dangling Participles Charlie Mosbrook Jenny Ferrell 4:50 Rigby Summer Chris Edrington M French 5:00 Stephen Madewell Denise Davis Antonio Andrade 5:10 The Singing Marine Simeon Peebler Wayne Greene 5:20 Aye Cay Mark Dvorak Spook Handy

Saturday, October 26 Salon B Salon E Salon G 4:00 Bryce Ernest Taylor Tracy Kash Ariane Lydon 4:10 Lauren Crane Michael Kelsey Patty & Craig 4:20 Annie Bacon Gaby Castro Sean Miller 4:30 Alicia Mathewson Andrew D. Huber Spitzer Space Telescope 4:40 Dave Cofell Sue Jeffers Benbow-Linder 4:50 Eric Nassau Sue Fink Flood County 5:00 Amy Dixon-Kolar Nicholas J. Thomasma Curt Joa 5:10 Kenny Lee Hall Hall & Morgan Ashley & Simpson 5:20 Jane Godfrey Ron Muka Donna Herula & Tony Nardello

ARE YOU SOCIAL? As in media? When you tweet, post, and do those things you do, please use #FARMFOLK. We are on Facebook, Twitter (@FARMFOLK), YouTube, and Instagram (@FARMFOLKFAI) PAGE 31 “The very best kind of songwriting." - Dar Williams KATIE DAHL Door County, Wisconsin

“Katie Dahl makes good music- the songs are wise and steady, and make a case for the plain beauty of the everyday. In unsettled times she brings us a grounded spirit." - Peter Mulvey

OFFICIAL SHOWCASE FRIDAY 8 P.M. Thursday The BOM 11:55 pm // Friday The Warming House 12:30 am (ITR) // Hoosier Folk 12-12:30 a.m. Now touring internationally in support of her new album, “Wildwood," produced by JT Nero (Birds of Chicago) and featuring Allison Russell (Birds of Chicago, Po' Girl, Our Native Daughters).

PAGE 32 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM wisdom of the dames Tret Fure has just about done it all. She started singing in coffeehouses at 16, waiting a full three years before playing and recording with the great Spencer Davis. She released a record on a major label produced by Little Feat’s Lowell George, and then opened for some of the biggest rock acts of the 70s. But this was only phase one of this visionary and creative artist’s long and continuing career. Tret went on to become a pioneering engineer and producer. She was one of only two women doing that kind of work in the 70s. She has won awards for her songwriting, as well as the prestigious Jane Schliessman Award For Outstanding Contributions to Women’s Music. Tret continues to release independently produced records on her own label—Tomboy Girl—that top the folk charts and win her new fans everywhere she plays. Her well-crafted songs paint the kinds of pictures we all need to see right now.

Kari Estrin’s involvement in folk music runs deep. She has worked coffee houses, run sound, booked acts, wrote press releases, produced festivals and then… she turned 18! This continued through college, and then for the rest of her life. 2021 will mark her 50th year making the world of folk music a better place to dwell. It’s no surprise that her early work as a performer and producer led to some amazing accomplishments. She produced and facilitated a star-studded Woody Guthrie celebration at the Ryman auditorium in Nashville in 2003. She produced a show with Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie at Symphony Hall in Boston, and she managed the careers of both guitar legend, Tony Rice, and the world music chart-toppers, 3 Mustaphes 3. At the same time, she smashed the glass ceiling, becoming one of the few female tour managers in the 1980s. Career consulting, conference producer, fundraiser…Kari Estrin just continues to make things happen.

There are people who make folk music, there are people who make folk music happen, and there are those who do both. Nancy Emrich Freeman does both. She’s been making music since elementary school. She’s been playing in a family band for years, specializing in the music of the Beatles. Her contribution to keeping folk music vibrant in the Chicago area is well documented, especially through her work with LilFest. LilFest has presented 10 years of house concerts, 5 years of LilFest Festival, and a long running series at Bill’s Blues in Evanston, IL. Nancy also consults on music needs for film, radio, and theatre. She has managed bands, tours, and not-for-profit fundraising campaigns for a variety of worthy missions. Her work in education has helped thousands of young people. Her work serving on a foundation in Chicago helped provide free health care and other life- changing benefits to the indigent and underserved.

Kitty Donohoe’s music has been praised from the pages of Sing Out! Magazine to the Pentagon. Drawing from both her Irish and American heritage, Kitty creates songs that tell compelling stories, create unforgettable characters, and touch the hearts of all who are lucky enough to hear them. In addition to the songs she writes for adults, she has created popular children’s recordings and storybooks making her a sought-after author as well. Her entrepreneurial approach to being an independent artist is inspiring. In direct response to the events on September 11, 2001, Kitty wrote the song “There Are No Words.” Many songs were written at that time, but few had the raw power and emotion of that one. The song found it’s way into a documentary which led to both an Emmy for Kitty and a performance spot in Washington D.C. for the dedication of the Pentagon 9/11 memorial in 2008.

Jan Krist is a passionate, courageous creator who thrives as both a performing songwriter and a visual artist. She has traversed the ugly side of the music business and has emerged as a wise and vibrant survivor. She simply does not compromise her art. Jan turns real life into unforgettable poetry and music. Her records have sold into the tens of thousands around the world thanks to some wonderful early reviews in Billboard Magazine. A copy of her record “Curious” landed in a base library in Kuwait, causing the troops stationed there to order 30 copies. Jan Krist has a realistic and clear approach to life as a working artist. Her ability to communicate this makes her a compelling teacher. When she has the opportunity to mentor young women she tells them, GO, BE, DO. Go where you have to, be who you are, and do what you need to do. PAGE 33 Workshops j Panels

FRIDAY 10:30 AM - 11:45 PM

WHO ARE YOU? IMAGE AND BRANDING Location: MACKINAC Presenters: Kari Estrin and Annie Capps What does your promo picture say about you and what makes it get chosen to be printed? How does your album design reflect your musical message and help get it played? Find out how to translate your musical message into all of the above, your website and more. Feel free to bring your own materials to the workshop, including your CDs, as we will play a few random samples that you submit in an exercise in describing the music and how it relates to your graphic design. Leave the workshop with ideas for your next photo shoot, album design and more.

DEEP ROOTS OF ACOUSTIC BLUES Location: CHEBOYGAN Presenters: Donna Herula and Andy Cohen Hear the songs and stories of the great women blues singers, songwriters, and instrumentalists such as Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Memphis Minnie, Geeshie Wiley, Jessie Mae Hemphill, Libby Cotton, Etta Baker, Sippie Wallace, Bessie Jones, Precious Bryant and Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Women were a dominating force in blues music beginning in the 1920’s and continue to have an impact today. The workshop will demonstrate various types of blues music, such as classic blues, country and hill country blues, and gospel blues, and discuss the women that made these styles popular. Workshop presenters include Donna Herula, Chicago Blues Hall of Fame inductee, and Andy Cohen, virtuoso multi-instrumentalist and folk blues advocate.

BEING YOUR OWN TOUR MANAGER Location: HARBOR SPRINGS Presenters: Stephanie Cofell, David Tamulevich, Dave Cofell, Emily Burns, Heather Styka Learn how to schedule shows for touring, negotiate contracts, work with promoters and develop your touring career. Includes an in-depth look at finding and maintaining contacts in building those important business relationships. General skills and tools needed to succeed include a willingness to learn in growing your business. Stephanie Cofell runs Ginger Roots Agencty and is a member of the FARM board. David is considered one of the preeminent agents in the field by artists, managers, and venues alike. Dave Cofell, Emily Burns, and Heather Styka all tour regularly.

GETTING THE MOST OUT OF FARM (FIRST-TIMERS PANEL) Location: TRAVERSE CITY Presenters: Lee Herman, Charlie Mosbrook Do you have questions about what to expect at FARM and what you will get out of the conference? Join other first-timer and experienced attendees to FARM for tips and tricks to get the most out of your conference experience from our panel of FARM and Folk Alliance veterans. We’ll talk about how to connect with people, what you can expect to take away from the conference, taking care of yourself, specific tips for during and after the conference and your questions in the session.

PAGE 34 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Workshops j Panels

FRIDAY 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TRADITIONAL MUSIC IN THE 21ST CENTURY Location: MACKINAC Presenters: Phil Cooper, Susan Urban and Andy Cohen Why should anyone be interested in singing songs and playing tunes that are hundreds of years old? One answer is that human beings are still human. Many of the old ballads deal with issues that are still in the news headlines every day, but from a perspective that reminds us that they did not just appear in the last 20 years. As for the tunes, they were developed in times when there was little in the way of entertainment, and musicians had time to get really good a playing some very intricate melodies. And of course, new tunes sprang forth from the old ones, a process that continues to this day.” Phil Cooper and Susan Urban perform traditional music as February Sky. Andy Cohen hosts and moderates the trad. room at FAI. He is serves on the FARM trad. committee and is widely considered an expert on traditional music.

PLACING AND LICENSING YOUR MUSIC IN TV, FILM AND VIDEO GAMES Location: CHEBOYGAN Presenters: Rod Abernethy and Eric Gnezda To enlighten and educate attendees on how the music licensing industry works for TV, film and video games and how to approach music publishing companies.Takeaway: Attendees will hear stories of Rod’s first hand experience in placing his original music scores in today’s music marketplace. Rod Abernethy is a performing songwriter, guitarist, and composer. His music has been used as scores for EA, Midway, Vivendi, Universal, Sony and many others. Singer-songwriter Eric Gnezda, host of PBS’s nationally syndicated show featuring songwriters, Songs at the Center.

SEX, GENDER, AND FOLK MUSIC Location: HARBOR SPRINGS Presenter: Brianna Lane, Kari Estrin and Sarah Morris The music industry has been dominated by men for decades. The folk music scene is no different. What is being done to change the landscape of the folk music scene to be more inclusive and more respectful of all genders? What does “all genders” even mean? How do we, as a strong community of music industry professionals, raise up new voices and champion those who have had to fight to be heard? How do we create safe spaces, free from sexual harassment, within our community? This will be an open discussion with panelists Brianna Lane (venue operator, talent buyer, songwriter), Sarah Morris, performing songwriter and Kari Estrin with her over 40 years of demonstrated expertise in management, touring, concert/festival promotion/production, A & R and publicity/ promotion share thier experiences and observations as women in the folk scene. We look forward to hearing stories and ideas from attendees as well.

MAKE YOUR GREATEST LIVING YET: HOW TO ERADICATE STARVING ARTIST MINDSET Location: TRAVERSE CITY Presenter: Emily Ann Peterson “In this workshop, attendees will discover how to bravely move through their Starving Artist Mindset to craft a living made with confidence and generosity. Using Emily Ann’s own bestselling book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous, Jeff Goins’ Real Artists Don’t Starve and Emilie Wapnick’s How to Be Everything, attendees will learn: The spectrum of business models for musicians & multipotentialites; How to choose your worth & price yourself without cringing; How to expand your vision of possibility & spot unique, profitable opportunities; How to reframe and lean on ALL your skills, especially your songwriter skills, to create a lucrative & meaningful living” PAGE 35 Workshops j Panels

SATURDAY 10:30 AM - 11:45 PM

NAVIGATING ACCESSIBILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES FOR VENUES AND ARTISTS Location: MACKINAC Presenters: Jan Krist, Charlie Mosbrook and Gaby Castro Inclusivity should be a major goal for any venue. Our audiences often look to the folk music community for events that are family friendly and willing to make accommodations for everyone. This panel will explore the ways mental and physical health impact performers. We will also discuss accessibility challenges for venues and the obstacles that may prevent peaple with challenges from enjoying our events and ways that we as presenters can provide a more welcoming environment for audiences and performers of all abilities. Jan Krist currently teaches music and art to people with Developmental Disabilities. For 11 years she was an activity professional working with Seniors, independent, assisted, and memory impaired. Charlie Mosbrook serves the Cleveland Heights Transportation Advisory Committee representing senior and disabled peoples concerns in the community. A performer and venue host, Charlie lives with a spinal cord injury. Gaby Castro is an advocate for mental illness awareness weaving her own struggles into her music.

MAKING MUSIC AND PUTTING FOOD ON THE TABLE Location: CHEBOYGAN Presenters: Kitty Donohoe, Mary Gaines and Chris Wagoner This panel discussion will explore diverse approaches to enhance your current stage show, tap into new audiences and monetize your musical talents off-stage. Following brief presentations by the facilitators, participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences in an open-discussion format. Topics will include, but are not limited to: —Finding and Cultivating Unique Performance Opportunities —Utilizing Multi-Media Elements in Performance —Studio Session Work: Fact & Fiction —Private Music Instruction

CO-WRITING SONGS WITH MR. (OR MS.) PUBLIC DOMAIN Location: HARBOR SPRINGS Presenter: Joel Mabus It is an old folk tradition – taking elements from an old song or poem and working it into something new and different. Woody did it, Pete did it, Bobby Dylan did it too. If the old song is truly in the Public Domain (PD) you should have no worries. You might do it whole-cloth and write new words to an old tune, or write a new tune to old words for something semi-original. Or maybe just dip into the old well of Trad, and sprinkle some living water on your own garden of ideas. And have you kept up with the US laws about what is PD or not? How would you know? Lots to consider.

SONGWRITING IN ACTION: A DISCUSSION ON CONNECTING YOUR WRITING PRACTICE TO COMMUNITY ACTIVISM Location: TRAVERSE CITY Presenters: Audra Kubat with Seth Bernard Music is a powerful community-building tool. This panel will inspire a rich discussion on building connections between community, songwriting, and activism through the lens of music educators. With an emphasis on using cultural sensitivity and activating language, this discussion will work to imbue your songwriting practice with ways to highlight community struggles, inspire mobilization, and develop alliances with others working on social and environmental justice. This panel will arm songwriters with ways to use their talents and visibility to ignite change.

PAGE 36 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Workshops j Panels

SATURDAY 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

TIME MANAGEMENT, PRODUCTIVITY & AUTOMATION FOR ARTISTS Location: MACKINAC Presenters: Emily Ann Peterson and Anne Boccato “Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Frazzled? Or maybe you’re driving 90 mph on the Highway to Burn-Out? Anne Boccato, FARM showcasing artist and founder of internationally touring Asaran Earth Trio shares her time management advice and encouragement for fellow artists. Joining her is Emily Ann Peterson, songwriter, speaker, and bestselling author of “Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous.” Together, these women are an example of how it is possible for you to thrive and not just survive as an artist. Attendees will learn how to: build a compass to guide you to what really matters; set actionable goals & create manageable to-do lists, infuse 9 powerful productivity principles into your career automate the full spectrum of your creative career how to pick the right technology tool for you.

STANDING TOGETHER AS INDEPENDENT MUSICIANS Location: CHEBOYGAN Presenters: Eve Goldberg, Aaron Fowler and Tret Fure The music industry is changing rapidly and touring folk and acoustic musicians are seeing those changes first hand. What role can the musician’s union and Local 1000 play in helping working musicians succeed in today’s landscape? An open-ended discussion about the issues facing independent working musicians.

STAYING ALIVE: HOW TRAD MUSIC CONTINUES TO FLOURISH IN & NOURISH MODERN FOLK MUSIC Location: HARBOR SPRINGS Presenters: Hall & Morgan, Ruth & Max Bloomquist and Escaping Pavement Join three duos - Ruth & Max Bloomquist, Escaping Pavement’s Emily Burns & Aaron Markovitz, and Jim Hall & Cindy Morgan - for a discussion and demonstration of how traditional music still weaves its way through the music we write and perform today. Trad music includes a lot of territory, such as folk, roots, blues, bluegrass, Americana, gospel and old timey, and these 6 musicians, between them, cover a lot of trad ground. If you’re interested in understanding how Trad music influences and informs the music we create today and in the future, then join us as we explore the living body of traditional music, ‘cause it’s not dead yet!

SONGS OF SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: A TIME TO BUILD UP OR A TIME TO BREAK DOWN? Location: TRAVERSE CITY Presenters: Sue Jeffers, Spook Handy and Jeremy Carter-Gordon In today’s social and political climate, it seems as important as ever to let our voices be heard about the important issues of the day. But, when we do, are we adding to the division in this country or building upon common ground? Are we preaching to choir and firing up the base or are we sharing alternative perspectives that invite people to re-examine their positions? When is it appropriate to reach across the aisle? When is it appropriate to stand against something and protest? Join us in a lively discussion that addresses these questions. PAGE 37

David HB Drake ~Songs for All Seasons~ Singer-Songwriter concerts and Family events PowerPoint programs of the 1960s Folk Era, Wisconsin, Illinois and Great Lakes History, Illustrated Songs and concerts for Holidays

Represented by Organic Arts [email protected] / 414-702-6053 Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival July 17-19, 2020




PAGE 38 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Workshops j Panels

SUNDAY 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

GONE DIGITAL: DISTRIBUTION, SPOTIFY, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MORE... Location: MACKINAC Presenter: Brianna Lane The music industry has gone digital weather we like it or not. We’ll go over practical survival tactics for digital success, demystify Spotify and other streaming services, and discuss the importance of having a wide online presence.We’ll also talk about easing resistance to social media and finding balance and calm even in this digital world. Everyone who attends this workshop will get a comprehensive resource list along with tips and tricks for social media management. It’s my hope that folks will leave this workshop inspired to up their online game!

NAVIGATING THE MUSIC INDUSTRY AS A YOUNG ARTIST Location: CHEBOYGAN Presenter: Gaby Castro Guidance for young (under 30) musicians on navigating the music industry. Advice on booking gigs, building a following, networking, etc. Gaby Castro is an Americana singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, poet, model, actress, and activist.

ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT OF TOURING Location: HARBOR SPRINGS Presenters: Christine Stay and Aidan Quinn Reducing the Environmental Impact of Touring: The driving, the flying, the single night stays, the merch... we create a pretty large footprint as touring artists. But there are some small and simple things we can do to lighten our impact. Aidan Quinn and Christine Stay of the modern-folk duo Friction Farm drive an average of 20,000 touring miles and do at least one transatlantic tour each year. They will share steps they have taken to reduce their carbon footprint in transportation, lodging, eating, and merchandise. Hopefully participants will share their own actions and brainstorm to solve some issues.

CRAFTING PERSONAL STORIES FOR THE STAGE Location: TRAVERSE CITY Presenter: Allison Downey Are you a fan of The Moth Radio Hour or podcast? Are you curious about how to mine personal experiences to craft and perform your own stories? This workshop will take you through a story crafting process for developing your own personal narrative stories for the stage. Storytelling and songwriter, Allison Downey, has culled these techniques from personal experience performing on The Moth Mainstage, teaching for The Moth, and interviewing NYC’s top storytellers. Allison Downey is a professional storyteller, singer-songwriter, and educator who believes in the power of story to inspire, foster connections, and teach us about ourselves. In addition to being an associate professor of creative arts education and MBA instructor, Allison offers keynotes, courses and coaching in personal narrative, creativity and business storytelling. PAGE 39 Soulful Acoustic

“Joy Zimmerman’s To the Girl is vivid and alive, tender and poignant, and altogether a gift for the listener.” Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, 2009-2012 Kansas Poet Laureate

“I’ve been on the road and listening to Joy Zimmerman’s very cool music from her latest CD, To the Girl! Truly, it makes me want to know what’s next from JZ.” David G. Smith, Nashville singer/songwriter, first place winner 2008 International Song Contest

“To the Girl is a must-listen. Not just once, but over and over again.” Kathy Forste, KC Cafe Radio Music Director

Private Showcases Thursday: 1-1:25 am | Foundry Hall (108) Friday: 11:30 pm-12:15 am | First Timer Room (104) Saturday: 11:30 pm-12:15 am | The Tending To The Soul (127)

PAGE 40 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Special Programs j Events THURSDAY SUNDAY 3:00 - 4:00PM : WELCOME COMMUNITY SING 9:00 - 10:30 AM : SONGWRITER CHALLENGE Saugatuck Room Saugatuck : Hosted by Andy Cohen Pete Seeger once said that it was never his intention to put a Following on Matthew Sabatella’s ‘Songwriter Challenge at song in people’s ears--it was always his intention to put the SERFA for several years, FARM offers a way for committed song on their lips. Many artists are doing their part to carry songwriters to show their grounding in the old stuff. do on that aspect of Pete’s work. Come put a song on your lips! one of two things: either (1) perform a song you collected or researched, scratches and all, or (b) using a certifiably 4:00 - 5:30PM : WELCOME RECEPTION traditional song, like a Broadside, as a template, rewrite / The Atrium reset / repurpose it, while preserving the skeleton of the plot. This annual tradition is a casual social gathering where This will take place in the Saugatuck Room at 10(?) o’clock attendees can spend some time greeting friends, old and Sunday morning. new! It’s our way of welcoming you to FARM with yummy edibles and a cash bar. 2:00 - 3:00PM : FAREWELL COMMUNITY SING Saugatuck Room 11:30P -2:30AM : SONGS OF JUSTICE 6:00 - 8:00PM : STRAGGLERS’ SONG CIRCLE Private Showcase Room #101 | Hosted by Joe Peters Thornapple Brewing Co. Songs of Justice is an unscheduled performance area for Still having too much fun to leave? Maybe want to soak people to come in and play, sing, and/or listen to original up a bit more FARM family warmth and community? We’re and/or traditional songs of protest, justice, truth to power, hosting an afterglow song circle exclusively for FARM songs supporting the environment, the disenfranchised, and attendees who are still around. Thornapple Brewing is just those people and places in the natural world that deserve down the road at 6262 28th Street. Wanna play? Just show our support. No sign-up needed, just drop by! up! FRIDAY ALL WEEKEND 9:00AM - 1:00PM NOW SEE HEAR PRESENTERS’ BREAKFAST & ROUNDTABLE Michigan Room | Coordinated by Jan Krist Thornapple Room Works were solicited by artists from all over the Midwest to We’ll go in depth into the issues that matter most to you, like create a piece inspired by a folk song of their choosing. The best practices on how to pay musicians, how to best promote chosen pieces will be displayed in the Michigan Room. your shows, dealing with PROs, hiring and managing staff, Musicians attending the FARM conference are encouraged interns, and volunteers, raising more money, and more… to write a song inspired by one of these pieces of art, and share that song with FARM, creating an ongoing circle of art 2:30 TO 4:00PM : WISDOM OF THE “DAMES” and music. Grand Centennial Ballroom See page 33 for more info. MENTOR SESSIONS Sign up outside the Registration area SATURDAY A handful of our attendees with a whole range of expertise have graciously agreed to make themselves available for 12:00 - 1:00PM : FRIENDS OF BILL W one-on-one sessions with those interested in picking their Thornapple Room brains, learning from them or just sharing a song. Each Sobriety Meeting Mentor has set their own schedule and some will only have a few slots. In order to make sure as many folks have a 2:30 - 4:00P : DJ PANEL & RECEPTION chance to take advantage of these sessions, please limit Panel location: Grand Centennial Ballroom 2:30 - 3:15 yourself to 3 mentors. Reception: The Atrium 3:15p - 4:00p Get to know the ladies and gentlemen behind the voices who advocate for and broadcast your music across the airwaves! The DJs will take to the mic to introduce themselves and their stations followed by a reception during which you can meet them and hand them your recordings! PAGE 41 Folk Alliance Region-West • Annual Conference • October 8-11, 2020 San Jose, California

Join us for our second year in Chaanooga with Keynote Speaker, Mary Gauthier! SOUTHEAST REGIONAL FOLK ALLIANCE

Formal & Guerrilla Showcases 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wednesday Reception at Songbirds Guitar Museum Workshops and Panels MAY 13-17, 2020 Shared Dinners THE CHATTANOOGAN HOTEL  CHATTANOOGA, TN Wisdom of the Elders relaxed vibe and welcoming atmosphere! Annual Awards and Keynote Address Open Mics, Networking, and Jams Super Early Bird Registration and Promotional Opportunities Official Showcase Applications open on December 1st (Sponsorship, Exhibit Hall, Ads)

Room rates reduced by $30 per night [email protected] ( 919-675-2787 DISCOUNTS FOR MEDIA, STUDENTS, & PRESENTERS WWW.SERFA.ORG

PAGE 42 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Barb Barton Jenny Bienemann 1500 Indiana Ave 1153 Highland Lansing, MI 48906 Oak Park, IL 60304 734-576-8427 708-253-7490 [email protected] [email protected] FARM 2019 Attendees Tobin Bawinkel Robin Bienemann Rod Abernethy Annie Bacon 1153 Highland 824 Graham Street 1204 Belmar Pl 4006 sunnyside Ave Brookfield, IL 60513 Oak Park, IL 60304 Raleigh, NC 27605 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 708-253-7491 919-607-1133 510-693-8788 773-318-6397 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 6’10, Flatfoot 56 Music writer J_Oscar Bittinger Lurinda Aley 1224 Northlawn St NE PO Box 22 Andy Baker Marci Benbow 1541 Sturm Ave Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Remus, MI 49340 31840 26th Ave 616-802-0149 989-967-8879 Gobes, MI 49055 Indianapolis, IN 46201 317-753-8976 [email protected] [email protected] 269-906-1010 [email protected] [email protected] Wheatland Music Organization Benbow-Linder Jim Bizer Songwriter Showcase at the Black P.O. Box 250710 Teresa Amos River Tavern Gene Bertram Franklin, MI 48025 1545 Lupine court The Long Run 248-626-4650 Grayslake, IL 60030 1015 N Third st Marquette, MI 49855 [email protected] 512-695-5765 Zoey Barnette [email protected] 232 Derby Drive 906-226-8575 [email protected] MAMA’s Coffeehouse Artist Support Companion Lexington, KY 40503 Diamonds in the Rust 859-582-8718 Hiawatha Music Co-op Antonio Andrade [email protected] Kent Blackmer 23A Eisenhower Blvd Susan Bertram PO Box 22 Duncannon, PA 17020 Zoe Speaks Remus, MI 49340 717-712-2947 1015 N Third st Marquette, MI 49855 989-967-8879 [email protected] Arlo Barnette [email protected] lifeshakescom 232 Derby Drive 906-226-8575 [email protected] Lexington, KY 40503 Wheatland Music Organization Jennifer Ashley 606-776-2969

416 Mineola Street [email protected] Hiawatha Music Co-op AWARD RECIPIENT Ruth Bloomquist Hinsdale, IL 60521 1008 W. Hile Rd. 630-267-4017 Zoe Speaks Phyllis Betenia Norton Shores, MI 49441 [email protected] 1340 Danada Court 231-798-3630 Karen Barr Naperville, IL 60563-2344 [email protected] Ashley & Simpson 3112 Clinton 630-946-5827 Music Producer Berwyn, IL 60402 [email protected] Band Name Ruth & Max Bloomquist 630-707-7364 Two Way Street Coffee House Michael August [email protected] marketing, publications, graphic Max Bloomquist 1611 Forrest Avenue design, writing, photograph, PR 1008 W. Hile Rd. Nashville, TN 37206 Norton Shores, MI 49441 615-418-9715 Paul Barr Marilyn Rea Beyer 231-798-3630 [email protected] 3112 Clinton Ave 1305 S. Michigan Ave., 1104 [email protected] Berwyn, IL 60402 Chicago, IL 60605 630-992-2277 617-513-5569 Ruth & Max Bloomquist John Austin [email protected] [email protected] 3219 Fleetwood Dr. Anne Boccato Portage, MI 49024 Karen Barr Fan and WFMT Volunteer 610 West 196th Street 269-599-2163 Apartment 5B [email protected] Mitch Barrett Lynn Biddick New York, NY 10040 145 Barrett Lane W5185 Birchwood Lane [email protected] Allison Downey Berea, KY 40403 La Crosse, WI 54601 859-986-2632 608-787-0270 Asaran Earth Trio B. Ryan B. [email protected] [email protected] 4402 W. 189th St. Cleveland, OH 44135-1806 Zoe Speaks 216-251-3014 [email protected] PAGE 43 PAGE 44 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Diane Boston Emily Burns Maire Clement Peter Damore 2825 Neil Avenue, #802 3325 Inman 16314 Grinnell Circle 214 Rainbow Dr #11440 Columbus, OH 43202 Ferndale, MI 48220 Lakeville, MN 55044 Livingston, TX 77399 614-208-4754 248-804-8450 952-797-6226 512-289-1638 festival_booking@ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ordinary Elephant coffeehousebooking@ Escaping Pavement The Boston Imposters Kristi Lynn Davis Annie Capps Stephanie Cofell 3598 Shaw Court Columbus Folk Music Society P O Box 329 12595 Old Collegeville Road Dexter, MI 48130 Chelsea, MI 48118 Saint Joseph, MN 56374 734-253-2650 Dave Boutette 734-330-5226 320-333-9935 [email protected] 3598 Shaw Court [email protected] [email protected] Dexter, MI 48130 Annie & Rod Capps FARM BOARD Dave Boutette & Kristi Lynn Davis 734-417-4740 On The Tracks Songwriter Showcase [email protected] Diamonds in the Rust Dave Cofell Denise Davis FARM Conference Director 12595 Old Collegeville Road 19W177 Ginny Lane East Dave Boutette & Kristi Lynn Davis Saint Joseph, MN 56374 Oakbrook, IL 60523 Rod Capps 320-292-5060 630 605 6357 Dan Bracken P O Box 329 [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 22 Chelsea, MI 48118 Two Way Street Coffee House Remus, MI 49340 734-417-8178 Kilty Pleasure 989-967-8879 [email protected] Andy Cohen [email protected] 95 North Evergreen Lorena del Mar Annie & Rod Capps Memphis, TN 38104 Avenue d’Auderghem 64 Wheatland Music Organization Diamonds in the Rust 978-460-2033 Etterbeek, Brussels 1040 Belgium [email protected] [email protected] Darrell Branch Willi Carlisle 700 E 124th St 2100 Omena Dr Se Folklorist of sorts Asaran Earth Trio Cleveland, OH 44108 Grand rapids, MI 49506 216-548-5711 815-651-0585 Phil Cooper Bobby Dellarocco [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 218 5501 US 30 West Folknet Trout Lake, MI 49793-0218 Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Breaker/Fixer Productions 630-776-8955 800-222-4700 Michael Braunfeld [email protected] [email protected] 159 Wooded Lane Jeremy Carter-Gordon Engineer/Recording Studio Villanova, PA 19085 34 Hubbard St Cat and Printer House Concerts 610-608-0707 Concord, MA 1742 February Sky Louis DeMarco [email protected] 978-371-7317 9023 Samari Place [email protected] Rj Cowdery Powell, OH 43065 Windborne 5313 Broadview Road 609-240-6269 Jim Brehm COLUMBUS, OH 43230 [email protected] 3051 Sullivan St Gaby Castro 614-208-3792 West Lafayette, IN 47906 2755 S Norfolk St, Apt 203 [email protected] lou DeMarco 765-404-0019 San Mateo, CA 94403 Manager [email protected] 408-824-0328 [email protected] leo crandall Noah Derksen Lauren Breunig 108 cocnord place 79 Southwell Rd 34 Hubbard St syracuse, NY 13210 Winnipeg, MB R2G 2X2 Canada Concord, MA 1742 Scott “Chili” Cavner 315-476-6960 503-334-7903 413-887-8690 PO Box 22 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Remus, MI 49340 Windborne 989-967-8879 [email protected] LAUREN CRANE Linda Dill Randy Lewis Brown 23 POPLAR PARK BLVD, 4409 W. 78th Street 3236 FM 1801 Wheatland Music Organization PLEASANT RIDGE, MI 48069-1114 Prairie Village, KS 66208 Mineola, TX 75773 248-217-3968 913-706-1090 903-571-2374 Nancy Clark [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 644 Linden Ave Manager Oak Park, IL 60302 708-848-2205 Katie Dahl Susan Divine Tim Buckley [email protected] PO Box 412 1015 N Third st 312 18 Avenue Northwest Oak Park IL Public Library Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 Marquette, MI 49855 Calgary, AB T2M 0T3 Canada & House Concerts 920-495-2862 906-360-1013 403-390-5096 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Executive Director, Hiawatha Music T. Buckley Co-op PAGE 45 Dan and Faith dream inspired folk New album coming this fall

PAGE 46 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Amy Dixon-Kolar Nancy Emrich Freeman Wanda Fischer Mike Gentry PO Box 301 1201 3rd St. SW 5 Ronald Place 9320 Scully Road Fox River Grove, IL 60021 Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Schenectady, NY 12303 Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 [email protected] 518-576-9513 518-229-8465 734-645-8372 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SongSisters FARM Board Radio DJ Jesse Dollimont Libby Glover 334 29 Ave NE Eric Engblade Annie Fitzgerald 408 Westwood Ave. Calgary, Alberta T2E2C3 Canada 153 BAYNTON AVE NE 308 Houston Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48103 587-224-2382 GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503-3747 Crookston, MN 56716 [email protected] [email protected] 616-666-4200 612-210-1833 T. Buckley [email protected] [email protected] Mustard’s Retreat Kitty Donohoe Eric Engblade’s Songwriter Sunday Eric Gnezda PO Box 3070 Eric Engblade Music Aaron Fowler P.O. Box 453 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 1440 N. Park Place Worthington, OH 43085 734-358-1783 Kari Estrin Wichita, KS 67203 614-581-4444 [email protected] P O Box 60232 316-207-4715 [email protected] Nashville, TN 37206 [email protected]; 615-262-0883 Songs at the Center TV Allison Downey [email protected] Local 1000 Ex. Board Producer, Host, National Public TV 3219 Fleetwood Dr. Series Portage, MI 49024 Artist Management & Consulting Olivia Frances 269-388-7323 4 Academy Place Jane Godfrey [email protected] Madeline Fendrick Unit 337 1921 Virginia Ave 3311 Oregon St Nashville, TN 37210 St. Louis, MO 63104 Mt. Pleasant, WI 53405 513-519-4355 314-606-8339 Douglas R. Drapal 615-545-6374 [email protected] [email protected] 2142 Mac-A-Vista Drive [email protected] Indian River, MI 49749 231-290-1003 Fendrick & Peck Matthew French Jason Goessl [email protected] 2507 Emerson Ave S #1 7501 17th Ave NW Blissfest Music Organization Jenny Ferrell Minneapolis, MN 55405 Seattle, WA 98117 32 Cobblestone Ln 612-290-3204 206-920-3458 Mark Dvorak Le Claire, IA 52753 [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 181 563-676-8981 Brookfield, IL 60513 [email protected] Sundae + Mr. Goessl 312-315-4273 Jonas Friddle [email protected] Char Fietz 2258 W Leland Ave Eve Goldberg 1245 Harrison St Chicago, IL 60625 1538 King Street West, #1 Lowell, IN 46356 502-554-1990 Toronto, ON M6K 1J6 Canada Chris Edrington 219-670-6232 [email protected] 416-807-1299 569 Selby Ave [email protected] [email protected] St. Paul, MN 55102 Eric Lambert 651-248-1996 Tret Fure Gathering Sparks [email protected] Sue Fink 614 Main St President, AFM Local 1000 4044 N. Lincoln Ave., #211 Newport News, VA 23605 Elizabeth Efroymson Chicago, IL 60618 608-469-4007 Dani Goodband 6071 Riverview Dr 773-230-0654 [email protected] 7661 Fairview Church Rd Indianapolis, IN 46208 [email protected] Manhattan, KS 66503 317-590-6120, KEYNOTE SPEAKER 785-313-7112 [email protected] solo; SongSisters (trio); CatBird (duo) [email protected] Elizabeth Efroymson Mary Gaines Lakeside Music Alan Finkbeiner 128 Walmar Dr Christina Eltrevoog 4413 Winding Way Druve Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Russell Goodwin 827 Bratton Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46835 608-436-4790 376 Binns Blvd Marseilles, IL, 61341 248-259-4977 [email protected] Columbus, OH 43204 815-228-5295 [email protected] 614-354-7622 [email protected] Gaines & Wagoner [email protected] Outpost House Concerts Russ and Matt’s House Concert Song + Story Diamonds in the Rust Alan Gaynor Series (Columbus, OH) MMCM 537 Evanswood Pl Fresh from the Midwest, WRWO 94.5 FM Cincinnati, OH 45220 407-928-5788 [email protected] Sci-Fi Novelist, Independent Writer, IWW Delegate PAGE 47 6'10 is the sweet & salty Americana incarnation of Tobin Bawinkel, frontman for Chicago’s well-established Celtic punk band, Flatfoot56. Tough and tender, 6'10 tells the stories of working-class folks of the present and past, with a particular fondness for tales from Chicago’s south side and the frozen Canadian prairies. Come along for the journey & stay tuned for our 2nd full-length album, AVAILABLE IN 2020!

PAGE 48 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Carla Gover Bill Harris Joan Hellmann Erica Huizenga 232 Derby Drive 2104 N Saint Louis Ave Apt 2 208 Murray Avenue 44850 28th ave Lexington, KY 40503 Chicago, IL 60647 ANN ARBOR, MI 48103 Bangor, MI 49013 859-358-6090 414-630-5320 734-274-0773 269-547-7589 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Organization (AACTMAD, Michigan Foundry Hall Board Member Zoe Speaks Joybird Dance Heritage), very occasional house concert Marilyn Hummel Wayne Greene Susan Harrison AWARD RECIPIENT PO Box 22 206A S Loop 336 W #180 7199 E. “MN” Ave Remus, MI 49340 Conroe, TX 77304 Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Lee Herman 989-967-8879 318-773-6917 269 344-4428 5230 North Wayne Ave, Unit 1 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chicago, IL 60640 312-810-3067 Wheatland Music Organization KEOS-FM, College Station TX; Palamazoo [email protected] also internet radio Music for young children and seniors, Dave Humphreys author Windy City House Concerts Two Way Street Coffee House Cathy Grier 1047 Curtiss St 153 S 3rd Ave Davey Harrison Donna Herula Downers Grove, IL 60515 Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 16314 Grinnell Circle 254 Rose Terrace 630-968-5526 917-374-8870 Lakeville, MN 55044 Lake Forest, IL 60045 [email protected] [email protected] 262-490-8952 847-269-4357 [email protected] [email protected] Two Way Street Coffee House Music Producer Hayes Griffin The Boston Imposters 910 Dayton St SW Linda Hicks Brett Huus Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Doug Harsch 2335 N 650 W 3120 South Ave 740-403-1737 1306 Echo Drive W Lafayette, IN 47906 La Crosse, WI 54601 [email protected] South Bend, IN 46614 765-414-0135 608-315-0416 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hayes Griffin and Nate Roberts Radio - 88.1fm WYCE Penni Hart Rich Higdon Recording Engineer, Producer, Digital 4 Makos St PO Box 412 Media Services Jim Hall Tyngsborough, MA 01879-1220 Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 7937 E Spicerville Hwy 978-649-7882 920-495-2145 Neil Jacobs Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 [email protected] [email protected] PO Box 723 517.282.8539 Grand Haven, MI 49417 [email protected] Folkapotamus Katie Dahl 614-832-5805 Hall & Morgan [email protected] Radio DJ, WLNZ 89.7FM Dan Hazlett John Higgins 2377 Denby 2402 W Bonniwell Rd kenny lee Hall Waterford, MI 48329 Mequon, WI 53074 Aspen Jacobsen 112 arnold Place 248-804-8023 [email protected] 4120 Heatherwood Drive st charles, MO 63303 [email protected] Commerce Township, MI 48382 314-662-3314 The Coffee House (Milwaukee, WI) 248-302-8275 [email protected] Songwriting Instructor,Recording [email protected] Studio Owner, Producer David Hinske 1323 Maple Ave, #4NE Ken Jacobsen Spook Handy Nathan Heironimus Evanston, IL 60201 4120 Heatherwood Drive 109 Nichol Ave. #B 5501 US 30 West 575-779-2103 COMMERCE TWP., MI 48382 New Brunswick, NJ 8901 Fort Wayne, IN 46818 [email protected] 248-302-8275 732-418-1340 800 222 4700 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Co-Manager, Marketing Bruce Hirsch Producer/Engineer/Recording Studio 820-B Dodge Avenue Sue Jeffers Lynne Hanson Evanston, IL 60202-1506 203 Highland Ave 10 Shadetree Cr Michelle Held 224-355-3040 Kent, OH 44240 Ottawa, ON K2E7R2 Canada Detroit, MI 48211 [email protected] 330-554-5605 613-878-0177 [email protected] The Humble Kiing [email protected] [email protected] Andrew D. Huber 11810 Cape Cod Lane Karen Jensen Smeets Crystal Hariu-Damore Huntley, IL 60142 1344 Goldenrod Drive 214 Rainbow Dr #11440 847-363-5244 Batavia, IL 60510 Livingston, TX 77399 [email protected] 630-677-0225 337-501-1983 [email protected] [email protected] Sound crew Ordinary Elephant PAGE 49 PAGE 50 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Curt Joa Chris Kevitt Brianna Lane Dan MacDonald 416 Ridge Court 505 Volland Dr 4001 Bryant Ave South 1821 W Hubbard, Suite 304 Kohler, WI 53044 Columbus, IN 47203 Minneapolis, MN 55409 Chicago, IL 60622 920-451-0445 812-350-9524 612-323-7477 517-614-3675 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fan The Warming House FARM BOARD Platform Studios Kosta Kapellas Deb Kirmer 5349 Old Franklin Rd 4142 SE 29th John Lebbing Stephen Madewell Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Topeka, KS 66605 519 Calduto Circle 11572 Fay Rd 810-241-2748 785-215-1288 Villa Park, IL 60181 Painesville, OH 44077 [email protected] [email protected] 630-253-8496 440-479-3062 [email protected] [email protected] Escaping Pavement Last Minute Folk Two Way Street Coffee House Tracy Kash Stephanie Kirmer Bill Mansfield 26075 Brush Street 1528 West Huron #2 Wyatt LeClear 7354 Horton Bay Road Madison Heights, MI 48071 Chicago, IL 60642 PO Box 22 Boyne City, MI 49712 248-320-9024 785-215-1288 Remus, MI 49340 231-582-3784 [email protected] [email protected] 989-967-8879 [email protected] [email protected] Al Kniola Lavender Hill Farm Austin Kaufmann 5364 South Fairfax Court Wheatland Music Organization 1211 Lilac Ave South Bend, IN 46614 Aaron Markovitz East Lansing, MI 48823 574-360-6423 Kristen Lee 3325 Inman 517-512-4539 [email protected] 1111 Elmwood Rd., Apt. 3021 Ferndale, MI 48220 [email protected] Lansing, MI 48917-0297 248-790-8689 Folk DJ 517-242-3122 [email protected] The Dangling Participles [email protected] Brian Koenigsknecht audience/music appreciator Escaping Pavement Michael Kelsey 2904 Fleetwood Dr 1223 E 61st ST Portage, MI 49024 Nell Levin Dave Martin Indianapolis, IN 46220 269-598-3409 1611 Forrest Avenue 5501 US 30 West 765-404-8044 [email protected] Nashville, TN 37206 Fort Wayne, IN 46818 [email protected] 615-579-0451 800 222 4700 [email protected] [email protected] Jan Krist Timothy Kendall 4413 Winding Way Drive Producer/Engineer/Recording Studio 1047 Curtiss St Fort Wayne, IN 46835 John Louis Downers Grove, IL 60516 248-259-4851 901 W 42nd Street Alicia Mathewson 630-699-2973 [email protected] Minneapolis, MN 55409 PO Box 1192 [email protected] 651-503-0265 Barnstable, MA 2630 Outpost House Concerts [email protected] 646-345-5484 Two Way Street Coffee House Diamonds in the Rust [email protected] The Warming House Katrina Keough Audra Kubat Queen City Records 1015 N Third St 227 Iron St. Chris Lozano Marquette, MI 49855 305 8019 Knights Crossing Dr. Deidre McCalla 906-869-1091 Detroit, MI 48207 O’Fallon, Mo. 63368 1729 Norden Rd [email protected] 313-268-3367 636-542-1246 Riverdale, GA 30296 [email protected] [email protected] 770-380-7590 Hiawatha Music Co-op President [email protected] Ariane Lydon Sue Kessell Lilli Kuzma PO Box 192 4046 N. Kildare Ave. 749 Meadow Wood Drive Brownsville, MN 55919 Jess McIntosh Chicago, IL 60641-1938 Joliet, IL 60431 608-807-7939 2104 N Saint Louis Ave, Apt 2 773-545-1839 815-341-8727 [email protected] Chicago, IL 60647 [email protected] [email protected] 414-630-5320 Radio DJ Ariane Lydon Band [email protected] Folk Festival Event Nights Mark Kevitt FOLK DJ/WDCB Joel Mabus Joybird 505 Volland Dr 225 Crocket Ave Columbus, IN 47203 Eric Lambert Portage, MI 49024 Sharon McKnight 812-376-3979 1245 Harrison St 269-321-6160 909 Southernview Dr N [email protected] Lowell, IN 46356 [email protected] Lafayette, IN 47909 Fan 219-218-2301 765-474-2727 [email protected] , self publisher [email protected] Woodpicker PAGE 51 Claudia Nygaard NEW “LUCKY GIRL” ALBUM COMING JAN 1ST!

“Any one of these songs could emerge as a country standard.” Lee Zimmerman / Goldmine

“Claudia Nygaard is fearless. She says in song what many of us would be reluctant to admit in conversation.“ Country Standard Time

“A come-to-Jesus experience.” Americana Highways

FRIDAY: SATURDAY: 12 MID - L’il Fest 1:30 am L’il Fest 1:30 am - Warming House 2 am Folknet 2 am - Crab Donkey [email protected]



PAGE 52 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Katie Meier-Peck Matthew Morgan Mark Neyman Anthony Padilla 435 Wing Park Blvd 376 Binns Blvd 335 5th Street PO Box 163 Elgin, IL 60123 Columbus, OH 43204 Marietta, OH 45750 206 N 3rd St [email protected] 312-593-2744 740-350-1463 Kirkland, IL 60146 matthew@matthewmorganmusic. [email protected] 630.687.2238 Flood County com First Settlement House Concerts [email protected] Marco Menezes carl nichols sound technician PO Box 22 Sarah Morris 2041 n. vel r. phillips ave Remus, MI 49340 5555 Wood Duck Court Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sylvia Payne 989-967-8879 Shoreview, MN 55126 414-202-7460 5602 Liberty Creek Dr W [email protected] 612-387-2538 [email protected] Indianapolis, IN 46254 [email protected] 317-402-3790 Wheatland Music Organization Nickel&Rose [email protected] Fan Michael J. Miles Charlie Mosbrook Emily Nott 5308 N. Glenwood 2808 Mayfield #205 2104 N Saint Louis Ave Apt 2 Brian Peck Chicago, IL 60640 Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 Chicago, IL 60647 3311 Oregon St 847-909-1446 216-702-5983 414-630-5320 Mt. Pleasant, WI 53405 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 615-545-6374 [email protected] Folknet Joybird Sean Miller Fendrick & Peck 1545 Bear Creek Lane Terry Moses Jim Novak Apartment H 7211 Heege Road 1066 Knight Road Stew Peck Petoskey, MI 49770 Saint Louis, MO 63123 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 435 Wing Park Blvd 231-881-7262 314-497-4481 734-846-3933 Elgin, IL 60123 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 415-572-7029 [email protected] Type (i.e. publication, radio, Host, Songwriters Open Mic Suzyn Mills photographer) //Radio Producer/Editor, public-access Flood County 335 5th Street television programs Marietta, OH 45750 Ronald Muka YouTube channel \”songwriters open Simeon Peebler 740-350-1225 3530 Riverside Drive mic ann arbor\” 908 Pontiac Road [email protected] Auburn Hills, MI 48326-4308 Wilmette, IL 60091 First Settlement House Concerts 248-377-9909 Laura Nowe 312-848-9733 [email protected] 15775 Coolidge Road [email protected] Chuck Mitchell Big Rapids, MI 49307 126 Concert St. 616-706-3836 Keokuk, IA 52632 Shawn Nadeau [email protected] Joe Peters 715-310-3724 PO Box 139 WYCE 88.1 Grand Rapids 2600 Ptarmigan Dr., #1 [email protected] Conway, NH 3818 Open Mic Host at Thornapple Walnut Creek, CA 94595 603-452-8047 Brewery 765-414-2457 [email protected] [email protected] Susan Mocarski Claudia Nygaard 586 N. Garfield Blvd. Heather Pierson Acoustic Trio P.O. Box 92372 Grayslake, IL 60030 NASHVILLE, TN 37209 Emily Ann Peterson 847-946-8519 Eric Nassau 615-336-1392 PO Box 160404 [email protected] 188 Clinton St. [email protected] Nashville, TN 37216 Columbus, OH 43202 206-437-4565 Wattle & Daub 614-499-3417 [email protected] [email protected] John Orton Tim Mocarski 4214 N. 49th St 586 N. Garfield Blvd. ericnassauandfriends Milwaukee, WI 53216 Heather Pierson Grayslake, IL 60030 414-445-2449 PO Box 139 262-497-6186 Greg Neis [email protected] Conway, NH 03818 [email protected] 4001 Bryant Ave South 603-733-6350 Minneapolis, MN, 55409 Lee Ossenheimer [email protected] Wattle & Daub 612-323-7477 1015 N Third st [email protected] Marquette, MI 49855 Cindy Morgan 906-204-5125 CHRISTOPHER PLOMARITAS 7937 E Spicerville Hwy [email protected] 1937 Savannah Ln Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 Drew Nelson Ypsilanti, MI 48198 517-663-1788 8321 Conservation ST NE Hiawatha Music Co-op Board 734-635-4671 [email protected] Ada, MI 49301 Member [email protected] Hall & Morgan 616-706-2539 Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Assistant Conference Director FARM Board PAGE 53 Proud to support the Singer-Songwriter.

Some of our Featured Artists:

Accidentals Liz Longley Albert Lee Marc Cohn Anne E. DeChant Mark “Brink” Brinkman Alex Bevan Mary Bragg Bruce Cockburn Marshall Chapman Carl Jackson Marti Dodson Carpenter Ants Mary Bragg Cheley Tackett Matraca Berg Craig Carothers Megan Palmer David Lamotte Nathan Bell A weekly Public TV music series seen Delbert McClinton Olivia Millerschin Don Henry Peter Asher on PBS stations coast to coast. Don Schlitz Peter Cooper Emily Earle Red Wine Effect “I really enjoyed being on the show. Eric Brace RJ Cowdery Eric has a knack for bringing out the Eric Gnezda Robby Hecht stories behind the songs...and the Erin Enderlin Sally Fingerett Farmer and Adele Sarah Peacock struggles songwriters go through to Gretchen Peters Steve Goodie write them.” Hannah Aldridge Sugarcane Jane —John Oates Jan Krist Thomm Jutz 2014 Inductee, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Jerry Salley Tim Easton John Oates Todd Burge Songs at the Center is produced Kate Campbell Tom Paxton by Jack FitzGerald and hosted by Kate Klim Tom Russell singer-songwriter Eric Gnezda. Kevin McKendree Tommy Womack Korby Lenker Tony Arata We would love to meet you, please stop Larry Cordle Travis Meadows by at one of Eric’s appearances: • Friday: 1-2:15pm, Cheboygan Room, “Placing and Licensing Your Music in TV, Film and Video Games” with Rod Abernethy • Friday: 11:30-11:50pm, Palamazoo, Room 110 Watch the show online at : • Sunday: 1:45-2:30am, First Timer, Room 104

PAGE 54 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Andy Ploof Brad Raley Jennifer Roe Suzanne Ruggles 4132 Flad 4300 McMurry Avenue 601 Avenida Cesar E. Chavez 824 Graham St. St. Louis, MO 63110 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27605 314-799-8417 405-514-1768 Kansas City, MO 64108 919-345-5615 [email protected] [email protected] 816-221-3655 [email protected] 3pinesmusic.wixsite. [email protected] Associate The Wilhelms com/3pinesmusic, Music Folk music store Folk Alliance International Mark Sahlgren Music at Three Pines 812 Berkshire Dr. Artemisz Polonyi Katherine Rondeau Kalamazoo, MI 49006 1035 Washington Avenue Cindy Ramsey 10 Primrose Drive 269-375-5718 Apartment 6T 1430 Firwood Dr Burlington, NJ 08016 [email protected] Brooklyn, NY 11225 Columbus, OH 43229 609-432-9127 [email protected] 614-438-0047 [email protected] Radio show host [email protected] Asaran Earth Trio Volunteer Penelope Salinger Josh Rose P O Box 2042 Cindy Lou Poquette Cari Ray 7058 Channel Dr. SE Santa Barbara, CA 93120 5682 Numbers Road 251 Rainbow Drive #15163 Alto, MI 49302 805 450-6681 PO Box 89 Livingston, TX 77399 616-745-3155 [email protected] Topinabee, MI 49791 317-828-1565 [email protected] 231-238-0084 [email protected] Sister Velvet [email protected] Cari Ray & The Shaky Legs Lowell Arts Council, Winter Wheat Blissfest Music Organization Loretta Sawyer Maria Reiser Johanna Rose 5407 W. Grace St Joe Rollin Porter PO Box 22 2401 n. vel r. phillips ave Chicago, IL 60641 4210 Spokane Ave. Remus, MI 49340 Milwaukee, WI 53212 312-391-7605 Cleveland, OH 44109 989-967-8879 414-840-5446 [email protected] 216-280-3365 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wheatland Music Organization Nickel&Rose Jan Seides 7311 Bucknell Drive Monte Pride Karen Rigotti Tamiko Rothhorn Austin, TX 78723 4512 Hawthorne Lane 421 3rd Street 519 Leitram 512-627-2115 Okemos, MI 48864 Wilmette, IL 60091-2869 Lansing, MI 48915 [email protected] [email protected] 847-251-5236 517-974-3751 [email protected] [email protected] Have purchased from you before Fiddle Scouts Children’s Music Series Daniel Senie Aidan Quinn Karen L Rigotti The Dangling Participles PO Box 1208 48 Danna View Ct Arts Advocate Charlestown, NH 03603 Marietta, SC 29661 Lynn Rowan 603-826-6707 864-501-6292 Josh Robieson 34 fuller rd [email protected] [email protected] 16715 Oconto Ave Goshen, MA 01032 Tinley Park, IL 60477 802-275-6539 Music Week at the Mountain 708-334-3553 [email protected] Faith Senie Friction Farm [email protected] Windborne PO Box 1208 Charlestown, NH 3603 Carrie Quisenberry The Uh Ohs Will Rowan 603-826-6707 4455 Dobie Rd 34 fuller rd [email protected] Okemos, Mi 48864 Anastasia Robieson Goshen, MA 01032 517-974-8200 16715 Oconto Ave 802-275-6539 [email protected] Tinley Park, IL 60477 [email protected] Dave Sheely Ten Pound Fiddle Board 773-308-3595 Windborne P.O. Box 27 [email protected] Hudson, MI 49247 Jared Rabin The Uh Ohs Alan Rowoth 517 448-5303 1015 Green Bay Rd Unicorn Jedi 129 Lakeview Ave [email protected] Highland Park, IL 60035 Syracuse, NY 13204 Celebrate Hudson [email protected] Dan Robinson 315-474-4800 821 University Avenue [email protected] Jan Sheely Madison, WI 53706 P.O. Box 27 Paul Raeburn 608-262-8046 Big Orange Tarp Hudson, MI 49247 300 W 23rd St [email protected] Music educator and technologist 517 448-5303 Apt 7K [email protected] New York, NY 10011 Radio Celebrate Hudson 917-686-3564 [email protected] PAGE 55 PAGE 56 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Jonah Sherck Phil SLATES Naomi Soule Davy Sturtevant 522 1/2 S 5th street 8417 Compton St. 7211 Heege Road PO Box 49 Goshen, IN 46526 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Saint Louis, MO 63123 Lovell, ME 04051 765-536-9687 317-441-4109 314-374-6083 207-595-3489 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Indy Folk Series Type (i.e. publication, radio, Heather Pierson Acoustic Trio Heidi Sherer photographer) //Radio PO Box 14940 Maurice Smeets Randy Styka Columbus, OH 43214 1344 Goldenrod John Stano 4N165 Wood Dale Road 614-784-8889 Batavia, IL 60510 2994 S. Mabbett Ave. Addison, IL 60101 [email protected] 630-269-9668 Milwaukee, WI 53207 630-941-7797 [email protected] 414-426-8321 [email protected] joseph shields Sound Crew [email protected] 817 morrison Acoustic Renaissance Concerts east jordan, MI 49727 Joanne Smiddie-Brush Educator FARM Board 310-922-6172 6442 Ralston Ave [email protected] Indianapolis, IN 46220 Christine Stay Heather Styka 317-679-3392 48 DANNA VIEW CT 2550 N. Seminary, #2 Don Short [email protected] MARIETTA, SC 29661-9662 Chicago, IL 60614 PO Box 22 561-301-5050 773-503-7257 Remus, MI 49340 Flying Cat Concerts [email protected] [email protected] 989-967-8879 FARM Board [email protected] Music Week at the Mountain Joe Smiddie-Brush Friction Farm Annie Sumi Wheatland Music Organization 6442 Ralston Ave 18 St. Andrew Indianapolis, IN 46220 Charles Steen Guelph, Ontario N1H 1N8 Canada Dick Siegel 317-466-7953 212 Brookridge Rd 705-845-9392 723 Gott Street [email protected] Ann Arbor, MI 48103 [email protected] Ann Arbor, MI 48103-3147 608-334-4295 734-395-8772 Flying Cat Concerts [email protected] [email protected] Rigby Summer Smitty Smith Videographer 1420 S Main Univ. Mich. Songwriting Instructor 737 Chittenden Dr Stillwater, OK 74074 East Lansing, MI 48823 Patty Stevenson 816-217-8090 Craig Siemsen 517-927-2100 PO Box 11542 [email protected] PO Box 11542 [email protected] Milwaukee, WI 53211 Milwaukee, WI 53211 414 491-3980 Monday@Modella 414-491-3980 pumphouseconcerts [email protected], [email protected] Pump House Concerts [email protected] Kacie Swierk , FARM Board President 2731 W Fitch Ave Chicago, IL 60645 Joel Simpson Mark Smith Isabelle Stillman 847-513-2576 7122 Crest RD 3408 Bitterwood Pl Apt G101 30 N Pearl St. Apt 304 [email protected] Darien, IL 60561 Laurel, MD 20724 Denver, CO 80203 630-207-2617 301-472-4241 314-406-0024 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] David Tamulevich 408 Westwood Ave Ashley & Simpson Focus Music Ann Arbor, MI 48103 music producer photographer Liz Storm 734-622-8337 P.O. Box 563 [email protected] Karen Singer Aaron Smith Petoskey, MI 49770 5445 N Sheridan Rd, #1512 4405 N Clark St. Apt 3A [email protected] Mustard’s Retreat Chicago, IL 60640 Chicago, IL 60640 MANAGER 773-339-0835 937-594-0724 [email protected] [email protected] Jacquelyn Strickland Bryce Taylor P.O. Box 1381 8300 N Wilderness Rd Carla Slates Joybird Buffalo, Missouri 65622 Muncie, IN 47303 8417 Compton St. 417-343-1314 765-730-8617 Indianapolis, IN 46240 John Sonofmel [email protected] [email protected] 317-730-0441 PO Box 1315 The Old Home Place Concert Series [email protected] Wayward, WI 54843 715-699-6023 Lyal Strickland Tim Tegge Indy Folk Series [email protected] P. O. Box 1381 205 W Merry Ave Buffalo, MO 65622 Bowling Green, OH 43402 WOJB radio dj 417-343-1314 [email protected] [email protected] timteggesingersongwriter The Old Home Place Concert Series 419-494-1637 PAGE 57 “a knack for picking artists and albums I’ll come back to again and again.” - Kelly Walker (TPR, Montgomery, AL) “understands both the artist and the DJ’s individual perspective...” - Joe Pszonek (WNTI, Hackettsown, NJ) “attuned to the nuances of folk shows around the country... always spot-on.” - Taylor Caffery (WRKF, Baton Rouge, LA) “happy with the service... quality artists and information; great on follow up.” - Al Kniola (WVPE, South Bend, IN) Hudson Harding

Hello FARM! Have a great time celebrating music, tradition and community in Grand Rapids! Say hi to our friends Carla Gover, Rj Cowdery, Aidan Quinn, Christine Stay, Tret Fure, Jennifer Ashley, Joel Simpson, Katherine Rondeau, Katie Dahl, Jenny Bienemann and Robin Bienemann! Regards, Erik Balkey and Bill Coyle

delivering…Our Music to Folk Radio…for 16 years

FolkDJ-charting albums! Tret Fure: Roses in November Noel Paul Stookey: Somethin’ Special Ellen Bukstel: Legacy of Love Christine Lavin: The Best of Christine Lavin Fink, Marxer & Gleaves: Shout and Shine Moors & McCumber: Acrobats Katie Dahl: Wildwood Emma’s Revolution: Revolution Now Johnsmith: Ginkgo Zoe Speaks: Wings Chuck Brodsky: Them & Us David Roth: Last Day on this Earth Ashley & Simpson: Off To Here Land Crowes Pasture: Slow It Down Jenny Bienemann: Every Soul Grows to the Light Rj Cowdery: What If This Is All There Is Sharon Goldman: Every Trip Around The Sun Katherine Rondeau: Unfortunate Point of View committed to the living tradition of folk music 215-868-3855 [email protected]

PAGE 58 2019 FARM GATHERING PROGRAM Nicholas Thomasma Chris Wagoner Kim Watroba Wade Whittington 831 Arianna St NW, Apt 2 128 Walmar Dr 28645 Briar Hill Dr. 120 Pocahontas Trl Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Farmington Hills, MI 48336 Prudenville, MI 48651 616-304-8788 608-834-2122 810-265-4007 989-329-7123 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Songteller Sessions Gaines & Wagoner Darcy Wilkin Nicholas James and the Bandwagon Jonathan Watt 1206 Merrill Street, Apt 2 WYCE 88.1fm Grand Rapids, MI Abby Wale 2930 Kirkwood Rd Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Songwriter Retreat Leader 79 Southwell Rd Lansing, MI 48912 616-886-2568 FARM Board Winnipeg, MB R2G2X2 Canada [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Anthony Trites Noah Derksen Jonathan Watt Radio show host 4 Makos St Tyngsborough, MA 01879-1220 Vanessa Walrath Tania Watt Sandra Wong Ronkoske 781-864-8171 4006 Sunnyside Ave, Apt. 2 2930 Kirkwood Rd 1766 Windmill Court [email protected] Brookfield, IL 60513 Lansing, MI 48912 Addison, IL 60101 612-987-4759 517-897-3900 773-447-9538 Folkapotamus [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] St Tim’s Coffeehouse Lola Tyler 6’10 Photographer PO Box 22 Booking manager & open mic Ken Wylupski Remus, MI 49340 mike ward host for Blue Owl Coffee 936 Bryanwood Ct. 989-967-8879 15 E Kirby St, Apt 904 Middleville, MI 49333 [email protected] Detroit, MI 48202 John Wendland 616-780-5821 248-561-7844 7553 Gannon Avenue [email protected] Wheatland Music Organization [email protected] University City, MO 63130 Buttermilk Jamboree FARM Treasurer 314-397-1328 1949 [email protected] Susan Urban Dionne Ward Joy Zimmerman PO Box 218 251 Rainbow Drive #15163 The Wilhelms 4409 W 78th St Trout Lake, MI 49793 Livingston, TX 77399 Radio - 88.1 KDHX St. Louis Prairie Village, KS 66208 773-259-6530 818-675-5773 913-302-5607 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cari Ray & The Shaky Legs Cat and Printer House Concerts February Sky Dennis Warner Box 365 Chris Vallillo Clearwater, MN 55320 PO Box 144 320-293-6215 Macomb, IL 61455 [email protected] 309-224-8210 [email protected] Rich Warren Hickory Ridge Concerts PO Box 58 Music at the Museum Concerts Mahomet, IL 61853 [email protected] Jane VanAuken 250 Irving Way Folkstage Columbus, OH 43214 WFMT Radio 614-470-3963 Festival_booking@ Dennis Wasnich 1003 Cherry Street coffeehousebooking@ Montpelier, OH 43543 419-485-4692 [email protected] Columbus Folk Music Society (CFMS) Fan

Kate Voss Matt Watroba 7501 17th Ave NW 28645 Briar Hill Dr. Seattle, WA 98117 Farmington Hills, MI 48336 206-234-2690 810-265-2500 [email protected] [email protected] Radio Manager PAGE 59 ALLIANCE FOLK REGION MIDWEST GRAND RAPIDS, MI OCTOBER 24-27