GRAVY OPENS DOWNTOWN DINING SIGN UP TO WIN! The next restaurant Dinner at the Raleigh Win free tickets, from Empire Eats: Times Bar and lunch gift certificates Italian-American at J. Betski’s READER and more REWARDS RALEIGHDOWNTOWNERMAGAZINE—VOl. 5, issuE 5 features 3. invest in Downtown Raleigh’s Summer Fun 11. Hot Summer Nights Sizzles with a New Team West Jones Street | Raleigh, NC 203 | 14. Local History—Batter up! a look at the history of Baseball in Raleigh 18. Raleigh Takes The Runway 99..9000 22. historic Downtown Neighborhoods—Five points Advertısıng ınquırıes: arts & entertainment
[email protected] 8. artist profi le—The abstract World of Gerry Lynch General press releases: 11. SPaRKcon ’09 is Coming!
[email protected] 15. High School Musical 2 Hits Raleigh 20. The Deep South Local Music Review B-to-B press releases and bız sectıon ınfo: 30. Events Calendar
[email protected] General offıce ınquırıes: food & wine offi
[email protected] 10. Gravy Opens Downtown ———— 12. Downtown Dining—Raleigh Times Bar Publısher / Owner Crash Gregg 24. let’s Do lunch—J. Betski’s Founders Sig Hutchinson, Randall Gregg 26. uncorked—To Cork or Not to Cork Food Edıtor Fred Benton Assıstant Edıtor Chris Adams business Publısher’s Wrangler Melissa Lyon 27. Downtown snapshot—From the Downtown Raleigh alliance Copy Edıtor Melissa Santos 28. Biz 10 Questions—lisa grele Barrie Musıc Edıtor Dan Strobel 29. Business profi le—French | West | Vaughn Offıce Assıstant Lauren Wiley 31. Classifi eds—Real Estate Proofreader Dan Knoy Account Managers Chris Moutos Wrıters Brian Adornetto, Dave Rose, upcoming issue Peter Eichenberger, Joel Morgan, GOING GREEN.